Гунин Лев : другие произведения.

Global War On Democracy

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October, 25, 2001


It is the first attempt since the beginning of era of democracy to shut down the freedom

of speech globally.

A state, which doesn't want to be criticized for brutal human rights violation - and its

tremendously influential Diaspora - have already cracked down the freedom of press. Now

there is an attempt to suppress also individual expression like web sites, chats, etc. Jewish

newspapers like Ha-Aretz or Canadian Jewish News (CJN) published a significant number

of articles, which goal is to warn everybody that just any criticism of Israel will not be

tolerated. (SOMETIMES pro-democratic Jewish newspapers like "Ha-Arets" were publishing

such materials just to warn and to show that the present global assault on democracy is

conducted from Israel).

Military methods were promised as a punishment in retaliation for any professional or

marginal journalism or activism, criticizing the state of Israel.

Most of such articles (like Jil TROY 's article in CJN) deny that pure humanitarian

issues exist. Instead, they pretend that any criticism of Israel is a crime:

because it is pro-Arab. In contradiction to this "view" the common opinion among "free"

human rights activists (not these servants of Israel - like Deputy Irvin Cotler) is that the

Middle East as a whole (including Israel and Arabic countries) is a domain of injustice,

hatred, intolerance, and offence. Distorting the elementary truth, Israel is trying to pretend

that any critical towards the "Jewish State" material is automatically pro-terrorist. Israelis

need it to justified repression against democracy and human rights defenders all over the

world. It is not enough for them to suppress the pluralism and democracy in the Middle East

region; now they persecute people in the Western countries as well...

 Irving, Mallins, Zundel, and tenth thousands of other free opinion

activists became victims of Zionist Extremists' persecutions: legal lawsuits, batteries,

isolation and ban of employment, harassment, academic sanctions, etc. A wide

calumniation nations (Ukrainians, Poles) is an element in the Zionists Extremists' play.

They use a collective guilt verdict to disarm any attempts to denounce Zionists'

crimes. In reality there were thousands of Jewish collaborators, from

individuals to Jewish units (Judenraten). All top Zionist leaders have sympathized (to)


They went to Germany and met highest Nazi leadership in 1939-1945. Nazis (Guderian

army) were warmly welcomed by a well-known letter of the Palestine Jewish "Yishuv"

leadership. Zionist - Nazi cooperation and ideological similarity was described in

"GULAG of Palestine" and "Jewish Wars". In a concentrated form it was described in

the article "Why Israel is Against the Victory Day?"

On Internet:

http://www.total.net/~leog/Rights/General/Victory.txt - Russian

http://www.total.net/~leog/Rights/General/vicen.txt - English

 Enormous number of Jews were in Soviet repressive "organs", in Romanian

"Securitate", and other similar organizations. "As a Jew, I'm interested in another question


"Why were there so many Jews among the NKVD-MVD investigators - including many

of the most terrible? It's a painful question for me but I cannot evade it." (Yevgenia Albats,

The State Within a State: The KGB and its Hold on Russia, Past, Present and Future, 1994, p.


Crimes of the Israeli regime itself have been by now probably exceeded the Nazis'


In his article "Why I am an Anti-Anti-Zionist" one of the most offensive

Zionist ideologists threats everyone by force for not admitting the Zionist ideology.

He clearly announced that to admit the Zionist ideology (to be a Zionist)

is obligatory for any Canadian, a Jew or not a Jew. Otherwise (we have

to understand) you will be labeled as "terrorist".

Jewish-Israeli articles also applaud Israeli hackers, in the same time

calling anti-Israeli hackers "terrorists" and threatening to destroy them physically.

Not only pure Jewish press but also Israeli (Jewish)-controlled newspapers

(like Montreal's "The Gazette" or Toronto's "National Post") were chosen to send

a message that the era of democracy is over.

