Галабурда Кирилл Евгеньевич : другие произведения.

The Materials About Gennadium Derjagin by Cyril Galaburda

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    Story of new Galileo blamed in propaganda of paedophilia

The Materials About Gennadium B. Derjágin

Translated by Cyril E. Galaburda

The Wikipedia Article

"Gennadium Borisovich Derjagin
Birth date:26 July 1958
Birth place:Onega, Arkhangelsk Region, USSR
Work place:Séverny State Medical University (from 2003), Moscow University of MIA or Russia (till 2011)
Academic degree:doctor of medicine
Academic status:professor
Alma mater:Arkhangelsk State Medical Institure...
Known as:a forensic doctor, a founder of criminal sexology

Gennadium Borisovich Derjagin (born on 26 July 1958, Onega, Arkhangelsk Region, USSR) is a Russian forensic doctor, a doctor of medicine, a professor and the head (from 2003 to 2007) of the Subfaculty of Forensic Medicine in SSMU, a professor (till 2011) of the Subfaculty of Criminalistics in Moscow MIA University, a member of the editorial board of the "Seksalògija ee Seksapatològija" magazine...


He was born on 26 July 1958 in Onega City.

In 1981 he graduated from the Faculty of Medical Practice of Arkhangelsk State Medical Institute in specialization "Dermato-venerology & Forensic Medicine" and was given a qualification as a medical practice doctor.

From 1982 to 1991 he'd been the Head of Onega Regional Departament of the Forensic Medical Expert Examination Office. Then, from 1991 to 1993, he'd been the Head of the Zonal Departament of Regional Departments.

In 1993 he changed his workplace and started working in Sévernyj State Medical University as an assistant of (the teacher) forensic medicine course.

In 1999 he defended the Ph.D. thesis "Médiko-Satsiàglnyje Aspèkty Palovýkh Prestuplènij na Yefropéjskom Sévere Rosìji" (the specialities: 05.26.02, the "Safety, Protection, Salvation & Life Support for People in Critical Situations", and 14.00.24, the "Forensic Medicine").

In 2002 in Sévernyj State Medical University he upheld the doctoral thesis "Sudébno-Meditsínskije Aspèkty Polovòva Nasìlija na Yefropéjskom Sévere Rosìji". Among his consultants there were the Honored Worker of RF Science, the Member of the Russian Academy of Medical Science Mr. Sídoroff and the Doctor of Medical Science, the professor Mr. Solovjóff. The official opponents were the Doctor of Medical Science, professor Mr. Zvjágin, the Doctor of Medical Science, professor Tkachènko, the Doctor of Medical Science, professor Mr. Sànnikoff (the specialities: 05.26.02, the "Safety in Extremal Situations", and 14.00.24, the "Forensic Medicine").

From 2003 to 2007 he'd managed the Subfaculty of Forensic Medicine & Law in SSMU organized by him.

He've founded and elaborated a new scientific discipline called criminal sexology. He've written more then 70 publications, participated in making of many textbooks. He's a member of Russian Scientific Sexological Society and an expert of National Sexology Institute in Moscow.

Accusation in paedophilical propaganda

In 2011 some public figures charged Derjagin with "propaganda of paedophilia" in the textbooks "Kriminàglnaja Seksalògija" and "Polofýje Prestuplènija Raslèdofanija ee Sudèbno-Meditsìnskaja Jekspertìza" written by him. The Chief of the Synodal Departament on Church-Society Relations archpriest Vsévolod Chaplin said that the textbook vindicates paedophilia and depicts it as a progressive and normal phenomenon urging to decriminalize paedophilia. Also it was said to be the part of the "Paedophilia Propaganda" Campaign (with the "Lolita" novel by Nabokov) for according to Chaplin "Nabokov was advertised as the author of this exactly novel" and "was needed for somebody's politics". The Chaplin's conclusion is that "works of art are often written on political demand or called for some actions". Also Vsévalod Chaplin blamed Derjagin for being an advocate of passing of the law about protection of homosexuals from homophobia. Different bloggers blamed the scientist in "propaganda of homosexuality", euthanasia, sexual education and so on. The "Paedophile Hunter" Ann Léftchenko, an assistant of the Russian Presidental Child Rights Commissioner, claimed that Derjagin was a paedophile himself because he "comes out calling himself a boylover and having on his web-page a lot of videos about paedophilia".

