Низовцев Юрий Михайлович : другие произведения.

A person in habitat

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    A person in his communities in his environment gets into new relationships in comparison with other living beings, which he somehow understands and even to a certain extent can manage them, changing them according to his own plans, depending on their relevance, expediency, as well as according to his own cleverness and mood. The influence he exerts on the environment, its reverse influence on him, is unparalleled. Therefore, he is interesting both in terms of the origins and consequences of its activity.

  If all ordinary living beings in own consciousness are inseparable with the environment, surrounding them, then each person, being, as well as they, in this environment together with them, separates oneself in own consciousness from the environment and other people.
  On this base he is already capable to interact on own understanding both with the environment, and with other people.
  Thereby, a person is into the relations, which are new in comparison with the remaining the living world. A person somehow understands these relations and even to a certain extent can manage them, changing them according to own plans depending on the relevance of their projects, the degree of importance of their own goals, the mood and ingenuity.
  The degree of understanding and ingenuity each person is different, the relationship between people as a result diverse. However, self-consciousness, which makes this being by a person, immediately draws his interested attention to the surrounding things and people with position of possession of them from a different angle compared to other living beings.
  This aspiration to a possession is distributed in mind of a personas follows.
  First, he strives for possession, which provides his personal survival, somehow: food, the dwelling, tools for getting of food, etc.
  Secondly, he strives for possession by the partner of an opposite sex for reproduction.
  Thirdly, he strives for possession by all remaining that is only possible to capture.
  The first two positions coincide with the needs of any living organism that requires both food, and a den, and teeth or claws, as well as, as a rule (there are also other forms of reproduction), the sexual partner.
  This coincidence is explained by the need of interaction of the lowest (natural, or animal) consciousness through the sense organs with the environment to maintain of metabolism, the workable state of the organism, its growth, reproduction, etc., that occurs automatically, based on genetic memory, and partly, instinctively-reflexively, without requiring comprehension. On the contrary, the attempt of conceptualization of so difficult actions of an organism at this level with interference in it most often results the person in deplorable results. A person, thus, in this form of consciousness is inseparable from the environment, how and other living beings.
  As for the last position, such living being as a person, separated partly from the environment in own consciousness, tries to understand every moment the benefits from it and to use this advantage in fight against competitors. I.e. the natural egoism, inherent to each living beings and restricted for a being only what is needed for survival, the person transmutes in own consciousness into the systematic aspiration to capture and subordinate to himself everything even if this reality yet did not too need to him.
  This appetite to capture which in the ordinary living beings has different natural restrictions, for example, in food, air temperature or waters, in the form of counteraction of the living beings of other types (predators for artiodactyl), for communities of the people, who broke loose to liberty owing to understanding of own role in this environment and having a row of artificial means for effective counteraction to the environment, not is limited by anything, except natural opportunities of intellect, sense organs, technological equipment as well as, on the other hand, by fears, prejudices, religious suspiciousness, common sense, etc.
  However, whenever possible, a person strives everything that is in his field of vision, to do by his possession. And common sense, and the consciousness of the brevity of their own existence, as a rule, there is not able to resist the instinct of consumption in a broader sense: things, money, power, fame, etc.
  Thus, hypocritically claiming the contrary, a person in normal life (not in the vows) isn't able to get rid of the passion to possession.
  Therefore, it can always win-win play only on increasing passion of a person to consumption. It happens under capitalism, which is based on credit relations. Thereby the most part of people is being enslaved almost for the rest of life, dipping oneself in commodity consuming which only grows, providing the income to capitalists and degradation of the population in its concentration on the most insignificant of world values. But to all there is a limit, at least in limitation of resources. Wars for them, resentment of the deprived, falling of culture, universal growth of envy and disunity doesn't promise anything from this side as only the decay of civilization.
  On the other hand, also win-win is possible to play on the same string with the opposite side, claiming confidently and nobly that the property is the evil which should be eradicated to reach, at last, the common good, happiness and prosperity, having got rid of all capitalism ulcers.
