Leon Gunin : другие произведения.

After Elections

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The elections day became a black day in Canadian History. Bogus surveys by hijacked Canadian national press (see my previous essay at zhurnal.lib.ru/g/gunin_l_m/adieu_canada.shtml), wide-spread fraud and inconsistency have accompanied current elections, turning it into a gruesome farce.

All members of my family and me - we came to our polling station around 21.00. Leaving, I asked them if someone has a pen, and all 3 nodded automatically. When we arrived, we found no pen. Together with a ballot I received a muggy "pencil", a kind of a "writing device" that can be used to make writing invisible an hour later. When I asked 2 official volunteers to lend me a pen, they refused, and warned me that pens are not allowed. As Stalin used to say - not the party that will receive more votes, but the one that counts the votes will win. Later, discussing polling methods and facts with my friends, I came to a conclusion that in areas with Block's traditional domination and in some Liberal areas there were pens. On contrary, I heard about "pencilmania" every time I spoke to someone from a Conservative-friendly neighborhood. The "pencilmania" has emerged also in "zones" of Conservatives' special interests within the Liberal party, where they supported candidates (like Israeli citizen Lucienne Robillard, or a "shabes-goy" Jean Charest), who act as "Liberals" on behalf of Conservative agenda.

French TVA and TQS on January 23-rd presented an example of how the same elector votes at 2 or more different polling stations under different residential addresses. They told that will send a note to Elections Canada.

Answering CTV questions a fresh reelected Liberal candidate said that Stephen Harper won only by "twisting the truth" for gaining "a short-term support" of Canadians. He said that the Liberal Party is a "Great Party", and was defeated by methods of lie and deception. This declaration is just a typical example of empathized and lapidary Liberals' "post-elective" pathos. Taking such words very seriously, one must admit that we have in Ottawa an illegitimate government, which hijacked Canada (as Conservative party itself and the whole Canadian media) on behalf of USA and Israel.

What wasn't told is that Harper has moved to 24 Sussex Drive thanks to a unanimous support of ALL TV channels and papers. This IS a key question. If only one party has the media tribune and enjoys freedom of press, we do not have a democracy. Another legitimate question could sound like who gave the whole national media into Conservatives' hands, and took it away from LP or NDP. To be laconic I am not going to plunge into this dark water. Just like me, ask yourself, who own 90 percent of Canadian media resources and who form a majority among leading editors and journalists, and you'll have an answer. Newspapers or TV channels that are not owned by them are influenced by people with "double loyalty" anyway.

During an interview with a fresh mandate holder Peter MacKay, CTV manifested a servitude-code behavior, with all its reverences and obsequiousness. On contrary, interviewing Liberal Belinda Stronach CTV's host behaved rudely and limitedly abusive. He meant to insult her, crossing a clear borderline into a non-civic mayhem. "What do you feel looking at your former colleagues and friends, whom you betrayed for careerist motives, and now seeing them victors", - thus read his sensible message. He openly mocked at her, doing this as teasingly and fleetly as possible. Every one could feel that through him Mr. MacKay and Mr. Harper were speaking to her, and maybe even composed all questions.

Peter MacKay's girlfriend and one of the key figures within the Conservative caucus, Belinda Stronach braked with both Peter and her party for some enigmatic reasons. We will never know true motives behind her dramatic decision, but formally she managed to separate herself from traitors and resellers of Canada before it was too late. My personal opinion is that she was too honest and moral to stay in extreme cynics' and conspirators' camp.

CTV's treatment of her was even more insulting regarding the presence of her own recent statement about her decision (January 2006). She called Stephen Harper's party "ideological, narrow and intolerant". She would be expelled from S. H.'s camp anyway for her stand on abortion bill. Her case has clearly underlined that "Tory promises can't be trusted". As she said: "Mr. Harper himself has not changed since the days not long ago when he was an outspoken neo-con ideologue, who ran a right-wing organization and admired the Republican right in the U.S. more than his own Canadian political culture." She also spoke about a "culture of conspiracy in Mr. Harper's Conservative Party." If one of the top Canadian politicians (beside, a Conservative insider!) speaks about conspiracy, it must be taken very seriously. "Mr. Harper leads a group trying to convince Canadians to let them run the country, but, with them, come all kinds of other people who stay in the shadows until January 24 with agendas not on the ballot." Isn't it clear what CTV was punishing her for?

