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A person in time

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    Philosophers have explained the world. Thinkers-designers", for example, Marx, have been pointing out, how to change the world. But no one clearly explained, why to the world not to do without a person.

  Keywords: information, time, hologram, active, consciousness, passive, alive, beingness, person, present.
  A person can sense the stay in time only by perception of the moving and changing things surrounding him, i.e. by means of the sense organs, which are available for him a person allocates from an infinite set of "points" of some continuum only those "points", which he can "collect" as if unconsciously in forms, familiar and clear to him and bind them.
  These data, which are drawn up into material objects in his consciousness from signals of sense organs by means of decoding of these pulse signals, a person can recognize according to the representations which are available for him, though this process proceeds automatically.
  This comparison shows that any living being, including a person, has certain form-building abilities. A person, as a rule, doesn't guess about these abilities, inasmuch they proceed from single consciousness, but are realized through him.
  The living being by means of form-building abilities through sense organs and the centers of information processing, linking successive packages of information just as it occurs in a television receiver, forms in the consciousness the materialized copies of fragments from Uniform, but with that difference, that they represent generally three-dimensional objects of the dense matter in which it can exist.
  Everything else that falls out of the scope of the sense organs, for the subject as if doesn't exist, inasmuch he isn't capable to receive data, understandable to him (information), first, apart from the sense organs, secondly, aside from the form-building abilities, which are available for him in databases in the form of these or those programs [1, chapter 1.5].
  Thus, time of any living being, in particular, a person, is the information process, during which material objects are identified by consciousness by scanning by it of surroundings with tools which are at its order (sense organs in combination with the processing centers). Exactly thus activity of consciousness is expressed in the living beings [1, chapter 1.3].
  Naturally, this process of the recognition and processing of the arriving data for any living being, according to the programs which are available for it, and a set of sense organs, happens automatically. The process is ended with converting the discrete data packets in a continuous environment, which is divided on two parts.
  One of them makes the direct surroundings, with which this being is capable to interact (these objects are converted by it generally into the "dense" matter by the principle of operation of the 3D-printer), another - makes "external" surroundings, up to which the being can't "reach out" (galaxies, the sun, stars, planets etc.), i.e. - no capable to interact with these objects, to influence them, though perceives them. These objects remain in consciousness of the living being virtually, being actualized, for example, in the form of "dense" matter only at direct contact of a being with them. For a person this contact can happen via devices and apparatus.
  A person in this process holds a specific place among living beings (he has the additional programs) inasmuch he is capable to separate self from the surroundings and by that to use her not only instinctively and reflex as other living beings, directly merged with environment, but also on own projects.
  In other words, being abstracted from the environment, he can make in the mind the plans of the action and purposefully create objects that do not exist in the environment. The most effectively he does it in association with other people, using his own and their experience, not using the same template automatically, as do the ants, bees, or a computer with a printer, but - in different combinations, with the experimental test, that could be qualified as a conscious innovation (rationalization and invention).
  It is clear, that lifeless objects (things), without possessing sense organs and form-building abilities, can't organize information process, and, so, aren't capable to form time. Therefore, they haven't a direct bearing on time, inasmuch they do not exist independently in it, but participate in its formation only as a passive element. Nevertheless, they make a life basis - something like economy, in which living beings anyway dispose.
  So, without organizing participation of living beings in beingness this beingness, per se, isn't capable to exist, also, however, as and without lifeless matter (things) - the pot can't do without clay and the potter.
  Information (pulse) nature of formation of time is asymmetrical (unilateral), differing from usual material or power interactions of objects in what the living being unilaterally scans surrounding, consistently copying the data recognized and grouped by him; at this it doesn't influence primary material in any way, replacing (updating) each copied fragment by the subsequent. This high-frequency update of one position by follow, etc., in particular, doesn't allow to return back or to run forward owing to asymmetry (unilaterality) and completeness of update of each position. As speak: "Everything passes".
  Therefore, each person thinks that time flows in one direction: from the past to the future via the ephemeral present ("now").
  However, due to full upgrade of one position to another, i.e. irrevocably and infinitely, there is no current of time in the basis of beingness (a holographic projection [2, 3]), as and there is no motion; there is only an eternity in the form of the wave-like holographic projection, which is updated infinitely with ultra-high frequency in the form of discontinuous moments-durations (pulses of information) [1, chapter 2].
