Жуков Дмитрий Николаевич : другие произведения.

A never ending dream

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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Because you choose,
Sometimes you lose.
Because you dream, 
Someday you"ll win.
You seek the place.
You touch and kiss 
To melt the ice
In her blue eyes.

Because you choose,
Sometimes you lose.
Because you dream, 
Someday you"ll win.
You touch and kiss
Her sweet rouge lips.
You"ll find the place,
And have your space. 

Because you choose,
Because you lose,
You"ll win someday.
Because you dream,
You"ll find and feel
The truth that seems
Like a delusive miracle.
You"ll make your choice.

One heart is in your chest,
Who cares for the rest.
One pain for all... One gain for us... 
One dream unites... One stream ignites...
In your eyes I can see the world.
You"re too far, when I"m so close.
The distance won"t destroy the bonds. 
Let"s hold each other"s hands.

We live in this world...
We grow to bestow our love and dreams... 
We laugh when we believe...
We cry when we don"t see...
How beautiful this world can be...

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