Низовцев Юрий Михайлович : другие произведения.

The technical solutions excluding a formation of traffic jams and congestion in conditions of a city

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    The technical solutions provide non-stop movement practically any number of cars on highways. They are characterized by the high throughput, the high average car speed and relatively low expenses.

  The technical solutions excluding a formation of traffic jams and congestion in conditions of a city.
  The current approach to the regulation of traffic when traveling at high density cannot solve the problem of a formation of congestion and traffic jams in major cities around the world. Identification of weaknesses of this approach made possible to develop new road constructions as well as new technique on the basis of the well-known method of controlling traffic "ramp metering". It enables to eliminate a formation of congestion and traffic jams on highways and it improves the throughput of highways in several times.
  Table of Contents
  Chapter 1
  Losses from jams, accidents, the air pollution by exhaust gases on highways of cities of the world. Their annual value. Assessment of possibility of essential decrease of these losses.
  Chapter 2
  The two-level highway-bridge on the steel frame for non-stop movement of passenger cars including additional top parking level (city option). Economic estimate.
  Chapter 3
  The transformation of highways of major cities in highways with non-stop movement and practically unlimited throughput.
  Chapter 4
  The technical solutions providing of non-stop movement of vehicles upon operating highways (without traffic jams).
  Chapter 5
  Analysis of the main variants for non-stop traffic on urban highways.
  As a whole, all strategy of local authorities of the large cities of various countries on fight against excessive load of roads can be divided into three interdependent blocks. First, it is measures which are urged to stimulate refusal of using privately owned vehicles in favor of public transport. Secondly, creation of an efficient road infrastructure of for fast movement of those motorists who scorned by tips and took the wheel of the personal car. Thirdly, system development available to each motorist of information on a situation on roads which allows them to go round "jams".
  Different methods for the organization of more or less normal driving are used in various cities. Their list, is generally consolidated to the following: paid entrance, paid parkings, paid roads, development of a network of public transport, automated control system for traffic which regulates operation of traffic lights, multi storied outcomes, platforms, selection of special lanes, various restrictions and bans, adaptive network control by transport and foot streams, satellite navigation, cell phones, computers, sensors, prediction of jams, cruise monitoring (something like the simple autopilot supporting the given speed of the car), construction of a network of extra street high-speed highways, construction of detours of the cities.
  It is clear that the measures stated above of streamlining of traffic recognize silently inevitability of jams and congestion in all cities of the world and fight against jams in various ways in the most efficient parts is reduced to bans and restrictions.
  As a whole hopelessness of this fight for which are spent huge funds, is clear from this that the park of cars grows higher rates, than the extent of roads. In other words, no one wishes to refuse from privately owned vehicles more likely on the contrary.
  Besides, roads and transport streams are subject to influence of climatic factors. Therefore the roadbed should be repaired systematically, and snow drifts or heavy rains lead at once to emergence of jams.
  At this the enormous number of cars in jams and congestion which are throwing out the increased volume of the harmful exhaust, causes irreparable injury to human health and pollutes the atmosphere, without speaking about noise.
  The economic damage from jams and congestion, various restrictions of traffic, unnecessary expenses hardly gives in to calculation and makes astronomical figures.
  If not to consider various exotic and expensive ways of the solution of motor transportation problems, they are reduced, first, to increase in density of a road network across the construction of new and expansions of available roads; secondly, underground tracks, tunnels are constructed, i.e. a development goes down on vertical; thirdly, the construction various, including multi storied platforms, i.e. the development up on vertical is carried out.
  The first path cannot solve a problem as the increase of a network of land roads is expensive, slow and significantly lags behind an increase of cars. Though it should be noted that the parallel and square system of roads which has developed in New York allows going round congestions of cars which were formed for some reason.
  The problem of low throughput rate of highways and the problem emerging traffic jams and congestion on urban highways is one of the most pressing problems in the world. Solution to this problem has not been found so far.
   This situation leads and to a catastrophic condition of air in cities.
   Moreover, the number of cars each year is growing more rapidly than the length and throughput of highways. On congested roads of all major cities largely for this reason emerge traffic jams, especially during peak hours. Used measures do not help. As a result, these efforts are transferred to the plane of different restrictions (Stockholm, Singapore, Paris, London, Madrid and etc.).
   It is obvious that the free movement on the highways in case of increasing number of vehicles can be arranged only by increasing the throughput of highways multiple. Specialists do not know how to do it. But they have to do something. And they use the traditional means available at their disposal. As a result, huge amounts of money join into the obviously ineffective projects such as underground lines, additional ring roads, bridges and etc. All these projects can increase the throughput for the year by only by 2-3%, while the annual growth rate of number of cars is
  6-8 %.
   Economist Anthony Downs argued that the congestion at peak hours is impossible to avoid, because their causes are regular business hours. Therefore, from an economic perspective, there are two ways to solve the problem: either increase the supply (that is, to broaden the old or build new roads, to implement an automated traffic control system), or reduce the demand. Critics of the first speak - it's like to the struggle with obesity adding new holes on the belt. To get rid of traffic jams, Downs offers to go the second way, reducing the demand on the roads. This can be done in several ways. First, limit the number of places for parking or increase the pay for it. Second, people have to pay the fare on the streets (road pricing). The father of this concept - Nobel Laureate William Vikreya, who in 1952 proposed to fight against the crowds at peak in the subway by increasing the tariff. Third, individual machines are forbidden to leave the parking garages and parking lots.
   It would seem that if, relying on world experience, it is impossible to find a technical solution of a problem, so it and to be up on level generally of administrative decisions.
   However, the solution was found. This is two or three-level lightweight elevated highways on a steel frame reminding long closed metal bridges. Levels of bridge-highways are connected by crossings. The throughput of bridge-highways is several times higher than throughput of the usual highways. In addition, buffer (reserve-technical) lanes are put into each storey of this new road structure. Buffer lanes are used to establish the non-stop movement [1, 2].
   Both these innovations provide in aggregate a continuous high-speed movement of virtually any number of vehicles at any time, regardless of the crashes or repair. In the case of sudden overload of highway in adding to these innovations is used known technique of controlled entry of cars "ramp metering".
   Highway-bridges can be installed at least in the most sensitive areas - entry and exit of cities - in a year if production of typical sections of rolled metal for lines will be arranged.
   Highway-bridges can also be installed, in case of a radial-circular layout of the city, on the main radiuses, and further, they can be connected to one or two ring highway-bridges. This create a common network, similar to the underground, only for passenger cars, making travel around the city quick, without the congestion and traffic jams, with free entrance to the city and out of the city. [3].
