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South Korea, lovers

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    Lovers from Korea

  South Korea, lovers
  Lovers from Korea
  Matches with real heroes are just a coincidence!
  The main character of my story is an actor, he is already over forty years old, he descends from the famous philosopher Kohgzi, a South Korean actor, but he descends from the Chinese philosopher Confucius. The actor is a famous person in Korea, so I give him the pseudonym Kunqiu.
  "I have never been married, I have no children, but I am at the right age for these roles. You have to do not what I am good at, but what I am capable of. I think that such work is an advancement and a challenge. to yourself, whether you get bad reviews or not. "
  From the author's interview with the actor
  This morning, Kunqiu again thought that he had run out of milk in the refrigerator and had not eaten the homemade food prepared by his beloved housekeeper, Mrs. O.
  The housekeeper who took care of him for ten years left him a month and a half ago.
  No, nothing terrible happened, just time, which spares no one, has reached Aunt O. For more than ten years, an elderly woman and a famous actor lived in perfect harmony. Very often, the aunt even stayed overnight at the actor's house when her back hurt and it was hard for her to get home. She had her own room on the first floor. Auntie held on as long as she could, but time, as I said, takes its toll. A month and a half ago, my daughter took Aunt Oh to Busan. At parting, the actor made a generous gift to his aunt. He was in no hurry to look for a new housekeeper, because he was planning a big tour in Japan, but because of the coronavirus, everything went up and down and the tour was canceled. And now the time has come to think about who will help him to manage the household in the future. The most ideal would be if he could get married, and his wife would take care of all the issues related to everyday life, but the question of marriage was a painful issue.
  Kunqiu stopped the treadmill, lay down on the floor and thought, he realized that finding the right woman to do the housework was hard enough. Laws, rules, barriers, other people's views, closed doors, classified information, journalists who always poke their nose into his affairs - all this required being very careful. Even if he were an ordinary person, and not an actor, even then he would be afraid to bring a stranger, an unknown woman into his house, well, and in this situation he had to be very careful. Kunqiu understood that he could not make such an important decision himself, but would it be possible to dream?
   A few hours later, his manager was informed that it was time to start looking for a new housekeeper. Age in this choice did not really matter, but the actor did not like to part with those to whom he was accustomed and therefore asked to find a woman of 30-45 years old, who would still be far from decrepitude and retirement. There was one more thing, one more requirement, the housekeeper candidate should not be a Kunqiu fan. Kunqiu genuinely loved his fans, but preferred to love them from a distance. Not that he had anything to hide, but the thought that a woman would appear in the house, who would spy on and eavesdrop, climb where she should not, terrified him. I think you now understand why the actor spent a month and a half driving away from himself the thought of a new housekeeper.
  Kunqiu loved his home, but he had little time to seriously engage in everyday life, the work took all the time, sometimes, when the filming schedule was especially stressful, he stayed overnight at the studio or at the hotel, he simply did not have the strength to go home.
  In the end, there were three candidates left in the selection process. All three women had a solid track record, all three were over forty, all three denied being Kunqiu fans, and ...
  Kunqiu flipped through all three resumes and found another one under the stack. It turns out that there was also a fourth candidate, her resume was quite short, it did not take even a page, but probably something interested his manager in this candidate, otherwise Kunqiu would not have read her resume now. The actor also tried to delve into what was written, but the lines blurred before his eyes. Still, the actor hasn't slept for three nights. This was the time of the month when he could not sleep. Rather, he was asleep, but his sleep was shallow, he woke up endlessly, usually by three o'clock in the morning he stopped fighting and went to drink coffee. It would be possible to leave the care of choosing a housekeeper to the manager, but the woman who remains in the selection process will have to work in Kunqiu's kitchen, clean his bedroom, wash and iron his linen. That is why Kunqiu understood that it was he who had to make the choice. He wished that with the departure of Aunt Oh, his housekeeper, the quiet times were over.
  The fourth candidate who wanted to be his housekeeper was really unusual. She was Korean but lived in Hong Kong and Tokyo for twenty years and only recently returned to Korea. Judging by the resume, Ms. Li followed her stepfather, who was a famous pianist, with her mother. Ms. Li lost her father at the age of seven. The woman even got excellent
  e education at one of the universities in America. It was not clear why, having such outstanding data, she decided to go to work as a housekeeper. Nothing was stated about this in the resume. Ms. Li said she would tell the employer if she was hired. After returning from Hong Kong, the woman lived with her maternal grandparents. Looking at the photo that was pasted on the resume, Kunqiu thought that the face in the photo was so young that he just couldn't help calling Ms. Li a grown woman. The manager attached a note to the resume. After reading it, Kunqiu understood what the manager was interested in this girl. If you believe what the girl said, she never saw a single film with Kunqiu, or heard his songs, because she lived a lot of time abroad. The girl had little experience as a housekeeper, she worked in only two families, but if Kunqiu wants to take her, she can be assigned a probationary period. Kunqiu hesitated, the main goal of the housekeeper is order and comfort in the house, can Ms. Li be able to do this? Thoughts were confused and Kunqiu decided to leave the resume on the table for now, he wanted to make the final decision in the morning, but his sleep left him after three in the morning, and he trudged off to the kitchen. The resume lay on the kitchen table. The top summary in the pile was Ms. Li's summary.
  Looking at the photo, Kunqiu thought that his curiosity was a little piqued, he wanted to know something about the girl, in addition to what she wrote. A week passed and finally the manager brought the girl.
  Kunqiu did not like awkward situations and therefore during the conversation he only smiled encouragingly and inserted short remarks into the manager's explanations. The girl clearly and boldly looked into the eyes of Kunqiu, in those eyes there was no servility and delight of worshiping an idol. Kunqiu truly believed that Ms. Li had never seen any of his roles in films. The girl asked sensible questions, laughed in the right places, answered directly to the questions posed, that is, made a good impression.
  Something confused Kunqiu, but he decided that it was due to the fact that the girl is young and sweet. But when the meeting ended, Kunqiu remembered the hairpin that he saw in the girl's beautiful hair, and it seemed to him that he had once seen a similar hairpin in the girl's hair, the memories of which were unpleasant and embarrassing to him.
  However, on reflection, Kunqiu decided it was just a coincidence. Once upon a time, Kunqiu passionately loved that girl, and a hairpin in the hair of a strange girl stirred up memories. There was no filming today, it was that rare day when there was no need to go anywhere, you could just stare mindlessly into the fire of the fireplace, or even pour a quarter of a glass of expensive wine and inhale its thick aroma, reminiscent of love and summer. However, after drinking the wine, Kunqiu winced, it seemed to him bitter, the memories were to blame. Remembering the girl who was left in the past, Kunqiu became agitated. Taking out an album with old photos, he tried to find their common photos, but only he was everywhere. Many years ago, when this unpleasant story happened, one of his close friends, who was very worried then, decided that the girl was unworthy to be in the photo next to Kunqiu, and cut her off in all group photos. Therefore, now Kunqiu could only vaguely remember some details of the girl's face.
  To be honest, the new housekeeper was not his type at all. She was too, how to say, feminine, or something. Kunqiu liked girls who were not similar, not representatives of their sex. He did not like loud fools and cry, as he was afraid of hysterics and a showdown in a raised voice. He liked strong and harsh women, women who were independent, who knew how to set goals and achieve their goals at any cost.
  Yes, the girl was beautiful, but she was too, how to say, ordinary, traditional, or something. Knowing the biography of the girl, Kunqiu expected something unusual, because the girl studied in America, spoke four languages, including Korean, saw and knew a lot. However, at the meeting, an ordinary girl was standing in front of him. A girl who will not even notice if she is in the crowd of fans.
  No, he did not want, of course, that the girl had a tattoo or a nose ring, God forbid, he only hoped that at least the girl's clothes would have at least some hint of her life outside Korea, but his wishes were not justified. Again, in front of him was an ordinary girl, dressed in the same way as all modern girls in South Korea dress.
  Three days later, the girl started to work. Before this happened, the manager checked whether the girl's resume was true. Everything was confirmed. The manager, Mr. Kim, even met the girl's grandparents. The old men turned out to be very welcoming and treated Mr. Kim to dinner.
  Everything that the girl wrote was true, and the moment came when she came. Having met the girl, Kunqiu did everything so that she did not worry, but the girl was calm. This amazed Kunqiu.
   The girl immediately got down to business, which she had to do in the house, which was almost not cleaned in the last
  her time. After a month, Kunqiu got used to the girl and treated her like a piece of furniture, furniture that moves. He was quite happy with this situation, it was convenient. Whether this situation suited Ms. Li, he did not know. Kunqiu rarely spoke to the girl. It seemed to him that due to the fact that the girl turned out to be so insignificant and ordinary, his interest in her passed, he did not even ask the girl those questions, the answers to which he did not find in the resume.
   Usually, by the time Kunqiu returned home, the girl left. They collided only on weekends, when the girl worked until lunchtime.
  Filming ended early that day. Kunqiu had a headache, it was again that time of the month when he did not sleep, so he refused to go with the other actors and the crew to the restaurant. Returning home, he saw that the girl was still in the house, her shoes were at the threshold. When the sound of the vacuum cleaner ceased, the actor could not believe his ears, the girl sang, and she sang the song that he had recently learned and sang at a meeting with fans.
  The blood rushed to the actor's cheeks, he decided that the girl had lied, she was a fan of Kunqiu and deceived him. The girl's voice was not set, but rather pleasant, she even sang a few notes not very accurately in pitch, but she immediately laughed and corrected herself.
  Kunqiu was a kind person, but he did not tolerate lies. He pretended not to notice the girl and went up to the second floor. Locked in the bedroom, he didn't know what to do. The girl was conflict-free, and Kunqiu would not mind if she worked for him further, but here's the fact that she deceived him ...
  He wanted to call the manager to deal with the girl, but then changed his mind, it would not be like a man. Having calmed down, he went downstairs to clarify everything, but the girl had already left. On Sunday, when the girl changed her clothes to go home, Kunqiu asked her to stay a little longer. The girl smiled and replied that she urgently needs to leave now, but if there are any questions for her, she will answer them to the actor tomorrow, if he does not mind.
  The girl left, and Kunqiu remained with his mouth open. Now he understood how this girl was different from the others, she was independent. He admitted that, most likely, other Korean girls would behave in the same way in this situation, but there would be only a handful of them.
  The patriarchal upbringing in South Korea instilled in young men and women a certain pattern by which they lived. Obey your elders at home, obey your elders at work, obey your elders at university and school. Kunqiu was also an ordinary schoolboy, and then a student and passed all the stages of reverence for elders. Fortunately, there were no people on his path in life who humiliated or offended him when he was older, but he saw such situations and was very worried about his friends when they got into such situations.
  Now Kunqiu was angry, then he wanted to immediately dismiss the girl without explanation, then a minute later he calmed down and persuaded himself that he had to wait, and the girl would explain everything.
  And she did explain. It turns out that Ms. Li played the piano quite well, in the United States she studied at the Faculty of Arts, and when she heard Kunqiu rehearse at home, in the music room, and prepare for the upcoming meeting with fans, she wondered if she could find the accompaniment to that the song that the artist sang. The time of college students had long passed, and the girl's fingers had not touched the piano keys for five years, so she doubted her abilities a little, and when she picked up the accompaniment, the song sat so deeply in her voice that she sang it even while cleaning.
  That's all. When Kunqiu confirmed that she was satisfied with the girl's answer, she smiled sweetly and, not expressing an ounce of resentment from the fact that she had to make excuses, packed up and left.
  Honestly, Kunqiu did not fully believe the girl, her answer was too fantastic. His first impulse was to turn to the manager again to check if the girl was lying about the fact that she studied at the Faculty of Arts, but he immediately dismissed this impulse.
  I, Kunqiu, together with the author of the book, we agreed that I will appear on the pages of this book only occasionally, that is, I will speak in the first person. The rest will be told by the author. This book format was not chosen by chance, when I act in films and dramas, I live the life of my heroes, I feel comfortable working in this format, of course, when I play a role, I bring a little myself into it, without this the image would not be capacious and recognizable, but still seventy percent of the role is fiction, it is a figment of the scriptwriter's imagination. Exactly the same ratio will be in this book, thirty percent is my direct speech, seventy percent is the story of the author. You must understand that there is me, and there are myths and fantasies about me! When I appear on the pages of the book, it will be true, when the author appears, this will also be true, but the truth that the author sees.
  So, come with us, and let this path be easy and interesting!
  Yes, wait! One more thing, for especially distrustful and picky readers, we decided to add a slogan that, all coincidences with real characters and places are just coincidences! Of course, you and I know that everything written in this book is true, but there are such readers ... In short, start reading, and as you read, everything will become clear to you.
  "When asked what strengths he can highlight as a partner, the actor said," I don"t confess right away if I like someone. I"m the kind of person who would rather cherish this feeling than act based on it. "
  From the author's interview with the actor.
  The penultimate chapter ended with the actor doubting the identity of the new housekeeper. Reassured, Kunqiu asked Mr. Kim to send him copies of the documents that were kept at the agency's office - those were Ms. Li"s documents. Until now, he has only seen Ms. Li's ID, and his education documents, insurance certificate and other documents were kept at the agency's office. The manager was surprised, but did what the artist asked. And again, Kunqiu made sure that the girl did not lie to him, she really studied at the Faculty of Arts. After that, he breathed a sigh of relief, in fact, he did not want to change the housekeeper at all. And time flew forward again. So half a year passed.
  The event that I want to tell you about happened on January 6th, so much snow fell that day that all transport stopped, and this is completely unsurprising, because usually the streets of the capital of South Korea are dry. The last abnormal snowfall was six years ago, and now the snow has piled up so much and in such a short time that the city admitted defeat. All the vehicles stopped, and the children went to play snowballs and make a snowman. Ms. Li was so engrossed in her work that day that she missed the moment when it was painless to get home. She didn"t even look out the window and didn"t see that it was snowing.
   The artist told her about the snowy Armageddon when he returned home. Realizing that the girl would hardly be able to get home quickly, Kunqiu invited the girl to spend the night in the room where Mrs. O was staying at such moments. The girl was surprised, then laughed, and then categorically refused. However, her categorical nature came to naught, as soon as she opened the door and went beyond the threshold of the house. A blizzard began, it blocked the view of all those who were unlucky that day and who were forced to get home on foot, not to mention the hostages who were forced to sit hour after hour in car salons. Kunqiu once again suggested that the girls not take risks and spend the night in a room on the first floor. And here, for the first time, he saw confusion and embarrassment on Ms. Li's face. The girl whispered almost inaudibly that grandfather and grandmother would be worried.
  However, this problem was quickly resolved, the artist called the manager Kim, and the manager called his grandfather back. When this question was settled, Kunqiu, in order not to embarrass the girl, informed her that he was going up to the second floor and would not come down until the next morning. The girl, who cheered up after the manager had settled the issue with her grandfather, told Kunqiu that she did not need such drastic measures. If the artist suddenly needs to use the kitchen, let him do it without hesitation, usually at night she does not have a desire to rush around the house and use the kitchen. Kunqiu was again very surprised, he expected any reaction from the girl, but not such words. It seemed to him that the girl was burning with embarrassment, and, entering her room, would move the furniture to the door so that the uninvited guest would not come to her at night. The girl was not going to do any of this, she just smiled and wished the owner good night.
  Hello my dears! I am the author of this book, or rather, I am a beautiful destiny disguised as the author. You have already met the hero, now it was my turn to speak. However, I will be brief for now. My speech is my book, which you are about to read. The only thing I want to add is that I do not like to borrow other people's texts, and therefore everything that I did not come up with, but I use in this book, will be in quotation marks. So, I will summarize the first chapters.
  The actor is single, but many circumstances prevent him from starting the search for the one he will love. Meanwhile, his housekeeper, Mrs. Oh, is quitting. We must look for another housekeeper. Manager Kim offers the actor a choice of several candidates, including the young and beautiful Ms. Li Mei. Actor Kunqiu chooses her. Well, what do you think happened next?
  Cheek is swollen
  This story happened when our heroine worked for only seven months in the artist's house. Even then, she began to realize how much she liked her master. Each time she entered this house with a sinking heart, because she was attracted to this person. However, some circumstances prevented her from showing her sympathy for Kunqiu. Yes, and to be honest, she just didn't know how to do it. She had almost no love experience. Moreover, from the artist's attitude to his housekeeper, it was absolutely not clear that he somehow distinguishes her from other women. That evening, our heroine came to work in the artist's house in a bad mood. She had a bruise all over her cheek. An abnormal mother threw a book at her, and the book hit the girl in the face. The fact is that she worked as a tutor and helped teach English to those schoolchildren who were not given this subject. Twice a week she came to see a boy who was in high school. The boy was diligent, but English was not given to him. Ms. Li used different methods to memorize words, but the boy was still struggling to learn English. Maybe it was in the high bar that his mother set for the student. The mother demanded that the boy had only excellent grades in all subjects at school. The boy tried his best, but the English language was a stumbling block for him. That day nothing foreshadowed trouble, but when the lesson was already coming to an end, the boy's mother burst into the study room, holding some piece of paper in her hands. The woman, wildly rolling her eyes, suddenly ran up to the boy and began to poke this piece of paper in his face, and then grabbed his hair. The girl tried to protect the boy, but she also flew in. Mad mom grabbed the first textbook she came across and threw this textbook in the girl's face. As Ms. Li later realized, Mom was holding a printout of the student's six months' grades. In English, the boy had a modest three. This pissed off my mother. Both the student and his teacher got it. The girl's right cheek was swollen from the blow. Having collected the textbooks, the girl left the house without saying a word. Looking ahead, I will say that the crazy mother dashed off an angry letter on the English teacher. She threatened Ms. Li with all sorts of punishments, and promised that this teacher would not get a job anywhere else. However, the employees of the agency were also not bastard. The girl turned out to be crippled and could file a lawsuit against the agency that was her customer. Of course, Ms. Li wouldn't do it, but the director of the agency was shocked. Upon learning that the schoolboy's mother had hit the teacher, agency workers sent out the family's data to all agencies, and the boy and his mother were added to the black list. After that, the woman tried for some time to find an English tutor, but she failed, then she literally crawled into the agency and bowed to the ground. She asked to return the English teacher, but of course the girl did not agree to this anymore.
  But that was later, now the girl was trying to find at least a piece of ice in the refrigerator to apply to her swollen cheek.
  But he was not there. The mood deteriorated even more. After all, quite recently the girl checked, the ice was in the refrigerator, but today it was not. It is good that Ms. Li discovered this in time, otherwise Kunqiu would have been unhappy, the artist asked the girl to make sure that there was always ice in the refrigerator. The door knocked, it was the owner. The girl turned away from him, her mood became even worse. She hoped the filming would take longer and she would leave before he returned. Well, since the owner of the house, she needs to become as inconspicuous as possible. As luck would have it, today she had to return home to her grandparents. This means that she will have to go on the bus with such a face, and then on the subway. It was not so bad, the disaster struck when the owner saw her swollen cheek. The girl was insanely ashamed. Serving food on the table, she struggled to turn her healthy cheek to the owner, but nothing came of it. The girl expected everything, but not such a reaction. Seeing Ms. Li's face, men I stopped eating, and then finished my dinner altogether. The girl went to wash the dishes, and then saw that the owner was standing in front of her in outerwear. So, Kunqiu instantly put on his outerwear and handed the jacket to Ms. Li.
  - Are we going somewhere? - asked the girl
  - Yes.
  - And where?
  - In hospital.
  - Not. Do not. Nothing terrible happened.
  - It's not even discussed. Have you seen your face in the mirror?
  - Yes, but if I put ointment on my cheek in the evening, then by morning everything will be in order.
  - And if you have damaged facial bones?
  By the way, how did this happen?
  The girl briefly outlined the situation.
  - Maybe you want us to contact a law firm?
  - No, I don't want to make a fuss. The owner of the agency said he would punish the quarrelsome woman in his own way.
  - Well, that's as you wish, but I have to take you to the doctor.
  Fortunately, everything turned out to be not so bad, the doctor said that the facial bones were not damaged, only soft tissues suffered, he wrote out a prescription for the necessary ointments, and soon the girl was already sitting in the car.
  When it was not so far to the house, the car had a flat tire. The actor parked his car at the curb and called manager Kim. While the manager was driving, the actor invited Ms. Li to get out of the car and take a walk in the park, which was located near the Han River. The girl agreed, but asked.
  - Aren't you afraid that someone will recognize you?
  - No, - handing the girl an umbrella, said the artist, - it's evening, and besides, it's raining. I don't think there are a lot of people in the park now.
  And so it turned out, the park was empty. During a walk, the girl several times caught herself wanting to take the artist by the arm, and it even seemed to her that the artist had the same desire. She suddenly saw a swing and looked inquiringly at Kunqiu, who smiled and nodded his head. While the girl swayed, Kunqiu stood aside under an umbrella and waited patiently. The lanterns were lit, Mrs. Li went to the parapet of the river, and leaning on it, leaned over the water. The lights of the city were reflected in the water, the water carried its waters, not thinking about those people who are now looking at it. The girl bent too low and almost fell into the water, or rather the artist thought that this almost happened. He took the girl's hand and pulled her gently.
  - Yes? - looking at the hand that lay on her arm, she looked inquiringly at the artist - what?
  - Let's go to the car, probably manager Kim has already arrived.
