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The explanation of the facts of acceleration and deceleration of time

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    Science still cannot explain the widely known and numerous facts of acceleration and deceleration of time, in particular, apparent acceleration of time in an old age. These facts find an explanation from a position of representation of time in this work as informational product.

  The explanation of the facts of acceleration and deceleration of time
  As a preamble we will note that the facts of acceleration and deceleration of time indicate its duality: in one - the general, or external time - all living things are located, in another - own time, which is capable to be slowed down or accelerated, each living being receives relative independence.
  At least, own time depends on the specific living being since, in particular, fainting or death are for it respectively, temporary or continuous loss of own time.
  If one's own time can be slowed down and accelerated, it turns out that every living being can influence it; in other words, every living being is unconsciously or consciously able to form own time, and not just be in it.
  If the "external" time suddenly disappears, the conditions for existence of all living things will also disappear. On the contrary, the complete absence of living beings will lead to disappearance of their own time, without which the "external" time passes into the category of non-existence, since there is no one to perceive it.
  In other words, both types of time do not exist without each other, but both types of time are provided by living beings, that is, consciousness.
  Since time immemorial, time on Earth has been measured by people in accordance to periodic processes, associated with the rotation of the planet around its axis - a full revolution occurs in a day - and with the rotation of Earth around the Sun - a full revolution occurs in a year.
  In terms of physics these periodic changes, going consistently, create a progressive course of events, or time in which we live, that is time in physics is considered a form of passage of these or those processes, or the condition of possibility of changes.
  Thus, still it is considered that we live in some external sequence of events with almost not changing temporary stream, within which all processes, including the most complex ones, they have no influence on the uniform, continuous and constant "course" of time.
  The fact that such approach to the concept of time is not quite adequate was shown in the special theory of relativity by Einstein.
  The matter is that in ours - terrestrial - conditions this "external" time really remains almost invariable, that is at rather low speeds of the movement of such macroscopic objects as people on Earth it is impossible to notice these changes. These conditions primarily include the following parameters of the speed of movement of the system of our residence: the linear speed of movement of any point on Earth at the equator (the highest axial speed) is about 0.5 km/s, and about 30 km/s in orbit around the Sun.
  Albert Einstein also showed the dependence of time on the speed of an object: time for the object, on which the observer is located, slows down with the growth of the object's speed, which becomes especially noticeable at speeds close to the speed of light (300,000 km/sec).
  It means that time as a form of passage of these or those processes, in principle, can change depending on these or those conditions.
  That is the general concept of the invariance of time turns out, at least, doubtful what, on the other hand, is confirmed by change of time not only for some physical objects, but also for living beings with change of conditions in which they are.
  In particular, it is known that the pace of life and, consequently, its duration within the framework of astronomical, or calendar, or "external" time can differ for many types of living beings in tens, hundreds, thousands and millions of times.
  If a person lives about 70 years, sometimes living up to 120 years, then a hummingbird or a mouse - only a few years old, living on average up to 4 and 8 years, respectively; Madagascar cockroach - turtle lives about 7 years, and the life span of the Solenobia butterfly from the Bagdocket family is only a few minutes.
  The mollusk - the European pearl oyster - lives about 250 years; large turtles also live up to this age, Antarctic sponges and some oaks live up to 1500 years, sequoias - up to 2000 years.
  However, to explain the facts of a change in the "course" (pace) of time both for different types of living beings, and for a particular person in certain circumstances in the form of slowing down or speeding up, whereas often for the neighbors of the same person the "course" of time does not change, by change of some physical parameters, as Einstein managed to show, does not work, although the real facts of similar change are obvious.
  Here are the most known of them.
  Faster "current" of time is clearly felt by each person in old age if, of course, he lives up to it. In particular, old men with surprise notice that they for day do not manage to make the same they managed that in earlier years.
  Time for them, as it were, is speeding up its course: ordinary affairs no longer fit into the usual framework, much has to be shifted to "tomorrow." And the difference of their own - changed - time during the day with the "external" time of the day, that is, the loss of time, can be up to three or four ordinary hours.
