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The Monologue about the notion "help"

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    The Monologue about the notion "help"

  The Monologue about the notion "help"
  One of the British newspapers allegedly wrote something critical about a statement that "We never had assistants and will not be".
  We live in the world of the not always correct translations and interpretations.
  I read this note, and, it seems, forgot.
  But somehow on this subject reflections began to appear.
  How to understand the word "help"?
  Whether it is necessary to wait from the "West" of arrival (1) of the train loaded with ingots of pure gold, (2) flotillas of the freighters filled with bags with euro, and (3) squadrons of super capacious planes with boxes of dollars?
  All this is delivered to Red Square in Moscow and is handed without transfer act in the form of a gift?
  Such the prospect is not very real.
  Then what is "help"?
  The grand duke Lithuanian Yagaylo promised Dmitry Donskoy's opponents before Battle of Kulikovo the help. But was into thoughtfulness, maneuvered. And when thoughtfulness came out, it turned out that Battle is completed... It is, probably, not the help... However, there are also other historical versions, a case of an ancient time...
  Peter I went to the Western Europe for knowledges. Everywhere he was accepted perfectly and politely. Returned with knowledge, in vigorous mood.
  The transfer of knowledge, - in general a courtesy, - is the help?
  We know not so a much periods when Russia was sharply pushed forward.
  The Peter I's era... The period of 30-40-50 years of the 20th century... There were also other periods...
  For example, the establishment of the border along the Amur river... How to speak out more delicately on this issue...
  Let's move on to the 20s of the 20th century. The fighting hunger, restoring Russia's diplomatic status in the international community ... Liberation of the Far East from the Japanese occupation troops...
  The 40th years of the 20th century. The joint fight against Hitlerite Germany, lend-lease...
  All this was long ago.
  After the conclusion of the Peace Treaty of Brest-Litovsk "new diplomats" began a big fuss, but it (this a fuss) quickly began to fade. After the "dear Nikita Sergeyevich" came to power, a new round of fuss began...
  Someone wanted to forget the centuries of the European policy... A "fuss" does not promote for a good attitude ...
  Let's remember up the diplomatic actions after the sharpest phase of events in South Ossetia... "Sarkozy (as the president of the country chairman of the EU) brought a contribution to peaceful settlement of the military conflict in South Ossetia of 2008, having visited Moscow and Tbilisi and having developed the main paragraphs of the peace agreement which received the name "The Plan of Medvedev - Sarkozy" with Dmitry Medvedev; subsequently it was signed also by presidents of Georgia, South Ossetia and Abkhazia".
  Not railway cars with gold, not the ships with euro, not cargo aircrafts with dollars, but...
  Quite a multiple-valued notion - a"help"...
  January 2, 2019 21:38
  Translation from Russian into English: January 2, 2019 22:26.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский "Монолог о понятии "помощь"".
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