  The girl sighed, she didn't want to leave here so quickly. While she was looking at the water of the river, it seemed to her that this was not just a forced walk in a rainy park, but a walk in the park with a loved one.
  The artist also reluctantly removed his hand.
  "Having played the actor's love for fishing, the interviewer wittily asked:" What is the only fish Kunqiu could not catch in the ocean of life? " Kunqiu replied, "You used fishing as a metaphor, but from the point of view of real fishing, I want to catch a fish that I have not caught before, very big."
  I am more and more nostalgic for classics, not only for fashion, but also for furniture and cars. Only after a lapse of time do you realize how amazing it is. I prefer simple and classic outfits like the ones I wore today, not over-the-top or trendy. It's a natural look for someone my age. "
  From the author's interview with the actor
  I think it's time to finally get to know the artist more closely. Like his great ancestor, Confucius, the Kunqiu artist adhered to the principles of goodness and justice. The artist was a kind and fair person. Over time, the more he grew up, the more he thought about the roles that he played and will play again. He lived on earth for a little more time, but the further, the more he thought about why he came here to this land, and what mission he had ahead of. Previously, he tolerated criticism rather painfully, but now he did not care.
   "When I reflect on my filmography, I think my starting point is compassion for people, including myself. I used the word "vulnerable" a lot when I was filming "The Demon." I believe that humans are infinitely vulnerable animals. I don't know if this sounds grandiose, but I think that everything is rather vague. Wouldn't the world be more beautiful if we became more compassionate for each other? "
  From the author's interview with the actor
  In each of his films, whatever his role, he talked about compassion, about compassion for children, women, nature, earth. These are of course general phrases, but that is exactly what Kunqiu was. Every film he started was a separate planet. Each of his roles began with the fact that he asked himself whether he believed in the proposed circumstances, was he ready to put a piece of himself into the image?
   "I don't have much greed. It's such a cliché, but it's hard to find another way to express it. I kept saying to myself: "It's okay if I don't do it right now. I do not want to rush". And I think that now, at my age, you can bring these thoughts to life. I'm more relaxed and brave, so I can do what I really want to do without caring what other people think. I used to dislike being criticized, but now I don't care. I realize that I missed out on so many nice things just because I was worried about what others were thinking. I think you can only feel better if you free yourself from it. "
  From the author's interview with the actor
  I have already told you Ms. Li's last name, and now I will tell you her name, her name was Mei.
  After that snowy night, when the girl stayed overnight at her employer's house, she now often stayed overnight if she did not want to travel across Seoul home to the house where her grandparents lived. Kunqiu was responsible for the girl in front of her family, and was very worried when Mei finished work late and took a long time to get home at dusk. May tried not to abuse the host's hospitality, but it turned out that three times a week she still stayed overnight in Mrs. O's room. In general, a good relationship was established between the housekeeper and the owner.
  Meanwhile, the artist's illness was getting worse. When the full moon rose in the sky, the hope for a sound sleep evaporated. The artist tried to go to bed early in order to get at least a little sleep, but the clock struck midnight, and the sleep went away. It seemed like someone malicious was taking hour after hour from Kunqiu's life. Previously, he woke up at 3:00 am, but now the sleep time decreased, and he began to wake up at midnight.
  Lack of sleep at night turned into a problem. Kunqiu looked bad in the morning. He fearfully waited for the approaching full moon this month. For the role in the new film, the artist lost a little weight. In the new film, he played a not very healthy person, and his chronic lack of sleep played into his hands so far. In any case, no one has yet noticed how poorly he orients himself in space in the morning. In addition to the fact that he slept badly, his dreams, his short dreams began to influence reality.
  Lately he has dreamed the same thing. He saw an ancient Chinese city in front of him, felt annoyance mixed with pity, and tried to help the inhabitants of the city whom he saw in front of him.
  Sleep shots changed. He heard the screams of a woman, the woman screamed in pain, but no one was in a hurry to run to help, he saw jets of water, saw a source that suddenly began to beat from under the ground, his sleep ended with a cry of a baby. He saw women"s hands, which dipped the baby into the waters of the spring in order to wash it. After that, the source ceased to exist, and the water went underground.
  In the morning, having drunk coffee, he thought about sleep for a long time. The clouded mind did not want to delve into anything, but the artist nevertheless came to the conclusion that strange dreams tormented him, because he still had not fulfilled his main purpose in life. Kunqiu was already 41 years old, but he still has not been married. Perhaps the thought of a son who would one day be born to him gave impetus to his strange dreams. There was nothing terrible in these dreams, there was no hint of any horror, or something malicious, just the dreams were chaotic and at the same time very clear. Kunqiu still saw the branches of a mulberry tree in front of him, under which a baby from a dream was born. In fact, he saw only the source, only the mulberry tree, the very woman who came there to give birth to the baby, he did not see. He saw only the hands of a woman who were holding the newborn boy, heard the crying of the child, and heard the voice of the mother, who was soothingly saying something.
   I will not intrigue the reader, those dreams that the artist saw were dreams about the moment of the birth of the great philosopher Confucius. The artist did not immediately realize this, but after comparing different moments from his dreams and the facts of family chronicles, he came to the conclusion that he saw exactly the moment of the birth of his great progenitor.
  So, there are two interpretations of strange dreams, strange painful and chaotic dreams of the artist. The first interpretation, since Kunqiu was still not married, he thought that dreams were a hint that he would soon meet a woman who would become his wife and give birth to a son. The second interpretation is pictures from the past of the great philosopher and thinker Confucius.
  There is a version that the events of the life of the progenitor are recorded in the genes of all his descendants, when these events emerge in the memory or in the dreams of modern people, this means that for some reason the ancestral memory came to life in a person. Whether it was true or not, the artist did not know, and would prefer not to know in the future, all he wanted now was to get enough sleep.
  South Korea is an unusual country, to start with the fact that in this country, however, as in all Asian countries, there is a very tough selection, a very fierce struggle for a place in the sun. If young people in Russia can freely get married when they come of age, that is, at the age of 18, then in South Korea, girls and boys at this moment only awkwardly begin to glance at the opposite sex.
  Education begins at colleges and universities. The learning process is so difficult and cruel that it leaves no time, or almost no time for personal life. In some universities, it is directly stated in the charter that students of a given university are not entitled to some personal preferences, that is, to put it simply, young people do not have the right to privacy, let alone sexual contacts.
  In Russia, it is quite normal for a girl and a boy to live together before marriage to get to know each other better, and marry only when they find out that they will soon become parents. This trend is not only in Russia, but also in other Western countries.
  In South Korea, if young people suddenly announce that they have decided to live together before marriage, not only older family members, but also their peers will look askance at them. About family, marriage, young men and women in South Korea begin to think about only at the age of 35-38, that is, at the moment when their studies are over and there is work, there is a good salary to support the family.
  I do not give my assessments and do not say good or bad, I just point to a fact.
  Of course, in South Korea, as well as in other countries, everything cannot be so unambiguous, someone breaks the rules, someone adheres to them, and I am only talking about a general trend.
  That is, the story that you are reading now is about this, about people who have already crossed the threshold of their thirties and who hope that now, when they followed the path of life that the older generation prescribed them, they will have great love ahead and happiness. However, there is nothing definite in life, sometimes it happens that great love does not come in any way, and the clock is ticking, and the hope of running into the last carriage of the train called love becomes more and more illusory.
  "I am not obsessed with politics or social problems. While filming, I always think: "I hope that someone will feel what I feel" and "Shouldn't we think about it?" I like projects that provide an opportunity to reach out to people through the roles that I am offered. After reading the script for a film about unfortunate children from a boarding school, I got angry and thought: "Will people watch this? But I have to do it. " I had no idea it would have such a big effect, and the title of the movie would even be used for the title of the law. "
  From the author's interview with the artist
   May asked the owner to reconsider her work schedule. The girl had another part-time job, and she also studied at some courses. An American diploma was not enough for her, having decided to live in Korea from now on, she wanted to get a Korean-style diploma.
  The actor respected the girl's request and her schedule was revised. On weekdays, she now worked in the afternoon, but on weekends, her schedule remained the same. Thus, on weekdays, she usually completed her work somewhere around 10:00 pm. If there was no bad weather outside, then the girl went home, but if she finished work late or it was raining or snowing outside, or all together, then she stayed overnight in Mrs. O.'s room.
  Kunqiu, immersed in his problems, did not notice for several days that the girl's eyes were red. Once, when he was having dinner, it seemed to him that the girl was crying, however, when he asked her what had happened, the girl replied that she was allergic, so lately she has been walking with red eyes. The artist did not insist, although he was firmly convinced that he heard the girl crying. Well, if the girl did not want to devote the owner to her problems, then this was probably only a plus.
  Although the artist was a very kind and understanding person, human injustice made him indignant, but the matter usually did not end with indignation, several times in his life Kunqiu took measures to eliminate the injustice. One day he read a book where it was told how the workers of the boarding school abuse hearing-impaired children. It was a true story, but the book did not create much resonance. The orphanage workers only shook their fingers and nothing else happened. The actor was so indignant that he insisted that a script be written and a film was made according to this script, in which he played one of the roles. This time there was a big scandal. Not a single employee of the boarding school escaped responsibility, even laws were passed to protect such children.
  But let's get back to the girl story. Red eyes and tears were on Monday, and on Tuesday the girl was kind of fine. However, on Wednesday, when the actor approached the girl to find out if there was enough food for the party he was throwing for friends on Saturday, the girl's eyes were red and puffy again. It might be hard to tell an allergy from just tear-stained eyes, but the actor was sure that he saw what he saw. But this time, too, he did not insist. The thought occurred to him that there might be a problem in him, maybe he was not attentive enough to May, or he was overloading her with work?
  This time he decided to act differently. He invited the girl into the living room, sat her down in front of him, they chatted about meaningless things, about the girl's life in America, about her studies, and when he felt that she was ready to answer, he asked her a direct question. The answer was in the usual manner of this girl, she smiled and said shortly "no". After that, she returned to work. Kunqiu felt that the matter was amiss, but he could not get the girl to talk. A week has passed. Now the most difficult shooting of the film was taking place, the actor came home utterly exhausted, all his thoughts were where the scenery for the film remained, but that evening he came early, the shooting was canceled. Walking into the living room, he was dumbfounded, May watched the movie I mentioned earlier and cried. Seeing the owner, she wiped her tears, got up, and not a word, not a word, went into the kitchen. She didn"t turn off the TV. She was probably washing the dishes, but the sound of pouring water could not drown her sobs. The actor turned off the TV. Climbing to the second floor, he leaned back exhaustedly in his chair. He did not understand this girl, he desperately wanted to feel sorry for her, but he could not find a way to do it. Soon the cleaning was finished, and the girl went to her room.
  "I didn't appear in romantic TV series that often. This project became significant because many viewers liked it. I felt happy and burdened at the same time. It was a project that I got at a time when I was in doubt about my acting career. I worked really hard to be sure. I wanted to be a unique and memorable artist, so I was very worried. But this project has awakened my fading passion, so it has a special meaning for me. "
  From the author's interview with the actor
  The party was planned for a small circle of friends, but this time the small circle was suddenly wide. Many more people came than planned, several friends came from America, whom the artist had not seen for a long time, and at the last moment the list of invitees suddenly expanded. The party was great, Kunqiu rested his body and soul
  Uk, also an artist and close friend of Kunqiu, wanted to be a DJ, and this man knew how to amuse. The jokes flashed in the air, and the lawn shook with bursts of laughter from the satisfied guests. A team of waiters was invited for the party, but manager Kim refused the services of an administrator. It was decided that May would lead the household part of the party. And the girl did an excellent job with the role assigned to her. Waiters and service staff were placed in such a way that no guest was left unattended. The party was already drawing to a close when one of the American friends, who got pretty drunk and tried to swim in a decorative lake with fish, was inflamed with a passion for May. He suddenly pulled the girl to him and tried to kiss. The girl at that moment bent over the table trying to adjust the stand with starch napkins. The table was on the outskirts, almost in the shadows, and further events were seen only by the artist, who from time to time glanced in the direction where the girl was.
  So, at that moment, when a friend from America tried to give May his kiss, the girl twitched and tried to pull away, but she failed. The drunken man dug into the girl's lips. Kunqiu rushed to Mei's aid, but only made it towards the end of the action. There were still twenty steps to the scene of the action, he did not hear what the girl said, but he saw that the man was sitting on the ground and he was bleeding from his nose. Having reached the arena of the battle, the artist heard that the girl was laughing and saying something in English. The guest was sitting with a red face, probably the girl's words touched him even more than a blow to the nose, he began to rise, his expression left no hope for a successful outcome of the conversation. At that moment, Kunqiu finally ran to the scene of the conflict. The guest was eager to fight and promised to teach the arrogant waitress a lesson. The artist tried to explain to his friend that the girl was not a waitress, but the guest was already in such a state that he simply did not hear what he was being told. He rushed at May, but the girl, instead of fleeing, again said something mocking in English. The situation was getting out of control, the American friend was the same height as Kunqiu, but his weight clearly exceeded the owner by seventy kilograms. Despite this, Kunqiu would of course have covered Mei with his body, but this was not necessary. Manager Kim finally saw that the case was amiss and the drunk man was first calmed down and then taken home.
  May took a napkin, brushed her lips furiously several times, and then smiled at the owner and, as if nothing had happened, went on to manage the party.
  When the guests had departed, it was time for the waiters. It seemed that May was in several places at the same time, so quickly she moved from one end of the terrace to the other. When everything was finally cleaned up and the team of waiters left Kunqiu's house, the artist decided it was time to rest. As he poured the coffee, he suddenly remembered the note that one of the waiters had given him. The waiter found this note under the tablecloth of the table where the artist was sitting with his friends. The note was clearly addressed to the artist, because it was lying under the tablecloth, exactly in the place where the dishes from which Kunciu had been eaten.
  The note was found at the moment when the tablecloths were being removed from the tables. The artist did not immediately have time to read it, but now that time has come.
  I wrote it so solemnly, but to be more precise, the note was handed over to the artist five minutes ago. So, the artist poured himself a coffee, stretched out his tired legs and opened the note. The note read:
  "By credit card or cash?
  Who will pay?
  It doesn't matter who pays. Both of you will pay a heavy price for this! "
  At first, the artist thought that someone wanted money from him, and the extortionist left his demand in this original way. But on reflection, he suddenly became confused, and remembered that these are the words said by one of the heroines in the film in which he played the main role.
  Oh, that was one of the key moments in the film, it was a little connection to the action, where, by the way, his close friend played the angel of death, the one who was at the party today. I mean Uka.
  The hero and the heroine meet on bridge, their hands simultaneously reach for the ring, which is being sold by a jewelry merchant. The heroine and hero, once, several centuries ago, held this ring in their hands. The jewelry merchant is also a difficult woman, she is a deity who can take, when necessary, the appearance of a beautiful and mysterious woman.
  In general, the phrase that was written in the note and, which, at first glance, looked so threatening, was just a phrase from the film that the screenwriter once invented. But, nevertheless, the situation remained incomprehensible, the artist did not understand what this note means, if it is a threat, what is the extortionist asking for? And if it's a joke, what's the point? The party was over, the extortionist did not show up, and therefore the artist, in the end, decided that the note was just a stupid joke.
  May was crying, the artist heard this, the girl was in her room, but was about to go home. After the party, Kunqiu apologized for the drunken guest, and then asked what the girl said so insulting to the guest?
  May said she accepts the apology, but has absolutely no memory of what she said. The words were spoken out of spite, and as soon as the guest left, the girl immediately forgot them.
  But it turns out that the girl lied to him, she had not forgotten anything and was now crying from the experience of fear and humiliation. In order not to embarrass Mei even more, Kunqiu hastily grabbed his coffee mug and went up to the second floor.
  "Both actors admitted to sending messages to their ex-girlfriends in the middle of the night. When asked to choose between love and friendship, Wook chose the former and Kunqiu the latter. "
  From the author's interview with the actor
  It was high summer outside, July, Mei rarely stayed overnight at Kunqiu's house now, because the weather was unusually fine outside.
  However, one evening the actor invited May into the living room and announced to the girl that, in three days, it was his birthday. The party will take place in a restaurant. Since the artist is a public person, it was decided to rent the entire restaurant so that outsiders would not enter the party. There was silence in the living room and suddenly the artist said
  - I want to introduce you to my family, and therefore I also invite you to my birthday. Ms. Oh was like a family member and I want you to get to know my whole family too. Judging by your expression, I can see that you want to refuse, but take your time! I told manager Kim that I was looking for a housekeeper for a long time, and therefore I want you to be aware of all my family affairs. Mrs O was friends with my mother, I hope that you will also be friends with her and my other relatives. Well, what have you decided, will you go?
  - Yes.
  May was as laconic as ever. The artist wanted to ask something else, but the girl had already got up. Soon the front door slammed and the house was empty.
  The birthday was set for Saturday. A lot of people came, as in the case of the party, there were many guests whose visit was not planned in advance. These were distant relatives whom Kunqiu's mother decided to invite at the last moment. Naturally, the son did not even think to argue with his mother. It was a round date, and therefore even relatives who lived outside of South Korea came. It was fun, noisy and crowded. The rumble did not subside, which was replaced by bursts of laughter. Finally, the music began to play, and the master took the floor.
  The actor looked around the hall, besides the others, there were about ten people in the hall, whom he had never even seen. Mom said that he simply forgot their faces, with some of these people he met only in childhood. The celebration went on as usual, when suddenly one of the elderly relatives ran into the hall. She turned pale and looked bad. A commotion began. It later became clear that someone had written the words of threat on the toilet mirror. Kunqiu's first impulse was to call the police, but his film partner, who was also invited to the birthday party, suddenly approached him and told him that nothing terrible had happened.
  On the mirror, only a phrase from the film was written in lipstick. The inscription was in the women's toilet, the actor did not dare to go there, and therefore the actress showed him a photo on the phone.
  The caption read:
  "Tell me your death, and I will report my grief"
  And below the inscription was a sword.
  An elderly relative decided that the artist was threatened with death from a knife.
  May sat apart from the artist, along with manager Kim and two agency employees, and watched the commotion.
  Manager Kim, who, of course, could not stay away, soon returned and talked about what had happened.
  Looking in the direction of the artist, May raised her eyebrows inquiringly, the artist smiled at her and began to rise from his place, his intentions were clear. Kunqiu wanted to approach the girl, but she shook her head.
  By the way, due to the turmoil that arose due to the inscription on the glass of the mirror, the artist did not have time to introduce May to his mother and other family members. However, May was only glad of this.
  The police still called, this was the second message that worried the artist. The police arrived and left, the police assumed that the inscription on the toilet mirror was written by a woman's hand. If a man wrote this message, he would have to wait a long time for the toilet to be empty. Therefore, the obvious assumptions were still not so obvious. The incident with the inscription did not spoil the party very much; towards the end of the party, the invariable DJ of all parties, the soul of the company, a close friend of the artist, Uk, appeared.
  Uuck had a shoot, but he still made it to the party. With the arrival of a friend, the party suddenly became interesting, and in fact some of the guests were about to leave. But it turned out that all the fun is yet to come. Uuck had a lot of surprises that he came up with especially for the birthday boy.
  The party ended well after midnight. When the artist looked back at the place where Mei was sitting, he did not see the girl. Kim's manager said that May left a long time ago, just after the commotion over Wook's arrival started. The artist was disappointed, he was sad that the girl left so early.
  Every year, at the same time, the actor invited a cleaning team to his house. A five-year contract was signed with the agency where the team worked. Of course, Mrs. Oh, and then later May, tried to clean the house very carefully, but they could not foresee everything. That is why the cleaning team, during the general cleaning, looked into all the cracks, and then later left the artist with written recommendations on where to make cosmetic repairs. Such conditions were spelled out in the contract.
  Mei could not be present during the cleaning because she had an exam. But in fact, she was not needed here today.
  Every year when the cleaning team came, Kunqiu gave Ms. Oh a day off. This made sense because Ms. Oh and the agency workers had different views on cleaning. The artist believed that it doesn't matter where the cleaning starts, from the basement or from the attic, the most important thing is that the house after this cleaning is clean.
  The fact that Mei had an exam also played into the hands of Kunqiu, knowing the girl's character, he was afraid that the disagreement about the cleaning methods would not turn into a showdown.
  Therefore, with a light heart, he let the girl go to the exam, and wished her only excellent grades.
  He had a busy day today. Usually, the actor rehearsed and conducted all the scenes of the fight himself, he very rarely used the services of understudies and stuntmen. A lot of preparatory work was always done before filming the battle scene. Today was the final stage of preparation, and tomorrow it was planned to shoot this scene. The actor returned home completely exhausted.
  He thought that the cleaning was already completed, what was his surprise when one of the women in charge of the design of the room, embarrassed and stammering, said:
  "We don't know what to do with this find. These toys were scattered across the piano in the music room, and we need your directions to decide where to put these toys.
  Each toy is topped with a note on the back, and we do not know your intention for these toys. Maybe you want us to install these toys in such a way that the inscription on the note is visible? Or, conversely, do you want the toys to face?
  The actor was amazed and could not understand what this was about. He had to go to the music room himself, and he really saw that there were demon figures on the piano. There were six figures, these figures, since the premiere of the film where he played the demon, could be bought at any toy store. A piece of paper was attached to each figure, on each piece of paper was printed a line of a quote from the film, a quote that I will give you now in full.
  "I always listen. You begged for death and I gave you a chance.
  But ... why are you still alive?
