Низовцев Юрий Михайлович : другие произведения.

New approach to elimination of inflammations on a surface of a body and near it

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    One of the most topical issues is considered in work - elimination of near-surface inflammations, especially chronic inflammations which hundreds millions people suffer and which very poorly give in to treatment. Thanks to the offered designs are eliminated (are significantly slackened) inflammations of joints, a prostate gland, radiculitis, inflammations of a breast, neck areas, the headache is killed. The lightweight framework conductors - from several grams for joints and to several tens grams for a waist - provides the constant heat removal from a zone of an inflammation and inflammation elimination even at impossibility of elimination of an internal source of energy that is when protective forces of an organism are not coped with the reason of inflammatory process. In the absence of designs on sale it is easy to make them independently.

  New approach to elimination of inflammations on a surface of a body and near it.
   Table of Contents
  Introduction.................................................................................. ......3
  Chapter 1
  The short review and assessment of a condition of affairs in the field of impact on near-surface inflammations.....................................................................7
  Chapter 2.
  The description of the new approach to elimination of near-surface inflammations.....................................................................................11
  Chapter 3.
  Model calculation of level of a heat transfer through the lightweight conducting
  frame being settled down in surface contact with the allocated inflamed zone of the body.................................................................................................15
  Chapter 4.
  Technical characteristics of the device for change of heat content of the allocated zone of a body.....................................................................................27
  4.1. The frame device for heat content change in the area of pelvis........................27
  4.2. The frame device for heat content change in the area of breast........................... 31
  4.3. The device for change of heat content of various zones of an inflammation on the basis of a substrate with a conducting covering...............................................35
  4.4. The frame device for change of heat content of joints..................................40
   Now the medicine and some scientific directions, working at a joint with it, achieved certain successes in treatment of a number of the serious diseases connected with inflammations and tumors near a surface of a body, such as radiculitis, gout, arthritises, arthroses, consequences of traumas, blood circulation violations, etc.
   Treatment of any inflammatory processes is carried out, as a rule, by means of methods of conservative therapy: medicines, physical impact, special exercises, physiotherapeutic methods. If traditional therapy doesn't make positive impact, apply surgical intervention.
   As an example we will give modes of treatment of joints as the most widespread type of inflammations.
   All modes of treatment of joints it is possible share on two types. First, preparations are necessary, which reduce pain, remove an inflammation, reduce discomfort. Methods of strengthening and maintenance of the musculoskeletal device belong to the second group, in particular, chondroprotectors. They interfere with collapse of cartilages and reduce pain manifestations. The first and second type of treatment are applied , as a rule, in aggregate as many analgetics killing pain, can promote slackening and even destruction of tissue of a cartilage. Methods of prevention of joint pain aren't developed today yet.
   However the uniform method of impact on joints which at the same time remove an inflammation, reduces painful feelings and interferes with destruction of tissues of a joint isn't offered yet.
   Besides, there are problems in which the medical science and practice meet difficulties. Such problem, for example, is the organism aging, clearly beginning to be shown on a number of signs at the majority of people at the age of over 50 years: immunity decreases, functioning of a number of organs and systems is reorganized, negative hereditary factors start being shown more and more as well as consequences of adverse ecological, specific and labor and other living conditions. If in 40 years of a problem with joints mankind only a half feels, by fifty years of victims 75%, and to seventy-year age - 90% are already.
   As a result, in last half of life in much bigger degree slow chronic inflammations start being shown. They can arise anywhere - in a throat at the singer or the lecturer, in cervical or lumbar area (radiculitis, lumbago) at the driver, in joints of the seaman, a prostate gland at almost all men, vessels of legs at sellers and waiters, at chest of women, with frequent headaches at many, etc. The constant discomfort is created, there are painful feelings, and eventually constant chronic diseases can lead to failure in work of organ.
   Certainly, there is a set of medicines, vitamins, physiotherapeutic influences, improving techniques. However, as a rule, at this age they give only temporary effect. In particular, chronic inflammations, having a little calmed down during this or that influence, again come back, and gradually the condition of all organism and separate organs worsens.
   This problem is known. Really, difficult at the specified age to eliminate or somehow essentially to compensate age and others changes in structure and functioning of all organism and its separate organs. Especially - in a mass order. Though in the individual relation the intensive work is conducted: expensive drugs, bioadditives, various techniques are offered, but mostly they don't render the essential help or render for short time. And a number of new techniques, in particular, and such exotic as application of stem cells, cloning, etc. are very problematic and mass application won't have for obvious reasons.
   Thus the task set by us can be formulated as follows: whether it is possible to reduce of inflammatory processes, characteristic for the majority of chronic diseases if not to zero then to acceptable indicators at which the organs or body zones affected by an inflammation practically don't collapse, and can function to extreme old age in a normal mode and not create for the person of painful feelings and discomfort as well as not to transfer into, for example, to such stages as degeneration.
   At the solution of this task, we paid attention to the following factor: at a local slow inflammation in any organ for any of several reasons which doesn't give in to elimination, energy, generally warmly is constantly made superfluous in comparison with healthy organs. There is a change of a mode of functioning of organ for a long time. Depending on age, a condition of organ or a site of a body, a way of life this factor sooner or later, but inevitably leads to gradual collapse of cells, change of structure of organ, disorganization of its functions. Thus it should be noted that it is a question of organism to these or those negative impacts and often an organism independently or with this or that help can overcome these influences, whether it be usual cold, an infection, scratch, etc.
   However at chronic, that is an incessant inflammation restoration of normal functioning of near-surface organ or a zone of the body doesn't occur, owing to slackening of protective forces of an organism.
   Our approach from thermodynamics and heat physics positions consists in this regard that change of enthalpy (heat content) of a site of a body with an abnormal temperature mode it is most preferable to use at chronic near-surface inflammations. Certainly, this approach can be used and at not chronic inflammations, hypostases, etc. But here and so there are enough effective remedies, and with chronic inflammations difficult to fight by traditional means, and are frequent and useless, and in case of near-surface chronic inflammations, heat content change, for example, as a result of in a special way organized heat removal from a zone of an inflammation can become more effective in comparison with other modes of fight against inflammations.
   It should be noted one more fundamental difference of new approach: slackening of chronic inflammations, reduction of pains and removal of tumors happens even if the internal source of an inflammation owing to age or other reasons can't be eliminated. Thereby it is possible, unlike traditional methods, constantly to remove an inflammation and to interfere with collapse of tissue. Besides, new thermodynamic approach is, though in limited degree, but, nevertheless, a warning facility of development of inflammatory processes in some near-surface zones of a body as offered means of its realization automatically react to change of heat content of the allocated site of a body, bringing it again into a condition of thermodynamic equilibrium (a condition of a homeostasis), or in a certain degree suppress development of inflammatory processes and prevent process of collapse of tissue of the allocated zone.
   It is known that in inflammatory reaction two interconnected processes take place: damage of tissue and protective-recovery reactions. At chronic inflammations or with age protective and recovery reactions of an organism weaken. A process of collapse of tissue becomes prevailing. One of the main reasons, supporting process of damage of tissue, is excess energy, generally heat which is allocated at an inflammation. If constantly to remove this excess heat, this reason of damage of tissue is eliminated and mostly the tumor falls down, pains stop. Even if the source of an inflammation can't be eliminated, it all the same substantially loses opportunity destructively to affect structure and organ functions. Confirmation of it is such long ago known methods as ice applying or applying of metal conducting fragments to the inflamed surface zone.