   In addition, clearing the air from the exhaust in volume of the highway-bridge will make the air of cities much more pure.
   Separate storeys or storey of highway-bridges network can be provided for the movement of small-sized lorry convoy or trains - elevated metro, - thereby providing an opportunity for people without cars are moved quickly and inexpensively, without going down under the earth, at a considerable distance through the city, as highway-bridges can be installed over all main terrestrial and railway lines of the city [3].
   The proposed concept of the use of highway-bridges network as elevated metro and at the same time as the highway system with connected levels for high-speed non-stop traffic virtually of any number of cars in the city and its suburbs is consistent with the recommendations for major cities of the United States leading urban planning and transport organization, who believe that it is necessary to use the network of efficient urban elevated highways (www.vremya.ru).
   The problem of displacement of townspeople in large cities can be solved relatively quickly, simply and without huge costs, which are planned in the road transport industry, but are unlikely to be productive.
   This can be done for a few months, not years owing to assembling and installing of metal lightweight closed highways-bridges on the steel frame (they can be made on a concrete base) of typical sections (with the possible use of advanced composite materials) with several storeys and also with interstorey crossings for passenger cars (90% of all cars) from storey to storey, in order to pack them tight on all storeys. It is possible also to install treatment plants into elevated highways to neutralize the exhaust gas inside of the closed structure.
   Construction resource is about 100 years, as high-quality lanes are isolated from the impact of the natural environment, as opposed to lanes of ground highways. At the same time the construction can be easily assembled, disassembled for transport to another location or it can be increased (decreased) in height depending on changes in the traffic situation. From an economic point of view it is important that the cost of highway-bridge lane is below the cost of conventional ground highway lane.
   This construction allows to be passed through all storeys tens of thousands of cars per hour. Even the simple construction of a two-level elevated highway (8 lanes, interstorey crossings, buffer lanes) has throughput about 16 thousand cars per hour (up to 400 thousand cars per day).
   The construction is provided by original crossings (interior and exterior) for passage of cars from storey to storey without stopping at an average speed 70km/h. If cars are packed fully, for example, into 4-storey two-way traffic highway-bridges using four lanes on each storey, the throughput of all lanes will be about 32000 vehicles per hour (up to 800000 vehicles per day).
   The need for early implementation of this simple, safe and effective form of road constructions is evident in view of the fact that according to the published in the press sources on the average damage from traffic jams (2010) only in Moscow for the year was $ 1.5 billion, suburbs of Moscow - $ 4 billion for the year, and in the USA - about $ 80 billion for the year.
  It is also important that the exhaust from passenger cars, for which the most appropriate to use closed volume highway-bridges, is neutralized by installations for air purification, and exhaust gas, like the noise, does not go out.
   The absence of such technical solution in the world does this project unique, and implementation of the project reduce the losses from congestion, accidents and air pollution to hundreds of billions of dollars in all major cities around the world. The construction can be made on the basis of black rolled metal and on the basis of concrete structures, as well as by combining typical sections of steel and typical sections of reinforced concrete structures with start-up of cars on them.
   Thus, one of the most effective places for installation of multilevel highway-bridges is all cities of the world.
  Finally, the motion control system of cars on highway-bridges as well as using reserve-technical (buffer) lanes and if necessary using technique "ramp metering" to maintain non-stop movement can be applied on ground highways in two different versions - highways without traffic lights (no intersections) [7] and on highways with traffic lights (with intersections) for the organization of traffic by car columns (pools) in the latter case [8] This will increase their throughput in 1.5 - 2 times.
  Chapter 1
  Losses from jams, accidents, air pollution by exhaust gases on highways of cities of the world. Their annual value. Assessment of possibility of essential decrease in these losses.
  1. Ascertaining of losses from traffic jams, the road accidents (RA), air pollutions by exhaust gases on the example of Russia. Possibility of essential drop of these losses.
  1) Direct losses from congestion and traffic jams and the technique of essential decrease of losses.
   "Safety and traffic blocks on roads - two key problems which the motor transportation branch" faces, - speaks Neil Schuster (Neil Schuster), the president and the director general of the American society of intellectual transport systems (ITS America). "On our roads more than 42 000 people annually perish, and losses for national economy of the USA are estimated at 230 billion dollars, - Schuster speaks. - The country annually loses 70 billion more dollars because of traffic blocks on the roads caused by insufficient throughput of roads, and also incidents and emergency situations". WWW.cisco.com/web/RU/strategy/.../improving_highway_travel.html
   For 2009 the American economy lost 114,8 billion dollars because of traffic jams. The sum included a downtime of citizens and the fuel spent empty. The reason of traffic jams in America experts call the bad organization of traffic. So, 34 hours of a downtime fall on one inhabitant of America in traffic jams, and also 106 liters of fuel. It is noted also that economic expenses from traffic jams increased by 1.2%, compared with a year before. Into this figure don't enter expenses because of delay of delivery of goods, and also cancellation of business meetings because of the complicated movement on roads. Inhabitants of Washington and Chicago appeared the most suffered. Here 70 hours of traffic jams fall on each inhabitant. In 2007 of losses from traffic jams were 8.7% more, than in 2009. And with growth of economic activity expenses will grow. (bwstudio.info/kolossalnye-ubytki-ot-dorozhnyx-probok-v-ssha/).
   The most "jams" cities of the USA became known. As reports the portal of CarBuzz which has arranged own probe, worst of all business is in Chicago. On the average drivers of this city spend in stoppers for 70 hours annually therefore their economic losses from the missed benefit approximately are equal to $1738. On the second place the American capital of Washington settled down - here in stoppers 68 hours are annually lost, i.e the driver misses $1555. The third place was taken by Los Angeles with result 63 hours of a downtime and 1464 missed dollars per year on one driver. The list of the adverse cities for automobile trips included also Houston, San Francisco, Boston, Dallas, Seattle and Atlanta. And here the largest city of the USA New York took only the 10th place on load. Here, on the average, the driver loses in traffic jams 42 hours and misses $999 annually. Not least such results managed to be reached thanks to the adjusted system of transport, in particular the subway. About 47% of all interrogated Americans at least once for the last month refused the car because of stoppers, and average time which drivers spend for a trip, made 33 minutes. It is published 18/10/2011 www.zr.ru/a/371568. The price which it is necessary to pay for traffic jams - this is a downtime and a nervous tension. It is difficult to count what price of a stress, but as showed one probe, traffic jams of 75 largest cities of the United States cause to economy of this country damage approximately in 70 billion dollars a year. probudites.ru/nauka3.html
   The main losses in the USA on traffic jams happen in a weekend when the huge number of cars seeks to leave the cities, and then to return to the cities, in other words - on entrances and departures.
