Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich : другие произведения.

The history of the smiling mayor of the southern capital. A historical sketch

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    The history of the smiling mayor of the southern capital. A historical sketch.

  The history of the smiling mayor of the southern capital. A historical sketch.
  A morning. November 23, 2020.
  A native of the southern capital, Doctor of Technical Sciences, and now a pizza delivery courier, sits in his car.
  The car is stuck in a traffic jam on the main street of the city. The city hall is located on this street!
  The courier recalls the history of the ex-mayor, and now the deputy of the highest representative body. This ex-mayor is married to a person close to the Administration ...
  At beginning, the mayor was distributing the plots from the city forests ...
  Then he set to work, concerning the Botanical Garden of the southern capital ...
  Then, fires began in historical buildings - relatively close to the city hall - just on this very central street, where a traffic jam has now formed ... Lands were vacated for profitable construction ... Convenient: you drive by and you watch the progress of construction ...
  Once, after a colossal snowfall, the huge city stopped. Residents were left without bread. All this lasted about three days ...
  The astonished journalists turned their eyes to history. It turned out that the mayor is a champion. He has served as mayor for 25 years.
  A short period of political turbulence. The ex-mayor was prosecuted for manipulating the lands of the Botanical Garden of the southern capital, but he succceded to came out without problems and he went to sit in the highest representative body - along with his wife.
  His wife is a cultural connoisseur. When she worked in the regional administration, a local businessman organized a museum on his own private land. In the museum, he placed sculptural images of the Cossack heroes of the Civil War, including Colonel Chernetsov, who fought against the establishment of Soviet power in the South ... This local businessman was so persecuted that he began to shout loudly, almost around the whole world ... (And if he will put a commemorative sign of the genocide of the Cossacks in 1919 on his private plot ?!) The cultural patron wasn't put in prison, but - he calmed down, became quiet. Nothing has been heard about him since then. And the museum is closed ... In general, the ex-mayor's wife is a specialist in culture ...
  The fires stopped, but property insurance began. This business went well as everyone was impressed by the fires.
  Then a period of financial stories began in the Ministry of Culture of a large country. This is much more profitable than property insurance.
  After a period of stay in the capital, but after the resignation of the Minister of Culture with his financial histories, a fireing events returned to the southern capital. Now construction is one of the priorities. And for large-scale construction, cheap land plots are needed.
  To the fires were added all sorts of stories related to medicine and diamonds.
  Some simple-minded woman from the secondary city, without understanding the essence of the matter, tried to challenge the correctness of (medical) treatment of her father. So her car was pushed off the highway into a ditch at full speed. She broke her bones and was forced to switch from her father's treatment to her own problems. This, of course, is not diamonds, and not the death of persons associated with diamonds and smuggling, but is interesting, too ...
  In the meantime, the regional minister of medicine started to get into trouble. The woman turned out to be very stubborn. Was slipping out ... She has a lot of real estate in different countries? A good connections ... Whereto the threads are directing? ...
  Finally, in one of the hospitals in the southern capital, thirteen people died at the same time, and almost simultaneously with them, the chief doctor of this hospital died.
  The regional minister of medicine has finally retired (a well-deserved retirement).
  But money is needed ...
  Fires again not far from the city hall, on the central street. You have to stand in a traffic jam.
  The courier looked around apprehensively. It seems from a black jeep with elite car license plates they look at the courier suspiciously.
  He has a dangerous thoughts!
  Couriers need to be more careful now.
  Noble artists can face head-on with a simple courier. And there will be no seditious thoughts ...
  The traffic jam on the central street of the southern capital has moved forward a bit ...
  The courier pressed the pedal of the car ... Vehicles are going ... slowly ...
  [MCCСCXX. Mayor and journalist. A story. - April 22, 2020 - May 1, 2020.
  MCCСCXLVI. A caring mayor and a real estate insurance. A story. - May 19, 2020.
  MDCCXXXI. Improper recreational and urbanic policies. One of the manifestations of the deadlock in domestic politics. The note. - September 25, 2020.
  MDCCXLIV. Visit of Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin to Rostov-on-Don on October 2, 2020 and intellectual paradoxes. The note. - October 3, 2020.]
  November 23, 2020 11:12
  Translation from Russian into English: November 23, 2020 12:15.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский "История улыбчивого мэра южной столицы. Исторический очерк".
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