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Israel Is a Nazi State

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ààààààààààààààààààààààà Max BRODNY




1. Nazi - Zionist Close Cooperation During World War IIàà

2. Israeli Law = Nuremberg Lawàà

3. IsraelÒs Expansion in Quebec


1. Zionists (Israel) participated in World War II on Fascist GermanyÒs side:

a) 1934 - 1939: SS and Gestapo organized thousands of young Jewish Nazis to fight British in Palestine
b) Jewish Sochnut (Zionist Jewish Agency) participated in selection of young Jewish Nazi fighters
c) Palestinian Bureaus were opened everywhere in Germany to select Jewish recruits
d) operation of sending Jewish anti-British fighters to Palestine was called ÓOperation TransferÔ
e) 1933-1934: Baron von MildensteinÒs trip to Palestine: to make connections among Zionists and organize close cooperation between Nazis and Zionists
f) Goebbels and baron Leopold von Mildenstein became ardent Zionists; Goebbels has ordered to strike a medal in commemoration of baron von MildensteinÒs trip: swastika on one side, Zionist star on the other
g) Status Quo in fascist Germany for Zionist organisations; Óthey are not Jews, they are new nationÔ, said Gestapo;
h) HeidrichÒs essay for ëDas Schwarze Korps
i) 1935: HimmlerÒs plan for work among Jewish Nazi youths; Gestapo ruling about privileges for Zionists
j) EichmannÒs trips to Palestine (to prepare closer ties with Zionists)
k) violation of the world-wide trade boycott of Germany in 1934 - 1939 by Zionist Diaspora in Palestine; close economic ties between the Nazi state and Zionists (Israel); NazisÒ investments in ZionistsÒ economy and Zionists organizations
l) ZionistsÒ war against Britain - member of Coalition against Hitler - was actually a war on Fascist GermanyÒs sideàà
m) LEHI as an embryo of the future State of Israel; LEHI commanders Schamir and Stern announced themselves and their army ÓHitlerÒs alliesÔ and send a letter to the fascist leaderrshipà
n) ZionistsÒ trips to Berlin to meet NaziÒs leadership and work out coordination of Ójoint effortsÔ:

àààààà 1) trips of Yair Stern to Berlin to ÓnegotiateÔ with the Nazi leadership (1940 - 1942)

àààààà 2) trips of LEHIÒs Naftali Levenchuk to meet German agents (1939 - 1942)
ààààààààààààààààà 3) trips of Adolf Eichmann to Jerusalem to speak with Zionist leaders (1941 - 1942)
ààààààààààààààààà 4) trips of SochnutÒs (Jewish AgencyÒs)
chief Haim Orlozorov (1932 - 33)
ààààààààààààààààà 5) Haim WeizmanÒs meetings with Mussolini, Eichman and Hitler (1933-34, 1941)
ààààààààààààààààà 6) Ha-GanaÒs Feifel Polkes trip to Berlin to meet Eichman (February, 1937)à
ààààààààààààààààà 7) LEHIÒs chiefÒs Yizhak ShamirÒs meetings with A. Eichmann, Himmler, and Hitler (1940), and his non-successive trip to Beirut for talks with the Nazis (1942)à

ààààààààààààààà ààetc.
o) right-wing Zionists have collected strategic information about anti-fascist CoalitionÒs forces, handing it over to Germany
p) the most famous and respected historians (like Walter Laqueur) are calling the right-wing Zionists, like Zhabotinsky, Shamir, Begin, Kahane, and Sharon ÓfascistsÔ
in Prominent Jews' December, 1948 Letter To New York Times (signed by ISIDORE ABRAMOWITZ, HANNAH ARENDT, ABRAHAM BRICK, ALBERT EINSTEIN, and others, the authors call BeginÒs ÓFreedomÔ (LIKUD) party a fascist party, making suggesting links between them - and HitlerÒs fascism.à


There are dozens of other evidences. Rabbi Michael Dov Weissmandl, decan of Nitra Yeshiva, in his works accuse Zionists in helping Nazis with extermination of millions of the European Jews, and gives undeniable proof.àà


1. Jacob Boas, The Jews of Germany: Self-Perception in the Nazi Era as Reflected in the German Jewish Press 1933-1938, PhD thesis, University of California, Riverside (1977);
2. Jacob Boas, A Nazi Travels to Palestine, History Today (London, January 1980);
3. Heinz Hohne, The Order of the Death's Head;
4. Leopold von Mildenstein (von Lim), Ein Nazi fôhrt nach Palôstina, Der Angriff (9 October 1934);
5. Josef Orlicky. Kooperacja. Warszawa, 1976;
6. Walter Laqueur. A History of Zionism;
7. Ralph Schoenman, "The Hidden History of Zionism";
8. F. Nikozia. Zionism in Nationalist Socialist Jewish Policy in Germany, 1933-9, Journal of Modern History (on-demand supplement) (December 1978);

9. David Irving. Goebbels;
10. Norman Baynes (ed.), Hitler's Speeches, 1922-1939, vol. I, II;
11. Donald Niewyk, Socialist, Anti-Semite and Jew;
12. Heinz Hohne, The Order of the Death's Head;à
13. Leopold von Mildenstein (von Lim), Geschichte;
14. Joachim Prinz, Zionism under the Nazi Government, Young Zionist (London, November 1937
15. Kurt Grossmann, Zionists and Non-Zionists under Nazi Rule in the 1930s;
16. Herzl Yearbook, vol.VI;
17. Jack Bernstein, "The Life of an American Jew in Racist-Marxist Israel";

18. F.L. Carsten, Fascist Movements in Austria;
19. Yehuda Bauer, professor of Jerusalem University. On Zionism;
20. Lucy Dawidowicz, The War Against the Jews;
21. Hannah Arendt, Eichmann in Jerusalem;
22. Elisaveta Poretskaya. Our Own People;
23. Lenni Brenner, "Zionism in the Age of the Dictators";

24. Michael Magid. Zionism as Re-Incarnation of Nazism;à
25. Karl Novacek. Heaven Refuge for Nazi Criminals in the ÓJewish StateÔ;
26. "Stosunki giermansko-zydowskie podczas Drugiej Woiny Swiatowej" (anthology); Warszawa
27. Yuden Untern Hakencrauz, Berlin, 1963, page 30;
28. ÓSpiegelÔ magazine, December, 1966; (Hagen speaks about Zionists);
29.à A. MullerÒs works;

2. Israeli Law = NurembergÒs Law

Israeli system of laws is a replica of NurembergÒs Nazi laws.

Thesis on the evidences:

Israel was created in 1948 on occupied Arab territories as a ÓJewish StateÔ, a state for Jews only.

So called Law of Return made any Jew in any part of the world a citizen of Israel, while denied millions of deported or held under occupation (actually made stateless) Arabs Israeli citizenship. Law of Return is a racist, Nazi, Nuremberg-style law: because it is a Óbasic lawÔ, placed above other laws; and because its division of human beings is based not on ethnic (as German Ólaw of returnÔ), but on racist ground. Israeli Óbasic lawsÔ confirm privileges for Jews and denial of non-Jews basic rights in Israel. 7A (1) of Basic Law deprive non-Jews of political participation.


Subject of Israeli law is exclusively a Jew. As the state was created Ófor JewsÔ (a ÓJewish StateÔ), the law refers to Jews, which we can see from the structure as well as from the nature of Israeli judicial system.à


Therefore any Israeli law is discriminatory, directly or potentially.

Israeli Immigration Law gives a Jew an exclusive right to become an Israeli citizen, and depriving anyone without Jewish roots a right to immigrate to Israel. If someone is already in Israel, but his ÓJewish bloodÔ is disputed, he will be stripped of Israeli citizenship, and deported. If a Jew will separate his non-Jewish wife, sheÒll be stripped of her Israeli citizenship - and deported. On July 21, 2004 a new legislation has been approved by Israeli Parliament. Kahlon's (Likud MK) bill proposed not to confer citizenship rights to individuals who are ineligible for it under the Law of Return. In other words, children of parents with Jewish roots in the 3-rd generation will become stateless.)

Israeli Passport and Identification Law puts information about nationality and country of origin in Israeli internal passports: teudat zuhuts. Indication of nationality in internal passports-IDs was practiced only in apartheid South Africa and ex-USSR. This indication becomes a motive for discrimination. The same Passport, Control, and Identification Law, plus Security Law will not allow any Israeli citizen to live the country without a Óvisa for exitÔ. Presence of such visas in Israeli law is a real ÓIron CurtainÔ. ÓVisa for exitÔ existed in ex-USSR, in Cambodia under Pol Pot, and other totalitarian countries.

From: The Documentation, Information and Research Branch, Immigration and Refugee Board, Ottawa

Keywords: documents; air transport; border controls; passports; administrative procedures; Israel

ANALYSIS This document is based on a telephone interview with a representative of the Ministry of the Interior of Israel at the Ben Gurion Airport in Tel Aviv provided during a 22 September 1997.


This Document confirms that Israel has a policy of the VISA FOR EXIT - as the most enforced totalitarian countries had or have.à


ààà "The source stated that the Border Control verifies the passport and that permission to exit the country has been obtained from the Israel Defence Forces (IDF). This permission is signified by a round stamp with the number 430 that is placed in the person's passport. A person who does not have the IDF stamp must provide an official IDF letter".


(Any immigration officer, who has accessed this Document, should be shocked by incorrectness of questions to representative of Israeli Minister of Interior. An interviewer should ask: if there is something that the representative of Israeli Minister of Interior could not say under Israeli Security Act. Questions were too general; this provoked incorrect answers. A question should be posed directly: "Are "tehudat zehits" checked in airport by the Ministry of Interior personnel? Could they be confiscated?", or "Are military documents or their copies forbidden to take abroad", etc.)