  So, in particular, to talk for this reason about time travel of a person is pointless.
  Whatever it was, but the objective, smooth and directed flow of time (not connected with consciousness) doesn't exist.
  The similar smooth and unidirectional current of time in beingness is only converting through living beings of information packages-impulses into beingness for development of consciousness in them.
  The very same superhigh-frequency update of a holographic projection of Uniform has no motion - there is only duration of processing of a package of information, through a pause entirely updated by another package of information. This process of consecutive upgrade is point, discrete and infinite. It is possible to tell that there is no time in a holographic projection in our understanding, but there is infinity which is manifested in duration consistently.
  Consciousness exists in a holographic projection among being updated by it copies of frequency fragments of things from Uniform, in the form of a set of copies of individual consciousnesses, representing quite material frequency structures, same high-frequency formations as things, but higher order, and possessing in the living beings without self-consciousness only by ability to self-development, but in the highest expression having self-consciousness
  For material holographic projection in its infinite diversity, the update comes from two sources - from consciousness, forming it, and from the passive in Uniform, without which this diversity couldn't be manifested by consciousness.
  In other words, there can't be a projection of Uniform outside duration. Therefore, a condition of coexistence of consciousness and things is time - in its finite intervals (durations) a projection of Uniform is updated infinitely, and, as a result, the thingness worlds appear and disappear. Consciousness interacts with the passive, unveiling it so, how it can so far, and uncovering self in own updates and changes.
  Except high-frequency structures in the holographic projection there is nothing, and they didn't arise and didn't disappear, but exist, in our understanding, always, changing only the range and harmonics during updating. At this all of them are equal to zero integrally, being in antiphase each other.
  The difference between these formations consists in what the simplest structures (the passive) are not able to change themselves on own understanding which they don't have - they are changed (updated) in succession only with "challenge" them, more precisely, by their consistent recognition by the most complex frequency structures (the active), having the understanding and which "are looking for" themselves in changes by them of the passive.
  The active (consciousness), as if "transmitting" (forming) through self the passive, thereby indirectly, through the passive, becomes capable to make changes also itself. But for "work" of the active with the passive on change of self are required the stable formations, which aren't characteristic for a holographic projection of Uniform. In other words, life requires space with moving things in smoothly current time.
  This requirement is fulfilled due to consecutive "clutch" of updated frequency structures that is quite possible for information copies (information packages) owing to loss of pauses between positions of updating, or pauses between information packages.
  Pauses drop out for each individual consciousness in own carrier (the living being) generally because of a certain duration of processing of each package of information (the threshold of perception). This delay allows as if to the new package to catch up the previous package every time, creating in individual consciousness illusion of smoothly current information of certain forms.
  Thus "the clutch" of information packages can be carried out only through frequency structures of the active, which link in themselves the frequency structures of the passive in irreversible sequence of identification. It means conversion of the arriving information on the base of the motionless, but consistently replaced formations into moving world - as analog up to some extent can serve demonstration of the movie for the audience with that difference that the movie "is scrolled" inside the active, and the active makes this oneself.
  Any living being that is in the current life "inside" of this world (beingness), naturally, perceives it objectively, i.e., it isn't capable anything to change in the world, it cannot manage by this world, similar soldier in the computer game, but, unlike the soldier, no one has control over any living being in this world - it does everything self, however obeying to certain extent to fixed rules, not in forces, for example, to cancel the law of conservation of energy, chemical bonds of elements, own metabolism, limitation of life of a body in environmental conditions or to cancel compression of time with development of all alive.
  If mentally to exclude consciousness, "having left" beingness as a repository of things alone in the residue, it becomes as a non-existence. What's the difference, there is something there or not? All the same anybody isn't present there. If, on the contrary, to exclude things, having left consciousness in loneliness, it at once loses life - there are no things, time, space, motion, - there are no and the existence as such.
  We, as people, know only yourself and your sense organs, which present us beingness as temporal-spatial-corporeal world in motion in the three spatial dimensions. However, space doesn't exist "under" this reality, presented to us, separately from time, things and living beings inasmuch living beings "produce" it on the basis of Uniform by own sense organs with the hidden help of single consciousness.
  Non-existence for Creation isn't present, because the active manifests itself through a spaceless projection separately and attracts to self the passive, without being thereby in homogenous integrity with the passive, characteristic for Uniform.
