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The Sketch how the Internet user began to read Pushkin

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    The Sketch how the Internet user began to read Pushkin

  The Sketch how the Internet user began to read Pushkin
  The Internet user thought: "Moika is the historical name".
  He typed the word "Moika" in Internet search engine.
  507 million search results.
  The user at random guided the cursor of a mouse and clicked the button.
  Article opened: "Dangerous place of work of Vyacheslav Makarov".
  What here, in this article, interesting?
  "The analysis of fate of five last chairmen of city parliament showed that ex-speakers have three ways: to make the way in senators or governors, to die under strange circumstances or to wait for questions from investigators. Other option of events in the history of the chairmen, who left Legislative Assembly, it is not noticed yet. Only if Vyacheslav Makarov, having sometime left the Mariinsky Palace, does not pave a new road."
  The Internet user bewildered shrugged shoulders.
  In this moment he found that gentle Internet services kindly invite him to read the article: "A month in power: What are the differences and similarities Khabirov and Khamitov".
  "It is some journalistic battle", - the user thought. Also began to read.
  "And always Radium Habirov rather rigidly conducted meetings.
  It is possible to remember, for example, his words at one of meetings when he hinted the heads who are responsible for safety on roads:
  - Speaking of leaders-officers: if the question, then he is either quietly disappears around the corner, - to shoot himself, or adequately dismissed.
  However and here it is possible to see small similarity between former and current heads of Bashkiria. Compare, for example, Rustem Khamitov's statement of August 6, 2010 when he actually submitted his new crew in the government
  - It is my team - Rustem Khamitov said about the new cabinet of the republic. - But, if I learn that someone from them will preach others, other than my look, work methods, to provoke the conflicts, from such people I will be immediately, in a second, to get rid".
  "It is better to finish with this reading", - the Internet user solved. - "I will read Pushkin, better ..."
  "I imagine a wonderful moment:
  You are appearing in front of me...."
  "I will read Pushkin!"- the Internet user decided.
  December 9, 2018 21:35
  Translation from Russian into English: December 11, 2018 08:53.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский "Скетч о том, как пользователь Интернета начал читать Пушкина".
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