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The Monologue about the miracle duumvirate

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    The Monologue about the miracle duumvirate

  The Monologue about the miracle duumvirate
  Those who are interested in problems of the Bureya natural dam and a reservoir behind this dam (this a "miracle-duumvirate"), perhaps, feel difficult feelings.
  Well that to us this dam? Possible troubles with some neighboring country are only a thinking of the people who looked at the map ...
  But, nevertheless - it is interesting. Also it is a little disturbing. The modern world is small ...
  You continue to get acquainted with information.
  There are questions, unexpected for themselves. There is the river. On the river there is a power plant. People make money. Perhaps, not small. As it is possible to understand, one more power plant is under construction in the same edges, on the same river.
  The river is blocked by a dam of natural origin - there is an assumption of the reasons (landslide), but exact date of an event is not known. It seems, that according to satellite pictures drew some conclusions, and try "to grope" date of emergence of a natural dam.
  Who "opened" the event fact? It's curious: the river is blocked, the river flow has decreased, the water level has decreased - no one was worried? After all one power plant - an operating, another as it is possible to understand, - under construction. It is money!!!
  ""Discovery" was made by the hunter from the next village of Chekunda who went on the winter road - the road which was equipped on the river. The man immediately called the head of the Verkhnebureinsky district with a statement that a meteorite fell on the sopka [hill, mountain]".
  You name, at least, the exact date of the opening, made by a local resident, the name of the honored person, shake his hand and give him a nice prize. Still, he did as you can imagine, photos, and informed the authorities, and not drank a bottle of vodka and lay down nearby a campfire to rest from the hard road and from the have unexpected experiences.
  What if he had laid down? Also did not tell to the administration?
  When would this natural dam have been discovered?
  Who knows? Maybe they would have found out. In reservoir the water - the sufficient for 50 days, as they say...
  In general, curiously ...
  On the Internet some video filming is published - it is necessary to understand that this image of that natural dam. The sopka (hill) collapsed, and on the planet Earth acts force of gravity. Consequently, the destroyed part of the hill moved by the action of gravity and filled a certain space next to the hill.
  You look at the video footage and try to imagine a horizontal line drawn along the crest of a natural dam. There seems to be a rather long wavy line. You ask yourself the question: what, under the influence of gravity, a bits, a parts of the hill could so undulating stretch across the river? Some uncertainty, doubts ... Some of the locals are sure that the meteorite hit...
  And what further?
  Willy-nilly you look in a local Khabarovsk Internet resources.
  "But, it is visible, brothers Furgals preliminary played this party among themselves and serially made the planned moves. At first the Governor Furgal on a press-conferences threw into the face of deputies "a lump of dirt", then the Deputy [member of local Duma] Furgal poured over colleagues on the Duma"a bucket of slops". To they not dry out.
  In this regard the political scientist Sergey Grigoriev considers that the LDPR already conducts an election campaign to Zakduma of Khabarovsk Krai. According to him, it is possible that Vyacheslav Furgal sees himself future speaker of the Zakduma, and both brothers dream of creation of the powerfill duumvirat of LDPR in Khabarovsk Krai." [? 17:33 on December 26, 2018?]
  Well that to us this dam? Possible troubles with some neighboring country are only a thinking of the people who looked at the map ...
  But, nevertheless - it is interesting. Also it is a little disturbing. The modern world is small ...
  "Anyway it is simply impossible to receive answers to all questions now. The reason is banal - nobody knows them. Experts intend to discuss the plan of further actions with regional officials who, by the way, organize on December 27, [2018] a meeting on this subject" ...
  December 26, 2018 14:42.
  Translation from Russian into English: December 26, 2018 15:32.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский "Монолог о чудо-дуумвирате".
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