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The Monologue about the woman without a mercenary motives

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    The Monologue about the woman without a mercenary motives

  The Monologue about the woman without a mercenary motives
  "The Komissarzhevskaya theater celebrates the anniversary of Solzhenitsyn parables of the Matryona."
  "The director Leonid Alimov defined the main line instantly - the Russian woman. It was necessary to find the way to show Matryona Grigorieva's image, from pages of the story to bring to the theater stage the heroine - the unmercenary, the eccentric woman and in fact whacky (saint woman).
  Such women were met by the writer after forced labor camps in the 1950th".
  "Solzhenitsyn himself wrote about his heroine:" There are such natural born angels, they are as if weightless, they slide as if on top of this liquid, not drowning in it, even touching its surface with their feet? Each of us met such, them not ten and not hundred on Russia, it is - righteous persons, we saw them, were surprised ("strange persons"), used their good, in good minutes answered them the same, they direct to kind acts, - and right there we again dived - plunged into our fateful depth "."
  Enter into Wikipedia?.
  December 2, 2018 09:45.
  Translation from Russian into English: December 2, 2018 10:19.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский "Монолог о бессребренице".
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