Was Miss Stronach correct? Harper's own statement seemingly backs up her claim. We can find it in Romeo St. Martin's material called "Harper defends use of lobbyists" ("PoliticsWatch" Updated 5:30 p.m. January 3, 2006):


"Conservative Leader Stephen Harper makes a point with a big briefcase of cash on the campaign trail on Tuesday."

"OTTAWA - Even though he is promising to crackdown on lobbyists if elected, Conservative Leader Stephen Harper defended the use of lobbyists on his own campaign (...)."

"Reporters questioned Harper's commitment to crackdown on cronyism and lobbyists when his campaign has a large number of lobbyists involved in it."


"There are people who are members of our party working in lobbying firms," Harper admitted.


"There's nothing wrong with lobbyists belonging to political parties. What's wrong is when government money is then directed to them because they are friends or lobbyists."


"Duff Conacher told PoliticsWatch last month: "Our position is the lobbyist code of conduct and the cabinet code both make it illegal for lobbyists to do this. The lobbyist code of conduct says you can't put any public office holder in a conflict of interest."

A bad thing about lobbyists is that after elections they become creditors. Hidden or - say - "shadowed" - creditors are more abominable then others. This is twice true about those famous for their old practice of usury. Miss Stronach was probably very precise pointing to "all kinds of other people who stay in the shadows."


Who are those "hidden" people behind Harper's sinister victory and what is THEIR hidden agenda? Let them speak for themselves.

"Under the Liberal government, which was defeated in Monday's election, Canada supported some U.N. resolutions unfavorable to Israel, though it had shown a slight change in voting patterns recently. Statistics on Jewish voting patterns are not available, but the community's customary support for the Liberals is believed to have eroded somewhat in recent years." - says for JTA Adam Michael Segal (January 24, 2006) in his self-speaking essay "Jews look for pro-Israel turn as Conservatives win Canadian vote". In Israel Harper's victory was widely celebrated as "the Jewish astonishing victory".

As Miss Stronach underlined, they are "people who stay in the shadows until January 24 with agendas not on the ballot". Now their foreign policy agenda is to employ Canada for global pro-Israeli lobby (war on Iraq and Iran), firm anti-Palestinian stand, and support for Israel in United Nations. Within Canada they aspire 100 percent financing for Jewish private schools, Jewish hospitals, Jewish libraries, Jewish clubs, Jewish residences for the elderly, foundation of new Jewish ghettos, etc. Because THEY control the press, few people know that the promises (by Jean Charest, etc.) were already made, and the quiet financing of the Jewish institutions is already on track. They're dreaming to turn Canada into a country like United States, which became a copy of the "Israeli model". Like a fantastic parasitic organism, which penetrated and altered its host's body and mutated it into own genome and shape, Jewish extremists and owners in Canada, Israel and United States will inevitably convert the Leaf Country into "a big Israel". There is no doubt that Harper promised them everything they've demanded. No wonder that his first declaration in Prime-Minister's seat was about his universal and unconditional support for Israel. He made a racist statement about "democratic" and "non-democratic" nations, applying a "non-democratic" labeling to Palestinians. He certainly knows: that Israel's assassination policy was a trigger for the latest suicide bombings ("CounterPanch", August 27, 2003, by STEVE NIVA), and that Palestinians are living under Israeli occupation in a biggest and cruelest concentration camp in human history. Macabre organizations like "Hamas" are products of this.

In my previous essay I've been righteously exploring a parallel between "quiet pro-Israeli coups d`états" in 3-4 European countries like Germany - and political events in Canada. Recently the German dictator Madame Angela Merkel came to Israel to make outraged aggressive statements against Arabs and "other "terrorists", extending her support for Israel to a grotesque and odious show. This style and type of behavior is echoing a year-old shift inside Israeli political elite towards "Red Jewish Commissars" stigma. According to AP (January 18, 2004), Israel's ambassador to Sweden Zvi Mazel received strong support from Prime Minister Ariel Sharon after vandalizing a Stockholm art exhibit he saw as anti-Israeli (Swedish artists' Gunilla Skoeld Feiler and Dror Feiler "Snow White and the Madness of Truth"). As it happened in huge empires (Roman, Austro-Hungarian or Russian) a new style, or shift, or tendency used to appear first in the capital, and then slowly traveled to the provinces. It is very similar to the present situation, when any new "cry" in Jerusalem inevitably spreads itself to the "colonies" and "provinces" like Germany, US, Australia or UK. Little by little Canada is also driven into this orbit. Sharon once declared: "We control America".