VISA FOR EXIT provides wide ground for persecutions, discrimination and restriction of the freedom of movement.ààà

Also see:

àà ISR21634.F13 septembre 1995

àà ISR21579.F datùe du 25 aoűt 1995

àà ISR21681.E datùe du 22 aoűt 1995
àà Jerusalem Post (25 juill. 1989), du journal

àà Ha'aretz (25 avr. 1995)
àà Rčglements sur l'enregistrement de la population (Inscription des donnùes sur le Certificat d'identitù) - 1990


Above-mentioned documents provide an undeniable proof that a regime of Óhunting non-JewsÔ exists in Israel. It is similar to Nazi regimeÒs anti-Jewish policy, when the Nazis were searching for Óhidden JewsÔ in Germany and occupied countries, and investigated ÓsuspectsÔ. In his interview to Canadian Immigration (September 13 1995) Executive Director of Israel Religions Action Center (IRAC) confirmed this.


Such organizations as ÓYad La BanimÔ can be seen as Israeli racial inquisition.


As Israel has no Constitution, constitutional rights do not protect non-Jews.

Israeli Burial Law forbade burying non-Jews at any Israeli cemetery. Based on this law, Israeli authorities banned Russian-speaking immigrants to bury their children, killed by terrorist attack in Tel-Aviv (Guardian, 2001 London, Immigrants Lose Hope As They Bury Children, Special report: Israel and the Middle East -- Russians feel robbed of a future in Israel after bombing. Suzanne Goldenberg in Tel Aviv. Monday June 4, 2001. Also: BBC NEWS news.bbc.co.uk/hi/english/world/
middle_east/newsid_1369000/1369709.stm -- BBC NEWS -- Uprising Spotlights Israel's Russian Immigrants)

Israeli Family Law made civil marriages illegal in Israel. An exclusive right to register marriages was given to the Jewish religious authorities. Practically it makes mixed marriages illegal. Children from such marriages are considered as ÓmamzerimÔ (bastards), and deprived of the rights to marry someone. They also can not do governmental work, buy / sell land, be elected, etc.àà


Israeli Housing Law gives so called Óhousing committeesÔ exclusive rights to evict, fine, punish or ban any owner or tenant, whose religion, blood, or behavior donÒt ÓmatchÔ Jewish conservative rules, traditions or suggestions. Each residential building has a Óhousing committeeÔ, or ÓcouncilÔ that has an unlimited power: to invade any apartment at any time, interrogate anyone, and take decisions. Members of the committee can check any family for Ónot kosherÔ things, or behavior. For example, if theyÒll find a Christmas tree, they can evict tenants: because it is Óan offence against the Jewish religionÔ.àà

Israeli anti-Christian laws are designed to persecute Christians as Jews themselves were once persecuted by Inquisition. In ÓAn open CommuniqueÔ (April 2001, UNITED CHRISTIAN COUNCIL in Israel) we read:

ÓOfficial Discrimination proposed in Jerusalem.à


On December 7th, 2000, Jerusalem's mayor, Mr. Ehud Olmert, proposed to his city's Council that Jerusalem's 158 churches and religious institutions should be required to pay the municipal taxes from which the 1,198 Jewish religious institutions ought to remain exempt.


In a pre-reading, on the 6th December 2000, the Knesset (our parliament) took the first of four steps necessary for the enactment of a law, tabled by Rabbi MK Meir Gafni, one of the initial proponents of a religious censorship bill which was meant to proscribe the distribution of materials which could be used to persuade anyone to change his religious opinion. That bill failed in the process of legislative process due to the strenuous and determined effort of hundreds of thousands of Christians overseas who wrote in protest to the Israeli Government and to its various Ministers and to its diplomatic representatives overseas. The new bill went through its first reading with 23 Knesset members (...) [against 9 members] present at the session. The law proposes to render all missionary activity illegal, including the distribution of evangelistic material by post, fax, e-mail, or any other form of communication.


(January 28 2001). Rev. Charles Kopp, head of the United Christian Council in Israel, was referring to a bill, introduced by MK Moshe Gafni (United Torah Judaism) before the present Knesset recess, which would prohibit missionary activity and the dissemination of missionary material, such as soliciting to change one's religion by means of mail, fax, e-mail, or other instruments of communication. The bill passed a preliminary reading in the Knesset on December 6 by a vote of 23 to nine, with the support of the religious parties, the Likud, the National Union, and even some Shinui MKs (...).Ô


The last section of this law means that people in Christian countries might be persecuted by Israeli court for violating the Israeli law. As we know on experience in the former USSR, where anything any contact to the foreigner and even a peace of art, not matching with soviet dogmas, - could be adjusted under "antisoviet activity", in Israel, where Rabbis will decide, what falls under "persuade anyone to change his religious opinion", any card with a church, any reproduction of a picture, on which there is a Christian symbolic, can be announced against the law, and the possessor will be imprisoned. It means a prohibition of the whole European art as well. Specific uniquely of Israeli judicial system allows the authorities to use legislation that was approved only in the 1-st hearing as a real law. Since 200-2001all proposed anti-Christian legislation (that passed the 1-st, or 1-st and 2-nd hearing) have gained a funny status of executable, but Ónon-statutoryÔ laws.


However, Israeli regime went even further:


ÓProposed Penal Law (Amendment - Prohibition of Enticement to Change Religion by Mail), 5760-2000 Addition 1.


In Penal Law, 5733-1977 (1), after Section 174B will come: Section 174C  "Prohibition of 174C. The distributor of a document Enticement To Change Religion By Mail by means of the mail, the fax, the electronic mail or by any other means, that is enticement to change religion, whether directly or indirectly, without obtaining the prior consent of the addressee thereto, is subject to three months' imprisonment." Explanatory Statement The State of Israel, within the framework of existing laws, opposes all missionary enticement to change religion. The Legislature even provided in Section 368 of the Penal Law, 5733-1977, a special prohibition regarding changing religion of minors.


The last means, that any parent, whose nationality has been written down in tehudat zehut as "Jew", is prohibited from baptizing his (her) child - and will be pursued for that by the criminal law as in Israel, as well as in any country of the World.


All new events mean that in spite of having already harsh anti-Christian laws, the state of Israel goes much further in accelerating an undeclared war against Christianity.


Jerusalem, 2001.Ôàààà


ÓHa-AretzÔ (21, 2001) wrote that Cvi Hendel, chairman of KnessetÒs committee on Immigration, and religious movement MAFDAL proposed mass forcible ÓgiyurÔ (conversion into Judaism) of all non-Jews.à


Israeli Land Law aggressively discriminates non-Jews, new immigrants, and children from mixed marriages. Efraim Melamed, Alexander Orlovsky, Mark Gorin, Hanan Gold, Rein Marcus, Eliezer Levin, Baruch Maoz, Linda Brayer and other activists wrote about discriminatory articles in Israeli Land Law. Also see Reports from UN Committees in 1998 - 1999. It automatically leads to discrimination in property and housing rights.ààà


Israeli Landau Law (ÓThe Landau Commission ReportÔ) legalized tortures as an admissible instrument of interrogation. Amnesty, UN, HRW, and EU have criticized this Israeli law, and demanded from Israel to stop it. However, in spite of Israeli declarations (2002 and 2003) that it was abolished, many sources report that it still exists. Landau Law has an extraterritorial power. It means that Israeli army, police, secret services (etc.) can LEGALLY use tortures in any geographic region of our planet, not just in Israel. More sinister meaning of this law could be understood only in combination with another Israeli law. We speak about Óprotection of JewsÔ.à


Israeli Protection of Jews is an acting and fully functional law. It appeared in Section 13 of Israeli Penal Code, and in Bill 174С: 5760-2000 - First Supplement. In comments to this law ÓHa-AretzÔ (Wednesday, September 11, 2002 Tishrei 5, 5763 Israel Time: 14:13 (GMT+3) explained that Section 13 is only one tiny part of a wider reform of Israeli Penal Code and other Israeli laws. This reform was designed to convert Israeli laws from domestic to extraterritorial laws, which power will spread from the North to South Pole, and from English Ó0Ô Meridian to the opposite side of the globe. By this reform the power of Israeli law was extended to Ócrimes, committed abroad against Jews, their property, health and life; Jewish organizations and their goals; Israeli citizens and governmental functionaries; and the interests of IsraelÔ. Such an ÓextensionÔ actually means extension of IsraelÒs power and territory to every country in the world. ÓHa-AretzÔ sees this judicial reform as a ÓunityÔ between Israel and Diaspora Jewish communities. It establishes Israeli jurisdiction over sovereign countries, and their rules are overlaid by Israeli rules. By Section 13 and similar laws Israel disputes legality and sovereignty of any stateÒs judicial system, and suggests presumption of guilt of any judge, bureaucrat, etc. - outside Israel. They suggest that any legal case, any dispute between a Jew (or Israeli, or State of Israel) - and a private person (non-Jew: ÓgoyÔ), organization (non-Jewish) or state (non-Jewish) must fall exclusively under Israeli (Jewish) jurisdiction. Under the pretext of Óprotecting JewsÔ Israel spread its power to any country in the world. Using Jewish communities as aggressive places dÒarms, Israel claims her colonial dictate anywhere in the world. Implantation of the phrase ÓIsraeli (Jewish) interestsÔ enables inclination of Jewish (Israeli) law even without the Jewish presence (China, etc.).àà

