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The Story about the interest in the Bureya theme in the evening on January 30, 2019

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    The Story about the interest in the Bureya theme in the evening on January 30, 2019

  The Story about the interest in the Bureya theme in the evening on January 30, 2019
  1) The addition to data on dynamics of a situation on the natural dam, the spontaneous reservoir and adjacent territories.
  "On January 30, [2019] ... 22:22
  Alexey Makhinov is a doctor of geographical sciences, the deputy director for scientific work of Institute of water and environmental problems of the FEB RAS, the chairman of the Khabarovsk regional office of the Russian Geographical Society
  Subject: consequences of the Bureya landslide
  Leader: Maxim Ivanovsky
  - Hello. Scientists of different departments come to the place of a landslide on Bureya. About the reasons, and, above all consequences of a landslide we will talk by video conference ... to the doctor of geographical sciences, the chairman of the Khabarovsk regional office of the Russian Geographical Society, the deputy director for scientific work of Institute of water and environmental problems of the FEB RAS today. Alexey Nikolaevich Makhinov at us today by video conference on a visit. Alexey Nikolaevich, hello.
  - Good afternoon ...
  - That is, as I understand it, there was a certain push. Was most likely a small earthquake, as I understand it, that this descent went.
  - No, the earthquake for such cases is not obligatory.
  And it was not recorded there before this landslide came down.
  On the contrary, the earthquake, or rather a seismic wave as if not from the landslide itself was recorded...
  - Alexey Nikolaevich, I so understand that there is still such concept which is called "an ice wave", "an ice tsunami".What exactly is this ice tsunami? What is this wave? How could she even be there?
  - This is a very interesting phenomenon that occurred in connection with the landslide. The fact that the landslide occurred on the slope of the river Bureya... And imagine such a huge mass of soil, the volume of our estimates of 24.5 million cubic meters, quickly fell down and displaced about the same amount of water. And this water has dispersed in three directions. One wave went up the river valley (just the valley falls into the river Bureya in front of the landslide) and goes downstream reservoir. This wave is a typical tsunami, which is typical for other similar cases. And such cases in nature in the world have repeatedly happened. This wave reached a height of about 60 meters. And at that time there was ice 20 centimeters thick on the reservoir. And this wave broke this ice and together with a hydraulic blow on the slope where the forest grew, destroyed it on the area of about three square kilometers.
  - Therefore there the waste ground was formed. By the way, what scale of a landslide and consequence of an ice wave? What scales, what size?
  - A wave I told that it in height reached maximum up to 60 meters. Down the river Average Somba it moved almost on four kilometers up the river, then rushed back back [then recoiled back]. And on the valley of the Bureya River up and down a dam which was formed the wave was traced up to 12 kilometers.
  [[? River Average Sandar?]] [[?Middle Sandar River?]]
  - Nobody suffered, I hope, at landslides, waves?
  - ...the forty centimetres thick larch was cut off like a knife under the very root and transferred them to many kilometers, and the return wave split up these trees in chips, and all water area of a reservoir near a landslide is filled with fragments of various sizes of trees which were brought by the return wave on a reservoir ...
  - What will occur now?.
  - ...Therefore this water, and water in the top part of a reservoir it too the same electric power, only potential, it is necessary to transfer to the bottom part. For this purpose also this channel that water flowed is created. As height of an order is 9 meters of the lower part of a dam ...
  - I'd like to hope for the best. Thank you for the interesting interview. I think it was good for many people to hear what you said. We have in touch today was the Deputy Director for scientific work of the Institute of water and environmental problems Feb RAS, doctor of geographical Sciences, Chairman of the Khabarovsk regional branch of the Russian geographical society Alexei Nikolaevich Makhin. Alexey Nikolaevich, thank you very much. And we will cooperate. I think we will talk about this again. "[]
  "On January 23, 2019, 21:58
  Elena Pechkina is the deputy director of the Amur hydrometeorological center
  Subject: as the Bureya landslide will affect weather and about a climate of Priamurye
  Leader: Stanislav Leonov
  - The landslide in the Bureya district can cause an array of problems for the next settlements and for climate of the Amur region in general. The truth it or not, we learn from the deputy director of the Amur hydrometeorological center Elena Pechkina today. Elena, good evening.
  - Good evening.
  - Tell as far as this landslide constitutes danger today?
  - In this case, today he is no danger to us from the point of view of the rise of the water level, because the river is just still frozen. So now the water is accumulating, of course. The level difference between the place above the collapse and below the collapse is more than six meters, so it is not good. And if you do nothing, of course, it's dangerous.
  But since the collapse is trying to blow up and make some passages for water, if this is done correctly, then to a high water water will quietly flow down and will not constitute any danger any more ...
  [Elena Pechkin] - What do you mean flooding? Flooding should always wait. At least you have to be prepared. If we talk about the amount of precipitation in the winter, then in 2018 there are few, incomparably less than sometimes and much less than the norm. Therefore, as for the flood in the Amur region, it always passes quietly, and does not say anything about the fact that it will be restless this year...
  - Well it's all, then I think that on it we also will finish. Today we on a visit had a deputy director of the Amur hydrometeorological center Elena Pechkina. Thank you very much for a conversation, we will wait for heat everything together.
  - Let's wait.
  - Thank You." []
  2) Additional information
  "... In the Russian Federation the 1st solar power station on hydroelectric power station will appear
  Published: Kirill Borodin 30.01.2019 ...
  PJSC RusHydro and Hevel group of companies signed the contract providing construction of solar power station in the territory of Lower Bureya hydroelectric power station...
  ... commissioning is planned for the end of 2019.
  Design, construction and supply of equipment will be provided by Hevel group of companies...
  Solar modules of production of the Hevel company with a total area about 6,700 sq.m will be placed in the territory of the water-engineering system.
  Placement of solar power stations will not require expansion of power grid economy of hydroelectric power station and allocation of lands.
  "It is the first engineering object of such class not only in the Amur region, but also in Russia, - the CEO of Hevel group of companies Igor Shakhrai reported. - For new solar power station we will use heterostructural modules of new generation from 72 370 W cells everyone".
  Similar projects on creation of objects of hybrid generation are actively implemented on water-engineering systems in many countries today..." []
  "15 January, 2019. ... But concern on decrease in development a little far-fetched: this electric power, in fact, is especially demanded by nobody ...
  ... Loading of the Bureya hydroelectric power station in the last 7 years made 35% ... In the Far East there is a surplus of 40% in size from all power of the power supply system ...
  ... Despite the power lines stretched to China and dumping prices for neighbors, sale of an "excess" energy goes inertly as in the Province of Heilongjiang the surplus of power capacities reaches 140%. China is not going to increase in the near future import of the electric power. China for steady growth has enough sun and wind ...
  Evgeny Simonov is an ecologist, the international coordinator of The Rivers without Borders coalition
  The opinions expressed in the heading "Blogs" can not reflect the point of view of edition ...
  The Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation entered PCE/PC corporation and some of its projects in the register of the foreign mass media declared "foreign agents". PCE/PC is not "agent" of any of the governments and considers this decision unfair and legally disputable. Details here ..."
  ""Results of work of the holding and the plans for the near-term outlook were discussed.
  January 11, 2019
  N. Shulginov: (...)
  ... there are non-repayable projects in the Far East ...
  Going to do in 2019, the continuation of work on ... the program of modernization of the thermal power [plants] in the Far East... "" []
  January 30, 2019 17:42
  Translation from Russian into English: January 30, 2019 14:31.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский "Рассказ об интересе к Бурейской теме вечером 30 января 2019 г.".
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