  Marxists and to them similar, partly on short-sightedness, partly hypocritically, ignoring natural passion of any person to possession, have made in own false theory substitution of this inescapable aspiration of each living being to possession, by the contradictions between labor and capital, by poverty and wealth, the destruction of which allegedly should lead community to universal love and prosperity.
  Practical results of this approach are as follows.
  For the last hundred years in a number of the countries as a result of revolutions and coups the specified contradictions were removed, the sharks of capitalism were expelled or destroyed, their property was alienated in favor of the supposedly popular state with the prohibition of private property. The result has turned out very distressing both for the population of these countries, and for the states.
  The matter is that the property which was taken away from people has not disappeared to anywhere, but it just moved in hands already not to capitalists, but to the state bureaucracy with all their spongers on rights of the complete disposition by this property by the narrow group of persons in power.
  The officialdom, by definition, doesn't care about people. The people for bureaucracy are only the tool for achievement of own purposes which aren't connected to the welfare and prosperity of citizens of own countries in any way.
  Effectively dispose of property that has fallen into its hands, the bureaucracy in the planning and distribution system of allegedly socialism is not capable without enthusiastic owners. It leads to a catastrophic economic lag from the developed capitalist countries, to the low level of life of the population.
  Finally, all "socialist" countries, except North Korea and Cuba, returned to a bosom of the capitalist relations, but also there they turned out, in fact, derelicts.
  Through certain time, having felt own inferiority, become impoverished and discontented population became actively to express desire to return to distributive socialism, apparently, considering it as the smaller evil.
  Thus, it turns out, that both these mainline directions of development of civilization are deadlock.
  Coexistence of private and state ownership within the state bureaucracy as recent practice showed is less effective in any its proportions in comparison with a capitalist method of production with planning elements. The reason for this is impossibility to eliminate the contradictions between private owners and the state bureaucracy, inasmuch for the last own interests is above all else.
  Therefore, the state-bureaucratic capitalism isn't able to the most effective economic functioning, which is characteristic for capitalism with planning elements and, thus, countries with economy in the form of state-bureaucratic capitalism obviously loses in the competition to the leading capitalist countries.
  But capitalism in the face of own leaders - the international monopolies - at all the efficiency, - is based on the slogan "Divide and conquer".
  Therefore, the monopoly capitalism, mainly in the face of transnational corporations, without ceremony plunders the developing countries which are eternal debtors owing to bribery of their elite by the stakeholder groups of the monopolistic capital and transformation of the governance structures of the developing countries into compradors, providing for the population of the leading capitalist countries higher level of life and leaving the population of the developing countries in permanent status of disorder and poverty.
  Nevertheless, capitalism deprives also citizens of own countries of perspectives of development, dipping them in the abyss of consuming to which there is both a resource limit, as well as the limit consisting in narrowing of consciousness of a person up to the level of the pig who is champing continuously not paying attention to all remaining.
  Besides, the deprived population of countries which aren't relating to the "Golden billion" begins to support extremism of various kinds leading to wars, uncontrollable migration and all other growing excesses.
  The output from this situation if, of course, not to deceive itself further, that everything will be back to normal somehow, isn't visible.
  However, a person is only the tool of consciousness which leaves a human body if it becomes unfitness.
  Apparently, and collective consciousness of mankind shall leave a civilization if it comes into disrepair.
  The true reason of inevitable decay of any civilization is the information collapse, which occurs owing to the accelerated growth of consumed information flows (compression of own time of civilization), which has an elementary limit on the volume of processed information.
  Exactly in case of achievement of this limit, but not owing to decay of the unusable system, which is only consequence, quickly enough occur cardinal failures in governing bodies at all levels: instructions of the authorities aren't executed, supply of electricity stops, all transport stops moving, etc.
  Universal chaos begins, wars are being unleashed in consequence of reduction of resources, hunger and epidemic are coming, a social order is disintegrated, etc.
