Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich : другие произведения.

The Review of the Confession of the contemporary

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    The Review of the Confession of the contemporary

  The Review of the Confession of the contemporary
  For rather short period of time Sergei Sergeievich managed to read two outstanding journalistic works (in style of an interview). Both of these works fell under the notion "Confession".
  The first was published on May 31, 2019 in Novaya Gazeta. "The editorial policy sometimes to pain reminds censorship". An interview of Gleb Cherkasov's zamglavred (deputy head) who left Kommersant. This material came out in No. 58 of May 31, 2019. The author is Ilya Azar, the special correspondent of Novaya Gazeta.
  There passed one and a half months.
  Sergei Sergeievich read a new outstanding interview-confession "As though of something I am suspected. Sasha Sulim tells story of Alexander Gorsky. His father was put for pedophilia, pursued in the Internet and beaten in prison. 12:15, on July 16, 2019. Source: Meduza. Author: Sasha Sulim. Editor: Konstantin Benyumov".
  Sergei Sergeievich was not too lazy and glanced in Wikipedia.
  It appears, more or less regularly in the world literature "confessions" appeared.
  Here what articles are offered by Wikipedia:
  "Confession" - the work by Saint Augustine of Hippo.
  "Confession" - the work by Jean-Jacques Rousseau.
  "Confession" - the work by Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy.
  "Confession" - the story by Maxim Gorky.
  To the regret Sergei Sergeievich was forced to recognize that he cannot remember of any of the listed four works. Probably, he did not read any of them.
  Well ... It is necessary to improve the moment and to try to read those works ...
  It was more interesting to that to read two interviews-confessions published in 2019.
  The interview taken by Ilya Azar concerned the Kommersant newspaper, journalists, the journalistic shop (or - the journalistic corp).
  In this sense it is the professional journalist's confession (to the professional journalist). In it there are a lot of interesting special questions. Also we will lay it at present aside.
  Alexander Gorsky's confession is a confession of a simple - a not a simple person.
  Here both the modern history of the country, and modern history of the outstanding person, and a terrible phase in personal history, and karmic test, and is a lot of most interesting details.
  Both Alexander Gorsky, so and members of his family - people not usual, with big abilities.
  Different societies differently treat unusual, capable people.
  Maxim Gorky, for example, was skeptical about the environment where he spent his childhood. How many people did he meet in his life? Hundreds? Thousands? Tens of thousands?
  The cook from the steamer made him read a variety of books from his "magic" chest.
  Some elderly soldier, having listened to reading aloud the boy Peshkov, stroked hair and exclaimed "Ah, My God!". The bishop blessed during training at school ...
  Several people in Tiflis (people "out, off society", "moved" from the far Russial West) supported him at the time of the first publication.
  The grandfather and mother taught little Peshkov to read ... The grandmother told fairy tales and sang national songs ...
  And how about the others? Degree of goodwill - malevolence was very different ...
  Both at Maxim Gorky, and at Anton Pavlovich Chekhov on the way to literary glory had such pleasant event as a disease of tuberculosis.
  It was not of enough money, few positive emotions, the constant need is a lot of work (they were "sawing" out a feuilletons, a reports ...) ...
  At Anton Pavlovich tuberculosis developed very quickly ... There were also on his way benevolent people, there was also favorable wind of circumstances ... But tuberculosis outstripped ...
  As for Maxim Gorky, he guessed to become hobo - until a meeting of people benefactors in Tilfis and until the first publication.
  After this publication he, first, felt more surely, secondly, made a turn to "revolutionary theme". It was necessary to do an obedient and kind look, listening to the literary and revolutionary maitre ...
  Here the literary and revolutionary company (which had access to media resources) noticed and recognized him.
  The image of the poor person who is came out from a common people ... Appropriate advertizing was made ...
  Several literary successes... A glory, a success came, and money went.
  And significant periods of time spent in the fresh air (as a vagrant traveler), and the air of the capital's theaters, and the climate of Italy - all this has had a beneficial effect on health...
  After 1905, and especially after 1917, Gorky himself became a benefactor and philanthropist. He tried as much as he could to help, as far as possible trying to stay on the positions of a Democrat and a supporter of constitutional development.
  Stalin thought widely. He was needed people-symbols, people who were able to think widely and act effectively. Gorky returned from Italy to the USSR and became the "chief cultural boss" and the main patron in the field of culture...
  Whatever it was, the masses of people joined the literacy and culture. Years 20-30-40-50 and suddenly Gagarin was launched into space...
  Stalin, by the way, himself was no stranger to journalism and literary work... a Few personal libraries with a huge book Fund (20 thousand volumes, approximately, each?).
  However, after Gorky peculiar "breeze" amplified ... Akhmatova, Zoshchenko...
  Changed people at the top... What wrote, for example, Khrushchev? What did Brezhnev write?... (By themselves the books that were released under his name, is a symbol of the literature (content, maybe not the worst), or a symbol of public shame (the head of state, in fact, acted as the Alexander Dumas (in an unfortunate option), the Creator of the literary factory)?
  At Khrushchev Fadeyev shot himself ...
  At Brezhnev literary figures began to run away or to pass into internal opposition - who had some abilities ...
  Creative capacity of the country began to perish ... (Someone shot himself, someone moved abroad ... Tuberculosis, apparently, ruined nobody?.).
  Alexander Gorsky's father created a lot of things - family, a gymnasium and many other things. But did not manage to stop before the red line ...
  Alexander Gorsky himself is surprised. He tries to evaluate himself from an objective point of view - somehow he can not understand why he is not successful person, at all...
  Lermontov, maybe, had talent, and ability more powerful than at Alexander Gorsky. But, nevertheless, let him remember Lermontov. And Pushkin, at the same time...
  It is clear that it is not only in Nicholas I, Stalin, Khrushchev...
  It would be possible to speculate about the karmic test, and about the astrological regularities...
  But in some strange way, simultaneously with Alexander Gorsky's confession Sergei Sergeievich read material "The family from Kursk found gold coins in the house. The authorities took away a treasure, then lost it - and several years refused to pay remuneration. 08:01, on July 10, 2019. Source: Meduza. Author Christina Safonova".
  The phrase - "since 2015 in Russia the responsibility for assignment of a treasure is entered; punishment under this article provides till six years of imprisonment" - seemed especially interesting to Sergei Sergeievich.
  Why is it six years? Six years is a ruined man and a ruined life... what's the point?..
  Why not bring to administrative responsibility? They say that today's administrative responsibility sometimes resembles a criminal one... Why not establish a suspended sentence for such an act? Why not year, not year and a half, namely six years?
  That who will read this material, "having included" insight, will guess ...
  On July 21, 2019 20:16
  Translation from Russian into English: July 21, 2019 21:47.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Рецензия на Исповедь современника'.
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