Imperial, colonial sense of Israeli extraterritorial laws reveals State of IsraelÒs ambitions and her unlimited, aggressive and offensive appetites. However, Section 13 and similar Israeli laws are carrying not just a declarative ideological demarche. Actually Israel is practicing her extraterritorial laws in Lebanon (carrying out military operations, massacres (Sabra and Shatilla), building prisons and torturing innocent people, and occupying Lebanese territory), in Syria and other Arab countries, in African countries (with dozens of military operations executed), in other parts of the world, where Israeli ÓinterestsÔ are involved. Israel is practicing her extraterritorial laws through Bnei Brith, Beitar, ÓJewish Defense LigueÔ and her other terrorist tools in North America, Europe and Russia. Israel is practicing her extraterritorial laws through influence and power of the Jewish lobbies, JIAS, Zionist elements in Canadian (US, German, French, etc.) Federal and Supreme courts, Immigration, Ministry of Justice, CBC, CRTC, and so on. Practically we an see Israeli Section 13 power in Zundel case, in mass deportation of Russian-speaking refugees back to Israel, in LPQÒs 24 millions for the Jewish General Hospital in Montreal, and LPQÒs 100% financing of Jewish private schools, etc. Action of Israeli extraterritorial laws we can see on occupied Palestinian territories, converted into the biggest and ÓoldestÔ in human history concentration camp. Generations of Palestinians are born within this camp as Israeli prisoners, having no citizenship, no travel documents, and no legal protection from sadism and savage of Israeli soldiers. It is very clear that the goal of Israeli extraterritorial laws is to turn Canadian, US, and other citizens into ÓPalestiniansÔ.àààààààààààààààààà ààààà

Israeli Labor Code, including laws and rules, known under names of ÓkviyutÔ and ÓkablanutÔ, is nothing else, but legalization of slavery. Israeli Labor Code was widely criticized by all interested international bodies. (See Annual UN Report 1999). Famous journalist and essayist Israel Shahak in his essay in Israeli newspaper ÓDavarÔ (1995) suggests that Israeli regime is using Judaism for discrimination. In antic time these Judaism rules against non-Jews was known as ÓkhalachaÔ. Since 1995 Jewish religious courts, and civil courts in Israel began to refer to this law.à


In his book ÓLife of am American Jew in Racist-Marxist IsraelÔ (The Noontide Press, 1822 1/2 Newport Blvd., Suite 183, Costa Mesa, CA 92627, Second Noontide Printing 1991, ISBN 0-939482-01-0) Jacque Bernstein describes nature of Israeli laws as super-racist, and the goals of Israeli laws as reincarnation of Nazism and Stalinism.ààà

Israeli Penal Code, Labor, Property and other laws are encouraging slavery. Prohibition of buying or selling or reselling persons does not exist in Israel. Slavery trade, exploitation of sex slaves, pirate kidnapping of foreigners for Israeli sex industry is LEGAL in Israel. In one of its resolutions Amnesty International stressed (sub-paragraph ÓRelevant Criminal LegislationÔ): ÓSlavery and the buying and selling of persons are not criminal offences". However, they are not criminal offences only if a non-Jew becomes a slave or sex-slave. If a Russian women was brought to Tel-Aviv by an Israeli slave merchant, and turned into a sex-slave: this is not a criminal offence. But if a Jewish Israeli was involved in prostitution abroad, it is a criminal offence. Article 202 (b) of Israeli Penal Code is prohibiting this. Her agent or pimp will then face severe criminal charges. ("Human rights abuses of women trafficked from countries of the FSU into Israel's sex industry": "Amnesty International May 2000 AI Index: MDE 15/17/00).


The most sinister side of Israeli laws is their discrimination, abuse, and deprivation of childrenÒs rights.

Like Nuremberg laws had their prototype in racist Zionist doctrine, the logic of the ÓJewish StateÔ, and any of Israeli law in all its implications have prototype in Nuremberg laws.à




àà Israel and the occupied territories --àà International Religious Freedom Report

àà Released by the Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor

2. http://migration.ucdavis.edu/mn/entireissues/oct_2002mn_ot.html


Middle East: Migrants

The Israeli government suspended the entry of additional migrant workers until the end of 2003 due to Israel's rising unemployment, 10.6 percent in September 2002. In September 2002, Israel announced that it would remove 50,000 unauthorized migrates in the coming year, but also announced that 6,000 Thais could be admitted to work in agriculture. There are believed to be 150,000 to 200,000 unauthorized migrants in Israel. Migrants have replaced the 120,000 Palestinians from the West Bank and Gaza Strip who used to travel to Israel for day jobs but who have been kept out since the Palestinian uprising broke out in September 2000. Israel's Supreme Court in September 2002 ruled that the Israeli government may expel relatives of Palestinian terror suspects from the West Bank to the Gaza Strip if it proves they pose a security threat.


3. United Nations Security Council Resolution 799

DECEMBER 18 1992

The Security Council,

Recalling the obligations of Member States under the United Nations Charter,

Reaffirming its resolutions 607 (1988), 608 (1988), 636 (1989), 641 (1989), 681 (1990), 694 (1991)

and 726 (1992),

Having learned with deep concern that Israel, the occupying Power, in contravention of its

obligations under the Fourth Geneva Convention of 1949, deported to Lebanon on 17 December 1992,

hundreds of Palestinian civilians from the territories occupied by Israel since 1967, including


1. Strongly condemns the action taken by Israel, the occupying Power, to deport hundreds of

Palestinian civilians, and expresses its firm opposition to any such deportation by Israel;

2. Reaffirms the applicability of the Fourth Geneva Convention of 12 August 1949 to all the

Palestinian territories occupied by Israel since 1967, including Jerusalem, and affirms that

deportation of civilians constitutes a contravention of its obligations under the Convention;

3. Reaffirms also the independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity of Lebanon;

4. Demands that Israel, the occupying Power, ensure the safe and immediate return to the occupied

territories of all those deported;

5. Requests the Secretary-General to consider dispatching a representative to the area to follow up

with the Israeli Government with regard to this serious situation and to report to the Security


6. Decides to keep the matter actively under review.

4. IRB Library (Archive) Documents

Code: ISR26508.E1 April 1997

Subject Israel: Information on the treatment and protection available to Russian speaking women who have been raped

From: The Documentation, Information and Research Branch, Immigration and Refugee Board, Ottawa

Keywords: rape; Russians; women; sexual violence; Israel


An absence of conclusions or comments (or brief description of the mentioned materials) is a sign that the problem of mass rapes of the Russian speaking women is a real problem in Israel, and the state does not provide protection.

This Document states:

àààà "For information on this subject, please consult the attached articles. For additional information on this subject, please consult the DIRB's Human Rights Briefs entitled Violence Against Women in Israel (Feb. 1995) available at your Regional Resource Centre".

àààààààààààà "Attachments

àààààààààààà The Associated Press (AP). 12 November 1996. Edith Lederer. (NEXIS)

ààààà The Jewish Press. 29 November 1996. Carol Katzman. "Women's Issues Affect All

àààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààà Israeli Communities." (NEXIS)

ààààààà Moment. 28 February 1996. Letty Cottin Pogrebin. "An Organization of Young

àIsraeli Leaders Renews an Old Vet's Faith in the Future of the Women's Movement."

ààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààà (NEXIS)

àààààà The San Francisco Examiner. 28 August 1995. Elaine Ruth Fletcher. "Israel

àà Taking Steps to Boost Women's Status; As US Shies Away from Affirmative Action,

ààààààààààààààààààààààààààà Jewish State Tries Inclusiveness." (NEXIS)



Christianity Defenders, Jerusalem, 2002

We must take into consideration that this is not just a law against missionaries in general, but an anti-Christian law ion general. When any distribution or possession of Christian-related materials and submission of such materials to Israel will be prohibited in Israel, any Jewish missionary propaganda, any offensive or even forcible conversion into Judaism will be only welcomed! In his resent speech a general, who's a chief of the Propaganda and Education Department of Israeli army, called for forcible conversion into Judaism of all non-Jews in Israeli army. Israel has compulsory military service!

We can see here the same extraterritorial principle - as in a number of other Israeli laws. By proclaiming jurisdiction of its entire religious, penal and other laws beyond Israel's political-geographic limits, Israeli regime creates a legal basis to extend its power in the global scale by means of terrorism.à

The same extraterritorial principle is potentially presents in Israeli legalization of tortures. In 1995 a new legislation, "Landau" ("The Landau Commission Report") law, was approved by Israeli Knesset. Since its introduction it was condemned by all civilized nations (...)

àà www.defenderschrist.org


6. Ha-Aretz, Israeli Newspaper (20/09/2001-19:54)


Sharp criticism of the conditions of prisoners, detained in "Ha-Sharon" prison was expressed in the report of the Knesset's deputy Zahava GAL'ON (MEREZ), handed over to the minister of the Internal Safety Uzi LANDAU. The check was made in the beginning of September.

It is marked in the document, that the cells in the prison are very small, with low ceilings; there are no lockers; ventilation and illumination are insufficient; the sanitary conditions are below any criticism.

Prisoners are sleeping on mattresses laying directly on the floor. As there are no tables in the cells, they have to eat on the floor. Clothes are lying about the floor, too. There is no place, where to wash and to dry it up. All prisoners complained on unbearable heat and noise from ventilating system. There are no windows.

In some chambers (is spoken in the report), there are leaks from a sink or a shower, due to what the mattresses are very wet.

In many cells a lavatory pan's role an aperture (hole) in the floor carries out. Showers are established above it. Hence, it is necessary to take a shower, standing above the hole. In many "toilets" showers are leaking, and the prisoners are raining in, when use the "toilet".

There is no dining room in the prison. The majority of the prisoners have marked, that because of the terrible heat the meal is spoilt and frequently becomes completely inedible. The quantity of food is insufficient. So, for one cell, where 7-9 persons are held, only one tin of a cottage cheese is delivered.