Signs of the growing "israelization" of Canada are everywhere: disappearance of traditional Canadian politeness, enormous (comparing to previous years) B'nai Brith's and Israeli embassy's influence, aggravation of social instability, declining of services, police brutality, abuse and deprivation of employees and welfare recipients, violent crimes involving firearms. An outbreak of such crimes has flooded Toronto in a result of "Ivan the Terrible" - Mike Harris's - social policy, and since then a growing avalanche of social and ethnic tensions. Deliberate and politically-motivated inaction of American authorities towards dramatically increased contraband of arms from US to Toronto is an additional factor. We know an American way of dealing with such problems: tortures and killings of offenders (and - on the side: bystanders and other innocent people), furious Middle Ages- or French Revolution-style executions, imprisonment of tenths of millions, slavery and concentration-camps-style of exploitation of inmates, inappropriate prison sentences for small crimes, administrative violations or just "negligence" (being "in a wrong place, in a wrong time"). All these draconian measures have never managed to make American cities safer, because an astonishing social gap and inequality are always there. But there is a traditional Canadian - European way to deal with this: well-balanced social policy and elimination of social basis for violent crimes.


According to CTV, President Bush and his "Jewish general", American Ambassador to Canada David Wilkins both congratulated Stephen Harper. U.S. President George Bush called Prime Minister-designate Stephen Harper on Wednesday to personally extend his congratulations on the Conservative leader's election win. "They had a very good conversation," said White House spokesman Scott McClellan. As people are judging, Bush called "too early, too warmly". "Odd, evil staff is consolidating forces of evilness." But does Harper fits into a surrealistic world of hell forces? Or maybe he jumped into this profound hole too unprepared, carrying inside him too much goodness? Definitely, he is "not a virgin", but is he this bad? If so, then why this gray cardinal Franc Dimant called Harper (like Bush) "too early, too warmly"? On January 24, 2006 B'nai Brith Canada has extended its congratulations to the Prime-Minister-designate, Stephen Harper, and the Conservative Party of Canada. Gerry Weinstein, B'nai Brith Canada's National President based in Montreal, and Frank Dimant, B'nai Brith Canada's Executive Vice President, who is currently on a visit to Israel, issued the following communique:


"On behalf of Canada 's Jewish community we extend our congratulations and best wishes to Stephen Harper on his election victory (...)."

"B'nai Brith will continue to bring to the forefront of the public agenda issues of concern to the Canadian Jewish community (...)."

"We will also continue to hold our politicians to account for promises made and policies articulated during the election period. Amongst B'nai Brith's priority issues, which can be found in the organization's Election Guide, is the strengthening of Canada's anti-terrorism legislation, greater security for Jewish community institutions, and the adoption by Canada of a consistently principled stance vis à vis Israel."

"Anti-terrorist legislation" means turning Canada into a police state, putting half of Canadian population behind bars, allowing tortures and arrests without trial, military courts, racial profiling, etc. "Just like Israel". In other words, B'nai Brith is impatient to bring the State of Israel, with its brutal and racist laws, wild oppression of Palestinians, and Muslim and Christian minorities, and assassination practice - to Canadian soil. "Greater security for Jewish institutions" means freeing Jewish extremists' hands for wider persecution of non-Zionists in Canada, death threats, anti-Christian activity, espionage, censorship, aggressive methods of obtaining municipal, provincial and federal privileges, hatred towards Muslim communities, illegal technique of lobbying, and so on. "Lesser" security for Jewish institutions means a low profile: when before an aggressive declaration, an act of sabotage or diversion, submission of a death threat, or demand of new privileges "for Jews" they must think twice, weighting all possible consequences. In general any demand for a "greater" security for Jewish institutions automatically means a "lesser" security for Greek, Russian, Chinese, Catholic or Arab institutions. A similar demand for provincial financing of Jewish private schools has the same logic: why not Ukrainian, Italian or Chinese?