  The basic reasons of the completion of process of development of civilization consist as in finiteness of any structure in beingness, and in the level of development of consciousness which is the engine of civilization process. To this level corresponds the temporal boundaries of any civilization of three-dimensional measurement.
  The form, in which process of origin and crash of a civilization expresses, is gradually accruing information volume, passing through aggregate consciousness of the people making civilization owing to development of consciousness, leading to mastering everything new spheres for thoughts and deeds.
  Growth of information flows means the compression of own time of civilization, inasmuch time of any living being, as well as sets of the living beings - in this case of the people - actually is the information process, in the course of which material objects are being identified by consciousness by means of scanning by it of surroundings by the available tools (senses organs, combined with the processing centers).
  The natural limit to this process comes in case of impossibility by the available means - and it is a human brain - effectively to process the avalanche information stream. On this limit (the point of singularity), manifesting self by information collapse, own time of civilization comes to the end.
  It makes sense to mark the following in this context.
  Before emergence of civilization in people in the archaic society were being valued strength, dexterity, knowledge of medicinal herbs, the ability to effectively hunt, to prepare edible dishes, and so on.
  All this promoted to interact with the environment and to compete with remaining living beings with minimum use of the highest consciousness, inasmuch due to the absence of writing, the convenient communications between the rare settlements, distinctions in oral speech, exchange of knowledge and skills was hindered, abstract thinking, logical constructions were in their infancy.
  As a result, for survival and development in addition to instincts and reflexes had to use almost only such combination of the highest and the lowest forms of consciousness as the insight shamans.
  Externally, the primitive people (hominids) differed little from primates.
  However, their main feature was the emergence and gradual development of the highest consciousness (self-consciousness), so how they have realized themselves to some extent as separate from the environment and, therefore, began to try to use it not only instinctively-reflexively, but also expediently - planning own activities not for one day forward.
  They began to transform own surrounding, building various shelters from bad weather, inventing the different methods of cooking, manufacture and use of instruments of labor and hunting.
  The highest consciousness for the living being means appearance at him of additional form-building abilities, existence which this living being is aware.
  In particular, looking at the smooth surface of a stone polished with a rain or a surface of a rain puddle, the living being, self-aware in changing the environment for certain purposes, understands that this is exactly its reflection, and this circumstance gives it the chance to change the appearance, having braided pigtails or having replaced own attire. The similar understanding this being-person also tries to apply artificially, portraying, for example, itself by means of ochre on a stone during hunting for animals.
  The similar initiative activity stemming from the arisen understanding of own finding in the current time with night and day, sunrises and sunsets, winter and autumn, to which can be applied with knowledge of the matter, could not be based only on instincts and reflexes. In addition to them a person turned out able to comprehend himself as the being, which is not only among things and tribespeople, but also separately from them. In other words, a person has acquired understanding of own existence in the world with all liberty of manifestation of activity which he is capable to show consciously in the available surroundings.
  Similar awareness of the existence of oneself in the world, or self-consciousness in all other living beings is present only within the framework of adaptive reactions to environmental challenges, primarily due to their lack of understanding of their own presence in the current time, unlike a person, that gives him the opportunity in their communities to move away from a purely adaptive existence in nature towards thoughtfully targeted actions, up to creative ones.
  Successful examples of use of this new property were being transferred to descendants as verbally, developing the speech, and with attempts to note them in the form of drawings that finally led to origin of writing and significantly accelerated the development of the human communities, thanks to similar accumulation and transfer of experience in the form of visual messages, instructions, recommendations.
  Attempts not only to hunt, but also to select some animals for cultivation led to origin of the cattle breeding; the collection of fruits and cereals gradually developed into planting of a row of cereals and fruit-trees.
  Appeared as a result a certain excess of products has served as the basis for the development of exchange, which eventually has been transformed into trade relations.
  With the advent of new relationships, and thereby with formation of the civilizational model, knowledge and skills have received an addition in the form of private ownership of property, acquired by the different ways, including unjust, exceeding usual needs of a person.
