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The counter-interaction of the Moon and Venus. Diary entries by Lena Likeeva and by the Silver Ring

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    XXIV. The counter-interaction of the Moon and Venus. Diary entries by Lena Likeeva and by the Silver Ring. - May 9, 2024.

  The counter-interaction of the Moon and Venus. Diary entries by Lena Likeeva and by the Silver Ring.
  October 27, 2024 23:15
  I told my mom everything. The entries that appeared the diary scared her. We (each of us) drank two Valerian pills. She advised me to go to the next yard and leave this diary on a bench there.
  [Recording without date and without time of day]
  The counter-interaction of the Moon and Venus (that began) had a negative impact on my plans. My influence on the situation began to weaken.
  In the morning, I was lying on the windowsill, and the man fell into thought: when should he go to the clothing store?
  At last, he planned everything, put me in his pocket and went to the store.
  The difficulties in implementing the plan (which I had conceived) became apparent immediately after he crossed the threshold of the clothing store.
  Behind the counter (behind the cash register) he saw a pretty girl.
  As he approached her, he tried to understand if this was the same girl who had charmed him, or the another one?
  He looked at her carefully, but he could not come to a definite opinion.
  The girl looked at him and seemed to blush a little.
  There were two customers in front of her, a man and a woman, who were paying for the item they had chosen.
  A receipt popped out of the device.
  The man knew the name of the girl (whom he planned to see), so he tried to get closer and to look at the name of the salesgirl on the receipt.
  However, the girl quickly dropped the check into the bag with the purchased item.
  The customers had moved aside, and now the man was standing in front of the girl.
  Under the influence of the counter-action of the Moon and Venus, he was afraid to make a false move by mistaking one girl for another.
  He smiled and said: "Who can help me to choose the thing I need? I want to choose some feminine thing - so that this chosen thing harmonizes with this ring."
  He took out a bag with a ring from his pocket.
  "The ring!" the salesgirl exclaimed. "This girl is in the fitting room right now, she's packing the things left after visitors. You can approach her."
  The man went to the fitting room. Except for the girl for whom he prepared the ring, there was no one there.
  The man looked at her more closely.
  Yes, it seems that this is the girl who charmed him!
  Since there was no one in the fitting room, no one knows what conversation took place between them.
  As a persistent person, the man tried to act according to the his plan. But, in the end, I was left lying in his pocket.
  He bought a thing for himself in a clothing store (he planned this purchase), left the clothing store, and, in reflection, walked down the street.
  He met another store.
  He decided to enter it.
  Reflecting on the events, he felt that he was easily pushed into the shoulder - it was the automatic glass (sliding) door of the store.
  At that moment, he caught the guard's eye and smiled at him warmly.
  The guard smiled, in response, to him, took a few steps closer, and said: "Are you trying to drive under a brick?" (That is, drive through a forbidding sign).
  The man realized that he had mistakenly entered the door, which was intended not for the entrance, but for the exit of visitors (such doors usually have a "brick" sign pasted on them), and shook his head with a smile and with a slight regret.
  The guard took two more steps towards him and said amiably, with a smile: "A driving under a brick is a disqualification!" (That is: Such action entails the deprivation of rights - of a driver's license.)
  There was some clarity in the man's thoughts. He patted his pocket, which contained me, and breathed a sigh of relief.
  I see that the counter-action of the Moon and Venus has significantly affected the implementation of my plans.
  However, my activity has benefited me and has been crowned with success: I am now lying on a light windowsill, and not in a dark drawer, among a numerous other items.
  I think that my plans have brought me nothing but benefit. Although they have not been fully implemented.
  October 28, 2024 11:20 a.m.
  In the morning, when I went to my work, I looked at the bench where I had left the diary.
  He hadn't disappeared anywhere, and he was lying in the same place.
  I took him with me to my working place. And I found a new entry in it.
  What should I do? I'll think about it.
  { 24. Контр-взаимодействие Луны и Венеры. Дневниковые записи Лены Ликеевой и Серебряного Колечка. - 9 мая 2024 г.
  XXIV. The counter-interaction of the Moon and Venus. Diary entries by Lena Likeeva and by the Silver Ring. - May 9, 2024.
  Zalessky and I Залесский и я}
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