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Theodore Roosevelt, Louis Pasteur, the Insight project ("I am on the edge of mysteries"). The note

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    Theodore Roosevelt, Louis Pasteur, the InSight project ("I am on the edge of mysteries"). The note.

  Theodore Roosevelt, Louis Pasteur, the InSight project ("I am on the edge of mysteries"). The note. published "NASA InSight landed on Mars" (published on November 26, 2018 at 21:26 - updated on November 26, 2018 at 21:59) (" La sonde de la NASA InSight s' est posée sur Mars ") (Publié le 26 November 2018 à 21h26 - Mis à jour le 26 November 2018 à 21h59)
  But we did not immediately familiarize ourselves with this material.
  First, we looked a little: what's a new concerning 'Dare Mighty Things' and 'Luck favors the prepared'?
  And what have we found?
  For example. TO DARE MIGHTY THINGS: The Life of Theodore Roosevelt (A Big Words Book, 7) Hardcover - Picture Book, December 17, 2013. by Doreen Rappaport (Author), C.F. Payne (Illustrator) ". (
  It is interesting...
  Or the another find:
  'Chance favors the prepared mind'. Louis Pasteur (
  From Theodore Roosevelt and Louis Pasteur, we move on to the Le Monde and the InSight project.
  But not at once. Not immediately.
  Let us first recall that the "Perseverance" had predecessors. Prior to the Mars 2020 mission, the InSight project was carried out. But the InSight project, also, had predecessors. Mars exploration is carried out, for example, by Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter ( MRO ) - a spacecraft designed to study the geology and climate of Mars, provide reconnaissance of future landing sites, and relay data from surface missions back to Earth. It was launched on August 12, 2005 and reached Mars on March 10, 2006. In November 2006, after five months of aerobraking, it entered its final science orbit and began its primary science phase. MRO played a key role in choosing safe landing sites for the Phoenix lander (2007), Mars Science Laboratory (2012), InSight lander (2018), and the Perseverance rover (2021). (Wikipedia).
  As for the InSight project, "prior to landing, the Science Team from ... InSight, announced that they would attempt to detect the entry, descent and landing (EDL) sequence of the Mars 2020 mission using InSight's seismometers. Despite being more than 3,400 km (2,100 mi) away from the Mars landing site, the team indicated that there was a possibility that InSight's instruments would be sensitive enough to detect the hypersonic impact of Mars 2020's cruise mass balance devices with the Martian surface". (Wikipedia).
  Thus, the InSight project was preceded by the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter, and the InSight project was followed by Mars 2020 (a Mars mission that includes the rover "Perseverance" and the small robotic helicopter "Ingenuity") .
  Now, from Theodore Roosevelt and Louis Pasteur, we move on to the Le Monde material, to the InSight project, and to Tom Hoffman (the InSight project manager).
  'What an amazing day!' Exclaimed NASA boss Jim Bridenstine at a briefing in Pasadena. (...) The algorithm worked well..., recalled Tom Hoffman, project manager of InSight, who must take the pulse of Mars and study its internal structure in order to better understand our own planet Earth.
  A few minutes after landing, Insight sent his first photo: a hazy image, clouded by the dust raised during the impact, but where the horizon is clearly visible, like one or two rocks. And, most importantly, "an image of a place that no one has ever seen before!" insisted Mr. Watkins [director of NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena].
  ... the parachute opened automatically, sharply slowing down the descent. The lander then deployed all three legs, and the parachute lifted off, before twelve retrofuses fired to slow down to about 8 km / h. (...)
  "My heart stopped beating for almost seven minutes," Tom Hoffman joked after that. Responsible for the project, approaching a billion dollars, he admitted that he "did not sleep very well" in recent days.
  'I'm relieved, I'm very happy,' said Philippe Lognonné, father of the precious French seismometer of Insight, who monitored the landing from the City of Sciences in Paris [la Cité des Sciences à Paris]. (...)
  The probe must carefully study the interior of Mars in the smallest detail. Knowledge that will allow you to better understand the formation (billions of years) of this planet and compare with our [planet Earth]. InSight is from this point of view a kind of geological "time machine" of the Earth, scientists explain.
  The seismometer of French design will listen for the smallest vibrations in the ground, caused mainly by shock waves of meteorites and earthquakes. Like a ship's sonar, these waves will draw the planet's inner map.
  Another great tool, German: the HP3 looks like a mole tied to a lander by a leash and has to dig 3 to 5 meters deep below the surface to take the temperature of the fourth planet in the solar system. [In October 2019, the researchers at JPL concluded that the soil on Mars does not provide necessary friction for drilling, causing the mole to bounce around and form a wide pit around itself rather than dig deeper. (Википедия)].
  The InSight is the 21st mission launched by the United States to Mars since the Mariner missions in the 1960s. About 20 more missions were sent to Mars by other countries. "
  So we got acquainted with the material of Le Monde. Information about messages (concerning the arrival on the surface of Mars "Perseverance" on February 18, 2021), messages, the source of which is the seismograph (seismometer) of the InSight project, we have not yet met ...
  It will be all the more interesting to learn about the reaction of the seismograph (seismometer) to the arrival of "Perseverance".
  It seems that Mars is far from Earth. However, in the era of global warming on Earth, Mars exploration may be very relevant for earthly cases ...
  [MCIX. Fyodor Dostoevsky and the USSR space project. A literary note. - November 6, 2019.
  MDXXI. A comparative history of the MIR space station and the Mirny Antarctic station. Essay on scientific and technical history. - June 26, 2020.
  MDXXX. Liquidation of the supervisory-intellectual, space and literary intelligentsia. Common features and differences. The essay. - June 30, 2020.
  MDCXLVII. How an inventor from USA launched the US space program. A sketch about the history of the space race. - August 16, 2020.
  MDCCCLXXXIX. A Cosmic Throw in the information holding. A story. - December 9, 2020.
  MMXXI. A fundamentally new space technology - a space helicopter. The note. - February 19, 2021.
  MMXXIII. A long-awaited successful breakthrough in nanotechnology. MiMi Aung and the space helicopter 'Ingenuity'. A super brief review. - February 20, 2021.
  MMXXVI. To Mars - for apples. ("Dare Mighty Things"). An essay. - February 22, 2021.
  MMXXVII. Orbital stations, Sun, Moon, Mars, Saturn ... A note. - February 22, 2021.
  MMXXXV. Principles of coding and decoding of messages from a higher civilization. ("Dare Mighty Things"). The note. - February 25, 2021.
  MMXXXVI. Ian Clark - who is he and what is known about him? The note. - February 26, 2021.
  MMXXXVII. They made the parachute work under harsh conditions. ('Luck favors the prepared'). The note. - February 27, 2021.].
  February 28, 2021 10:58
  Translation from Russian into English: February 28, 2021 13:35.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Теодор Рузвельт, Луи Пастер, проект InSight ('Я - перед миром загадок'). Заметка'.
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