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What will they talk about in Sochi on February 22, 2021? The note

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    What will they talk about in Sochi on February 22, 2021? The note.

  What will they talk about in Sochi on February 22, 2021? The note.
  'February 19 [2021], Minsk / Corr. BELTA /. President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko started his trip (a working visit) to the Russian Federation.' [unofficial translation] (
  "Administration of the President of Russia, 2021
  Russian-Belarusian talks to be held in Sochi on February 22
  On February 22, Vladimir Putin will hold talks in Sochi with President of the Republic of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko, who will be in Russia on a working visit.
  Announcement for February 22, 2021
  The key issues in the development of Russian-Belarusian relations of strategic partnership and alliance will be discussed. It is planned to pay special attention to large joint projects in the trade, economic, energy, cultural and humanitarian fields, as well as to further advance the integration processes within the Union State.
  Publication date: February 19, 2021, 15:00
  Link to the material: " [unofficial translation]
  How to ensure economic development?
  'MOSCOW, September 28 [2020]. / TASS /. The arrival of the only floating nuclear power plant on the planet [Akademik Lomonosov Floating Nuclear Power Plant (FNPP)] in September 2019, without exaggeration, was awaited by all residents of the Arctic city [the city of Pevek in Chukotka]: they understood that with a new approach to using the energy of a peaceful atom, development would come to a remote Arctic city. And these hopes came true ... "( [unofficial translation]
  There is a separate topic that, as a rule, is not discussed in the reports of news agencies: this is the cost of electricity generated at nuclear power plants, in general, and at floating nuclear power plants, in particular.
  'For all its advantages, such power plants are not without drawbacks. Thus, the relative fuel economy is more than offset by the cost of the nuclear power plant itself [nuclear power plant] and fuel assemblies for it. In addition, a relatively small reactor requires a lot of complex and expensive protection systems, which seriously affects the overall dimensions of the entire power plant. Gas turbine and diesel systems are not as demanding on the level of training of service personnel as nuclear ones. " (Military review. Fleet. "Orlan" and others: Soviet projects of cruisers with a nuclear power plant. April 1, 2013). [unofficial translation] (
  If the price of electricity generated by the floating nuclear power plant turns out to be excessively high, then who should pay for such expensive electricity?
  Obviously not the population of Pevek - where can they get a such money?
  Maybe commodity companies?
  As the example of the Bashkir Soda Company shows, only a unique set of circumstances leads to the emergence of economic difficulties for them. (31.08.2020 18:28. Sergei Titov. Offshores, withdrawal of money and muddy deals: why the Bashkir company angered Vladimir Putin). [unofficial translation] (
  Under such circumstances, it is logical to assume that the work, results of the floating nuclear power plant is directly or indirectly paid by the population of the country. Indirectly - when social payments are not indexed, not increased (or increased, but in a minimum volume). Directly - through an increase in gasoline prices, with an increase in taxes on real estate (owned by the population), etc.
  If the project of a floating nuclear thermal power plant is discussed at a meeting on February 22, 2021 and receives approval, then a floating nuclear thermal power plant (FNPP) may appear on the Svislach (Berezina) River, near Minsk.
  Probably, it will be necessary to clarify the "road maps" (the Union State), to sign agreements on the rules for the functioning of the common electric power market (the Eurasian Economic Union).
  Development will come not only to Pevek, but also to Belarus.
  February 21, 2021 06:10
  Translation from Russian into English: February 21, 2021 14:40.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'О чём будут говорить в Сочи 22 февраля 2021 года? Заметка'.
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