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The World Moral And Legal Crimes

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    World community has faced the breaking force of moral and legal crimes: corrupt practices, terrorism and drug addiction. The contributor expresses his attitude towards the given problem by hazard assessment and looking for the ways of extirpation of the crimes under consideration.

   In recent years Russia and other states have faced such human vices as drug addiction, terrorism, corruption that are spreading through large territories and lead to mass human losses.
   To understand causes of the encountered problems, one should consider this matter from the view point of the fourth and the fifth generations of human rights disclosed in Russia.
   A man is a holder of both material and Divine and spiritual-and-moral rights and freedoms [1,p.210-213; 2,p.5-6].
   The fourth generation of human rights is known as spiritual-and-moral rights and freedoms of a man and a citizen that have affirmed spiritual and moral values of an individual [1,p.210-213;2,p.5-6;7,p.39-40].
   Right to life, respect to spiritual and moral dignity of a man, prohibition on torture and inhuman treatment, freedom of expression, right to choice, freedom of conscience and belief, right of spiritual development and education etc. are referred to the fourth generation of human rights. [4,p.199-203].
   Love, information and energy form basis for the fifth generation of human rights - Divine rights and freedoms [6,p.87-92].
   Here also belong such rights as: right to Love, Faith and love for God, unity with the Creator, right to be born in love, right to know and to control energy, right to co-creation and improvement of the outworld and other rights appearing from Love and Divine energy.
   Please note that in Russia Love was declared main human value [9,p.10-16;p.10,p.373-377].
   Love, morality, religion, "Golden Rule" and non-violence ethics appear as the field for the forth and the fifth generation of human rights [8,p.23-32].
   Terrorism and drug addiction go against and violate human right to life being an essential part of moral and spiritual rights and freedoms of a man and a citizen (the fourth generation of human rights), [19,p.102-105].
   Right to life was secured by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, European Convention on Human Rights and other international instruments. Constitutions of the majority of the states have legally secured a right to life as the highest human value (spiritual, moral, social and natural). The mentioned right was also secured by part 1 article 20 of the Constitution of Russia.
   According to teachings of the Russian Orthodox Church about dignity, human freedom and rights, life is a gift of God to a man. At the core, right to life proceeds from spiritual and moral autonomy of an individual.
  A man has right to life from his conception.
   The best known statement of moral prohibition is "thou shalt do no murder" by Moses, non-resistance to evil by Jesus Christ, ahimsa (literally -non-violence) of ancient Indian culture (particularly in Jainism religion and philosophy).
   Deprivation of life is committed by choice of a man (suicide, surgical intervention, drug, alcohol consumption, smoking, self-injury, etc.), violence or exposure (euthanasia, abortion, death penalty, murder, terrorism, drug addiction, crimes, etc.), as well as in emergency situations (accidents, natural disasters).
  Life interruption leads in fact to deprivation of not merely material rights and freedoms but also other fundamental Divine and spiritual and moral human rights and freedoms intimately associated with a personality.
   No one can be arbitrarily put to death, even under sentence!
   Right to life assumes first of all implementation of peaceable external state policy which excludes wars and conflicts [13,p.175], as well as maintenance of public and civil security. In order to secure human right to life states should follow peaceable external and domestic policy.
   Terrorism is an actual murder which denies principle of moral attitude towards a human being. Terrorists, inclusive of drug dealers, always encroach on physical, spiritual and moral integrity of personality.
  Murder and drug addiction lead to interruption of spiritual-and-moral self-improvement of a murdered person, as well as to spiritual and moral degradation of a man who has committed this act [12,p.102-105].
   The monograph by Neumyvakin I.P., Neumyvakina L.S. "The Universe. The Earth. A Man. Myths and facts" about drugs states the following: "Dangerous consequence of drug consumption is complete degradation of a man threatening with degeneration epidemic for the nation and transformation of human beings into sub-human animals since narcotic substances that are accumulated in sperm and ovigerm cause changes in fetus and at its birth these changes keep the Cosmic Intelligence from giving a soul to such creature", "And now this develops into Epidemic and we should deal with it as with Epidemic, instead of persuading and shaming. This way of men intoxication is as dangerous as zombifying, but the former affects off-spring as well. Thus people without a second thought provide conditions for mass mortality of their race and state" [15,p.107]. To prevent and extirpate the mentioned consequences the world community should take proper measures towards drug makers and dealers, including complete destruction of opium poppy and hemp plantations, life imprisonment of drug dealers.
   Unluckily, a state is unable to ensure proper protection of human right to life. Generally, this is because of interconnection between terrorism, drug addiction and corruption. The problem will be resolved when all countries of the world and the world community become conscious of personality value.
   In the present state of the mankind development each country tries to enhance national security of its citizens, society and state against external and internal threats in all spheres of life.
   Russia has included anti-corruption measures covering all layers of society into one of lines of its national security.
   Corruption (corruption - to violate, to break) is associated with violation of administrative regulations of either moral or social code.