  It is clear, that a person can dispose by things for the good not only for himself, but also for people, and vice versa.
  Private property in archaic society was absent, so how products, things were being distributed on all tribespeople uniformly. Such approach was dictated by survival of all community owing to the low productivity of the same things and a food. Naturally, the consumed things and products were being considered as the good exactly for all.
  Therefore, the term "good" since those times has two meanings: good-goods-things and good-blessing-boon-charity.
  In Russian the term "good" and now is understood, on the one hand, as the things, property, prosperity; and on the other hand, as goodness, kindly, the useful, the honest.
  In English, like the Russian language, the term "good" is understood and now as things, products (goods), as well as goodness, well, boon (good).
  Thereby notion "good" has meaning not only as things, products, but it was being transformed to the terms "kindly", "kindness", "goodness", i.e. into a certain positive moral category.
  However, this initial attitude towards consumption of objects and products in the form of common ownership with the development of trade relations, with the formation of States, different classes and states begins to lose its original meaning, turning from the good for everybody in property of the individual owners.
  Thus, good-thing in developed society begins to be understood not as common good, but as the good for specific (private) owners of things. In other words, the good (possessions, ownership) turns into representation of people in use of this good (property) only for the good of the owners.
  Similar process of transformation of "good" in "property" happened not only in Russia. For example, in English the good with the insignificant addition "s" (goods) is interpreted as product, cargo, ware, stuff and property.
  Apparently, for elimination of an ambiguity of the term "good" in Russian language has emerged such notions of common good as "well", "perfectly", and in English language - the term "well" (perfectly, successfully).
  Naturally, people, outside some share (partially deprived by property), have considered such situation for themselves as unfair, false, inhuman that couldn't but cause in them disappointment and its extreme expression - evilness. All these terms in different languages have related roots, and their meaning comes down to bad relations, the reason which is the varying degree of possession of property.
  Therefore, most likely, the term "evil" has arisen during formation of the proprietary relations with fixing of a certain possession by laws in a counterbalance to the word "good". These terms have expressed thereby the opposite relation of people to property. I.e. the property can be as good in the sense of common good, but the same property is the alien, unfair in correlation with specific owners provoking hatred, bitterness, anger, animosity, resentment, that can be summarized by the term "evil".
  So, the same formation - things - in the different relations produced two polar notions, which both in religion, and in morals turned into allegedly eternally existing categories - good and evil. Their different interpretation doesn't change an original sense of these categories because as it was stated above, these notions arose concerning possession and no more than that.
  However, in religion this opposite relation to possession in minds of people turned into eternal fight of good and evil in the world.
  I.e. religion has ignored, but rather, didn't want to understand the source of origin of good and evil, stated above, having absolutized these notions under the pretext of necessity of fight of light against darkness though actually it is about different intentions of people, which follow from contradictoriness of the lowest and the highest forms of consciousness in each person, which are in permanent fight and collisions.
  These contradictions are impossible to smooth. Therefore, a person of the developing civilization according to instincts of the lowest (animal) consciousness will always aim to multiply the good (ownership) for himself, considering that the opponents of this process are the specific evil for him.
  The highest consciousness, in a counterbalance to this selfish aspiration, will proclaim as goodness the giving out (distribution) of property that Christ most brightly has expressed so: "The poor in spirit are blessed wherefore they possess by the Kingdom of Heaven." (The Gospel from Matthew. Ch. 5, item 3).
  In this saying he clearly let know that good, or goodness in the world of aspiration to possession (property) is unattainable.
  The substance of a categorical imperative of Kant comes down to good, i.e. to the idea of committing of acts by a person concerning remaining people thus as though he has made them for himself.
  Here - in the categorical imperative - Kant also tears off "good" from the natural reasons, idealizing thereby a person by artificial removal him from own animal nature (the lowest consciousness).
