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An attending of training courses. From the diary by Lena Likeeva

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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    XVII. An attending of training courses. From the diary by Lena Likeeva. - April 2, 2024.

  An attending of training courses. From the diary by Lena Likeeva.
  September 29, 2024, 22:06
  After arriving from the sea coast, I decided to have a rest for a few days.
  There is a cafe not far from our home. It has stopped working. The cafe stands with the windows and door closed, but next to the cafe there is an outdoor area under a canopy.
  There, guys and girls of different ages gather from everywhere and dance to fast music.
  It's nice there. No one talks about the problems. The conversations are pleasant: Lesha got ten likes on the Internet. Olya and Kolya went to the cinema and watched an interesting movie. Tanya bought new sneakers, they are very comfortable, she dances well in this sneakers, and they suit her.
  The guys and girls are either dancing, or they are standing, talking with each other, looking at the dancers.
  I danced, a little. And when I decided to stand and look at the dancers, to talk about of a nothing, - at that moment a polite boy came up to me and offered me a cigarette.
  I don't smoke, but a lot of people on this makeshift dance floor smoke. So I took a cigarette. I hardly smoked, but I held a cigarette in my hand and I looked at the dancers and around.
  When I headed home, this boy gave me another cigarette.
  Near my house, I decided to fire a cigarette, to look at the smoke, and then to throw the cigarette in the trash.
  Our woman-neighbor saw me. She told my mom that she saw me with a cigarette.
  Mom gave me a real interrogation. She found out all about dancing, about how the boy gave me cigarettes.
  She turned pale, and despair appeared on her face.
  I've never seen her like this. She seemed to have aged twenty years. And I agreed to her variant.
  Now I'm visiting special courses. And after graduation of courses, I will go to work at a pharmacy - not far from our house - but this is not the pharmacy where my mother worked (and where she will be working again in a month or two).
  It's better than working in a supermarket on the 5th underground floor. I started to work there, in the supermarket, to feel myself an independent person.
  However, nowadays it is difficult to get a good job without the help of parents.
  After thinking about it, I came to the conclusion that the variant offered by my mother is a very good one.
  I "drawn a line" "under" my work in the supermarket on the 5th underground floor and "under" my sports career.
  I've finally made up my mind.
  Soon I will become an independent, serious, adult person.
  { 17. Посещение учебных курсов. Из дневника Лены Ликеевой. - 2 апреля 2024 г.
  XVII. An attending of training courses. From the diary by Lena Likeeva. - April 2, 2024.
  Zalessky and I Залесский и я}
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