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The Express Sketch That for the Swedish researcher - a grant, for the Siberian woods - ashes

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    The Express Sketch That for the Swedish researcher - a grant, for the Siberian woods - ashes

  The Express Sketch That for the Swedish researcher - a grant, for the Siberian woods - ashes
  The opinion of "the Swedish researcher" on the principles of suppression of wildfires is published (
  The Swedish researcher believes that "Suppression so inefficient and is how accompanied by risks for those who extinguish that appeals to extinguish the fires are perceived seriously in a very few places".
  However, nevertheless, they do, produce a suppression. Especially as "... ... practically any point in the forest is in Sweden at about a kilometer distance from the next road".
  The Swedish researcher refers to the world experience. "In all countries, the policy is about the same: the question is not to extinguish, the question is to evacuate the population and protect the infrastructure, reduce risks."
  The statement of opinion of the Swedish researcher reminds the comic story with reading by the young girl - a human rights activist of the Constitution of 1993 in front of a harmonious ranks.
  The Constitution says one thing, but not everyone sees a full correspondence between the Constitution and reality.
  First, the countries different (in many parameters).
  Secondly, the reasons of the fires different (I do not think that the Swedish researcher understood the reasons of the Siberian fires and if he understood, then could announce aloud them),
  Thirdly, scales of the fires - different, also differ their consequences.
  Fourthly, nature of development of the fires - it is a different in a different situations. It can depend on territorial features. Having come up to a wide river or a zone of the desert, a fire, most likely will go out by itself. Other a situation, if obstacles - No.
  We will not go into too much detail. We're not writing a thesis, (a dissertation) for a Swedish researcher.
  The researcher from Sweden tries to state something as if he not know about the smoke-filled settlements, about enormous ecological and economic damage, about transfer of smoke for, across borders of the Russian Federation - that is about reputation damage ...
  Someone needs such experts. And there are a lot of costs, of expenditure in the budget (we will not go into details). Not all have desire to spent a money for suppression of the Siberian fires.
  Nobody receives any benefit from the fires?
  Generally, the Swedish researcher is in time to the Siberian wildfires.
  And grants are a good thing .
  What problems at Sweden? "... any point in the forest is at about a kilometer distance from the nearest road ...".
  You want to live - you ought to spin ...
  On August 4, 2019 16:04
  Translation from Russian into English: August 4, 2019 22:16.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский "Экспресс-Скетч Что для шведского исследователя - грант, то для сибирских лесов - пепел".
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