  I have never erased your memory. You chose to forget everything, and now ... do you think that this is the plan or the mistake of the Almighty? "
  It was like a bad dream, someone was harassing or threatening the artist. Quotes from the movie in which he played the lead role reminded him unequivocally of some bad deed he had done. As the artist did not try to remember, he could not find such an episode in his life. On the contrary, always and everywhere, he tried to do the right thing, according to his conscience, and according to the law. Having dismissed the alarmed employee of the agency, he put on gloves, put the small figures in the box and carried them into the living room. The meaning of the quote was clear to him, it was not clear to him who exactly was throwing these riddles on him and why this person was doing it. Kunqiu pondered. This was already the fourth time that someone tried to scare the artist, someone close to the artist, someone who was there in all these cases when these strange finds were presented to him. After analyzing what was happening, he suddenly realized that all these oddities began from the moment Mei appeared in his life. But, on the other hand, although she was at the birthday party, she did not seem to even get up from her seat.
  However, this incident with the music room, which happened today ... The fact that the girl was not at home today, that she took time off for the exam, does not mean anything. The girl could have prepared the figures in advance, the fact is that the artist has not visited the music room for two weeks. It just wasn't necessary yet. Therefore, the question of May's involvement in all these strange cases remained open.
  Finally, the actor stopped playing detectivo and just told himself that this could not be.
  The girl could be hot-tempered, sarcastic, angry, but in his opinion, she was not capable of meanness. But if it's not Mei, then who?
  The more the actor looked at the demonic figures, the more it seemed to him that he was going crazy. It was not for nothing that the actor took the figurines with his gloved hands, he thought that the fingerprints of the person who left the demon toys on the piano might have remained on the figurines. Yes, it could very well be. But in order to find out who the prints belonged to, it was necessary to take the figures to the police, and the artist did not want to do this yet.
  - I know that sport takes a big place in your life, how many times a week do you train?
   The actor replied, no matter how much I drank the night before or how tired I am, I go to the gym. When I come home from my workout and shower, I feel relieved that I did it. It's kind of an obsession. I need to exercise to eat calmly. I am getting older and my body is deteriorating much faster. If I don't take care of this, it will become obvious. Now that I'm over 40, I understand that your body never lies. Now I can't go to the gym, so I train at home. " From the author's interview with the artist
  Yes, the X time was still a week, I mean the time of the full moon, and Kunqiu was already feeling bad. Due to the coronavirus, he was not able to go to the gym, and therefore every morning he started the same. Kunqiu had his own small gym on the third floor, and he would not allow himself to start breakfast unless he dropped seven sweats in his workout. The actor believed that now, when his life had passed his fourth decade, he needed to load his body as much as possible every day, regardless of the state in which he woke up in the morning. Today was a day off, it was sunny outside and May didn"t spend the night in Mrs. O"s room today. Therefore, the actor waited for the door to knock and the girl"s round face appeared in the dining room opening. Kunqiu was waiting for this unconsciously, not realizing it. Finally May came.
  "Hello, Mr. Kunqiu," she said cheerfully, "the weather outside is great today! Do you have any special dinner requests?
  "No, and if you don't mind, I would like to talk to you about something before you go home after work.
  - Okay.
  The girl stood, expecting the continuation from the owner, but Kunqiu was silent. He thought about something of his own, but suddenly his whole body shuddered.
  - One day, when the weather is fine, I can say that you were my first love! - leaving, said the girl.
  The girl went into the kitchen, and Kunqiu decided that he was going crazy. What he heard simply could not be! Going to do a prosaic business, take out the trash or load his underwear into the washing machine, the girl changed a little and uttered a quote from the film in which he played a few years ago. His first impulse was to stop the girl and talk, but he backed up in time. All that he heard simply could not be, probably, the approaching lunar days were playing with his consciousness again. Or were his assumptions correct, and all this devilry with notes, inscriptions, demonic figurines, the handiwork of his beautiful Mae? No, most likely, it just seemed to him. If you believe the heck, you"ll have to fire May, and he didn"t want to. The moon was playing with him, he thought, it couldn't be otherwise.
  Is she a fan? The day was leaning towards evening, and he could not calm down in any way. He scolded himself and reminded himself of how many times he made mistakes in this way. Probably, the girl was still a fan, it is a pity that he chose her from the proposed resume.
  And suddenly an idea occurred to him, how did the girl get to this casting, where the housekeepers competed? He tried to make himself laugh, but the joke about casting housekeepers was not funny.
  Seriously, how did she find out about the agency that handled staff for actors and singers? This agency was a closed territory, in order to find the email address of this agency and offer a candidate, you had to have either outstanding qualities or ... connections.
  This is exactly what Kunqiu will ask Mei in the evening, he has a lot of questions for the girl, but they will wait. I would also like to ask about the quote that Mei said when she left, but Kunqiu probably won't be able to decide on this question.
  "The actor also mentioned that he is not the type to be preferred by women. He explained: "I don't tend to be brave or courageous when it comes to love. In any case, I can only confess my feelings if I become one of my characters. Because I feel comfortable thinking that this is not really me. But being a real Kunqiu is difficult. "
  He continued, "That's why I enjoy acting. I can become a different person and do things that I cannot do in real life because of my shyness or embarrassment. It gives me a sense of satisfaction. "
   From the author's interview with the actor
  In the evening, Mei told Kunqiu that, as in the first two cases, she was given the agency's phone number and an old friend of her deceased father helped her find a job. Although many years have passed, the friend helped the May family and took part in all the significant events of this family. The only thing that he did not accept was May's mother's new marriage, but she did not care, after the second marriage she never returned to Korea. And May missed her homeland, and as soon as the opportunity arose, she returned home.
  She had three options, she could live separately, she could live with her paternal grandparents, or with maternal grandparents. On reflection, she chose the latter option, however, she had to promise her relatives from her father's side that she would often visit them. Having told all this, May got up and started to leave. Kunqiu was a little embarrassed by the girl's manner of ending any conversation - in this way, without waiting for a response from the interlocutor, but it was too late to bring up the girl, and it was not necessary.
  The shooting of the film, in which the actor played the main role, was drawing to a close. And although the premiere of the film was supposed to take place in three months, the work of the actor was already finished. Now it's the turn of the assembly shop. In a month, the actor could be free. He had a little time before the premiere, as soon as the premiere was over, the hot days would start again. It will no longer be shooting a film, but, nevertheless, there will be no time to rest. Interviews, screenings, meeting with fans, all this required preparation and physical strength.
  Fortunately, now the actor was already somewhat free. But it turned out that the filming process was still in it. The actor still lived the life of his hero, he understood that this was impossible, the film ended, and it was necessary to let the hero go free, but he did not succeed so far. Due to the fact that he was so busy in the last month, he hardly saw May. When he returned home, May was already going home or sleeping in Mrs. O.'s room.
  This is not to say that the actor has not thought about a strange girl all this month. No, it"s not like that. Thoughts about her were with him from morning to evening, but somewhere far away, on the very periphery of the brain. Girl, as if you were in his thoughts, and as if she was not there.
  The premiere fever was growing, posters, posters, endless advertising on TV - all this fueled the audience's interest, but this also forced the actor to leave the house as rarely as possible, and if the need to go somewhere was brewing, it was accompanied by a manager and security guards. ... The hysteria of young female fans has reached unprecedented proportions. Returning home, the actor tried to distract himself, somehow erase the squeaky voices of young fans from his memory. The actor knew the value of fans' love, knew that if he crossed the line, start acting in his own way, not as prescribed by the regulations of the actor's free life, and immediately the love of the fans would turn into hatred. That is why the actor was still not married. A distinctive feature of the Korean fans was that each of them considered the actor a potential groom and had already chosen a wedding dress in advance to go down the aisle with the actor. Actors and pop idols cheated, started secret families, they had children growing up, but when all this was revealed, a grandiose scandal and hatred of fans awaited them.
  Kunqiu did not want to, he did not want to hide anything, to hide anything.
  And then the day came when he didn't have to go to Studios. After a little reflection, he informed May that she would be given a week's leave, while he himself went to Jeju Island to relax and fish. His task now was to break the thread connecting him with the hero of the film, whose life he had lived for so many months. Fishing helped in this like nothing else.
  May was surprised when the actor told her that she would have a week to rest. She was thrilled and grateful. When she returned to work a week later, it turned out that the actor would be away for another two weeks. The girl's task was simply to keep the house clean, she could even live those two weeks in the house. It was very convenient, the house was in a very convenient place, it was a stone's throw from the girl's second part-time job and to the place where she studied.
  "The author asked," What do you do during your vacation? "To which Kunqiu replied," I really like fishing. When I have too many thoughts in my head, and I cannot sleep, I try to go fishing, it helps me to restore my morale.
  The author agreed: "I think fishing is a good thing because you don't have to think. She can help fill the void after the project is completed!
  Kunqiu nodded and added, "That's why I think fishing is good for actors as a hobby." From the author's interview with the actor.
  After returning from Jeju Island, the artist felt very good. As he expected, a few days in nature, fishing, long walks along the beach helped him a lot. When it came time to return to Seoul, he was cheerful, cheerful and full of energy. There was order at home and delicious food. While on Jeju Island, the artist wondered if he could give a present to a new housekeeper? When Mrs. O worked for him, he always brought her small gifts, souvenirs, fridge magnets and other knickknacks wherever he was. How his new housekeeper would react to such a gift, he did not know, so he decided that he would buy a gift, but he would not give it until he found out the girl's opinion on this matter. The memory of the hairpin that was in the girl's hair on the first day of their acquaintance was firmly embedded in the artist's head, and therefore, walking along the beach, he chose a hairpin inlaid with mother-of-pearl shells from a street vendor. A week has passed. He did not manage to talk to the girl that evening. Despite the fact that the weather was bad that evening, the girl told him that she was leaving and would spend the night at home today. The girl was alarmed by something, her eyes were red and tear-stained again, several times the artist caught her short glances on himself, it seemed that the girl was expecting some questions from him or wanted to ask something herself, but none of this happened ... Just after supper the girl got ready and left. And then suddenly the artist understood, or it seemed to him that he understood the reason for May's red eyes. The point, it seems, was in his blind dates. Yesterday he announced to the girl that he trusts her and asks for help. Kunqiu asked Mei to choose a suit in which he would go on a blind date.
  The artist's parents were worried that time was running out, and their son was still not married. Therefore, from time to time, Kunqiu had to go on a blind date. However, such meetings, although they gave hope, did not go beyond the first communication. This time, in order to find the daughter-in-law for sure, the artist's mother personally went to the agency that was responsible for such delicate questions, and selected nine girls. All these girls Kunqiu had to meet within a month. No objections were accepted. The date was structured in this way: a man and a woman were in a room similar to a confessional in a church and heard each other perfectly. The visiting room was divided by a mesh barrier. Young people saw each other, but badly. Only a silhouette was visible, by which it was impossible to judge the interlocutor. This was done on purpose, very often famous people came on dates, and in no case could it become known that these people were attending such dates. If, after a blind date, young people expressed a desire to continue their acquaintance, only after that they received a photo of the one they liked.
  The artist's mother narrowed the circle of his search and therefore the artist had hope, he decided that this was his chance to become happy. Moreover, my mother had previously approved the candidacies of the girls. He only had to choose. On that day, the artist asked May to choose a costume that would suit his blind date. This is what Mrs. Oh did, it seemed to the artist in such a way that he was relieving the burden of responsibility from his shoulders. Mrs. Oh has always been very careful with her choice of costumes for these dates. May also did not refuse, but the suit that she picked up, in the opinion of the artist, did not suit this type of date at all. The artist did not take into account one aspect, Ms. Oh, who was the same age as his mother and treated the artist like a son, sincerely wanted to help, wanted Kunqiu to finally find a wife, but Mei, who was a fairly young woman and seemed jealous, was absolutely not was interested in the date ending with a wedding. However, for some reason, Kunqiu did not understand this. He liked May, but he absolutely did not consider her as a wife. The oddities that began at the moment when the girl entered his life frightened off the artist. Although, to be honest, the artist thought more and more over time that Mei was exactly the girl he had been looking for all his life. However, thinking about it, he tried to drive these thoughts away. Kunqiu reminded himself that at the moment when the girl entered his house, she seemed to him too expressionless, too traditional, and simply not interesting. Now, after some time had passed, his soul was already reaching out to Mei, but his mind rejected the girl, his mind kept repeating that Mei was not a girl of his circle, his mind appealed to those first impressions that he made when Mei just started working for Kunqiu ... However, all these throwing of soul and body were useless, Kunqiu would never have confessed his feelings to a girl first. He preferred to nurture and nurture this feeling within himself, but doubted that he would ever get the chance to tell May about how he felt. May was so young and beautiful, and she didn't seem to like him at all.
  This was the third blind date. The girl on the other side of the room had a beautiful voice. The voice was very sensual, and awakened some unknown sensations in the artist. In addition, the girl was apparently smart, she was happy to maintain a conversation, she could talk on any topic that the artist suggested to her. It was evident that the girl was genuinely interested in a date. The artist was delighted. In addition, the girl said that she dreams of a big family. She dreamed that when she got married, she would have at least two children. This made the artist happy and interested even more. The previous two candidates categorically did not want children. In addition, the girl, whose face he did not see now, said that she had lived in Japan for several years and was fluent in Japanese. The artist spoke Japanese at a very intermediate level, and had great respect for people who knew several languages.
  In general, when he returned home, he informed the agency that he liked the girl with whom he was on a blind date today.
  After that, he asked to send a photo of the girl. The agency sent three photos, and here Kunqiu was disappointed. The girl's face absolutely did not correspond to her inner world. Unfortunately, the girl's figure also did not meet the standards that he wanted to see in his future wife.
  To be honest, the artist was upset. He even felt offended that the mental image he drew in his head after talking with the girl did not at all correspond to what he saw in the photograph.
  The mood was ruined. He spent the whole day dealing with the annoyance.
  After that, he called his mother and told her that he would go on the other six dates. Look in two months. Mom gently scolded her son, but was already pleased that the son did not completely abandon the idea of a blind date.
  He stopped sleeping altogether. Chaotic dreams lined up in a smooth line, and the actor finally understood what they want from him, what they want. Plunged into the abyss of dreams, he felt physically ill. He dreamed that red threads pulled him to a mulberry tree. He tried to escape, but the more he torn, the more the threads entangled him. But as soon as he relaxed, the threads fell off and he freed himself. This time he woke up at 23 o'clock, it turns out that he slept for only a little over an hour. This is when you consider that twice during this hour he even emerged from sleep, because he woke up from his own groan.
  He woke up drenched in sweat, very thirsty. Trying to walk as quietly as possible, he descended from the second floor. The kitchen was next to the room where May was sleeping. My heart was beating so that it seemed that it was about to jump out of the chest. Kunqiu clung to the back of the chair, he did not understand what was happening to him now. In one hour, it turned into some decrepit ruin. Tomorrow was an important day, and I had to try to get some more sleep. The water helped the heart, the pulse stopped beating. Whether he could drink coffee in this state, the actor did not know. This was the first time he felt such weakness. Rising from the table, he awkwardly touched a nearby chair and it fell. The spacious kitchen was filled with thunder. Light footsteps were heard, and May's disheveled head appeared in the doorway.
  - Is everything all right? - the girl asked sleepily.
  "Yes," the actor agreed.
  He was embarrassed. He promised May not to appear near the room where she sleeps at night, but he did not fulfill his promise.
  Me, - the actor wanted to say something else, but suddenly his head started spinning and he fell.
  May left the room, walked over to the actor who was lying on the floor, and bent over him. Finally, this man was at her complete disposal. Of course, if there were another person in Mei's place, another girl, she probably would have started crying and wailing, but next to the artist was Mei, who was not going to pull her hair out.
  To begin with, it was necessary to bring the actor to himself. Taking water in her mouth, May splashed it in the actor's face. The man groaned. Realistically assessing her strength, the girl realized that she would not be able to convey the actor to his room. Moreover, she could not even carry it to her room. Those who saw Kunqiu will understand what it is about, the actor's height was 184 centimeters, Mei's height was only 157 cm. Kunqiu was a big and strong man in his prime. Therefore, the girl did not think of anything better than to bring a pillow and a blanket and try to somehow shift the actor. Putting a pillow under her head and covering the man with a blanket, she decided that her mission was completed, but then her gaze fell on the cold slabs of the floor and she thought that the artist would feel very bad tomorrow, and maybe even catch a cold. She had to go back to her room and take a blanket. Laying the blanket on the floor, she gently rolled the man onto him, straightened the pillow and covered him again with the blanket. The man was still unconscious. The girl had never been in such a situation, and only vaguely realized all her danger. She decided that if within half an hour the man did not come to his senses, then it would be necessary to call an ambulance. But she didn't want to. She was very pleased that this man was now in her power. No, you don't think that the girl was up to something criminal, she just had her own secrets, and in these secrets the actor played the main role. In the meantime, the actor did not come to his senses in any way, the eyeballs under the eyelids moved chaotically, his breathing became more frequent. May began to get seriously worried, she became afraid that the actor would not come to his senses. She tried to wipe the actor's face with a wet towel, but the man, without regaining consciousness, pushed her away from him.
  May was angry. There was a last resort, but before using it, she decided to check again the condition of the man. Running a finger over his beautiful face, she unbuttoned the collar of his shirt and put her ear to her heart. My heart was beating like mad. Having weighed all the risks, the girl leaned over the actor and kissed him. She so hoped that he would kiss her back, too, but his lips were silent. Feeling like a goddess who can do everything, the girl lay down next to Kunqiu and hugged him. But Kunqiu did not move. Nothing worked. The girl's eyes moved to the depths of the room, where her mobile phone lay. But before calling an ambulance, she decided to try again. This time she kissed the actor more persistently and achieved the result, although not what she expected.
  The actor opened his eyes.
  She just wanted him to kiss her back, like in dramas, with his eyes closed, she didn't need him to come to his senses so quickly. But it happened. Seeing that the actor was looking at her, she got up to leave, but strong hands grabbed her, pulled her to her, and she felt that she was being kissed. It was so sweet and delicious, oh, if only she didn't have to take revenge on this man! Then this kiss would be her triumph! Remembering her revenge, Mei tore off her lips and pushed Kunqiu away, who tried to hug her. b. Reason and soul tore her apart, her soul ordered to stay in place and kiss this man, reason interfered with this. But as a result, reason won out. After making sure that the actor was okay, May left. Entering the room, she carefully closed the door behind her, but did not lock it, she knew that this man would never enter the room without her permission. And so, it turned out, five minutes passed, and there was a knock on the door, the knock was delicate. May bit her tongue painfully. She so wanted to answer, to call Kunqiu into the room, but she managed to restrain herself. There was no more knocking on the door.
  "About his attitude towards dating in general. Kunqiu said," I think assertive women are adorable. Times have changed and people no longer think that men should be the first step. But I have no thoughts about getting married yet. " ...
  Author's interview with actor
  In the morning, the actor woke up, as if nothing had happened, not a trace of malaise remained. There was no weakness, my heart was beating in a normal rhythm, nothing hurt and did not press.
  Going down to the kitchen, the actor saw that the blanket and everything else remained on the floor, and breakfast was not prepared. At first, the actor thought that May was gone, but her shoes were still on the doorstep. However, the girl did not seem to wake up. No sound came from the room. The actor went to the door of May's room several times and listened, but everything was quiet.
  The manager sent a message that the car would be served in an hour and a half, today the actor had an important meeting, but Kunqiu could not start choosing a suit for today's meeting. He was very worried about the girl. When the costume was chosen, the actor again went to the door and suddenly it seemed to him that he heard Mei's voice. He listened, yes, May said something, then screamed. Fortunately, the door was not closed from the inside, and the actor ran into the room. The girl was unconscious, she tossed about in bed and moaned. The actor got scared, he didn't have the same self-control that May had the night before. Upon discovering that the girl had a high fever, Kunqiu panicked even more. Half an hour later, two cars drove away from Kunqiu's house, one was driving manager Kim instead of the artist, the other was the ambulance in which Mei was being taken away. The artist went with the girl to the hospital. When evening came and he returned home, he thought with horror that the moon would soon rise and his nightmares would return. However, this night went well for the first time in the past year.
  Moreover, the next, last night of the round moon did not bring anything bad to the artist, he slept like a baby. With May, things were not so rosy, for three days she did not regain consciousness. And when she came to, she did not show in any way that she remembers the events of that night. As for Kunqiu, he was just happy that Mei had regained consciousness, and that the moon on the last night was not fatal. A week later, May returned and took up her duties. But, of course, nothing was the same as before. Ease disappeared. If the girl perfectly pretended that nothing happened, then the artist was given such behavior with difficulty. He did not like to lie and pretend. Once he tried to call a girl to talk, but she avoided answering. When the two were at home, the air became thick and seemed like it could be cut into pieces. Feeling this, May almost stopped staying overnight in Mrs. O's room. The artist also decided it was for the best, and yet he missed the times when the house was at ease. In the end, everything returned to normal, especially since the new project captured the artist with his head. However, this did not make the girl very happy, she felt that he had moved away from her. In principle, they, of course, were never close, but before the filming of a new project began, she felt that the artist's eyes were watching her all the time when she was in the house. Now the artist was rarely at home, and when he came, he had a quick snack and went up to the second floor. It even seemed to her that he began to avoid her. In the new project, in which he was filming now, there was a new heroine with whom he passionately kissed in the finale of the film.
