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The modern history of Russial journalism (2010 - 2020). Historical version. A brief review. (En)

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    The modern history of Russial journalism (2010 - 2020). Historical version. A brief review.

  The modern history of Russial journalism (2010 - 2020). Historical version. A brief review.
  The content:
  1. A prehistory, briefly.
  2. The informal media pact of 2010 and the 'Sunny meadow of metropolitan journalism'.
  3. The situation of budget media (of old origin, with old staff).
  4. A heavy breath of a blogger mass.
  5. A completion of the informal media pact of 2010.
  6. Today. A situation of a "fluctuating weights."
  7. Prospects. The future of journalistic intelligentsia.
  1. A prehistory, briefly.
  After the events related to the Khimki forest, and after all the public impression that these events made, it was decided to put relations with the journalistic intelligentsia on an updated basis.
  Partly appeared on their own, partly three large journalistic groups were purposefully created.
  A. Sunny meadow of metropolitan journalism.
  B. A budget media (of old origin, with old staff).
  C. A blogger mass.
  2. The informal media pact of 2010 and the 'Sunny meadow of metropolitan journalism'.
  For the private media remaining after the period 1989-1991-1999, a media pact was invented. This pact was informal. His conditions were roughly as follows.
  A) A system of informal personal ties is being created between the 'capital (metropolitan) pool' and 'governance structures'. Figures of the 'capital (metropolitan) pool' are approaching power. The system of informal relations is consolidated in official decisions. For this function, all kinds of ersatz-structures are used, such as various kinds of Public Chambers, of Human Rights Councils, etc.
  B) A system of state budget financing of private media is being established. Many media figures are allowed to approach the raw material pie and gain the experience of a sweet life. A separate hint is being made for them - on the expediency of timely monetizing the leading position and - of a calmly coming out off away the stage without of a non needed problems ...
  C) The Capital (metropolitan) Pool acquires exclusive rights (for example, sometimes it takes on the role of a kind of jury) and a certain extraterritoriality - protection from repressive measures (to a certain extent).
  3. The situation of budget media (of old origin, with old staff).
  Budget media (old origin and old staff) are put in a position where their news releases - in some cases - consist of quotes from the messages (statements) to the nation (about 85 percent) and of sports news (about 15 percent).
  They are gradually pressed, and they are being looked at - what to do with them? In general, there is no particular interest in them ... The digital economy does not need them. But it is necessary to solve the problem with them under a favorable set of circumstances - with a minimum scandal and without creating an unpleasant public sediment.
  4. A heavy breath of a blogger mass.
  For the blogging community, there is a sincere statement that bloggers have always lived off advertising.
  However, all bloggers living through advertising, for some reason, deal with foreign platforms. Users of foreign Internet platforms have a chance to get enough money for own life. For those who use local (home) platforms, there are obviously or secretly spoiled counters and constant expectation of money - instead of real money.
  5. A completion of the informal media pact of 2010.
  An informal media pact adopted after the events with the Khimki forest can be conditionally dated to 2010.
  The objective basis for the termination of the pact is the complete destruction of the media market. In the new conditions, no matter how interesting this or that media to the reading and thinking public, such media not able to survive economically. The relevant financial and institutional arrangements have been destroyed. Infrastructure is destroyed.
  Even if this or that individual produced a media product that is interesting to the public, then where should this person go with his product? The market, which was, is no longer in the same place (it does not exist at all). No traditional trade places. There is no compact mass of buyers. There are no model contracts and business practices. There is no right to safely and easily pay-receive money when transferring goods ...
  Suppose some experimenter received a printing apparatus as a gift and began to publish his own newspaper. Does he have the right to start personally selling this newspaper in an underpass? ... If he tries to do this, then the consequences of two realities will arise - reality 'from harsh everyday life' and from a legal reality ... This example is the simplest, most primitive. The media market is a wider and more complex system ...
  But besides the objective factor, there are subjective moments.
  The 2010 media pact exhausted itself emotionally - one of the parties just tired (of him). He has become an outdated, unpleasant, unnecessary restriction.
  A significant sign of the end of the 2010 media pact was the quick and laconic dismissal [in 2019] of Fedotov from the post of chairman of the Council [Presidential Council for Civil Society and Human Rights] [in office: 2010 - 2019].
  The story of the mass dismissal from "Kommersant" newspaper also fits into this logic.
  Apparently, the events with Golunov are consistent with this logic.
  What is offered in return?
  'New media' are being created with a 'new stylistics' and a 'new personnel' - in terms of their fabulousness, new phenomena and players resemble the plot with Dr. Evil.
  Media figures are placed - decoys (they have smartphones through which they freely call to people with a high position - hold on tightly to these influential smartphone owners, guys ...)
  A system of financial control and financial repression is being worked out - constant monitoring leads to more and more obedience of a formally private media. Closely listen to the opinions of tutors and reduce the volume of independent behavior. They want to continue to feel independent, and at the same time continue to be in the position of favorites and recipients of budget money. Acts based on personal beliefs and a personal, individual conscience are gradually becoming a luxury (an inaccessible good).
  There is a habit of feeling like an 'engines of progress', kind of people of high flight. But if a pressure is strong, then what to do? ...
  6. Today. A situation of a "fluctuating weights."
  The metropolitan media evening party [media group good mood] poses herself as an leader of national interests. People (wide masses) are eating ... This is a beneficial effect, and it works in favor of a conservative strategy ...
  The existing education system and established media traditions continue to replenish the media sphere with more and more new personnel.
  In addition, the need for a thinking people, for a new effective ideas, also works in favor of the media sphere.
  A thinking people themselves are not needed. Loyal people are needed.
  They are catching a new ideas on the Internet under protection of the concept of crowd sourcing and present the caught ideas as their own.
  In certain circles, there is hope that even with the annihilated intelligentsia, it possible to survive (to live) one or two generations (this is not our problem - further). In modern Venezuela, not a single normal specialist will live and work. But nevertheless this state somehow functions - relying on the remnants of cultural traditions, the remnants of personnel, relying not on the intellectual, but on the loyal layer, relying on the "collectivos"...
  7. Prospects. The future of journalistic intelligentsia.
  A journalistic intelligentsia will be gradually destroyed, supplanted, replaced - during various events and measures. Among these measures are a reduction in budget funding, a tightening of the legal environment, massive and targeted layoffs and liquidations, and the replacement of journalistic intelligentsia with journalistic prankers.
  The most noticeable and unpleasant process now - for the interests of the sunny meadow of metropolitan journalism.
  For a state-budget media, the process is disguised and stretched in time.
  The blogger mass has long been on the brink of survival and is intimidated during various events.
  The common vector is to eliminate journalistic intelligentsia. This will be followed by an attempt during one or two or three generations to exist without new effective thoughts and ideas, without free-thinking people, with relying on journalistic (intellectual) prankers.
  This tendency is opposed by traditions, general social inertia, the volume of accumulated opposition sentiments, etc.
  July 8, 2020 05:52
  Translation from Russian into English July 9, 2020 11:03.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Новейшая история российской журналистики (2010 - 2020). Историческая версия'.
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