Some people call B'nai Brith a "Jewish SS", "Jewish KGB" or even "Jewish inquisition". Definitely, this is the most sinister organization in the modern world, linked to Mossad. A call from such an organization is not just a supportive sign, but also a chilly and threatening message. It looks like President Bush from one side and B'nai Brith from another side took Mr. Harper in their pincer movement, strengthening their jaws. They want to make him accountable for his promises. He must now pay back for their half-illegal support.

I herd rumors about Harper's voyage ("with his wife and children") before elections to Bush's rancho. It should support allegations that Harper is just an odd puppet of Mr. G. W. Bush. I doubt it (both voyage and puppetry). Nobody can be a puppet of Bush mere because the later is a victimized puppet of Israeli regime. Bush became a hostage of his Jewish advisers, commissionaires, or other non-elected bureaucrats. He is not fully responsible for what many conscious thinkers call the 3-rd World War. Before hijacking Canada and US Zionist wizards have hijacked people who happened to be born as "Jews", using them as "personal" demographic or militant tool. "Israel 's watchmen are blind, they all lack knowledge; they are all mute dogs, they cannot bark; they lie around and dream, they love to sleep. They are dogs with mighty appetites; they never have enough. They are shepherds who lack understanding; they all turn to their own way, each seeks his own gain." (ISAIAH 56:10-11)

"Harper and Hamas - Heaven and Hell - Happiness under God and harried Humanists under government - Haven of protection for life (border patrol and military measures) and Horror of terrorism and death - Hebrew descendents and Holocaust denying Hitleresque hostility. Contrast. Black and white. Choice." - puts it that way "Christianity Is Jewish". "A man is considered an anti-Semite if he calls a Jew a Jew." - teaches us a non-infamous professor Lunachev.

"Professor Lunachev, is there any area of research or study that you have conducted that is unique or unusual?" - "Yes," Lunachev replied. - "I have recently been studying the field of race and biology. I have discovered that the great Karl Marx was a Jew and so was Comrade Lenin." - "Comrade Stalin was an avid reader of the Jewish Talmud, and Comrade Khruschev's real surname was Perlmutter. He, too, was a Jew." - "I believe these facts of ethnic history need to be reported to the Soviet people and to the world," - said Lunachev, - "so everyone will recognize that the government of the USSR is not, as some have alleged, anti-Semitic." - "Thank you for your time." - retorted the now sober-faced and ashen Commissar. - "You are dismissed."

Today very few people know that Adolf Hitler was an offspring of the Jewish families Peltzer, Hidler and Rothschild; he was a Jew from both sides.

Lenin and his cohorts were satanic Jews who put 66 million to death in the indescribable Red Terror. Hitler made "human sacrifice" his high priority for the very similar pervert ideas' sake.

"GEORGE W. BUSH, President of the United States of America, is a Jew." - states an anonymous, but known by thousands of smartest people around the globe as one of the most reliable sources, investigator. "I have carefully traced the history of the Bush Dynasty, including the Rothschild faction, and without hesitation I declare to you that, yes, indeed, George W. Bush is a Jew: A Jew by race, a Jew by religious choice. Hidden from public view. What the media dare not tell you is that, as President, George W. Bush appointed as his first official White House spokesman, a Jew - in fact, a Jewish rabbi - Ari Fleischer. He retained a Jewish banker, Alan Greenspan, as Chairman of the Federal Reserve. He made a Jewish Rabbi, Dov Zackheim, the Comptroller (money man!) of the Pentagon, and he placed a Jewish ideologue and Christian hater, Michael Chertoff, in the scary position of being head of FEMA and Homeland Security. Yes, Chertoff, an ADL fiend whose father is a Jewish rabbi, is now America's Gulag Commandant, our American version of Himmler."

"My investigation of the Bush-Jewish connection has been in progress for six years now. One thing I discovered is that George W. Bush is a devoted student of the Jewish Talmud, just as were Marx, Lenin, Trotsky, and Stalin. He is also, I am persuaded, a dedicated agent of Zionist Israel, which makes him double agent and traitor to the United States of America. Bush has adopted the same techniques of torture, political deceit, perpetual war, and pure hatred of perceived enemies, as has the notorious Israeli spy agency, Mossad. The Mossad's motto is "By Way of Deception Make War." This, not coincidentally, is also George W. Bush's motto. How very Talmudic. How very Satanic."

