Аннотация: MMMDCXXVIII. The terrible economic fangs of digitalization. An essay. - March 8, 2025.
The terrible economic fangs of digitalization. An essay.
At first, we, ordinary citizens, were told that fraudsters had stolen about two hundred and fifty billion rubles from citizens through digital means of communication.
Little later, we, ordinary citizens, were told that the total amount of stolen funds was approaching three hundred billion.
Then the clarification came: it turns out that (only) about a third of victims (33 percent out of 100?) complain about theft. 33 percent is about 300 billion (stolen) rubles. And 100 percent - how much is that? Is it already close to one thousand billion - that is, to a trillion rubles?
Digitalization "works" well! How much time she saved for "ordinary citizens"!
If the average amount of stolen funds is approximately several hundred thousand rubles. - May be, not five hundred thousand, not three hundred thousand. - Lets assume, "only" one hundred thousand rubles. With an average month salary of sixty-five thousand rubles (in the Kursk oblast - this information I learned from the radio), an ordinary citizen worked for this money (100,000 rubles) for about two months - that is, approximately 5 days a week multiplied by 4 weeks in a month and multiplied by 8 hours (working day) equals 160 hours. 160 hours multiplied by 2 months equals 320 hours.
And how many hours did he save with (with the help of) his smartphone in two months? He saved two hours - through accelerated remote processing of the loan agreement?
It"s doubtful!
In a few days, three million citizens "put a self-prohibition" (they "self-locked down") in relation of the remote execution of loan agreements - this can be considered as a massive expression of distrust of digitalization.
If thousands (hundreds of thousands? millions? citizens - what are the exact number? I don't know. They (such data) were not announced on the radio, I think). - If masses of citizens suffer from fraudsters using digital means of communication - then this is not a problem of an individual citizen, but a problem of the state.
Who is the initiator of the mass digitalization? At first glance, the answer is clear: the state. But this answer is not accurate. Everyone knows the specific names of those specific people who promote the slogan of "digitalization". But it is inappropriate for these people to apologize to the "ordinary people": since the theft of huge amounts of personal data and hundreds of billions (of trillion - ?) rubles of "ordinary citizens" looks very odious.
The radio constantly broadcasts persuasions and appeals on behalf of various organizations to citizens: hang up immediately! end the phone conversation!
If the problem has been created by the state, then why are appeals being sent to ordinary citizens to solve this problem?
It is much more expedient to address the (correct) appeals to the state: that is, to those bodies and persons who represent the Russian Federation.
(By the way, the theory of separation of powers was developed in order to counteract manifestations of criminality on the part of representatives of state power).
My personal experience tells me that popular appeals to hang up the phone are not effective.
Personally, I have been called several times by officials.
Why did I not end the conversation, why did I not hang up - as those who speak on the radio urge me to do?
For example, a simple politeness hinders me to some extent.
But a more significant motive is added to this: an ordinary citizen does not have any significant powers, and, therefore, he is not inclined to aggravate relations with officials and state bodies. Although I was confused by the manner of those who called me: neither the last name, nor the position, nor the rank were mentioned (if the person calling should have had a rank). Only the state agency was named. But even these sonorous names made me feel a some trepidation: Akaky Akakievich - bits of his nature - were making themselves known.
They tell me on the radio that government agencies don't solve many issues over the phone. And how should an "ordinary citizen" understand which issues are resolved over the phone and which are not?
Let's say that on March 3, 2025, I submitted a declaration to the tax authority on income received in 2024 (from a certificate received in 2024, I learned that I had an overpayment of about 8,000 (eight thousand) rubles in taxes, so on the same day (March 3, 2025) I paid a certain amount of tax - taking into account the existing overpayment).
During the submission of the declaration on March 03, 2025, I was forced to answer the question twice: did I specify the current phone number in the declaration? (Yes, a correct phone number.)
How then should I perceive the explanation that government agencies do not resolve many issues over the phone? How can I not answer the phone calls? - if I was directed to the (official) indication of my phone number for further contacts (if necessary).
An "ordinary citizen" must identify the topic of phone conversation, the content of the phone call in a split second, understand that the "right person" is talking to him - or a fraudster - to continue the conversation or to hang up.
Even if I watch all episodes of the film "Seventeen Moments of Spring" every day, which tells the story of the special services officer Stirlitz, - even in this case I will not be able to escape the fact that an ordinary person does not feel himself very confident (in terms of the rights he has), the ordinary person does not always feel himself protected - therefore, he tries not to irritate government agencies and officials. Thus, does the "continue phone conversation" option wins? (And the option "hang up", "end the phone conversation" - loses?)
So, digitalization has been released, it shows its fangs. (Ordinary citizens can arm themselves with useful recommendations to bravely resist these terrible fangs).
March 8, 2025 20:16
Translation from Russian into English: March 9, 2025 05:36
Владимир Владимирович Залесский " Страшные экономические клыки цифровизации. Очерк. ".
{ 3657. Страшные экономические клыки цифровизации. Очерк. - 8 марта 2025 г.
MMMDCXXVIII. The terrible economic fangs of digitalization. An essay. - March 8, 2025.
Vladimir Zalessky Internet-bibliotheca. Интернет-библиотека Владимира Залесского}