In summary Gal'on marks, that the described phenomena represent by itself a roughest violation of human rights, and that the prison is unsuitable and should be urgently closed on repair.ààà


7. Victor Ostrovsky. By Way of Deception.

8. Lev Gunin. GULAG of Palestine.

9. Lev Gunin. Israeli Global Terrorism.à

10. HA-ARETZà 14. 01. 02

58% of criminal case defendants have no lawyer, study showsàààààààààà By Gideon Alon



11. Isaak Schneider -- Article in Ha-Aretz Analysis -- From "Ha-Aretz" Discussion board:

HAARETS -à http://www.haaretzdaily.com/hasen/pages/ShArt.jhtml?itemNo=199729

Last update - 02:50 26/08/2002à Chief rabbis call for revision to be made in Law of Return

By Mazal Mualem and Aluf Benn, Ha'aretz, Correspondents, and Ha'aretz Service


Israel's leading Jewish authorities, Sephardi Chief Rabbi Eliyahu Bakshi-Doron and his Ashkenazi counterpart Yisrael Meir Lau called Sunday for an urgent revision to be made to the Law of Return, Army Radio reported.à

The two, speaking at the end of the annual convention of rabbis in Jerusalem, warned that "seventy percent of the new immigrants to Israel are professed non-Jews, with no connection to Judaism. We cannot continue to bring entire Christian families to Israel."à


àààààààààààààààààààà In 1954 and in 1970 the Law of Return was:

1) subsequent to a definition of Israel as a "police state" - as was transferred from jurisdiction of the Ministry of Immigration to the Ministry of Interior. (Later the name of the Ministry of Immigration has been changed to "Ministry of Absorption": a very significant change).à

2) a draconian body - "Chief Registration Officer's Office" was created; which function was to hunt, catch and prosecute "hidden non-Jews". It is a kind of a "racial inquisition" (or a "racist KGB"); an atmosphere of denunciation has deepened; an army of informants motivated by jealousy, hatred and personal interest, reported on their rivals in love or in business.à

3) the Law of Return was tighter linked to religion, to Judaism;

4) a wider definition of who's eligible to apply to the Law of Return made possible to bring masses of immigrants to Israel - hundreds of thousands, or even millions; however, they had equal rights only to "return" to Israel: inside Israel they were splendid into different casts with different rights and different social status, given by birth.

àààà "On that day," wrote John Kifner in The New York Times, "the vast army of Arab laborers who wait on tables, pick vegetables, haul garbage, lay brick and perform virtually all Israel's menial work, stayed home." [John Kifner, New York Times, December 22, 1987]

àààà This is why Golda Meir and her followers have widened the "Law of Return", because they needed Russians, Ethiopians, and Romanians in Israel: for slavish manual work.

àààà The rulers of Israel have decided that it will be better to turn less powerful Jewish communities (like Russian or Bukharian) into slaves - instead of Muslim and Christians. Expressing a will to change the Law of Return back, they still hesitate: they doubt if any Jew would be agree to become a slave.à





Abuse in Policy Custody

The Israeli military reinstituted Military Order No. 132 in 1999, permitting its forces to arrest Palestinian children as young as twelve. Originally issued during the Intifada, the order had been suspended in 1993. Following the renewed implementation of the order, groups of Palestinian children reported that they were beaten or threatened with physical abuse during interrogation.

A sixteen-year-old girl continued to be held pending trial in Israel's Ramle prison after being arrested in December 1998. According to her parents, she was placed in solitary confinement and denied family visits for seventeen days after her arrest. Palestinian security forces carried out sweeping arrests of secondary school and university students in the West Bank in response to violent demonstrations there, detaining many who reportedly took no part in the demonstrations or in acts of violence.

Conditions of Confinement

Children throughout the world continued to be confined in conditions that violated international law and standards. In many cases, children in confinement were subjected to violence at the hands of guards and other detainees, commingled with adults, denied access to education, medical, or mental health services, deprived of family visits, religious services, and other important contacts with their communities, and even denied adequate food or basic sanitary facilities.

Palestinian youth held in Israel's Telmond Prison said they were held in overcrowded conditions and experienced difficulties in receiving family visits and medical treatment. In addition, in November 1997, a Tel Aviv court ordered the prison authority to provide detained Palestinian children with an education equivalent to that offered to detained Jewish children, with the exception of instruction in subjects defined only as those that "threaten the security of Israel." According to Defence for Children International/ Palestinian Section, the prison authority failed to implement the decision fully.

Refugee, Immigrant, and Stateless Children

The rights and special protection needs of refugee, immigrant, and stateless children were frequently

neglected. Among the world's most vulnerable, these children were often subjected to hazardous or exploitative labor conditions, sexual violence and other physical abuse, denial of education and health care, and other violations of their basic human rights.


13. IRB Library (Archive) Documents --- Code: ISR25800.E28 November 1996

Subject: Israel: Information on the civil rights of new immigrants from the former Soviet Union

From: The Documentation, Information and Research Branch, Immigration and Refugee Board, Ottawa

Keywords: civil and political rights; immigrants; marriage; divorce; employers; ethnic discrimination; housing; legal assistance; travel; visas; intermarriage; courts; documents; social security; health insurance; dismissal; employment; children; schools; freedom of religion; medical personnel; professional workers;

NGOs; Jews; refugee identity documents; USSR; Russia; Israel


This Document is based on an interview held in Tel Aviv on 27 May 1996 with the Legal Counsellor of the Israel Religions Action Centre (IRAC).

The source recognizes that the problems for immigrants from the Former Soviet Union in Israel exist.

Each month the IRAC receives about 350 requests from new immigrants (Jews and Non-Jews) who require assistance in all spheres from problems with the authorities - the Ministry of the Interior, the Adoption

Ministry, the Health Ministry, Social Security - to other issues that they face as new immigrants.

This must concern any IRB member or immigration officer. It shows that in contradistinction from Canada and other Western countries, where immigrants resolve conflicts, issues and problems with the court, governmental institutions, lawyers, and so on, in Israel immigrants need protection, help and assistance in any routine and minor issue. It should provoke a suggestion that the government of Israel is refusing to fulfill its obligations towards immigrants.à

The source also points:

ààààààààààà "On another level they come with problems regarding personal status such as marriage and divorce, and problems in the workplace such as discrimination and abuse by employers who, believing they do not know their rights, pay them less than they are entitled to. There are also problems in the housing field with older Israelis who, according to new immigrants, try to take advantage because the new immigrants who do not know the established system. These are the three main fields where the organization actually gives legal assistance rather than just advice. Other issues are not dealt with because they are beyond the field of expertise of the organization or they are problems that are not solely due to the fact that they are new immigrants".

The source confirms that racism, intolerance and persecution are generated directly by the state, by the government of Israel and Israeli laws:

ààà "The problems with the Ministry of the Interior are twofold. First is acquiring citizenship, either by proving Jewishness or by proving that they are married toà a Jew, or the grandchild of a Jew. The Ministry of the Interior monitors the validity of mixed marriages by not automatically granting citizenship to the

non-Jewish spouse. The Ministry assumes that all such claims are fictitious without first checking the marriage's validity. During the verification period the non-Jewish spouse is a temporary resident. This status causes a lot of problems because, as a temporary resident, they are actually tourists with a working visa; they cannot study Hebrew or get social security. Health care is much more expensive. The monitoring of marriages is not just applied to new immigrants coming in with a non-Jewish partner, it also cover non-Jewish Russians who are here as tourists and who marry Israelis. In the last six to eight months, Israeli embassies no longer give these couples Oleh visa. The embassies are only prepared to give them a tourist visa and tell them to make the final arrangements in Israel. (...)



14. RABBIES FOR HUMAN RIGHTS http://www.rhr.israel.net/workers.shtml


You shall not abuse the needy and destitute laborer, whether a fellow citizen or a stranger

àààààààààà (Deuteronomy 24:14)

The situation of foreign workers continues to be a stain on the State of Israel. From day to day the numbers of foreign workers increases outside the RHR office, which houses the Jerusalem branch of "Workers Hotline." As the sense of economic despair widens, anger is often directed toward foreign workers seen as "stealing jobs." While reducing the number of foreign workers is a legitimate policy goal, anger toward foreign workers can only lead towards dangerous outbreaks of xenophobia.

RHR chairperson Yehiel Grenimann has attended meetings of the Knesset subcommittee on foreign workers. Together with Workers Hotline, RHR worked this year to insure that hospital departments inform workers of their rights when they are hospitalized because of work related injuries. RHR hopes that some hospitals will eventually be persuaded to allow RHR to visit these workers on a pastoral level.

The following is a letter from Yehiel Grenimann, Chairman of Rabbis for Humanà Rights.

Dear Hevreh,

Yesterday I participated in a meeting of the knesset committee on foreign workers, headed by M.K. Yuri Stern. The guest of honor was health minister, Ben Ezri (Shas) and the subject for discussion was the

health care of the children of the foreign workers. The information about the current situation was fairly depressing: there are some 900 + children, mainly in Tel Aviv and mainly of illegals, whose health coverage is less than minimal - mainly limited to emergency treatment at "tourist rates" 'and some services from "tipat halav". (...)

àThey were opposed loudly and clearly by reps of the treasury, the private insurance companies, some lawyers from some other ministries and Batya Karmon, representing the ministry of Interior. The committee is to report to the govt. with its findings within 6 weeks, Tamar Grodzinski was critical of this as not a serious exercise but rather some kind of "fig leaf", but others were more optimistic that something may come of it.

àà My impression is that there is really some ambivalence on the part of the ministry of health on this. (...) Ministry of interior and treasury speakers spoke of the danger of being inundated by illegal immigrants seeking free health care for their children.

à A couple of the other human rights people there, particularly Rami of Surgeons for Human Rights,

who runs the free clinic in Tel Aviv asked me if our rabbis could bombard Ben Izri with arguments

based on traditional sources why we should take responsibility for these children's health.''