Information about paedophilia in the "Kriminaglnaja Seksalogija" is taken from the article "Pedophilia" published in the "Seksalogija ee Seksapatalogija" magazine in 2006. The publicity was given to the opinion that paedophilia can be a biologically constructive phenomenon and that idea of pathological nature of paedophilia is conditioned by culture and politics:

"In biological sense paedophilia is everlasting, initially constructive phenomenon. Because love to children either sexual and non-sexual helps survival of a species and socialization of minors. The modern idea of paedophilia as a socially dangerous sexual perversion, a pathology is relatively new. The idea is begotten by militant Puritanism and feminism of the Western Countries in the last quarter of 20th century. The reasons are rather political for human sexuality, struggle for "eternal moral purity" have always been trump-cards in political games."

Granting the interview to the "Vetschérny Séferodvinsk" newspaper Derjagin said that the media quotes from the texbook had been taken out of context. Derjagin meant just "biological level, biological context of constructivity of adult-child relations", just "animal organisms, not the human society". He called the accusations "the ravings of madmen", "the hysteria". But anyway he had to leave Moscow MIA University remaining a teacher in SSMU. In the interview talking about his "paedophilia is everlasting, initially constructive phenomenon" saying Derjagin insisted that the phrase is taken out of context or misunderstood by non-specialist. That biological constructivity is not the same as social one. That the word "paedophilia" has five different meanings. That the minority of specialists think that the ICD-10 means as if paedophilia can be considered as a variance of normal sex orientation, that the issue remains open.

Also in his article "Pedophilia" and textbook "Kriminaglnaja Seksalogija" he depicted the perspectives of the boylovers' struggle for their rights. The perspectives where taken from "The Pattern of Sexual Politics: Feminism, Homosexuality and Pedophilia" (1999) article. The latter is about social constructivism in the sphere of human sexuality, sexual determinants of social constructions, feminist and LGBT movements. Also in the article it is said that even popularization of knowledge about adult sexuality from socially constructive paradigm (that norm of adult sexual behaviour is culturally relative and "constructed" by society) leaves child sexuality considered from essentialist paradigm (that modern standards of child sexual behaviour, disbelief in child consent to transgeneral sexual activity are culturally invariant and adequate to some constant essence). It is said there that essentialist paradigm in studies of adult, female (homo)sexualities is reflected in folk ethics and had dominated before feminist and LGBT activisms. That transformation of social sexual attitudes occurs in two phases: one is when in debates about the transformation psychological and ethical terminologies are used, the second is when political terminology is used. The author thinks that such a transformation of social attitudes towards adult and female (homo)sexualities initiated by feminism and LGBT activisms are on the second phase (modern debates about it use political terminology) but paedophile activism is on the first one. That is they are in the beginning of their struggle for changing the social attitudes towards transgenerational relations. Derjagin wrote:

"It is difficult to prognose social attitudes towards sexual adult-child relations. The modern western attitude to child sexuality, sexual child rights, the right of the adult to have willing sex with children is similar to the social attitudes toward females and homosexuals in the past. As everyone knows they made their societies reassess moral attitudes towards them not long ago and not everywhere, they got legal guarantees for their rights, they provide social work to broaden their rights. Paedophiles are seem to be in the beginning of the similar way. Objectively the initial distance of the way is marked with consolidation of boylovers, forming of their legal organizations, attempts to provide political struggle for acknowledgement of child-child and adult-child sexes, popularize their views, mostly owing to the Internet.""

"Protecting Children or Justification of the "Weeds" by Max Gládky, Elisabeth Lafréntieva

Nobody know how do paedophiles look like. But it is clear who the victims are and what happens then: most of them commit suicide or become paedophiles themselves. The leader of the "Sapratiflègnije" movement Helga Kóstina and the archpriest Vsevalod Chaplin are sure that the phenomenon is needed to be faught. But in Russia such a fight looks weird.

Recently the president Walter Putin met the leader of the Federation Soviet Valentine Matviènka and asked her what new was made for happy childhood of little Russians. Mrs. Matvienka assured the president that Russian legal system was finally made in line with European standards so paedophiles would be fought once and for all. The child criminal law was changing, age of conscent and marriage were discussed.

"I hoped, Mrs. Matvienka say to the Pravda.Ru, this campaign had been started in the end of the last year. There were different reasons for it including the court mistakes." But as everything in our country struggle against paedophilia takes weird forms. "There are some characters calling themselves psychologists... For instance we've got one pathological anatomist."

