Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich : другие произведения.

Why don 't a kids have enough money to buy buns and cakes? A story

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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    Why don 't a kids have enough money to buy buns and cakes? A story.

  Why don 't a kids have enough money to buy buns and cakes? A story.
  Senya took the kids to the amusement park.
  They approach to a carousels with horses.
  Senya shows onto a horses and tells the kids:
  - "When you will grow up, you will be successful people! You 'll live as if you are riding! On a horses! Wind in the face, speed, pleasure... A luckiness! A freedom! A great success! In about fifteen-twenty years ..."
  - "I wanted to buy a bun yesterday, and money didn 't suffice... Why do we have so little money for buns and cakes?" - one of the kids says.
  Senya thinks, what to answer. He likes to travel abroad and to get involved in all kinds of unpleasant situations. As long as those situations are developing, they eat a lot of money. Senya, also, has a strange hobby. He likes different things to his neighbors to sell - at prices below cost.
  But all this is difficult for children to explain... In order to understand what a "cost" is, it is necessary to graduate from an economic university.
  Senya decided to explain to the children in a simpler way:
  - "I 'll tell mother... I will scold mother ... Why doesn 't she give you money for buns and cakes?"
  The kids looked at Senya with respect.
  Senya showed onto an attraction called "American roller coaster":
  - "And you know, children, why in America, and in general abroad, a hard life?.."
  The kids looked at Senya with interest...
  January 4, 2020 16:00
  Translation from Russian into English: January 4, 2020 16:27.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский "Почему у детишек мало денег на булочки и пирожки? Рассказ".
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