  Uniform by itself is nothingness, or zero, but the active on that and the active, in order to not forgetting the passive, to project itself into the hologram in the form of wave formations which are in an antiphase, i.e. remaining thereby equal to zero. Nothing prevents the active to manifest itself also sequentially, updating the previous hologram by its full replacement through some pause with high frequency, i.e. discretely.
  Each updated hologram is motionless and represents by itself the "unfolded" zero which through the pause, representing "pure" zero, is replaced by zero with another "turning".
  This manifestation of an infinity discretely in the finite form with ultrahigh frequency doesn't demand neither space, nor the motion, inasmuch arises nothing, except "gaps" in infinity which can be considered as prototype of time.
  An infinite, motionless and eternal Uniform, thus, is the dual system - Creation thanks to the active and a holographic projection of Uniform, which also remains same infinite, motionless and eternal, but already "split" by the finite, sequentially updated formations, which are already temporary separately having duration and on condition of clutch them by the active through self is formed beingness, where the active can realize self in real actions turning thereby Uniform through its projection out of nothingness into everything.
  For a person every information package passes each "moment" to neurons of brain from different human organs of senses in the form of sequences of nervous impulses; in each of impulses the relevant information is concluded. Speed of distribution of nervous impulses fluctuates in the range from 1m/sec. to 120 m/sec. Frequency and nature of sequence of the impulses, bearing, in particular, visual information depend on intensity and spectral structure of light, and the magnitude and duration of a separate impulse don't depend by nature and strength of irritation.
  Directly after generation of an impulse the nervous fiber is in, so-called, refractory state, and can't be excited during 1-2 milliseconds again, i.e., the nervous fiber is able to conduct nervous impulses with the frequency not higher than 500 hertz. The duration of the pulse itself passing through the nerve fiber, makes part of millisecond in each "moment".
  The pause between the nervous impulses, containing information, means that they don't go continuously. However, this pause in every moment is below the threshold of perception of it by consciousness and therefore the pause is missed by consciousness.
  In particular, the moving picture itself for consciousness of a person is provided with interval between consecutively scrolled shots about 0.04 seconds that makes the specified threshold. Its duration, as can be seen, by more than an order of magnitude greater than the pause duration. Therefore, the formed discrete consecutive moments (update of "reality" is produced in each of them) of own time of a person, concluding in its sequence all pictures and all events of life for a person, merge into a continuous inseparable stream in his consciousness.
  Here, in this process arises own time of a person. It is a condition for making changes in surroundings, in which each person from the moment of birth automatically, and actually with hidden help of a single, in a set, consciousness, "selects" through sensations from the various environment only those data which can be decoded (information), according to the reached level of development of consciousness (the form-building abilities).
  There is nothing surprising in the conversion by the sense organs and processing centers of a living being of its own high-frequency basis and the frequency basis of things into the macrocosm known to us, in which living beings can exist, multiply and develop, since, depending on the conditions, wave material formations can also exhibit properties corpuscle. This is what happens in the environment of living beings that form an environment suitable for life.
  Copying of things at each updating of a holographic projection Uniform is carried out consistently on the basis of what is available, but with high frequency. Therefore, the changes of copies of things at each updating are minor and tied to the previous forms. As a result, in each individual consciousness the high-frequency updating is reflected not chaotic, but ordered processes of change and the motion in life with respect for the principle of causality.
  In this informational process the active (consciousness) connects a holographic projection and Uniform, receiving contact with the passive in it, and by that - a possibility to unite itself with the passive through the living beings, forming beingness, which thereby represents the passive from Uniform, converted through the living beings by consciousness into time, space, moving things, at this alive is "placed" exactly in this beingness.
  Illusion of a smooth current of time as if from the past through the present in the future is created by the fact that consciousness of the person owing to his physiological features isn't capable to notice pulse character of the arriving information.
  This pulse character of the incoming information means its point fixation in continuous updating, i.e., existence of living beings in this conditional point, or in the present ("now").
  "Now" (present time) of a person is information process representing change of the material objects through irreversible sequence of the discrete "instants" which are being merged in consciousness in continuous (inextricably) flow.
  This process of formation by consciousness every moment of own "now" - the irreversible series of these moments make his life from the birth to death - mean that a person lives only in "now", only in it there are all changes, only in each concrete technically separate moment the human consciousness receives the corresponding package of information after processing which the following package of information arrives, updating previous, etc.
