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Vanya Zhukov dreams of 500 million of the population of Russia. A sketch

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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    Vanya Zhukov dreams of 500 million of the population of Russia. A sketch.

  Vanya Zhukov dreams of 500 million of the population of Russia. A sketch.
  Vanya Zhukov was imbued with the dream of 500 million of the population of Russia.
  It's a sweet dream!
  Vanya even put two tablespoons of sugar in a cup of tea.
  But how can this dream come true?
  Vanya has some guesses on this score.
  Of course, the birth rate among the bulk of the population of European Russia is not very high. Such a general atmosphere that sometimes the death rate exceeds the birth rate.
  Due to the coronavirus and the events in Afghanistan, the immigration flow from Central Asia is under some question.
  For the Far East, the problem of resettlement of residents from the regions of the Far East to European Russia is combined with the low birth rate and relatively high mortality rate, with the coronavirus.
  But it's not a problem.
  A bridge over the Amur was recently built.
  Vanya is strong in mathematics. Let's say the capacity of the bridge over the Amur is equal to X.
  140 million of the population (according to statistics) in Russia already exists. Therefore, another 360 million are needed.
  We divide 360 million by X we get the number of hours for which 360 million will arrive in Russia across the bridge over the Amur.
  But for the arrival of an additional 360 million, additional incentives are needed. Such an incentive can be the receipt of the Far Eastern hectare via the Internet.
  Each of the new 360 million will receive one Far Eastern hectare via the Internet. In addition to solving the problem of the population, the problem of distributing Far Eastern hectares will be solved. The entire Far East will be distributed, and land tax will be collected from the owners of the Far Eastern hectares.
  The budget problem will be solved!
  And each child under three years old will be allocated 10 thousand rubles from the state budget for September 1 and for the New Year.
  However, there is still a question: with what speed will 360 million Far Eastern hectares be distributed? After all, there is Internet bandwidth, connection speed ...
  Let's say the speed is equal to "Y" Far Eastern hectares per hour.
  We divide 360 million by Y, we get G hours.
  Now it is important that G is less than X. In other words, it is necessary that all 360 million, even before crossing the bridge across the Amur, become the owners of the Far Eastern hectare.
  For G to be less than X, a digital economy and 5G networks are needed.
  Well, for a start - to build a satellite city near Vladivostok for 300 thousand people ... The estimated cost is 360 billion rubles. Or 500 billion rubles ...
  Vanya sets out all his thoughts in writing and sends the project to the competition of intellectual projects to receive a grant.
  Grant will arrive soon.
  50 to 50. But that's okay ...
  Vanya starts to drink a sweet tea ...
  September 2, 2021 12:06
  Translation from Russian into English: September 2, 2021 12:56
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский "Ваня Жуков мечтает о 500 миллионах населения России. Скетч".
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