Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich : другие произведения.

Vanya Zhukov and a new political tricks. A political sketch

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    Vanya Zhukov and a new political tricks. A political sketch.

  Vanya Zhukov and a new political tricks. A political sketch.
  Vanya Zhukov fled through the streets of the capital of the Latin American Republic.
  At first glance, he was delivering pizza.
  In fact, he was analyzing a political and economic environment.
  At times his consciousness, seemed, was moving to a new level, and he was hearing a loud demonic laughter over the capital and over the country.
  For pizza, buyers paid with crypto currency. Very troublesome and uncomfortable. Few people need this crypto currency.
  The worse the economic situation became, the more inventive Comrade Friend was. A few days ago, he tried to put his man in charge of the opposition parliament - trying to paint the new "election."
  Everyone in the world was numb at first from surprise (and from the cheeky ingenuity of Comrade Friend), but, having recovered from surprise, began to shrug sceptically.
  Suddenly, next to Vanya, Comrade Friend 's car stopped.
  The car door opened.
  - "Welcome ..."
  A mutual greetings.
  - "Present your opinion on the situation".
  Vanya laid out his thoughts compactly.
  - "Additional legitimization is required!"
  - 'My position, my status are absolutely legitimate...'
  - 'Hitler too was legitimate figure from a formal point of view. But he was delegitimated by political practice. The final delegitimation was formalized by the decisions of the Allied Control Council', - Vanya surely insisted. - 'Detractors - now, today - are focusing on the economic destruction and on the abnormal emigration'.
  Vanya paused for more significance.
  - 'Besides, we cannot ignore the events in the Near and Middle East'.
  Comrade Friend looked carefully at Vanya and nodded his head in agreement:
  - 'Your ideas in this regard?'
  - 'The easiest option is to continue and expand negotiations. No one has ever opposed negotiations. Even the unconditional surrender of the German armed forces in 1945 required some negotiations'. - Vanya looked at Comrade Friend with an important view.
  - 'They don 't want to negotiate with me...'
  - 'Focus on a love to a peace, on a readiness to show a good will. But! Without taking any steps that question your authorities, your power!'
  - 'All negotiations, in fact, reached a dead end'.
  - 'Put forward the initiative of negotiations with the leader of the most powerful country of the hemisphere'.
  - 'He doesn 't want to know me. And all his assistants'.
  - 'Contact him through the press. Remember Vladimir Ilyich! "To all! To all! To all!"'
  - 'In fact, I 'm not losing anything...'
  Comrade Friend quickly connected by phone with the press service.
  - 'Arrange an interview with one of the influential newspapers of the Western Hemisphere! I go to you!'
  A benevolent look at Vanya:
  - 'I thank!'
  The polite farewell.
  And Vanya ran through the streets of the Latin American Republic again with pizza. A pizza delivery and a crypto currency calculations were only an intellectual backdrop.
  Really, Vanya analyzed the political and economic situation.
  "New political tricks are inevitable!" - Vanya made confidently an assumption.
  January 19, 2020 10:55
  Translation from Russian into English: January 20, 2020 07:25.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Ваня Жуков и новые политические трюки. Политический скетч'.
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