"By Way of Deception" is a book, written by Victor Ostrovsky. Working as Mossad's high ranked official, he, as Ben Menashe, escaped to Canada and made public the horrible truth about the "Jewish Gestapo". Not the Conservatives, but Liberals banned this book in Canada , and Victor Ostrovsky has soon disappeared from public sight, and might be now killed. In his turn, a well-known author of "Da Vinci Code", Dan Brown, echoed to "By Way of Deception" by his incomparable "The Point of Deception" thriller, showing the monstrous maze of American "democracy". Two books realistically explain the nature of the "Israeli model".

In his book Dan Brown shows that Americans treat Canadian Northern territories as their own land, paying no attention to Canadian sovereignty. Interestingly, the very first conflict between Prime-Minister Stephen Harper and Bush's administration has burst as a dispute over Canadian Arctic. Americans protested against the presence of Canadian military icebreakers there, and Harper told them that "It is the Canadian people we get our mandate from, not the ambassador of the United States. I was very clear about this in the election campaign: the United States defends its sovereignty. The Canadian government will defend our sovereignty." Time will show if this was just a pose to camouflage cozy relationships between Harper and the White House, but my personal impression is that Harper is not bluffing.

Truth about Harper does not lay on a flat surface. He's not a fully cynical and nihilistic puppet of the Jewish domination as most of his Conservative comrades, but a man who believes in wrong values. His misapprehension is a product of an inability to penetrate deep theological, philosophical and philological matters, judging about the Jewish impact (as a system) in the neo-cons' movement. Brain retardation is often a defensive tool for people who have not enough courage to look truth in the face. In other words, he doesn't want to be as smart as politicians like Tony Blair or Jean Charest, who fully understand the nature of things, but committed themselves to support an immoral case, or like Jacques Chirac and Vladimir Putin, who stand for the opposite because they understand what they're fighting against. He's just like Canadian Western provinces, with their super loyalty to the "Jewish case" without even looking into its nature. Jewish super-educated rabbis, and hired by them fastidious non-Jewish priests and professors have been plotting their ideological doctrines for decades trying to adopt Christian reality into their Judaist cult for melting it and trapping Christians into Jewish global network. Their only goal is to enslave us as they've enslaved Stephen Harper. Whatever is spoken about Bush's "Jewish background" he's definitely not a Jew by mentality, behavior and habits, as well as Harper. Both have decided to become rulers for any cost, and were trapped because of their incompetence. In addition, Bush is not a brave person. It looks like Harper is a braver man, and it gives us some hope.

The defeat of Liberals is a national tragedy. Paul Martin was the best Prime-Minister that Canadians ever deserved. Under his leadership Canadian economy and Canadian values were stable and safe. Liberals have a developed political culture, and used its whole experienced sophism to sell Canada to Israel and USA very slowly, piece by piece, wasting time and hoping that a volcano will erupt under the White House, or a powerful earthquake will ruin Washington. US are such a mighty empire that the consumption of Canada is just a matter of time. Liberals have already allowed to be engaged into a projected military and administrative alliance with US even without the ballistic agreement that will abruptly put the end of Canadian independence. (Follow the link in the very beginning of this essay). Stephen Harper and Peter MacKay have no real political culture, and in their adventuress and marginal style acted as primitive hijackers, "just to be in". As spontaneous as Russian mobsters, they thought to improvise "after": reverting their promises given to Jews. Now they're in and in trouble, with Jewish-American creditors knocking at their doors, and with an absence of a credent program.

As his very first step Stephen Harper chooses to meet intelligence, police, RCMP, army, Immigration and treasury officials, which is a sign that he will rule this country by forcible and violent means, as a dictator. It is also a sign that he has no plan. His hectic rash to call a parliamentary session is just another sign of his uncertainty, as he's ready to act empirically, according to circumstances. This is his "last resort". He must spend sleepless nights reading and studying things like economy, science, philosophy and history: and there is no assurance that he will finally become a wise man with Paul Martin's competence. At least he can try as hard as he can.