It is said about very controversial textbook by professor Gennadium Derjagin the "Kriminaglnaya Seksalogija" written specially for police. Reading its chapter "Pedophilia" one would have opposite impression. It is said that boy- or girllove is norm and there is nothing wrong of it for the children, the problem of paedophilia is entire fabrication. The chapter starts from:

"In biological sense paedophilia is everlasting, initially constructive phenomenon. Because love to children either sexual and non-sexual helps survival of a species and socialization of minors. The modern idea of paedophilia as a socially dangerous sexual perversion, a pathology is relatively new. The idea is begotten by militant Puritanism and feminism of the Western Countries in the last quarter of 20th century."

Then the author proves that sexual attraction to minors is not bad, rather good, that early sexual contacts with adults are not always harmful, "that early sexual contacts with adults are not always harmful, that idea of producing traumas from such experiences is myth."

Also the professor thinks that a child can enjoy the sexual contacts with adults and use them having friendship, intellectual conversations, comfort the child doesn't have at home, and even moneyed assistance. "The child can feel partner equality, feel pleasure and positive emotions from such relations."

Archpriest Vsevalod Chaplin sees in the text book an attempt of paedophilia apology. "It is the attempt to justify such a phenomenon, show it progressive and normal. The main danger is that the textbook is designed for the MIA." It is just small part of the modern paedophilia justification campaign.

"In many cultures we've seen a lot of campaigns for justification of paedophiles similar to ones for justification of homosexuality, lesbianism. Now Europe and Russia have the same in relation to paedophilia", mr. Chaplin thinks.

Talking about historical and ethnographical examples of tolerance to paedophilia mentioned in the textbook mr. Chaplin says about examples of the opposite attitudes. "History knows also criminal, church cases denouncing it. Now we've forgotten the Pagan times and these crimes so this behaviour is attempted to be shown normal."

But what about pieces of art depicting adult-child love? What about "Lolita" by Nabókaff? "It is possible and needed to dispute against art no matter how old it is. Nabokov was PRred as the author of the novel. He'd been needed for somebody's politics. Before this somebody'd known him in the West, nobody'd known him in Russia. It is very often that art is created by political request or used in some actions."

Protecting children from themselves adults started in 1925 when the International Child Protection Day was founded in Geneva. After World War II children and their freedoms have been discussed in more intensive way. Now more than 150 states of the world ratified the "Childish" European Convention. Will the rules work in Russia and how we'll see soon.


"Back to Russia: In Moscow a Session of the Russian National Synod Debating Society was hold, by Marina Lómanova

Today opening the meeting in the Russian National Synod Debating Society in Moscow the Chairman of the Synodal Departament on Church-Society Relations Vsevalod Chaplin was talking about return of Russian society to forgotten ideals of morality.

"We need moral renovation, a moral revolution or counter-revolution on the level of the temporary establishment", he said. "It is impossible to restore Soviet Union but it is possible to restore Russia. The modern community returns to ideals of social morals that have always been peculiar to Russia. There are no alternatives for the only alternative we have is disappearance of Russia, of our society and substitution of it with another ethnical, political, etc. powers."

The main topic of the session was the social attitude to paedophilia.

"For many years this topic have been discussed in the State Duma and shelved because of the paedophiliac lobby activity", Mr. Chaplin said. "So I appreciate the President of Russia and the State Duma for giving possibility to solve the problem."

The member of the Federal Constitutional Law Union Eugen Tarlot said about reinforcement of criminal liability for paedophiles and organization of help to the victims. This problem shouldn't be "a scratching raw of the topic" when TV-broadcasts attract attention to crime.

Nowadays there are attempts to decriminalize paedophilia. The example is the textbook by Gennadium Derjagin for law-enforcement workers edited by Severny State Medical University. (The Derjagin course "Criminal Sexology" in Moscow MIA University was given from 2008 to 2009.) Helga Kostina that represent the "Sapratiflègnije" regional group added that during modernization of the criminal law system it is needed to add some clauses about storing of child porn, rehabilitation and protection of child victims.

In the end the resolution was made:

"We support the legal actions from the State Duma initiated by the President of Russia about radical toughening of punishment for crimes against sexual inviolability of children and adolescents. But we think these toughenings should be aggravated. Also it is needed to use regional communal experience in uiting against the sin and trying to expose paedophiles especially on-line predators..."


"The Policemen To Be Are Taught That Paedophilia Is Eternal And Constructive, by Metro

In the Internet the "Kriminaglnaja Seksalogija" texbook by the professor of the Subfaculty of Criminalistics in Moscow MIA University Derjagin G. B. is violently discussed.

