Жуков Дмитрий Николаевич : другие произведения.

The legacy of true men

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   With every single word I felt easier and easier...
   Not so much sometimes you need to keep on moving.
  No one will tell you for sure what lies ahead. No one can. Only deep inside you can feel this strange confusion that will embarrass the whole world once you set it free. Once you let it go, nothing will remain as it was. No one knows what lies beyond when you tread the road as it is only yours. If your will is unshakable and strong, if your hope is enough to go through all the misery and pain, at the edge of this endless world, you"ll find the answers. You can fall. Even standing at the gates of heaven it may happen. You may rise from the deepest pits of hell, if there is love. And I know for sure that there is more for each of us. Just don"t turn away your gaze. Even though the whirlwind of dreams tears you apart, and each of them tries to convince you it is the one, remember that"s all but a lie.
  Love and kindness, as well as willingness to follow, should come naturally from your inner self. Don"t force it. Don"t let those confusions and embarrassments lure you down and crush. Sometimes you don"t have the faith; by chance you may see the threads of future. Would you still go that far? Lonely and sad feelings grow stronger. The siege is over, and you come forth to conquer. Your deeds are glaives and words full of wisdom and pure love are arrows. They are your weapons but they do not hurt. Not in the way as we used to. They are different.
  You must keep on building up to remain unshakable. Angels have made their bet. They have made their choice. It wasn"t an easy one, though it was predetermined. They are still sending you their wishes, their prayers. But will they reach for you? Where will one find the strength when so many things have faded away? Time just keeps slipping by. You rise and fall. Lying in a pool of your own blood, your skin off, grip your hand and make one more stand for one last time. For this time this tiny, but so precious move, is all what it takes to win. You are not just a survivor or an opportunist. The star of yours is shining high above the others to protect, to shield and to inspire. You must push it through as the world counts on you.
  Angels once again can feel your warmth. They hear that you are smiling through the pain and sorrow. You fight for your own light. You die to revive what"s been forsaken. You are reborn again and again as the phoenix does being engulfed in flames. But flames become your feathers. The winds of this earth won"t dare to erase these wounds, the scars you"ve left. Your legacy is the treasure that nobody will forget. You have endured so much. So let our hearts come together to heal the world. Let"s become as one.
  Even if some day we go apart, I won"t forget your honest eyes, your shining smile. If there is really something I wish strongly for I wish to remain myself. And I wish you did the same. One day we"ll reach the edge of this world together. We"re the petals on the wind. I still believe this wish will bring forth a miracle. And this is what I will write with my tears and blood on the stone delivering our message to Gods. These are simple but true words, as the truth does not hide. We have never hidden it!
  It has taken me a lifetime...
  To know for sure what I want to write...
  No word can say enough what I have in my soul, though...
  So let the warm summer wind caress your chick and give a tender kiss...
  Let the wild waves rise above the cliffs and spread the sparks that will blend with the rays of sun...
  So much joy and so much gaiety will turn into a colourful rainbow above your head like a halo over Angels...
  Those unspoken words are the flowers; their beauty is enough to witness and feel the presence of God...
  If you still want to know what lies ahead, I"ll share my vision with you ... And our journey will begin anew...
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