  Actually, the impossibility to eliminate of egocentrism, derivative of the lowest consciousness of a person, denies reach by a person and mankind of absolute good and harmony, but proclaims incessant struggle in the framework of good (property).
  It is also interesting, that the degree of possession for the person by himself is determined by notions of "mind" and "wisdom", which is still not clearly clarified, although there is many reasoning about them, but all of them do not have a clearly defined base.
  Actually, mind, intellect, reason is a product of this or that efficiency of the action of the centers processing the information, arriving from sense organs that is quite comparable to operation of the computer which, as we know, independently isn't capable to discover either America, or new laws.
  Intellect acts in each living being.
  So, by means of mind more or less effective interaction of a person with the environment and tribespeople is carried out. Therefore, mind (intellect), strangely enough, is closer to the lowest consciousness in a person, than to the highest consciousness. Mind, so, is pragmatic, and is restricted by this.
  The predominance of the rational activity, in essence, similar to the work of artificial intelligence, with the exception of goal-setting, which manifests itself in the course of this work, practically deprives this activity of the creative approaches.
  Such individuals prefer for the most part to use reason, logic, not striving for the new by their own efforts, but achieving a more comfortable state in life from the standpoint of simply acquiring and consuming its benefits.
  As a rule, these reasonable people do not go beyond simple conclusions, abstract forms of formal logic, and only occasionally use some elements of dialectics. Mathematics is a typical example of such an approach. The sign and oral forms of communication are used by reasonable people mainly to achieve utilitarian goals.
  Effectiveness of own speculative (abstract) constructs is checked in practice, i.e. in targeted actions, as a rule, jointly, including in culture, consumption of habitat, in particular, for food, in manufacture and consumption of artificial objects, as well as in an exchange of everything that is, by means of some equivalent (money). The form of this process, opened for people, distinguishes them from animals, whose instinctive-reflex communication with the environment does not open for them.
  Rational approach of the reasonable beings to life allows them to reveal the new relations of familiar objects and the phenomena only in other combination of these objects, and new objects - only a combination of the known parts in a different way - according to logical constructions in comparison with themselves.
  For example, they can think up a chair, having seen that on a bench at a wall is more convenient to sit, and to add a back to a bench. They can use firewood for heating, but they are not able think up a gas burner, inasmuch for its designing is not enough a combination of the known objects - building of new models from mechanical designs with application of laws of combustion and heat-exchange is required though when receiving the corresponding template, they can stamp gas burners in any quantity, and even a few to improve them on efficiency of action and on design.
  Such people have no special desire to go beyond the limits of rationality, i.e. - of a template, both in things, and in the relations among themselves.
  The habitual standard dictates to them to live like everyone, consuming what is, creating around themselves the surrounding of artificial and natural objects only to update it regularly, finding satisfaction in this incessant process.
  They have no understanding, that the pursuit for consumer values is quite monotonous, and it never gives the result satisfying a person completely.
  At such behavior the people actually evinces preference to the monotonic existence - as if to the life-sleep with rare moments of awakening which, as a rule, are initiated by external circumstances (marriages, divorce, new job, diseases, death of loved ones, etc.).
  Having lived the life, similar reasonable beings with surprise discover in it, in effect, absence of interesting and outstanding events precisely because they were trying to follow to pragmatic approach.
  In this regard they are surprisingly similar in behavior with animals for whom, though they are not able to reason and set goals for changing the environment, that is, to go beyond adaptability, the main thing is to obtain of sensations.
  However, the self-consciousness inherent in people has the property of a purposeful striving for something new, interesting, and not only for consumer values, which ensures the development of management, science, technology, culture, and hence the personality, as well as the public self-consciousness in the direction of moving away from the primitive savagery.
  Therefore, there are always people with a considerable tendency to pursue the unusual, new and interesting.
  They are also not interested in lengthy reasoning, careful calculations, actions based on templates.