   Certainly, except local temperature increase, the giperemiya, hypostasis, the pain can be signs of a local inflammation, connected with morfofunktsionalny reorganization of andoteliotsits of post-capillary venules, coagulation in them of blood, adhesion and transendotelialny migration of leukocytes, etc. (See, e.g. VA Chereshnev, etc. Pathophysiology, Moscow, Veche, 2000). However, as a rule, inflammatory processes without local temperature increase are shown not so often whereas pain, strong hypostasis or a giperemiya can be absent.
   It is known also that at constants, monotonous loadings, for example, by wrists, joints of wrist, as a rule, gradually start increasing in sizes and to be deformed. At a similar warming up the considerable part of being allocated excess heat energy doesn't manage to be dissipated in space and is spent for deformation of tissue in a heating zone. In this case continuous removal of heat energy and alignment of thermodynamic potentials prevent impact of constantly being allocated excess energy on tissue in this allocated zone.
  Chapter 1
  The short review and assessment of a condition of affairs in the field of impact on near-surface inflammations.
   As the most widespread near-surface inflammations are inflammations of joints, will consider known methods of fight against them as an example.
   Treatment of joints is carried out by means of methods of conservative therapy: medicines, physical impact, special exercises, physiotherapeutic methods. If traditional therapy doesn't make positive impact, apply surgical intervention.
   All modes of treatment of joints can be divided into two types. First, following preparations are necessary: reducing pain, removing an inflammation, reducing discomfort. Methods of strengthening and maintenance of the musculoskeletal device belong to the second group, for example, chondroprotectors. They interfere with collapse of cartilages and reduce pain. The first and second type of treatment are applied in aggregate as many analgetics killing pain, can promote slackening and even collapse of cartilage tissue. Methods of prevention of joint pain aren't developed today yet. The most widespread mode is suppression of pain in joints.
   In recent years there was a set of drugs, ointments, the tablets directed against rheumatic pain in joints. Doctors often appoint nonsteroid drugs of anti-inflammatory action, such as voltaren, ibuprofen, diclofenac, movalis, and chondroprotectors - a glycosamine, hondroxid.
   Except medicinal methods of treatment, apply also other modes of restoration of joints. Among them it is possible to note massage, acupuncture, physical therapy, medical gymnastics.
   Massage promotes blood circulation improvement in a sore joint, to lymph outflow. Massage movements help to relax muscles thereby decreases tension, spasms, pain leaves.
   Physiotherapeutic methods of treatment are widely applied: magnetotherapy, laser therapy, electrophoresis and others. However they are contraindicated to elderly people as well as they aren't recommended in the period of an aggravation.
   The medical gymnastics is one of modes of prevention of a disease of joints.
   Acupuncture is the auxiliary method, allowing to relax intense muscles and to eliminate painful feelings.
   Except these, rather long ago known methods of impact on joints, appeared and some quite effective new technologies of impact on the struck tissue, in particular, similar technology is shock and wave therapy at the heart of which lie properties of a shock wave to cause changes in organism tissue . Pulse infrasonic waves loosen microcrystals of salts of calcium and sites of fibrosis, being formed in tissues of joints. At the same time the blood-groove in the damaged tissue is amplified that promotes to diffusion of salts of calcium and sites of fibrosis. Joints get rid of "ballast", restoring the structure, elasticity, ability to transfer necessary loadings. Pain passes.
   However the specified means and techniques, as a rule, are expensive and labor-consuming. Besides they render only temporary help at chronic inflammations and can't be prevention of these inflammations.
   Thus, offered medicinal and other means are, as a rule, expensive and nevertheless often ineffective as during certain periods of life reason of processes of collapse of joints is covered in an unsatisfactory condition of whole organism, especially at advanced age and at compelled systematic loads of joints. It is known that diseases of joints take an important place in the general structure of incidence of the population of the developed countries. Most often changes from joints are not separate diseases, and join in structure of other diseases, both rheumatic, and exchange. Many diseases with joint component get a chronic progressing current and are among the leading reasons of an invalidization. In other words, now there are no rather effective, simple, inexpensive and at the same time reliable technologies solving the specified problem: to reduce practically to zero chronic inflammatory processes in near-surface zones of an organism without aspiration finally to destroy the reason of an inflammation especially as at advanced age it is impossible.
   There are two opposite in relation to energetic impact on the inflamed organ or the allocated zone of a body of methods.
   One includes impact on the inflammation center in the form of input there of portions of additional energy, for example, energy of laser radiation, microwave radiation, ultra-violet and infrared radiations. At the same time it is known that at inflammatory process in a zone of an inflammation proceed exothermic reactions, that is there as though there is the additional source of heat making excess heat in comparison with normally functioning organ and release of energy in this case can be considerable. Therefore introduction in a zone of an inflammation of additional portions of energy increases total quantity of energy in the center of an inflammation and from the thermodynamic point of view leads it to conditions with even bigger enthalpy (heat content). It means still bigger removal of this zone or organ from a condition of a homeostasis, that is a normal state, and increase, in particular, at chronic inflammations of probability of degeneration of appropriate organ.
   Another method includes energy removal from the inflammation center. It can be a girudoterapiya, various cryogenic influences. However these rather intensive and nondurable influences by the most part give so short-term effect. That is through any time chronic process of an inflammation is resumed.
   More than fifty years ago change of heat content of a zone of inflammatory process by direct imposing on it with continuous contact of the conductor [1] was described. However at this affecting (thermal defeats) the elimination of various types of near-surface inflammations wasn't set as the purpose.
   Recently for treatment of a number of near-surface inflammations it is offered to use some metals with high coefficient of heat conductivity (gold, silver, copper). Let's give two most characteristic examples.
   Treatment of rheumatism, muscular pains, neuralgia is made by change of heat content of zones on a surface of a body of the person at the expense of installation of the bared not closed flat spiral bared conductor from gold, silver or copper on the chosen site of a body of the person fixed on an internal surface of a bandage with a fastener, with formation, thus, the small being crossed circuits turned to a surface of a body. (DE patent 2828936, 03.01. 1980). The similar device in the form of a bracelet (US patent 4878148, 31.10.1989) also provides change of heat content of local zones of a body of the person.
   However conceptual approach to this problem and the corresponding calculation confirming its efficiency from the point of view of rather intensive heat removal from the allocated zone of an inflammation till this moment wasn't made. It means that the most effective devices were not developed.
   Therefore below we will consider inflammation process from the point of view of thermodynamics with the corresponding conclusions, we will present a concrete example of calculation of the heat removal from a zone of an inflammation and we will present some options of technical means suppressing inflammation process even in that case when the source of an inflammation can't be eliminated that, in particular, is characteristic for chronic inflammations.
  Chapter 2
  The description of new approach to elimination of near-surface inflammations.
   Our approach to the solution of the specified problem consists in the following.
   In the presence of the raised level of release of heat in a local near-surface zone of an organism or at its increase continuous removal and reduction of arriving excess energy is made on the allocated channel. It is possible to call conditionally this channel the thermodynamic shunt.
   Any inflamed organ or zone of a body can be considered as the thermodynamic system removed out of an equilibrium condition (homeostasis, which is equivalent to a condition with the minimum enthalpy, or heat content). The inflamed systems, as we know, are characterized by the raised enthalpy, or higher thermodynamic potential H. Enthalpy H is connected with internal energy of system U by a ratio:
   H = U + pV,
  where р - system pressure;
   V - system volume.
