Низовцев Юрий Михайлович : другие произведения.

The most characteristic utopias of the present century

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    Surprisingly, until now, all segments of the world's population feed on utopias of various kinds, from which they are unable to abandon, with rare exceptions. However, the situation is saved by the fact that civilization develops according to objective laws, and the consequences of the action of these laws any human mistakes and even stupidity are not able to cancel, but can only accelerate or slow down the development of civilization, especially since the comprehension of errors is the main path of the human development.

  Table of contents
  1. The utopia of the globalization.
  2. The idea of abandoning capitalism while preserving the power of the ruling elites by eliminating private property and competition.
  3. The idea of establishing a just people's state by destroying the ruling elites.
  4. The idea of symbiosis of the human mind and the "mind" of the artificial intellect.
  5. The idea of extending the lives of favorite and selected people.
  6. The idea of the departure of the most advanced humanity in cosmos.
  7. The reasons for the appearance of similar utopias.
  1. The utopia of the globalization.
  Let us first turn to the idea, so popular among the power structures, of prolonging the existence of capitalism through the globalization of the world order with the transfer of control of civilization to the world government.
  Similar, in essence the fantasy indicates the desire of the power elites to have pleasant stay at the top of the pyramid of power without any competitors, with the complete unity of the lower parts of the pyramid.
  However, you can wish anything you want, but there is no way to manage this natural form of development of the human community, as well as other forms of its development at other stages, even with the use of artificial intellect.
  An example of this is regular crises, the occurrence of which no government can eliminate.
  The main reasons for the inability to manage the development of the entire civilization are the complexity, heterogeneity of the structural elements of civilization, the continuous and independent change of its leaders, the inability of the ruling elites, limited by their selfish dogmas, selfish interests and their corresponding short-sightedness to understand the essence of the processes that are taking place, which they can only sometimes slow down or accelerate, but no more.
  Therefore, this super-complex system of functioning of civilization is proceeding itself, more precisely, according to the laws of the functioning of any communities of living beings, whether they think individually and collectively knowingly or not, during the finite time of existence of the entire earth civilization, which is allotted to the relevant generations [see, for example, 1, chap. 2, 3, 4].
  The globalization is also impossible due to the fact that civilization itself is a series of local civilizations with different levels of development - from primitive communities (New Guinea, Australian aborigines, many African and South American communities) to tribal communities such as tribes of Afghanistan, Pakistan, nomads of northern Africa, as well as numerous feudal communities, such as Thailand, Brunei, Morocco, Jordan. The last in this series of belated communities are those that have lagged behind the leaders for various reasons, and the most typical example of this kind of local civilizations is Russia, which has lagged behind in its cultural and technological development from neighboring Europe by about 300 years.
  I believe that the ratio of collectivist and individual forms of consciousness is at the basis of the way of life and relations of people, and hence the pace of their development.
  In primitive (archaic) communities, the collectivist self-consciousness completely suppresses the individual, while being at the same time subordinate to the natural (lower, or animal) consciousness due mainly to the forced focus on solving the problems of survival, not development.
  That is, this state of primitive human communities resembles the state of flocks of animals, especially since there is no private property in such communities and communications between communities are minimal, which means that the volume of information flows covering archaic communities is insignificant.
  With the advent of private property, the way of life and relationships between people change significantly.
  The rights of members of certain communities in relation to property begin to be regulated forced, commodity exchange develops, trade centers appear, mainly at the intersection of trade routes, which eventually turn into cities. Various entertainment events appear, descriptions of travels and everyday life of various peoples, that means the emergence of the rudiments of culture.
  In this regard, the level of individual self-consciousness is growing, but since the living conditions remain difficult for the vast majority of the population, the collectivist self-consciousness continues to dominate, while remaining, nevertheless, subordinate to the natural consciousness focused on survival.
  Therefore, the states that appear, as a rule, in the form of a union of cities and localities adjacent to them, in their structure resemble in their structure a tribe. At the head is a leader who can bear the name of a khan or an emir. He is surrounded by advisers, and priests are nearby. Sometimes, but relatively rarely, a more advanced government is carried out in a collegial form (Greek poleis), but it did not last long due to disputes between the elected temporary rulers for primacy, and as a result, it was replaced by the governance of tyrants. However, unlike the tribe, these formations had courts, class division of community members, tax collectors, security and military units.
  Over time, the authoritarian structure of states did not undergo major changes - until the 19th century, but then it was replaced by a republican system, more advantageous for the bourgeoisie that gained strength, which in this case could easily control and even change governments keeping own interests.
  this policy of such major confessions as Islam, Buddhism, Catholicism, excluding the Protestantism that emerged in the 16th century AD, has left many countries to this day on the sidelines of history, since only personal initiative, not constrained by the arbitrariness of government officials and other authorities who support the prevalence of collectivist consciousness, including natural consciousness and self-consciousness, over individual self-consciousness, can bring to the path of accelerated cultural and technological development.
  It was possible to overcome the dominance of collectivist consciousness over individual self-consciousness only in a number of European countries, thanks to the separation of Protestants from Catholicism, who have blessed free labor [2, 3], and the transition of Protestant countries to intensive technological development, attracting more and more additional information flows, which, in turn, contributed to raising the level of individual self- consciousness of almost all citizens of these states, and at the same time enriched them both materially and spiritually, as a result the rest of the world with its characteristic retarded development partially turned into colonies of developed countries, and the rest became their satellites.
  As a result, all the countries of Islam and Buddhism, the largest of which are India, Indonesia, Iran, Egypt, Pakistan, Nigeria, the countries of Central Asia, as well as the countries of traditional Catholicism, most of which are in Latin America, found themselves on the sidelines of technological development with all ensuing consequences, the main of which was the preservation of individual self-consciousness at a low level, which means a lack of initiative and a lack of enterprise, a low level of education of the population and a lack of interest in creative activity, since it is possible to use the fruits of other people's labor in the form of phones, cars, airplanes, etc.
  This is the price of the domination of the collectivist consciousness, supported by the indicated confessions, which, moreover, try with all their might to limit the influence of information flows on their parishioners, which is especially typical for the countries of Islam with their medieval prohibitions.
  You may say, what about Japan and China, which are not much inferior to the leading countries of the world in the production of high-quality products?
  In fact, Japan a little earlier, and China relatively recently fell into information flows from European countries, and with all Asian thoroughness began to steal and copy technological innovations from the West, setting up the production of these copies in a significant amount and with decent quality, but somewhat cheaper.
  As for new technological discoveries and inventions, there were none in these countries, and they are not. Chinese culture and its Japanese samples also did not spread throughout the world.
  The explanation for this phenomenon lies in the fact that the collectivist consciousness of the population of these countries, supported by such passive forms of religion as Buddhism and Taoism, has not undergone significant changes in its dominance over individual self-consciousness. Every Chinese or Japanese is always obedient to his superiors and tries, in order to avoid trouble, not to show initiative, but to show diligence in the name of the prosperity of his clan or community.