ààààààà Thanks and Shabbat Shalom

ààààààààààà Yehiel Grenimann'àà


àà ==========================

IRB Library (Archive) Documents

Code: ISR25945.E6 February 1997

Subject: Israel: Information on extracurricular schools for children of immigrants from the former Soviet Union

From: The Documentation, Information and Research Branch, Immigration and Refugee Board, Ottawa

Keywords: schools; immigrants; children; educational systems; parents; teachers; students; language; statistical data; financing; poverty; ethnic discrimination; urban areas; aliens; USSR; Russia; Israel


This Document is based on an interview in Jerusalem with the administrators of an extracurricular education program for children of new immigrants from the former Soviet Union provided in 1996 May 28.


This Document does not provide names of the interviewers, as well as the name of the host for the extracurricular education program for children of new immigrants from the former Soviet Union. The only fact of the need of such an education program already confirms that the problem exists.

The source states that an extracurricular school for new immigrant children from the former Soviet Union started in 1992 and is non-commercial. The source complains that the resources are limited, and there is no staff.à

The source expresses doubts about the Israeli education system, adding that it must be improved. It says -à "a lot of parents shared our concerns about the Israeli school system".

There were other complaints: this school is not a substitute for regular school, there is a lack of advertisement; parents learn about the school from other parents. By the time of the interview there were about 600 students in Jerusalem in the school. School provides approximately only two sessions per week.

The source informs that most of the parents don't accent the Hebrew knowledge but concentrate of Russian as their priority. It is an indirect recognition that in Israel two different world co-exist: a Hebrew world for non-Russian Jews, and Russian world for Russian speaking people and their children. Parents accept the payment policy (100 shekels a month), which is an indication that Russian for them is a priority. The school is discriminated by the municipality, which has provided the school with only $5,000 help from 1992 to 1997. "We learned that we would not obtain assistance from the Sokhnout in 1997".

When billions of governmental dollars are spent on religious and communal private schools (for "Anglo-Saxons", "sabras", Sepharad communities), Russians are discriminated.à

The source also mentioned discrimination of the school for Russian children by the Jewish Agency ("Sochnut").àà

The source has confirmed that the persecution of Russian speaking children on Israeli schools exists. It said:

ààà "As with any group of children, those who are different always have problems with beatings and the like. It might be caused by a difference of skin, language, country of birth or accent..."

It means racism. The source adds that although the number of beatings (in the source's opinion) has decreased, children still get insulted in the schoolyards. They are insulted because they are from Russia, or because they might not be Jewish. One of the group said: "I would estimate that around 10 per cent of new immigrant children experience problems in the schoolyards".

According to the source. Israeli government does nothing or almost nothing to eliminate discrimination or even persecution of the Russian speaking children.

ààà "Some schools are trying to resolve these problems to help the immigrant children. They have not succeeded entirely, although they will intervene to punish children who beat other students".

ààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààà References

àààààààààààà Extracurricular schools, Jerusalem. 28 May 1996. Interview with two administrators.



16. = The Canadian Jewish News = May 22, 2003 === M Page 9


à In response to Gerald Steinberg's May 8 CJN column, in which he criticized the New Israel Fund for its involvement with groups that he says support human and civil rights but also promote the de-legitimization of Israel, the NIF submitted the following article.

ààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààà By YORAM PERI

à The last 2 1/2 years have been a challenging time for Israel and for all of us who care deeply about the country, its security and its democracy. It is a time when Jews ail around the world - in Israel, and abroad in Canada, Europe, United States and elsewhere - are united in our deep concern for the future and fate of our families, friends and the Stale of Israel itself.à

à In my role with the NIF, and together with my Israeli colleagues on the board, I have worked hard to ensure that, even at this difficult moment, we focus on the immediate issue of Israel's security, and on the more difficult question of what kind k of Israel will survive when this current crisis has passed.

à The New Israel Fund's mission is to strengthen Israel's democracy and to ensure that it is a stale based on values fundamental to Judaism and democracy: justice, freedom and equality. (...à )

à We believe deeply in a strong Israel, but we also believe that Israel*s strength derives not rally from its ability to defend itself militarily but also on its commitment to democratic values. To us, even at a time when Israel is fighting for its security, it must maintain its fundamental commitment to democratic principles (...).à

à Israel can be neither a democracy nor a true Jewish homeland if it denies a minority of its citizens their rights on the basis of their ethnicy. For centuries, that was the fate of the Jewish people themselves as they faced laws banning land ownershop in Europe or under Czarist regimes in Russia. (...)

àà Unfortunately, for 54 years, this country has done at best a poor job of providing those minority citizens with equal or remotely equal services and benefits. To better understand, one simply has to visit an Arab Israeli school that receives one-third of the funding of a Jewish school, or the unrecognized Bedouin villages in the Negev that function without sewers or electricity, let alone schools and health clinics. Or review the national development budget, which consistently allocates to Arab citizens four per cent of each shekel spent on a Jewish citizen.

àà For 24 years, NIF has been the premier philanthropic organization promoting equality, fairness and justice for all of Israel's citizens, especially those populations that have traditionally been at a disadvantage: Arabs, women, children, Mizrahim, new immigrants and non-Orthodox Jews. With our help, a thriving non-profit sector advocates today for the rights of many facing discrimination in Israel, from new immigrants to the disabled to the underprivileged seeking a road out of poverty to communities in need, such as battered women and rape victims.

àà NIF is dedicated to reversing years of discrimination and mistreatment of the Arab minority in Israel. Our work is always positive and directed toward the realization of shared aspirations of justice, and motivated by the belief that not only is it the morally right thing to do, it is in our self-interest. A healthy democracy that treats all its citizens fairly and equally is the surest way to ensure the long-run strength of the Jewish homeland in Israel. And that is a goal I know we all share as Jews - here in Israel and in North America as well.

ààà Yoram Peri is immediate past president of the New Israel Fund and chair of its international council. He also heads the Herzog Institute/or Media, Politics and Society at Tel Aviv University.


17. UN spotlight on Palestinian, Israeli kids

By William M. Reilly


-- The Palestinians said Thursday at the United Nations that the Israelis were denying Palestinian children guarantees under the Convention on the Rights of the Child, and the Israelis countered that the Palestinians use their children as suicide bombers.

à Emile Jarjou'i, head of the Palestinian observer mission, and Meir Sheetrit, the Israeli justice minister, spoke during the second day of the U.N. General Assembly Special Session on Children at U.N.


à Jarjou'i said Palestinian children did not enjoy many of the rights guaranteed in the Convention on the Rights of the Child. Their lives were marked by the systematic denial by Israel of even their most basic rights. Palestinian children were the only children in the world without a state of their own, living as refugees or under foreign occupation, or both, he asserted,

àààà "In the last 19 months, Israeli military forces ... have indiscriminately killed hundreds of Palestinian children," he said. "These children were killed while they lay asleep in their beds, in the arms of their mothers, while playing and going to school by Israeli military forces."


àààà Said Jarjou'i, "These deaths represent a gross violation of their most basic right to life."


àààà He also said, "Hundreds of Palestinian children are still being illegally detained and imprisoned in Israeli prisons, and tens of thousands of Palestinian children have had their education disrupted.


àààà "This has resulted in a dire humanitarian situation, in which hundreds of thousands of Palestinians have been denied normal access to basic life necessities, such as food, water and medical care," said the delegation chief. "Thousands of children have been rendered homeless. This is the state in which Palestinian children find themselves today."


àààà A draft Palestinian Child's Rights Charter has been prepared that incorporates the Convention on the Rights of the Child principles and is before the Palestinian Legislative Council, he said, adding that the Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics was building a database and monitoring system

for children.


àààà "Unfortunately, these efforts have been diminished because of the continuing military incursions into the occupied Palestinian Territory, including Jerusalem," Jarjou'i said. "This should come as no surprise to those familiar with the needs and rights of children.


àà Progress is not really feasible and sustainable when children live under situations of war, occupation and


18.à IRB Library (Archive) Documentsà --- Code: ISR25797.E26 November 1996

Subject: Israel: Information on conversion to Judaism in Israel

Regional Office:1

From: The Documentation, Information and Research Branch, Immigration and Refugee Board, Ottawa

Keywords: belief systems; Jews; legislation; courts; food; immigrants; religious practice; family; teachers; courts; statistical data; ceremonies; religious leaders; USSR; Israel


This Document is based on an interview held in Jerusalem on 27 May 1996 with the Director of Israel's Rabbinical Court.

Document is not providing the name of the interviewer, and nothing that would convince us that the interview was taken from him indeed.à
àààà Of course, the ultra-orthodox rabbi has described procedures and rules of conversion according to the ultra-orthodox law. Because of this he describes how it is difficult and sometimes almost impossible to be converted to Judaism. (It is much easier with the Reformist Synagogue).

Rabbi describes the procedure as very demanding and difficult: it requires "motivation and serious studies of Judaism".

In this Document rabbi shows a suspicious, not friendly and discriminatory attitude towards immigrants from ex-USSR. He uses prejudges. generalization and bias. He said:à

ààààà "Generally, people who come from the former Soviet Union have minimum knowledge about their Jewish identity, about the Halakah (the Jewish law), or about the history of Israel. They have to learn these basic issues before converting".

àààààà "The Rabbinical Court does not teach people Judaism. The people who come to the Court are tested and if they know the Jewish law then they will be converted".à


Rabbi defines some approximate timetables for the conversion. He says "people who want to convert are placed in observant Jewish families for six months. They spend time with the family for Shabbat, and

for other special days where they can experience how a Jewish family lives".


The studies take approximately six months. After their studies are completed they come to the Rabbinical Court where they are asked questions about Jewish law, about Shabbat, how to share Shabbat, how to arrange the Jewish household around kosher and non-kosher food.


If a person has prepared well - the Rabbinical Court can receive them as new convert after two weeks to a month of questioning. If the Rabbinical Court determines that the person is not yet prepared they are required to pursue their studies with their teacher or to spend more time with their adoptive family.