Global extremist Jewish organization like Anti-Defamation League and

the International Policy Institute for Counter Terrorism (ICT), Jewish Defense

League, Bnei Brith, and others, started to censor not only official media, but

also personal web sites, chats, discussions, amateur and non-profit editions.

They gradually widened a circle of the censored items, censoring by now

absolutely everything, from religion and history to fashions. If some time ago

only some topics (like hatred or anti-Semitism) were of their concern, now

anything (for example, a "non-authorized" historical article about events, which

involved Jews), written by a non-Jew, comes under their fire. These organizations

accumulate files (on journalists, human-rights activists, private individuals)

as if they were KGB, GESTAPO, or MOSSAD. In the same time they are

functioning (acting) inside Canadian (USA) territory as if they were national

Canadian or USA institutions. However, they don't serve interests of Canada -

but interests of a foreign government: Israel. How could Canada allow them to

monitor, investigate, probe, and persecute Canadian citizens above any

control! How could Canadian government not to react to all expressed in the

Jewish press threats to use force (military methods) against dissidents? Against

Canadian citizens! Especially when such threats are not an empty sound!

Everybody knows that the Israeli regime is using terrorist methods against

its opponents. Israeli government owns gangs of assassins, who commit

kidnappings, assassinations, terrorist acts in neighbor with Israel Arab countries,

and the Palestinian autonomy. Israelis are known for executions without

justice and court. They don't understand any other methods except methods of

terrorism. Israeli military units like "Duvdevan" and others are

bandits-murderers-assassins, who are sent inside civilian population to kill

people in civil clothes, in civilian (sometimes: overcrowded) areas. Israelis blow

houses, place bombs inside public phones, send letter bombs, kill not only

activists, but also their families, including children. Israeli military units chase

cars on sovereign territories, killing passengers, send rockets into civilian houses,

practicing demolition of Arab houses to clean areas for Israeli colonizers... They

take civil hostages (Egyptians or Lebanese) and hold them for many years in case

of exchanging them for Israeli militants or solders. Most of Israeli victims are

ordinary people or dissidents, who never killed anybody (or participated in any

terrorist activity). Many of the victims were human rights activists. Yes, some

of them are opponents of the Israeli regime. However, most of them are ideological

opponents, not militants or terrorists. In his book "By Way of Deception" Victor

Ostrovsky, a defected to Canada top MOSSAD functionary, described MOSSAD

as a pirate-terrorist organization, which acts on a commercial base, and has no

restrictions in killing opponents all over the world, sending letter bombs, blowing

up people or houses. MOSSAD members - according to Ostrovsky - are criminals,

whose crimes - not only murders, but also drug and arms smuggling, assisting

world's most terrible criminals and Mafia, committing fraud, illegal financial activity,

etc. on personal basis.

When the Jewish media starts demagogical exercises - claiming that all Israel's

critics are terrorists (for justifying harsh methods against them), those harsh methods

are methods, described by Victor Ostrovsky, United Nations Human Rights Committee

(UNHRC), Amnesty International, Derechos, and Human Rights Watch.

However, Canadian police, intelligence services became Israeli tools

as well, serving Bnei Brith as loyal servants. In Toronto`s National Post`s there is

an article, which informs about an investigation against web sites, opposing

Israeli regime. 'This is an issue of loyalty,' former CSIS man says as Mounties

confirm investigation, - says the article. "This is an issue of disloyalty. They

can't be loyal to causes beyond our borders and still be loyal to Canada and the

Canadian ideal." However, being said about critics of Israeli regime,

this question could be re-addressed to the opposite side. This is an issue of loyalty,

we can say. Jewish organizations could not be loyal to Canada and the Canadian

ideals when they are loyal to causes beyond our borders. In other words, Jewish

leadership can not be loyal to Canada when placing interests of the state of Israel

before any other interests.