  In other words, the desire for stability and order, for the observance of traditions, prevents within the framework of such local civilization to any creative activity which consists in identifying the new and unknown, which can just disrupt the well-established order.
  Therefore, despite the stormy information flows that swept these countries, the individual self-consciousness of the population of these countries failed to liberate itself, and China or Japan is not destined to steer either technical or cultural progress.
  Russia, like Japan or China, has existed almost throughout its history within the framework of an authoritarian state, whose inhabitants were holops of the rulers.
  Naturally, the manifestation of individual self-consciousness in this country was suppressed, there was no private initiative, but under pressure from Western neighbors, the rulers of Russia had to think about overcoming its technological and cultural backwardness.
  The rather extraordinary Tsar Peter I carried out some reforms, rebuilding the governing bodies, the economy and the army according to the European model. As a result, over time, an educated stratum appeared, each member of which had a certain freedom in their actions, and, therefore, acquired a sufficiently high level of self-consciousness, whereas the individual self-consciousness of the representatives of the main mass of the population, suppressed by the collectivist (communal) self-consciousness of a rather low level, was almost imperceptible, since this peasant population was actually in a state of slaves.
  Similar duality of the self-consciousness of the population laid a certain imprint on the entire subsequent history of Russia, causing the 1917 revolution.
  It is impossible to combine such forms of consciousness of communities of different development, more precisely, local civilizations, into a single whole, unlike, for example, the countries of Europe, which mostly fell into a single stream of information development, including traditions and religion.
  Of course, all these heterogeneous local civilizations that have lagged behind in development can be colonized or destroyed, but does such an approach have any relation to globalization as an unification of equal, more precisely, understanding and respecting each other parties?
  So from this side, globalization looks like a typical utopia.
  On the other hand, S. Huntington [4] significantly exaggerated the importance and power of backward local civilizations, pointing out the possibility of their real opposition to the West, highlighting China and the countries of Islam.
  Only Russia is capable of resisting the developed Western countries militarily, thanks to its vast nuclear arsenals, but the mutual destruction of the warring parties makes this conflict unrealistic, especially since Russia has actually become a semi-colony of the same West.
  Therefore, the possibility of a conflict between local civilizations appears only with a significant weakening of the West, together with the removal, for one reason or another, of the threat of a war with the use of nuclear weapons.
  2. The idea of abandoning capitalism while preserving the power of the ruling elites by eliminating private property and competition.
  The idea of abandoning capitalism is to eliminate private property and competition in any possible way, for example, through the widespread digitization of the population to distribute it by caste, the transition to digital currency to deprive the population of its own will at disposal of funds, and gaining the power of a few chosen over a faceless crowd. whose desires are predetermined and executed by artificial intellect on the orders of these chosen ones.
  The fallacy and even stupidity of such approach is most clearly manifested in the desire to abandon private property, which brought humanity out of the stagnation of archaic times into more or less dynamic development in a competitive environment.
  Apparently, the authors of this idea overestimated themselves and underestimated Kant, who more than 200 years ago understood the importance of antagonism that appeared in society with the emergence of private property: "The means that nature uses to carry out the development of all inclinations of people is antagonism of them in society, since it eventually becomes the cause of a law-order ... Without these unattractive properties of uncommunicity themselves, generating resistance for which everyone must inevitably encounter in own self-interested ambitions, all talents in the conditions of life of Arcadian shepherds, that is, in conditions of complete unanimity, moderation and mutual love would forever remain hidden in the bud; people as meek as the sheep they herd hardly made their existence more worthy than the existence of domestic animals ..." [5, page 5].
  Artificial elimination of competition means that the community falls into stagnation and gradual degradation, which inevitably leads to the death of this community and all its satellites, who follow the orders of the owner, despite all the opportunities provided by technological progress, since, for example, the transfer of the population to the virtual world of figure means the rupture of this population with the real world, which simply will exclude already unnecessary part from itself.
  In addition, those in power believe that due to the transfer of all financial and most other operations to digital format (digitalization), the drop in demand can be compensated by replacing the real needs of the population with those that are beneficial to those in power.
  To achieve this goal, a worldwide database is being created, which should include all available information about each client, including even the diseases that he suffers from. Accordingly, this information allows continuous monitoring of each person, imposing both tastes and goods on him, directing each person where the authorities consider it necessary, as a result of which it becomes possible to collect t from him and he maximum tribute, and permanently manage by him during whole his life.
  Such short-sighted idea, designed to completely subordinate each person to considerations of power elite with the help of computer networks, is aimed primarily at creating the ideal consumer by depriving him of his own will and desires. It will quickly and inevitably lead all sectors of society, devoid of initiative, and hence development, to degradation and decay in the form of the disappearance of civilization.
  This stupidity of the dominants of the animal passions and desires at the extreme weakness of self-consciousness, which cannot make own carriers peer into the future and stop the mass separation of a person from spiritual values, and most importantly - from creativity, actually denies the meaning of the existence of mankind in its desire for continuous aware renewal, turning it into semblance of a flock of monkeys.
  With this development of events, population degradation will occur
  quite quickly, having left in place of the civilization some instruments and mechanisms that will be already incomprehensible to the surviving aborigines.
  3. The idea of establishing a just people's state by destroying the ruling elites.
  This idea, which has been inspiring the masses of working people to this day, appeared immediately after the emergence of private property, which was clearly unfairly distributed.
  The extant Chinese chronicles testify to a number of uprisings of the disenfranchised population against the mandarins several thousand years ago.
  Some of these uprisings ended in victory for the oppressed. However, these victories, instead of establishing justice, as it was understood by those deprived of it, or rather, deprived of property, led only to the formation of new dynasties within the same antagonistic system, in which the masses of the poor again work for the rich and noble.
  Karl Marx in his Manifesto [6] and subsequent numerous works tried to impart a scientific character to, in essence, the eternal dream of the destruction of the oppressors and the establishment of a kind of paradise on Earth.
  On this formed basis, charming and in addition seemingly scientific, in Russia, at the beginning of the 20th century, the last large-scale attempt was made to establish truly the just state.
  The peasant masses who fought for alien interests, realizing this fact after several years of deprivation and victims of the First Imperialist War, turned their rifles against power, having changed it eventually as if to the power of the working people in accordance with the teachings of Marx, but, just like in ancient China, due to the low level of collectivist self-consciousness of this mass of the population and even lower level of individual self-consciousness, gradually came to the formation of a semblance of Asian despotism, led by the first secretaries of the Communist Party - a kind of alpha-males, who succeed each other, and a new religion in which the desire for heavenly grace was replaced by the desire for earthly grace under the name of communism, where everyone will finally get enough, and will live without grieving and happily.
  This naive belief aroused an unprecedented sacrificial enthusiasm of the population, which led at first to a significant technological and cultural breakthrough, but, like any utopia, which ended pretty soon with a complete ideological collapse in the form of a loss of faith in communism and the subsequent destruction of an artificially created supposedly nationwide socialist power with a rollback from some achieved modernity to medieval methods of government and existence of a population divided again into estates, as well as widespread corruption, since in a short time it is impossible to raise a low level of collectivist self-consciousness of a heterogeneous population, until recently illiterate or semi-literate, with its archaic notions of a way of life based most of all on natural consciousness, and all the more is impossible forming in the majority of the population of a level of individual self-consciousness high enough to become prevailing over collectivist.