  However, a person doesn't sense intermittence of this process of replacement of one motionless copy on another, receiving thereby as if a moving picture from copies of fragments, "selected" by his consciousness from Uniform, perceived by him as things, among which he is situated.
  This process of formation of the present of each person by means of processing of the packages of information arriving sequentially through a pause which isn't fixed by consciousness of a person, and replacing one another (completely updated), means permanent finding of the person in this present time "now", that is - lack of the real past and future.
  In other words, there is no the arrow of time containing the future, the present and the past, but exists only present time ("now") which it is conditionally possible to present in the form of point, inasmuch this "now" is being formed by a person, more precisely, by his consciousness through his sense organs, but it isn't being given him by something or by someone from outside. Therefore, time doesn't come and doesn't leave, but is formed in his consciousness owing to fixing information packages sequentially coming through certain interval (each subsequent package completely updates previous) like the scrolled movie in which each separate frame a person doesn't notice, but fixes only changes of the objects presented to him by the movie.
  Own time, formed by each living being, is time of his life which comes to an end with body death when sense organs cease to function, i.e., primary channel of formation of own time disappears. "External" or common time does not disappear anywhere, inasmuch as it is formed by all set of the living beings.
  In this regard, it is meaningless to talk about move of a person in time by means of some time machine. He just has no need and reason to move. His individual consciousness has already localized of self quite deliberately in this point of own present ("now"), which is he self, inasmuch time, formed by his sense organs and his consciousness, along with that means existence of moving and changing things in space including his own body.
  It should, however, be noted that each individual consciousness in a person unilaterally cut off from single consciousness which it represents as part of a general hologram in the high-frequency projection of an infinite, homogeneous Uniform.
  However, this unilateral clipping of individual consciousness from single consciousness means a possibility of autonomous existence for each individual consciousness, and for a single consciousness - means the opportunity to provide automatic formation by each individual consciousness of own time. It is the coexistence of the active as a single consciousness and along with that as all types of consciousness in the form of living being. A basis of this coexistence is a holographic projection where the individual (part) and the single (whole) coincide.
  Each living being forms itself own time with the hidden assistance of a single consciousness, and all set of living beings representing also a single consciousness forms the general, or "external" time, in which each living being dwells.
  Change of the rate of "flow" of time for the specific person (each living being), or his own time, can be qualified as change of volume of information processed by his centers, or as change of the rate of its processing, that is not directly related to the "external" time, though each person believes "external", as if surrounding him, time, is the only type of time. Therefore, the factor of change of the course of own time about which he doesn't know, a person considers as miracle or absolutely inexplicable phenomenon, although, at least, he guesses about the beginning (birth) and the inevitable end of his time (death).
  "External" time is a necessary condition (as if the house) for existence of a single consciousness already in the divided form - as all types consciousness, presented by living beings who find themselves into own time, but within "external" time, which forms a single consciousness by all set of living beings.
  A single consciousness in own set forms "external" (general) time with which is combined own time of each individual consciousness in every living being including in a person in the period of the life. This own time is combined, more precisely, fits in the "external" time, but will not coincide with it, inasmuch the flow rate of own time is determined by each living being, possessing by types of organisms of different sense organs and various centers of information processing. Therefore, in particular, the lifetime and the flow rate of own time at a bacterium and at the person are not identical.
  A derivative of this general time is the global beingness, i.e., a space with moving things in the form of universes, stars, planets, atoms, molecules, radiation, and so on.
  If we observe "external" time and recognize its existence, as well as we believe that we are in this time, then it is to some extent so, but this time is the general for all living beings, but along with that each being lives in own time within "external" time.
  Until now, this fact does not find understanding in minds, apparently, because the "external" time is considered as the only objectively existing time as phenomenon.
  Nevertheless, the presence of own time, which in different ways is related to the "external" time, does not require the special proofs.
  There are butterflies-mayfly, living only one day, and thousand-year sequoias, turtles that live for hundreds of years, and microbes that exist less one second, etc. All of them have their own life in the allotted time in the "cocoon" of the general time, which is periodical and flowing smoothly as if outside.
  What determines the average term of the life or own time of different types of living beings which fluctuates from moments up to the millennia?