   Thus, if on entrances-departures of 75 largest cities of the USA install, at least, two-level highway-bridges with crossings between storeys in order to organize on them unceasing movement for cars (90% of all vehicles in the USA passenger cars), the specified losses, owing to absence in highway-bridges of stoppers and owing to existence of unceasing high-speed movement, and also owing to movement in them the most part of all vehicles, will significantly decrease and will make not $70 billion, and value, more than twice below. Extent of these highway-bridges and their throughput has to be sufficient for journey of the majority of cars to vacation spots during a week-end in the main directions of departure-entrance. Let's take this extent on the average on one city for 160 km. Then the general extent of highway-bridges will make about 12 thousand km.
   At costs of 1 km of an eight-lanes two-level highway-bridge with top - parking - storey and with powerful purification installations in $7 million, installation of these closed, ecologically safe (pure) highway-bridges with increased throughput rate and non-stop traffic be estimated at $84 billion. Efficiency of highway-bridges is explained by ensuring unceasing movement of cars by them (without emergence of traffic jams), irrespective of possible accidents or repair thanks to bypass of places of accidents on a buffer lane or moving of cars on other storeys along the external crossings installed on a highway-bridge or along internal crossings. Thus the speed of movement of cars is supervised and it don't decrease below the set limit, for example 40 (60) km/h. Stoppers on highway-bridges of similar design don't arise, and the throughput at remaining of high-speed mode not less than 40 (60) km/h is provided for each lane about 2000 cars per hour. It makes for eight-lane highway-bridge in aggregate 16 000 cars per hour (384 thousand cars per day).
   At installation of such elevated highways on the basis of rolled metal (in some options of concrete or concrete and rolled metal combination), at least, in 75 cities of the USA, considerable if not the most part of passenger cars which make about 90% from all vehicles, will prefer to leave the cities or to drive to them with high speed and non-stop along highway-bridges where stoppers don't arise. Thus, the specified direct losses from stoppers in the cities of the USA can be lowered, at least, by $35.0 billion - up to $35.0 billion.
   Costs of installation of highway-bridges at their prime cost in $7mln in 75 cities of the USA ($84bln) make close value in comparison with annual losses due to stoppers in 75 cities of the USA ($70 million), but operation of highway-bridges will give annual drop of losses from traffic jams in these cities on the average more than for 40%.
  2) Losses from accidents in the cities of the USA and the technique of essential decrease of losses.
   "On our roads more than 42 000 persons perish annually, and losses for the national economy of the USA are estimated in 230 milliards of dollars", - Neil Schuster talks, president and director general of American society of intellectual transport systems (ITS America).
   Thus, round-off financial losses for the economy of country from death of one man at a traffic incident make near $5.5млн. Losses fully correspond to payments on occasion of death of people in the USA. Indexes are in borders from 2.0 to 5.8 million dollars, but in exceptional cases can reach 9.0 million dollars of (W. K. Viscusi, J.E. Aldy. The value of a statistical life: a critical review of market...)
   If we shall take into account that the quantity of population in 75 cities the USA (53mln) makes 18% of all population of country (300mln), then number of victims from accidents annually on roads 75 cities of the USA is average 7 560 and financial losses from their death - near $41.58bln.
   Highway-bridges with crossings between storeys can be set on basic highways in 75 cities of the USA. Most passenger cars will be able move in them non-stop and even not to leave these highway-bridges. The basic streams of vehicles can be more than half separated from the streams of pedestrians. The number of victims of traffic incidents and financial losses can be decreased in this sphere accordingly.
   In this case financial losses can be diminished approximately to $20 million for a year. It will be required only for this purpose to set in the largest cities of the USA two-tier highways-bridges by general extent near 12000 kilometers or 160 kilometers km on the average on one city. One kilometer of highway-bridge costs about $7 million. Thus, total expenses will make about $84 billion.
  3) Losses from air pollution which gives an automobile exhaust and the technique of essential decrease of losses.
   Further, we shall consider the losses connected with drawing of harm to an environment from daily long congestion and traffic jams, as well as in general from significantly evolved volume of an automobile exhaust on highways of 75 cities USA.
   Carbonic oxide, оксиды nitrogen, hydrocarbons together with exhaust gases get in air. High concentration of exhaust gases near to transport highways negatively affects plants, causing an early leaf fall, and finally their death. (21.05.2010 coolreferat.com/Охрана_атмосферы_часть 2).
   The economic damage from air pollutions hardly completely is maybe counted up. The estimates executed, for example, in the USA, were expressed in the huge sums: nearby $30 billion per year. And the main consequences of pollution - the undermined health and the raised death rate of people were not considered. (eko-gorod.ru/index.php? option com_content*task view*id...)
   Experts of the American Association of pulmonary diseases have declared that smog is one of principal causes of numerous asthmas attacks (400 thousand cases per year) and other respiratory diseases (1 million cases) at residents of the USA. Doctors consider that 15 thousand Americans elderly die prematurely because of influences of exhaust gases annually. www.erudition.ru/referat/ref/id.18869_1.html
   In traffic jams on roads USA are being spent about 12.8 billion liters of fuel. If we shall consider, that the population of 75 largest cities USA (53млн.) makes 18 % of all population of the country (300mln.) the vain expense of fuel falling residents of these cities is averages 2,3 billion liters of fuel, but the main thing it that the given quantity of fuel makes nearby 36.8 billion cube meters of toxic exhaust gas.
   In the USA annually from air pollution (www.earth-policy.org/Updates/Update17.htm) dies 70 thousand persons. It is known, that not less than 60 % of pollution in cities USA gives an automobile exhaust. That is it is possible to consider that 42 thousand persons per year in the USA dies specifically of the illnesses caused by exhaust gases from vehicles. As 18 % of the population of the USA live in 75 cities on the average per a year in these cities die of the illnesses caused by exhaust gases nearby 7.6 thousand persons. Payments in the USA on the occasion of death of people are in borders from 2.0 up to 5.8 million dollars. It is nearby 4 million dollars on the person. Thus, losses from death owing to the illnesses caused by exhaust gas make annually: 7600 х $4mln = $ 30.4 billion.
