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The ten thousand global economies. "We are pushed to our limits at all times." Nasa's Psyche mission and Dr. Lindy Elkins-Tanton. The note

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    The ten thousand global economies. "We are pushed to our limits at all times." NASA's Psyche mission and Dr. Lindy Elkins-Tanton. The note.

  The ten thousand global economies. "We are pushed to our limits at all times." NASA's Psyche mission and Dr. Lindy Elkins-Tanton. The note.
  NASA's Psyche mission to explore metal asteroid 16 Psyche will begin in the summer of 2022 and will arrive at the asteroid in 2026 with the help of gravitational assistance of Mars. Lindy Elkins-Tanton leads this NASA mission (the Principal Investigator of NASA's Psyche mission ).
  This asteroid is made up of precious (valuable) metals and has an estimated value of ten thousand global economies. 'But the core [that is, the metallic asteroid 'Psyche'] remains, and it consists mainly of iron and nickel, as well as gold, platinum and other valuable metals, so that apart from scientific it is of great material value - about 10 thousand times more the entire global economy for 2019. (Scientific digest: "Psyche" - a mission to an asteroid worth 10 quintillion. Leonid Luneev. BBC. April 4, 2021)" [unofficial translation] (https://www.bbc.com/russian/features-56598078)
  Dr. Lindy Elkins-Tanton has worked for various organizations during her career.
  As the Director of the Department of Terrestrial Magnetism (DTM) of the Carnegie Institution for Science in Washington, DC, she gave (it was 2013) an extensive interview with Kat Gardner-Vandy, a postdoctoral fellow at the Smithsonian Institution's National Museum of Natural History.
  We found many thoughts very interesting. (Dr. Lindy Elkins-Tanton: let go of the myth that a successful scientist follows a certain path. MARCH 14, 2013. by Kat Gardner-Vandy) (https://womeninplanetaryscience.wordpress.com/2013/03/14/dr-lindy -elkins-tanton-let-go-of-the-myth-that-a-successful-scientist-follows-a-certain-path /) [unofficial translation]
  "How did you find the efficiency that you needed?
  I think it's the same things that we all learn when we take care of children ... If you have five minutes, you are answering those emails, writing a draft of your letter, whatever it is. I did not feel like I could go lunch on the quad or sit around chatting, (...) but I think that I really tried to pack it in most of the time. I kept in mind my most top priority things at that moment and then tried to not waste time. (...) "
  'You've been at Carnegie about a year and a half. Is it what you expected?
  (...) We all have the ability in ourselves to be lazy or not quite as rigorous or not ask the hardest questions. We need colleagues who are continually challenging us, asking 'How do you know that? Have you checked this?' It's so much better for all of us in science if we are pushed to our limits at all times. But that does not always lead to great interpersonal relations ... Someone else said: you have to forgive and you have to forget. That's hard to do! But the willingness of people to say that out loud is really wonderful. "
  "How much do you get to do research in addition to being the department head?
  That's the big question! ... For me, especially having spent 8 years in business, there were things about management and structuring that I wanted to do differently. For example, right away I wanted to spend an hour speaking individually with every person on my staff, about 60 people, which takes a lot of time. I also needed to understand the budget and finance and how headquarters runs. For the first 9 or 10 months, I worked harder than I ever have before, harder than being junior faculty at MIT. I learned a lot and began to understand what I could and should change and what I should leave alone. Since then, I have added in science to my schedule more and more ... "
  "Do you have any other advice for young scientists?
  ... I really believe in working harder being better than working less. ... Ask yourself: is this the best I can do? How can I do better? What can I do now so that in 10 years when I look back on this, I'll be proud of myself? We can't do this all the time, but in the end, we need to try to make sure we are doing the right thing. "
  At this stage, only the study of the asteroid is planned, but in scientific circles there is strong confidence that ways will be found to transport space treasures to space bases (or to the Earth).
  [XXIV. The tale about conversation between Nicolaus Copernicus and Isaac Newton. (From the Collection "Two Tales of Four Technical Revolutions"). (English). - March 26, 2017.
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  MMLIX. France. From the Athena-Fidus satellite incident to patrol satellites ... A note on defense space trends. - March 11, 2021.
  MMLX. A space solutions in a large information holding. A story (continued). - March 11, 2021.
  MMLXI. "He brought the stars closer." Emmanuel Macron will take part in space exercises. The note. - March 12, 2021.
  MMLXVI. A space anti-brokering in the information holding. The story (continued). - March 14, 2021.
  MMLXVIII. The space exercises in France have come to finish. The next step is the creation of a NATO Space Center of Excellence in Toulouse. The note.. - March 15, 2021.
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  MMXСIII. Edison, Tesla, Sikorsky, Hughes, Musk. Tsiolkovsky, Krzhizhanovsky, Korolev. ... Kellner, Deripaska ... A culturological essay. - March 30, 2021.].
  April 5, 2021 7:47
  Translation from Russian into English: April 5, 2021 11:19
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Десять тысяч глобальных экономик. "Мы будем постоянно работать на пределе своих возможностей". Миссия НАСА 'Психея' и доктор Линди Элкинс-Тантон. Заметка'.
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