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The Story about interest in the Novaya Zemlya and to polar bears on April 12, 2019

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    The Story about interest in the Novaya Zemlya and to polar bears on April 12, 2019

  The Sketch about the visit of the movie maitre to the provincials
  The media reported on the (upcoming) visit of the movie maitre to the provincials.
  Very much he wants to make the film in exchange of 150 million rubles.
  And, probably, desire not only at him one.
  Why not? Simple accounting - income - costs. And the movie maitre - he is under "your" power. He needs such orders to receive regularly to stay "financially afloat". Consequently, and in him, and in the results of his activities there is no doubt.
  And that there with historical truth and with the people and the bullets ... Maybe this truth is not necessary for everyone...
  Probably many forces are interested in this video creation.
  Where is the money allocated? "Very high!"
  But that's not enough - delivered the assignment to the lower level: "To render assistance!"
  As though at the subordinate level there are no cares and without this forthcoming film creation and without mastering by the film master of 150 million...
  But anyway, from the formal point of view, all levels spend not personal, but "budgetary"...
  Very much it would be desirable to look at the scenario ...
  What will we see as a result of development 150 million rubles by the film master? And subordinate level anyway will have a expenses. (For an example - interested persons calculated the cost of watch of police officers near Embassy of Ecuador - during stay of Assange there. Any efforts anyway demand some expenses).
  And why, for example, to the director of the famous movie about celebration of New Year of one of families in besieged Leningrad - one attitude, and to another - another?... Because someone so wanted?
  The constitutional equality for which fight and cry to whom not laziness - looks good...
  It is very interesting to read the scenario...
  April 12, 2019 16:00
  Translation from Russian into English: April 12, 2019 16:40.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский "Скетч о визите киномэтра к провинциалам".
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