  Thinking and juxtaposing, May thought she understood why the artist still hadn"t married.
   Why would he do this, why marry, if every time, on the set, when shooting a new film, he experiences the whole gamut of feelings that lovers experience. After all, the audience expects that there will be chemistry between the characters, there will be warm feelings. That is, each new project gave him new feelings of love and a meeting with a new girl on the set. These are the thoughts that sometimes visited the girl's head. The pictures that appeared in her brain drove May into a frenzy, she gritted her teeth and suddenly felt hot at the thought that right now her artist was kissing and hugging the heroine of the new film, and no matter what was happening under the gun of cameras, the fact remains. he was kissing another girl. Thinking about all this, May suddenly realized that she was now in captivity of ordinary, vulgar jealousy. To remind herself why she was here, she opened her laptop and turned on the movie. It was exactly the film that the owner found her watching. However, if we put jealousy and revenge on the scales now, then jealousy would quickly outweigh the scale.
  The actor also did not have everything all right, the shooting of the new film took place with minor incidents, and besides, he could not concentrate on his feelings for the heroine of the film. Even members of the film crew noticed this. The artist kissed the heroine, and saw May's eyes and lips in front of him. It was hard, embarrassing and unsettling. With great difficulty he managed to pull himself together.
  A month has passed, but neither the actor nor the girl has become easier. The need to face each other every day even began to annoy the actor. May also began to think about quitting, but then she remembered why she was in the actor's house, remembered how much effort she had to put in to get her resume on his desk.
  As a result, everything remained as it was. In the evening, before going to bed, she falsely wished good night to her master and received the same false thanks for the wishes. Everything went on as usual, morning followed by evening, evening followed by midnight. The shooting of the new film was in full swing, there was still a lot of time before the end of filming, but the advertising campaign was already gaining momentum. The time of the full moon was approaching. For some reason, Kunqiu was sure that this time the moon would not interfere with his sleep. And so it turned out. The moon outside the window was round and yellow, its light made its way even through the closed curtains, but the artist was sleeping peacefully. Only much later did he realize that the insidious moon can burst into not only dreams, three lunar days were also a test for Kunqiu.
   During the day, the moon is not visible, but this does not mean that it ceases to control the life of people and the processes that occur on earth when the moon is most powerful.
  Saturday morning began with a nuisance, Kunqiu knocked over a mug of coffee, coffee, it was hot, it was very painful. There was a burn in the place where the coffee fell over. Having knocked over the mug on himself, the artist jumped up - this attracted the girl's attention. Screaming, she ran to the artist. Not wanting to look weak, he tried to calm May down, but it was so painful that he apparently could not control his emotions. Fortunately, the girl knew what to do in such a situation and provided first aid. In the hospital, where the manager later took the artist, they admired the girl's actions and said that thanks to her quick reaction, there would be no trace of the burn. Returning home, Kunqiu thanked the girl, she only smiled with a restrained smile.
  Returning home to her grandparents, she cursed herself for what the world was. Once again, she reminded herself that she had come to this house to harm the artist, and not help. Well, what's done is done. And it makes no sense to torment yourself with reproaches. Indeed, by the next morning there was almost no trace of the burn left and the place of the burn did not hurt. However, this morning the artist was in for a new trouble. It happened at his home gym. During training, a poorly fixed part from the simulator fell on him. The blow was so strong that May heard the sound on the first floor, and the artist passed out. And again the artist was at the full disposal of the girl, but this time the girl did not hesitate, she called the manager Kim. While the manager was driving, she turned Kunqiu's body the way she was taught in the first aid courses at the university. Patting the artist on the head, she quickly jumped back, because she heard footsteps on the stairs - it was manager Kim who had arrived. The artist was left in the hospital, manager Kim thanked May for calling for help so quickly. The third day of the full moon came, the artist came to his senses, but he had a severe headache. After the headache had passed, he told the doctor that he wanted to leave the hospital, but the doctor did not agree with his decision. The doctor said that such bruises are very dangerous, and he would like to watch the artist for a few more days. Kunqiu reluctantly agreed, but after an hour he felt fearful. Looking around the comfortable room, he made sure that nothing threatened him, but his soul was restless. Calling manager Kim, he asked May to cook dinner and bring dinner to his hospital. Manager Kim volunteered to bring the dishes from home when the girl cooks them, but the artist pretended to be capricious, he told the manager that it was May's working time and he wanted her to bring dinner. The only thing the artist agreed to was that the girl was provided with a car with a driver. When May arrived, the artist pretended to be asleep. The girl unpacked the dinner boxes and laid out the dishes on the plates. Time passed, and the artist was still asleep. May was a little nervous, she knew how seriously the artist takes the temperature of the food, if the food does not correspond to his ideas, then he will simply refuse to have dinner. It began to get dark outside, the girl walked around the ward, rearranged the dishes again, then she went to the window and closed the curtains. And she sat down in a chair again. Probably, the thoughts of the artist and the girl were moving in the same direction, because the girl suddenly jumped up and walked around the room for danger. She pulled the curtains, for some reason moved the door handle, finally, her gaze fell on the IV, it seemed to her that the IV stand was not straight enough, but fortunately everything was in order here too. May sat down in the chair again. However, the character of the girl was such that she could not sit still for a long time. Carefully opening the door and looking out into the corridor, she made sure that the corridor was empty, and even took a few steps out the door, but then returned. Quietly s Closing the door behind her, she, trying to step as quietly as possible, went up to the artist. For several minutes, she looked at Kunqiu, even reached out to his lips, and then in the air she drew the outline of his lips. After that, she sighed sadly.
  Time passed, and she still stood a few steps from the artist's bed, and stared at him. Then it seemed to her that the light was cracking suspiciously, she immediately rushed to the switch and the sound of a click filled the room. It became dark. The girl laughed and turned on the light again. Approaching the floor lamp, she turned it on and adjusted the light so that it did not shine so brightly in the artist's face and turned off the main light. And only after that, once again looking back at the front door, she came close to the bed and bent low over Kunqiu.
  The artist was waiting for this, he even waited a very long time. He was tired of lying with his eyes closed. Sleep periodically carried him into its warm embrace, but he fought bravely. Of course, he saw everything that the girl did through her loosely closed eyelids. And when she came close to his bed, reacted with lightning speed. The girl tried to pull away when he started kissing her, but gave up quickly enough. She didn't want to think about anything right now. Except for the man who now passionately clung to her lips, she did not need anyone, the rest of the world disappeared. This kiss ended the same way as the first, after a while the girl simply pulled away. The artist wanted to say something, but she just shook her head.
  "I... No... Don't try to get up, you need to sleep. I'll be with you until midnight. After that I will go home. You don't have to say anything. You have suffered and you need to rest.
  "But I need to tell you something! Yesterday's case ...
  - I asked you to be silent. It will soon be midnight and tomorrow you will be back home!
  - Trouble usually lasts three days, until the moon leaves. Today is the third day.
  - Yes? Well, now I will know about it too. I thought about something similar, but I could not immediately formulate my thoughts. In any case, there is an hour left until midnight, I will be with you.
  - Could you move the chair closer to me? - the artist asked, embarrassed, - When you are around, I become more confident. I am beginning to believe that the time before midnight in your company will be safe for me.
  - Not. I will stay here, - said the girl and Kunqiu did not dare to object.
  The full moon is gone. After returning home, Kunqiu's life took off. He couldn't think of anything but Mei, those two kisses stirring up his memories. But the more he wanted to repeat, to feel her lips, the colder and more detached the girl became.
  The artist did not understand why she was so cold. After all, it was absolutely clear that she had feelings for him, however, like he himself. If the first time her kiss could mean that she was trying to bring him to his senses, then the second time her response to his kiss said a lot ... or said nothing. Looking at how calm the girl was in his presence, it began to seem to him that there was simply no second kiss. However, the headache that periodically appeared when he put too much stress on his body reminded him of the events of that second evening of the full moon.
  In the meantime, time passed, a year had passed since the moment the girl appeared in Kunqiu's life. That is, a year has already passed since the first meeting. Despite such a long time since the beginning of their acquaintance, Kunqiu did not know much more about the girl than on the day when they saw each other for the first time. After notifying the manager Kim, about his desire to celebrate the first anniversary of the girl's work in his house, the artist asked to organize a party. All team members who worked in the agency were invited. Well, and, of course, manager Kim handed the invitation to the hero of the occasion. The girl's first impulse was to refuse, but looking at the manager, she realized that nothing would work out.
  Smiling sweetly, she just nodded and told the manager that she was taking the day off because she needed to get ready for the party. The manager immediately stopped smiling, but there was nothing to do, the girl was right, she needed to prepare. When the girl arrived at the restaurant, the whole team was already there. Manager Kim introduced her to those present and invited her to the table. However, the artist was late for some reason. The girl was worried, but realizing that the artist still had one day before the full moon, she calmed down. May had a moon phase calendar on her phone and checked it regularly. She hated herself, but at the same time was very worried about Kunqiu. She was scared to imagine what surprises the full moon was preparing for the artist again. While she was thinking, there was some excitement, noise, and Kunqiu entered the hall. The artist was followed by twelve people in full dress, each of them had a basket with different flowers.
  Coming out into the middle of the hall, the artist and his entourage stopped. There was a pause, all eyes locked on May. Not quite understanding what was happening, the girl, nevertheless, got up. Manager Kim came up to her and gave her a hand. May hesitated a little, but could not respond negatively to this gesture of friendship. As May walked, violinists emerged from two side doors and music began to play. Everything that happened looked like a cheap melodrama, but it was probably impossible to stop the action.
  Manager Kim led May to the middle of the room and returned to her seat. Kunqiu signaled to the people who were carrying baskets of flowers and soon there were baskets of flowers on both sides of Mei. The audience began to applaud. May blushed, it seemed to her that she was being bullied, she was being tricked, but looking at the people who were applauding, she saw only smiles of encouragement and admiration.
  - And hello again, - said Kunqiu into the microphone, - I am glad to see you all here today! As you understand, today I decided to introduce you to a new member of our team. I want to thank this brave girl for saving me, and today is a round date, exactly a year has passed since this girl walked into my door. Maybe some of the team do not know, but the girl works as a housekeeper for me, she receives wages on an equal basis with all other office workers. Her job is very difficult, in fact, the housekeeper is a member of the family. When Mistress O left, I ...
  At some point, the girl stopped listening to Kunqiu, it seemed to her that her body was split in two. One half of the body is standing here, and the other has remained where she saw the mourning photograph of her friend. Then May took a friend's hairpin as a keepsake so that she would never forget it.
  When Kunqiu finished speaking, he gave Mei his hand and sat her down at the table next to him.
  May was embarrassed, but tried not to show it. Her gaze wandered and finally came across a bottle of soju, and it occurred to her that she saw a clue. Sometimes only alcohol can help in such a situation. Mei usually drank slowly, but this time she drank almost no bites, drinking glass after glass. But, as luck would have it, the blissful intoxication never came. Kunqiu looked at her from time to time, and although she pretended not to notice these looks, they burned her and reminded her of how sweet it was when he pulled her to him and kissed her. May needed to go to the ladies' room. Standing up and taking a few bold steps, she suddenly felt that her legs were not holding her. However, with an effort of will, which was still strong, she forced herself to go forward. Turning around, she saw that the artist was looking at her anxiously. Trying to smile as carelessly as possible, the girl waved her hand to the owner. She reached the ladies' room, even managed to open the tap, which doubled and tripled, but then it did not go further, she could not understand which of the three jets of water was real. Tired of this useless business, she decided that a long time had passed and her owner was bored, and moved in the direction of the hall, where her manager Kim, the owner, and her new friends were waiting. However, no matter how hard the girl tried, she could not find the right path. Finally it seemed to her that she had found the door to the hall, but it was the door to the pantry. The drunkenness she had been waiting for finally came, but somehow at the wrong time. Trying to open the pantry door, the girl smiled blissfully, and it seemed that just a little bit more, and she would be where her beloved master is now. Now, when there was no need to pretend, she only wanted to love him. However, if she doesn't open that damn door, she won't be able to tell him how much she loves him. The door handle did not give in, the girl twisted and pushed it, even began to persuade to open it, but nothing worked. Desperate, the girl crawled down the door and sat on the floor, she cried and called for Kunchi. At that moment our artist found her. Hearing what she was saying, he moderated his step a little.
  A drunk girl was sitting near the pantry door and confessed her love to him. Or rather, not even so, a drunk girl was sitting near the pantry door, and confessed her love, because she was sure, probably, that the artist was not around.
  Kunqiu was a little confused, he didn't want the girl to be embarrassed. However, when she saw him, the girl waved her hand and laughed loudly.
  - Aha, here you are! And I"m waiting for you, I"m waiting, I say that I love you, but you"re not coming. I wanted to go back to the hall myself, but I could not find him. They say that the devil drives in a circle! - the little girl laughed again, and suddenly screamed, - Let's break this door! No, - May suddenly thought, - let's go home, I want to kiss you! You are so cute now! Make that face again! You look like my favorite plush toy! Well, make that face again! However, no, I changed my mind, I want another drink, will you take me to the table?
  Kunqiu wanted to take the girl out into the street, but he couldn't do it, the girl resisted and asked the owner to take her to the hall. Finally manager Kim came running and said that the car was already waiting on the street. Together they persuaded the girl, who was capricious and eager to drink, and sat her in the car. When the girl finally found herself in her room, Kunqiu sighed freely. While driving home, the girl sang the song Kunqiu, to which she picked up the accompaniment, and said some nonsense. Quite a long time had passed and it would have been time for her to sober up, but with each passing minute she only became more and more drunk.
  However, when they entered the house, she said that she would go to her room herself. The artist did not object, he only sat down exhaustedly at the table and poured himself water. Then he cautiously looked into Mrs. Oh's room, the girl was already in her pajamas, she was lying across the bed, laughing and talking to herself.
  Seeing the owner, she waved to him.
  Kunqiu was surprised, in front of him there was now a completely different girl, friendly, cheerful, even loving. It was a shame to realize that when morning came, the unapproachable Mei would be in front of him again. Well, yes, I still had to live the morning. The cheerful girl was about to go to the second round. Alcohol was freely available in this house, if the girl wanted another drink, the artist would not be able to stop her.
  Fortunately, having slightly raised herself, the girl again collapsed on the bed.
  After making sure that May was comfortable and comfortable, the artist went up to his second floor.
  Twilight was just beginning to come into its own, but the artist decided that he needed to sleep. Tomorrow the next three-day lunar phase began, and it would have been better for him to meet her fully armed. The artist woke up from the fact that he felt that he was not alone in bed. Someone slept next to him and hugged him in his sleep. Focusing, the artist saw the familiar pajamas. It was in her that May was when he left her room. The girl's hand was thin and almost weightless, however, when he tried to remove this hand from himself, the girl grabbed him even harder. After that, the artist just lay and looked at her. Dawn crept slowly into the room, but it was still quite dark. The artist closed his eyes. The beauty of the girl acted on him like a magnet, he held back with great difficulty. He tried to move away again, but suddenly he saw May's wide eyes. There was a pause. The man tried to say something, but the girl immediately moved closer to him and kissed him.
  They just slept through the three-day moon phase. Love, like a magnet, attracted them to each other, and did not allow them to move away. The hops had long since passed, but May behaved the same way as in the restaurant after countless drinks.
  This girl was a mystery. Kunqiu loved her so much that he even hurt. And also scary. He was afraid that some time would pass, and he would find that cold and unapproachable Mei next to him, but, fortunately, this did not happen. The three-day phase came and went and had to go back to the real world.
  It seemed to Kunqiu that his life had just begun. Everything that came before that drunken night turned out to be unimportant. It seemed to him that all his life he had been walking towards that very night. Some ancient instincts, jealousy, a desire to protect his woman from the whole world, a bestial rage that shook his body woke up in him, as soon as he thought that someone could take his Mei away from him.
  However, the world was persistently knocking on his door and calling on the phone. On the morning of the fourth day, he told May that today's shooting would not last long, only until 3 pm. However, May only smiled blissfully and said that she would be waiting for him in bed. The girl did not know that after these fatal words, the filming process could be stopped for a long time. The artist's hand reached for the phone, he wanted to weave something to the manager and stay at home, but with a huge effort of will he pulled himself together. However, after that, for a long time he could not understand why, why should he leave his woman, and go out of the house, to strangers to him, in general, to people?
  The film crew was in seventh heaven. So the artist has never played before! He either cried, then laughed, his role was played with such a feeling that the screenwriter burst into tears. The manager suggested that the artist fell in love with his co-star. Kunqiu was really in love, although not with a partner, and he wanted all the people around to share his feelings.
  Love bloomed red.
  May was in love, but the more she loved her actor, the more fearful she became. She understood that her mission had failed!
   I'm talking about cleaning, but what did you think about?
   For the entire month, she did not touch the vacuum cleaner or other cleaning equipment.
  But seriously, Mei really had a mission and the more she loved Kunqiu, the better she understood that everything was lost. She tried to remember how she lived before meeting with the actor, but nothing worked out for her.
  That morning she decided to take a walk around the house.
  Dust and dirt everywhere!
   The girl's hands were scratching to do the cleaning, but there was no strength. She went to bed too late, because light kisses suddenly turned into a heavier and hotter phase, then they chatted, then she wanted to dance tango. She was looking for her red dress for a long time, and then they went to the dressing room to pick up a costume for Kunqiu tango.
  We couldn't find the music, argued, then, finally, both of them liked the same melody and they started dancing. However, they were enough for only one dance, the bodies were so hot that it was time to apply ice, however, this problem had a solution, and the lovers quickly took advantage of it.
  Then ... Then morning came too quickly. Kunqiu had a heroic dream after night exploits, the alarm clock could not wake him up, May decided to help this.
  After seeing her beloved, the girl wanted to wash the dishes, but there was no strength. She decided that she needed to get some sleep, and then, when she woke up, she could think about cleaning.
  But when she woke up, her lover returned.
  They went to dinner at a restaurant, then she saw a river tram leaving the coast, and immediately wanted to ride. Their choice fell on a tram for romantic dates. The tram was designed so beautifully that it was breathtaking. The plates were made in the shape of a heart, and the dishes in them were incredibly tasty. Above the tables stood arches of fresh flowers, and on the screen were shots from the favorite movie of both lovers, I'm talking about the movie "Roman Holiday". While they were having supper and the tram was slowly moving forward, a trio of guitarists stepped out onto the deck. Flamenco music excited and hot blood, and the tram was still moving in its unhurried rhythm. Bored, May suddenly remembered that she had not kissed for a long time and wanted to go downstairs into the bowels of the tram. The actor slightly resisted, he did not immediately understand the plan of his beautiful lady, however, while he was thinking, the tram had already landed on the shore. The moment was lost. The bodies were again so hot that they seemed to be steaming.
  Kunqiu caught a taxi, but the taxi, as luck would have it, was traveling very slowly, and the man's kisses became more and more daring. As soon as the taxi drove up to the house, the artist lifted his beautiful load in his arms and almost ran to the front door of his house.
  And today, Kunqiu hastily told May over the phone that his mother was coming to his house. Mom went with an inspection. Once every six months she made such visits, although her son was always unhappy with this.
  May jumped up and tried to remove something.
  It was impossible!
   It took a day to cope with the mud piles that had accumulated over a month. Or even two. May was sick with fear, but she tried to pull herself together. The girl began to think how to get out of the situation and, it seems, came up with it.
  She collected several buckets of water, held them to the front door, and then poured them. By the time mother arrived, one could already swim in the hallway. Mother was insanely scared when the door opened and water poured onto her feet. May bowed to her mother and informed her that the tap in the kitchen had been blown off. Of course, she, May, had already called the plumbers, but while the plumbers were driving, she needed to make sure that the water did not flood the entire area. Mother was upset, she even offered her help, but Mei courageously refused. The girl told her mother that she was young and strong and would hold out until the plumbers arrived. Fortunately, at that moment the artist appeared and sent his mother home. He was dumbfounded at how radically May solved the problem of cleaning, but only laughed at her resourcefulness and of course did not scold the girl.
   But the girl was unhappy with herself.
  When Kunqiu approached to kiss his Mei, she decided to turn his feelings in a different direction today. Cleaning has begun to boil. By midnight everything was cleared up. May thought that her beloved was tired and wanted to sleep, but she did not take into account one aspect. Kunqiu worked for wear and tear and demanded remuneration for the work. During her work, May sat on the throne. She asked Kunqiu to put a chair on the table so that she could see the man's muscles while he was cleaning. The queen's wishes were fulfilled, and then it was the turn to fulfill the king's wishes.
  In general, it is sometimes useful not to clean up the house for a long time.
  And by the way, my mother was delighted with the endurance of the young housekeeper, her courage and courage, she liked how the girl courageously waited for the plumbers, was not afraid and did not cry.
  One evening, the girl told her lover that she needed a three-day vacation. Her friends came from America and she wanted to show them Seoul. She has already agreed with her grandfather and grandmother that friends will settle in the guest half of the house. And of course, May was going to spend the night at her grandparents' house for all these three days.
  The artist was rather frivolous about the girl's decision.
  What is three days, he thought? These are just a few specks of dust on the face of time. "
  He decided he could easily get through this time without May.
  However, when he returned home, he felt a whole range of feelings: boredom, jealousy, annoyance, and, most importantly, loneliness. Without May, the house became huge and empty. He wandered around the house and tried to remember his life before the girl burst into this life and reshaped it in her own way. He could not remember how he spent long days and nights alone, what he felt, what he thought.