The cost is only 150 Shekels to open a file with the Rabbinical Court. The Ulpan (school of learning) does not require payment.


However, there are obstacles to conversion.


A person will be refused if the Rabbinical Court believes that they do not really want to be a Jew but just want to receive a Jewish identity.

By this the rabbi indirectly recognizes that to receive a Jewish identity is crucial in Israel, or, in other words, people, who have no Jewish identity, are discriminated.

The number of conversions per year confirms that the pressure of discrimination and persecution of non-Jews is stronger then the hardship and the fiscal dishonor - inconvenience, - moral burden and difficulty of the conversion procedure.à The Rabbinical Court receives 1,100 applications a year through all the Rabbinical Courts in Israel. Of those, 600 convert yearly; 50 to 60 per cent of them are immigrants from the former Soviet Union.


Rabbinical Court's acceptance is not the end of the procedure of conversion. A newly converted must go to "mikva" a ritual swimming pool, under a supervision of the 3 rabbis, where they must go through another unpleasant test.

However, this is not the end of the requirements. It is strange that the rabbi did not mention such an important (the most important) issue as circumcision. In reality, this is one of the most difficult - morally and physically - tasks for the majority of people. It is another proof that the pressure of discrimination on non-Jews in Israel is really intensive.à

Another problem is that the conversion can be cancelled at any time because of the number of reasons.

Another mechanism of the conversion to Judaism is also described. Some people travel to Israel for the conversion, and then return to their countries. They mostly are converted through another Rabbinical Court, which belongs to the Chief Rabbi of Israel. The source does not mention any numbers in connection with this latter tendency.à

The picture, which appears from this interview, is clear. Israel is pursuing a goal to convert as many Christians to Judaism as possible. Israeli policy is hostile and aggressive towards the Christian world. It abuses countries, which money is essential to guarantee the existence of the Israeli state.

àààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààà Referenceà

àààààà Director, Rabbinical Court of Israel, Jerusalem. 27 May 1996. Interview.


19. ISR21828.F8 septembre 1995 Objet : Israлl : copie de la loi sur les passeports


Bureau rйgional : 7

Exp. : Direction gйnйrale de la documentation, de l'information et des

recherches, Commission de l'immigration et du statut de rйfugiй, Ottawa

Mots clйs: passeports; droit interne; lйgislation; Israлl

ààà Vous trouverez ci-joint une copie de la loi sur les passeports.


àDocument annexй

àààà Israлl. Passport Law. 8 juillet 1952. Traduit de l'hйbreu pour le gouvernement

àààààà d'Israлl et publiй dans Laws of the State of Israel. vol. 6, 1951-1952.


àààà ISR21681.E22 August 1995

Subject : Israel: Information on the laws affecting immigration

Regional Office: All

From: The Documentation, Information and Research Branch, Immigration and

Refugee Board, Ottawa

Keywords: immigration; immigration law; documents; visas; aliens; aliens law;

divorce; marriage; entry; ethnic and national groups; expulsion; family; family

unity; fathers; freedom of religion; government policy; illegal entry; illegal

immigrants; illegal immigration; illegitimate children; immigrants; immigration

policy; intermarriage; Jews; law; mothers; multiple nationality; national law;
nationality; Russians; Israelis; Middle East; Russia;

ààà Please note that Response to Information Request ISR21680.E dated 22 August 1995 is available only as a hard copy in the Response to Information Request files on Israel in your Regional Resource Centres. It is unavailable in REFINFO due to the length of the Response. For further information, please consult your Resource Centre staff.

ààà Response to Information Request ISR21681.E is based on an interview with a Special Adviser to the Ministry of the Interior. The interview was conducted in Jerusalem on 19 March 1995. A brief follow-up interview was held on 5 April 1995.


ààà ISR21867.F14 septembre 1995

Objet : Israûl : mise ŕ jour de la rùponse ŕ la demande d'information

ISR21025.F du 13 juillet 1995 sur le service militaire pour un mùdecin

Bureau rùgional : 1


Exp. : Direction gùnùrale de la documentation, de l'information et des recherches, Commission de l'immigration et du statut de rùfugiù, Ottawa


Mots clùs: service militaire; personnel mùdical; Israûl

ààà Veuillez trouver ci-annexù la copie d'un document tùlùcopiù envoyù ŕ la DGDIR par l'ambassade du Canada en Israûl le 13 septembre 1995 concernant le sujet susmentionnù. Vous trouverez ùgalement annexù un document portant sur la politique d'Israûl sur l'objection de conscience sùlective en date du 25 mai 1993.

ààà Cette rùponse a ùtù prùparùe par la DGDIR ŕ l'aide de renseignements puisùs dans les sources qui sont ŕ la disposition du public, et auxquelles la DGDIR a pu avoir accčs dans les dùlais prescrits. Cette rùponse ne prùtend pas ętre un traitement exhaustif du pays ùtudiù, ni apporter de preuves concluantes quant au

fondement d'une demande d'asile ou de statut de rùfugiù. Vous trouverez ci-joint la liste des sources qui ont ùtù consultùes lors de la recherche effectuùe pour cette demande d'information.

àààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààà Documents annexùs

ààà Ambassade du Canada en Israûl. 12 septembre 1995. Tùlùcopie envoyùe ŕ la DGDIR.

ààààààààà Consulate General of Israel to the Midwest, Chicago, Il. 25 mai 1993.

àààà Israel's Policy on Selective Conscientious Objection . (Internet : Israel

àààààààààààààààààààààààààà Information Service; http://www.israel.org/)


20. http://www.geocities.com/pilgrim_star_1999/Vat.html


Edizione quotidiana del Sabato 27 Febbrario 1999

àààààààààà Warm homage is paid to Regina Derieva, a Russian Catholic poetess, in the presence of religious and civil dignitaries of the Holy City.


àààà The Lord and my Church have not forsaken me.

àà That which originally appeared as a disaster, and indeed was a real catastrophe for my family and I, has turned out to be a great joy, for the Lord and my Church have not forsaken me, so says Regina Derieva, one of the great Russian poets of our times. She spoke thus at her fiftieth birthday celebration held at the Institute of Sacred Music of the Custody of the Holy Land "The Magnificat". She presented two of her new works of poetry, works that have greatly inspired the composer, Father Armando Pierucci, O.F.M. The event was simple but full of atmosphere. Well attended by figures known in the Holy Land such as, His Grace, Archbishop Pietro Sambi, the Apostolic Delegate to Jerusalem and Nuncio to Israel, Bishop Kamal-Hanna Bathish, the Vicar General to His Beatitude the Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem, the directors of the various Holy Land Magazines, many friars, indeed many persons from religious, diplomatic and journalistic backgrounds.

ààà Regina came to Israel in October 1991 along with many other Russian immigrants. She was of Jewish origin however on her documents she truthfully declared herself to be Catholic and was thus deprived of her rights, which are accorded by the "Law of Return". The same law was applied to her husband and son, and this sentence was confirmed by the High Court of Justice, despite the fact that during this time they had become stateless and so it was impossible for them to be repatriated or extradited by the Israeli government. They were left with a U.S.S.R passport, which had in fact expired, and indeed it was a passport of a state, which no longer existed, and as such the passport could not be revalidated or renewed.

àà This is the situation in which Regina found herself as she describes it: a "disaster, catastrophe". They were poor, faced with an expulsion order, which has never been rescinded, no place to go, no work, no possibility of renting a home, because without any official documentation, or even the possibility of

obtaining the same, all these things are rendered impossible. So they remained, authentic and inextricable but very worried people.

àààààà by Graziano Motta

àààààà (Extracts from the article were kindly translated from Italian by Fr. John Luke Gregory, O.F.M).


21. Lynda Bryer,ààà St. Yves Catholic Legal Services

ààààààààààààààààà Center for Human Rights, Jerusalem


Israel is a Jewish state. It is not a democratic state for a heterogenous population consisting of Jews, Christians, Muslims, Babais, and others. Israel does not have a constitution. It docs have a set of primary laws which do provide the basis for a democratic state. However, there are many normal civil benefits, such as ownership of land, public education, access to housing, employment and health benefits which are the subject of deep-seated discrimination in the sense that they are not equally available to Jews and non-Jews. In general, though, these inequalities are systemic rather than embedded in law.

There arc many reasons why effective protection of non-Jews docs not exist, including one or all of the following:àààààà

1. Protective legislation docs not exist.

2. Protective legislation exists but does not provide an effective remedy.

3. The legislation exists but is not enforced by government agencies.

4. The legislation exists but the courts have not upheld the protection.

à5. The legislation exists but no practical access to the courts has been available.

When non-Jews have sought equitable remedies in the courts, they have invariably been unsuccessful. In Israel, the courts have not protected Christian rights when they have conflicted with Jewish rights. This has proven true in virtually every kind of civil dispute, whether dealing with custodial rights of children, property claims, or any rights where ethnic or religious identity is relevant. For instance, in one case in which the Jewish spouse in a mixed marriage died, the court granted custody of a young child to the Jewish grandparents, rather than to the non-Jewish spouse. There were no extraordinary facts in the case to" justify the decision.

If discrimination is ever acknowledged either by the stale or social commentators, the ( explanation is simply that there are a few "bad guys" in a good system. As staled above* it is my opinion that the discrimination is systemic - the system, by its very nature, is discriminatory. In fact, non-Jews very rarely reach higher bureaucratic positions in the courts, diplomatic service, government, or other administrative branches. Apart from international agencies, there are few non-Jewish resources to provide protection against discrimination or to promote change.