   If the most part of moving cars in cities to place in such conditions at which exhaust gases will immediately be neutralized without penetration in air of cities then air pollution of large cities USA could be lowered more than half and as the results the number of victims of ecological pollution will be reduced more than twice. Financial losses will be also lowered more than twice. At installation in all large cities over their basic highways of closed (ecologically safe) multilevel highway-bridges with crossings between storeys and the organization in them of unceasing movement for the cars, as well as at mounting on storeys of flyovers of powerful purification installations these installations will transform exhaust gas in neutral components from all cars which are being volume of flyover and gas won't penetrate for limits of flyover. The shell of flyover also excludes an output of noise from cars for limits of flyover.
   Thus, if you will follow our financial approach at a count of ecological losses from traffic jams, as well as from out-of-control exit in air of exhaust gases, these losses will go down approximately in two times - to $15.2 billion. In this case it will be required to set in 75 largest cities of the USA about 12000 kilometer of ecologically safe highway-bridges. Costs of installation of highway-bridges will make $84 billion.
  4) Annual financial losses in the largest cities of the USA due to traffic jams, deaths at road accidents and air deterioration owing to an automobile exhaust.
   Annual losses on all mentioned three basic reasons in 75 cities of the USA following: first, $70 billion: it is direct losses, generally it is loss of time because of delays in jams and excess fuel consumption; secondly, financial losses from death of citizens on highways of the cities of the USA make $41.58 billion; thirdly, only harming environment in the form of 7600 dying every year directly from the diseases caused by the raised content of exhaust gas due to cars in air is equivalent to financial losses in $30.4 billion.
   Total amount of losses can be presented for 75 the largest cities of USA summarizing these components: $70 billion + $41.58 billion+ $30.4 billion = $141.98 billion.
   Thus, construction of environmentally safe highway-bridges having increased throughput (its cost about $84 billion) "will pay off", if you will be compare its cost with decrease in losses from traffic jams and other specified components in the largest cities of the USA ($70,99 billion), given by these highway-bridges, approximately in one year of their action. Without it annual losses from traffic jams accompanying them of accidents and deterioration of air will grow only.
  1. Ascertaining of losses from traffic jams, the road accidents (RA), air pollutions by exhaust gases on the example of the Germany and the technique of essential decrease of these losses.
  1) 1) Direct losses from congestion and traffic jams and the technique of essential decrease of these losses.
   Extent of network of public highways of Germany makes 644480 km, all from them roads with solid coating. Extent of highways is 12645 km. The average German can't present the life without the autobahns on which the way from the house before work, to relatives or to vacation spots lies. On these highways there are no traffic lights, pedestrians and the parked cars. Besides, the German autobahns still are free for cars, and speed on them legislatively isn't limited. However with increase in number of cars the problem of traffic jams is being aggravated. Last year on the German roads, mainly autobahns, counted 185 thousand traffic jams, and economic losses from them exceeded 100 billion euro ($133billion). The majority of them fell on summer vacations, after all the car remains the main vehicle during holidays. About 70% of inhabitants of the country reach to vacation spots in the summer on an individual transport. Most often traffic jams arise in densely populated lands in the west and in the south of Germany. The situation on roads, especially at the height of school vacation, in addition is complicated by numerous repair work of a road coating. Repair on technology can be carried out only in a warm time of the year. Besides, even insignificant accident on the autobahn in days with peak loadings has enough for emergence of multi-kilometer traffic jams. The problem is that it is impossible to move down from the autobahn in any place but only at the exits provided for this purpose.
   The main losses in Germany traffic jams fall on summertime when the huge number of cars seeks to leave the cities on summer holiday, and then to return back.
   Thus, if on entrances and departures of 12 largest cities of Germany (about $20mln losses due to traffic jams is the share of 12 largest cities of Germany at the total number of the population of these cities 12.2mln.), as well as on the main routes crossing Germany to install, at least, two-level highway-bridges with crossings between storeys and to organize on them unceasing movement of passenger cars (90% of all vehicles in Germany), then the specified losses owing to absence in highway-bridges of traffic jams and existence of unceasing high-speed movement, as well as passage in them of most part of vehicles, will significantly decrease and will make not $20 billion, and approximately twice lower. Extent of these highway-bridges and their throughput have to be sufficient for departure of the majority of cars from the city in the main directions of departures and entrances; besides, at least, two highway-bridges have to be laid from the South to the North and from the East to the West over autobahns or near them. In this case except ground level of the autobahn there will be two levels of a highway-bridge that will provide several times higher throughput of routes. Buffer lanes and interstorey crossings on highway-bridges will provide unceasing movement on them of cars, and specifics of construction of a highway-bridge and its road coating do possible the extremely rare carrying out on it repair work, but even when carrying out these works movement of cars doesn't stop, and it is made on other levels. Besides, regular entries and exits mounted on highway-bridges with necessary intervals depending on the district, allow cars to drive on them or to move down from them where there is such requirement, unlike ground autobahns. Besides, the construction of highway-bridges allows cars to go on them without participation of drivers according to the appropriate computer program any distance practically.
   Let's take the extent of highway-bridges on the average on one of twelve largest cities of Germany with the population not less than 0.5 million people for 100 km, and the extent of four routes crossing Germany from the North to the South and from the East to the West for 2800 km. Then the general extent of highway-bridges will make about 4 thousand km. At costs of installation of 1 km of eight-lanes two-level highway-bridge with top storey for parking in $7 million and existence in highway-bridges of powerful purification installations costs for installation of these closed environmentally safe highway-bridges with increased throughput can be estimated at $28 billion. Efficiency of highway-bridges is explained by ensuring unceasing movement of cars by them (without emergence of traffic jams and congestion), irrespective of possible accidents or repair thanks to a bypass of places of accidents or repair on a reserve-technical (buffer) lane or moving of cars to other storeys along the external crossings installed on a highway-bridge or along internal crossings, thus the speed of movement of cars is supervised and it don't decrease below the set limit, for example 40 km/h. "Ramp metering" technique also promotes retaining of speed of a stream of cars in the set limits. The similar design doesn't allow to emerge traffic jams, and its throughput makes for each lane about 2000 cars per hour. It makes for an eight-lane highway-bridge in aggregate 16 000 cars per hour (384 thousand cars per day).
   Installation of such elevated highways on the basis of rolled metal (in some options of concrete or concrete and rolled metal combination), at least, in 12 large cities of Germany, as well as in the form of autobahns through Germany will attract in them considerable part of passenger cars.