Some quotes from it are put in Antony Dáschkin blog:

Also the blogger writes that Derjagin teaches law servers and is known as an author of his more then weird VKontakte Social Network profile, articles with propaganda of euthanasia, homosexuality, sex education at schools, antiscientific lie that chastity harms and so on.

It is interesting that his textbook have been reissued many times, allowed by the MIA of Russia to be used for teaching of cadets, and recommended by the Research Institute of Science and Education to be used by law students.

"It's time to ask Mr. Nurgalíeff was the professor re-attested when came to police or not. And if he is a civil teacher what can we expect from his students, our police officers in future?" Daschkin asks.

In the end of the blogg it is written:

"It is the terrible time. Dear Forumians, guard Your children!"
19 September 2011"

"The Textbook Author is Suspected of Paedophiliac Propaganda, by Nicolas Ósipaff

For a few years the Internet bloggers fight against the book used in Russian universities as a primer for policemen to be. Some quotes from the textbook shock and anger the readers. For instance, paedophilia is called "ethernal" and "constructive".

But anyway the textbook issued and the author still works in the Moscow MIA University. The law-enforcement structures doesn't suspect the author to anything. Some chapters of the textbook are discussed in the morning radio-ether by Walter Solovjóff that called the state to take finally attention to strange ways to educate police...

The most surprizing thing in the texbook issued under the aegis of the MIA is its vitality. It is the official textbook for a few years from 2008 despite all protests from the champions of morals. With the bloggers our colleague Walter Salavjóff in his ether tries to find out how such a science can be called science.


"Derjagin writes: "Paedophilia is everlasting, initially constructive phenomenon... The modern idea of paedophilia as a socially dangerous sexual perversion, a pathology is relatively new. The idea is begotten by militant Puritanism and feminism of the Western Countries in the last quarter of 20th century. The reasons are rather political for human sexuality, struggle for "eternal moral purity" have always been trump-cards in political games"."


"The content is sometimes disgusting but chiefly it shows that fight against paedophiles which laid down more looks like scientific study of them bearing in mind to understand and forgive them. It is not the first year when the bloggers attract attention of police to the book but they haven't got any answer. The famous in the Internet Ann Léftschenko nick-named Agatha Christie even writ official letters to the Office of the Attorney General."


"We know about it for a long time. A lot of my precursors had been written the addresses to the Attorney General George Tschájka but haven't got any answer. Though these addresses weren't written by a single person, there were meetings, actions by professional lawyers found so called creativity."


"The author of the textbook is some Gennadium Derjagin. He teaches in the MIA University, his book have got a lot of stamps from different organizations which officially recommend it for study. The bloggers have found the author in the Internet and all the questions why Russia is so comfortable for paedophiles become irrelevant. If such characters work in the MIA what else can be asked. Ann, continue."


"He makes no secret of being "a boylover", on his web-page there are a lot of paedophiliac videos. But the question is about us. How we, the community, allow such people to be published? The tens of people checked the texts before they were allowed to be put on a student's table."


"Our collegues on the radio have been amazed by the book. And by the fact that the scandal around it appeared just now though the book was issued a few years ago. Even the Internet unmaskings are not fast and effective. We've got an impression that the book is patronized and kept on a shelve to teach policemen paedophilia. Walter Salafjoff quotes: "Moral support from the elder lover is more important for the child then erotic taboos from his/her parents not understood by the child. Many boys when grow up remember such adolescent sexual experiences as positive."
Right away the people wanted to ask the officials: especially Raschýd Nurgalíjeff that couldn't be unaware of the MIA University textbooks, the leadership of the Investigation Committee, the Office of the Attorney General, even the President and the Primer. Walter Salafjoff recommended showing of the textbook strongly to the Establishment and the radio-audience. Otherwise what fight against paedophiles can be possible? Without it the fight can become Lynch law - we've got examples becoming more frequent. Ann knows."


"Every day people send me different videos about the youth luring paedophiles through the Internet, pretending a little girl/boy, dating and catching a paedophile going to sleep with a child."


"In these cases police says that people's fight for morals just hinder in operative elaborations, search of criminals, collecting of testimonies. Usually it results in show trials with dubious evidences so there are great doubts was the real criminal caught. When we've got irrefutable facts and a paedophile bust it is often a perfectly family man with good references getting a minimal or suspended sentence. But the investigator says that he makes his work good."