  In addition, the increased egocentrism of their natural (lowest) consciousness certainly pushes them to find an opportunity to dominate in order to stand out from the crowd, at least in the field of achieving something non-standard, and the altruistic part of self-consciousness, in turn, also supports this aspiration because of the benefits it provides for the whole society.
  Such positive interaction of two forms of consciousness, usually opposing each other, often gives an equally positive result, especially if a given enthusiast has certain abilities. An example of this can be not only great scientists and artists, but also numerous inventors of various technical innovations - from small ones, like a toothbrush or paper clips, to such large ones as turbines or pumps.
  Thus, their activity focuses mainly on creativity, which attracts these figures not from the standpoint of consuming some goods - they are interested in the process itself.
  True, massively, the results of their activities are very mediocre, mainly due to drawback of education, patience, talents, but they are not going to give up such attractive activity they're not going, producing a lot of unnecessary and even harmful, but it is they who are in their relatively few truly talented creators " promote scientific, technical and cultural progress, making life more comfortable and at the same time moving more and more people away from a purely consumer attitude to life by familiarizing them with technical and cultural innovations, that is, raising their level of self-consciousness in relation to both individual and social altruism.
  It is possible to note here the virtual absence of women in this cohort of the creative personalities. There are almost no women either among inventors, nor in the ranks of warlords, nor among philosophers, major ideologues, religious authorities, etc.
  However, women in every way seek to keep the family center, they take care of children, they work as teachers, doctors, accountants, bureaucrats of all colors, etc. That is, they are bright examples of conservatism in every respect, and they without hesitation can be carried to the rational beings. It is visible from here - to what rationally-purposeful activity is inclined to most of all, and how this activity is important for development as "soil" for "germination" of all other.
  People intuitively understand under wisdom some possession by a person of quality, which is higher, than mind. They determine this property as a view on all events from side; the few have this property and it is connected with an increased level of self-consciousness more than it is connected to intellect.
  Indeed, the highest consciousness gives the chance to a person to understand oneself. It is inherent in all people, but the few comprehend the presence at themselves, and the few are capable to use it. Understanding this presence allows to have a look at themselves with side, to see own shortcomings and advantages, to evaluate them, but not for it to calm down in consciousness of own knowledge and, to some extent, of own superiority, but to determine a meaning of own activity.
  By and large, this meaning itself does not consist in striving for something otherworldly, not in striving for universal harmony and not in striving for the established values of this world, but in striving to comprehend the new, alluring, which seems to be the fairest and at the same time which gives the greatest degree of freedom at a given level of development of civilization. Wisdom is disinterested, and thus reckless. An example of this is the ancient philosopher Plato with his views on a just reorganization of the state, where everyone will be equal and well-organized, for which he suffered from the Sicilian tyrant Dionysius I - was sold into slavery.
  However, the high level of self-consciousness in its altruistic incarnation significantly obscures the egocentricity of the animal consciousness of the human sage, largely depriving him of energy and creativity.
  Therefore, the sages are mostly inclined not to actions, but to contemplation, especially since they generally, but not always, understand the "incorrigibility" of existing social relations with the achievement of complete social harmony and justice for all.
  But they cannot prove this, and they are also incapable of making everyone else believe to oneself, with rare exceptions, which, nevertheless, do not lead to anything good.
  It happens, of course, that some of them, like the same Plato, out of youth, out of stupidity or as a result of believing in one or another theory of their own or borrowed, try to achieve the good for everyone by starting upheavals or revolutions, but alas, with one and the same result.
  Sometimes they try to give advice to the rulers, hoping to instruct them on at least a relative harmonization of social relations.
  The advice of these wise men, who are not completely wise due to their misunderstanding of the psychology of rulers, the sovereigns can listen, but they are not able to perceive them with their formalistic, conservative reason, in which everything is pre-planned, known and understandable in relation to the power and the people, as a result, they, as completely reasonable people, act in their own way, and always (and in vain) they laugh at the wise men who promise the arrival of troubles (the Cassandra effect).