Besides, there is a question of culture. Israel is a state, which initiated

an undeclared war against the Christian civilization

and European culture. Israeli laws not only legalized tortures (Landau

law), but also persecutions of Christians. Human

rights organization, unsuccessfully trying to stop tortures, murders,

destruction of houses, and other crimes, committed

by Israelis, are unable to understand a simple thing. If for ordinary

Jews in Galut (outside Israel) non-Jews are people,

for Israelis, raised and educated on racism, non-Jews are not human

beings. This is why for Israelis there are no ethical

norms, no pity or compassion, no mercy towards non-Jews. Non-Jews for

them are like animals, which have no soul

and can be killed without mercy. Israeli regime is fully responsible

for such a disastrous result of propaganda, education

and racist political system.

In the Eastern World in general tendencies to abuse, discriminate, and

persecute origins of the Northern Hemisphere's culture are dangerously

growing. Abuse of Christians in the former Soviet republics (now - Muslim

states) became a norm, especially in Kazakhstan. In Asia, Africa, Israel, even

Japan, carriers of the European culture are abused.

However, the most systematic and ideologically hostile to Europeans in general,

and Christians in particular, is the state of Israel. Tenth of thousands of the

refugee cases (ex-USSR citizens') from Israel, articles in Russian newspapers

describe persecutions for relating to European culture. People were persecuted

for having a university (ex-USSR's) degree, not being circumcisioned, their

atheistic views, "non-Jewish behavior", celebrating the New Year Eve, or

simply because they came from USSR, an "anti-Semite state and great Satan"...

Russian-speaking people were enormously exploited, or even enslaved in Israel.

They became cheap laborers, slaves for Israelis, as well as Palestinian Arabs.

Sometimes policemen are coming to places, where new Russian immigrants and

Arabs work, to pick them up and force them working for free. This is what

happened to me when I worked at Petach-Tikva's stadium. I have a signed by a

witness and notarized affidavit that I was taken by policemen, who forced me to

work at being renovated private apartment of one of them for free.

Working conditions where "Russians" work were awful and unhealthy. They

could be compared with tortures.

So-called "housing genocide" was by then one of the most outraged

discriminatory and brutal tool, used by the Israeli government to persecute

most of the fresh "Russian" immigrants. Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, by

then - the Minister of Construction, - was the main criminal mind behind the

"housing genocide". (As an additional feature to his portrait: he personally

exploited Ethiopian children taken from their families to closed educational

institutions, forcing them to work at his garden for free).

It was him, who forced "Russians" to sadly famous "caravan ghettos",

who constructed tenth of thousands of housing units, which were consciously

left empty; he was behind an artificial raise of the housing prices. It was him,

who ordered a megalomaniac Jewish construction at the Arab territories,

instead of building social and cheap houses for new immigrants...

Sharon was behind a legislation, which aimed to send "Russian" to the

Negev desert and ban their right to reside in Haifa, Tel-Aviv and Jerusalem.

I enclose several most typical cases of Russian-speaking people, seeking

refuge in Canada from Israel. 2 of them are actual cases, and people are asking

for help.

They might be found on Internet:







http://www.total.net/~leog/Rights/galina/galina2. htm]






The most complete and systematic analysis, description, and history

of so called "small" Russian genocide in Israel is given in my huge work

(approximately 1800 pages) "GULAG in Palestine"

(in Russian). In this work all most significant works on Israel, thousands

of documents, materials, and sources were listed and used. The work might

be found at Internet:

http://dynamo-ny.com/sakansky/paper/gunin/gulag1.htm - the most complete


http://polit.kulichki.net/biblio/guni.html - another version

http://polit.kulichki.net/biblio/gunin.html - Jewish Wars, another

work on Israel,


based on the "GULAG of Palestine"

http://www.dynamo-ny.com/sakansky/paper/gunin/JewishWars1.htm - Jewish



Main source of information about so called "housing genocide" and Israeli

housing laws and practices

is the "GULAG of Palestine". In English some information might be available

on Internet at:





On 21 2001, Cvi Hendel, chairmen of the Knesset's (Parliament) Committee

on Alia and Absorbtion (Immigration) and the MAFDAL religious party Deputy,

proposed a mass " gyjur " (conversion into Judaism) for all non-Jews. He claimes

that non-Jews are 70 percent of the total number of fresh immigrants...