   Equilibrium (normal) condition of system at constant entropy and at constant pressure corresponds to minimum value of an enthalpy, and change of an enthalpy is equal to quantity of warmth which transfer to system or take away from it at constancy of pressure. Therefore values of change of an enthalpy characterize thermal effects of phase transitions, chemical reactions and other processes proceeding with a constant pressure.
   At inflammatory processes or structural change of organ, for example, as a result of multiple bind processes, additional heat is precipitated out this organ, intensity of electric potentials grows. At a delay of this process owing to the various reasons about which we already spoke, the discomposed system starts changing gradually: excess heat, in particular, can promote good-quality or malignant change of organ or the corresponding zone of a body.
   Thus, return of system to an equilibrium condition, that is to a condition with the minimum enthalpy and retaining of this condition in many cases returns this system (the organ or a body zone) to normal functioning, stops process of its compelled quantitative and quality change or at the very beginning of the inflammatory process initiated by these or those reasons, doesn't allow this process to develop to a destructive stage or to pass to a chronic form, that is actually blocks it.
   From this position the solution can be the following: the organization rather weak on intensity, but constant thermal streams for removal of heat which, as a rule, are being formed at inflammatory process. It would be possible to call this heat at chronic inflammation superfluous as the current inflammatory process any more doesn't carry out protective functions, and this process is destructive for organ or a body zone. The organized weak heat removal gradually returns system to normal condition or close to it which is characterized by the minimum value of enthalpy (local homeostasis). Essential addition to this solution is the following: at slow chronic inflammations or at prevention of inflammations of "problem" zones (organ) this canal of removal of excess energy has to exist constantly and work automatically.
   It is quite possible that the objective can be solved by various means. We offer, in our opinion, optimum means which is not only simple, cheap, reliable, harmless, effective, but also and psychologically justified for each user. The last means that often purely psychologically the majority of people neglect by danger or are lazy to take against it measures or they have no money, time, etc. Therefore in consciousness it is easier to overcome an obstacle to use of useful means if this means passes to the category of the routine. The lightweight design from a material with high heat conductivity and not interacting with skin can be such means fixed or simply placed on a body with coverage of the allocated problem zones at dense contact of corresponding part of a design in these zones with body surface.
   This design by these or those ways, depending on its arrangement on a body, takes place for continuous carrying, providing continuously operating canal of removal of excess heat if this heat already is available or can appear. Practically, this lightweight design (from several grams to some tens grams) through short time the user ceases to feel, periodically removing it for a while, for example, for carrying out these or those physiological procedures.
   However it should be noted that, despite harmlessness, low cost and efficiency of offered means of removal of excess heat, the device, as it follows not only from calculations, but also long tests, has certain restrictions, namely:
   - efficiency of a heat transfer is provided at rather small distance from the inflammation center, that is the shunt is system of near-surface action - no more than 5 cm in depth from a body surface;
   - streams of heat in the shunt are rather weak as shunt section, the temperature differentials arising at an inflammation between it and a zone of shunting, are insignificant.
   Nevertheless, the set of zones and body organs, at least partially, except internal area of a trunk, the central part of a brain, get to coverage of the shunt and the magnitude of taken-away heat can be considerable, as it is shown below in model calculation.
  Chapter 3.
  Model calculation of level of a heat transfer through the lightweight conducting
  frame being settled down in surface contact with the allocated inflamed zone of the body.
   Calculation shows that heat transfer level through conducting frame which at first sight seems negligible, reaches actually values at which even in the presence of constantly operating in sick, or chronically inflamed organ of a source of heat, this excess heat is completely removed and, thus, it can't affect the organ structure and organ functioning harmfully. Thereby the organ is brought and retained in a condition of the minimum enthalpy.
   At thermal impact of the inflamed (sick) organ on conductors of the device there is a local heating of conductors, for example, on one degree - up to the temperature T= 37№C. After that heat due to heat conductivity extends on all length of conductors. As conductors of the device are made of a material with high heat conductivity (copper, silver, gold or their alloys), and heat source is constant, it is possible to consider that through a small period (1 - 2 minutes) all conductors of the device will be heated to temperature of sick organ (Ts = 37№C).
   Process of distribution of heat in conductors of the device can be described by means of the equation of non-stationary heat conductivity [2, pages 38 - 41] at the following assumptions:
   - process of one-dimensional distribution of heat in the conductor is considered, that is temperature changes only on length of the cylindrical conductor and doesn't change on the radius as diameter of the conductor doesn't exceed 1 - 2 mm;
   - heat physical properties of a material of the conductor (the heat capacity, heat conductivity coefficient, density don't depend on temperature);
   - edge surfaces of the conductor are heat isolated;
   - thermal impact on the conductor is modeled by use of the concentrated volume internal source of heat in a conductor material.
   Taking into account the made assumptions the differential equation of heat conductivity with initial and boundary conditions can be presented in the following look:
   dT λ d²T qw
   -- = -- • -- + -- . (1)
   Dτ c • ρ dx² c • ρ
   Initial conditions:
  at τ = 0 and Т = То; qw ≠ 0. (2)
   Boundary conditions:
  at x = 0 -- = 0 ; (3)
  at х = ls -- = 0 . (4)
   In ratios (1) - (4) the following designations are accepted:
   T = T (τ, x) - temperature of the conductor changing on axis x (along the conductor) and on time;
   τ - time period;
   x - the longitudinal coordinate (it is counted along a conductor axis);
   λ - coefficient of heat conductivity of a material of the conductor;
   с - heat capacity of a material of the conductor;
   ρ - density of a material of the conductor;
   qw = qw (τ,х) - volume density of internal sources of heat;
   ls - conductor length.
   The equation (1) can be integrated numerically with use, for example, a method of final differences (see. Samarskiy A.A. Theory of differential schemes. M, Science, 1977, pages 277 - 331).
   For integration of the equation (1) it is necessary to form initial data.
   Initial temperature of the conductor То changes ranging from 17 №C to 25 №C and it is equal ambient temperature (air). Heat physical properties of various materials are known (see, e.g., Koshkin N.I., Shirkevich M. G. Directory on elementary physics. The m, Science, 1980, pages 64, 73, 33), in particular, at temperature 20№C for copper density ρ makes 8930 kg/m ³, the heat capacity c makes 390J/kg • K, heat conductivity coefficient λ - 389.6 W/m • K; for silver density ρ makes 10500 kg/m ³, the heat capacity c makes 235 J/kg • K, heat conductivity coefficient λ - 418.7 W/m • K; for gold density ρ makes 19310 kg/m ³, the heat capacity c makes 130 J/kg • K, heat conductivity coefficient λ - 312.8 W/m • K.
   Volume density of internal sources of heat of qw can be defined of the following considerations. Let the sick organ have a sphere form with diameter dor = 3 cm, and heat physical properties of a material of organ correspond to water. The volume of the sphere is determined by formula:
   Vor = 4/3 π • r³or , (5)
  where ror = dor/2 = 1.5 cm.
   Then Vor = 14.13 cm ³.
   If the internal source of heat works in organ, for heating of organ from temperature Tor1 = 36№C to Tor2 = 37№C it is necessary to bring to organ quantity of heat equal :
   Qor = mor • cр • (Tor₂ - Tor₁), (6)
  where mor - the mass of organ,
   Ср - a specific heat capacity of substance of organ (Ср = 4174 J/kg • К).