  Be that as it may, but sages, unlike other individuals, are able to most optimally combine, if necessary, target programs of self-consciousness, as well as experience, knowledge and skills with life support programs of their own lower consciousness in order to understand what is happening, putting themselves in the most advantageous position by the foresight of the direction of events.
  Therefore, they look at the whole series of events as if from above, without much thought, and the development of events is obvious to them, although the true mechanism of this movement and its causes may remain incomprehensible to them.
  As a result, they rarely get into trouble, foreseeing traps and temptations in advance, and the consumer values of the world are not interesting for them and therefore do not take time.
  They mostly watch and regret, because they understand that they cannot convince the "smart guys" in power.
  However, wise men do not live on a separate island, and they have to suffer, just like everyone else, from the arbitrariness and bias of "reasonable" people who are not able to see behind the trees (benefits) the forest (prospects) , but, as a rule, are in power due to their pragmatism and promiscuity in means.
  Thus, true sages perform the role of observers in beingness, showing the extreme degree of passivity of the active by their conscious inactivity. Thus, they demonstrate the limitations of even the most advanced individual consciousness, believing that the world is something uncontrollable or, on the contrary, considering the world to be controlled by unknown forces with goals inaccessible to the human understanding.
  It should be noted the obvious difference of the sages in their relatively rare cohort: some of them proved themselves as famous thinkers, philosophers, advisers to kings and presidents - it is precisely those, which - sillier.
  They try to admonish the population that, in general, absolutely senselessly by itself, directly or through rulers, on insufficient or false basis, inasmuch in creation of theories (doctrines) they are self-confident and categorical, placing themselves high, since they believe that if they've seen some light, then under it they are capable to set the "true" base, which is its own for each of them.
  They most often perceive answers to the questions in insights perversely or partially, but, nevertheless, they are sincerely sure of originality and the eternal validity of own doctrines and visionary approaches, for example, Schopenhauer, whose theory about the world as will and representation is silly in every respect, inasmuch he puts blind force in it on the main place.
  In this number of "thinkers" by exceptional injuriousness are allocated "talents" of religious (Calvin, Leo Tolstoy) and social (Karl Marx, Alfred Rosenberg) ideologists and philosophers-muddles, with the direct participation of which (and later) arose a lot of woes for many people.
  If such sages-thinkers get an opportunity to implement directly own or borrowed idea-fix (theory, doctrine) into life, becoming rulers (Robespierre, Lenin, Hitler), and certainly dictators because any of them can't trust this implementation to someone else, to not spoil, then the result is known: the blood flows like water, justice in their understanding triumphs, idea is being embodied into life, it seems, as prescribed, but this idea bursts relatively quickly and necessarily like a soap bubble.
  Those of the sages, which are cleverer, withdraw into the shadows, inasmuch they understand, that is impossible to do anything in a bubbling cauldron of life - any guiding star, neither for the personality nor for humanity is not looked through.
  They know well that progress in the form of gradual improvement of life of the increasing part of people in the relative and absolute expression, growth of culture, commitment by them to declarations on general love and friendship, as well as tolerance quickly enough leads entire peoples to degradation and the subsequent subordination to the "savage" peoples or disappearance: this fact clearly notes history and similar events partly occur now (pressure of Islam).
  Therefore, the true sages understand that everything should go as is, inasmuch the meaning of existence not only human, but all living beings is struggle, competition, appearance and overcome of diverse contradictions, the negation of the old by the new, that there often is expressed within socium as injustice for many.
  As for progress, it is by no means "guilty" of sages and rulers, but of creative individuals.
  They came up with a steam locomotive, light bulbs, computers, rockets, an atomic bomb, card games and football, but - not the rest of the "swamp" of reasonable people who can only stamp according to a template and use stamping,
  Without this harmonious combination of the high degree the egocentrism of natural consciousness and self-consciousness in its altruistic features, which is most effectively manifested in creative individuals, and not in sages and other individuals, a person in him communities would not be able to acquire the highest possible rate of technological and cultural development compared to any previous periods of development of alive.