Rabbi Ovadia, Sefardic Jews' religious leader and the leader of SHAS

movement (represented in Knesset) is regularly exclaming hatred and intollerance

towards " Russian " immigrants : Jews and non-Jews. On the 7-th of April 2001 in

his Easter speech, he told that Arabs are nation of evil and called for atrocity of

Arabs - all of them, every single person - without any mercy.

In his attitude towards non-Jews in Israel he stands on more extreme

position then Rabbi Hendel.

Rabbi of Bat-Yam Yosef Bar-Shalom : several time during the summer 2001

expressed a view that "Russian" Jews are not Jews - and must be banned from

entering Israel. He also mentioned indirectly that all non-Jews must be deported

from Israel or forced through " gyjur ".

Every day Israeli Rabbis, members of Knesset and the government, Hebrew

newspapers are calling for violence, murders, spreading the hatred propaganda

against non-Jews in general, Arabs, and Christians, and new immigrants (Jews

and non-Jews) in particular. No wonder that new immigrants and non-Jews are

harassed, beaten, raped, enormously exploited, cheated, and killed. Even children

from Russian-speaking and Ethiopian families are beaten or killed ("executed") at

schools by their Hebrew-speaking classmates. Organization "Russian Panthers" and

its chairman Michael Dorfman describe the situation at

Beer-Sheva's schools as outraged.

(On Internet:  [http://ispr.org/panrus.html])

New anti-Christian legislation, laws, and regulations - like a flood

covered the whole political life in Israel. Let's quote some of them.

Official Discrimination proposed in Jerusalem. On December 7th, 2000,

Jerusalem's mayor, Mr. Ehud Olmert, proposed to his city's Council that

Jerusalem's 158 churches and religious institutions should

be required to pay the municipal taxes from which the 1,198 Jewish

religious institutions ought to remain exempt.

In a pre-reading, on the 6th December 2000, the Knesset (our parliament)

took the first of four steps necessary for the enactment of a law, tabled by

Rabbi MK Meir Gafni, one of the initial proponents of a religious censorship

bill which was meant to proscribe the distribution of materials which could be

used to persuade anyone to change his religious opinion. That bill failed in the

process of legislative process due to the strenuous and determined effort of

hundreds of thousands of Christians overseas who wrote in protest to the Israeli

Government and to its various Ministers and to its diplomatic representatives

overseas. The new bill went through its first reading with 23 Knesset

members from Likud, Yahadut HaTorah, Shas, Mafdal, Ahdut Leumit, and

some of the Shinui party supporting and the government opposing with the nine

Knesset members from Yisrael Ahat and Meretz present at the session. The law

proposes to render all missionary activity illegal, including the

distribution of evangelistic material by post, fax, e-mail, or any

other form of communication.

(January 28 2001). Rev. Charles Kopp, head of the United Christian Council

in Israel, was referring to a bill, introduced by MK Moshe Gafni (United Torah

Judaism) before the present Knesset recess, which would prohibit missionary

activity and the dissemination of missionary material, such as soliciting to

change one's religion by means of mail, fax, e-mail, or other instruments

of communication. The bill passed a preliminary reading in the Knesset on

December 6 by a vote of 23 to nine, with the support of the religious parties,

the Likud, the National Union, and even some Shinui MKs, while Labor and

Meretz MKs opposed it. Kopp said that if Sharon formed a coalition, he would

have to rely very heavily on the Orthodox parties, making it very probable that

legislation of this sort would be passed.

