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With kayak and with tachanka. A diary note

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    MMMDXXI. With kayak and with tachanka. A diary note. - July 21, 2024.

  With kayak and with tachanka. A diary note.
  Yesterday, July 20, I had the opportunity to continue the cycling season.
  It rained, almost imperceptibly, at night, someone noticed it, and someone did not notice it.
  But everything revived. Everything has become more active.
  Several bicycles overtook me on the bike path. As a result, I received the opportunity keep moving without any obstacles.
  My attention shifts from the rushing tachanka [a horse-drawn cart] (this is such a sculptural composition at the entrance to Rostov-on-Don; I assume that some kind of antique sample exists - with racing horses... racing at hippodromes?... So far, there has not been time and a special desire to delve into more detail ..), as well as from the four-person kayak following a parallel course.
  It's somehow more fun to ride a bike, seeing a kayak rushing across the water surface.
  Athletes row with "doubled" oars, in the distance. It's a bit like a turning propeller. Not bad.
  Everyone is moving somewhere, straining, create a good mood. Cars are running along the expressways.
  As a result, I drove 6 kilometers in 22 minutes, after which I went to drink straight-pressed pomegranate juice.
  July 21, 2024 02:10
  Translation from Russian into English: July 22, 2024 20:12
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский " С байдаркой и с тачанкой. Дневниковая заметка ".
  { 3550. С байдаркой и с тачанкой. Дневниковая заметка. - 21 июля 2024 года.
  MMMDXXI. With kayak and with tachanka. A diary note. - July 21, 2024.
  Vladimir Zalessky Internet-bibliotheca. Интернет-библиотека Владимира Залесского. }
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