  He turned the TV on and off, picked up the book, but put it aside. Then he went upstairs to the room under the roof to look through the telescope at the stars. A little later, looking at his watch, he was surprised to see that only two hours had passed. However, the man reminded himself that he had pride and would not give up so easily. He decided to call a friend and have a drink with him at the bar. But a friend said he had a date. He called a couple of other friends, they were doing the same as the first friend was doing.
   It was so offensive, everyone had dates, and only he was left without a couple that evening. And at that moment a thought occurred to him, which should have come immediately. He asked himself, why didn't the girl take him with her? Why didn't you want to introduce you to your friends? And then mistress jealousy instantly clouded his mind. As soon as he thought that his girlfriend is now somewhere where there are many men, where loud music sounds, and a sea of alcohol, he immediately rushed for his outerwear to call a taxi and go to where his May was now. However, the girl's phone did not answer, and it was indecent to go to the house of grandparents and ask where May is now. So the first evening passed.
  The bed was cold, and the artist could not find the right position for the body. It was chilly and boring. And it was also insanely insulting. He did not understand how a girl could be like that. How could she be silent all evening and even turn off the phone? Kunqiu fell asleep very upset.
  The second day of separation went, fortunately, the artist had very important scenes in the film today, they had to be prepared before filming began. This work took the whole day, almost until late in the evening. The artist really hoped that by the time he returned home, his girlfriend would be at home. However, the house was still empty and cold. Kunqiu was really offended. Are American friends so important to her? Even more important than him? The third day was the most difficult, five times the artist caught himself thinking that he had to spit on the set and urgently go to the place where May's grandparents live, but restrained himself. And only when the fourth day came, he realized that something was wrong. The actor immediately called manager Kim, and manager Kim called his grandfather. The grandfather said that the grandmother fell and injured her arm. All three days, May was in the hospital with her grandmother, and slept there, on an armchair, near her grandmother's bed.
  When May returned home, the artist asked her, what happened to American friends?
  The girl said that she hired a professional tour guide to her friends, who showed Seoul even better than she, Mei, would show it. Of course, the actor did not begin to tell the girl how hard it was for him these three days. All that he understood, that he learned from this story, that he would never let the girl go from him again, not for three days, not for a day, not even for an hour.
  One day his precious girlfriend fell ill. She was dizzy and nauseous. The man was numb with fear, he dreamed of all sorts of horrors. When May didn't feel better by the third day, he almost carried her to the car. The girl was pale and even some kind of blue, that is, her skin became some kind of blue tint.
  The doctors took away his precious May, and he remained waiting in the hallway. When the doctor invited him to the office, he fearfully began to await the verdict, what he heard seemed incredible to him. The doctor said that Mei and actor Kunqiu would have a baby. It seemed to the artist that his ears were stuffed with cotton wool, an airplane was buzzing somewhere, a doctor was saying something, and Kunqiu strained his ears with all his might, but could not hear in any way. Finally he felt someone shaking him
  - Are you okay? - asked the doctor
  - Yes, everything is fine, - the artist tried to catch his breath, - could you repeat it again?
  - Well, I will repeat, the doctor smiled, -you will have a baby!
  Kunqiu was overwhelmed with such enthusiasm that he wanted to fall on his knees and pray to no one knows who.
  However, when May was brought in, the excitement subsided. The girl looked so unhappy. She felt so bad!
  Kunqiu stroked her all the way home and promised that everything would be fine.
  He said that he dreamed of this child all his life, but it seems May did not even understand what it was about.
  As you remember, the last chapter ended with another happy man finding out that he would soon become a father.
  It seemed to Kunqiu that the moment he found out about this, the earth stopped its run for a brief moment. Everything ceased to exist in the world, only he, his adored Mei and their unborn child remained.
  However, reality suddenly intervened, and the earth accelerated its pace a little.
  - Oh, but when this poisoning will pass, - May moaned, - I have to go home. Grandparents are probably worried.
  "Darling," Kunqiu went up to Mei and stroked her hand, "you don"t understand, this is not poisoning. The doctor said you were pregnant.
  - What nonsense, - May laughed, - dear, we need to change the doctor! Let's go to bed, - the girl playfully rubbed her lover's shoulder, - I missed you so much this morning!
  - But, beloved, the doctor said! - began Kunqiu, but was stopped by the girl's scream
  - No, shut up, I don"t want to! - May blushed and, clenching her fists, rushed to her room, - If you no longer love me, I will go home immediately!
  Kunqiu shuffled awkwardly in front of the room, but did not dare to enter. When the sobbing subsided and silence fell in the house, Kunqiu quietly entered the room and sat on the edge of the bed. May was so beautiful it took his breath away. The tears had not yet dried on her beautiful face, and this face was so young that it seemed to Kunqiu that he had seduced a very young girl and it made him uneasy.
  Kissing May gently, he covered her and quietly left the room.
  True, he was afraid to go far, and decided to stay in the kitchen for now.
  He was already over forty years old, he knew and understood a lot, but the situation that happened today took him by surprise. After asking a question on a search engine, he seemed to soon figure out exactly what was going on with May.
  May denied that she was pregnant, in an amicable way she needed to be taken to the doctor, she needed psychological help.
  And then for the first time Kunqiu thought about what would happen next.
  He completely forgot that the girl has relatives, a mother, grandparents. Her position would soon become apparent, and until then they had to get married. Today, Kunqiu was least worried about how the media and fans would react to his upcoming marriage. More than anything, he worried about May and the baby. His family, of course, will be shocked, but will accept Mei without talking, but the rest of the world will be hysterical. Kunqiu presented the headlines: "Popular actor Kunqiu's housekeeper is pregnant by her master."
  Kunqiu shivered. He thought that he should avoid it at all costs, and not because he was afraid for his career, but because he was afraid for May. Angry fans will be ready for anything when they find out the truth.
  Mei was sleeping peacefully, and Kunqiu was afraid to go up to his bedroom, he was afraid to leave her alone, and so he lay down next to Mei and hugged her. The girl was no longer angry, she also hugged her man and silence reigned in the house.
  However, waking up in the morning, the man did not find his beloved.
  There was a note on the dining table:
  "I went home, then I'll go for a part-time job. Don't be bored. And don't touch the linen! I'll stroke it myself."
  Kunqiu realized that Mei continued to deny her position and was trying to live as she had before the doctor told them about the upcoming addition of the family. A man all his life dreamed of an independent woman, not like the others. It seemed that the Lord heard his pleas, but now Kunqiu had to appreciate what the Lord had sent him.
  The actor decided to go to the doctor again, the doctor was a friend of his family and was in solidarity with Kunqiu on the mystery of the upcoming birth of the child. May denied pregnancy, and therefore the doctor advised that if everything remained the same, it would be necessary to see a psychologist, but not earlier than in a month. Now neither the mother nor the child was in any danger. Therefore, May can now live as she did before. But in a month you will need to do an ultrasound scan to understand whether the child is healthy and is developing correctly.
  In the evening, when Mei returned, Kunqiu did not return to the question of pregnancy again. All he asked was for May to quit her part-time job teaching English to negligent students.
  Mei objected, she said she needed money, but Kunqiu said he would raise her salary from tomorrow. May wanted to say that she would consider the offer, but she was again twisted. Weakness and nausea came suddenly.
  When it was all over, Kunqiu wiped his beloved's face with a wet towel, she did not give herself to wash herself, she was nauseous at one glance at the bathroom. Taking her in his arms, he felt how small and light she was. At midnight he cradled his beautiful load, and then, finally, May fell asleep soundly.
  In the morning, Kunqiu had to go to the other side of the city, there was an advertising shoot, and he was afraid to leave Mei alone.
  - Dear, - in the morning, Mei flirted to Kunqiu and looked into her eyes, - do you remember yesterday that you promised me to raise my salary?
  - Yes. - Kunqiu looked closely at Mei, - I remember. You agree?
  - Actually, - May hesitated, - oh, it seems to start again!
  The girl is pale I didn"t, but, thank God, it didn"t come to nausea.
   - So, - summed up Kunciu, - you sit at home, wait until ... - The actor looked at the girl, - until the poisoning is over, I will take over the rest. Call the agency where you are registered as a tutor and refuse. And I, as promised, will raise your salary.
  - Well, - the girl lowered her head, - everything would be over faster, otherwise I can't even cook. Nauseous. The doctor prescribed me pills for poisoning? I don't remember, I was in a fog.
  - Yes. - Kunqiu decided not to argue with Mei yet, and to do as the doctor advised. It would be his will, and if May accepted her pregnancy, they would urgently get married, and then many questions would disappear. - I already bought them and now I will explain what pills and vitamins you need to drink during the day. If you drink, as the doctor said, you will soon feel better. I'm afraid to leave you alone, can you handle it? Can I cancel the shoot?
  - Here's another, - May laughed, - because of such trifles! No, do what you have planned. I'll go and sleep. I will sleep so that the day goes by quickly and you come back to me.
  Kunqiu's heart was hard, but he did not see any other options. Until May accepts that she is pregnant, he cannot act.
  The day dragged on endlessly. May didn"t answer, he called her thirty times, but they didn"t pick up the phone.
  When he finally returned home, he found that May was not at home, and there was a note on the table.
  "Went with a friend to a nightclub. See you!"
  Kunqiu sat down, what to do now, he simply did not know. May's phone was still not answered, entering the girl's room, he found that she did not even take the phone with her. The phone was empty on the floor.
  While the actor was gathering his thoughts, the director of the agency called him and said that tomorrow there would be a meeting with fans in the city of Daegu. This meeting had been planned for a long time, and it could not be said that the director's message sounded like a bolt from the blue. Everything was agreed and planned for a long time, only the artist could not go anywhere now. However, he, of course, did not say this to the director of the agency. Now he urgently needed to find May and only then he could think about further plans. He found addresses of nightclubs on the Internet, but he understood what would happen if he entered the club without security. Now, when the new film was being filmed, there was a ban on the actor's movements alone. The situation was stalemate, he could not go anywhere alone, but he also could not not go. The thought that May might hurt herself terrified him. Kunqiu changed into jeans and a hooded sweatshirt, put on a baseball cap and dark glasses, and headed for the exit. He did not plan anything, he decided to improvise along the way. Fortunately, the door banged and May appeared in the doorway.
  Entering the house, May looked at the actor with horrified eyes for several minutes, and then staggered and fell.
  Kunqiu rushed to her.
  When the girl regained consciousness, she grabbed the man and pulled him to her.
  "I'm pregnant," she whispered in his ear.
  - Yes, - Kunqiu hugged her, - have you finally come to terms with it?
  - With what? - the girl was surprised
  - With the fact that she is pregnant!
  - No, I do not believe, but my friend told me! I felt bad at the club, and she told me ... Imagine, I prove to her that it is poisoning, and she tells me that I am pregnant. A friend said the poisoning couldn't last that long. And I told her ...
  May's voice trailed off.
  - What? - specified Kunqiu.
  - In general, I almost beat her! She was saved only by the fact that I felt bad again. And here I am now ...
  Dear, what should we do now?
  - We will get married, and we will have a baby! That's all.
  - No, It is Immpossible! And if someone finds out? What about your fans? And my relatives? And your mother and father? Lord, what to do?
  - Take it easy. I'm near.
  - Maybe ... maybe have an abortion?
  - What?!!!
  Kunqiu was so startled that his eyes darkened. It was time for May to pump out the actor.
  However, Mei immediately abandoned the idea of abortion, she looked at the actor with eyes full of tears and did not even seem to hear what Kunqiu was saying. - All right. We will overcome everything together, - the man tried to calm the girl down, but she again did not hear him.
  "I"ll go to America," the girl suddenly said after a pause, "and I"ll give birth to a child there.
  - And what about me? - the actor laughed, - will you leave alone? Will you leave me here?
  - Yes, - the girl looked around in confusion. - Will not work. I can't live without you. How will I live without you? I can't breathe without you. And if I can't breathe, then the baby can't either! "For the first time in her life, May felt that she would indeed have a child. She stroked her still flat belly and said, - baby, do you want me to sing you a song that your dad is singing?
  And Mei softly sang the Kunqiu song.
  The actor was so overwhelmed by the sudden transition from total denial to total acceptance that he was silent for several minutes. He had no words, and tears welled up in his eyes! Catching his breath, he asked cautiously:
  - Why did you call the child baby?
  - Because we will have a girl! She will be the most beautiful and the happiest!
  - Okay. Let it be so, - with a blissful smile, only the man could whisper.
  For some reason, she and May switched to a whisper.
  They called from the agency that organizes blind dates, and reminded that the artist will have to go on such a date tomorrow. The artist was supposed to go on this date two months ago, but postponed it to tomorrow. If only Kunqiu knew that in these two months his life would change so much! But there was nothing to do, if he refused today's date, his mother would immediately know about it. Firstly, she would be very upset, and secondly, she would ask uncomfortable questions, and therefore the artist decided to go on this date after all.
  In South Korea, young people treat blind dates quite easily; girls and guys sometimes go on these dates collectively, in companies of five or ten people. Such dates go off with a bang at a young age, they go especially well in a cafe, to cheerful music that sounds in the background.
  All this, as you know, was not supposed to be on the blind date where the artist went. Kunqiu didn't tell Mei anything about where he was going. He didn't want to worry the girl, he knew how she felt about such dates.
  And yet, of course, he understood that the situation was wrong, but did not want to worry his mother. In addition, he was sure that he was participating in this event just for show, so that they would be left behind. He knew, no matter how beautiful the girl who came on a date was, she could not take a place in Kunqiu's heart, because now there was only Mei in his heart. In general, he treated the date as an unpleasant job to be done and forgotten.
  And now Kunqiu found himself in a familiar place. The man understood that he had come here for the last time. And therefore, his task was to get out of the situation in which he found himself as worthy as possible thanks to the care of his mother.
  He immediately did not like the voice of the girl who came on a date with him. The girl's voice either dropped to a whisper or rose to such heights that he wanted to close his ears. The girl did not answer the questions that the man asked, but she talked a lot and at length about something of her own. The artist was already about to end the date, when suddenly the girl fell silent, and then screamed at the entire dating room.
  - Oh, I know you! I know your voice. I recognize him! Just yesterday, my friend and I watched a drama starring you. Ah, I love you! Let's go and tell the agency right away that we have found each other!
  "You are wrong," the artist said, anticipating something bad, "I"m not an actor, I work in another area.
  - No, - the girl screamed, - it's you! Just try to refuse! I'll get you out of the ground. You are my! Only yesterday my friend and I had a fight when she said that she was prettier than me and that she would definitely marry you. And so, what a coincidence, today I met with you, and I will never give up this chance, do not even hope. And if it's not you, then show yourself, prove to me that your name is different.
  Realizing that the situation was out of control, the man simply hurried out of the room. The girl shouted something after him, but he no longer heard it. The administrator quickly realized what was happening, probably, such cases were not uncommon here, and therefore, not even five minutes had passed before the artist was already returning home. Already driving away from the building where the meeting took place, it seemed to him that a girl was chasing his car. Fortunately, she was unable to see the one sitting in the car. The car windows were tinted. The artist was seriously annoyed, although, on reflection, he realized that the administration was not to blame for anything. When he was already near the house, his mother called him. Later, the man regretted that he could not contain himself, and my mother was very upset. He told his mother everything without concealment and said that he would not go on such dates again. Then he turned off the phone.
  There was no point in hiding what was happening, and soon both families were informed that Kunqiu and Mei were going to get married. Let's omit the shock that both families experienced when they learned that not only a wedding, but also the birth of a baby awaits them. However, Kunqiu's parents were more happy with this outcome than Mei's grandparents. The old men were responsible for their granddaughter in front of May's mother and worried that mother would be shocked! They even tried to call her, but May's mother was not available lately, May's stepfather was on tour somewhere in the wilds of Malaysia and mother, as always, followed him.
  Kunqiu's mother suggested that the lovers move in with them for a while, because Mei was left alone in the house all day, but the artist gently rejected this offer. After a while, grandparents also accepted the granddaughter's upcoming marriage, and the whole big family began to prepare for the holiday. This time was the happiest time for this man and woman! There was no more need to hide anything from others or from ourselves. Love woke up every morning in this house. However, the girl was still worried about the question that when everything is revealed, there will be a big scandal, there will be threats from fans. The artist was sure that there were no people in his family who would have blabbed about the upcoming wedding, but just in case he strengthened security measures. Immediately after the wedding, the newlyweds planned to fly to Los Angeles. After that, and May insisted on this, the artist was supposed to return to South Korea alone, and then fly to America closer to childbirth. The whole family resisted such a decision, but the girl reminded everyone present about the dirty scandal that fans staged last year for another newlywed, artist, colleague Kunqiu, and his wife, when they dared to get married in defiance of the fans. The news had been on news sites for months. Having considered all the pros and cons, the relatives were forced to agree with May, especially since May's distant relatives and her friends lived in Los Angeles.
  So, the wedding.
  Kunqiu's love and care was present in every moment of this wedding, but the apotheosis of the wedding was the song, that beautiful song to which Mei had picked up the accompaniment. The dome of the building in which the wedding took place suddenly lit up, because the flaps parted like a flower. The sun's rays lit up the bride, who was so beautiful it was breathtaking. And then the beam of light moved to the newlywed man. Kunqiu sat down at the piano, he played and sang for his beautiful girlfriend. But he was especially happy that this song was heard not only by Mei and everyone present, he was sure that the song that dad was singing was now heard by his child, his little daughter. He believed with all his precious Mei's heart that they would have a daughter.
  After they exchanged rings and vowed eternal love, fireworks suddenly started. When it ended, diamond hearts descended on tiny parachutes into the hands of everyone who came to the ceremony. They were real diamonds, only very tiny ones. People laughed and caught parachutes, and at that time the curtain slowly opened on the stage, and there, behind the curtain ... jets of water beat upward, butterflies fluttered, and the air was suddenly filled with the smell of flowers. When the dome over the heads of the lovers opened completely, then in the sun's rays every drop from the fountain of love became visible. The drops sparkled like a jewel and created a mood of delight.
  After the ceremony came to an end and the newlyweds joined hands to step into a new life together, all the side doors flew open at once and many children in white robes rushed into the hall and formed a living corridor. Each baby had a basket in his hands. The newlyweds walked between the children, and the children threw flower petals at the feet of the newlyweds.
   It was impossible to forget this!
   Kunqiu's love burst out and painted everything he touched. It seemed that if there was an opportunity, he would have put his heart at May's feet, and not just flower petals.
  Los Angeles.
  It seemed to the man that he was born again. In this city, in this country, he could live and breathe freely, of course, it would never have occurred to him to live here forever, but as a rest from the eternal flashes of cameras, from secrets, from moving around the city, always accompanied by security it was a great opportunity to feel free. His beautiful woman was with him twenty-four hours a day. They did not bother each other, on the contrary, it seemed to him that he could not get enough of this beautiful soul mate. Everything she said was important to him, everything she thought about, even what she was hiding from him at the moment. He understood that lovers cannot and should not tell each other everything, but still he wanted his woman to be more frank and open with him. He felt that his wife had a secret. Several times he even tried to reveal the secret, but May said that her secrets are like a secret room in Bluebeard's castle. If her man does penetrate this room, their love will have to be sacrificed.
  After these words, Mei laughed, said that she was joking and asked Kunqiu not to make such a serious face.
  In general, the husband realized that his wife has a secret that she does not want to reveal. In the end, he came to terms with this, and told his precious woman that if she kept a secret that he wanted to keep for her own good, he would try to come to terms.
  They woke up late, after a run, the one who was in the mood that morning cooked, if no one was in the mood, they went to have breakfast in a cafe around the corner. And then the day slowly began to unfold in front of the couple in love. The sea was noisy five steps from the house where our lovers settled, the actor was surfing, and his woman was reading a book in the shade on how to be happy. She understood that it was simply impossible to become happier than they were now, but deep down she was a little afraid for her happiness and thought about how to protect him if someone encroached on her beautiful man.
  In general, May thought and contemplated how to remain always desired and beloved for a loved one. Nausea as well as dizziness are a thing of the past. May blossomed and became even more beautiful. Her man's desire was that the beauty of his woman bloomed only for him, but he understood that this was not possible. Her husband's jealous gaze often rested on male passers-by who could not take their eyes off this beauty, the beauty of his Mei.
  Of course, his wife was in a position, but, firstly, in this country, where there were a lot of magnificent and beautiful women, all her fullness was not yet very conspicuous, and secondly, as it does not sound incredible, but with May was becoming more and more beautiful every week of her pregnancy.
  The honeymoon was coming to an end, the actor was waiting for business, the shooting of a new film was waiting. When only a few days were left before the separation, the actor suddenly opposed his wife's decision. The man said that he did not want to live in a house where his precious Mei would not be. Of course, he understood that his beloved woman would not be alone here, May introduced him to relatives and friends. The apartment he rented for her was five minutes from the hospital where she was supposed to give birth. In the event that labor begins and there is no one next to May, she will be able to walk to the hospital even on foot.
  In general, Kunqiu seemed to have foreseen everything, but did not think that he would be so bad, mentally and physically, when he returned home alone. Every thing reminded him of his wife, even though she had not lived in this house for so long. Until filming began, he called his dear beauty every hour.