The last section of this law means that people in Christian countries

might be persecuted by Israeli court for violating the Israeli law. As we

know on experience in the former USSR, where anything any

contact to the foreigner and even a peace of art, not matching with

soviet dogmas, - could be adjusted under "antisoviet activity", in Israel,

where Rabbis will decide, what falls under "persuade anyone

to change his religious opinion", any card with a church, any

reproduction of a picture, on which there is a Christian symbolic, can

be announced against the law, and the possessor will be imprisoned.

It means a prohibition of the whole European art as well.

Proposed Penal Law (Amendment - Prohibition of Enticement to

Change Religion by Mail), 5760-2000 Addition 1. In Penal Law, 5733-1977

(1), after Section 174B will come: Section 174C  "Prohibition of

174C. The distributor of a document Enticement To Change Religion By

Mail by means of the mail, the fax, the electronic mail or by any other means,

that is enticement to change religion, whether directly or indirectly, without

obtaining the prior consent of the addressee thereto, is subject to

three months' imprisonment." Explanatory Statement The State of Israel,

within the framework of existing laws, opposes all missionary enticement to

change religion. The Legislature even provided in Section 368 of

the Penal Law, 5733-1977, a special prohibition regarding changing

religion of minors.

The last means, that any parent, whose nationality has been written

down in tehudat zehut as "Jew", is prohibited from baptizing his (her) child -

and will be pursued for that by the criminal law as in Israel, as well as in any

country of the World!

All new events mean that in spite of having already harsh anti-Christian

laws, the state of Israel goes much further in accelerating an undeclared war

against Christianity.

We must take into consideration that this is not just a law against

missionaries in general, but a pure anti-Christian law. When any distribution

or even possession of Christian-related materials, and (even!!!) submission of

such materials to Israel well be prohibited in Israel, any Jewish

missionary propaganda, any offensive or even forcible conversion into

Judaism will be only welcomed! In his resent speech a general, who's a chief

of the Propaganda and Education Department of Israeli army, called for forcible

conversion into Judaism of all non-Jews in Israeli army. And we must remember

that Israel has a compulsory military service law!

The state of Israel became a sophisticated and repressive tool for Jewish

extremists, for conversion

of hundreds of thousands of Christians into Judaism. Taking advantage

of tragic and unbearable

situation of the war, discrimination, or genocide's victims all over

the world, Israelis are

recruiting hundreds of thousands of people as new immigrants to Israel.

Many of these people (who're

escaping death) know nothing about racism in Israel. When they arrive,

the state of Israel violates

her obligations towards new immigrants, placing the full citizenship

status in dependence of the

religious loyalty (circumcision for Jewish men and obligation to be

religious for women) or conversion

into Judaism (for non-Jews). The state of Israel also violates international

standards on racism by

marking nationality and the country origin in internal passports. Each

year from 50.000 to 100.000

new immigrants arrive to Israel, and around 70 percent of them are

atheists or non-Jews. Regarding

this huge number and the offensive campaign of mass conversion into

Judaism, the state of Israel is

an aggressor, which kidnaps Christians from the Christian world. Some

of the people, who are taken to Israel, never had intentions to go there. They

were taken by force. Statements made by a number of people as well as a number

of materials, speak for themselves...

As pirates and Eastern pashas used to take prisoners and hostages, enslaving

them, the modern Israelis enslave Christian people, keeping them inside their territory

by force (see the refugee cases).

Jewish religious bodies like Rabbinates, house councils (where normally

the ultra-orthodox dominate), cities' religious authorities, and others, control

the whole life in Israel more then in any religious Islamic state. The state of

Israel doesn't recognize civil or non-Jewish religious marriages,

considering children from such marriages as "mamzerim" (bastards).

Mamzerim have no rights to marry in Israel, own land, buy a house (in some

conditions), open a business, work in state institutions, etc.

Israeli government is practicing citizenship denials for "mamzerim".

As you can see in family Hazinsky case, they artificially create a situation,

when people of this category are loosing another citizenship (if they have one).

Without any citizenship such people (many of them - children) become

prisoners inside Israel, having no passports or other travel documents.