  This complex educational and upbringing process, based on a general gradual cultural and technological upsurge, as the development of European countries, now leading in the world, has shown, takes not decades, but centuries.
  Therefore, the population of Russia as a whole has not overcome the barrier between personal self-consciousness and collectivist consciousness, which includes the self-consciousness of the main part of the community and its natural consciousness, in favor of individual self-consciousness.
  Free people - persons with a high level of individual self-consciousness - will never allow the alpha-male to rule them - as the sole ruler, what whatever he may be, and in Russia this has happened for a thousand years and is happening now.
  What is the explanation for this development, which, as a rule, leads, after revolutions and coups, to the restoration of an antagonistic system?
  It turns out that in the conditions of private property relations, this system is the most effective and even the only possible one, since it provides a certain pace of development, a certain order in the state, insuring it from chaos and disappearance, while its absence inevitably leads to the stagnation and disintegration of the state and its further absorption by other states.
  The idea of reasonable selfishness of Hobbes, further supported by the concept of Pierce's pragmatism, in essence, is the basis of the ideology of the most advanced antagonistic system - capitalism.
  Hobbes argues that the person, as a natural being, is egoistic, striving first and foremost to satisfy his own needs, but he is also reasonable, that is, he is able to understand with his mind that taking into account the interests of other people often turns out to be beneficial.
  For illustration, we present a small excerpt from "Leviathan" by Hobbes: "... natural laws (as justice, equality, modesty, mercy and (in General) behavior towards others as we would wish them to behave towards us) by themselves, without the fear of some force, forcing to carry out them, contrary to the natural passions, attracting us to partiality, pride, revenge, etc..." [7, p. 192].
  As for pragmatism, it is characterized by its founder, Pierce, as follows: "Consider what effects that might conceivably have practical bearings you conceive the object of your conception to have. Then your conception of those effects is the WHOLE of your conception of the object" [8, p. 331-346]
  Reasonable egoism and pragmatism, on the one hand, liberate the productive forces of each individual, making him competitively free within the framework of the state that supports the striving of each person to improve the living conditions. Thus, the pace of development of the respective communities becomes the maximum possible.
  On the other hand, the inequality of abilities and conditions under the domination of unlimited competition of individuals seeking to obtain benefits for themselves, cannot but lead to the separation of society with respect to the possession of property or its equivalents, at this, the difference in the size of this property can reach astronomical values.
  The natural occurrence of permanent tension between the "offended poor" and the "rich people who are snickering" the power elite is trying to smooth over with a robbery of less developed communities, the funds from which are largely transferred to the additional pro-feeding of both the ordinary people and the middle class to avoid social cataclysms.
  In a capitalist society, several main strata are formed. The majority are ordinary people (philistines), which include employees of various kinds, manufacturing and technical personnel of factories, plants and other corporations that produce products, including those in the field of agriculture, as well as retirees and housewives.
  The ruling stratum is the power elite, which is opposed by the informal opposition. The power elite is supported by the bureaucratic apparatus of various kinds, as well as the group of law enforcement agencies and the army. The stratum of creative people, in whose sphere the development of science, technology and culture is located, is also subordinated to the power elite.
  Thus, except philistines as well as the power elite, representing mainly the organizational- managing contingent from the highest officials and the most advanced business, in each community there is a layer of the people of brainwork, intellectuals of all kinds, as well as - relatively few representatives of the rest of the population, who managed in one way or another to rise in their self-consciousness to the level that dictates their aversion to the amoral and selfish behavior of the power elite.
  These persons have the hope of reorganizing society in the direction of harmony, that is, equality, fraternity and at the same time liberty, without understanding that liberty always resists to equality, justice, destroying any stability. But this hope for harmonious world order can never disappear in their blissful consciousness: they as true humanists, are not capable to believe that horrors of our world cannot turn into prosperity of each person and all mankind eventually.
  Informally-oppositional part of intellectuals, to which various educated people from this or that generation can be attributed, are active, honest, sincerely wishing good to the people, that is, with the dominant higher consciousness, have never joined and will not join to the hypocritical and self-interested governing elite of the state. Already reached level of the highest consciousness, putting material benefits on the last place among life values, will not allow them to commit similar. Therefore, they will always expose the unscrupulous, hypocritical and thievish individuals in power of this world, to fight for the rights and civil liberties of working people, involving them in this fight as much as possible widely.
  Thereby, their opposition to imperious elite does not allow society to freeze in place, being reflection of antagonism of the lowest and highest types of consciousness in each person.
  The struggle between them when the passive behavior the most part of the rest of the population occurs continuously with the dominance of a more energetic and unprincipled ruling elite, which is provoking self-hatred from everyone else, and thus forming that antagonism that does not allow society to stop in developing.
  It is for this reason that any coup or revolution that overthrows or even destroys the entire power elite, as it happened, for example, in China repeatedly, relatively quickly leads to the reproduction of former - antagonistic - order in society, that is, restores the condition, under which is possible development of society.
  In Russia, after seventy-year cataclysms, the same thing occurred. If this recovery does not happen, then the community will disintegrate, merging with neighboring states. True, there was no place for Russia among the developed capitalist countries, and it rather quickly turned into a semi-colony of the leading Western countries, ruled by the comprador elite bribed by them.
  The imbalance in the confrontation of the power elite and informal intellectuals leads either to stagnation in the development of the community, or to disorganization of the control system and the onset of chaos with unpredictable consequences.
  Thereby, the driving force of social development, as well as development of each person, is the hidden interaction of two forms of consciousness: the lowest, or natural (animal), and the highest, or self-consciousness [9, part 3, ј 3].
  The rest strata of society, significant in terms of the number, except for the layer of creative people providing scientific, technological and cultural growth, more or less close to the philistines. These conformist or inert layers include representatives of security forces, military, small businessmen, rentier and various criminals.
  Therefore, due to the low level of self-consciousness and, as a result, only pragmatic aspirations, they are not able to independently influence the course of social development, but these layers, under the influence of propaganda, as well as under the influence of changed living conditions, can begin to act, either supporting a ruling regime which generally satisfies their rather squalid living needs, or joining the opponents of the regime if it deprives them of a well-fed and measured life.
  4. The idea of symbiosis of the human mind and the "mind" of the artificial intellect.
  Let us now turn to another utopia - the idea of creating a hybrid of the human body and the artificial intellect to build supposedly optimal technocratic society.
  Under the artificial intellect, apparently, should be understood the ability of the machine (electronic computing, quantum or other) brain to solve tasks, to provide the requested information and, using sensors, to control a variety of devices by modeling of a situation according to a goal.
