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The Express Sketch about a political noise

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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    The Express Sketch about a political noise

  The Express Sketch about a political noise
  - He again noises! Tries to represent from himself a nightingale.
  - M-m-m ...
  - We have organized a show. We delivered to studio dolls with plates "Atmospheric precipitation", "Nedozorov" and others. He tears these dolls to bits.
  - He doesn't touch employees in studio?
  - Demands that they read articles from Wikipedia aloud and be afraid of him.
  - Well - at ...
  - The tendency is designated ...
  - S-o-o-o...
  - His noise begins to bother all. Nothing new. Political jokes recover a situation. But: how long it is possible?...
  - Yes-s-s ...
  - Some frau from Saratov has sent to him (to Moscow) the SMS: she believes that he continuously lies. He has read her SMS on the air and has invited her to speak what lie he tells. He have made a pause for 10 seconds. According to theory of Stanislavsky.
  - Stanislavsky! Tired of him. Let he rolls to all South China seas...
  - The sensitivity is required, politeness, courtesy ...
  - Think! Consult to the expert. Perhaps, in studio to place a watch, let employees look at the watch more often? Consult about etiquette! Generally, tired of him. It is a lot of noise!
  - I will ask for a consulting services about etiquette ...
  - Take measures!
  - Yes!
  - Tired of him!!!...
  November 13, 2018 09:45
  Translation from Russian into English: November 13, 2018 10:17.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Экспресс-скетч о политическом шуме'.
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