  In addition, the elderly notice that their reaction to external signals is often delayed. Therefore, it becomes difficult for them to drive a car, the speech of the interlocutor or the TV commentator increasingly does not reach their consciousness, although in itself their intelligence in terms of acumen, may not suffer significant losses.
  Also, everyone already knows that the days, saturated with affairs and worries, slip insensibly, while the days of idleness, or the days "empty" from affairs, stretch endlessly, as well as the time for a prisoner in a solitary cell, where nothing happens, flows in a slowed-up way.
  These facts do not fall under the known laws of physics, and psychologists try to designate them as seemingly or purely subjective.
  There are also attempts to reduce these phenomena to energetic, chemical or even mystical factors, that can only laugh more or less educated public.
  In addition to the above facts, there is an obvious, but still unexplained, acceleration or deceleration of each person"s own time, depending on the routine situation, are known and described in many sources relatively rare facts of changes in the pace of one's own time, occurring, as a rule, in extreme cases.
  Various sources describe the military episodes associated with the evasion of some soldiers from arrows, bullets, shell fragments, mines flying at a speed of 100 - 150 m/sec.
  All the soldiers who have passed this phenomenon tell about it this way: there is a short-term visual slowing down of the movement of arrows, bullets or fragments so that they can be monitored and evaded them.
  In particular, the soldier F.N. Filatov during the moment of explosion of a shell near him fell into a state in which the moment of explosion "extended" so that he saw how on the case of a shell fiery cracks run, metal of the shell tears and splinters scatter slowly [1].
  Time of any living being, in particular, the person as it will seem strange in comparison with the dogmatic views of modern science, which objectifies it as a frame for passing of certain processes, actually is information process, during which material objects are identified by consciousness by means of scanning by it surroundings with the help of instruments which are at its order (sense organs in combination with the processing centers).
  Incoming to consciousness, more precisely, in its relevant centers the impulses from sense organs (information packages) contain the coded data on material objects which the consciousness was capable to identify. These signals merge in consciousness in a picture of incessantly changing surrounding, inasmuch the pause between the impulses arriving one after another is obliterated in consciousness of living being at the expense of a certain duration of processing of every portion of information and arising thereby the delay, doing for consciousness the discrete process of receipt of information by continuous (a perception threshold).
  If we proceed from this position, pace of flow of time for every individual human consciousness depends on the volume of information (the amount and content of information packets), incoming in the processing centers of the human body, and on the speed of processing of the incoming information in these centers [2. Ch. 1.3].
  In normal circumstances, for each person of his own time "flows" ordinary, not changing own pace: he fixes time in accordance with such external factors as the hour hand, the movement of the sun across the sky and other periodic phenomena.
  Nevertheless, a person creates his own time himself - as if parallel to external cyclical changes or as if investing it in this "external" time, whereas all events initially occur in the person"s own time. But because of their fluidity and forced comparison of these events with the "external" time, in the human consciousness is made automatic binding them to this "external" time, which everyone considers the only and unchanged, although the reality refutes every day it.
  "External" time in itself is reflection of fixing by the person in his present the changes of material objects, which are independent from him, inaccessible for it, that is it is an external frame of his life.
  In other words, while living in own time, a person is at the same time within the framework of the general time, which he regards as external and objective for self him, and modern science does not object to this until now.
  As for the continuity of time, then the illusion of a smooth current of time is created by the fact that consciousness of the person owing to his physiological features isn't capable to notice pulse character of the arriving information.
  The general information packet for every moment passes to brain neurons from different human organs in the form of sequences of nervous pulses, in each of which the relevant information is included. Speed of distribution of nervous pulses fluctuates in the range from 1 m/s to 120 m/s. Frequency and character of pulse sequence, bearing, in particular, visual information depend on intensity and spectral content of light, at this value and duration of separate pulse don't depend by nature and power of irritation.