   The mass mor is determined by formula:
   mor = Vor • ρоr,
  where ρоr - density of a material of organ (ρоr = 0.001 kg/cm ³).
   At the specified initial data brought quantity of heat will be equal:
   Qor = 58.979 J.
   The conductor is in dense contact with skin, directly under which the sick organ is settled down. Therefore heat being precipitated out in organ at the expense of heat conductivity will be transferred to the piece of the conductor adjacent to organ, and to warm it up to the temperature surpassing initial temperature of the conductor То.
   The concentrated (local) internal volume source of heat in the conductor is being formed so. The heat from this source due to heat conductivity will extend on all length of the conductor and to warm it up to the temperature approximately equal to the maximum temperature of sick organ (~ 37 №C).
   The piece of the conductor, to which heat from the inflamed or sick organ (a body zone) is transferred, has the volume equal:
   Vs = ∆l s ,
  where ds - diameter of the conductor;
   ∆ls - length of a site of the conductor adjacent to a projection to a surface of a body of the near-surface inflamed organ.
   Let's accept that ds = 2 mm = 0.2 cm, ∆ls = 2 cm.
   Then we will receive:
   Vs =
   Volume density of internal sources of heat in a material of the conductor is determined by formula:
   qw = ---- , (7)
   Vs • τh
   where τh - time during which brought heat will be allocated in the conductor.
   It is difficult to define time τh precisely, as process of formation of an internal source of heat is the non-stationary. Really, in process of heat removal from sick organ through the conductor, temperature of organ Tor will start decreasing, so, heat inflow to the conductor will decrease also according to ratio:
   Qоr = λоr • -- • τ • Sc , (8)
  where λоr - coefficient of heat conductivity of substance of sick organ;
   ∆Т - a difference of temperatures of system "organ - conductor":
   (∆Т = Tor (τ) - T (τ));
   ∆y - distance between centers organ and conductor;
   τ - transfer time of heat from organ to the conductor;
   Sc - the area of a contact surface on border of system: "organ - conductor".
   Reduction of inflow of heat to the conductor will lead to drop of volume density of internal sources of heat qw in conductor material, to reduction of temperature of the conductor T and to drop of quantity of heat Qs, which is removed from the conductor in environment.
   Reduction of heat removal from sick organ will lead in turn to increase in its temperature (at operating source of heat in the sick organ).
   According to a ratio (8) it will lead to increase in a supply of heat to the conductor, growth of its temperature and quantity of heat which is removed in environment. It means that process of a supply of heat to the conductor and heat removal from it has oscillatory character. Therefore to estimate density of internal sources of heat on the non-stationary mode qw(τ,x) is difficult. The way out can be found if to set quasistationary value of a source of heat, not time-dependent, or to set local jump of temperature (the position of jump of temperature on length of the conductor is defined by a site of adjoining of the conductor to sick organ through an integument).
   Results of numerical calculations show that time of warming up of the conductor of copper 1 m long up to the temperature 37№C at the set size of jump of temperature in 1№C (from 36 №C to 37 №C) will make 1.5 - 2 minutes.
   Considering that the quasistationary mode of heat exchange is established further, it is necessary to estimate the quantity of heat transferred by an external surface of the conductor to environment, in this case to air.
   Quantity of heat transferred by an external surface of the cylindrical conductor for a unit of time to surrounding space, it is possible to present in the form of the sum of two components:
   Qs = Qck + Qr, (9)
  where Qck - quantity of heat which is removed from the conductor at the expense of natural convection;
   Qr - quantity of heat which is removed from the conductor at the expense of radiation.
   Let's consider the first component of the heat removal. As a result of synthesis of skilled data are received the similarity equations for average values of coefficient of a heat transfer at free convection [2, 1977, pages 95 - 96]. In these equations as the defining temperature the ambient temperature (air) Tв is accepted. As the defining size for horizontal rod is accepted its diameter ds. Generally dependence of average dimensionless coefficient of a heat transfer (Nusselt's number) for a horizontal cylindrical rod at
   ( Grdв • Prв ) < 10⁸
  represents [1, pages 95 - 96]:
   0.25 0.25
   Nudв = 0.5 (Grdв • Prв) • (Prв/Prs) , (10)
  where Prв - Prandtl's number at the air temperature equal to Tв;
   Prs - Prandtl's number of air at temperature of a surface of the conductor Ts = T;
   Grdв - Grasgof's number at the air temperature, calculated on diameter d of the conductor;
   Nudв - average Nusselt's number at the air temperature, found on diameter of the conductor.
   For air it is possible to consider that
   Prв = Prs = const = 0.7;
  The Prandtl's number entering into the ratio (10) is determined by formula:
   Cрв • μв
   Prв = ---- , (11)
  where Срв (Тв) - a specific heat capacity of air;
   μв (Тв) - dynamic coefficient of viscosity of air;
   λв (Тв) - coefficient of heat conductivity of air.
   Grasgof's number is calculated on a formula [1, page 58]:
   ß • d³s • g • ∆Т
   Grdв = -------- , (12)
  where ß - temperature coefficient of volume expansion of air;
   ds - diameter of a cylindrical conductor;
   g - speedup of a free fall;
   ∆Т - a characteristic difference of temperatures of the conductor and air;
   ν = ν (Tв) - kinematic coefficient of viscosity of air.
   The average on conductor length Nusselt's number is determined by formula:
   Nudв = , (13)
  where α - the average size of coefficient of a heat transfer from a conductor surface to air.
   In the specified range of temperatures (Ts = 37№C; Tв = 17 - 25№C) can consider that
   Prв = Prs = 0.7
   Then the formula (10) becomes simpler and takes the form:
   Nudв = 0.46 • Grdв . (14)
   As an example we will give results of calculation for the following initial data:
   air temperature Tв = 20№C;
   conductor temperature on the quasistationary mode Ts = 37№C.
  At Tв = 20№C λв = 0.0259 W/m • K; νв = 15.06•10⁻⁶ m²/s; Prв = 0.7;
   1 1
   Prв/ Prs ~ 1; βв = -- • - ; ds = 2 mm = 0.002 m.
   303 К
   Using a formula (12), we will receive:
   (2 • 10¯³)³ • 9.81• (37 - 20) • 10¹²
   Grdв = -------------- = 19.414 .
   303 • (15.06)²
   On a formula (14) we will find:
   Nudв = 0,46 • (19.414) = 0.96558
   Average coefficient of a heat transfer we will define from (13):
   Nudв • λв 0.96558 • 0.0259
   α = ---- = -------- = 12.5043 W/m²•К
   ds 0.002
   The quantity of heat which is removed from the conductor in unit of time at the expense of free convection will be equal:
   Qck = α • π • ds • ls • (Ts - Tв) = 12.5043 • 3.14 • 0.002 • 1 • 17 = 1.335 W.
   The quantity of heat, which is taken away at the expense of radiation from a surface of the conductor, is determined by formula:
   Qr = qr • Sr , (16)
  where Sr - the surface area of the radiation equal to a half of the area of a side cylindrical surface of the conductor (the second half of a surface of the conductor, pressed to an integument of biological object, doesn't radiate);
   qr - density of a heat flow of radiation from a side surface of the conductor in surrounding space (air).