20 September 2011"

"The Policemen To Be Are Taught Paedophilia, by Walter Sàlafjoff, Ann Schafràn

The bloggers discuss the "Kriminaglnaja Seksalogija" textbook by G. B. Derjagin, a professor of the Subfaculty of Criminalistics in the MIA University, boisterously. Derjagin calls paedophilia eternal and constructive. How such a textbook could be issued in a country that fights against paedophilia? This was discussed by Walter Salafjoff and Ann Schafran with their listeners and the "Vésty-FM" experts in the radio show "Útra s Wladìmirom Salafjóvym. Pólny kantákt".


"I'll quote something to leave no illusions. The title is "Kriminaglnaja Seksalogija", the author is G. B. Derjagin. Remember it well. I emphatically ask everyone who can to retell this ether to Dimitry Anatolievich Medvedeff. I don't believe Nuralieff that could not be ignorant of what happens in his department, so I apply indirectly to Medvedeff, Putin, Tschajka and Bastrýkin. I ask you to make a legal evaluation of what will be said in a few minutes. This ether is possible because of Agatha Christie's help. She writes that paedophiles praise Derjagin considering him their teacher and inspirer. Because of him in their Internet-forums they prove "scientifically" that adult-child sex is norm. The books and articles are quoted. Derjagin does not deny that he propagandize paedophilia. For a few years many people tried to struggle against him but in vain. The addresses to the Office of the Attorney General gave nothing. That man still have his job and calls his opponents paedohysterical. Is it pleasant to you?"


"I don't believe it really happens."


"It happens in Russia, an Orthodox and Moslem country, so I want to hear opinion of the Church and respectable Islamic leaders. I would know how it can be possible in the country that is aware of wrongfulness of paedophilia, how can such a textbook and an expert exist."


"Look, not only that he writ it someone published."


"Exactly! So we can hear Agatha Christie. Would you introduce yourself with your real name?"


"I think most people know it. My name is Ann Leftschenko, I don't hide it."


"Dear Ann, good morning. I know that you actively and effectively kick the law-enforcement system showing them how to fight this evil. Who is that Mister we are talking about, for whom it is so hard to live in a paedohysterical country?"


"Derjagin's life is not hard for many years. I'm surprized that the media found this story out just now. We know it for a long time. A lot of people before I started my activity had written addresses to the Attorney General Gregory Tschájka. There haven't been any answers. There were the Internet actions conducted by professional lawyers that had found such a "work" but hadn't been able to do anything. Derjagin still works and teaches in the MIA. It is strange to here about it. Derjagin is a morally depraved person, it's understandable and evident. He does not dissamble it calling himself a boylover, having a paedophiliac video on his "VKontákte" Social Network profile."


"And police don't care."


"The question arises as to another. Writing of pro-paedophiliac text is one thing. But how can we, the society, allow it to be published? Many tens of people have read this textbook before it was allowed to be put on the tables of our country's students of law. Not just the MIA University in Moscow. Who permitted?"


"Good question. Have there anyone who replied?"


"Nobody and never."


"Say again, who did you write to?"


"I writ to the Attorney General George Tschajka."


"George Jacobovich, I've got a question to you. I've seen you many times, I know you well. You attend Aphon, you are religious person, you don't speak about it but it's obvious. You are deeply Christianized. How could you ignore this written request? What should the society think?"


I addressed just to the Attorney General and I don't know who another people had addressed to but the Internet scandal is not new. And the leaders of the MIA know what happens for we have read the instructions on the textbook: "Recommended by the MIA of Russia."


"Besides the jeremiads on Derjagin's Internet profile that "the baiting against him is the baiting against the MIA as well." If the MIA upholds Derjagin, yes, it is the baiting against paedophiliac lobby in the MIA."

20 September 2011"

"The Ministry of Internal Affairs Made Excuse for "Constructive" Paedophilia

The MIA of Russia had to make excuses for the scandal concerned with the publication of course of lectures "Kriminaglnaja Seksalogija" by the Head of Subfaculty of Forensic Medicine and Law in Severny State Medical University Gennadium Derjagin. The bloggers found out that this textbook had propagandized paedophilia as normal and natural phenomenon and would be studied by future policemen. Out of hand the MIA assured that the course hadn't been given yet for the students of Moscow MIA University, that the author didn't work there anymore, the ITAR-TASS says.