   Thus the specified direct losses from traffic jams on highways of Germany can be lowered eventually to $10 billion.
  2) Losses from accidents in the largest cities of the Germany and the technique of essential decrease of losses.
   The minimum insured sum determined by the law of Germany makes 7.5 million euros for infliction of harm to health and 1 million euros for causing damage to property as well as 50 000 euros concerning other financial losses for each road accident. However the sums covered by insurance policies, as a rule, considerably exceed it, providing to 8 million euros for infliction of harm to health to each victim. »ru/greencard/ru/DTP ... Germany.wbp
   On the average the annual number of victims of road accidents in Germany makes in recent years: victims - 4000, wounded - 400 thousand (demoscope.ru/weekly/2011/0485/biblio01.php).
   Thus, if to take the average amount of payment at road accident for the victim in $10mln then only in this case annual losses make $40 billion.
   If we shall consider that population in 12 largest cities of Germany (12mln) makes about 15% of all population of the country (82mln) then death toll per a year in road accidents in the territory of 12 largest cities of Germany makes about 600 and financial losses from their death - about $6bln.
   Highway-bridges with crossings between storeys can be set on basic highways in 12 cities Germany. Most passenger cars will be able move in them non-stop and even not to leave these highway-bridges. The basic streams of vehicles can be more than half separated from the streams of pedestrians. Accordingly more than half the number of victims of traffic incidents and financial losses can be decreased in this sphere.
   In this case financial losses can be diminished approximately to $3 billion per a year. It will be required only for this purpose to set in the largest cities Germany two-tier highway-bridges by general extent near 1200 km. One kilometer of highway-bridge costs about 7 million dollars. Thus, total expenses will make about $8.4 billion.
  3) Losses from air pollution which gives an automobile exhaust and the technique of essential decrease of losses.
   Let's consider the losses connected by harming environment from daily long traffic jams and congestion as well as in general due to much grown volume of an automobile exhaust on highways of 12 largest cities of Germany.
   The role of the motor transport increases in atmosphere pollution by exhaust gases every year. Not less than 60% fall to the share of motor transport in the cities of Germany in the general pollution of the atmosphere. Carbonic oxide, оксиды nitrogen, hydrocarbons together with exhaust gases get in air. High concentration of exhaust gases near to transport highways negatively affects plants, causing an early leaf fall, and finally their death.
   The economic damage from air pollutions hardly completely is maybe counted up. Nevertheless, it is known that the general damage from environment collapse in Germany makes about 10% of gross domestic product ($2.806 trillion) that is about $280 billion. Not less than 15% of this damage is the share of 12 largest cities of Germany ($42 billion) of which not less than 60% makes direct losses from impact on environment of exhaust gases - $25.2 billion.
   If the most part of moving cars in cities to place in such conditions at which exhaust gases will immediately be neutralized without penetration in air of cities then air pollution of large cities Germany could be lowered more than half and as the results number of victims of ecological pollution will be reduced more than twice. Financial losses will be also lowered more than twice. At installation in all large cities over their basic highways of closed (ecologically safe) multilevel highway-bridges with crossings between storeys and the organization in them of unceasing movement for the cars as well as at mounting on storeys of flyovers of powerful purification installations these installations will transform exhaust gas in neutral components from all cars which are being volume of flyover and gas won't go beyond of volume of flyover. The shell of flyover also excludes an output of noise from cars for limits of flyover.
   Thus, if you follow our financial approach at a count of ecological losses from traffic jams as well as from out-of-control exit in air of exhaust-gas, these losses will go down approximately in two times - to $ 12.6 billion. In this case it will be required to set in 12 largest cities of the Germany about 1200 kilometer ecologically safe highway-bridges. Costs of installation of highway-bridges will make $8.4 billion.
  4) Annual financial losses in the largest cities of Germany due to traffic jams, deaths at road accidents on roads and air deterioration owing to an automobile exhaust.
   Annual losses on all mentioned three basic reasons in 12 cities of the Germany following: first, $20 billion: it is direct losses, generally it is loss of time because of delays in jams and excess fuel consumption; secondly, financial losses from death of citizens on highways of the cities of Germany make $6 billion; thirdly, annual harming environment due to exhaust gas is equivalent to financial losses in $25.2млрд.
   Total amount of losses can be presented for 12 Germany cities summarizing these components: $20 billion + $6 billion+ $25.2 billion = $51.2 billion.
   Thus, construction of environmentally safe highway-bridges having increased throughput (its cost about $8.4 billion) "will pay off", if you will be compare its cost with decrease in losses from traffic jams and other specified components in the largest cities of Germany ($26 billion), given by these highway-bridges, approximately in four month of their action.
  3. Losses on three specified components in 404 largest cities of 11 countries of the world, their drop at the expense of installation of new road constructions with the organization on them of unceasing traffic, expenses on their installation and an estimate of terms of their payback.
   We similarly calculated losses and on the largest cities of 11 countries of the world.
   In order to compare of losses on three specified components in the largest cities of 11 countries of the world, to summarize of these losses and to estimate of payback of installation of new road constructions we shall tabulate published and settlement data.
  The number of cities.
   Direct damage caused by traffic jams
  $ Losses due to accidents
  Billion. $
   Losses due to the exhaust
  Billion $ Integral losses.
  Billion. $
   The length of the flyover.
   The installation costs of urban flyovers.
  Billion. $
   Value of the depressed losses
  Billion$ Payback period.
   The table shows, the losses arising at lag of growth of a transport network from growth of car sales even in the most developed countries of the world are significant. It is clear also that the solution of problems is in increase of throughput of highways according to growth of number of cars and opportunity creation of non-stop traffic (without emergence of traffic jams).
   The developed design of the new multilevel road construction on base of steel framework with interstorey crossings and buffer lanes can practically correspond to any number of cars which leave on highways, and at the same time it possesses property of creation of unceasing movement. This construction is reliable, effective, inexpensive. It is quickly erected. The most part of passenger cars (90% of all vehicles) can be passing on it in city conditions. Therefore the main transport losses can be lowered more than twice.
   The table shows also that if we compare the cost of installation of highway-bridges with the size of drop of transport losses as a result of their action, then highway-bridges will be paid off on the average in a year.
  Chapter 2
  The two-level highway-bridge on the steel frame for non-stop movement of passenger cars including additional top parking level (city option). The economic estimate.
