Zalesski Vladimir : другие произведения.

The Monologue of Historical and Legal Figure

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    The Monologue of Historical and Legal Figure

  The Monologue of Historical and Legal Figure
  The new appointment was approaching.
  The official car will arrive soon, and he will go to the Square.
  For now a glass of tea can be drunk quietly and it's a time to reflect on turns of a history.
  Pre-revolutionary period. It was a good time! What universities were! What professors were! Students! And what restaurants were!
  The bustle has begun after the events of February. The attempt to catch Ilyich has ended with nothing.
  But the benefits, nevertheless, was. The person who became at the head later has noticed and has remembered since pre-revolutionary times. He confirmed his opinion and began to move me forward without attracting attention.
  He liked people with a good pre-revolutionary background. With the sailor Zheleznyak or the ensign Krylenko it is possible "to arrive" only to the peace Treaty of Brest-Litovsk.
  Gradually a life got better. "Why she was beaten by them?. Both those, and these? Both the fifth, and the tenth?." "She was beaten, because the backwardness was!" "In ten years to pass a centenary route!" "In it there was something of the Peter I's style". "Anyway, from a restaurant you won't depart to a cosmic space ..."
  A much events were also... There is no wish to remember them...!
  But, if to remember, then it is necessary to admit.
  The Streltsy were executed without any lawyers! "It is a pity, at that time yet my textbooks haven't been written", - he hasn't kept himself from a joke.
  There was a thought to do without a legal efforts. To move the famous people somewhere ... behind Lake Baikal. In area of the Kara, for example. And there, in the district's ... Well ... or to the province any closer. For example, to Osipenko ...
  But have decided to show the movement toward a civilization, toward the Europe.
  Moscow! One of the central halls. Everything is opened. Why they admitted? - Publicly? - It is a question, of course, a separate ... Of course, when the car gained momentum, the publicity had to be abandoned...
  And a lawyers... Yes! A lawyers! A Press from around all the world!
  Press ... press ...
  The thought jumped over on a came phone call. The official car has come. He has gone to an exit from the apartment. The personal elevator in the multi-apartment, multi-storey building - is a symbol of the power ... The sounds of the radio program "Architectural Sights of Moscow" was heard from the dynamics of the personal elevator. "Are working... Are exploring... "
  Yes ... And so, a press ...
  It is urgently necessary to go there where the world politics is emerging and where representatives of all all all... have gathered... And to act ... In protection of the rights and freedoms! And especially - in protection of the press! Of course, not of the our press! Our press is free... Our press filled with the creative movement and feels herself excellently!
  ("There are no other newspapers, except "ours", all the same ...", - he has sighed by the way).
  "We will show the level of pre-revolutionary education!"
  ("... There was a something and in the pre-revolutionary universities, and in pre-revolutionary professors, students and in pre-revolutionary restaurants ..." - he has thought in brackets).
  He nodded ceremoniously to the driver. The car has begun the movement ...
  May 17, 2018 - May 18, 2018.
  Translation from Russian into English: May 17, 2018 - May 18, 2018. Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Монолог историко-юридического деятеля'.
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