  If to recognize that time is the information process, determined eventually by the subject, then the rate of information processing, which arrives into living being, depends on its organization, in accordance with which the sense organs, situated in bodies, different in size and structure, as well as in different surroundings, transfer the relevant data to the centers, processing them with rate, which can differ in tens, hundreds and thousands of times. It is easy to understand this process, having remembered about computers of different power.
  Naturally, low speed of information processing of insignificant volume assumes and the slowed-down current of own time of living beings, for example, of perennial trees and vice versa, high speed of information processing of maximum large volumes in comparison to opportunities of the processing centers, is characteristic mostly for the simplest living entities, inasmuch their survival depends on it.
  The "external" time manifests self for a person as reflection in his "now" of material objects, independent from him, inaccessible for changes by him, i.e. it is an external framework of his life. Own time of the person or his "now", unlike the "external" time, is formed by him. Own time, however, is throughout his life within "external" time with its smooth existential course and periodicity, but "now" of a person is his present time, but not some alien or counterfeit, because that he, though forming it automatically, in series of moments of life makes irreversible acts.
  A person can only regret about the completed or admire by it, but he isn't able to return it. Here the drama of life for a person is combined with the accumulation of experience by his own consciousness, in other words - with development of consciousness in each human life.
  A person (each living being) is situated in this case as if inside the changing picture, formed by his consciousness on the basis of information coming from sense organs. Here a person is similar to a character of a computer game, but with that difference that he self "produces" this "game". In other words, the current irreversible own time occurs for each living being - its "now", which is enclosed into a framework of "external" time, which is independent of the specific person.
  A person supposes that he can, knowing the past, extrapolate it into the future, for example as movement of planets, having corrected it in own imagination. The science considers this process as transfer of information into the future.
  However, a person is not the planet. His own time and "external" time have various sources of formation - his personal consciousness and a single consciousness respectively. Nevertheless, own time of a person is combined with "external" time during his life as reflection of coincidence of single consciousness and each individual consciousness in a holographic projection, which are divided yet in certain respect in beingness for life and development.
  Besides, autonomous existence of each individual consciousness in a person means that if a person can affect rate of current of own time consciously or not, then "external" time isn't subject to him.
  Anyway, even with the formal position is impossible to transfer that what is absent, in fact, into that what has not happened yet. Actually information undertakes from the available database during moments of "now" sequentially, inasmuch only during these moments it really exists, in order to use it not in the mythical future, but as the base for formation of subsequent moments of the present time.
  Getting something from the past which is measured by external time backward from "now", but really is absent, is impossible, as well as it is impossible to transfer something into the future - neither that, nor another isn't present, more precisely, they exist only in imagination of the person in framework of "external" time.
  Difference of concept of the ordinary person about the past in comparison with its representations about the future consists, in particular, in the fact that the future is not present for him in any form, except the imaginations, assumptions, whereas the past seems to a person existing really. In the past, on his concept, should be gathered, as in a moneybox, all that passes through a person into "now" though, actually, all accumulated information is in the databases available to a person only in his sliding "now".
  Permanent existence of "now" at all doesn't mean absence of changes in the consciousness, inasmuch every moment "now" has duration, during which from memory as from computer databases, this or that information can be requested and received. It is added to arriving information again, which is changing almost continuously, that allows projecting the further course of events with knowledge of the matter.
  However, all this too happens in "now", but not in the future. The confusion in these concepts occurs as a result of representation of each present instant as ephemeral boundary between the past and the future whereas "now" is a certain duration during which occurs a receiving and processing not only information from external sources surrounding consciousness, but also already accumulated information which is available to consciousness currently. This process goes sequentially - from one instant to the following - without stopping for consciousness which does not have time to note pauses between instants technically. It is probable therefore people divide time on the past, the present and the future in own presentation.
  Thereby, information appears not from the past and not from the future which aren't present in reality, but time is formed by separate portions in "now", which arrive for processing by consciousness, that occupies a certain part of every instant in their sequence. This process goes each moment and has specific duration.
  The formation of a new own time in the different body (after the death of the former), each individual consciousness "produces" after "disconnecting" from a single consciousness in a holographic projection, which does not have space, time, things, motion.
  Therefore, each individual consciousness is in no way limited in choice of a new "point" of own time in beingness within "external" time, except own desires and own level of development. I.e., each individual consciousness it chooses not time on some axis, but - as if the place for itself in global beingness to which it corresponds, inasmuch each individual consciousness has own time - it oneself forms own time.