  Directly after pulse generation the nervous fiber is in, so-called, refractory state and can't be excited again during 1-2 milliseconds, i.e. the nervous fiber is able to conduct nervous pulses with a frequency not higher than 500 Hz. Duration of the pulse which is passing along a nervous fiber makes shares of millisecond in every "moment" - it is near to lag time, i.e. to duration of restoration of a nervous fiber (a refractory state).
  The pause between nervous pulses, containing information means that they don't go continuously. However, this pause is below a threshold of sensations and therefore doesn't get to consciousness: in particular, the moving picture for consciousness of the person is supported by the interval between the running consecutive shots about 0.04 seconds, which makes the specified threshold. Its duration, as can be seen more than 10 times of the duration of a pause. Therefore, the discrete sequential moments of own time of the person which include in its sequence all pictures and all events of life for the person, merge in the continuous, indivisible flow in his consciousness.
  Here, in this process own time of the person arises which he unconsciously replaces by external periodic time though actually a source of his own time (his "now") is he self, whereas a source of "external" (general) time is the single consciousness [2. Ch. 1.2].
  This "now" of a person is a condition for modification by him of the surrounding. On this condition he, partially instinctively, automatically, partially consciously selects from the environment, which can be infinitely diverse, only those data which give in to decryption by his sensations, which act in conjunction with processing centers of the organism, or information.
  It is possible to qualify this condition as own time of a person because in it sequentially arise moments, formed by his organ senses and his processing centers, in the form of a moving picture of surrounding in which events occur, and he can be in them directly involved, that and makes his life.
  If we turn to the origins, the time in the holographic projection, which is the basis of beingness, in the form of separate durations of the positions of update creates the possibility for the formation of the current smooth time with movement, space and things due to the "clutch" of positions of update in each individual consciousness, and the "gap" between them (positions of update) consciousness of a human being does not perceive, imagining the holographic frequency copies thereby as merging in the form of these or those things and the phenomena, known to us.
  That is, what we believe to be a reality, a world, moving objects arises for any living being as a result of the "clutch" of the positions of renewal in each individual consciousness, presenting its "now".
  And surrounding imperceptibly for consciousness of living beings arises anew, slightly changed each subsequent moment, making up a movement in the totality of moments like a movie on the screen.
  Thus, own time of a person is an information process, representing copying of changes of the material objects surrounding the person, in the form of the irreversible sequence of the discrete durations, bearing information, which merge in consciousness in a picture of incessantly changing surroundings [2. Ch. 1.3].
  At the same time, it should be noted that the pace of own time of different types of living beings which is "inscribed" in the external terrestrial time, seeming invariable, can significantly differ: for a butterfly-ephemera life cycle makes one day, for some microbes - in seconds and minutes, and sequoias live more than one thousand years.
  It is considered that life expectancy mainly depends on the metabolic rate, which is determined by the life strategy (selection): with high fecundity, you cannot care about the offspring - in this case, the life expectancy is small; and vice versa.
  Nevertheless, there is no explanation of the mechanism itself, which provides life cycles of species of living beings that are so different in calendar duration.
  From a position of representation of own time of living beings as process of receiving and data processing from objects of the external environment, or, in other words, as the information process representing change of material objects through an irreversible sequence of discrete moments, merging inside the consciousness of a living being into a continuous stream, the substantially different life expectancy of different types of living beings is explained by different speed of information processing in the corresponding centers of organisms, the derivative of which is the metabolic rate. The very same calendar or total, or external time for all creatures on the planet with a different pace of life cycle remains almost unchanged.
  There are examples of changes in the rate of "flow" of one's own, or "present" time - its acceleration and deceleration - for specific groups of people and individuals. At the same time, the usual (external, or general) time does not change its course.
  This strange and inexplicable both for people, and for science the phenomenon quite gives in to an explanation from a position of representation of own time of the person (any living being) as information process, during which the rate of "flow" of time for each individual human consciousness, or his own time, depends on the volume of information coming to the processing centers of a human body and from the rate of processing of the arriving information in these centers.