At any time any man or woman in Israel might be forced into an awful

procedure of definition of nationality, with their life, work, and destiny

depending on it.

Judaism under the Israeli regime became a kind of a Soviet-style ideology,

with local Israeli religious KGB terrorizing the nation. Organization "Yad

La-Banim" is one of such local religious KGB. This is a secret religious police,

equipped and authorized for spying-like activity. They also

publish books: hatred propaganda books. In one of its books, with the

Rabbi Feldman (Yad La-Banim" chairman) introduction, they write that the

modern Christians are the same enemies of Jews (Israelis)

 as Crusaders, who burned Jews in the synagogues alive! It is

strange how could such a regime as Israeli exist much on money that it gets

or sucks from the Christian countries, and support its

anti-Christian propaganda, financed by the money, extorted from the

Christian world!

The whole system of racist social structure was designed to enslave

"under-people" and exploit them without any restrictions for the profit of

high-status Israelis. The most exploited and discriminated

are immigrants from ex-USSR (most of them) and their children, Arabs,

Christians in general and Ethiopians. We must add also foreign workers (like

Romanians and Filipinos), who are also abused, harassed, and enormously

exploited. A very special housing code and practices (fully described in

above-mentioned "GULAG of Palestine" and articles), and Kablanut and

Kwiyut codes actually enable such exploitation specifics, extremity and

lawlessness, which in real life associate with slavery. Israeli labor laws are

not compatible with even lowest international standards, and violate all

international agreements. "We have in Israel a system of Apartheid,

which is more severe, that one in former SA".

In general Israel has no laws in European sense. As it was well formulated

in family Hazinsky's appeal, "it is a norm that in Israel there are always several

contradicting to each other laws. Israel has no constitution and / or steady juridical

codes. It has only some common - general regulations and the law of a precedent.

Such a system was designed to create a total lawlessness

and injustice, and enable (instead of justice) so-called "telephone

right", or a "law" of family - friendship - army brotherhood connections. This

system made tortures (Landau law) and

persecutions of Christians (see in particular bill 174С) absolutely

legal in Israel."

It is also important to mention that the state of Israel is a pirate

brotherhood in a primitive

criminal sense. It's an island of almost unrestricted criminal activity

such as money laundering,

slave trade (including women and children), donor organs illegal trade,

smuggling, etc. When Russia

was recently removed from the list of top money launders, Israel is

always on the list (and on the


All that is what Jil TROY (who's articles in CJN

and in "The Gazette" were mentioned in the very beginning of this text)

will never call by its name. Because its name

is racism and slavery.

Both Islam and Christianity have Judaism roots. And in their ideological

confrontation a moral victory will be owned by such a side, which will free

Jewish people from the present monstrous regime. Of course, one can say that

the Arab regimes are as brutal as the Israeli regime. However, in the historical

perspective it is less important. What is more important is that the Arab regimes

are abusive and offensive mostly towards their own citizens, when the

Israeli regime has a greater impact to the external world. By publications like

Jil TROY and actions like one that Tamar HAUSSMAN described in "Ha-Aretz",

Bnei Brith, Anti-Defamation Ligue, ICT, and other Jewish organizations' more

and nore aggressive activities, new Israeli anti-Christian legislation the state of

Israel made one step ahead in its holy global war against Democracy and the

Christian world. This step is a step from persecutions of Christians

inside Israel towards persecutions of Christians in the Christian countries.

<A NAME="с"></с>


Israel's Law Of Return Giving Every Jew The Right To Automatically

Acquire Citizenship

LAW OF RETURN, 5710-1950

1. Every Jew has the right to come to this

country as an oleh**.

2. (a) Aliyah** shall be by oleh's visa.

(b) An oleh's visa shall be granted to

every Jew who has expressed his

desire to settle in Israel, unless the Minister

of Immigration is

satisfied that the applicant

(1) is engaged in an activity directed

against the Jewish people; or

(2) is likely to endanger public

health or the security of the State.