   The size qr is determined by formula [2, pages 166 - 182, 330]:
  . qr = εs • А • σо • ( Т⁴s - Т⁴в ) , (17)
  where εs - degree of blackness of a material of the conductor;
   A - coefficient of mutual irradiance of system: the conductor - surrounding space;
   σо - constant Stephana - Boltsmana,
   σо = 5.67•10⁻⁸ Вт/(m²•К ⁴)
   As an example we will give results of calculation for the initial data used above. Besides, we consider that A = 1 as an external half of a side surface of the conductor radiates in boundless space.
   Blackness degree for the oxidized copper is in limits εs ~ εcu = 0.6 - 0.8. Let's take average value εs ~ 0.7.
   Having used formula (17), we will find:
   237 + 37 273 + 20
   qr = 0.7 • 1• 5.67( ( ------ )⁴ - (--------)⁴) = 74.028 W/m²
   100 100
   Quantity of heat which has been taken away from a surface of the conductor at the expense of radiation in unit of time, it is possible to determine by formula (16):
   Qr = = 3.14 • 0.001• 1• 74.028 = 0.2324 W , (18)
   From where follows that the quantity of heat which has been taken away from the conductor at the expense of radiation, is significantly less than quantity of heat which has been taken away at the expense of free convection.
   Total of heat, which has been taken away from a surface of the conductor for a unit of time, equally:
   Qs = 1.3350 + 0.2324 = 1.5674 W
   Obviously, the quantity of heat which has been removed from the conductor to air, significantly depends on diameter of the conductor ds (see formulas (12), (13), (14), (15), (18)) and on length of the conductor ls. The more diameter of the conductor and its length, the more quantity of removed heat.
   Results of calculations of quantity of heat, which has been taken away from the copper conductor by length 1m for 1 sec for various values of its diameter, make with diameter of conductor 1 mm: Qs = Qck + Qr = 0.938 + 0.1162 = 0.9100 W; with diameter 1.5 mm: Qs = Qck + Qr = 1.0759 + 0.1743 = 1.2502 W; with diameter 2 mm: Qs = Qck + Qr = 1.3350 + 0.2324 = 1.5674 W. Dependence of both types of heat, removed from the conductor, on diameter is almost directly proportional, more precisely, has weak nonlinearity.
   Knowing quantity of heat which has been removed from the conductor for a unit of time to air, it is possible to find characteristic time τх for which everything being precipitated out in sick organ heat will be taken away from this organ. Let's use a ratio:
   Qor = Qs • τх (19)
   From (19) we will receive:
   Qor 58.98
   τх = -- = ---- = 37.642 sec.
   Qs 1.5674
   Thus, characteristic time makes 30 - 60 sec. However the source of heat works in sick organ constantly (long time). Therefore continuous heat removal is necessary. At such heat removal from sick organ there will be no its irreversible degeneration and it will gradually restore the initial functions, and its temperature will be maintained in close proximity to normal, and the internal source of excess heat can stop the existence or functioning, and in cases of impossibility of a complete elimination of a source of an inflammation (and it is frequent, especially at advanced age, difficult to make) which we called an additional source of heat, the last loses opportunity is destructive to influence structure and functions of appropriate organs. As a result time of their functioning in a normal mode is considerably extended.
   The difference of temperatures on axis and on a conductor surface in these conditions is defined by ratio:
   Qw • r²s
   (Тоs - Тсs) = ---- ,
   4 • λ
  where Tos - temperature on a conductor axis;
   Tcs - temperature of a surface of the conductor;
   rs - conductor radius;
   λ - coefficient of heat conductivity of a material of the conductor;
   qw ~ 100; rs ~ 0.001m; λ ~ 400 W/m•К.
   Therefore the difference of temperatures has an order: ~ (10⁻⁶ - 10⁻⁷)К.
   It is very small size.
   The specified examples and calculation were given for a conductor surface of open outside. In case it is partially closed, for example, by clothes, it is necessary to enter the relevant amendments. However even at fifty-percentage reduction of ventilation and a difference of temperatures of the conductor and environment the quantity of heat, which is taken away from the device, is quite sufficient at its continuous carrying gradually to reduce value of an enthalpy of the inflamed near-surface organ or zone to minimum and by that to bring this organ into an equilibrium condition (normal condition).
  Chapter 4.
  Technical characteristics of the device for change of heat content of the allocated zone of a body.
  4.1. The frame device for heat content change in the area of pelvis.
   The frame shunt contains in the two-link version (see fig.) the main, or the bearing ring part 2, placed slightly lower of waists with full coverage of a trunk in this part of body 1 and rather dense adhering to a projection of a zone of an inflammation [3]. Thereby the shunt section in area of backbone also has direct contact to an integument. The junction of both ends of bearing part 2 of the frame shunt for formation of the closed chain can be executed in the form of the elementary lock 3, for example, as a button-hole or a hook in order that it is easy to be unbuttoned.
   To bearing part 2 of the frame shunt on both opposite sides, that is from a stomach and a back of body 1 is attached the second - bottom - the part 4 of shunt -with inclusion in the closed chain, covering a crotch. Both or one junction 5 of both parts of the shunt 2 and 4 are executed in the presence of conducting contact to possibility of relocation, for example, in the form of a slip joint, for regulation of a tension of the lower part 4 shunt in order that rather dense adhering of this part of the shunt to a projection of a zone of an inflammation of body 1 could be reached. Other autonomous parts of already combined frame shunt can be installed in the form of the separate closed chains with contact of this or that section to the allocated zone. Separate parts of the shunt can be installed without additional fastenings, for example, on a neck, the top part of the head. Installation of autonomous parts of the shunt on legs or hands can be carried out by means of additional fastenings of any sort, for example mesh fixing bandages.
   The frame shunt also can be built in, in particular, in fitting pants (stringer) with coverage both lumbar area and the crotch sphere. Thus bearing part 2 of shunt can be fixed on the top edge of pants, and the lower part 4 of the shunt connected to bearing part 2 in front and behind, can be fixed on the average vertical line of pants in front and behind. The internal conducting surface of the shunt is free for its direct contact to a surface of a body 1. From outer side of the shunt in material of pants are executed vents for the most free circulation of heat streams. Tension adjustment of parts of the shunt for their dense adhering to a surface of skin can be carried out by one or several fasteners with regulating elements.
   The device works as follows.
   Previously it is carried out short - 3-5 seconds - high-temperature - 150-220C - processing of a material of the frame shunt from a copper wire for acquisition of the increased resistance by it to a break, for example, a copper wire with a diameter from 1 to 2 mm with the subsequent cleaning of its surface for ensuring normal conductivity.
