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The Sketch about fake news and offensive words in the situation of a good salary

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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    The Sketch about fake news and offensive words in the situation of a good salary

  The Sketch about fake news and offensive words in the situation of a good salary
  The members of public council on a civilization at the Committee on a words compositions gathered.
  Civilization figures sit and think: "And what we gathered here?"
  The Chairman of the Committee looked at them: "Let's combine words: a one plus another...". "We will put one word next to another..."
  The Chairman declares:
  - Urgent measures are necessary! Situation oh what an adverse!
  Members of the Committee come to her aid. They on special trainings mastered skills: to speak very quickly, a tongue twister, disturbing, in panic style, and is, whenever possible, shrill. At such form of presentation of thoughts at listeners their ears can become like tubules and the subconscious alarm appears.
  The meaning of the Committee members ' statements was as follows. Rumors about a grandiose monument go. Whether lavash, whether shish kebab. Generally skewers. Everything is very difficult. Skewers - at them are the sharp ends. Urgent measures are necessary.
  The figures of civilization were worried. Not really all is clear. But sharp objects - you understand ...
  Members of the committee add some pepper. The population came to a condition of concern and tramples on all norms of energy saving.
  Figures of a civilization are ready for everything - only to them in their ears no a squeal to be:
  - What to do? Tell us! Our trustees! Our benefactors!
  Benefactors fast put a question to the vote. It is required to support the law on fake news, and, in general, on a offensive words. "It is very unpleasant to hear an offensive words! Even at good salary!"
  Figures of a civilization decided to support, of course. Council, formally, public, not a state. Formally - nobody gets paid. And for a free a panic chatter listen - no one is interested.
  There are pleasures in life - not only this Committee...
  The meeting was completed with everyone's satisfaction. Not for nothing they sat. The Chairman of the Committee with relief sighed: "A little more of a budgetary money, and - they will support a (full) cancellation of freedom of speech and freedom of thought". "Let's combine words: one a word plus another one...". "We will put one word next to another..."
  January 19, 2019 17:08
  Translation from Russian into English: January 20, 2019 03:00.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский "Скетч об фейковых новостях и обидных словах за хорошую зарплату".
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