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A Few Rings Of A Distant Bell Ago...

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Have you ever seen a man
Turning night into day,
Standing in the rain,
Unaware he is standing
On a way leading nowhere?

We'll never be again
Where we have been
A few rings of a distant bell ago...

I am afraid
You are someone
I don't know.
Don't ask me why...

Don't ask me why
My heart has changed
Your name for sorrow...

Don't ask me,
I don't know why
To sorrow I have said goodbye...

So bye without knowing why
We'll never be again
Where we have been
A few rings of a distant bell ago...

After knocking too long
On the back door of the house
Built over the gates to Hell
Where the party after lasting too long
Now sounds like a phantom hero worship gone crazy,
After lasting too long
Who in the Heaven keeps the records in The Book of Life
To ponder over this too much my mind is too lazy...

Even if there are unnumbered hordes of angels
I'm sure
None of them would like to be the one
To hold the pad and pencil.

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