To avoid Bush's fate Stephen Harper might also look deeper into neo-evangelistic and neo-protestant doctrines, to see whom and what goals they serve. However, more chances that - just as Bush - he's already physically or politically dead, as his personal values will completely and tragically separate from his political accountabilities.

For Liberals, Block and NDP their only chance lays in slamming Jewish-dominated media, looking down all possible judicial venues to file lawsuits against Aspers (Global TV, "National Post"...), CTV, etc. - to stop crimes against freedom of expression and democracy. Loosing after Harper's victory their friendly environment at the only pro-liberal broadcaster - CBC - they might consider founding their own party newspapers and TV stations. There are many volunteers and partisans like author of this essay, on whom they may relay. Such people are the last foothold of Canadian pro-European values.

Reactioneries' tactics executed through Stephen Harper's policy is to uproot non-Zionists and non-Conservatives economically. Liberally-minded entrepreneurs will be drawn into bankruptcy, presently employed dissidents will become unemployed, and free-thinking intellectuals will be deprived of both work and welfare. Harper's plans to eliminate universal medicare, welfare, social housing, and so on, as well as the spoliation of the Canadian media by right-wingers are plans to destroy an economic base of any opposition to neo-cons. For example, the author of this article must extract his teeth because unable to pay for dental services, and threatened by eviction. Death threats, diversions against author's property and property of his employers or potential employers, or people, who gave their support: this is an old, thousands-years-old tactics.

A hypocritical "liberal" platform of double standards towards Jewish extremists" ambitions and claims must be stopped now. Otherwise we"ll become soon a "Gaza-analog" and will be labeled as a "non-democratic nation": just as Palestinians.

Montreal, February 01, 2006.

P.S. You may also check the following link:
Will Black Lists Affect Your Employment?

URGENT !!!!!1 -- by last e-mail:

From Margarete Wente

1. Discrimination of Homosexuals,
2. Scrapping free health care for all Canadians, making you pay for all medical needs. Make us like the Americans where over 45 million US citizens have NO HEALTH COVERAGE! And where nearly half of all personal bankruptcies are the result of medical expenses. http://covertheuninsuredweek.org/about/ http://www.tilrc.org/docs/0904insurance.htm http://www.census.gov/Press-Release/www/releases/archives/income_wealth/002484.html
3. The elimination of Canada"s social safety net,
4. Erosion of rights for minority groups,
5. (..........)
6. (..........)
7. Taking away a women"s rights to choose over her own body,
8. Following the Americans into every war, thereby getting innocent Canadian soldiers killed unnecessarily,
9. Help restart the cold war by joining the Americans in "Ballistic Missile Defense",
10. Having to hear Stephen Harper try and sound like George W. Bush with his nauseating "God Bless Canada",
11. Having rednecks control the government and the future of Canada,
12. Preston Manning as our Ambassador to the United States,
13. Stephen Harper will be campaigning in Air force 2,
14. Having to get Canada's laws approved by Congress,
15. Elimination or Privatization of Old Age Security and Canada Pension Funds
16. Emulation of George Bush's "faith based initiatives",
17. The politicization of science and the destruction of scientific integrity,
18. (...........)
19. Like Pastor Stockwell Day, the Flinstones will be shown as a documentary,
20. Will make Canada into a Theocracy, thereby making Iran look good.
21. The following sugestions have been put forward by our readers
22. A dramatic speed up in the Americanization of Canadians.
23. Patriot Act 111 eh!
24. Triple the amount of homeless people - maybe you!
25. Gleeful corporations will abound.
26. A privatized CBC - everything privatized for that matter.
27. The further dumbing down of our children - 'every child left behind'.
28. More investments in the U.S. military by the Canadian Pension Plan.
29. Cases like Mahar Arar's will be commonplace.
30. American Intelligence services will replace the RCMP and CSIS (probably already have).
31 Ten-fold increases of foreign takeovers financed by Canadian banks.
32 The Council of Chief Executives will become the Senate.
33 The Fraser Institute, C. D. Howe etc. will fold as they will no longer be needed (mission accomplished).
34 Brian Mulroney and Mike Harris will give thanks daily at the grave of Leo Strauss.
35 The end of the middle class
36 The erasure of the border and the country
37 Goodbye Alberta, Goodbye Quebec and Goodbye Canada!



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