The course of lectures got deep resonance after publication of some quotes from it in the Internet blogs and after the comment by the President of the Synodal Departament on Church-Society Relations archpriest Vsevolod Chaplin. The latter thinks that "cynicism of the man (Derjagin) shocks." Though Mr. Chaplin exposes not just professor Derjagin, he offerred to check literature by Nabokov and Marquez with the object to reveal paedophilia there.

Talking about the texbook for future policemen it is said there, that "in biological sense paedophilia is everlasting, initially constructive phenomenon... The modern idea of paedophilia as a socially dangerous sexual perversion, a pathology is relatively new. The idea is begotten by militant Puritanism and feminism of the Western Countries in the last quarter of 20th century. The reasons are rather political for human sexuality, struggle for "eternal moral purity" have always been trump-cards in political games", the author thinks.
"From ignorant and hypocritical points of view a child is sexless, mindless, senseless and voiceless creature", Derjagin says. According to him, paedophile sexual activity by no means always considered by those who had had sexual contacts with adults in childhood "as infringement of their rights and it is said that early sexual contacts with adults are not always harmful, that idea of producing traumas from such experiences is myth", the "Interfaks" quotes.
"Indirectly it is corroborated by willing participating in non-compulsive sexual contacts with adults by teenage boys. Usually such boys don't tell their parents, physicians, lawyers about willing contacts. In the non-clinical sample of these boys aged 12 - 17 it is found out that on the homosexual relations with adults the youngest teens reacted in the same positive way as the eldest", Derjagin said in the lectures.
Also the scientist recognizes that such relations are crime but "the crime is breach against just the law, in which the age of conscent to have sexual live is fixed but not proved."
"The modern western attitude to child sexuality, sexual child rights, the right of the adult to have willing sex with children is similar to the social attitudes toward females and homosexuals in the past. As everyone knows they made their societies reassess moral attitudes towards them not long ago and not everywhere, they got legal guarantees for their rights, they provide social work to broaden their rights. Paedophiles are seem to be in the beginning of the similar way. Objectively the initial distance of the way is marked with consolidation of boylovers, forming of their legal organizations, attempts to provide political struggle for acknowledgement of child-child and adult-child sexes, popularize their views, mostly owing to the Internet", Derjagin wrote in his book according to the quote from the NoNaMe forum.

The professor had been fired before the course started.

There is the information that the textbook by Derjagin have been reprinted many times and have been admitted by Russian MIA to be used as a studying material for its cadets, admitted by the Research Institute of Science & Education to be used as a studying material for students of institutes of higher legal education. But the Ministry denies it.

"Before this professor Derjagin really had been a professor of the Subfaculty of Criminalistics in Moscow MIA University but when 25 September 2011 came the University didn't prolonge the contract with him", the MIA said. It turned out that Derjagin isn't a lawyer but his specialization is forensic medicine and psychiatry. His doctoral thesis is "Sudebno-Meditsinskije Aspekty Polovova Nasilija na Yefropejskom Severe Rasiji".
"In 2006 Gennadium Derjagin published the article in the "Seksalogija ee Seksapatalogija" magazine", the ITAR-TASS said, "The article became the base for the lectures. The book was issued in 2008 at his own initiative and expense. Three years ago it didn't make such a resonance and discussion."

In 2011 there the book with similar title was published but not by Derjagin only. In the 2011 book there are no questionable thesises ventilated in 2008. The new book is really recommended as a study material.

The agency explained that in the 2006 article put in the basement of the lectures "every paragraph was corroborated with the links to scientific works and publications in specialized literature". But for some reason Derjagin published his lectures without the links.

29 September 2011".

"Gennadium Derjagin: "I don't want to look into their ravings...", by Helen Rudens

Our fellow countryman appeared in the center of the paedophiliac scandal.

There is the new paedophiliac scandal in the Internet. In the center of it there is a Doctor of Science, Moscow professor Gennadium Borisovich Derjagin. He is from Arkhangelsk Region, for long time he'd taught in Severny State Medical University, from 2003 to 2007 he'd been the Head of the Subfaculty of Forensic Medicine & Law. He's the author of more then seventy scientific works and a few textbooks.

All started from the 20-September-ether on the "Vesty-FM". There the famous TV- and radio-journalist Walter Salafjoff, the presenter Ann Schafran participated. They were discussing the "Kriminaglnaja Seksalogija" textbook by the professor of the Subfaculty of Criminalistics in Moscow MIA University. Gennadium Derjagin was blamed in propaganda of paedophilia.