   In connection with a considerable overload of highways of the cities and some main long-distance highways in many countries of the world and emergence on these routes of hours-long daily traffic jams and congestion, quite large number of multilevel highways (the USA, Japan, the Republic of Korea, Taiwan, etc.) on a concrete basis was built.
   However these two - and three-level highways didn't justify hopes rested upon them because additional lanes on them were quickly clogged into rush hours by cars. The reason of it is that the number of these cars surpassed possibilities of a pass of these elevated constructions.
   Besides, building of multilevel concrete platform-highways required a lot of time and means. Besides they are bulky.
   It would seem, the deadlock have been formed.
   Let's consider the problem more in details.
   Standards of construction of bridges and platforms allow to be used at their construction not only reinforced concrete. That is it is possible to find another basis - lighter and at the same time so or even more reliable.
   Cars can't move from one level to another of operating elevated multilevel highways if one level is overloaded, and others or another are free. However really is there no opportunity to connect these levels!?
   The number of lanes and the throughput of lanes aren't coordinated with possible peak of cars driving on flyovers. But practically any number of cars can be passed on the highway when sufficient for them of number of lanes and according to sufficient throughput.
   However, as we know, throughput falls several times with formation of traffic jams when uncontrollable mass entrance of cars on a highway. Nevertheless, what hindrances exist to make the entrance controllable!?
   It is known that any accident on a highway means, as a rule, reduction of throughput of highway, formation of congestion or even traffic jams. It only means that it is necessary to think up a mode of a bypass of these places not somewhere away, and on the same highway.
   All these problems managed to be resolved a few years ago, having patented in Russia (now process of patenting extended on a number of the countries) some options of the corresponding construction.
   Standards allow to be used the steel designs at building of bridges and platforms, and on building of skyscrapers was checked that rather lightweight steel framework can reliably hold freight many times exceeding its own weight. Therefore it is possible to mount some levels from steel longitudinal and cross beams on steel vertical support-tubes, having covered them by spans from rather thin steel sheet-plates. The road coating from the materials resolved by standards, for example, rather thin layer steel-fiber-concrete is in turn put on them. From above this simple, reliable and lightweight construction can be closed from snow or a rain by light nonflammable plastic. The similar construction can be quickly installed in the presence of ready blocks and elements by screwing together with a welding minimum. Speed of installation means not only saving of time, but also a minimum of expenses. Therefore costs of a construction in spite of the fact that concrete is cheaper than steel, are lower, than costs of being operated ground and elevated road constructions. As a result all main city and long-distance overloaded highways, and in certain cases and railway lines, can be quickly and cheap "covered" by these constructions [2,5,6].
   To form a uniform field of the lanes connected among themselves at different levels it is offered some options of crossings from one level on another - both internal, and external. It allows cars at a speed quickly to be distributed on all numerous lanes of a construction, using on a maximum the throughput of all lanes. For example, the two-level design provides without emergence of congestion and traffic jams (four lanes plus two buffer lanes at the first level and as much on the second) throughput to 16 thousand cars per hour and unceasing movement of cars at speed not less than 40 (60) km/h [1,2].
   The number of levels and according to lanes at installation of a highway-bridge can be designed on a known maximum of transport streams that doesn't allow it to be clogged by cars even in rush hours.
   In order to the speed of movement of cars on a highway-bridge didn't fall below of the set limit (40 or 60 km/h) that means the use of throughput of the lanes close to greatest possible, traffic lights are installed on entries. They begin to work on a signal forbidding entrance only when speed of cars on the corresponding site of a highway-bridge falls below of the set limit on any reasons. It provides free movement of car stream without transformation it to a synchronized transport stream which at speed of 10-15 km/h turns into congestion [4].
   In order to accidents, repair and so forth on the route practically didn't influence the speed of a transport stream that is to make it unceasing and high-speed and in this case, two elements of the construction are offered: first, the interstorey crossings, stated above, can be used for moving of cars from the storey partitioned off by accident on a free storey or on ground level, secondly, the buffer (reserve-technical) lanes is entered at each level with edge. They are intended only for bypass of places of accidents or repair as well as for entrance on lanes or departure from lanes. Some rise in price of the design at the expense of addition to interstorey crossings and buffer lanes is many times compensated by lack of traffic jams on it [1,2].
   The option of design of flyover with internal interstorey crossings can be chosen from our technical solutions on condition of dense building of the city [1]. Entries and exits in this case can directly be brought to one of ground lanes of a highway, without going beyond projection of a flyover to a ground highway.
   Concerning the general throughput of all construction which can have the beginning and the end, that is points of concentration of transport on which in usual conditions the average speed of movement falls, can be told the following.
   Through highway-bridges, as a rule, are installed in the cities. They begin in one suburb and coming to an end in another suburb with the opposite side. They can bend around the downtown not to affect its sights. Therefore and in the presence of enough frequent exits the overwhelming part of cars leaves a highway not in final points which are in far suburb and to which reach the few cars. So these final points aren't any more concentration points.
   Further, ring highway-bridges are installhed in the cities besides through highway-bridges. Ring flyovers at all have no points of concentration of transport as they have no ends. As for a possible joint of highways, in particular, in South Korea the option of joints for multilevel platforms [7] was offered. But, naturally, can be and other options of joints. We made an estimate of straight losses from congestion and traffic jams some hundred cities of the world. It appeared, annual losses from them make only on the largest cities of the world (392 cities of Brazil, Germany, Canada, China, the Republic of Korea, Mexico, Russia, USA, Ukraine, Japan) $380 billion. Wide installation of highway-bridges of the offered construction in known "traffic jams" places will reduce these losses, at least, twice [1,2,3]. Besides, cardinal improvement of transport communications will increase many times the world commodity turnover, and growth of consumption of metal for highway-bridges will significantly recover the market of metals. Wide use of new road constructions can soften developing world crisis considerably. As for the country which possesses the specified technology, it will significantly improve the main economic indicators.
   Besides it should be noted that the construction almost completely separates pedestrians from streams of cars that means essential decreasing of victims of road incidents. Especially as the closed space of a construction allows to hand steering of cars at movement on it to the computer program rather easily, that is - the car can move without participation of the driver that reduces possibility of accidents to an extreme minimum.
   The resource of lanes increases many times because lanes, closed, at least, from above from influence of environment, aren't exposed, for example, to impact of snow, a rain, etc. Thereby operational costs and number of accidents, for example, because of a poor view, strong slippage, etc., that inevitably occurs on open highways, will decrease significantly.