  Thus, change of the rate of "flow" of time for the specific person, or his own time, can be qualified as change of volume of information processed by his centers or change of the rate of its processing that is not directly related to the "external" time, though each person believes "external", as if surrounding him, time, by the only type of time. Therefore, the factor of change of the course of own time about which he doesn't know, the person considers as miracle or absolutely inexplicable phenomenon.
  The change of "flow" of time, caused by reduction in the rate of processing of the arriving information, is the faster "flow" of time in old age which is felt by each person living till these years.
  The matter is that the general aging of an organism affects parts of a brain responsible for information processing, arriving from sense organs: they are exposed to the sclerotic and other changes, complicating their work, therefore at advanced age the same volume of information is processed more and more slowly per day in comparison with young years. It "eats" up to the sixth part of own time of elderly people though "current" of "external" time, making 24 hours a day, remains unchanged and for middle-aged people, it almost coincides with their own time.
  The elderly themselves with surprise notice that they do not have time for a day to do the same that had been possible in earlier years. Time for them as if accelerates its course: ordinary things no longer fit in the traditional framework, and a lot of things have to shift on "tomorrow".
  This fact of acceleration of own time of the person (his "now") can be qualified as a consequence of reduction in the rate of processing of approximately identical volume of information arriving in a day that is equivalent to growth of volume of the arriving information at loss by the processing centers of their efficiency.
  Acceleration of time happens also at a reverse situation when information processing rate practically remains to a constant, but the volume of the arriving information for certain period increases. In particular, the contents of information packages in certain period of "external" time can significantly change: visible example of this circumstance is days sated with affairs and cares which slip imperceptibly. According to this increase in volume of information is compacted time.
  In comparison with the days sated with affairs, the days of inaction last "eternally" - day, "empty" from affairs, lasts unceasingly, just as time "flows" in slowed-up rate for the prisoner in a solitary confinement where nothing occurs. In these cases the content of information packages practically doesn't change. According to this decrease in volume of the arriving information takes place some kind of "stretching" of own time of the person.
  Information thereby makes own time of the person every day, being, in fact, the content of his life.
  Significant change of information streams means radical vital changes for him, leading to change in himself.
  Therefore, the person instinctively seeks at least to keep flows of information, being engaged in everyday various affairs, generally on a workplace even if this work isn't interesting to him; the person seeks to learn news from different sources even if they directly are not affected him; he communicates with friends, members of the family etc. Loss of the main information channels owing to an illness, resignations, divorce, unemployment, etc. means true catastrophe, often almost equivalent to loss of life for each person.
  In various documentary literature is described the cases of time dilation, but the most relief meet only in extreme situations and happen only to some people, being qualified by them as a miracle.
  The most common and documented is war episodes connected with evasion of some soldiers from arrows, bullets, shell splinters, mines, flying at a speed of 100 - 150 km/h.
  The soldiers, who have passed this phenomenon, describe him so: there is a short-term visual slowdown of movement of arrows, bullets or splinters as much, that behind them it was possible to watch and evade from them.
  This phenomenon is ignored by official science, inasmuch the phenomenon remains unclear for science, i.e. not falling under action of the known laws of physics.
  From a position of qualification of time as the information process which is carried out consciousness through sense organs, rate of processing of the same volume of information in the human body can increase in tens of times if the person as a result of a personal stress or concentration by a technique known to him or intuitively manages short-time to switch centers, usually governing metabolism, work of intestines, reduction of muscles, etc., to the information processing connected with flight of a bullet, in addition to corresponding to parts of a brain.
  Thereby there is an opportunity of the essential slow down (but short-term because of necessary return the connected - others on functional accessory - centers to processing of visual information) of own time of this individual already due to a multiple increase in the speed of processing the same amount of information in the human body, producing a sharp acceleration of a person"s reaction to what is happening, which affects his visual sensations in the form of deceleration of the fly time of the bullet several times: the bullet becomes visible for the subject and relatively slow flying, so that there is an opportunity to evade it. The rest of the neighbors of the subject the fly of the bullet, too fast flying for the eyes, do not fix so how their consciousness in the form of own time does not change in relation to the "external" time.