   The additional plasticity acquired by a wire allows it to correspond to relief of a site of a body which it covers, and to provide satisfactory conducting contact, in particular in a place of the allocated zone on which surface settles down projection of the center of an inflammation. At first on a waist of body 1 is installed the ring part 2 of the frame shunt with size corresponding to this circle, connecting the ends of part 2 in the lock 3 having conducting contact (fig.). Lower part 4 of the frame shunt is connected from the opposite sides to bearing part 2 of the frame shunt by means of conducting contacts 5, at least, one of which is executed sliding for regulation of a tension of the lower part 4 the shunt. Thus, this part of the shunt covers zones of lumbar part of a backbone, a bladder, a prostate gland, genitals, direct intestines, and at its offset or installation of additional section can cover a zone of kidneys (fig.). The shunt can be executed in the form of a separate wire frame, and can be built in in fitting pants with performance of the above described functions. Other autonomous parts of the shunt can be installed and in other allocated zones, for example, on cervical site of a backbone with circular coverage of a neck, on a leg with circular coverage of the corresponding part of a leg, etc. In the presence of inflammatory process or at emergence of the inflammatory process under any section of the shunt via the frame shunt is carried out reduction of the excess energy precipitating in the center of an inflammation. Energy outflow in the form of heat, quasidirect current and induction current goes along conducting parts of the shunt 2 and 4 from inflammation zones to places with lower thermodynamic potential. As the result gradually the enthalpy in the center of an inflammation is decreased and the condition of relative equilibrium (homeostasis), or the minimum enthalpy is being established. As a result substantially in a zone of inflammations process of collapse of tissue is being slackened or stops and normal functioning of this organ is restored, its quality change is prevented.
   The specified passive system is automatic, that is at almost any deviation of this or that zone (organ) from a normal state, or a condition with the minimum enthalpy that, in particular, is fixed by temperature increase of a surface of a body in this place, the shunt will organize a gradual overflow of excess heat and currents in places with a smaller thermodynamic potential, returning system, or the inflammation center in given a case in a former equilibrium condition. The low-current of system of the frame shunt is compensated by its continuous action at the expense of stationary installation of the frame shunt on a body. Thus the user of the shunt doesn't feel any inconveniences as its weight depending on the section of a material fluctuates from several grams to 40 grams, seldom exceeding this size, and a copper, gold or silver wire practically don't interact with a skin. As it was already specified, optimum temperature mode for the shunt makes 17 - 32№C. This interval temperature provides optimum conditions of its functioning, creating on the average at continuous carrying of the shunt sufficient level of the heat removal for fight against inflammations and at the same time without allowing overcooling of zones of a body covered by the shunt. For this purpose, on the one hand, this or that type of ventilation, and on the another hand, a partial external covering, for example, a textile material of a surface of the shunt, provide in any season, both the normal heat removal, and blanking of low-temperature streams of air.
  4.2. The frame device for heat content change in the area of breast.
   The device contains (see fig.) three ring conducting circuits 2 from the copper wire, built in from an internal surface of a bodice 1. At the clasped bodice 1 full coverage of chest part of a trunk is provided by the closed conducting circuits with rather dense adhering its to skin, and for continuous control of density of a adhering of the shunt to a surface to a body regulating elements can be provided in a fastener. Thereby conducting circuits in area of mammary glands also have direct contact to an integument. The junction of both ends of each circuit 2 of device for formation of the closed chain can be also executed in the form of the elementary lock 3, for example, as a button-hole or a hook in order that it is easy to be unbuttoned.
   The fastener 3 bodice 1 can to be executed behind or in front. The number of the parts 2 of the frame shunt fixed in a bodice 1 can be increased to bigger quantity of parts or it can be reduced to two parts, thus formation of the closed conducting circuit of each part 2 is obligatory.
   Over each part of the shunt on perimeter in a material of a bodice 1 can be executed vent holes for increase of efficiency of the heat removal.
   The device works as follows.
   Previously it is carried out short - 3-5 seconds - high-temperature - 150-220C - processing of a material of the frame shunt from a copper wire for acquisition of the increased resistance by it to a break, for example, a copper wire with diameter from 1 to 2 mm with the subsequent cleaning of its surface for ensuring normal conductivity.
   The additional plasticity acquired by a wire allows it to correspond to relief of a site of a body which it covers, and to provide satisfactory conducting contact, in particular in a place of the allocated zone on which surface settles down projection of the center of an inflammation.
   Then fix, at least, two ring parts 2 of the shunt on bodice 1 inside with formation of conducting circuits of parts 2 at fixation (fastening) of a fastener 3 (fig.)
   Thus, at fastening of bodice or bandage the shunt covers zones of mammary glands, average part of a backbone, area of heart, lungs.
   In the presence of inflammatory process or at emergence of the inflammatory process under any section of the shunt via the frame shunt is carried out reduction of the excess energy precipitating in the center of an inflammation. Energy outflow in the form of heat, quasidirect current and induction current goes along conducting parts of the shunt 2 from inflammation zones to places with lower thermodynamic potential. As the result gradually the enthalpy in the center of an inflammation is decreased and the condition of relative equilibrium, or the minimum enthalpy is being established. As a result substantially in a zone of inflammations process of collapse of tissue is being slackened or stops and normal functioning of this organ is restored, its quality change is prevented.
   Similarly procedure can be carried out and in cervical section.
   The specified passive system is automatic, that is at almost any deviation of this or that zone (organ) from a normal state, or a condition with the minimum enthalpy that, in particular, is fixed by temperature increase of a surface of a body in this place, the shunt will organize a gradual overflow of excess heat and currents in places with a smaller thermodynamic potential, returning system, or the inflammation center in given case in a former equilibrium condition. The low-current of system of the frame shunt is compensated by its continuous action at the expense of stationary installation of the frame shunt on a body. Thus the user of the shunt doesn't feel any inconveniences as its weight depending on the section of a material fluctuates from several grams to several tens grams, seldom exceeding this size at the section 0.8 mm², and a copper, gold or silver wire practically don't interact with a skin.
   As it was already specified, optimum temperature mode are for the shunt 17 - 32№C. This interval temperature provides optimum conditions of its functioning, creating on the average at continuous carrying of the shunt sufficient level of the heat removal for fight against inflammations and at the same time without allowing overcooling of zones of a body covered by the shunt. For this purpose, on the one hand, this or that type of ventilation, and on the another hand, a partial external covering, for example, a textile material of a surface of the shunt, provide in any season, both the normal heat removal, and blanking of low-temperature streams of air.
   Continuous carrying of the shunt on a body at all doesn't mean impossibility of its removal together with a bodice or a bandage, for example, when performing any physiological procedures or in some cases for the night. However continuous wearing of a bodice with the shunt compensates, for example, continuous action of a source of a chronic inflammation, providing continuous removal of excess heat that, finally, leads to slackening of an inflammation or even to its elimination.
   At a local slow inflammation in any organ for any of several reasons which doesn't give in to elimination, energy, generally warmly is constantly made superfluous in comparison with healthy organs. There is a change of a mode of functioning of organ for a long time. Depending on age, a condition of organ or a site of a body, a way of life this factor sooner or later, but inevitably leads to gradual collapse of cages, change of structure of organ, disorganization of its functions. Thus it should be noted that it is a question of chronic inflammations, that is incessant inflammations at which restoration of normal functioning of near-surface organ or a zone doesn't happen, owing to slackening of protective forces of an organism. For mammary glands it is characteristic at advanced age. Therefore often it is necessary to amputate one breast or both female breasts.
   The bodice with the built-in shunt solves this problem automatically.
  4.3. The device for change of heat content of various zones of an inflammation on the basis of a substrate with a conducting covering.