JOY OF RESURRECTIONàà àààà -à 25 -


àààààààààààààà I emphasize that the nature of the discrimination is usually systemic, because it is extremely difficult to point out legislated discrimination akin to (be entrenched apartheid of South Africa, for example. Few laws expressly exclude any religious or ethnic group. Instead, preference is simply given lo Jews, as opposed to non-Jews, and either there is no popular or political desire to acknowledge the exclusion of non-Jews, or there arc no effective mechanisms of the state to prevent de facto discrimination from occurring. In other words, the allocation of benefits is always done on an individual and discretionary basis, where it is extremely difficult to isolate patterns of discrimination against any particular groups. Similarly, it is also extremely difficult to gather statistical evidence confirming patterns of discrimination. Consider the following areas:




Only seven percent of all land in Israel is privately owned. The rest is controlled by the state. Anyone wishing to buy land, whether a property or an apartment, is restricted to a long term lease. Such a lease or any purchase can-not be transacted without the permission of the state's Land Authority. Each application to the Land Authority is individual and confidential, and anyone working within the state of Israel understands clearly that the intent and purpose of the permission is to consolidate and maintain exclusively Jewish areas, which tend 10 be the commercially and residentially valuable areas of (he country.

At the same time, Jewish incursions into heterogeneous areas are extremely common. The overall effect is to slowly whittle away at the availability of adequate housing to non-Jews. For example* some Russian Christians have complained that they could not find either private rental or state subsidized housing unless they hid their Christian identity (which they were not prepared to do), because if applicant tenants axe known to be Christian, it is quite predictable that they will be refused subsidized housing. But again, any individual refusal of state benefits is difficult to confirm legally as discrimination* Applicants are not told, "You are Christians and therefore cannot have an apartment". Instead* the request is deferred, postponed or simply not answered. When outright denials of benefits are made* other reasons are given, such as tack of resources, etc....


22. Israeli Contract Law - Recent Trends and Evaluation*

ààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààà Shirley Renner


Israel Law Review: Volume 29 Number 3, Summer 1995

Israel Law Review Association, Faculty of Law

Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Mount Scopus

P. O. Box 24100, Jerusalem 91240, Israel




24. IRB Library (Archive) Documents -- DOCUMENT on social rights

Code ISR27616.E22 September 1997

Subject: Israel: Information on the documents Israeli citizens must show the Border Control before they can board an airplane, and on whether the Border Control retains any of these documents

From: The Documentation, Information and Research Branch, Immigration and Refugee Board, Ottawa

Keywords: documents; air transport; border controls; passports; administrative procedures; Israel

25. Amnesty International - Racism and the administration of justice - 2001 - (AI Index: ACT


26. Kretzmer, The Legal Status of the Arabs in Israel (Westview Press, 1990)


27. STOP TORTURE TRADE -- AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL --- 2001 www.stoptorture.org

Amnesty International Publications 2001 -- ISBN: 0 86210 295 2

AI Index: ACT 40/002/2001 Original language: Englishà

28. Russian Speaking People are Killed and Persecuted in Israeli Schools Because of Racism and Xenophobia:

http://www.haaretz.co.il/daily/txt/n102313.asp - hebrew

http://www.haaretz.co.il/daily/txt/n102105.asp - english

http://www.haaretz.co.il/daily/txt/n102105.asp - english






29. Centre for Research on Globalisation - Racism Inside Israel - Phyllis Bennis is interviewed by Max Elbaum -- Colorlines Magazine, 15 December 2000à -


30. United Press International

ààààà UN PRESS RELEASE - April, 2002
(Content: Discrimination in Israeli Law, The "Jewish and Democratic State", Constitutional Equality, Political Participation, Direct Discrimination, Institutional Discrimination, )


31. "Human rights abuses of women trafficked from countries of the FSU into Israel's sex industry" (or "Human rights abuses of women trafficked from countries of the former Soviet Union into Israel's sex industry: "Amnesty International May 2000 AI Index: MDE 15/17/00



3. IsraelÒs Expansion in Quebecà

After suspicious electoral manipulations, doubtful results and strange criminal cases against PQ supporters and sponsors, scheduled for pre-electoral time, Jean CharestÒs LPQ replaced PQ government. ÓAlliance QuebecÔ, a right-wing quasi-terrorist organization, with Jewish supremacist Howard Galganov as its chief, and Jewish organizations like JIAS and Bnei Brith were behind Jean Charest. Born in ÓAliance QuebecÒsÔ stronghold and Óanti-francophoneÔ capital, city Sherbrook, Charest has a Jewish mentality and Jewish self-identification, whatever his ÓofficialÔ ethnicy is. Brought to power by Jews, Charest immediately started to implement Israeli laws, rules and orders in local legislative and legal systems. He has 2 goals in Quebec: a) import full and integral Israeli judicial system into Quebec; b) as Israeli system of laws was designed to guarantee Jewish superiority, privileges, domination, and discrimination of non-Jews, Israeli (ÓJewishÔ) rules, when fully established in Quebec, will make Jews a ruling caste, and all other Quebec citizens their slaves.à

Any legislation, any law that Charest brings up, has its prototype in Israeli traditions, habits and laws. Here they are.

1) CharestÒs campaign against united Montreal and Quebec-city; his attempts to divide two metropolis to small municipalities. Judaism is no more a religion like Christianity or Islam. It became a sectarian movement, where each synagogue represents a separate sect. This explains the division of Israeli cities to very small municipalities. Jewish community and Israeli consulate in Montreal were much involved in braking Óbig MontrealÔ to pieces. This is not anything else, but a clear import of Israeli model into Quebec. It also gives Jewish neighborhoods like Hamsted or Outremont superior level of services and exceptionally high quality of life. When poor non-Jewish neighborhoods parish, Jewish ÓghettosÔ become richer and nicer.àà

2) CharestÒs anti-syndicate (anti-trade-unions) law. Refers to Israeli labor code and trade union policy. Israel doesnÒt have free trade-unions. It has one big governmental trade union - GISTADRUT (ex-USSR model), and some smaller trade unions, also monopolized and government-connected.à

3) CharestÒs new labor legislation, which brings workersÒ security, working conditions and norms 100 years back, also giving sub-contractors and employment agencies rights to buy and sell Ólabor forceÔ (persons). It refers to Israeli Ókviyut-kablanutÔ law, which is an Israeli model of slavery. ÓKviyutÔ is Ólife-timeÔ employment. Once employed with ÓkviyutÔ, you canÒt be fired. Israeli governmental clerks shout on new immigrants, foreign workers, domestic Christians and Arabs, burst boiling coffee into visitorsÒ faces, beat or push them because thanks to ÓkviyutÔ feel themselves non-punitive. ÓKviyutÔ is one of the reasons. However, you can get a good ÓkviyutÔ job only through protection, by connections; chances for Israel-born ÓsabrasÔ, and Ashkenazi Jews from West Europe and North America are 90 % higher. And the opposite: ÓkviyutÔ is used in Israel against minorities to enslave them. If you are a despaired immigrant, discriminated, unemployed, struggling not to be evicted from your lodgement, youÒll except any manual, unskilled ÓkviyutÔ work. 1 year later you may regret, seeing that your salary is insufficient to subsist and wishing to study or work in you original Ópre-immigrationÔ domain. Unfortunately, itÒs too late. A trap is closed. You have no rights to quit your job. ÓKablanutÔ is a system of regulations concerning sub-contractors and employment agencies. If a grocery store employs a cashier through ÓkablanÔ, not the cashier, but ÓkablanÔ is permanently receiving salary from the store. He can pay the cashier as much as he wants, leaving almost half for himself. There are no strict rules, no legal protection, and no rights. All ÓsimpleÔ jobs in Israel are available exclusively through ÓkablansÔ. A ÓkablanutÔ worker has no paid weekends, vacancies, etc., no pension founds, any compensation if injured. To list all depravations we must reserve the whole entire page. This is exactly what Charest is seeing as a future for all non-Jews in Quebec.àààààààààà

4) CharestÒs refusal to finance social housing. This is just another Israeli model. Gap between wealth and poverty in Israel is more visible then in any other country. Even families with children are evicted - and often end in the street. Although ÓsocialÔ (AMIDAR) houses existed in Israel, Shamir-Sharon governments stopped building them in big cities, where jobs are available. For the cost of the most expensive apartments they demonstratively imported ÓcaravansÔ - small wagons, - and placed tenths (or hundreds) of thousands of unemployed and homeless immigrant families there. Caravans are located in nowhere: in prairies and deserts, outside of the cities, main roads, schools, medical institutions, etc. Caravans have terrible leaving conditions, comparable with prison cells. Instead of apartments for families Israel builds ÓhostelsÔ: another citadel of Óprison cellsÔ.àà

5) CharestÒs Óanti-studentsÔ policy: his refusal to stop unjustified rocket-climbing education costs, and his will to make education available only for the rich. Again: this is an Israeli model. Education is available only for the rich. And for others school is a reward for serving in Israeli army.ààààà

6) CharestÒs ÓhealthÔ policy: his commitment to build a new super-hospital in Montreal and deprive the poor of medical help. Also refers to Israel, where enormous super-hospitals were built for the cost of prevention, local medical help, and universal medical insurance plan. Israel does not have a universal Medicare insurance. The whole medical system in Israel is privatized or sub-privatized. The state does not provide access to medical help, as in Canada.àà

