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Unexpected result about 40. The diary note

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    MMMDXVIII. Unexpected result about 40. The diary note. - July 16, 2024.

  Unexpected result about 40. The diary note.
  During this morning's walk through pleasant places, passing next to two men, I heard one of them ask the other: "Have you decided to come here?"
  The second man replied: "I was in the recreation area, the great hot started there."
  Hearing these words, I went to take a bike ride.
  If the great hot started there, then there won"t be a crowd, I can safely ride a bike.
  After the incident with the pant leg caught on the bicycle sprocket, I prepared an elastic band in advance, which can be used to pull off the pant leg. The elastic band didn't take up much space.
  The bike turned out to be quite comfortable, although I had to lift the saddle approximately by seven centimeters on my own.
  There were not so few people in the recreation area. I met several cyclists, pedestrians, and someone, it seems, even were jogging.
  One swimmer seemed to aim to swim a hundred meters or more.
  Several kayaks and canoes were training.
  I checked the brakes. Thanks to the comfortable bike, it was possible to accelerate to full capacity.
  The cyclists I met had moved ahead (of me), so there was no one in front of me on the bike path.
  A small company has spread a blanket on the edge of the reservoir, intends to sunbathe and enjoy the fresh air right under the powerful Sun.
  With pleasure I went to the utmost possible (for this bike and for me) speeds.
  The completion of a 6 km long route.
  It's plus 41 degrees Celsius on the electronic scoreboard. Anyway, about 40.
  The stopwatch shows 23 minutes. This is even faster than last time.
  Now - according to my plans - to drink a bottle of pomegranate juice and to write this note.
  There were still a few sips of juice left in the bottle, and I put it in the refrigerator.
  I'll finish this bottle now.
  (Internet speeds are negligible at times. I will have to post that note later.)
  July 16, 2024 13:14
  Translation from Russian into English: July 17, 2024 01:51
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский " Неожиданный результат около 40. Дневниковая заметка ".
  { 3547. Неожиданный результат около 40. Дневниковая заметка. - 16 июля 2024 г.
  MMMDXVIII. Unexpected result about 40. The diary note. - July 16, 2024.
  Vladimir Zalessky Internet-bibliotheca. Интернет-библиотека Владимира Залесского. }
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