  In this regard, exactly each individual consciousness, but not the body is the eternal traveler in frameworks of "external" time in each its "now", i.e. each individual consciousness is the traveler inside own time on the total beingness, so how "external" time - it only a condition for existence of all types consciousness in forms of living beings in own "now", like the house for many people. And in this "house" not too many "places" corresponds to state of each individual consciousness.
  Thus, as a consequence of the fact that beingness in its basis is a holographic projection of Uniform, - and this projection is formed by consciousness - is impossible to recognize as truth independent existence of time
  Motion, which is absent in Uniform, as well as in its projection, is necessary as phenomenon in which all living beings only and can develop. Motion also is being "produced" together with space, objects and smoothly current time by consciousness through the living beings, who only such surroundings, formed by them, are capable to perceive as reality and, respectively, to live and develop in it.
  However, time, as the sequence discrete durations, is formed originally not in beingness, and in a holographic projection, merging in uniform stream moving and changing things only after processing the information packets, updating one another successively, in the processing centers of the living beings.
  If time (consciousness) disappears - there will be neither things, nor space.
  "Velocity of flow" of time depends on the volume of information coming to the individual consciousness through sense organs, inasmuch own time of the person is the information process, representing itself the copying of material objects, which are situated in surroundings of the person, by means of his sense organs in the form of irreversible sequence of the discrete, information-bearing durations, being merged in the human consciousness and in the consciousness of any living being into a picture of incessantly changing surrounding. And all these changes depend not on some arbitrary stream of things what is impossible for the passive, inasmuch information copies of things from Uniform are initially motionless and invariable, but these changes depend on consciousness: all things are identified and copied by consciousness in the sequence of its address to Uniform in accordance with its own form-building abilities.
  Thereby, rate of flow of time for every individual human consciousness depends on the volume of information (the amount and content of information packets), incoming in the processing centers of the human body, and on the speed of processing the incoming information in these centers.
  In normal circumstances, own time of each person "flows" ordinary, not changing own rate: he fixes time in accordance with such external factors as the hour hand, the movement of the sun across the sky and other periodic phenomena.
  However, examples of change of rate of "flow" of own time ("now") - its acceleration (condensation) and deceleration - for certain groups of people and individuals are known. At this, ordinary ("external") time does not change its rate.
  This strange and inexplicable both for people, and for science the phenomenon quite gives in to an explanation from a position of representation of own time of a person (any living being) as information process during which the rate of "flow" of time for each individual human consciousness, or his own time, depends on the volume of information coming to the processing centers of a human body and from the rate of processing of the arriving information in these centers.
  In particular, the change of "flow" of time, caused by reduction in the rate of processing of the arriving information, is faster "flow" of time in old age, which is felt by each person living till these years.
  The matter is that the general aging of an organism affects parts of a brain responsible for information processing, arriving from sense organs: they are exposed to the sclerotic and other changes, complicating their work, therefore at advanced age the same volume of information is processed more and more slowly per day in comparison with young years. It "eats" up to the sixth part of own time of elderly people though "current" of "external" time, making 24 hours a day, remains unchanged.
  The elderly themselves with surprise notice that they do not have time for a day to do the same that had been possible in earlier years. Time for them as if accelerates its course: ordinary things no longer fit in the traditional framework, and a lot of things have to shift on "tomorrow".
  This fact of acceleration of time ("now") can be qualified as a consequence of reduction in the rate of processing of approximately identical volume of information arriving in a day that is equivalent to growth of volume of the arriving information in case of loss of efficiency by the processing centers.
  Acceleration of time happens also at a reverse situation when information processing rate practically remains to a constant, more precisely, frameworks of this rate (high-speed performance) don't change, but the volume of the arriving information for certain period increases. In particular, the contents of information packages in certain period of "external" time can significantly change: visible example of this circumstance is days sated with affairs and cares which slip imperceptibly. According to this increase in volume of information is compacted own time.
  In comparison with the days sated with affairs, the days of inaction last "eternally" - day, "empty" from affairs, lasts unceasingly, just as time "flows" in slowed-up rate or the prisoner in a solitary confinement where nothing occurs. In these cases, the contents of information packages practically doesn't change. According to this decrease in volume of the arriving information takes place some kind of "stretching" of own time of the person.
