Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich : другие произведения.

The Short Story about the Creative Immersion

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    The Short Story about the Creative Immersion

  The Short Story about the Creative Immersion
  - The world changes! Send me to a creative business trip!
  - Do the trip to the City on the bank of the Great Ocean. TThe center of world politics is shifting to those edges. It is necessary "to smell an air" ... Go by local electric trains. Did in the Institute tell you about the method of the creative immersion? When you will arrive, you will inhale fresh air and you will write the report.
  Thirty days later the phone rang.
  - I'm here! Excellent sea air! Many energetic hardworking polite people.
  The narrator coughed. Perhaps, 30-day path impacted on health.
  The narrator continued:
  - I can to recognize not all the texts ...
  Coughed again.
  At last, the reporter have summarized the impressions:
  - Of course, after 30 days of riding on local electric trains fresh sea air is a pleasure to sigh.
  - Take a walk around the city, along the ocean coast. Write a report. Remember what taught at Institute to! An integrated approach to a problem! Place, people, prospects.
  The visitor walked around the city, walked along the ocean coast. He has even not deeply come into sea water. Then he went ashore and quickly wrote:
  "The Great City on the bank of the Great Ocean. Fresh wind. Beautiful views. The smiling, vigorous, hardworking, disciplined people. Enormous prospects."
  He has sent the report by e-mail and has gone to the local electric train: "Method of creative immersion!". "An integrated approach to a problem. Place, people, prospects!".
  May 9, 2018 20:55
  Translation from Russian into English: May 9, 2018 22:28.
   Владимир Владимирович Залесский "Рассказ о творческом погружении".
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