  Mei never got tired and was never capricious that her husband tortured her with his control, on the contrary, when one hour and a half passed, then two hours, and there was still no call from her husband, Mei got scared and started calling herself.
  These two were made for each other, and it seemed that there was nothing in the world that could separate them. The house in which May now lived was new, only recently built. Behind the house there was a beautiful garden, in the shade of which the woman spent all her days. The sea bored her as soon as her lover left her. To be honest, she, of course, felt bad alone. My husband called ten times a day, in the evening they chatted for a long time via video communication, but still it was not the same. She lacked warmth and care, which, like a warm blanket, her husband enveloped her with his love.
  May did not rebel against the results of the decision, which she herself made. She patiently endured loneliness, for the sake of the happy future that awaited her ahead.
  Once she had a dream, she dreamed that she was climbing the highest mountain in the world, as part of a group of climbers. The path is long and endless. The load presses on her back, and the wind and snowflakes whip her face. In a dream, a woman tried to find her husband's face among those who were walking nearby, but she could not find it. The wind howled and cried, the plaintive howl of the wind was like the cry of a baby. In her sleep, May listened to this cry and cried herself. Wake up After waking up in the morning from the call of her beloved husband, she found that her face was wet with tears. Laughing at her stupid dream, May nevertheless wrote it down in her diary. From the moment her father died, she wrote down all her strange dreams in a notebook. The mother was against it and often laughed at her, reading dreams in her daughter's diary, written in uneven letters. If May's father was alive, he would have understood her desire to bring a piece of dream memories into the day, but her mother never understood this.
  Mom was a very rational person.
  Speaking of mom, tomorrow she flew to Los Angeles to see her daughter after a long separation. Mom was glad that her daughter married a famous person, but she was in no hurry to get to know him.
  In general, it seemed that my mother was only interested in what was associated with her current husband. Mei did not judge her, with these qualities she looked like her mother. Mei was also devoted to her husband and was interested in every little thing that made up her husband's day and night. The day slowly moved forward, and Mei still could not forget her dream. She still could not forget the feeling of anxiety that gripped her before she woke up. In a dream, one of the climbers handed her a red radio to listen to urgent news. There was anxiety on the climber's face, it seemed that just a little bit more May would find out what was the matter, but at that moment, as I said, her husband's call woke her up. And she woke up.
  The press somehow leaked information that Kunqiu got married. Reporters were on duty outside the actor's house day and night. And here the man realized that now he would always trust the intuition of his wife. It seemed that May foresaw the hysteria that unfolded around the actor's life now. Someone even got wind of Kunqiu's marriage to his housekeeper. The man thanked God for the fact that his wife is now far from here. If the woman were in Korea now, she would be in physical danger at the hands of female fans. Fortunately, things were not so tragic, because none of the journalists knew where May is now.
  Gradually, everything returned to normal, journalists switched to another victim, and readers and viewers did not receive significant confirmation that their favorite actor got married.
  Kunqiu was not going to keep his marriage a secret.
  He was waiting for the baby to be born and his wife to return to Korea. After that, he wanted to organize a press conference and tell everything himself. But of course, it was too early to do that now. The baby was not yet born, and May was far from her homeland. The actor stepped up security measures and asked the director of the agency to check everyone who works for the agency.
   There were two months left before the birth, when the actor received a note.
  The note read: "I know everything - it was you! You can't hide from me, you're mine. She is not worth you and therefore she will die. "
  Everything was very bad, the actor did not like such stories, but it was a cost of his work. When he was younger, he received such letters in batches. But this situation was different in that his wife was mentioned in the note. And also there was a threat in the note. Someone hated his wife so much that they threatened her with death. The police found no one, there were prints on the note, but they were not registered in the database. The note was simply thrown into the mailbox. The actor didn't tell May about it, but she found out about it herself. Someone in the police blabbed about this story, and journalists - vultures again flocked to the actor's house. The information made it to the news media and as such, the actor did not deny the obvious when May called. The woman's voice was calm, but still the actor preferred that his woman did not know all this.
  There was a week left before reuniting with his wife. As the couple planned, a month before the birth of the baby, the actor was going to fly to Los Angeles.
  Mei was already waiting for her beloved, and the Kunqiu plane could not take off, the passengers were whispering that the plane was mined. The passengers were urgently evacuated. The airport administration checked the passenger lists for a long time in order to understand who could have smuggled the explosives into the plane. The actor, along with the passengers, waited in the airport lounge for the moment when they would finally sort out this situation, when they announced over the speakerphone that the passengers for his flight were waiting in the second terminal. The landing began, the airport authorities were especially attentive to all the details, and the landing lasted for two hours. However, the passengers did not grumble; they knew that the authorities were concerned about their safety. Kunqiu said goodbye to manager Kim, who was forced to return due to Kunqiu being unable to fly away.
  But the troubles did not end there either, as soon as the plane began taxiing onto the runway, an order came from the flight control point that the plane should stop, because the passengers would have to return to the terminal again. There was a rumor that the flight was postponed due to the fact that another high-ranking passenger should join the passengers. The passenger was late and so all this explosive commotion was initiated. Whether it was true or not, the man did not know, of course, that no one told him that the flight was delayed due to the fact that explosives were found in the plane's cabin - this was unofficial information that passengers shared in a whisper with each other. The actor doubted very much that the flight was delayed precisely because of this. But the new version, which was passed from mouth to mouth between passengers, also did not look like the truth.
  The plane took off an hour later. When told to turn off the phones and fasten the seat belts over the speakerphone, the actor wrote to May that they would meet soon and turned off the phone. The plane landed, the passengers left the airport, but the unpleasant surprises for the actor did not end there.
  Someone told reporters that the South Korean actor Kunqiu arrived on this flight. The actor was quite popular all over the world, but in America his popularity was not so high.
  His past visits to America were calm, and therefore Kunqiu was not very happy now with the reception that American journalists gave him. Without answering any questions, he briskly walked to where the greeters were waiting for him.
  May was right, the couple really should have had a girl. An ultrasound scan confirmed the mother's assumptions. After the artist returned to his woman, the whole world ceased to exist for him. All phones were turned off, now there are only two of them left in the whole world. That is, something happened that the actor had dreamed of for so long while apart. The man got out the ultrasound result countless times. Of course, Mei had sent him an ultrasound photo over the phone a long time ago, but Kunqiu couldn't get enough of the original right now. Finally May got tired of it, she took the ultrasound result and put it in the drawer of the bedside tables.
  - Enough, - the woman laughed, - soon the baby will be born and you will see her in reality, and not in the photo. In the meantime, let's go to the bedroom and I'll tell you about how long I've been waiting for you.
  Of course, the actor could not refuse this offer.
  Everything was the same as on the honeymoon, except that May could not stay in one position for long now. She could not sleep, could not sit, her back was drawn, there were many more annoying little things, but the woman only frowned and laughed. This does not mean that the actor sat next to her day and day. The beach, the sea and the sun were all - that was for him. Kunqiu was a sea god, and Mei sat under the shade of her umbrella, and enjoyed the sight of the beautiful body of her tall sea god. She also loved to swim, and it was very easy for her to imagine that in three or four years all three of them would be able to swim in the waters of this sea, he, she and their baby.
  There was very little time left before the birth, when in the morning, going out on the porch of the house, May saw the letter. Suspecting nothing, she picked up the piece of paper, unrolled it and was stunned. The letter contained threats, threatening to kill her and the baby. The woman turned white, she did not know what to do, a ringing arose in her head and it became empty. In this state, the actor found her. The police arrived, there was a lot of ado about nothing, as a result, no one and nothing was found, and they left home.
  The actor urgently changed the apartment. The apartment was uncomfortable and was far from the sea, but these drastic measures did not help, the next morning a letter with threats came again, but at a new address. The man changed his rental agency and they moved to a third apartment. May was scary to look at, she was haggard and did not feel well. The artist no longer gave a damn about all sorts of scandals and speculation, he would like to take his beloved home. In Korea, there were also many wonderful clinics where their baby could be born, but the fact was that for such a period a woman simply could not fly on an airplane. The airlines simply wouldn't let her on board. On that day, the man suddenly found that their refrigerator was empty and was about to go to the store. May followed him, arguing that, despite her poor condition, she needed to go for a walk. In fact, she was just afraid to be alone at home. Kunqiu understood her. They walked hugging each other, from time to time he turned May to him and kissed her. The woman's heart melted from these kisses, her cheeks turned pink, and her eyes glittered. They approached the crossing, a green light came on at a traffic light, the couple took only a few steps, when suddenly May saw a car rushing towards them. She managed to react, her strength suddenly increased and she pushed her husband to the sidewalk. Then there was the sound of a blow. The woman woke up in the hospital, it seemed to her that this was not her first awakening in this ward, but she was not sure of anything. The doctor said that the woman's husband was not hurt and he would soon visit her in the ward. As she ran her hand over her belly, May found that her belly had become flat. The husband was gone for a long time, as he explained later, he was in the police. When he arrived, May sat up in bed and looked at him. She understood that something terrible had happened, but she was afraid to ask. The husband was sitting on an armchair with his head bowed. When he looked up, she saw tears in his eyes. May was unconscious for several days when labor began, and she was put into an artificial sleep. The girl was born, but died a few hours later, the doctor said. May was silent, it seemed to her that her vocal cords were numb and she would never be able to speak again. Tears streamed down her beautiful face. The husband came to hug her, but she pushed him away. She already knew what had happened. The culprit in the accident was a mad fan who recognized Kunqiu on a blind date. The girl was the daughter of very wealthy parents. Parents could not refuse their only daughter anything. The girl could not track down the artist for a long time. She followed him, but the security measures at the Kunqiu Agency were very powerful. Finally, finding a weak link, she bribed one of the workers and learned that the artist was flying to Los Angeles.
   Unfortunately, she did not know the exact flight, even the agency employee himself did not possess this information, hence all the misunderstandings with the flight delay. The girl's family owned a lot of money, and where there is money, there are great opportunities. The girl distributed a lot of money, but she got her way, she knew exactly which flight the artist was flying. Moreover, she flew with him in the same plane. Journalists have been alerted to the artist's arrival in Lo from Angeles, it was also the work of a crazy fan. Tracking the artist when he was driving to his wife from the airport was generally a trifle.
  Ms. Park's target, as the mad fan was called, was an artist. The girl drove the car and shouted: "So don't get to anyone!" The fact that the man survived was the merit of his wife. Mistress Park had no idea that things would turn out like this. Now she was in prison, it was terribly enraged, she raged and knocked on the bars of the cell, demanding her release. However, she soon became quiet and sat in the cell with an enigmatic smile.
  "I don"t understand," May whispered suddenly.
  - What do not you understand? - the voice did not obey the artist
  - I heard the baby crying.
  - This cannot be, - the artist suffered, but tried to speak firmly, - you had an artificial dream.
  - I heard her crying. I was here in the ward alone. Her crib was on this side. They even put it to my chest.
  - This is ... - the artist gasped, - what are you saying? The doctor said that the baby ... In general, she was gone a few hours after giving birth.
  "It was as I say," May repeated lifelessly. "However, you can trust anyone. Go away.
  - Not. Wait. I...
  - We'll talk when I get home. I want ... Yes, we don't have a home. Return the rent, rent again that house by the sea, where I was waiting for you. I will live there alone and I will believe that nothing has happened, I will believe that my girl is about to be born.
  - What are you saying? May, wait, wait, I mean ...
  - Get out of here! Go to that fan like her there, Mrs. Park, and ask her to return her daughter to us. Go away!
  May screamed and beat all over, a doctor came running, the woman was injected and she became quiet.
  Kunqiu left the room. He stood and cried. He understood that he was to blame for something, but he could not understand in any way what, however, the words of his wife engendered doubts in him. To be convinced of her correctness, the artist demanded a meeting with a doctor. The doctor confirmed the original version. The nurse brought documents confirming that everything was as the doctor says. However, when the artist said that he would like to bury the baby, the doctor hesitated and said that the cremation had already passed.
  May was discharged from the hospital a week later. Kunqiu did as she asked. He rented that house by the sea again. They did not have time to hand it over to other people, even the furniture and wallpaper in it remained the same. May entered the house, looked it over and winced.
  - It is not clean enough. When the baby is at home, you will need to do a general cleaning.
  - May, listen, - the artist was afraid to argue with his wife, but still could not bear what she was saying.
  - I will not listen to you, - the woman suddenly laughed, - I will sing, and the baby will be born as musical as you and me! She will sing! She will love you even more than me! You will see! She will love to listen to you sing for hours! You will rehearse, and she will sit quietly and listen. A child's love has no boundaries, you will soon find out!
  This Kunqiu could no longer bear. He ran out of the house and sat down on the sand. Sobs shook his body. When he returned, May was asleep. From now on, she only ate and slept, as if she really continued to prepare for childbirth. But when the artist said that they were returning to Korea, and he had already bought tickets, she suddenly came to her senses.
  - Leave. There was metal in her voice. It seemed to the artist that he returned at a time when the girl had just come to work for him.
  - No, we're going together. You are my wife and we will survive all together.
  - I do not want. One lie pulls another. You lied to me, or rather, you didn't tell me that you were going on a blind date, and this is the result. I am also guilty before you, I lied to you, and what happened is my punishment! Now I am going to the bedroom, but you will not follow me. We will never sleep together again.
  Evening came. The sea was noisy outside the walls of the house, and its monotonous sound promised that everything would be fine, that there was still hope that everything would change. Mei went into the living room and sat on the sofa, Kunqiu approached her. "I think it"s time to talk," Kunqiu said after removing the hair from Mei"s face, "please listen to me. Even if it is hard for you to listen, anyway, please listen.
  "Okay," the woman agreed, "I'll listen to you without interrupting.
  - When I agreed to a blind date, I did not think that this date would bring such tragic consequences. Yes, I behaved like a coward, I didn't want to argue with my mother, and decided to go on this last date so that my mother was happy. But you know that by that moment there was only you in my heart. A little earlier, you took the idea of such a date with ease, you even prepared a suit for me, and that's why I just didn't think that the truth that you learned now would be so bitter for you. Why don't you answer? Hit me, shout at me, but please don't be silent and don't look at me with those eyes. - I promised that I would be silent, that I would listen to you, because, as you know, I always keep my promises. Go on.
  - I've almost finished telling. You understand that meeting with this fan, like her there, Mrs. Pak, was only a fatal case. I sent you here, to America, so that you can live in peace until the moment our girl is born, I took you away from trouble, but the trouble followed me from Korea. Please forgive me. Let's go home, let's go back to Korea, I'll try to make you forget everything. Of course, this will not happen immediately, but I will try very hard.
  - No, I stay here, I know that my girl is here, she is in this city. I can feel it, you, of course, will not believe me, but sometimes I hear her crying, and my breasts begin to ooze milk.
  "I believe you, but it can't go on like this. I have to go home, and without you I cannot do this. - I want to divorce you. Then it will be easy for you to go back.
  - No, not that. Okay, stay here, I'll fly home, but in a few months I'll be back to you again. - Okay. Now let's go buy flowers.
  The actor did not ask questions, he felt that even when the words of his wife gave off madness, this madness has its own rational grain. Therefore, now, when his wife said that he needed to buy flowers, he obeyed without question. The flowers were delicate and there were drops of water on their petals. The hands of the husband and wife reached out to this particular bouquet, and they bought it. After that, May took the actor's arm and led him along. They walked not very long, when the actor saw the fatal intersection, he understood everything. The woman took the flowers from the hands of the actor and put them on a thin strip separating the sidewalk from the road.
  "I know my daughter is alive, but you also have a right to your faith. You believe that the baby is dead, and therefore we, together with you, since we are her mom and dad, brought flowers here. I will live in this place, I mean Los Angeles, for nine months, and every month I will bring flowers here. And then I'll leave here.
  - Are you coming home to Korea?
  - No, I will never return there, I want to forget everything, like a bad dream.
  - And what about me, you don"t love me anymore?
  - It is precisely because I love you that I want to let you go. Now I only want to sleep, but tomorrow, when you come to me, I will tell you everything, and you will listen to me as attentively as I listened to you. I am also guilty before you, so I have no right to judge you.
  - Whatever you decide, you should know, you are the whole world for me, without you I do not want to wake up or fall asleep. Have you ever seen a moment when a performance is going on in a theater and a ray of light falls on an actor and highlights only him? The whole scene is dark and only the actor is standing in the beam of light, this is how I see you now. I am the ray that shines on you, and in my light only you, there is no one else in the world.
  "I know that, I feel that way too. Only in my feelings, I am a ray, and you are that object, that only object, that only person whom I love.
  - But then why are you? Why do you want to leave me?
  - Let me go, I'll tell you everything tomorrow. And today I ran out of strength. But you should know, if everything happened again, I would do the same, because you are the whole meaning of life for me. I did not think then, and was not responsible for my actions. I pushed you away, hoping for the continuation of life with you, and not for the end of it. I am guilty before our girl, but I could not act differently then.
  It was raining outside. Kunqiu brought breakfast to his wife in bed, but she turned away and said that she would not eat.
  The wife's bedroom was decorated with cheerful, yellow-orange wallpaper, even on the most rainy day, it seemed that there was a lot of sun in the room. The wallpaper was designer, the husband spent a lot of time in the design office before finally choosing what he thought matched the wallpaper for his beloved wife's room.
  Mei lay with her face turned to the wall, Kunqiu sitting in a chair and waiting for her to finally change her anger to mercy. He knew that his wife loved him, but still felt uncomfortable in a room where he was not invited. An hour passed, and May was still asleep.
  Finally she opened her eyes, got up in bed and said
  - I remember evrything.
  - What are you talking about, dear?
  - You are waiting for me to start repenting to you?
  - No, I'm not expecting anything, I just admire you.
  - I'll be fine in half an hour. For now, go away.
  The artist did not argue with his wife, he appreciated the fragile peace that had been established between them and was very afraid that the wife would completely withdraw into herself and stop talking to him.
  Even in such a grave condition, the wife remained true to herself, after half an hour she was sitting on the sofa in the living room and looking at her husband.
  - How do you feel today, dear? - asked the actor
  "Don't be so polite," May laughed suddenly. "I know what you're thinking.
  The actor often caught himself thinking that his wife is a unique person. He was amazed and attracted by her transitions, her instant transitions from complete sadness to a state of happiness. She could be rude, but in this rudeness she could find a place and time to tenderly draw her husband to her. She could be cheerful, but suddenly, through tears of happiness, she began to cry. It was the same with sadness, when it seemed that the whole world was immersed in rain and tears, she could begin to laugh contagiously.
  Sometimes he did not understand his wife at all, but this also attracted him with unimaginable strength.
  However, now it still seemed to him that she was laughing a little insincerely. It seemed to him that his wife was preparing for something, he was afraid of what he would hear, and yet he longed for this revelation.
  "I," Mei wanted to say something, but Kunqiu interrupted her.
  "You have to eat," he said, and took her hand. - Look, I laid the table for you, here are all those dishes that you love! I will listen to you as much as you want. We have a lot of time, so please, before you start your story, sing.
  May liked the proposal, it was clear that she was still gathering her thoughts and mustering the courage to tell her husband everything. The artist understood that even if he refused the revelations of his wife, she would still make him listen. This was May's character, if she planned something, then she would definitely do it.
  But the woman ate with great appetite. During breakfast, she chatted about meaningless things, that autumn was approaching, that, unfortunately, today you cannot swim in the sea, that she did not like lunch at an Italian restaurant where they were before they were born. baby. Finally breakfast was over, May blotted her lips and said. - I have always dreamed of climbing one of the highest mountains in the world.
  Probably, when my pain subsides, I will leave for Japan and try to climb Mount Fujiyama.
  - Well, dear, do as you wish! Will you take me with you?
  - Everything will depend on you, dear, - May began to flirt and fondle her husband, but suddenly froze, it seemed to the actor that someone came up and ran his hand over his wife's face, and a completely different woman was sitting in front of him.
  - What? Are you okay? - the man looked back. - Did you see something out the window?
  - Not. I remembered ... I want to tell you something. Let's get this over with.
  - But, I see that you cannot collect your thoughts, if you don"t want, then don"t force yourself. There is an eternity in front of us, you can tell about what worries you, in a week or in a month, or in ten years, or you can not tell at all. Whatever you tell me, I will not change my opinion of you. I know who you are. And what happened before meeting me does not bother me.
  - What are you talking about? - May looked at her husband in bewilderment.
  - Do you want to talk about your boyfriend? About the one you had before you met me?
  - What? - May laughed, - Do you understand that?
  - Yes.
  - If only it was that simple. I told and forgot.
  - Okay, - the man began to worry, it seemed to him that a ball filled his throat, he tried to catch his breath, swallow, but nothing worked. Knowing the character of his wife, her truthfulness, and the ability to speak about intimate things simply and frankly, he was frightened. - Speak.
  - Wow, are you even ready to listen to that?
  - Yes. Don't make fun of me, tell me.
  "Okay, then I'll start," the woman suddenly fell silent and looked at her husband.
  "What is it?" The man's voice became hoarse, his heart rose in his throat and beat with fierce force.
  - Nothing, - the woman stopped laughing, - it seemed to me that I saw you for the first time. Now you want me to tell you everything? You are not asking anymore do you want me to postpone this story for a month, for a year, for ten years?
  - Not.
  - It's a pity, but I will upset you, I did not have a boyfriend before you, and you will not hear intimate details about my life with him.
  - What are you saying? I meant something completely different.