  Information thereby makes own time of the person every day, being, in fact, as the filling of his life. Significant change of information streams means radical vital changes for him, leading to change in him. Therefore, a person instinctively seeks at least to keep flows of information, being engaged in everyday various affairs, generally on a workplace even if this work isn't interesting to him; a person seeks to learn news from different sources even if they directly are not affected him; he communicates with friends, members of the family etc. Loss of the main information channels owing to an illness, resignations, divorce, unemployment, etc. means true catastrophe, often almost equivalent to loss of life for each person.
  Two limit situations for own time of living beings, i.e. for the organisms-systems having consciousness are very curious.
  One limit case relating to a ratio of volume of information and opportunities of the system, which accepts this volume, consists in reduction of information flows to a minimum or in general - practically to the termination of receipt of information into system.
  Opposite case in this regard is the situation when the volume of the arriving information begins to exceed possibilities of the centers which process it.
  In the first case, disappearance or elimination information, which was arriving to system-organism, due to various reasons, stops normal functioning of system, inasmuch the course of the events, initiated by inflow of information. is stopped, that is equivalent for system-organism to loss of time sense, i.e. own time of system is nullified.
  Emergence of a similar situation means transition of system, at least, to the "sleeping" mode, and for a person lack of inflow of information is his gradual degradation.
  Loss of time sense has been confirmed clearly with experiments with volunteers in the depth of a dark cave who gradually lost the feeling of course of time.
  As for degradation, it inevitably and quickly enough happens to the prisoners, deprived of any contacts with world around.
  The second threshold case seems quite simple. In particular, the computer in a similar situation blocks own work and turns into a useless box.
  Nevertheless, systems-organisms aren't brainless things.
  For example, many students, which were shirking classes, but which did not want to lose the scholarship, are trying to load the memory by large volume of material into session at extremely limited number of hours on preparation. In case of excessive diligence not so seldom impossibility "to digest" information arriving as avalanche, leads to irreversible destruction of the corresponding shares of a brain. Such madness actually means a final exit of system-organism out of normal functioning.
  In other words, own time of this personality is unable further to be accelerated (nowhere) in case of similar excess inflow of information (singularity point). Therefore "flow" of time in this situation for the subject of action (own time, or its "now") stops that is expressed in stop of functioning of this personality, i.e., in quality loss, or feature by this personality.
  So, both of these limit cases concerning failure in functioning, converge.
  Distinction consists that if (the first case) timely return of system-organism to information streams can restore its normal functioning, then at overload of system-organism by information (the second case) it collapses, i.e. its own time comes to the end. On the place of this system appears already something another, perhaps - similar, perhaps - system of other quality.
  The example of this phenomenon (overload of system-organism by information, or arrival of system owing to the accelerated "current" of own time to singularity point) is regular collapse of planetary civilizations that have preceded our civilization, and many traces of which still remain (artificial underground tunnels hundreds of kilometers long, built hundreds of thousands and millions of years ago; various artificial underwater constructions clearly not relating to our time, numerous pyramids, which tens and hundreds of thousands of years; household items which age is estimated in millions of years). All these facts aren't entered in the evolutionary theory of appearance of a person on Earth about 150 thousand years ago and therefore are ignored [4].
  Thus, with development of the living organisms into more sophisticated and diverse beings the flow of time is accelerated, reaching the maximum values with the advent of civilization of reasonable beings, as a consequence their conscious actions. Growth of speed of emergence of new information and, accordingly, its volume leads, finally, a civilization to information collapse and disintegration.
  This implies regular formation under suitable conditions of the intelligent civilizations, which can occur not only at the peak of the evolution, and the inevitable decay of each civilization. In other words, permanent progress for civilizations in beingness is absent, that resembles to a certain extent the consecutive emergence of new living organisms under suitable conditions after the disappearance of previous.
  1. Nizovtsev Y. M. Everything and Nothingness. 2016. [Electronic resource]. Access mode: Amazon, www.litres.ru
  2. 1980. David Bohm, Wholeness and the Implicate Order, London: Routledge, ISBN 0-7100-0971-2.
  3. Карл Прибрам. Языки мозга. Экспериментальные парадоксы и принципы нейропсихологии, "Прогресс", 1975 г.
  4. Бейджент М. Запретная археология. Эксмо, Москва, 2004. ISBN 5-699-04989-4.
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