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The Far East Development Program

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    The Far East Development Program

  The Far East Development Program
  Sergei Sergeyevich learned from radio programs that the task was to develop a program for the development of the Far East.
  In addition, he was embarrassed by constant praise to volunteers ...
  And to this were added praises to a helping active talented people and their useful activities.
  What if I write the Far East Development Program?
  Sergei Sergeyevich took as a basis "The Fantastic Story how the Great Siberian wildfires to put out."
  He wrote:
  "The Far East Development Program.
  1. The political part.
  1.1. To create conditions for effective management.
  1.2. To restore creative markets. Cancel all banned book listings.
  1.3. To cancel all electoral filters. In all cases, to register candidates for elections, to make available a system of cash liens ...
  1.4. To create special jury courts to handle electoral disputes.
  1.5. To form the Council of the Federation through competitive elections with the participation of the real opposition (in accordance with the principles of universal, equal, direct suffrage by secret ballot). And without any digital tricks and digital devices.
  1.6. Important elected posts to hold no more than one term (in a row - not in a row) ....
  2. The legal part.
  2.1. To cancel the current Forest Code and return to the Forest Code as amended until 2006.
  2.3. In the constitutional regime - to cancel all the results of legislative activity, to which the current State Duma is involved (its constitutional majority).
  2.4. To repeal order No. 426 "On Amending the Rules for Extinguishing Forest Fires" (the Russian forests were divided into "control zones" and "service zones").
  2.5. To expand the scope of jury trials in criminal and civil cases.
  3. The economic part.
  3.1. To stop financing "friends", and to send money, in particular, to extinguish the Great Forest Fire, to adapt settlements (urban environment) to a floods ...
  3.2. To cancel the decision on the redistribution of income from the Sakhalin-2 oil and gas project (it was decided that the regional budget will only have 25% of revenues instead of 75%). Back to the original plans. (What are the "original", "initial" ones? - Sergey Sergeyevich did not know this. The article did not write about this. But according the context, it was possible to assume that at first they promised one thing, but as a result they gave the another "gift").
  4. The diplomatic part.
  (Sergey Sergeyevich remembered that in an interview with the respected Minister Lavrov they asked him whether it is true, that ... millions of Chinese live in the Far East. The Minister answered somehow inexplicably, not a clear. It would be nice if he answered exactly, more clearly ... But how to formulate this?).
  (Let the diplomatic part remain. The corresponding plans will be indicated later.)
  5. The social part.
  To cancel "Far Eastern hectare".
  Sergey Sergeevich completed writing the Program.
  Not everything is perfect. Some items can be moved from one part to another. Something can be changed, something can be supplemented ...
  Now it necessary to decide to whom to send the program ...
  The question is not a simple ... How will they understand? How will they react?
  May be, to send to the UN? To the President of the United Nations General Assembly? She expressed concern for the Siberian forests - and it was nice ...
  But will it be patriotic? ...
  Sergey Sergeevich plunged into deep thought ...
  A substantial period of time is allotted for the preparation of the program ...
  So I"ll think for now, I"m thinking ...
  Of course, US President Trump works a little faster ... Send to President Trump? ...
  Again, a doubts ... Today, another radio doggy rolled a barrel onto Trump - Trump speaks badly about someone ...
  Doggies showed the great horror ...
  Very doggies are worried about statements by US President Trump to someone. (They cash out ...).
  So, back to the Far East Development Program ...
  Where to begin? The simplest thing is to restore the service of foresters (the service of forest rangers) - in full ...
  But who will do this? The cries were about these foresters when was decision about their the canceling. Later a cries were when the catastrophic nature of the decision to cancel foresters and, in general, the catastrophic nature of the "new" Forest Code became clear. Something is heard periodically and now ...
  In general, they do, they care ...
  September 5, 2019 11:05
  Translation from Russian into English: September 5, 2019 12:04.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский "Программа развития Дальнего Востока".
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