  The main characteristics of this brain are the memory size and processor speed on use of the programs, entered into it, exceeding the same characteristics of the human brain, and thus allowing to effectively replace a person both in solving various problems, and in managing complex processes.
  In particular, the artificial intellect is used in mathematical proofs, data analysis, when planning, forecasting, translation, systematization of knowledge, training, recognition, interaction with the external environment according to indications of sensors (manipulation of objects, navigation, regulation of technological processes, diagnosis of diseases, customer service in finance and trade, protection of objects, control of transport, harmful productions, entertainments etc.).
  Part of scientists believes that the artificial intellect, as well as and the person, is capable to have creative abilities, or creativity. In particular, treat Mark Ridl from Institute of Technology of Georgia (USA) them and the head of the association "London Futurists" David Wood (Great Britain) [10].
  To understand whether the artificial intellect is capable to perform creative functions, we will note some of its features.
  The artificial intellect is only capable to perceive the goal set to it, but cannot put it independently, and the artificial intellect does not understand sense of the obtained data which after decryption turn into information for the person.
  The artificial intellect is not capable to turn into a conscious being of any level because he recognizes these or those data according to the matrices, enclosed into it by a person, for a person, and not for itself, not understanding the reason for the formulation of the task and its essence, but proposing certain solutions in accordance with the existing matrices, without going beyond their limits. From the options selected by the artificial intellect, a person-consumer can choose the most effective in his opinion.
  The artificial intellect does not have an independent life, for which any living being has to fight, and it is not able to continue itself in the offspring.
  The artificial intellect is capable to work only by means of the person, but at the same time it does not require obligatory communication with other artificial intellects. In this respect the artificial intellect is the common thing, which is not interested in anything and not interesting to anybody, until it will not be connected to a power source and will not be entered into it the programs answering the purpose of the person whereas any living being is not capable to live in isolation, and the living being "is disconnected" from life only after death, that is - after withdrawal consciousness from the body.
  The artificial intellect is capable to use only the rules of the formal logic within a solution of the task set to it, in particular, it can produce a new information, only combining the information known to it, but is not capable to produce essentially new information in another way. In particular, an intuitive approach is not available to it and it has no imagination.
  Comparison of the human intellect with the machine (artificial) intellect shows that the main characteristics of both types of intellect are speed, the amount of RAM (operational memory), the use of formal logic to create models.
  The main difference between the natural intellect and the artificial intellect is the lack of independence of the artificial intelligence, which works for an external consumer, which, moreover, can constantly change, while the natural intellect works for a completely specific living being: in this case, for a specific person.
  Due to the complete lack of independence of the artificial intellect in comparison with the natural, which does not have a strict program of actions, the following difference arises: the artificial intellect processes only the information that is transmitted to it at the request (desire) of the consumer within the framework of the programs embedded in it, and also the artificial intellect is not able to evade the consumer's desire, while the natural intellect has a certain autonomy in its actions, in particular, it is able to solve tasks not only according to standard programs, but also it can be ready to some changes in the parameters of the environment surrounding a living being, as well as to operate with various and largely arbitrary signals that enter the sense organs and from them to it.
  Moreover, the artificial intellect does not understand the meaning of incoming data. He also does not understand the purpose of this processing data, providing the result of information processing to the consumer in the form of data related in a certain way, for example, a weather report or a translation of text into another language. Likewise - mechanically - the artificial intellect participates in the control of subordinate systems, for example, by controlling the movement of a conveyor or the work of a robot on Mars.
  That is, the artificial intellect is a fast-acting and well-organized blockhead, since not only does it not understand the meaning of its actions, but is also not interested in its own existence, so how it is a function of an external consumer, and this consumer can turn off the robot or computer at any time at will.
  Precisely because of its own senselessness in any activity, but by its appearance - reasonable work (the vast majority of the population and even many scientists holily believe in its mind), programmed in fact by an external consumer to obtain the fruits from its labors, the artificial intellect is not able to be creative, while the natural intellect does not have a rigid program of action, it is operating with various and largely arbitrary signals entering from the senses, to solve the task of keeping its own carrier (a living being) in a state of direct sensation consumption. As a result, the living being is able, at a minimum, to act according to the method of trial and error in a changing environment. It's far from creativity here, but there is still meaning in the actions of the natural intellect, since it, as an integral part of individual consciousness, is interested in preserving the sensations that give life to the entire system of any organism, including it.
  Thus, working for a living being, and being in the internal structure of this consumer, the intellect becomes its organic and integral part - a kind of information processing unit and a block for controlling the body's functions in its interaction with the environment, independently thinking within the framework of such functioning, without which a living being cannot do [11].
  By doing so the intellect of any living being - from bacteria to humans - is the same in principle of action and programmed functionality.
  Moreover, in terms of functionality, determined by the corresponding programs; by lack of autonomy; dependence on RAM (the operative memory}, the intellect of any living creature is similar to artificial intelligence.
  But still, the intellect of a living being differs from the artificial intelligence.
  Firstly, in that it is an integral part of its master - consciousness, without which consciousness is unable to function, since the intellect of a living being is not only responsible for the functioning of every cell of the organism and the entire organism as a single system, but it also on signals from a single consciousness, uses form-building abilities, embedded in its program, to form own time, that is, the local current reality.
  If, for some reason, the organism's intellect ceases to function, then consciousness falls out of the current time, which means death for this living being. But, since everything depends on consciousness in every living being - from the manifestation of an infinity out of time in the form of beingness, so how it participates in the formation of time, up to the organization of life in this beingness, in so far as it has to look for an embryo, suitable for its level of development for growth and development again. And everything is repeated from the beginning - from birth up to new birth. However, more about this is described in the work "Why does not science have the ability to identify the essence of consciousness?" [12, section 6].
  Secondly, the natural intellect does not have the rigid programs of action that, as a result of genome mutations, change in accordance with the influence of the environment. Therefore, the intellect is able more or less quickly to adapt to changes in certain parameters of the environment, as well as operate with various and largely arbitrary signals that enter the senses and from them to it, to solve the problem of keeping its own carrier (living being) in a state of direct consumption of sensations.
  In contrast to the relationship between the natural intellect and the human consciousness, merged into one, the relationship of a living being in the form of a person and the artificial intellect is such, that a person lived and can live quite tolerably and without the artificial intellect, which, of course, is able to facilitate his existence, but along with that, this relief transfers both the person himself and almost all communities into a new state of only users of information provided by the artificial intellect, depriving them of independent activity both in thinking and leaving them without job, including work on obtaining information and its independent critical analysis. All this rather quickly leads to the degradation of the entire civilization [1, chap. 3, 4].
  Of course, the level of development of the intellect for the simplest and most complex organisms in structure differs, but the principle of operation of this biological computer, its functions, which are implemented according to programs corresponding to the structure of the organism and the presence of certain sensory organs in it, remain unchanged.
  At another level of the impact of consciousness on the structured material of the body, the consciousness in the form of its special part organizes the external interaction of the organism with the environment, at least, for survival in it in the fight against competing beings, and also, under favorable circumstances, imparts the body a desire to occupy a place in the community of similar organisms, which is the most advantageous from the point from the point of view of receiving sensations, preferably the most pleasant, due to the constant dissatisfaction of the being with the present, which forces the being to search for better conditions.