After the broadcast the wave came. Everyone from the biggest informational agencies to yellow press writ about it. The famous archbishop Vsevalod Chaplin added fuel to the fire on September 26 when said in the "Sajúz" TV-Channel broadcast that paedophilical propaganda started in Russia.

The MIA had to explain itself. The Ministry disavowed saying:

""In 2006 Gennadium Derjagin published the article in the "Seksalogija ee Seksapatalogija" magazine. The article became the base for the lectures. The book was issued in 2008 at his own initiative and expense. Three years ago it didn't make such a resonance and discussion."
In 2011 there the book with similar title was published but not by Derjagin only. In the 2011 book there are no questionable thesises ventilated in 2008. The new book is really recommended as a study material."

All in all Derjagin made a racket. But the suspicious thing is that nobody wanted Derjagin's explanations. The "Vetscherny Seferadvinsk" Newspaper decided to fill a want.

So, tell us, Gennadium Borisovich, how did you find out that you were the paedophilia apologist?

"I was surprised to know it from the Internet for I have never proclaimed anything. Apology of the objective reality existing independently of our interests is absurd. I'd just described this phenomenon objectively to be based on the scientific literature in English. Besides paedophilia my textbook is about all the sexual behaviors that have any connection to the law-enforcement practice. Why am I not called the serial killers', autoasphyxophiles' and zoophiles' apologist? They are also described by me."

Let's talk about the exact quote from you. Is it from your lectures, or from official textbook, or from a book you published at your own expense?

"If the people don't understand what are they talking, if they take some phrases from the context I don't want to look upon their ravings as well."

Our nation really can take phrases from any context and interpret them. The most popular phrase is: "In biological sense paedophilia is everlasting, initially constructive phenomenon." Explain, please, what you did mean.

"I said about constructivity of adult-child sexual relations on biological level, from biological perspective. It is about animals not a human society. Otherwise there would be written: "In societal sense". Sapienti sat.
For the non-Sapienti it is to be explained that I was talking about ape and perhaps early human societies. Take and read about ape sexology. The sexual behaviour in question is a part of their survival strategy. And not only adult males sit on minors but also minors sit on the males. If I say about it I don't mean we should follow apes.
One shouldn't refract scientific data through the prism of one's social, sexual and religious stereotypes extrapolating facts of foreign societies to modern developed societies. Such a reductionism leads to misunderstanding and emotional rejection of all misunderstood. Read the books, not just phrases from the books and you will understand."

Why do you think this campaign (it is really campaign) started just now? By the way, do you think it is against you personally or you were just used to make a noise?

"I am not a goal for the initiators. My book and me were used ad captandum vulgus."

We know your opponents. But who are your adherents?

"I am countenanced by specialists, many colleagues, my ex-students."

Also you are blamed in uploading the shocking photos about matters connected with your profession on your Internet-profile. You writ the photos are "for education" and are not supposed to be seen by the insane.

Don't you think it's sly? Similar to the situation when one have one's doors open and is angry to be robbed? May be it's easier not to allow people to see your photos, not to provoke the nervous and your enemies. You understand that it is job for you but shock for them.

"I'm neither sly nor emotionally-guided. My photos are classified in accordance to the course of study. They are supposed to be seen by my students. The Internet can be used for remote study. Something cannot be seen by everyone even now. I will open it again. My videos is needed as subsidiary, to improve my students' understanding. An outsider's shock is the outsider's problem. There are the warnings."

To be frank I'm shocked by the cynicism and hypocrisy of some Internet-resources. In one site you are exposed. The readers of it echo the author's "Crucify him". And on the same web-page one can see so erotic photos and texts but nobody's indignant of it. How do you think our society is affected by cynicism?

"I don't care. I am not interested in primitive art as well."

But Chaplin blames you in "striking cynicism"...

"The category of cynicism means both relation and realization. As a scientist I have no any relation to the studied phenomenon and facts, I don't estimate them. I just establish something without emotions: this exists, looks this way, these characteristics of it can be used this way, according to the characteristic it would be more logially to act this because of that. That's all. What a Philistine or religious person sees in it I don't need to know either for investigation or for teaching."

As far as I understood you don't work in Moscow MIA University anymore. The media says the contract with you was valid till September 25 and not prolonged. What are you going to do next?

"My job is my business. Their hysteria doesn't lower my proffessionalism and my unic knowledge will always be with me. Nobody knows the future."

Are you going to defend your honour in a court?

"It will depend on certain circumstances."

