Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich : другие произведения.

The Story about the lack of analogy and about Olympic techniques

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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    The Story about the lack of analogy and about Olympic techniques

  The Story about the lack of analogy and about Olympic techniques
  Not so long ago, on August 3, 2019, Sergei Sergeyevich read about the statements of the Deputy Prime Minister Vitaly Mutko concerning actions of "local authorities".
  "Mutko criticized work of the authorities of the Angara region on the flood aftermath elimination. 09:37, on August 3, 2019" (
  "Gather courage, be persons of courage".
  "Collect will in a fist, take a courage, be filled with courage."
  ("It reminds work of the trainer with athletes before important competitions").
  There passed time, and on August 7, 2019 Sergei Sergeyevich met, on the contrary, the statement of "local authorities" about actions of federal representatives.
  The Irkutsk authorities stated that the Ministry of Emergency Situations did not allocate planes for suppression of wildfires in July [2019]" (
  "There is no analogy, probably, in these statements ... Athletes do not pump up their coaches morally ... Even, before the Olympic Games ...".
  "Take yourself in hand, quicker". "Pull yourself together, quickly."
  On August 8, 2019 7:56
  Translation from Russian into English: August 8, 2019 13:05.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский "Рассказ об отсутствии аналогии и об олимпийских техниках".
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