  On this - open - level, through the intellect manifests itself this special part of each individual consciousness, which can be called the natural consciousness, inherent in every living being. The natural consciousness solves the current problems of existence in somewhat by the free (unprogrammed) choice in its reaction to challenges of surrounding, which may be wrong, but, in general, this choice contributes to the development of living beings along with their consciousness. And an assistant in this process of interaction of a living being with the environment for natural consciousness is its intellect, which provides the natural consciousness with the appropriate information on its requests, both current and out from memory.
  This part of the consciousness of a living being in the process of interaction with the environment has to solve different types of tasks, showing, respectively, different thinking abilities, which consist not only in the speed of making decisions using the data, stored in memory and suitable for solving the problem that has arisen, but also in the search for new - more favorable - conditions for life, that is, to think at least at the lowest level of creativity, manifesting curiosity, as well as to distort information about oneself (deception) for competitors and allies, trying to create the most favorable conditions for their own existence in the form of pleasant sensations.
  In other words, this component of the individual consciousness of every living being - the natural consciousness - has to respond to the challenges of own surrounding, that is, in one form or another, to savvy how to increase the probability of survival, choose the most preferable time for reproduction, take an advantageous position in its own niche of existence and etc. Such thinking apparatus, based on sensations, can be distributed, in particular, along different neural circuits and solve the emerging problems of existence in its own way.
  By this, the natural consciousness strives to ensure the maximum possible adaptation of the organism to the environment during its open interaction with it.
  It should be noted, however, that the natural consciousness, practically. does not go beyond the framework of instincts and reflexes, as a result of which a living creature is able to act mainly by trial and error in a changing environment, often dying, but passing on to the offspring the properties necessary for life in new conditions.
  An additional level of the impact of consciousness on the organism, as well as on the process of the interaction of this carrier of consciousness with other beings, is characteristic only for humans. This process is being consisted in inherent to them self-consciousness, which ensures the use of the environment by a person for his own purposes on the basis of understanding own interaction with it not only for adaptation to this environment, but also for its artificial transformation, which gradually gives more and more free time, presenting each person accordingly more opportunities for general development, which was previously hindered by the problem of survival.
  This duality of human consciousness was quite clearly noted by A. Schopenhauer in his fragment "On the intellect without reason" [13, p. 78], who, apparently, understood by the term the "intellect" precisely all thinking abilities of the organism, that is, in fact, consciousness: "... animals have a simple intellect, while we have - a double one, namely - along with the contemplative - also the reflective intellect, and the operations of both are often performed independently of each other: we contemplate one thing and think about the other, although often these operations intersect with each other".
  Indeed, in a person, both the action of the natural consciousness is manifested, which, with the help of the intellect, mainly solves the tasks of survival and the best adaptation to one's own surrounding, so and the action of self-consciousness, which by the most part solves the problems of improving one's own life and the state of human communities not only pragmatically, but also pursuing altruistic and cultural goals in their best representatives, transferring own self-consciousness gradually to a higher level, that is, expanding the possibilities of existence up to its highest samples. At this, self-consciousness, like the natural consciousness, uses the intellect as a provider of information to solve its own problems of managing human behavior.
  Similar multidirectionality of the tasks to be solved in one and the same human consciousness not only presupposes the unpredictability of his actions, but also the continuous struggle of these components of consciousness, that solve various tasks, which means the appearance in this form of living beings of a new driving force for the development of consciousness, which significantly accelerates the development of consciousness together with development of human communities [9, part 3, ј3].
  5. The idea of extending the lives of favorite and selected people.
  Some scientists, in particular, Dee Gray [14], believe that it is possible to develop some compensation mechanisms with which it will be possible to eliminate most "extracellular debris", "intracellular debris", cell death and atrophy, mutations in the nucleus and mitochondria, cell aging, cross-links between biopolymer molecules.
  In addition to these considerations, the possibility of freezing the bodies of wealthy immortality enthusiasts in cryogenic chambers should be added to await the triumph of science on this front.
  Many wealthy clients have already fallen for such seductive promises.
  The utopianism of their views in this case borders on idiocy, but what you will not do for the sake of even the ghostly possibility of extending the pleasures of the life of millionaires.
  In fact, the life expectancy of any organism has quite natural limitations.
  First of all, we note that the natural selection, and for a person and the artificial selection that occurs in the interaction of each organism with the environment, contributes to a very definite restriction of the life cycle of any individual in favor of the continuation of the genus of this individual, thereby removing from the circulation those organisms that are no longer combined with a changing environment, or the least adaptable. These organisms either die (eaten, forced out) in the competition for food and the most favorable living conditions, or they experience a decline in life processes, and, for example, salmon, after producing offspring, immediately die.
  In other words, a changing environment dictates the need for a successive change of organisms, thereby selecting the most "tenacious" ones, which in itself requires a limitation of the life span of any organism for the benefit of the survival of both its offspring and the entire genus.
  The same applies to the human race, only artificial selection in accordance with changing social needs is of greater importance to it.
  In this regard, even as close as possible to ideal the compensation for certain violations in the functioning of the body does not exclude the effects of the environment on few ageless organisms, who die both by chance and because of the inability to compete with younger and, therefore, more adapted to the environment the organisms of own genus, or they die from the disruption of the functioning of certain organs, in particular, an unfavorable change in their sizes, not allowing to normally eat or breathe, as well as with a significant change in environmental parameters, or from the incurable injuries and enemies.
  However, for higher mammals with a developed brain, the compensatory mechanisms that somehow restore the normal functioning of the cells of organisms with primitive control centers (almost brainless) do not prove effective due to the complexity of both brain neurons and the connections between them.
  The slightest malfunctions in the functioning of neurons, or their gradual death, lead to a disorder in the manage by the individual organs and the whole organism. At this, the accumulation of errors in the operation of neurons inevitably happens over time, if only as a result of imperfections in the removal of decay products from them.
  For a person, this inability to compete with younger individuals means losing the opportunity to follow established habits in a changed environment, difficulty adapting to new forms of work, communicating with younger people who have very other views and interests, in non-understanding changed relationships and communications between people using other technical means, including for communication, etc.
  That is, participation in public life and productive activities, where, in fact, all the most important interests of any person are concentrated, becomes practically impossible for him. It remains only to "smoke heaven", which is completely uninteresting, and death here becomes a blessing. And in this regard, it is especially stupid to put a person in a cryostat, assuming to unfreeze him in the "high-tech future" or implement a person into a virtual environment,
  In other words, the information that accumulates with age in a person"s memory cells gradually forms a fairly conservative circle of concepts and relationships - it is also called experience and habits.
  This circle is mainly associated with the human self-awareness and it is not related to compensation mechanisms that actually manifest themselves most effectively in the "immortal" organisms, and which, according to some scientists, in particular, Dee Gray [14], can be developed.