7) CharestÒs decision to finance Jewish General HospitalÒs construction plans ($ 30 million from his government), and his cabinetÒs ruling about 100 % financing of Jewish private schools is a precise replica of the situation in Israel, where Jewish institutions are overfinanced, while schools, hospitals, and other institutions in Muslim, Christians, and new immigrant-populated areas are underfinanced. It well refers to above quoted NIFÒs chairman letter (see part 2, LITERATURE, number 16). ÓUnfortunately, for 54 years, this country [Israel] has done at best a poor job of providing those minority citizens with equal or remotely equal services and benefits. To better understand, one simply has to visit an Arab Israeli school that receives one-third of the funding of a Jewish school, or the unrecognized Bedouin villages in the Negev that function without sewers or electricity, let alone schools and health clinics. Or review the national development budget, which consistently allocates to Arab citizens four per cent of each shekel spent on a Jewish citizen.Ô - wrote Yoram Peri. Now CharestÒs pro-Israeli government wants to apply the same to Quebec. Poor Quebec families have no money for daycare (Charest rose payments and enforced conditions); there is an alarmingly growing number of homeless (a result of CharestÒs social policy); quality of education in Quebec has deteriorated; conditions at schools became much worse. And 100% financing of Jewish private schools is a priority! Health care system is stagnating. ÓFrenchÔ hospitals (like Hotel Dieu) abandon some spaces, close some vital for their service facilities. And Jewish hospital is growing, for the cost of non-Jewish medical institutions! A justified question is why? Why Charest is so intended to finance Jewish private schools and hospitals (why not Arab, Chinese, Russian, Catholic or others)? A suggestion that heÒs repaying Jewish donations for his electoral campaign is not a complete truth. The truth is that racist Israeli social and judicial system, now spread by Charest in Quebec, automatically produces privileges for Jews and discrimination for others, as racism (and discrimination) is a core Israeli principle. In Israel wide governmental financing of Jewish religious private schools for the cost of secular public sector is a priority: because 1) public schools accept minorities and students from mixed families, and private religious schools - not; 2) for Israeli regime Judaism is a nationalistic / chauvinistic tool; 3) Zionists need an excuse for ÓJewishÔ stateÒs existence, and 99% of the ÓJewish ethnicyÔ is religion; 4) Israeli regime need religious obscurantism and superstitional mysticism as a basic foundation of the ÓJewishÔ state; 5) for Israeli government a private Jewish educational institution is a nursery of a special ruling cast, and a guarantee of disintegration of society.àààà

8) CharestÒs ÓBucharest-styleÔ plan to destroy Christian heritage, churches, cultural objects and integrity of Old Montreal, with a tendency to evolve into a cultural genocide against French-speaking population, Christians in general, and their history, architectural heritage and traditions in Quebec. Hundreds of churches in Quebec were demolished or converted into condominiums, when not a single synagogue was destroyed, and their total number is growing; valuable Christian historical and architectural objects have been destroyed; new modern projects, which style is an insult to the historical part of the city, are built in the old city of Montreal. This process has begun before Charest seized the power: with PQL and Jewish interests lobbying licenses for demolition and construction. It perfectly corresponds to Israeli policy of the cultural genocide in Palestine, and Jewish American policy in USA. Not Hitler or Stalin have committed the most unspeakable crimes against European culture, but the Jewish American president Roosevelt and the Israeli regime. Under Roosevelt the whole layer of 300 and more years old historical-architectural heritage was barbarically removed, and the most valuable cultural, architectural and historical treasures in Europe were bombarded by American aviation. Israeli regime has destroyed the whole layer of hundreds and thousands years-old European architectural heritage in Palestine. The same policy is now applied to Montreal: the only North-American city, which relatively successfully preserved its European flavor.àà

9) CharestÒs savage social policy can be clearly seen in the systematic abuse of pedestrians. They are considered as Óless fortunateÔ, when drivers - as ÓrichÔ. The fact that drivers become pedestrians when leaving their cars is ignored. Insurance companies with their lobby and qualified lawyers stay behind drivers, while pedestrians donÒt have such a shield. Quebec courts donÒt apply serious sentences to drivers, whoÒs injuring and killing pedestrians. Quebec police does not react to an outrage of pedestriansÒ rights violation. As a result, drivers in Quebec, especially in Montreal, are not allowing pedestrians to cross the street: ignoring red lights, blocking pedestriansÒ passes, parking and maneuvering inside intersection zones while pedestrians are passing Óon greenÔ. Sidewalks are not safe as well. Automobilists ignore pedestrians when parking (often in sidewalksÒ borders), crossing sidewalks from backyards, or leaving underground parking lots. Even worse when they purposely scar pedestrians, block the way for them or pass them by on dangerously high speed and in a close distance. There are opinions that some drivers might kill pedestrians on purpose. Hunting pedestrians became in Quebec a real sport, with its ardent gambling and obsession. A driver that hit a group of youths, injuring some and killing one of them, and driving (running) away with his victimÒs body in his carÒs windshield (partly inside the car), did not receive a fair sentence. Women, who was going on red, and killed a child, did not receive any sentence at all. Driver that was also going on red, and killed a teenager on a bicycle, was not sentenced. Under Charest situation became so bad that people took ÓjusticeÔ in their own hands, attacking the killers. This driver that killed a teen-bicyclist was attacked and burned in vengeance. Pedestrians in Montreal cross streets everywhere - and this behavior corresponds to unsafe situation at official crossing points. In is safer to cross in the middle of the block, between lights, estimating a speed of a nearest moving vehicle then to deal with unpredictable driversÒ behavior. If pedestrians are getting killed in the middle of a road, it also has something to do with driversÒ behavior. An illuminated silhouette of a walking man stays at the crossing points shorter and shorter, which borders with humiliation. Israeli drivers are well known for their imprudent behavior. Rage driving, fights between Israeli drivers, bloody disputes in the parking places, hooliganism on the roads, abuse of pedestrians became norms in Israel. In mid-1990-s police began to crack down on local drivers only because Israeli army needs solders, and too many Israelis were killed in rage driving incidents. But unfair trials and sentences still dominant in Israel, and not the guilt but ethnic, social, and financial status is decidable which side will be punished and how severe. Before Charest there are were no social and ethnic implications in imprudent driving in Quebec. Populist liberal police attitude, populationÒs opinion about liberties, feminism (most of imprudent drivers are women, not men), federal Canadian rules of car insurance policy, and other reasons were factors. Under Charest this issue became a social and ethnic issue: as it is in Israel. Why there are no or almost no Jews among pedestrians killed by imprudent drivers? It is because in ÓJewishÔ neighborhoods pedestrians are better protected by signs, longer green lights for them, safer passages, and different policeÒs attitude.àààààààààààààààààààààààààààà

10) Under Charest landlords have received more rights to abuse tenants and increase the rent without real reasons. Israeli regimeÒs extreme favoritism towards landlords, and vide spread abuse of tenants by landlords became legendary in Israel and around the world. We can not name another country as developed economically as Israel, where tenants are beaten, insulted, cheated, blackmailed, evicted, etc. by landlords, and the last are never charged. Israeli police and judicial system fail to protect the tenants. Landlords in Israel are always innocent and tenants are always guilty.ààààà


As we can see, Charest is SharonÒs lieutenant-general in Quebec, an executioner of Jewish extremistsÒ global empire. Two days ago Israeli consulate sent him a letter, admitting his honoris causa (merits), and thanking for Órighteous treatment of JewsÔ. However, the problem is wider then Charest himself. Before he seized power in Quebec - ÓIsraGuardÔ, a firm, which combines functions of Jewish militantsÒ base and intelligence service, already was allowed to become a branch of Israeli police, army and Mossad on QuebecÒs soil. Bnei Brith was already allowed to spy on private citizens and institutions, collect confidential information, and monitor dissidents... We can say that Robert Rabinovich, Bernard Shapiro, Sheila Freizer, Lucien Robillard, Jacque LaSalle, Elenor Kaplan, Judy Sgro, Elenor Morgan, Joe Volpe, David Dorion, Barbara Berger, Morris Rosenberg, Irvin Cotler, Allen Linden, Louisa Sharon, Marshall Rotschtein, Morris Fisch, Rosa Abella, and hundreds of others are agents of a foreign government not because of their origin or Israeli citizenship, but because of their actions, statements or views (see ÓliberalÒsÔ Irvin CotlerÒs articles in Jerusalem Post). Israel Asper and sons, Conrad Black, and other media monopolists were allowed to censor and filter Canadian mass media in favor of Jewish extremists.à

We must be ready for sharp difficulties and sacrifices if we want to gain back our freedom.à

P. S. From the editor.
Max BrodnyÒs essay is a resume of our joint draft versions of a larger book on Israel. He was helping me to express our most important concerns (in a considerably more compact way then I did it in my huge works) about a threat that Israeli regime poses to the world. I left the main body of MaxÒs work as it was, only polishing his English and reconstructing some phrases. However, I left untouched some ÓcontroversialÔ aspects of his ÓterminologyÔ.


With the efforts of JIAS, Bnei Brith, Beitar and others extremist organizations words ÓJewsÔ, ÓJewishÔ became appellative as associated with the ÓJewishÔ nazism, domination and expansionism. 90 per cent of all disputes are disputes about terminology. Even if this idiomatic cliche does not correspond to our immediate principles, we might use the words ÓJewishÔ or ÓJewÔ in the same symbolic implication. This is not our fault. As books like ÓEnd of EvilÔ and new Israeli extra territorial laws continue to appear, openly manifesting aspiration for the global ÓJewishÔ empire, this word became a name of a new and extremely vicious imperialistic movement. Speaking in the name of the ÓJewish peopleÔ, Ramsfield, Wolovitz, Chainy, and thousands of other extreme Jewish nationalists pretend to defend American interests. However, their American interests (Ó...Ô) are interests of Jewish extremists, who want to conquest the world.

In reality Sharon and his generals in the government of United States have never asked ÓJewish peopleÔ if they want to be represented by them. Because of theirs bully, fascist, aggressive offense against independence of just any sovereign nation in the world they have distanced themselves from a big part of people called ÓJewishÔ. Opposed to Zionist aggression, they started to dissolve themselves among non-Jews, and stopped to consider themselves Jewish. In this circumstances ÓJewishÔ became a synonym of aggressive, bully, extremist behavior, synonym of Zionism. This is unfair and horrible, but this is a sad reality, just as it is. Unfortunately, when things are moving from ideological domain into linguistic sphere, this reflects a degree of a disastrous phenomenon.

à (Lev Gunin)ààà

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