3. (a) A Jew who has come to Israel and subsequent

to his arrival has

expressed his desire to settle in Israel may,

while still in Israel,

receive an oleh's certificate.

(b) The restrictions specified in section

2(b) shall apply also to the

grant of an oleh's certificate, but a person

shall not be regarded as

endangering public health on account of an

illness contracted after his

arrival in Israel.

4. Every Jew who has immigrated into this country

before the coming into

force of this Law, and every Jew who was born

in this country, whether

before or after the coming into force of this

Law, shall be deemed to be

a person who has come to this country as an

oleh under this Law.

5. The Minister of Immigration is charged with

the implementation of

this Law and may make regulations as to any

matter relating to such

implementation and also as to the grant of

oleh's visas and oleh's

certificates to minors up to the age of 18


DAVID BEN-GURION - Prime Minister

MOSHE SHAPIRA - Minister of Immigration

YOSEF SPRINZAK - Acting President of the State

/ Chairman of the Knesset

* Passed by the Knesset July 5th, 1950

** Aliyah means immigration of Jews, and oleh

(plural: olim) means a Jew

immigrating, into Israel.



1. In section 2 (b) of the Law of Return, 5710-1950**


(1) the full stop at the end of paragraph

(2) shall be replaced by a

semi-colon, and the word "or" shall be inserted

thereafter ;

(2) the following paragraph shall be

inserted after paragraph (2):

"(3) is a person with a criminal past, likely

to endanger public


2. In sections 2 and 5 of the Law, the words

"the Minister of

Immigration" shall be replaced by the words

"the Minister of the


MOSHE SHARETT Prime Minister

YOSEF SERLIN Minister of Health Acting Minister

of the Interior

YITZCHAK BEN-ZVI President of the State

* Passed by the Knesset on August 23rd, 1954



1. In the Law of Return, 5710-1950**, the following

sections shall be

inserted after section 4:

4A. (a) The rights of a Jew under this

Law and the rights of an oleh

under the Nationality Law, 5712-1952***, as

well as the rights of an

oleh under any other enactment, are also vested

in a child and a

grandchild of a Jew, the spouse of a Jew,

the spouse of a child of a Jew

and the spouse of a grandchild of a Jew, except

for a person who has

been a Jew and has voluntarily changed his


(b) It shall be immaterial whether or

not a Jew by whose right a right

under subsection (a) is claimed is still alive

and whether or not he has

immigrated to Israel.

(c) The restrictions and conditions prescribed

in respect of a Jew or

an oleh by or under this Law or by the enactments

referred to in

subsection (a) shall also apply to a person

who claims a right under

subsection (a).

4B. For the purposes of this Law, "Jew" means

a person who was born of a

Jewish mother or has become converted to Judaism

and who is not a member

of another religion.

2. In section 5 of the Law of Return, 5710-1950,

the following shall be

added at the end: "Regulations for the purposes

of sections 4A and 4B

require the approval of the Constitution,

Legislation and Juridical

Committee of the Knesset.".

3. In the Population Registry Law, 5725-1965,

the following section

shall be inserted after section 3:5725-1965.

3A. (a) A person shall not be registered as

a Jew by ethnic affiliation

or religion if a notification under this Law

or another entry in the

Registry or a public document indicates that

he is not a Jew, so long as

the said notification, entry or document has

not been controverted to

the satisfaction of the Chief Registration

Officer or so long as

declaratory judgment of a competent court

or tribunal has not otherwise


(b) For the purposes of this Law and

of any registration or document

thereunder, "Jew" has the same meaning as

in section 4B of the Law of

Return, 5710-1950.

(c) This section shall not derogate from

a registration effected before

its coming into force.".

GOLDA MEIR Prime Minister / Acting Minister

of the Interior

SHNEUR ZALMAN SHAZAR President of the State

* Passed by the Knesset March 10th, 1970


Copyright: October 2001љ Lev GUNIN

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