  In addition, such "treatment" of the aging of the body, that is, interference in the fine work of the genome and intracellular mechanisms, and they have been debugged for tens and hundreds of millions of years by natural selection in a particular environment and for a specific type of organism, which are currently available so far only about one and a half a dozen of the entire plenty earth organisms, in particular, some species of sharks, whales, turtles, mollusks, jellyfish, as well as lobsters, sea urchins, hydras, holothurians, the vegetative form of planaria (worms), for humans turns out ineffective due to a significant lead in the development of brain of humans in comparison with the control centers of all other living beings, which in non-aging organisms, as it can be seen from their list, are rather primitive, because they are intended for the simplest instinctive-reflex functioning under unchanged conditions
  The human control center contains 11-19 billion neurons of the cortex of the human brain and 150 billion of all neurons of the human body, which operate on the principle of distribution and transformation of information through the entire life of a person through emerging and disappearing connections- a kind of update impulses - between neurons that are not programmed and cannot be modeled, and the number of which over a given time interval can be many times greater than the neurons themselves.
  The accumulation with age of inevitable disturbances in the functioning of brain cells (Alzheimer's disease and Pick's disease), which usually occurs after 65 years and increases toward 80 years, leads to the death of some neurons and the corresponding loss of individual synaptic connections (atrophy of the cerebral cortex and subcortical formations), and this means memory loss or the development of dementia in one form or another.
  Compensating for such disturbances in the cells of the cerebral cortex, in contrast to disturbances in the functioning of the cells of the simplest organisms, is almost impossible due to the too complex mechanisms of the combined functioning of neurons that appeared during the more than two-million-year period of hominid brain development.
  Therefore, more or less full life of a person, with rare exceptions, is possible only up to 80-90 years old.
  Be that as it may, but experience and human habits cannot be eliminated or compensated by any means.
  Therefore, with a significant change in the situation or circumstances, requiring a radical change in behavior, an older person, especially a "long-liver," begins to make erroneous decisions under the pressure of "accumulated" dogmas. At first, he loses creativity, and then loses the ability to form an adequate logic of his actions, which ultimately leads to the disruption of his contacts with society and actual falling out of it.
  Therefore, the attempts to repeatedly extend the life of a person in themselves are meaningless and they can only be attributed to speculation on the basis of fear of death by a person in order to produce these useless actions for the removal from the budget or rich sponsors of considerable funds for scammers.
  With regard to the limitation of the calendar life cycle of the person, it must be stated that the human body is evolutionally almost completely inherited from primates whose life expectancy under favourable conditions could reach 60 years, as it can be seen from the life expectancy of chimpanzees (50-60 years).
  Naturally, the same calendar life of the body has inherited to hominids, but within several million years with the growth and complication of their brain the life expectancy of Neanderthals and Cromanionians has decreased 1.5-2 times compared to primates, having made according to known statistics about 30 years, but to date it has increased to 67 years on average mainly due to advances in the field of medicine, which is described in more detail in the article " Why life time such is, what it is?" [15, part 2, ј5].
  6. The idea of the departure of the most advanced humanity in cosmos.
  Any spatial displacement is a search for food, other resources for existence. Besides it may be an aspiration for new impressions, knowledge, and the basis for achieving these goals are new contacts, and further these relations.
  Therefore, during spatial displacement, a person is looking for opportunities for a better life and for his own kind above all, at this, everything that is dead for him, in essence, does not matter.
  At one time, K. E. Tsiolkovsky declared that earthly humanity must populate cosmos.
  Apparently, he meant the achievement of the goals mentioned above.
  To date, it has become clear that there are no inhabited planets in solar system except Earth.
  Most likely, this circumstance is connected with the fact that there are no conditions for the origin and existence of organic life on its planets, and it is not possible to settle them in the foreseeable future.
  True, in principle, the persons can visit Mars, but it, like the Moon, is cold and lifeless, and if you ask the flight enthusiasts towards this planet what they are going to do there, then you will not get a constructive answer, except how the vague expressions about research itch and demonstration the power of mankind incomprehensibly for whom.
  Nevertheless, it is argued that the ultimate goal of these activities is to find resources. In addition, their implementation presupposes the development of new technologies, economic revival, and the acquisition of new knowledge.
  However, to date, protection against deadly radiation in open cosmos has not been developed, but billions of dollars for manned flights to Mars have already been spent and continue to be spent.
  The main danger in interplanetary flights is the exposure of people to high-energy particles, which include galactic and solar.
  Galactic cosmic rays are the nuclei of hydrogen, helium and other light elements with an average energy of 10 billion eV. For complete absorption of these rays, a lead screen 15 meters thick would be required. On Earth, humans are protected by the magnetic field from this radiation, which, by the way, is practically absent on Mars (it is 800 times weaker than the earth's magnetic field), as a result of which people will be irradiated with high-energy particles on the surface of Mars.
  In a single flight to Mars, a person will receive a radiation dose of 0.3 Sv (sievert), at this, the lethal dose of radiation makes 3 Sv. However, 0.3 Sv is enough for irreversible damage to brain cells and the subsequent dementia.
  In addition to galactic radiation, in space, during chromospheric flares on the Sun, fluxes mainly of protons and helium nuclei with an energy of about 199 MeV occur. The density of these streams can exceed the density of galactic radiation thousands of times and these flashes cannot be predicted.
  Astronauts getting into the zone of chromospheric radiation means inevitable death from radiation sickness.
  All these deadly risks to people for a fairly long flight without adequate protection compared to the goals of the expeditions make a flight to Mars, as in general flights to other lifeless planets of the solar system, completely unacceptable, at least until the development of an effective system to protect the crew from radiation and the emergence of more high-speed means of displacement in space.
  Besides, the flights of the person towards any uninhabited worlds are senseless as only studying live and communication with it can be of true interest to the person, and alive among all planets of the Solar system is presented only on Earth.
  As for some so far the unknown data about other planets of the solar system, they can be obtained by the corresponding automata and robots, especially since these data do not carry the vital interest [16].
  Despite the obvious stupidity of moving people in an empty and cold space, through which none of the planets similar to Earth will be able to reach in the foreseeable future, especially since until now no signals from some aliens have been received, the idea of mastering this lifeless space, which is just an infrastructure for relatively rare inhabited planets (exoplanets), scattered on unthinkable for manned flights to them in the near future, quite flourishes in the minds of far from untalented representatives of the intellectual elite [ibid.].
  In modern society generally science fiction writers and futurologists adjoining them, advance as it seems to them, the obvious idea about the selection out of mankind of some super-creatures with other intellectual opportunities, other vital aspirations, however, by indistinct, and with the removal from "wretched" mankind into space depths.
  Arkady and Boris Strugatsky in their novel "Waves Quench the Wind" [17] called them ludens and described this process of transformation as follows:
  "Any Mind - whether technological, or in accordance with Rousseau's ideas, or even heroic - in the process of first-order evolution goes from a state of maximum separation (savagery, mutual embitternment, wretchedness of emotions, distrust) to a condition of the individual association, greatest possible at preservation (friendliness, high culture of the relations, altruism, neglect achievable). This process copes laws biological, biosocial and specifically social. It is well studied and is of interest to us only here so far as leads to a question: and what's next?