   On fig. 1-a and 1-b the option of a frame which can be used, in particular, at rounded superficial relief, for example, in a waist [5] is shown. In this zone can be installed the flattened frame 1 containing metal conductors 2 from silver, gold, copper or their alloys, plotted on a flexible thin substrate 6 of artificial polymeric fabrics. As the chosen material of conductors has high plasticity, and modern methods of drawing of metal coverings, for example, a supersonic or magnetron dusting of metals on the specified types of substrates, provide good adhesion so far as at applied values of radius of curvature, minimum from which corresponds to a wrist circle, and rather small thickness of a covering - 15-200 microns, in case of a bend of a frame 1 at coverage of the allocated zones by it, there is no breaking off or fall of the plotted (dusted) conductor. Thus for providing a demanded heat transfer at the thickness of metal covering 80 microns the minimum perimeter of a substrate in its lateral cross section makes 10 mm. At reduction of thickness of a covering the substrate perimeter respectively increases. Thickness and width of the single frame 1 with a substrate 3 are limited to the sizes and a relief of the allocated zones for which rather dense contact to a conducting surface of a frame has to be provided. Therefore thickness of a substrate 3 makes 0.4 - 1.5 mm, and the sizes of its perimeter in a lateral cross section - from 10 mm to 60 mm. The junction of both ends of a frame 1 for formation of the closed chain can be executed in the form of the elementary fastener 4, such, for example, as a button-hole or a hook in order that it is easy to be unbuttoned.
   On fig. 2 is shown the option of a frame 1, with this or that type of imposing of the conductor 2 in the form of the flattened wire, for example, wound on a substrate 3 which can be used, in particular, at flattened superficial relief, for example, in forehead area . The junction of both ends of a frame 1 for formation of the closed chain can be executed in the form of the elementary fastener 4, such, for example, as a button-hole or a hook in order that it is easy to be unbuttoned.
   The frame 1 with a substrate 3 can be executed both single with the specified parameters, and consisting of several narrow sections connected among themselves by conductors for use at more difficult relief of a surface, for example, on an ankle or a neck. At joint of conductors of separate sections by crosspieces from the same metal or an alloy, as these conductors (type-setting frames), total minimum parameters respectively on thickness of a metal covering and perimeter of substrates in their lateral cross section of all connected sections same, as for the above described single frame, but for each separate section they can be selected on width and thickness depending on possibility of fuller contact of conductors with a surface of body and convenience of the user.
   The device works as follows.
   Each option of offered design possesses flexibility and satisfies to that during the fastening and adjustment dense contact of conductor to a surface of the allocated zone of body was provided. Thus, the frame 1 (figs. 1, 2) practically duplicates a relief of a site of object which the frame 1 embraces, and it provides the most satisfactory conducting contact of piece, in particular in a place of the allocated zone, on a surface which the projection of the center of a chronic inflammation settles down.
   Installation of options of the device shown on figs 1, 2 is similar also in these or those allocated zones, for example, on legs with circular coverage of the corresponding part of a leg, in lumbar area, on hands, etc. Besides for the parts of a body closed by clothes it is possible to install the device on an internal surface of underwear removably or permanently.
   At emergence or course of inflammatory process under any part of the device contacting to skin, through the closed conductors of a covering frame 1 is carried out reduction of the excess heat which is being allocated in the center of an inflammation. Outflow of heat goes on conductors 2 from inflammation zones to places with lower thermodynamic potential. As the result gradually the enthalpy in the center of an inflammation is depressed and the condition of relative equilibrium, or the minimum enthalpy, that is the condition close on the thermodynamic characteristics to a condition of this zone up to an inflammation is being established.
   The specified passive system is automatic, that is at almost any deviation of this or that zone (organ) from a normal condition, or a condition with the minimum enthalpy that, in particular, is fixed by temperature increase of a surface of a body in this place, the shunt will organize a gradual overflow of excess heat and currents to places with a smaller thermodynamic potential, returning system, or the inflammation center in given a case in a former equilibrium condition. The low-current of system of the frame shunt is compensated by its continuous action at the expense of stationary installation of the frame shunt on a body. Thus the user of the device doesn't feel any inconveniences as the weight of its metal component depending on the cross section of a material fluctuates from several grams at the cross section 0.8 mm ² up to 200 grams at cross section about 12 mm ², and a copper, gold or silver wire practically don't interact with a skin.
   Optimum temperature mode for the shunt makes 17 - 32№C. This interval temperature provides optimum conditions of its functioning, creating on the average at continuous carrying of the shunt sufficient level of the heat removal for fight against inflammations and at the same time without allowing overcooling of zones of a body covered by the shunt. For this purpose, on the one hand, this or that type of ventilation, and on the another hand, a partial external covering, for example, a textile material of a surface of the shunt, provide in any season, both the normal heat removal, and blanking of low-temperature streams of air.
   Continuous carrying of the shunt on a body at all doesn't mean impossibility of its removal together with a bodice or a bandage, for example, when performing any physiological procedures or in some cases for the night. However continuous wearing of the shunt compensates, for example, continuous action of a source of a chronic inflammation, providing continuous removal of excess heat that, finally, leads to slackening of an inflammation or even to its elimination.
   At a local slow inflammation in any organ for any of several reasons which doesn't give in to elimination, energy, generally warmly is constantly made superfluous in comparison with healthy organs. There is a change of a mode of functioning of organ for a long time. Depending on age, a condition of organ or a site of a body, a way of life this factor sooner or later, but inevitably leads to gradual collapse of cages, change of structure of organ, disorganization of its functions. Thus it should be noted that it is a question of chronic inflammations, that is incessant inflammations at which restoration of normal functioning of near-surface organ or a zone doesn't happen, owing to slackening of protective forces of an organism.
  4.4. The frame device for change of heat content of joints.
   The device contains a frame 1 in the form of the squeezed closed conducting circuit from several not adjoining internal coils (fig. 1) [5]. The frame is executed from silver, gold, copper or their alloys in the form, for example, of flattened or usual wire with cross section 0.8 mm ², or perimeter about 3 mm. The frame length - 14 cm, width - 2 cm, the extent of the closed conducting circuit makes about 1 meter. The circuit contains three internal zigzag longitudinal coils (fig.1), or six longitudinal conductors, connected outside in single closed circuit. Contact of longitudinal conductors of the frame 1 is excluded, that is between them is remained the air interval, thanks to fixing and decorative details 2 made from weakly conducting materials, for example, from cupronickel, plastic, etc., soldered or attached to circuit elements from above and at end faces of the frame 1 (fig .2).
   These fixing and decorative details 2 can have a various configuration and serve not only fixture, but are additional decoration of a design, creating this or that decorative look or a pattern, allowing at the same time to a design to be bent in not closed ring-shaped structure which radius of curvature can change without design collapse, that is at divorce of end faces the radius of curvature increases a little. It is necessary for putting on a bracelet on the wrist. Then at compression of end face parts of a bracelet for its fixing on a wrist the radius of curvature decreases that doesn't allow a bracelet to be displaced from a wrist or to dangle on it. At this fixing these or those parts of the bottom surface of conductors of a frame 1 constantly contact to a surface of the allocated zones of an inflammation, for example, with joints on a wrist. The specified materials possess the property of plasticity and its design allows to be fixed in quite wide limits a bracelet on various wrists in spanning.
   Coils of the squeezed circuit of the frame 1 can be located in the plane of the frame 1 in various image if only coils of a circuit had no contact one with another or this contact was through fixing and decorative details with weak heat conductivity, such as cupronickel, plastic, etc.
   Similar designs of other sizes can be installed and on other parts of a body, such as a forehead, a neck, ankles, knees, elbows. Thus in case of use of design on knees or elbows, it can be installed only at night that is when the body is in almost motionless situation, or the design can be mounted on known designs of kneecaps, etc. Besides, a covering frame 1 of similar design can be a removable element on underwear, for example, pants, brassieres, etc. However in this case for ensuring free circulation of heat streams the underwear contacting from above with the conductors of the frame 1 have to be nondense or mesh.