  This process of acceleration of information processing by a person with the corresponding slowdown of own time for him is opposite of acceleration of the elderly"s own time as a result of a reduction in the processing speed by the corresponding parts of the brain of information arriving every day, that is, slowing down the response of the elderly to what is happening produces the effect of tangible reducing daytime for them, but along with that the daytime astronomical (external) time remains practically coinciding with the own time of middle-aged people.
  By the way, we note that in these phenomena is manifested, dependence, derivativeness of the motion as such, from time, and, in turn, dependence of time as processing of information from consciousness - exactly consciousness of a person mainly by means of a brain is engaged in similar processing.
  Speed of movement of an arrow or a pistol bullet makes 100-150 m/s and, naturally, the person in a usual state can't fix a trajectory of its movement. If the processing speed of the same volume of incoming visual information increases by an order of magnitude, increasing by the same value the speed of a person's reaction to external phenomena, then the corresponding slowdown of his own time reduces the bullet's movement speed to 10 meters per second in human perception.
  In this case, the person is quite capable of reacting to its movement.
  The same applies to the evasion of scattering fragments in the explosion of a grenade or mine, the speed of dispersion of which is about hundred meters per second.
  For other people, no owning by "art" of connection of the additional centers of an organism to information processing, naturally, no change of "flow" of own time does not occur.
  So there is no miracle here, but there is a need of instant connection of all "computer" resources of an organism that happens extremely seldom, so how depends on specific features of a human body and his reaction to a stress.
  This slowing down of "flow" of own time for the person in 5 - 10 times similar to filming by "rapid" at which the speed of the movement of a tape in a movie camera specially increases, that corresponds to the bigger volume of information, fixed on a film for the same interval. As a result, when scrolling recorded material with a usual speed the viewer observes on the screen moving of objects to tens of times more slowly, and, in particular, he can see the flight of a bullet.
  All given examples concern to the specific subject of consciousness who, staying in own time, along with that is in "external" time. From "current" of the "external time he can deviate for a short time with multiple changes in own time, but relatively small changes in own time occur almost every day during life, depending on the changing conditions of existence.
  Astronomical or calendar time can be called external to each individual subject of consciousness, since it as if seems to encompass the time of each subject.
  Similar phenomenon with a person's own time occurs because it is formed by its own senses and information processing centers, and, of course, depends on them, and the "external" time is formed not by him personally, but by all set of living beings through single-multiple consciousness [2. Ch. 1.2, 1.3]. This time is external for each individual subject of consciousness, since it as if contains own time of each subject, and these subjects usually do not distinguish it with the external, only sometimes wondering at their discrepancy, but not trying to explain this due to the lack of a base for this explanation.
  Thus, a person's own time for a relatively short period of time (several seconds) - due to the limited resources of the control centers of the body - can significantly slow down thanks the temporary joint action of different functional centers to help one of them. These centers are located in the brain and spinal cord, as well as in the intestine. The possibility of the accelerated reaction to influence of an environment, acquired for several seconds, allows this subject to get out of the seemingly hopeless situation without losses, since the people around him and other objects function in the same mode of normal time.
  To illustrate the actions of a subject who has learned to transfer himself to a state of slowing down his own time, you can watch the American film "The Great Equalizer", in which the main character, getting advantages during several seconds of "external" time, "stretched" in ten times, effortlessly cracks down on skilled armed mercenaries-professionals like a cat with mice.
  Therefore, all events for each subject of consciousness (its own time) are "inscribed" into frameworks of smoothly current "external" time, in which galaxies rotate, the sun rises and sets, after summer comes autumn, the time of youth is replaced by old age, stars "walk" across the sky - everything flows smoothly and periodically. Though actually and this "external" time doesn't remain invariable: sooner or later stars burn out, universes are collapsed, arise again and so on - to infinity, creating a necessary background, more precisely, conditions for existence in beingness of conscious (live) beings with their own time.
  So each living being itself forms own time with the hidden assistance of single consciousness, but all set of living beings representing individual consciousnesses forms the general, or "external" time, in which each living being dwells. In this process is manifested the unity of all living beings, each of which in own consciousness in own basis - a holographic projection - coincides with single consciousness, and, on the contrary, single consciousness is manifested in each individual consciousness.