  Having laid aside romantic trills of history of vertical progress, we find only two real, essentially differing opportunities for Reason. Or a stop, self-complacency, short circuit on, loss of interest in the physical world. Or entering on the way of the evolution of the second order, on the way of evolution planned and controlled, on the way to Monokosm.
  The synthesis of minds is inevitable. It gives an innumerable number of new facets of the perception of the world, and this leads to an incredible increase in the quantity and, most importantly, the quality of information available for absorption, which, in turn, leads to a decrease in suffering up to a minimum and an increase in joy up to a maximum. The concept of "home" is expanding to Universe scales. A new metabolism arises, and as a result of it, life and health become almost eternal. The age of the individual becomes comparable with the age of space objects in the complete absence of accumulation of fatigue. The individual of Monokosma does not need creators. He oneself both the creator, and the consumer of culture. On a water drop he is capable not only to recreate an image of the ocean, but also the whole world of the beings inhabiting it, including reasonable. And all this at continuous, unsatiable sensor hunger.
  Each new individual arises as a work of syncretic art: it is created by physiologists, and genetics, and engineers, and psychologists, aesthetics, educators and philosophers of Monocosm. This process, of course, takes several tens of Earth years and, of course, is the most fascinating and honorable ...
  TO CREATE, WITHOUT DESTROYING!" - here the slogan of Monocosm.
  Monocosm cannot but consider the way of development and own modus vivendi only true ...
  First: the entry of the mankind on the way of evolution of the second order means practically the transformation Hомо sapiens in Wanderer (superman).
  Second: most likely, not every Homo sapiens is suitable for such a transformation.
  ... the search, selection and preparation for incorporation of ripe individuals cannot but be accompanied by phenomena and events accessible to an attentive observer. It is possible to expect, for example, developing of mass phobias, new messianic teachings, appearance of people with unusual abilities, inexplicable disappearances of people, sudden emergence in people of new talents as if by magic, etc.".
  Indeed, it is known that our civilization in its development will come to the point of singularity. By this point, John von Neumann did not mean an astrophysical understanding, but the point beyond which extrapolation begins to give meaningless results. The historian I. M. Dyakonov drew attention to the point of singularity, or the limit point on the time axis, where historical cycles shrinking according to the law of progression converge [18].
  The approaching informational collapse is confirmation of that the era of fundamental changes in civilization development is going with an approximation of the point of the singularity.
  Informational collapse is defined as the condition of network information space menacing to its stability and normal functioning. Informational collapse is characterized by fall off of capacity of communication channels and arises at a situation when existing technologies are not able to transfer growing volumes of traffic.
  The beginning of informational collapse manifests in constant increase in speed of emergence of new information and accumulation of this information in the Internet. Acquaintance with the avalanche flow of information becomes more and more difficult and even more difficult becomes thereof its adequate use because filtration of information, as a rule, for doubtful criteria becomes actually by single method of ordering of information. This process conducts to fast loss by society of perspective reference points of development, to replacement of the true purposes by corporate purposes, to bamboozle of an overwhelming majority of Internet users.
  However, the optimistic futurologists interpret the point of singularity as a transition to a new, improved state. It, in their opinion, means a hypothetical explosive increase in the speed of scientific and technological progress, presumably resulting from the creation of artificial intelligence and self-reproducing machines, the integration of humans with computers, or a significant increase in the capabilities of the human brain due to biotechnology.
  Here, as science-futurologists and science fiction writer believe, ludens appear, that is, supermen, who, unlike ordinary people, use the situation of informational collapse for their own "ascent" and the removal from silly and vicious humanity.
  However, a point of singularity is, at a minimum, a bifurcation point, in which, due to the impossibility of being in the former quality, civilization is breaking up or moving into a different way of existence, which can be described as equilibrium.
  In other words, it is possible to find nevertheless an outlet, or a temporary lacuna for establishment in certain degree of fair society, but only in the case of particular restriction of freedom of the individual, more precisely, its self-restrictions, in favor of collective, society, or a civilization without the states, despite all internal contradictions which always are rending society.
  This purpose requires establishing such society at which the resultant of all contradictory forces becomes almost equal to zero.
  Since in developing society it is impossible so far as development has to be suspended or -it has to be expressed extremely poorly. In other words, a civilization, society has to lose possibility of development temporarily.
  In such state the civilization can be only as equilibrium.
  Its basic signs consist in the following.
  First, it has to be in ecological equilibrium with the nature, i.e. it has to return generally to appropriating economy with preservation and addition of some resource-saving technologies.
  Secondly, having refused the complex state management system, the civilization has to return to the simplest forms of the public relations in the form of local self-coping cells of various orientation on the kinds of activity, connected among themselves not only horizontally, but also vertically, unlike primitive communities.
  Thirdly, not development of technologies and the public relations, and self-sufficiency concerning creation for each person of acceptable biotic conditions and maintaining of functioning of self-coping cells without emergence of a heeling towards their withdrawal from self-government has to be problems of a civilization. Single "medicine" for this purpose is the most frequent rotation of the chosen operating personnel.
  In this relation the difference of this structure from primitive communities consists in more high level of consciousness of members of the self-coping cells, saved up for six millennia of previous civilization development, and, in this regard, emergence of possibility of the conscious decision by all members of cells of arising problems of a civilization within the elementary structures.
  Fourthly, the free time of each members of associate which can be very the considerable, thanks to preservation of a row of reproducing food and household items of technologies, has to be devoted to self-development in that sphere to which he has tendencies: to art, crafts, fight against diseases, process of tutoring, etc.
  Thus, the civilization is as though conserved. Certainly, sooner or later it will go wrong, but time of its existence and quite quiet life of people in it can be longer than tenfold than life time of a technological civilization known to us.
  To the one who will tell that it is impossible to stop development, it is possible to give an example of a similar suspending in development of human communities, more precisely, its extreme delay.
  It is possible give as an example the well-known and studied primitive communities existing approximately in the same condition of some tens of thousands of years, did not waken yet from "hibernation" about 10 thousand years ago due to which, partly, our civilization was created about six thousand years ago. Equilibrium communities with environment exist and now in a natural form, for example, the Australian natives. There are they in a simulated type of various sects, for example doukhobor. The public-production formations close to them - kibbutzim in Israel - as well separate themselves from society and the state on the way of life, the close to the equilibrium.
  7. The reasons for the appearance of similar utopias.
  The reasons for the appearance of these utopias are both in the desire to embrace the immense, and in banal self-interest, as well as in the hope of deceiving time and getting into eternity or arranging an earthly paradise, which, of course, is pleasant in the feeling of at least some prospects, but crumbling with only one thought about the imminent death of each person with all his unique personality.
