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The Monologue about the Novaya Zemlya and polar bears

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    The Monologue about the Novaya Zemlya and polar bears

  The Monologue about the Novaya Zemlya and polar bears
  Strange impression is made by messages in mass media about the invasion of polar bears on settlements of the Novaya Zemlya.
  What do we hear about?
  Firstly, we are informed of a concern for life of the inhabitants of the Novaya Zemlya.
  Secondly, through the text of messages the irritation, addressing to polar bears, appears: "They are disturbing!" "They thought up, too!"
  In fact, Russia, the Arctic countries and the whole world are facing a problem. Perhaps, a dangerous problem.
  Polar bear - a wild animal. Without extreme necessity he would not come to people, to settlements.
  How to treat this appearance of polar bears?
  If to think that we deal with irrevocable, invariant, unstoppable global process then reaction of philosophical contemplation will be natural: "Nothing can be changed!."
  If we believe that we are witnessing a relatively short critical period, it would be in the interests of human to help polar bears.
  What kind of help?
  Probably, there are options.
  If options of the help can be really formulated, then they can get a form of projects.
  For example, exists (we will imagine) such option of the help. One million rubles is spent. All polar bears are fed [do not starve] and happy.
  I believe that the expenses of one million rubles is quite an affordable burden both for budget allocations to the Ministry of natural resources and for the budget of some constituent entity of the Federation [territorial subject of the Federation].
  If there is any acceptable option, then all inhabitants of Earth, including those who oppose each other today, would be in a positive attitude. I don't think Russia would be at a disadvantage. Probably the opposite.
  In a word, there are, probably, some admissible options of the help to polar bears.
  Anyway, it is expedient to raise a question essentially: it makes sense to help polar bears or there is no such sense?
  If there is such a sense, what kind of help is appropriate?
  Perhaps, the principal statement of questions - the best help to people, inhabitants of the Novaya Zemlya.
  And irritation, adressing to polar bears: "Well they disturb?!" - it looks as option of children's behavior.
  February 11, 2019 12:32
  Translation from Russian into English: February 11, 2019 13:14.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский "Монолог о Новой Земле и о белых медведях".
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