   In some cases the sector between end faces of not closed frame 1 can be changed, at preservation of minimum possible surface area of conductors of a closed circuit, from
  0№ to 180№, that is in different degree of proximity to plane option, for seating of frame on these or those local sites of near-surface inflammations, for example, such close to plane parts, as a back, a breast, and with its holding on the allocated site by means of known clampers: harnesses, leaky bandages, outsets at end faces, an adhesive tape, etc.
   The frame 1 can be executed both single with the specified parameters, and consisting of several integrated sections, each of which makes a close circuit, for use at more difficult relief of a surface of a body, for example, on an ankle or a neck.
   The device works as follows.
   The frame 1 possesses plasticity and can be fixed, for example, on various wrists on spanning, providing that contact of a surface of conductors to a surface of the allocated zone of a body, in this case, with jutting joints. Thus, the frame 1 covers the corresponding site of a body and at the same time provides satisfactory conducting contact of the conductors to the allocated zone on which surface is located the projection of the center of a chronic inflammation.
   At emergence or course of inflammatory process under any part of the device contacting to skin, through the closed conductors of a covering frame 1is carried out reduction of the excess heat which is allocating in the center of an inflammation. Outflow of excess heat goes on conductors of a frame 1 from inflammation zone to places with lower thermodynamic potential. As the result gradually enthalpy level in the center of an inflammation is depressed and the condition of relative equilibrium, or the minimum enthalpy, that is the condition close on the thermodynamic characteristics to a condition of this zone up to an inflammation is being established.
   Thus heat streams freely circulate on the closed conducting circuit and heat energy as a result of convection and heat radiation is transferred through a surface of conductors of the closed circuit making the frame 1, into the air, having smaller temperature, surrounding conductors.
   Thus heat streams freely circulate on the closed conducting circuit and heat energy as a result of convection and heat radiation is transferred through a surface of conductors of the closed circuit making the frame 1, into the air, having smaller temperature, surrounding conductors.
   The specified passive system is automatic, that is at almost any deviation of this or that zone (organ) from a normal condition, or a condition with the minimum enthalpy that, in particular, is fixed by temperature increase of a surface of a body in this place, the shunt will organize a gradual overflow of excess heat and currents to places with a smaller thermodynamic potential, returning system, or the inflammation center in given a case in a former equilibrium condition. The low-current of system of the frame shunt is compensated by its continuous action at the expense of stationary installation of the frame shunt on a body. Thus the user of the device doesn't feel any inconveniences as the weight of its metal component depending on the cross section of a material fluctuates from 10 grams up to 40 grams, and a copper, gold or silver wire practically don't interact with a skin.
   Optimum temperature mode for the shunt makes 17 - 32№C. This interval temperature provides optimum conditions of its functioning, creating on the average at continuous carrying of the shunt sufficient level of the heat removal for fight against inflammations and at the same time without allowing overcooling of zones of a body covered by the shunt. For this purpose, on the one hand, this or that type of ventilation, and on the another hand, a partial external covering, for example, a textile material of a surface of the shunt, provide in any season, both the normal heat removal, and blanking of low-temperature streams of air.
   Continuous carrying of the shunt on a body at all doesn't mean impossibility of its removal, for example, when performing any physiological procedures or in some cases for the night. However continuous wearing of the shunt compensates, for example, continuous action of a source of a chronic inflammation, providing continuous removal of excess heat that, finally, leads to slackening of an inflammation or even to its elimination.
   The medicine, as we know, isn't omnipotent. Often therapeutic methods of treatment are based on quite superficial ideas of the reasons of diseases and therefore can't offer effective methods of treatment. It, in particular, belongs to numerous chronic inflammations which are called chronic because the chronic is usually interpreted as old, constant, in other words, incurable.
   Really, for example, at advanced age it is hardly possible to eliminate an inflammation of joints as any medical means can't restore protective forces of an organism and process of an inflammation goes constantly, destroying tissue. And all were compelled to be reconciled with it.
   However the thermodynamics and heat physics can present any zone of a body as the local system having, despite the absence of exact information on the processes passing at cellular level, known physical parameters, such as the volume, pressure, temperature. These parameters and derivative of them parameters differ for zones of a chronic inflammation from the adjacent zones of a body with normal functioning. In particular, as a rule, in zones of an inflammation the heat content level raises as a result of work of these or those ineradicable processes causing a constant inflammation.
   Existence of processes against which it is impossible to fight, at all doesn't mean that consequences of these processes can't be slackened significantly or even to eliminate. Another matter: whether it is possible and as it to reach.
   Historical practice in the form of use at inflammations, bruises of ice compresses and copper coins prompts the necessary way. The thermodynamics prompts also that at local inflammatory processes or quality change of organ, for example, as a result of difficult connected processes in this organ or a zone of a body, the additional heat is allocated, the intensity of electric potentials grows. And the heat physics says that there are many opportunities for removal of it, harmful, heat (energy) at chronic inflammations.
   However it is important that removal of this harmful heat, or excess heat at chronic inflammations has to be constant in order to energetically appropriate organ wasn't exposed to overloads. And, if to achieve it, then it isn't so important that work of internal processes of allocation of excess energy can't be stopped as that is important that continuous removal of this excess energy interferes with it negatively to influence tissue of organ or a body zone. Certainly, completely it is impossible to eliminate consequences of harmful work of this "internal source" as there are also other canals of impact on tissue. But, as practice shows, at the heat removal there is an essential slackening of chronic inflammations, removal of pains and respectively the transition to more comfortable existence of person is being carried out.
   Lightweight frame high-conductivity shunts, for example, of a copper wire of the given designs with the specified parameters can be made without big efforts independently and you can carry them without removing or removing for the night. It can be wire kneecaps, belts on a waist, bracelets on wrists, hoops on a neck or the head, etc. It isn't excluded that shortly on sale there will be the underwear reinforced by a thin conducting wire, etc.
   These elementary designs, organizing continuous outflow of excess energy from inflammation zones, will allow local sites to function in normal mode, will relieve of pains as well as from vain expenses for hopeless process of treatments of that it is impossible to cure.
   List of references
  1. Aryev T.Y. Thermal defeats. Leningrad. Medicine. 1966, pages 459 - 460.
  2. Mikheyev M. A., Mikheyev I.M. Heat transfer bases. M. Energy. 1977, pages 38 - 41; 58; 95 - 96; 166 - 182; 330).
  3. Patent 2304987 RU, A61N 1/14. The device for change of an enthalpy of the allocated zone of bioobject (options). Y. M. Nizovtsev.
  4. Patent 2304945 RU, A61F 7/00. The device for change of a heat content of local zones of a body of the person (options). Y.M. Nizovtsev, V. M. Nizovtsev.
  5. Patent 2350302 RU, A61F 7/00. The device for change of an enthalpy of the allocated zone of biological object (options). Y.M. Nizovtsev, A.Y.Nizovtsev.
  Abbreviated text with illustrations posted on the site www.litres.ru
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О.Болдырева "Крадуш. Чужие души" М.Николаев "Вторжение на Землю"

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Кожевенное мастерство | Сайт "Художники" | Доска об'явлений "Книги"