  Consequently, the complete elimination of contradictions, in particular, in social life (harmony) is impossible. Nevertheless, the pursuit of harmony is not forbidden, but it remains, like the horizon, all the time slipping away.
  The formula the "labor created the person" is also relevant to possession. Its sense comes down to the fact that the living being suddenly took possession by itself (having understood himself as separate of the environment) by means of labor.
  The dubiousness of this claim is not necessary to prove, since there are many extremely hardworking creatures, which hundreds and tens of millions of years so and remain in the same quality, as, for example, termites, bees, as well as some species of monkeys, which are able to collect and process the fruits collectively.
  Obviously, all these living beings, being able to do the job, have no highest consciousness which, being the special program of self-training and comprehension, isn't worked out by labor, and is embedded in the living beings, potentially capable of perform the job and having flexible intelligence. Exactly this qualitative shift from the lowest consciousness to a combination of the lowest and the highest forms of consciousness cannot explain science, which and has not found any convincing bases for the sudden appearance at one of the subspecies of primates of self-consciousness, whereas similar primates till now have not yet found it.
  This process of appearance of the higher consciousness reminds introduction by the programmer to the computer of the additional program, giving it new functions.
  Only a single consciousness of the hologram can be by this conditional programmer. Exactly it forms beingness as whole by means of set of living beings through the total time, as well as individually - through each living being, which in turn forms own time in the framework of the total time.
  If it appears that some beings potentially are capable to take possession of its time, i.e. to understand that they exist in it, then such beings are candidates for the redefine from the beings, merged with the environment, into the beings, capable to separate themselves from the environment consciously.
  Exactly so, apparently, a person appeared though to master given program was not so easy, but nevertheless - the result is available.
  Anyway, potentially any being with the lowest consciousness is a basis of life, without which the highest consciousness can't do.
  Alive with the lowest consciousness creates not only a basis for manifestation of the highest consciousness, but also - the intermediate shell between it and lifeless matter, supplying a human body practically by all energy resources, being its food, as well as in addition to that, the living beings with the lowest consciousness create the live and raging background of his life.
  A person without the lowest consciousness is nonsense - he couldn't possess by own body without it, without speaking about interaction with the environment.
  Duality of consciousness of a person consists what in a person first of all acts the lowest consciousness, providing to the person existence, but along with that in every possible way hindering to achievement of the highest harmony by him in sense of universal good and justice, i.e. what most of all wishes the highest consciousness.
  This creates an eternal contradiction causing internal stress state in each person, which is expressed in own diverse and often opposing aspirations, as well as in the similar relations of people with each other, that is an indispensable basis for the development of both these beings and their consciousness.
  Therefore, in spite of all considerations of philosophers and scientists, who claim that a harmonious existence of mankind in beingness is possible (the Golden age, communism, etc.), the hopes of all ordinary people for a happy and fair final in existence hang in the air.
  The best is the enemy of the good. Remembering this expression, we can say that the person - the possessor of the lowest and highest forms of consciousness - gets not so little - namely, - the life, in which he can display his ingenuity and his feelings.
  The idea of achievement of harmony in beingness should be dismissed, inasmuch harmony is possible only with an exception of the lowest consciousness out of the person, but, the person without the lowest consciousness loses both a body, and feelings, and the information processing centers - i.e. the person loses a possibility of interaction with the environment. Thereby he loses food, sounds, breathing, the sense of touch, intellect, in other words, and feelings and reason.
  As a result, a person loses the subject for thought. That is a person turns into nothingness, but it cannot be, since he in own consciousness with the totality of the living beings retains in existence all Creation, which always is situated in him and in front of him personally.
  If to recognize that consciousness is eternal, then a person in the consciousness is also eternal, inasmuch the set of all lives, in which consciousness of each person is manifested is equal to the discrete infinity.
  It is difficult to invent the best method of expression of consciousness in eternity.
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