Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich : другие произведения.

The Political Clown and a Free Press. A sketch

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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    The Political Clown and a Free Press. A sketch.

  The Political Clown and a Free Press. A sketch.
  The editor-in-chief of a large media company looked at the participants in the meeting of the secret editorial council.
  - Look at the results of today! Elections in Ukraine, Moldova, Georgia, events in Belarus and the South Caucasus. Nothing comforting. We'll have to release to air the Political Clown.
  - We're going to look like Political Clown's helpers, - said one of the elders of the secret editorial council.
  "He knows!" - everyone nodded, that they agree with the elder.
  - The holiday is approaching, and the Political Clown is one of the authors of this holiday ... It's easier for us, - the editor-in-chief explained the situation, - In addition, he sells his high-ranking party member for good money. The amount is not bad. There are rumors about thirty billion rubles. And we are not yet financially ready to switch to dachas [country cottages] and to individual blogs on social networks. Finally, from circles close to figure skating - from our friends - I was informed of the idea to issue an official warning addressed to us.
  All were silent.
  - Who wants to swallow the "Sputnik" drug? - the editor-in-chief hinted.
   - We have not yet exhausted our potential, - the elder assessed the situation.
  "He knows!" - everyone looked at the elder with respect.
  - Well, it's decided! - announced the editor-in-chief. He addressed to a meeting participant from the political bloc. - We will walk above an abyss by a tightrope. Your task is to find the right balance between laughter and seriousness. Start preparing an interview with the Political Clown.
  Employee from the political bloc nodded in response, showing consent.
  The participants of the meeting left the office-room by a secret elevator.
  The working day was drawing to a close.
  The editor-in-chief put in a portfolio the media products that had accumulated in his office during the day. There were French cheese, Belarusian butter, two bottles of wine, Turkish figs, and a piece of good Ukrainian salo [bacon].
  Taking the portfolio, the editor-in-chief went to the exit from the office-room. "Political clowns come and go, but the free press remains!"
  [MDLXXXVI. Anti-corruption journalist and a provincial cauldron. A sketch. - July 23, 2020.
  MDCLXVIII. A picture of the world from radio fools. The sketch. - October 19, 2020.
  MDCCLXXVIII. A small plan for a big media company. Media against bureaucracy. A script for a radio program. - October 19, 2020
  MDCCXCI. A Belarusian media price list. A sketch. - October 25, 2020.]
  November 1, 2020 20:14
  Translation from Russian into English: November 2, 2020 20:50.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Политический Клоун и свободная пресса. Скетч'.
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