6 October 2011"

"The Interview With The Professor Said To Have Taught Policemen Paedophilia For Three Years

The professor of Moscow MIA University is said to have taught policemen paedophilia for three years. The "Edìnaya Rasìja" Party and Russian Orthodox Church are sure in it for some connected with them people blamed the scientist in propaganda of paedophilia. We are talking about the Doctor of Science Gennadium Derjagin, the author of the textbook "Palavye Prestuplenija ee Sudebna-Meditsinskaja Ekspertiza". The Neva24.Ru wants to know does Derjagin really justificate paedophilia. The scientist fired from the University gave us the exclusive interview.

Your main opponents are archpriest Vsevalad Chaplin, that once blamed Nabokov and Marquez in paedophilia, and remedial activist Helga Kostina. Do you know what for do they blame you?

"I haven't heard what Kostina said. But for sure Mr. Chaplin haven't got that criminal sexology is a secular science, not known by him and sometimes emotionally hard. It is the devil's work that Mr. Chaplin put my phrases out of context and arranged it in a shocking way. Which is followed by the astonishing conjectures and fantasies looking like slander."

As far as I understand he dislikes your "paedophilia is a constructive phenomenon" phrase the most.

"The phrase is cut intentionally. In the textbook it is said in biological sense granting the survival of a species, about animal organisms not a human society. Otherwise I would write: "In social level". The books, not just phrases, are supposed to be read from the very beginning which grants understanding."

Chaplin and Kostina that your textbook propagandize tolerance towards paedophiles. Totally, not in phrases.

"If a scientist writes about perversions of sexual feelings or about crimes, he/her had studied all his/her life the goal of the scientist is not propaganda of crimes but rather opposition to them. It's obvious. That is silly to depict me as a father of Russian paedophilia, some Napoleon of criminal world. As a scientist I should always be objective, I have no feelings to the phenomena and facts I study. I just verify coldly what exists and how does it looks like. What can be said about the subject from Philistine or religious point of view by a non-specialist I don't care. It wouldn't help either to investigate or to teach."

Your textbook is quoted from the beginning of September. But on September 27 Moscow MIA University severed the contract with you. Was it connected with the scandal or it is just a coincidence?

"I had to retire by my request. I was sacrificed for the mass hysteria of ignorant multitude after thirty years of continual and intensive work. They didn't even ask for written explanation! I really don't deserve it. There is no reason to doubt in scientific correctness of my texts. All the articles, used for writing of some monographes, are reviewed by the Doctors of Science and published in respectable scientific magazines. The monographes also reviewed by the famous specialists. The monographes are the base of the "Kriminaglnaya Seksalogija" corse. That I'd been giving for three years. Only sincere thanks I'd heared from my listeners and the MIA officers."

There is another interesting quote from your book that for sure your opponents dislike: "The modern idea of paedophilia as a socially dangerous sexual perversion, a pathology is relatively new. The idea is begotten by militant Puritanism" and so on, the "struggle for "eternal moral purity" have always been trump-cards in political games." So the struggle against paedophiles is a political phenomenon?

"Paedophiliac hysteria is aroused by ignorant and superfluously emotional approach to the problem with idle, narrow-minded conjectures about the phrases put out of the contexts. There is the wonderful opportunity to organize extrajudicial violence. Just point one's finger at a disagreeable person calling one a paedophile and the person will be punished without delay and with the crowd approving."

So the phobia of paedophiles is absolutely irrational?

"No, need to fight against paedophilia is rationally explained as usual. For instance the child prostitution develops. There is industry of illegal child porn. Nowadays much porn is produced by children themselves by their wish and spread throught the Internet. Finally the victims of sexual sadists and serial killers are often children. They are the most defenseless and relatively accessible creatures."

Do you resent being called an apologist of paedophilia?

"Thirty years of my life I'd been fighting against criminality. I'd participated in the investigations of the murders, studied sexual crimes, developped the methods of detection of criminals, help to the victims of sexual abuse, and precautions against sex crimes. I alone had made much more good then all those unqualified babblers. And suddenly the semi-literate people that tangle and substitute the legal categories, that don't understand anything except their own delusional figments - these people covered my name in mud. Called me a paedophile, a propagandist of sexual perversions and crimes. How to understand that?"

17 October 2011"

Cyril's Galaburda Expericences Concerning Derjagin

In the Russian grillovers' Internet forum it was said that Derjagin had been beaten. I found his profile in one social network but he haven't reply to my words. He puts in the profile the screenshots of affront messages and threatenings.

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