   Buffer lanes on all extent of a construction and at each its level allow, unlike high-speed ground highways, to mount entries and exits with any regularity that substantially facilitates entrance of cars on the highway-bridge and departure from it where the driver wants, instead of using the extremely rare entries and exits on high-speed highways which don't have buffer lanes.
   If the number of cars grew (the number of lanes of the roads brought to a highway -bridge increased) and began to exceed construction throughput and vice versa, the construction from the screwed together elements and blocks, as a rule, from steel rolled metal assumes rather simple and fast superstructure of additional storeys or respectively dismantle of unnecessary storeys, up to dismantling of a construction or carrying over of construction in another place that is almost impossible for a concrete flyover. The design can be easily transformed in ecologically safe thanks to closing not only from above, but also on each side by light, transparent, nonflammable shell and thanks to installing in the formed volume of necessary number of rather inexpensive ventilating fans with the discharge devices transforming harmful components of exhaust gas in the neutral. Besides, the shell blanks out also noise from moving cars.
   The metal top covering of the second level and lateral offtakes can be used for an inexpensive parking of considerable number of cars.
   It is expedient to use highway-bridges in the conditions of the city only for pass of passenger cars (90% of all vehicles) for even bigger increase of efficiency of a design and its reduction in cost. In this case it is possible to leave the ground highways for heavy and public transport.
   As the design is pile so far as it is extremely perspective construction for installation in seismodangerous zones where it will resist at any earthquakes and floods. Besides, the design on piles can be carried out on any soil and practically in any place, from deserts to bogs and permafrost zones.
   The design can be used not only as a highway, but also as the two-level unloading overpass which isn't slowing down transport streams at traverse by them other highways and the railroads [6] as well as basis of the transport corridor uniting highways, railway lines, power lines, communication lines and pipelines in single volume of construction that considerably reduces prime cost of building of transport corridors so necessary and being projected nowadays in the various countries and between various regions [5].
   Besides, reliability and lack of a land allocation for this elevated construction allows to place in city and suburban conditions on it the elevated subway. Electric trains will continuously ply on its tracks, and buffer tracks will be used as reserve lines at breakages, accidents, day repair work, a sediment of trains, etc., and partially buffer tracks can be used and for transportation of cargo with necessary intervals as in day, and at night.
   The multilevel highway-bridge includes vertical and horizontal bearing parts, a road covering with lanes, entrance sites and the sites of exit executed in the form of bow-shaped inclined lanes, and in preferable option these lanes are closed, at least, from above and remind curved sleeves. Storeys of a highway-bridge are connected among themselves from outer side by crossings in the form of bow-shaped inclined lanes, and in preferable option these lanes closed from above and on each side and remind curved sleeves.
   Along with them it is possible to use and internal crossings at the expense of use of the flattened wavy lanes which are regularly coinciding with single-level lanes (in drawing below the configuration of the flattened wavy lanes is shown).
   The highway-bridge in the conditions of cold or rainy the most part of year of climate is carried out, at least, in the form of a covered two-level construction. At two-way traffic it, as a rule, contains of two lanes in one direction on each storey. Along with lanes at the edges of each storey is provided on one buffer lane, or there are on two reserve-technical lane on each storey, carrying out a buffer role (in the USA on a number of highways for dispersal and entrance to highway lanes are used similar lanes. They are called there by express lanes). Buffer lanes are applied on highway-bridges only to entrance, departure of cars and a bypass by them places of accidents or repair, i.e. through automobile movement is forbidden on these lanes. External crossings from one level of a highway-bridge on another level, used for pass of cars, have width not less than 4 meters. Their minimum width is defined by opportunity to go round the stopped car. Lanes and buffer lanes in the form of spans are laid on vertical and horizontal bearing parts. Unceasing movement, even at emergence of obstacles in separate sites of a highway-bridge, is provided by possibility of moving of the vehicle along buffer (reserve-technical) lane or on other storeys of a highway-bridge owing to interstorey crossings. Entries, exits, external interstorey crossings are placed on each side of a flyover.
   The highway-bridge settles down along a ground highway, but a highway-bridge can be taken from it aside if necessary.
   The total of lanes is defined by number of storeys and storey width. The interstorey distance makes size, sufficient for free journey of vehicles. In particular, height between two levels for passenger cars makes about 2.5 meters, lane width as well as width of buffer (reserve-technical) lane makes about three meters.
   The highway-bridge represents a framework consisting in a cross section of two vertical supports (for option with oncoming traffic) or one vertical support (for option with one-way traffic) and the cross bearing parts fastening on vertical supports. Height of vertical supports is defined by number of storeys of a flyover and its arrangement over earth level. If the first storey of a flyover is located over railroad tracks, height makes 7.2 meters, if over the highway, height makes 4 meters. Thus, height of two-level highway-bridge from ground level to level of the second storey makes respectively 10 and 6.5 meters. Assembly of a highway-bridge is carried out, as a rule, with application of lengthy designs with small number of vertical supports. Each storey of a highway-bridge leans upon the longitudinal and cross bearing parts fastening on vertical supports. Spans from metal sheet-plates are imposed and fixed on bearing parts. Rather thin layer of steel-fiber-concrete (not less than 50 mm) is put on plates as the road coating. If the bottom level of a highway-bridge is supposed to be used and for journey of heavy-load transport as well as buses, steel plates of spans are strengthened by reinforcement ribs (ortotropny plates).
   The highway-bridge from a position of an applied material can be made as of reinforced concrete as well as rolled metal. Also combined option is possible.
   The highway-bridge depending on service conditions and an arrangement has various designs of entrance and departure sites on ground level, for example, entry directly from a road lane of the street or a highway, exit in the cross direction, etc.
   The highway-bridge is elevated part of a city highway loaded considerable part of days. Exits, entries and external interstorey crossings are mounted more closely to each other according to a street network of the city for convenience of driving of cars through a highway-bridge. the parking storey is mounted over the second level. Cars can drive into parking storey both from the second storey and in a number of places directly from ground level. Besides, the parking storey can be expanded due to on each side platforms are mounted additional flying away for a parking. The highway-bridge in this option is closed on each side and from above by lightweight, nonflammable, transparent shell. Converters for transformation of harmful components of exhaust gas to the neutral components are installed regularly into the formed volume of flyover. It does a highway-bridge by an environmentally safe road construction and reduces extent of air pollution in the city.
