Залесский Владимир Владимирович : другие произведения.

Скетч о синдроме Шуры Балаганова или чем отличается типичный журналист от типичного Шуры Балаганова

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    Скетч о синдроме Шуры Балаганова или чем отличается типичный журналист от типичного Шуры Балаганова

  The Sketch about the syndrome of Shura Balaganov or about difference between a typical journalist and a typical Shura Balaganov
  Sergey Sergeyevich switched from reading "The Little Golden Calf" by Ilf and Petrov to thinking about the journalist's work.
  "What is the peculiarity of a typical journalist?"
  "Perhaps - that he demonstrates to an indefinite circle of persons his intellectual product.
  The ordinary person of what thinks? Not always close people of "ordinary person" know about it.
  What does a typical, active journalist think about?
  About his thoughts, a focus of interest, degree of load with office tasks it is possible to assume, - during getting acquainted with its intellectual products".
  Sergei Sergeevich involuntarily looked at the page of "The Little Golden Calf":
  "-Tell, Shura, honestly how many it is necessary for you money for
  happiness? - Ostap asked. - Only count everything.
   - Hundred rubles, - Balaganov answered, with regret stopping eating of bread with sausage.
   - Well, you did not understand me. Not today, and
  in general. For happiness. It is clear? That to improve your life in whole.
   Balaganov long thought, timidly smiling, and, at last
  declared that for entire happiness it needs six thousand
  four hundred rubles and that with this amount he will feel himself very well.
   - All right, - Ostap told, - receive fifty thousand."
   "How many money is necessary for happiness for the typical journalist?" - Sergey Sergeyevich continued to reflect. - "In general, that it is necessary for him for happiness? Money? Glory? Some new, perfect world?"
  "Why the famous journalist invented fantastic stories and intended to raise money for donations in favor of the invented characters?"
  ""And it is a way of the millionaire! - he thought with chagrin. - Where
  respect? Where honor? Where glory? Where power? ""
  "To invent fantastic stories and to make plans of collecting donations in favor of the invented characters - it does not correspond to journalism ethics?
  But on what the famous journalist fell, on what he was pierced? On the assistant connection? He was exposed by an assistant!
  Why would he need an assistant? A typical, active journalist - he is very busy!"
  "Whatever it was, a typical journalist is very busy, is a well-known figure, attracts attention..." - continued to analyze the situation Sergey. - "A journalist, of course, needs money... In some cases, he can write something fantastic..."
  "But the profession itself is a kind of checking..."
  "-- Bandit! a woman shouted. - Only turned away, and
   The owner of fifty thousand stole a handbag in which were
  tortoise powder box, trade-union book and one ruble
  seventy kopeks of money. The car stopped. Fans dragged
  Balaganov to an exit. Passing by Ostap, Shura sadly whispered:
   - What is it? I am mechanically.
   -- I'll show you mechanically! -- said the Amateur in pince-nez and
  with a briefcase, happily hitting a flight mechanic on the neck."
   "Is not present at the journalist of time to go by trams and to be engaged in pocket thefts ... Just the journalist has other way of life ... It is loaded by affairs ... He is more wide-known. If to compare to other people ..."
  ""They do not give to make capital investments! - Ostap was indignant.
  -- They do not give! Can, live the intellectual life... it is Necessary to immediately find out what the meaning of life is.""
  "-The teacher speaks, - the translator said, - that he himself
  arrived to your great country to learn in what meaning of life."
  Sergey Sergeyevich thoughtfully looked at "The Little Golden Calf".
  On June 10, 2019 04:14
  Translation from Russian into English: June 10, 2019 05:00.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский "Скетч о синдроме Шуры Балаганова или чем отличается типичный журналист от типичного Шуры Балаганова".
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