  - Do you think that only you know me thoroughly? I want to upset you, I also know you and understand your feelings. Now you were ready to listen to all my dirtiest secrets and forgive me.
  - No you're wrong.
  "Okay, I'm glad I was wrong. Well, still, even though you gave me a loophole, gave me a way to escape, I will tell you everything.
  The actor tried to say something else, but his wife raised her palm - it was a sign to stop.
  - Come here, - May patted herself on the knee, - lie down comfortably and listen, I don't want you to look into my eyes during the story. Therefore, you can even listen with your eyes closed.
  - Okay. - Kunqiu smiled, - I like this beginning. I will be warm and comfortable, why not listen !!!
  - It all started at the moment when my stepfather began to pester me. I was 17 years old and in high school. My stepfather is not Korean, he came to Korea with his parents from some Latin American country when he was little. Parents, who realized that their son is talented, made every effort to train him to be a pianist. My stepfather is eight years younger than my mother. My father left my mother a lot of money and therefore a new union with a young man was mutually beneficial. Mom had money, her stepfather had beauty, youth and talent. Relatives tried to dissuade mom, but it was useless. It ended with a wedding. Grandparents asked that my mother at least leave me to them, so that I stay in Korea, but my mother did not agree to that either.
  We left. I changed school after school. Stepfather toured all over the world. So ten years passed. Mom might not work, but she was bored and she was organizing her stepfather's concerts, she was his manager.
  On that day, she left just on this issue, on the issue of the upcoming tour. My stepfather woke up late, I was sitting in the living room and doing my homework, when he came up, hugged me and kissed me. What?
  - I can not. I need to go outside and catch my breath.
  - Yes, you are a weakling, my dear, I have not told anything yet, and you can no longer listen!
  - And what, there will be something more disgusting? - Kunqiu turned pale
  - No, fortunately it won't. I broke free and ran away. I ran and cried. His back and lips burned. He kissed me on the neck, lips and hugged my shoulders. These places were burning and itching now, as if they had been smeared with a burning ointment. I did not understand where I was running and that day a big trouble could happen.
  There was a red light, but I did not notice it and ran to the crossing. A young teacher stopped me. We just moved then, I just went to a new school and I don't even remember the name of this teacher yet. She asked what happened to me, and I burst into tears and could not calm down for a long time. The teacher had only recently started teaching at this school and therefore, like me, she felt uncomfortable. After she saved me, we became friends. She was like an older sister to me. She didn"t like it when I called her a teacher, so I began to call her by her first name, although in Korea it is not customary to call those who are older by their first names. However, I was, as it were, a foreigner, and these rules did not apply to me. Moreover, the teacher was so young and defenseless, and did not look her age. When we were around, people thought we were sisters. So, I got a girlfriend.
   This was my Korean period, we then returned to Seoul and lived in our old apartment. Before that, we lived in Hong Kong, where my stepfather's tour was a huge success. Mom was worried that his stepfather, who was popular in Japan and China, was little known in Korea.
  The teacher saved me that day. I did not return home that night. I spent the night with her. The next day, without going into details, I announced that I would live with relatives on my father's side. I knew how much my mother loved my stepfather and was not going to become a stumbling block.
  I don't know if it seemed to me or not, but I noticed relief in my mother's eyes. It seems to me that my mother knew about everything, because my stepfather's attraction to me did not arise in one day. Minor signs of attention, some kind of touch, some kind of unusual light in the eyes - probably, my mother saw all this, but did not dare to talk to her stepfather.
  The stepfather took decisive action only that first and only time.
  In general, no one was hurt.
   And the teacher became my friend, became closer to me than my sister.
  - And your stepfather? - Kunqiu could no longer lie still, he jumped up and walked around the living room.
  - Calm down, I never stayed alone with my stepfather.
  - Oh, - the artist sat down at the feet of his wife and closed his eyes with his palms. - You, this, did not dare to tell me?
  - And that too, but the whole story is yet to come.
  - You said that you were never left alone with your stepfather, was there still a sequel?
  - Not. But the story will now be about something else, I want to tell you about my friend.
  - My God, well, of course, tell me, I thought ... You can't imagine how happy I am that you ran away from your stepfather then!
  - Well, dear, I continue my story. However, I do not think that you will be as calm and happy when I finish it.
  The actor tried to say something else, but his wife raised her palm - it was a sign to stop.
  - Come here, - May patted herself on the knee, - lie down comfortably and listen, I don't want you to look into my eyes during the story. Therefore, you can even listen with your eyes closed.
  - Okay. - Kunqiu smiled, - I like this beginning. I will be warm and comfortable, why not listen !!!
  - It all started at the moment when my stepfather began to pester me. I was 17 years old and in high school. My stepfather is not Korean, he came to Korea with his parents from some Latin American country when he was little. Parents, who realized that their son is talented, made every effort to train him to be a pianist. My stepfather is eight years younger than my mother. My father left my mother a lot of money and therefore a new union with a young man was mutually beneficial. Mom had money, her stepfather had beauty, youth and talent. Relatives tried to dissuade mom, but it was useless. It ended with a wedding. Grandparents asked that my mother at least leave me to them, so that I stay in Korea, but my mother did not agree to that either.
  We left. I changed school after school. Stepfather toured all over the world. So ten years passed. Mom might not work, but she was bored and she was organizing her stepfather's concerts, she was his manager.
  On that day, she left just on this issue, on the issue of the upcoming tour. My stepfather woke up late, I was sitting in the living room and doing my homework, when he came up, hugged me and kissed me. What?
  - I can not. I need to go outside and catch my breath.
  - Yes, you are a weakling, my dear, I have not told anything yet, and you can no longer listen!
  - And what, there will be something more disgusting? - Kunqiu turned pale
  - No, fortunately it won't. I broke free and ran away. I ran and cried. His back and lips burned. He kissed me on the neck, lips and hugged my shoulders. These places were burning and itching now, as if they had been smeared with a burning ointment. I did not understand where I was running and that day a big trouble could happen.
  There was a red light, but I did not notice it and ran to the crossing. A young teacher stopped me. We just moved then, I just went to a new school and I don't even remember the name of this teacher yet. She asked what happened to me, and I burst into tears and could not calm down for a long time. The teacher had only recently started teaching at this school and therefore, like me, she felt uncomfortable. After she saved me, we became friends. She was like an older sister to me. She didn"t like it when I called her a teacher, so I began to call her by her first name, although in Korea it is not customary to call those who are older by their first names. However, I was, as it were, a foreigner, and these rules did not apply to me. Moreover, the teacher was so young and defenseless, and did not look her age. When we were around, people thought we were sisters. So, I got a girlfriend.
   This was my Korean period, we then returned to Seoul and lived in our old apartment. Before that, we lived in Hong Kong, where my stepfather's tour was a huge success. Mom was worried that his stepfather, who was popular in Japan and China, was little known in Korea.
  The teacher saved me that day. I did not return home that night. I spent the night with her. The next day, without going into details, I announced that I would live with relatives on my father's side. I knew how much my mother loved my stepfather and was not going to become a stumbling block.
  I don't know if it seemed to me or not, but I noticed relief in my mother's eyes. It seems to me that my mother knew about everything, because my stepfather's attraction to me did not arise in one day. Minor signs of attention, some kind of touch, some kind of unusual light in the eyes - probably, my mother saw all this, but did not dare to talk to her stepfather.
  The stepfather took decisive action only that first and only time.
  In general, no one was hurt.
   And the teacher became my friend, became closer to me than my sister.
  - And your stepfather? - Kunqiu could no longer lie still, he jumped up and walked around the living room.
  - Calm down, I never stayed alone with my stepfather.
  - Oh, - the artist sat down at the feet of his wife and closed his eyes with his palms. - You, this, did not dare to tell me?
  - And that too, but the whole story is yet to come.
  - You said that you were never left alone with your stepfather, was there still a sequel?
  - Not. But the story will now be about something else, I want to tell you about my friend.
  - My God, well, of course, tell me, I thought ... You can't imagine how happy I am that you ran away from your stepfather then!
  - Well, dear, I continue my story. However, I do not think that you will be as calm and happy when I finish it.
  Oh Hee Yeong
  - My friend's name was. Oh Hae Young, does that name remind you of anything?
  - Yes, - after a pause, the artist answered, - I had a friend in childhood with the same name. It is a common name in Korea. We met her when we were still very young, she was attacked by a dog, I drove this dog away with stones. It was then that we became friends. I also had a friend, Wang, so the three of us were friends. This friendship lasted a long time, although we studied with Oh Hae Young in different schools, but after school we were inseparable. We continued to be friends even after graduation.
  I remember when we were still very young, a friend wanted us to get married when we grow up. I didn"t mind, but time put everything in its place. Why do you ask?
  - My friend, as you already know, was also called Oh Hae Yeon, and this was exactly the girl you were friends with as a child.
  - You ... It can't be, you wanted to tell me about her?
  - Yes. South Korea is a small country and the world is so small. The moment she saved me, it turns out she was also your friend. After the incident when she saved me, I studied at this school for some time. Then I was forced to leave for America. So my mother decided. I went to study in America and haven't seen my friend for several years. One day I came home to my grandparents for a vacation. I just unpacked my things and rushed to my friend. For a month now, I could not get through to her, letters remained unanswered. I flew into Oh Hae Young's house like a whirlwind, and the first thing I saw was her mourning photograph. My friend, my close friend, almost my sister, committed suicide. I didn't know anything. Nothing foreshadowed this tragedy. I knew that my friend had a boyfriend she was going to marry. But I didn"t see the guy"s face and never heard bad words about him. That guy was you?
  - Yes, but listen ...
  - Let me finish my story, and then we'll talk to you.
  - Okay, but you should know ...
  - But we agreed. I say - you are listening.
  - Okay.
  - I will not tell what state my friend's mother was in then, we talked with her until the evening, and then my mother remembered that my friend had left a letter for me. After reading the letter, I vowed to take revenge on you.
  - What?
  - Yes exactly.
  - But what did I do? Wait, you don't know the whole story.
  - I know everything. I understand that something terrible happened, something that made my friend commit suicide.
  - If you give me the opportunity to explain myself, then I will tell you everything.
  - Okay, sure, but first listen to me. I then stayed in Korea for only a week, my world was empty. After a week in Seoul, I returned to America.
  I took the letter with me. I had to study for several more years, a plan appeared in my head, but I could not implement it right in the same year. I graduated from high school, then university, and then returned to Seoul.
  All paths were open in front of me, my diploma was my calling card, but when I told my family that I wanted to get a job as a housekeeper at the agency, they were horrified. However, I stood my ground, and they resigned themselves. I worked as a housekeeper in two places, where I got a job just for the sake of appearance, so that the resume would say that I have at least some experience, and then I achieved my goal, you allowed me to work in your house.
  I have achieved my goal. I didn't lie to you, I've never been a fan of yours. Reading and rereading a friend's letter, I hated you with all my heart, but in order to find out everything about you, I had to watch your films and listen to your songs.
  - Stop, - the actor shouted, - Let me justify myself, let me say at least something, don't you understand that I can't listen to it anymore?
  - What tenderness! I have lived with this hatred for so many years, can you not listen for a few minutes? Well, if you insist, I'll shut up.
  - No, I didn't mean it. Okay, go ahead.
  - My story is coming to an end, all the incomprehensible things that happened in your house and around you, from the moment I entered your house - this is the work of my hands. All these inscriptions on the mirrors, notes, and other things incomprehensible to you then - I did all this. Remember the barrette in my hair when I first stepped into your house? You recognized this hairpin, it worried you! You looked at her over and over again, without realizing this, I was counting on this effect, and I was incredibly glad that my plan was a success! This, as you know, was Oh Hye Yeon's favorite hair clip. A friend's mom gave it to me the day I learned about her death. But analyzing and studying you, listening to your songs, spending the evenings watching films where you played the main role, I did not notice how I fell in love with you. I told myself that the person who played in that film, the person who insisted on filming that film about unfortunate children, cannot be a scoundrel. I loved and hated you. Over time, the hatred went away, then I began to hate myself, for having betrayed the memory of my friend.
  That's all. That's the whole story. I think that now you can easily give me a divorce.
  - I can ask you what was written in the record ke?
  - Yes, since today is the day of revelations, I will tell you everything. This is the note, this is the last letter from my friend. If you read the letter, you'll see that Oh Hae Young loved you so much that she didn't blame you for anything. From her words it follows that on the day when all three of you were playing computer games at your parents' house, your mother's jewelry box disappeared. The parents did not make a fuss, they did not want to blame anyone and tried to figure out what had happened. However, your friend did not remain silent and said that he saw Oh Hae Yeon take the box. The girl burst into tears, she waited for you to take her side, but you hesitated, you did not know who to believe. Without waiting for any reaction from you, Oh Hae Young left.
  The letter says that Oh Hae Young did not take the box, she would not lie to me. Her family was going through temporary life difficulties at this time, including financial ones. Maybe that's why you didn't take her side. You thought she took the box because she wanted to help the family. These are not my words, these are Oh Hae Young's words. The girl left, but you didn't rush after her, you believed the words of your friend. She waited, a week passed, then two, then a month. You did not come. After that, she decided to commit suicide. - I didn't know anything. Wang said that later, later, she got married and left for China.
  Why didn't she tell me anything? Why didn't she object? Why didn't she try to prove her case? After all, she was a lively girl!
  "I understand that her world collapsed that day. She trusted you very much, and wanted you to trust her unconditionally as well. When this did not happen, she waited, she wanted you to come and talk to her, but you didn"t come. "I was going to visit her several times, but Wang told me that she didn"t want to talk to me. He told me that if I went to her, she would complain to her older brother and he would beat me. I really loved and appreciated this girl, we always talked about a lot with her, and when this story happened, I really missed talking with her.
  Once I was in such sadness and sadness that I could no longer be apart from her, and went to her home. I knocked at the gate for a long time, shouted her name, shouted that I loved her, but no one opened me, and only then I believed that she no longer wanted to see me. This happened three months after the box disappeared.
  - You could still knock, yell, call her by name, but no one would tell you, because after her death, her family moved from there.
  - No, this cannot be, you are confusing something. Wang, that friend of mine, told me recently that he saw Oh Hae Young in one of the shops, with her husband and children next to her.
  - Oh, I'm tired. The rain is over. Let's go outside and just be quiet. I expected a different reaction from you. I thought that you would agree to a divorce when you find out that I fooled you for a whole year.
  - No, there will be no divorce. Okay. Let's go outside and just keep quiet. Give me a letter, I want to look at her handwriting and remember everything.
  They sat in silence. There was no rain, but the sky was still gray. The sand was wet, and the lead waves beat against the shore. Seagulls screamed in frustration and promised new rain.
  A week has passed. The actor urgently needed to return to Korea, but he was afraid to start a conversation with his wife about it.
  May saw how her husband was tormented and worried, remembering her first love, but she was silent. She believed that he should endure this pain himself, that this burden would be with him now all his life. The actor never returned Mei's letter to Oh Hae Young, and she respected her husband for it.
  One night, May could not sleep, and she walked for a long time along the beach. When she returned, she decided to look into her husband's room. The husband, as always, did not sleep well, his eyes moved under his eyelids, and he breathed faster. Kunqiu was asleep, clutching Oh Hae Yong's letter in his hands. Mei kissed Kunqiu, and he relaxed and fell fast asleep.
  The woman understood that now that everything was cleared up, she no longer had a reason to hate her husband. However, if her husband forgave her, then she did not forgive herself. She told herself that a relationship that began with a lie could not lead to anything good. May also understood that her husband needed to return to Korea, but until she made a decision, he would not fly away.
  And she made a decision.
  She told her husband to return to South Korea alone. If after nine months he still loves her, then maybe they can be together.
  Now she needed to be alone.
  As expected, the husband did not immediately come to terms with his wife's decision. But the time came when she was left alone in the house. All nine months, on the day of the accident, she brought flowers to that intersection. She knew that her girl was alive and, stepping on the stones of the intersection, she called her and said that she, mom, had come, mom was here, mom hoped to meet her daughter. Flowers were a guide between mother and daughter. When the ninth month passed, she brought flowers for the last time. Two days later, she was already flying to Japan to climb Mount Fuji. Fujiyama was the first object of her ascent, after Fujiyama she wanted to climb all the highest mountains in the world.
  She waited as long as she could for her husband to fly to her, but there was no news from him.
  Many things happened during May's separation. Feeling guilty, the man went to the house where Oh Hae Young's mother now lived. Not that he doubted the words of his wife, but one thing is a word, and another when you see and hear a story about the happiness that you have lost.
  Kunqiu spent the whole day with his deceased lover's mother. They talked and could not stop talking, they recalled the one that had not been on earth for so many years. Then, together with his mother Oh Hae Young, he went to the place where the memory of his beautiful youthful love lived. There were candles burning, there were flowers, there was a portrait of Oh Hae Yong. This is how Kunqiu remembered her, happy, cheerful and in love. There were other photographs next to the portrait, in these photographs there were all three of them, he, Wang and the beautiful Oh Hae Young.
  Mom left a long time ago, and he still stood and talked with the one who was the love of his youth.
  After paying the debt to the memory, he decided to accomplish what he had been postponing for a long time. As an artist suspected, Wang denied his guilt. Kunqiu could not punish Wang, time had passed, and nothing could be proved. It was Van who stole that box, he lost then, he urgently needed money. Not that he was planning and thinking about who to throw his blame on, the decision came instantly.
  Well, you already know what happened next.
  The artist was furious, half of his life was spent in ignorance. He was angry with his beloved, resented her, then envied her when Wang lied to him that he saw Oh Hae Young with her husband and children, and his girlfriend had actually been gone for a long time. All Kunqiu could do now was just say that their long-standing friendship was over. From now on, they are no longer friends, and if Wang once again comes to Kunqiu's home, the guards will simply not let him through. However, the artist was sure that there was a higher court, and his deceitful friend could not deceive this court.
  May forbade her husband to write and call, she told him that if he had time, and if he still loved her, he would be able to fly to her when nine months had passed. Kunqiu planned to do so, but the unexpected happened, when six months passed, his dreams returned to the artist. All this time, while he lived with May and loved her, there were no attacks. It seemed that they were gone for good, but now everything has happened again.
  Passed the seventh month and eighth, the artist looked worse and worse. Kunqiu's mother was aware of all his torment, and when she visited him again, she was simply horrified. The artist didn't just look bad, he looked terrible. After agreeing with the famous monk, who was rumored to work miracles, she sent her son to a Buddhist monastery. In order for the monk to compose an accurate picture of the artist's mental illness, he announced that Kunqiu would have to live in the monastery for three days. Kunqiu didn't mind. Here, in the mountains, he breathed easily, he believed and hoped that he would find the cause of the curse that had been following him for so many years. However, to the surprise of Kunqiu, the monk just talked to the artist, he asked him about the pedigree, about his childhood, about the current problems that torment the man. It was very unusual, the artist thought that the monk would do all sorts of unusual, mystical things, but the first day was spent talking. On the second day, the monk asked the artist to help him. If you climb high up the mountain, and then go down, you could go to the river. The river was cold and very turbulent. The artist had to collect water and take this water to the monastery. There were huge barrels in the middle of the monastery courtyard, but now the barrels were almost empty. Kunqiu quickly realized his task, it took him all day to fill the barrel to the brim with water. By evening, he could no longer feel any arms or legs, but for some reason he was happy. Engaged in physical labor, he did not think and did not remember. He just lived in the present. The second night has passed, the last morning in the monastery has come. The monk dressed in ritual robes and invited Kunqiu to the question hall. I would not like to describe the rituals that the monk performed with Kunqiu. Before starting the ritual, the monk asked to keep everything in secret. Kunqiu even wanted to give a written promise that the secret of the rituals will remain secret, but the monk just smiled and said that he did not need all this. A verbal agreement is enough.
  The artist once again confirmed that he would not tell anyone about what was happening in the monastery, and the ritual began.
  The monk's work was similar to that of a doctor, he diagnosed and recommended treatment. It was not for nothing that the monk talked for a long time about the Kunqiu family, about the ancestors on the part of his father and mother. After listening to everything that the artist told him, having read his astral chart, which he compiled by date of birth, and, having performed a ritual, which I have no right to talk about, he finally gave an accurate definition of Kunqiu's ailment.
  As incredible as it may sound, the artist paid for the sins of his famous ancestor. Confucius was a highly moral man, the Asian world still lives according to his commandments. There was only one spot on the biography of the great philosopher. His students did not like to mention this, but this fact could not be erased from the biography of Confucius.
  Here is a extract from ancient books
  "In the days of Confucius, a Chinese divorce looked simple: you take your wife, take her to your parental home and leave home with a light heart.
  Confucius did just that: a few years after the birth of his son, he suddenly took and returned Kikoan Shi to her elderly parents.
  Why did you return it? History is silent: the students of Confucius did not like to talk about the Divorce of the Teacher, since this regrettable fact was contrary to his shining teachings. From the unsuccessful love story of Confucius and Kikoan Shi, only fragmentary references remained.
  About the fact that nineteen-year-old Confucius, a modest bailiff in the market (keeping track of the freshness of vegetables and fish is an important, but not at all honorable job), married a modest girl from the neighboring Song kingdom.
  The fact that, apparently, at first, the young lived in the family of her parents, since Confucius had neither the means nor the position in society, and life with his mother-in-law is not easy at all times and in all countries.