   Corruption is generally subdivided into two forms of benefit obtaining: classical venality or extortion (payoff) and "service rendering" (patronage, nepotism). Law-enforcement authorities effect widespread arrangements to break ties "exactor-suborner". The second from of corruption is based on friendly, official or kinship relationships. In the majority of countries this form of corruption has no legal definition at the level of legislation. For that reason "corrupt service rendering" at this point of national identity formation has become main threat to national security [11,p.133-137].
   General Agreement "On protection of spiritual and moral values of the Nation and Russian cultural heritage" of April 24, 2008 places corruption on the same footing as high treason.
   To extirpate corruption all states should place this crime on the same footing as high treason with all that it implies instead of "gifting" corrupt-official with "favors" in form of conditional sentences.
   Drug addiction, terrorism, corruption and other crimes lead states and society to political, economical, social, spiritual and moral negative consequences.
  Science considers economical, institutional and sociocultural factors to be main causes of law violations and crimes.
   Consistency of the vices under consideration is stipulated in many ways by depreciation of spiritual and moral values. As a rule all crimes have moral nature, in other words all legal crimes defined by law are moral crimes.
   Unfortunately majority of states do not assign rebirth and development of spiritual and moral values as well as public strengthening of standards of morality to countermeasures against the vices under consideration.
  The laws are not oriented to protection and securing of the fourth and the fifth generations of human rights (spiritual and moral and Divine rights and freedoms of a man and a citizen).
   As S.N.Lazarev notes, "no legislative acts and instructions can deter a man from commission of crime if he is immoral, and no punishment can stop a man if there is no love in his soul and if a piece of bread is central for him [14,p.160].
   Unfortunately, states are unable to ensure proper protection of human right to life. This problem will be resolved when countries become conscious of personality value.
   State system depresses freedom of human expression [5,p.83-86] and does not secure properly Divine and spiritual-and-moral rights and freedoms of a man and a citizen.
   We believe that states should take drastic measures aimed at extirpation of drug addiction, terrorism, corruption that threaten physical and spiritual-and-moral existence of mankind.
   Perception of Divine and spiritual-and-moral rights and freedoms of a man and a citizen will allow not declaratory but practical implementation by countries of human right to life.
  1 Iventev S.I. Spiritual-and-Moral Rights and Freedoms of a Man and a Citizen //Monthly academic periodical "Discussiya" ("Discussion"). 2010. No.2, February, p.210-213.
  2 Iventev S.I. Spiritual-and-Moral Rights and Freedoms of a Man and a Citizen. - Kazan: TISBI, 1999 http://iventev.narod.ru/.
  3 Iventev S.I. The Fourth and the Fifth Generation of Human Rights // Human sciences: Collection of scientific papers. Part II. - Karaganda: Publishing house KarGU. 2010. p.47-49,
  4. Iventev S.I. Arrangement of Rights of a Man and a Citizen // Kazan science. - Kazan: Publishing house: Kazan Publishing House. No.3 2010. p. 199-203.
  5. Iventev S.I. The Fourth and the Fifth Generation of Human Rights. Freedom of Expression // Monthly academic periodical "Discussiya" ("Discussion")., No. 5, May, 2010 p.83-86.
  6. Iventev S.I. The Fifth Generation of Human Rights. Love Energy. // Modern Age and Psychological-and-Pedagogic Sciences. Modern Age and Linguistic sciences. Modern Age and Jurisprudence. Digest of the I All-Russian Theoretical and Practical Webcast/ Edited by V.S.Kurcheev and T.V.Sidorina. -Novosibirsk: Advanced research center - Publishing House SIBPRINT. 2010. p.87-92.
  7. Iventev S.I. Spiritual-and-Moral Rights and Freedoms of a Man and a Citizen. Ecology // In the world of scientific discoveries, 2010. No. 4(10). Part 6.p.39-40.
  8. Iventev S.I. Religious and Moral Standards // Morals and Religion: Collected works of the VII All-Russian Research and Practice Conference. - Penza: House of Knowledge of Volga region. 2010. p.23-32.
  9. Iventev S.I. Fundamentals of Legal Right: The Fourth and the Fifth Generation of Human Rights // System of Values in the Modern Society. Digest of the XII International Research and Practice Conference / Edited by S.S.Chernov. - Novosibirsk: Publishing House NGTU. 2010. p.10-16.
  10. Iventev S.I. Human Values: the Fourth and the Fifth Generation of Human Rights // ibid. p.373-377.
  11. Iventev S.I. Moral Side of Corruption // Modern Age and Psychological-and-Pedagogic Sciences. Modern Age and Linguistic sciences. Modern Age and Jurisprudence. Digest of the I All-Russian Theoretical and Practical Webcast/ Edited by V.S.Kurcheev and T.V.Sidorina. Novosibirsk: Advanced research center - Publishing House SIBPRINT. 2010. p.133-137.
  12. Iventev S.I. Challenges of the Modern Age: Terrorism and Drug Addiction // ibid. p. 102-105.
  13. Baglay M.V. Constitutional Law of the Russian Federation.-M.: Norma-Infra-M, 1998.
  14. Lazarev S.N. Diagnostics of Karma. Vol.12. - St.Petersburg, 2007.
  15. Neumyvakin I.P., Neumyvakina L.S. The Universe. The Earth. A Man. Myths and facts. - St.Petersburg: "Publishing house "DILYA", 2007.
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