  The main reason for the emergence of such "exciting" utopian ideas, which, upon closer examination, turn out to be ordinary stupidity, is that the basis of all these considerations is based on a seemingly plausible humanitarian idea: a person is the crown of all creation, and therefore humanity must exist forever and rule everything, more precisely, this crown can only be the best representatives of the human race, and not the entire multibillion-dollar population.
  This humanitarian idea automatically implies the consideration that, on the one hand, it would be nice to gather strength and resurrect at least the greatest dead, and on the other hand, try to use medicinal and high-tech means to prolong the life of the best representatives of the human race by hundreds and thousands years even under the condition of their symbiosis with artificial intellect.
  This kind of humanism also requires the search for any means in order to ensure the eternal existence of the current human civilization, but only again in the person of its "best" representatives up to the successive migration from Earth to other planets with distribution throughout Universe and its further control.
  However, all these "wonderful" considerations of the "best" representatives of the human race do not correlate in any way with all other mortals, apparently finding that there are not only too many of them, but they either simply do not have the proper education, or their minds are weak, or they are poor, sick, vicious, etc. For this reason, "happiness" should be provided only to those who managed to break into the elite, that is, to surface like a well-known shit, upward at the non-resistance of less passable individuals.
  Naturally, these "best", and in essence, semi-primates, who consider themselves the rulers of the world, treat with trepidation such false theories, naively believing that they can get to the earthly paradise, taking the necessary servants thereto. And these servants, the main element of which are advisers who are very qualified in certain areas, actually laugh at them on the sly, collecting a good profit on their stupidity, telling them about tomorrow's receipt of inexhaustible energy due to thermonuclear installations, which in terrestrial conditions is not feasible, or about senseless manned flights into distant cosmos, or obtaining the right means for a thousand-year life right now, but now still lasts and lasts, and these idiots wait and hope.
  This is the true logic of humanism, which at first glance seems to be a grandiose creation of the human spirit, which cares about the welfare of this pearl of creation, but eventually comes to the above-mentioned considerations, bordering on genocide of the entire human race, including themselves, because they do not understand that without living "material" they will have no one to parasitize on.
  To clarify the true meaning of humanism, it makes sense to quote an excerpt from my book "The person as the hologram" [19, chap. 8].
  "As well as racial theories, humanism, which, by determination, is atheistic, i.e. looks for a support not in God, and in the person, is absolutely inadequate, though at first sight it is very nice, owing to proclamation by it of the slogan: to determine the meaning and forms of own life must the person himself, living in the spirit of reason and use of own abilities.
  As it occurs always, the support of theorists of humanism on the person, on his elevation at once leads humanism into the deadlock.
  First, the vast majority of people, who are not worse than the others, is forced to live in inhuman conditions, often - in hunger and cold; they - on the brink of survival - are not capable to life in the spirit of reason and use of own abilities, which still should be to determine, that is very difficult in case of the actual absence of an education system and on the verge of survival. I.e. the theory of humanism is elitist, and it in this regard is distracted from the human race in its majority.
  Secondly, construction of humane society by means of the ethics, based on humanitarian values in the spirit of reason and free search, suffered a complete collapse: the richest society of Western countries, robbing the underdeveloped countries, and having the high level of life, nevertheless, is in a deep ideological and economic crisis, and decays.
  The person in the countries of "golden" billion is reduced to a pathetic, selfish being in the conditions of false democracy, he stops in the development, "going in cycles" on consuming of the electronic and information novelties of civilization devouring all his free time. Any protests are senseless or are cruelly suppressed. He becomes indifferent and incapable for decisive actions, pliable to the false propaganda of the fallacious values of technocratic society, - typically the consumptive.
  On the other hand, poor in the majority the Muslims making the considerable part of the population of Earth, turned out as anti-humanists in their aspiration to dilapidated religious dogmas, contradicting as to reason, and to liberty of the relations, search of new values, development. The elite of the Muslim countries, in effect, tries violently to force other people to accept these medieval views pulling the world to uniformity, wildness and autocracy.
  Third, humanism is not able to solve the problem of choosing between the interests and needs of the person and groups of people.
  Recognizing the intrinsic value of the human person, humanism leads to self-centeredness, destroying the identity of the person, naturally and temporally limited not capable to become the superman at all efforts to that end.
  Recognition by humanism as primary these or those the group interests and values means a direct way to totalitarianism and the relegation of the person thereby to nothingness.
  Fourth, humanism denies religious values, repelling the most people away from self, inasmuch in the depths every human being feels his own weakness, limitation, mortality and cannot do without the support even and the fictitious external forces.
  Thus, recognition of intrinsic value of the person as a pearl of Creation without appeal to his basis - to consciousness, turns out both senseless, and useless.
  It is confirmed also by practice: freedom, happiness, development, despite all efforts of humanists and the UN, remain on the sidelines, and dominate, in fact, only thirst of a profit, consciousness of own superiority, utilitarianism, i.e. is implemented a transfer by the structures of power of false values into the values, determining life. Thereby is formed some kind of cancer tumor which is corroding the person and his civilization quickly".
  It is curious that among these ideas, proudly raising a person to the highest pedestal, the well-known fact remained aside, consisting in the finiteness of not only human life, but everything else material, up to the Universe. And you cannot argue with this fact, but you can neatly get around it, confusing the brains of the townsfolk with various false ideas or half-truths, the first place among which is religion, and the second is science, although, of course, not everything is so simple. Religion makes it easier for peoples to live in a terrible and short existence, and science brings technological progress, thanks to which we use smartphones and warm homes. But, operating only by reproducing phenomena and logic, science can neither discover nor explain anything outside of them.
  It turns out that all the aforementioned "fruitful" ideas of endless progress of the human race are based on an absolutely false basis, chosen unconsciously at best, and at worst - with the aim of pursuing momentary selfish interests, using the hopes of philistines for a better future and the elite's dreams of eternal bliss.
  However, it is known that besides the finite there is also the infinite.
  But, there is no time in an infinite. Therefore, there is only one option for him to manifest - through the temporary finite.
  Since the one being, capable of conscious actions is a person, insofar as among all mortal creatures he really is the highest form in which an infinite can not only be temporarily realized with the greatest success, but also to prolong this time to infinity due to the constant discreteness of own existence through human lives that are reproduced over and over again.
  It is possible for a long time and, in essence, it is meaningless to argue about this infinite: that it - a highest mind, God, a single consciousness, spirit, or something else. But and so it is extremely clear that without each other the infinite and the finite cannot exist. Therefore, in order for the infinite to somehow be realized in the process of action and development, that is, to manifest itself in time, it must, having united with the finite, but remaining infinite, thereby turn out to be here and there.
  It is this alliance of the infinite and the finite that happens in living beings, who are alive for that reason, unlike everything else, that they provide the possibility of one forms of the infinite - the active - through another form of it - the passive - temporarily, but at the same time eternally - thanks to discreteness of existence (successively dying , resurrection without memory about previous life, and life until the next death) to control each person and at the same time not to deprive him of free will, solving the problem of both human life and the problem of the development of consciousness through a person endlessly.
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