  The fact that Kikoan Shi was not very happy with the fact that her husband, instead of career growth, was busy thinking and talking. About the fact that Confucius in everyday life was a strict and picky person, if not to say - boring: he did not tolerate excessive chatter and empty talk, sincerely believed that a decent person could not snore, severely condemned various human weaknesses and did not skimp on assessments.
  That soon the fame of Confucius and his wisdom spread throughout the Kingdoms, rulers and officials began to bring gifts to him, the family moved to their homes, but this did not add happiness to the young.
  Love has already passed, but warm respect has not appeared. The bottom line was only the tediousness of the spouse and the fatigue of the spouse.
  The real experience of family life gave birth, for example, the following maxim:
  "It is difficult to deal with women and servants in your own home. If you bring them closer, they will become cheeky, if you remove them, they will hate them ".
  Of the two evils, swagger and hatred, Confucius decided to choose the latter. And he removed the woman. Forever and ever.
  The example turned out to be contagious: neither Confucius's son Li Bo Yu, nor his grandson ever built a happy family - all their marriages ended in divorce. "
  In the descendants of Confucius, blood flowed and Kikoan Shi. And the pain of a woman who was thrown away as an unnecessary thing, after so many years of marriage, sometimes became as a curse for posterity. In this particular case, the case of the actor Kunqiu, the curse came to naught, the moment his wife was next to him. Only May was a panacea for all troubles and for all curses that threatened the actor.
  This is exactly what the monk suggested. She said that Kunqiu's salvation is likely to be by Mei's side. Only she had the powers that mother nature awards women at birth in order to prevent the death of Kunqiu. According to the monk who checked the artist's astral chart, the next moonlit night will be the last for Kunqiu. The monk gave the artist protective amulets, but said that the amulets would protect him only until the beginning of the fatal moon, but would become useless if he did not reunite with his wife before the start of the next three lunar days and nights. Hearing this, the artist got up to leave the monastery and begin his journey to his beloved woman, but the monk stopped him. The monk said that the soul for which the man cried and grieved, in fact, remained on earth. As soon as the artist returns home, an important message will be waiting for him. The artist must not ignore this message, he must meet with the person who sent this message. Kunqiu did not understand anything, he would like the monk to express himself more specifically, but he did not achieve anything else. The only thing the monk added was that when Kunqiu meets his wife, he must believe her words unconditionally. It was the wife who all this time believed that the little soul, for which the artist grieved, was alive. Kunqiu decided that he was beginning to understand something, but the monk again refused to interpret his words. The monk advised the artist to hurry up, because there is only a month left before the fatal three lunar days, and because an important message awaits him at home.
  When the artist returned home, among the heap of mail that had accumulated during the time he was not at home, he saw a letter that was sent from the Los Angeles prison. As he began to read, his body began to shake. May was right as always, their daughter was alive. Ms. Park, that crazy fan, wrote about this in a letter that the artist was reading now.
  After her arrest, Ms. Park was held in Los Angeles Prison. One day she came across a Bible in the prison library. From that moment on, the girl's life changed. She believed in God, this is what prompted her to write a letter to the artist. As you remember, Mrs. Park's parents were outrageously rich, and therefore not a single desire of their daughter remained unfulfilled. Only now they could not get her out of an American prison. The girl grew up utterly spoiled and got used to the fact that all her wishes come true. When she realized that Artist Kunqiu was not going to date her and that he had another woman, she plotted revenge.
  How she carried out this revenge, you know, but you do not know what really happened to Kunqiu and Mei's daughter. The girl was born healthy, thank God, the accident did not affect her health in any way. May was telling the truth, the baby was in the ward and she was breastfeeding. However, all these memories were attributed to generic fever. The doctor and the nurse received such a huge amount of money, which is scary to say here. The documents were forged, and the child was given to a wet nurse, whom Mrs. Park hired for a lot of money directly from prison. But having carried out her revenge, the fan now did not know what to do with the child. As a result, she simply told those who were now with the child to throw the baby away as an unnecessary thing. The woman who was caring for the newborn left her under the walls of the hospital.
  After reading this letter, the man grabbed his head. In his head it simply did not fit what this abnormal woman had written. Now Ms. Park believed in God, and asked the artist to intercede for her so that the girl could atone for her sin in a South Korean prison. She dreamed of praying in the chapel at the Korean prison day and night to atone for her sin.
  Kunqiu urgently flew to Los Angeles. More than anything, he wanted to see his wife, but he was late, May flew away. He was only one day late, the flowers that lay at the intersection were still fresh.
  The artist reassured himself that the meeting with his wife was ahead. Now he needed to save his child. The meeting with Ms. Pak took place in the prison in the presence of a lawyer. The girl told again everything that had happened and signed her testimony. The law firm that Kunqiu Agency worked with took over Ms. Park's case. The artist left the prison with a light heart, there were still some legal delays, but two weeks later he took his little treasure in his hands for the first time.
  At the orphanage, the girl was well looked after and looked smart. The baby developed well, and she did not have any age deviations. As you understand, after all the events that have occurred over the past year, the father did not let the child go for a minute. Her hand was in his hand all twenty-four hours a day.
  Kunqiu fulfilled his promise, the fate of Mrs. Park was in good hands, and nothing else held the artist in America.
  There were two weeks left until three terrible lunar days.
  Returning home to Seoul, the artist gathered a family council. The little treasure that was sleeping in his arms was the object that, like a magnet, attracted the glances of grandparents, as well as other relatives. The artist still felt fear, and therefore, despite numerous requests, he never let the baby get off his hands. Kunqiu was worried about many things, he thought about what the fate of his little princess would be if he really died in two weeks. He had to settle a lot of legal issues, from the baby's citizenship to inheritance issues. In the event that Kunqiu's wife returns before the X-hour, he will have nothing more to worry about, but her search has not led to anything yet.
  Indeed, his wife wanted to climb Mount Fujiyama, but for some reason changed her mind, and after that her tracks were lost.
  Time passed, there was only one week left.
  Although there was still a week before the start of the attack of the lunar days, he already felt bad. He wondered exactly how he would die, what would it be? Maybe he will be hit by a passing car, or will he die of a heart attack? There was no point in guessing. Somehow, the story of the damned lunar days leaked to the press, and then one day he woke up and saw a crowd of people behind his fence. People came to support their favorite artist, they were ready to do anything to save him, and promised to help find his wife. And then he understood these people. It turns out that nationwide love could be not only evil, but also good. He thanked his loyal fans. And then he had an idea. He decided to record a video message to fans. He knew that his fan clubs were scattered all over the world. Just imagining how many people are worried about him now, he was amazed. He knew that there are such clubs all over the world, but until now he did not attach much importance to this. The idea grew and expanded in his head. Calling the manager Kim, he spoke with him, and the next day the shooting was scheduled. He went to this shooting with his adored baby. Cameras were turned on and recording began. Despite the bright spotlights, the baby did not cry, but everyone around her was crying. Kunqiu briefly, and trying not to dramatize, outlined the situation, he did not go into particular details, but promised that if fans help find his wife, then all is not lost for him.
  - They say that the union of a woman and a man is being prepared in heaven. - Collecting his thoughts, he began his speech for a video recording of Kunciu, - If fate intended the lovers to be together, then earthly circumstances will not be able to separate them. I know that my fans will do anything to find my Mei, the woman heaven destined for me, but even if help does not come in time, you must promise that you will love and take care of my woman and my child. Give them the same love you gave me. My whole life was just preparation, it all started only at the moment when I met May. If I am destined to die, then I will be grateful to heaven, and I will not grumble. I must live bravely in the last hours, in return for the love I received. This baby sleeping in my arms was deceived immediately after birth, but she survived and waited for the moment when I came to her and pressed her to my heart. Hundreds of dangers lay in wait for her, she could die of infant diseases, from mistreatment, she could freeze to death when evil people stole her and then threw her away as an unnecessary thing, but now she is sitting in my arms, is it not a miracle? Therefore, let's believe in miracles, and hope that everything in this world is created according to law and justice. I do not believe that I will not see my May again, I believe that you will help to find her, and in return for your love, I will take one photo from the life of our family every day, and give this photo to you, my dear fans. My baby wants to sleep, I have to go home to feed and put her to bed, so now I say goodbye to you and entrust my fate and the fate of my little daughter to you. Morning will definitely come!
  Nothing more depended on the artist, he bowed to all those people who were worried about him now, and said that he would believe.
   Of course, I describe everything he said in dry language. Now this tape has been deleted, but believe me, everything that this tired man said, who did not let go of his daughter, moved those who were his fans, and even those who were not his fans before this video. A father who lost and found a daughter, a mother who believed that her daughter was still alive, despite everything, this whole story, in a world in which there is so little love and magic left, touched people, and people organized a search for Mei all over the world.
  When the cameras were turned off, he thanked the film crew and said that he would hope for further fruitful work, but now he needs to go home to put the girl to bed.
  Now all that was left was to wait.
  Mei did not climb to the top of Mount Fujiyama. Although everything was organized, it seemed to her that Fujiyama was too easy a target. It turns out that all and sundry could climb there. After enjoying the beauty of Japan, she decided to proceed to the next stage of her plan. Climbing Mount Everest demanded a lot of costs, and not only mental and physical, but also ordinary, monetary. The ascent to Everest was put on a stream, guides, equipment, access systems, all this gave the government of this country a lot of money. By the time I"m talking about, the woman, one might say, has not actually started lifting. Together with a group of climbers, she was on the lower plateau. May didn't like what was happening to her. She did not believe in transmigration of souls and in deja vu, however, as soon as the ascent began, she recognized the leader of the group, and she was also sure that she knew at least half of the group by sight, although she had never seen these people before this ascent. The weather was deteriorating, here of course it was not as cold as at the top, at the very top of Everest, but the snow was already beginning to whip up your face. It couldn't be, but even the instructor's voice was familiar to her. She didn't understand what was happening until her gaze fell on the little red radio, and suddenly she remembered. She not only remembered, but knew exactly what would happen the next moment. The instructor said something anxiously into the radio, and then turned to her. It was this moment that she saw already in a dream. What she heard next was already beyond that dream.
  The instructor said:
  - They are looking for you all over the world. Your husband is in danger. The information is already in all the news media, and only you, probably, have not seen it. However, this is certainly not surprising, because the Internet is not here. Calm down, your husband is alive, and soon a helicopter will fly for you.
  The woman felt as if the ground beneath her began to shake. She did not hide from her husband that she still loves him, and waited until the last moment that he would come for her. Time ran out, but he did not arrive, and she decided that he had stopped loving her. But it turns out that the matter was completely different, the lunar curse again captured him in its nets. She pondered all this while she waited for the helicopter. The fans, who were happy that Mei was found, also made sure to get Mei to her husband as quickly as possible.
  May flies to her beloved husband, and does not know yet that at home not one, but two loving hearts are waiting for her. I'm sure she'll make it in time. After all, there are still two whole days before the beginning of the lunar madness.
  Their author interview with the actor
  "The actor raised the topic of loneliness:" I feel it when I go home, really tired after work, and turn on the lights in a dark house. I don't feel very much lonely. I don't think it's too hard to be alone. "
  Are you worried? Wondering if May's fans will find it in time?
  Hello, this is me, the author of the book. Rather, I disguise myself as the author. In fact, I am fate. I am a fashionable person, and quite loving. The more couples I see around, the younger I will stay. And as I see the lonely, it becomes chilly, and even somehow I start to grow old.
  Old age grabs me by the collar and says:
   "Yeah, you got my dear! "
  Sometimes the slogan "Fall in love or die!" Is not just a metaphor, not just a common expression, it is a vital condition that you need if everything is bad with you. Of course, falling in love, you will not receive a guarantee that you are in front of you exactly the person who will help you get out of all life circumstances that have accumulated and put pressure on you. I'm talking about something else here. It is about that state, about that magical state that will rejuvenate you and give activation to all your vital forces. And if, as a result of falling in love, you are with the very person whom fate has intended for you, this will be a pleasant bonus.
  Therefore, my task is to prepare the situation in such a way that those who were destined for each other by fate will definitely meet. It doesn't matter how many kilometers separate them, what cultural and linguistic barriers prevent their meeting - it doesn't matter, if the meeting is planned in heaven, then it will definitely take place. When these children are born, even then the red thread connects them through space and distance.
  Their meeting happens, it works 90%. Another 10% are problem lovers. Sometimes, even being in the same country, in the same city, they cannot collide in any way, and here on the stage of the theater, called life, I come out, a beautiful fate. Of course, I can act in the guise of an ugly old woman, but our book is about love, and in this book everything should be fine, including my face.
  - Look, look, what a strange grandmother is coming! Hat with flowers, 19th century dress!
  - Why are you pawing me? What did she grab onto my hand? Where is the grandmother? I do not see!
  - Yes, just turn around, over your shoulder!
  - Fu, don't touch me! You're so sticky from today's heat! Yes, where is that old woman? Wow!
  - What?
  - Look what a fifa in a red dress, where are they made?
  - What are you talking about?
  - I turned to look at the grandmother, and there is this beauty! And where is your old woman? - Damn, turn away! Now your eyes will burst!
  - No, well, seriously! Can I give her a phone call? What? What are you fighting for?
  - Are you completely dumb? Maybe you'd better roll up to me?
  - What? What have you done now? Did you kiss me?
  - And what are you going to do to me? Will you hit, or what?
  - No, move closer, because of this heat your forehead shines, let me wipe your face with a napkin.
  - Right here?
  - No, why, there is a shop behind the tree. Let's go there.
  - Let's go. Oh. Oh, what did you do now? Kissed?
  - You just don"t know men. There was no point in kissing me first. Everything can change in the blink of an eye!
  - ABOUT! Even so?!
  - She wanted to. You will be like that, you will run into trouble!
  - I wish I had such trouble!
  - What?
  These are the situations that turn me from an aged lady into a fatal beauty! Well, I continue. Remember what we talked about? Yes, about ten percent of lovers who do not fit into the plan of the deity. These lovers came to our world burdened with a load from past lives and are subject to a curse, but it does not affect everyone. Our hero from childhood was an easy prey for damnation.
  Confucius was an educator, philosopher and statesman in ancient China, and has become an incredibly famous figure in history. Confucius's pedigree is considered the longest in the world, Kunqiu believed that he belongs to the 79th generation of descendants.
  So, he knew that he was a descendant of the great Confucius and built his life so as to be worthy of the memory of the great philosopher. This turned out to be his Achilles heel. But I continue.
  These 10% of lovers are especially important to me, they are like my children, they are my work. I put a lot of effort, a lot of energy and imagination to make them meet. Moreover, after the meeting takes place, I need to make sure that a spark runs between them. But this is not enough. A spark is such a small thing, sometimes a spark flares up and goes out when the wood is damp, and I need a flame to burst out between the lovers.
  Do you think a lot of actors are throwing holidays for their housekeepers when a year has passed since they started working? Do you really think that the actor, this clumsy man in a love relationship, could have come up with such an idea himself?
  Our actor is a very well-mannered, very kind-hearted, very decent and conscientious person in all respects, but in matters of love, excuse me, he is a complete layman.
  I pass on to the story of the heroine. Yes, the heroine was looking for ways of rapprochement herself, her fantasy, her passion, her ideas about the ideal th love, it all coincided when she got to know her master better. For me, in relation to the heroine, the task was not so difficult. It is very good that I had to guide not two lovers, but only one. The hero also thought about his wonderful housekeeper all the time, but he would never have taken the first step to get closer. The actor was in danger all the time, and he was in serious danger. When a curse hangs over a person, I can hardly do anything, but this time there was a cure for the curse, and I applied it successfully.
  The question was about time.
  In fact, the actor was at gunpoint. Those fateful three days and three nights, those three nights of the lunar curse that our lovers successfully passed, who slept after a night of love, because I pushed them to action, and their love flared up like wildfire, were to be the last for our actor. And so, here I applaud myself! I, or rather, we, together with the lovers, had time. Then the forces of nature were most active. It was a very difficult task, as soon as I came to an agreement with the element of fire, the element of water became a threat. As soon as my gifts for the element of water worked, the element of the Earth became strong. And so in a circle. Do you know the theory about the five Chinese elements? It's very good that you know. So, this theory is not fiction. The Chinese are still masters of twisting everything secret behind the ear and into the sun! The theory of the five elements was a secret knowledge that was used only in the secret rooms of Chinese monasteries. Over time, this information has become public. However, when you type a question about the theory of the five elements on the Internet, you will see millions of articles that repeat each other. After reading this information, you just shrug your shoulders.
  And what does this information keep so secret? - you might think, - and you will be right.
  Everything that is written on the Internet about this theory is true, but this truth lacks a tiny source of information. It is in this little thing that the source of the mystery of the theory of the five elements is located.
  Sorry, I was distracted, sometimes it gets boring to plan and implement everything alone, so I blabbed. I already physically feel your impatience and desire to turn the page to find out how the story of our beloved ended. I, too, am just as impatient and understand you perfectly. Well, I just want to add that it was difficult for May to make the decision to show up in the master's room that night. And as you understood correctly, I had to push her. At some point, May got scared, and even sober up. It seemed to her that the bed under her began to shake, then the window leaf began to slam, she knocked on the window frame with what frequency, that it seemed a little bit more, and the window panes would crack and fly out. Then a flock of crows sat on the tree closest to the window and began to croak in one voice. It was still a sight! There were many other little things that I used that night. It was one of those nights when the Yin and Yang elements were most powerful. I have already mentioned that I had to negotiate with the elements of the five elements. May hesitated for a long time, it was scary, I did everything to make her more and more scared, and so that she finally left the room. And I did it. The girl left her room and went on a journey through the house. Her task was now simple. She needed a drink to gain courage. Why she needed to be brave, you know. The object of her love was sleeping on the second floor. This is not to say that May was very shy, but breaking into a man's room at night, lying down next to him, grabbing his hand and waiting for him to wake up, it really took a lot of courage for this, and not every girl will dare to do this. Here the problem of pride is of great importance. After all, if the artist woke up and rejected her, it would be a big blow to the girl's pride. And it is not a fact that she would try again to do this trick with a night visit to the man's room. Everything was complicated and incomprehensible. Of course, in case of failure, I would not give up trying to bring these people together. But time would play against me. Even if these two slept through the first moonlit night, just holding hands, the first lunar day would be a huge challenge for the actor. And it is not a fact that by the beginning of the second moonlit night he would still be alive. This is how it was. Yes, yes, I can see that your impatience has reached its climax! I'm off. I hit the hang up button. Now you can directly call the main characters of this story so that they can tell in color how it all ended.
  Everything, everything, I switch off, I became very loose. Apparently, I need a recharge, I'll go look for lovers who need my help. Adieu. Selyavi.
  The setting sun illuminates a woman and her three children. Two children are still quite toddlers, they have just learned to walk, these are two twin boys, the girl looks quite grown up against the background of her brothers, still, she is already three years old. The kids have just finished eating, trying to get the kids to sleep, mom hums her favorite song. This song has great meaning for the whole family. The kids don't listen. When mom asks her daughter to help her sing a song, the girl refuses and shouts:
  - Where is my dad? Where is my beloved dad? I will not sing without him!
  - Dad has a shooting today. Soon the shooting of the film will end, and we will go on vacation to another country, there is a house by the sea. I will give you my room, in this room there is wallpaper as yellow as the sun on the wall. This wallpaper was chosen by your dad even before you were born. It is in this house that we will stay, - the woman answers.
  - Call dad, tell me that I miss you and wait for him! Mom, I won't sing this song without my dad. Where is my daddy? - the girl begins to whimper, it is clear that she is still very young, and it is time for her to sleep.
  - Your dad, - the woman glances behind her and smiles, - dad said that if you miss you very much, you should sing this song, dad will hear and come.
  - Okay, mommy, I'll sing with you!
  The girl does not see that her father is already behind her. As soon as the baby begins to sing, he picks her up in his arms.
  Magic has come to the world, now the baby will believe that all difficulties will go away, as soon as she sings her father's song.
  Kunqiu rocked her princess, and Mei almost rocked her sons. They look at each other, but they don't say anything. The rays of the setting sun illuminate the faces of these beautiful people. Now I can leave them, because they are no longer in danger. Together they will overcome all difficulties.
  Eh, wait, are you going to close the book? It's too early. Look at me, here I am, a beautiful destiny who has taken the guise of the author of the book. I was the one who pushed the characters towards each other throughout the book. Without me, our hero would still dream of family happiness. Unfortunately, I cannot help every single actor and actress who is almost forty or over forty years old, and who sometimes did not even have a serious love relationship, help find a soul mate. Maybe now, when this story is before their eyes, they will understand that they cannot hesitate any longer. If time is running out, then they will never know about the happiness that awaited them. In general, in my opinion, in the opinion of the author of the book, or as I called myself, beauties of fate, it is a bad and even somewhat criminal tendency to sacrifice your personal happiness for the sake of fans. After all, there are still questions of physiology, the older a person becomes, the more dangerous it is that after a late marriage he will not have children. And without children, there is no happiness in the family. Okay, it's time to take the promised fan photo.
  - And now, let's take another daily photo that will fly to the Internet, to the fans. Heroes, I ask you to move closer to each other, your family has grown so much that you do not fit into the frame! Mom, straighten your daughter's hair, the barrette with shells is holding a little unevenly. What? Dad bought this hairpin for mom when mom was still working as a housekeeper for him? Clearly! I understand that the hairpin will now be inherited? Okay, don't get distracted! So, now the shells are clearly visible.
   So, get ready, one, two, three. Cut!
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