  In other words, the "external" time, which includes global beingness, is formed by all set of individual consciousnesses, each of which coincides with single consciousness in the basis - a holographic projection. This "external" time is a necessary condition (as if the house) for existence of single consciousness already in the divided form - as individual types of consciousness, presented by living beings who find themselves into own time, but within "external" time which represents single consciousness by all set of living beings [2. Ch. 1.2; 1.3].
  Besides the facts and the phenomena given above, two limit situations for own time of living beings, i.e. for the organisms-systems having consciousness are very curious.
  One limit case relating to a ratio of volume of information and opportunities of the system, which accepts this volume, consists in reduction of information flows to a minimum or in general - to the termination of receipt of information into system.
  Opposite case in this regard is the situation when the volume of the arriving information begins to exceed possibilities of the centers which process it.
  In the first case, disappearance or elimination information, which was arriving to system-organism due to various reasons, stops normal functioning of system, inasmuch the course of the events initiated by inflow of information is stopped that is equivalent for system-organism to loss of time sense, i.e. own time of system is nullified.
  Emergence of a similar situation means transition of system, at least, to the "sleeping" mode, and for the person lack of inflow of information is his gradual degradation.
  Loss of time sense has been visually confirmed with experiments with volunteers in the depth of a dark cave who gradually lost the feeling of course of time.
  As for degradation, it inevitably and quickly enough happens to the prisoners, deprived of any contacts with world around.
  Cases of lethargic sleep, which is mostly caused by severe stress or contusion, are also widely known. An essential sign of slowing down time for a person in this kind of sleep is a significant slowing down of all physiological processes in the body, and, as a rule, considerable duration of this dream (several years).
  The flow of information due to the lack of normal action of the sense organs in lethargy is practically absent. Therefore, a person"s own time slows down to the level of "sleep mode", at which in his organism only chemical and physiological processes act owing to what biological life of an organism does not die away, but the sense of time, as the people who left this mode tell, is lost.
  The second threshold case, associated with an excess of the amount of incoming information that the relevant centers of the body are capable to process, seems rather simple. In particular, the computer in a similar situation blocks own work and turns into a useless box.
  Nevertheless, systems-organisms aren't brainless things.
  For example, many students, which were shirking classes, but which did not want to lose the scholarship, are trying to load the memory by large volume of material into session at extremely limited number of hours on preparation. In case of excessive zeal not so seldom impossibility "to digest" information arriving as avalanche, leads to irreversible destruction of the corresponding shares of a brain or, at least, to temporary disability. This kind of failure under the onslaught of an avalanche of information that the brain is not able to process during limited by this person time actually means the exit of this system-organism out of normal functioning completely (loss of mind) or partially (dementia).
  In other words, own time of this entity is unable further to be accelerated (nowhere) in case of similar excess inflow of information (singularity point) [3, Ch. 6]. Therefore, the "flow" of time in this situation for the subject of action (his own time, or his "now") stops, which is expressed in stopping the functioning of this subject, that is, in the loss of quality (feature) of this subject finally or for a long time, if the injured brain can at least partially recover.
  So both of these limit cases concerning failure in functioning, converge.
  Distinction consists that if at recession of information flows practically up to zero (the first case) timely return of a system-organism to information flows can restore its normally functioning, then at overload of system-organism by information (the second case) it collapses, i.e. its own time comes to the end. On the place of this system appears already something another, perhaps - similar, perhaps - system of other quality.
  Thesis statement of material assumes at the corresponding interest more detailed acquaintance with this problem, for example, on the website www.liters.ru
  1. Magazine "Technique of young people". 1980, No. 3, p. 57.
  2. Nizovtsev Y. M. Everything and nothingness. 2016. [Electronic resource]. Access mode: www.litres.ru
  3. Nizovtsev Y. M. The person as the hologram. 2016. [Electronic resource]. Access mode: www.litres.ru
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