   The through passage of cars is forbidden on buffer (reserve-technical) lanes as they are used for preservation of continuousness of movement, in order to avoid formation of traffic jams, that is only for a bypass of places of accidents or repair as well as for entrance of passenger cars on lanes, departure of cars out of them.
   Side faces of a highway-bridge are protected by shock-proof designs for movement safety. Thus, the car can drive on any storey and according to indexes of traffic density to move on it or to move to another storey and freely to move on a lane with a speed of 40 - 90 (60-100) km/h as in case of accident on lanes, the car can bypass the place of accident along a buffer lane, or a car can move on another storey.
   Design features of the elevated highway assume production of all its elements in industrial conditions. Therefore, all construction and mounting works, mostly assembly, except for preparation of ground for vertical supports, are accomplished on place of installation of elevated highway. The elevated highway is mounted over existing highways or over any ground sites. A standard elevated highway section (for example 1.0 km length), consisting of four different subsections, can be assembled within a few months in the presence the necessary equipment and personal. Accordingly, with ten-fold equipment and personal, a ten-kilometer fragment of the elevated highway can be also assembled within a few months.
   Spans of the bottom level of a highway-bridge of two-way traffic with 1000 m length in the form of steel sheet-plates (6 х 3 х 0.008) meters are imposed and fixed on longitudinal and cross bearing parts, height on cross section 200mm, width - 100mm. Longitudinal and cross bearing parts are fixed on vertical supports in the form of metal columns - tubes from 2 to 4 meters on height, with diameter 30 cm, wall thickness 20 mm. Column-tubes are settled down at distance of 50 meters from each other in the longitudinal direction and 18 meters in the cross direction. About 2 meters of each column are part of the foundation. Columns can be installed and on a basis from several piles.
   The area of spans of the bottom level makes 18000 m ², number of steel sheet- plates - 1000. If passage of buses and heavy-load cars on the bottom level is allowed, then steel sheet-plates are reinforced. For this purpose the longitudinal and cross ribs having different rigidity are welded on the bottom surface of a flat steel sheet. So ortotropny plate is formed.
   The mass of spans of the bottom level by extent 1km and width 18 meters at thickness of steel sheet-plates 0.008 m and density of steel 7.8 T /m ³ makes: 1000m x 18m x 0.008m x 7.8T/m ³ = 1124 tons. The area of spans makes 18000 m ².
   Spans of the second level of a highway-bridge of two-way traffic by extent 1000m in the form of steel sheet-plates (6 х 3 х 0.008) meters are imposed and fixed on steel beams, height on section 200mm, width - 100mm which are fixed on continuation of vertical supports with height 4 meters over the first level of a flyover.
   The area of spans of the second level makes 18000 m ², number of steel sheet-plates - 1000. The mass of spans of the second level with extent 1km and width 18 meters at thickness of steel sheet-plates of 0.008 m and density of steel of 7.8 T/m ³ makes: 1000m х 18m х 0.008m х 7.8T/m ³ = 1124 tons. The area of spans makes 18000m ².
   The mass of both levels (extent of each 1км and width of each 18 meters) makes 2248 tons. The area of both levels makes 36000m ².
   The parking platform (the third level) over the second level of highway-bridge of two-way traffic by extent 1000m is executed in the form of steel sheet-plates (6 х 3 х 0.008) meters. Sheet-plates are imposed and fixed on steel beams by height on section 200mm, width - 100mm. Beam-bearing parts are fixed on continuation of vertical supports with height 5 meters over the first level of a highway-bridge.
   The area of a parking platform of the top level makes 18000 m ², number of steel sheet-plates - 1000. The mass of a parking platform of the top level with extent 1km and width18 meters at thickness of steel sheet-plates 0.008 m and density of steel 7.8 T/m ³ makes: 1000m х 18m х 0,008m х 7.8T/m ³ = 1124 tons. The platform area makes 18000m ².
   The mass of spans of interstorey crossing by extent 150m and width 4 meters at thickness of steel sheet-plates 0.008 m and density of steel 7.8 T/m ³ makes: 150m x 4m x 0.008m x 7.8T/m ³ = 37 tons. The span area of crossing makes 600m ². The mass of eight metal consoles - steel beams of length 4m everyone, height on cross section 200mm, width 100mm - makes 0.7т as for this type of beams the mass of a beam with extent 44.7m correspond 1 ton. The mass of longitudinal beams of length 150 m makes 3 tons. Total mass of steel interstorey crossing makes 41т. The mass of two crossings from the first level to the second level of flyover makes 82т, and the area - 1200 m ². The mass of two crossings from second level to third level make 82т, and the area of two crossings makes 1200 m². On the average crossings are mounted on one-two kilometer of extent of a flyover for city highway-bridges.
   The mass of entry (exit) from ground level to the first level of a highway-bridge with extent 100m, width 4 meters, thickness of steel sheet-plates 0.008 m and density of steel 7.8 T/m ³ makes: 100m x 4m x 0.008m x 7.8T/m ³ = 25tons. The area of spans of entry makes 400m². The mass of two cross bearing parts - steel beams with length 4m everyone, height on cross section 200mm, width 100mm - makes 0.2ton as for this type of beams the mass of a beam with length 44.7m correspond 1 ton. The mass of longitudinal beams of length 200 m makes 4 tons. Total mass of steel entry (exit) makes 30т. Mass of two support-columns makes about 0.5 tons. The mass of two entries (exits) makes 60т, and the area - 800 m ². On the average entries (exits) are mounted on one-two kilometer of a flyover for city highway-bridges.
   It is expedient to join entry (exit) directly to the third - parking - level for of cars in a number of places. Entry or exit from rolled metal for joint of ground level with level of a parking storey at difference of heights about 9 meters include spans from metal plates (4 х 6 meters in size) with thickness 0.008 meters, cross bearing parts, column-supports. Extent of each site joining ground and third level of a flyover (about 300 meters) is chosen from calculation that during the lifting or descent the bias didn't exceed 4%.
   Diameter of each vertical support-column makes 300mm, wall thickness makes 20mm, cross section makes 17600mm ². Number of support-columns - 42 and their height from two-meter underground part up to level of a parking storey (9m) makes 11.5 m. The total length of columns makes 483m. The number of columns supporting two entries (exits) is equal 4, height of column- from 4 to 2 meters (on the average 3 m). Their total length turns out in round figures 495m. Their total mass makes 68т.
   The extent of beams - longitudinal bearing parts of the bottom level of a highway-bridge - makes seven rows with the total length 7000м, the extent of 21 cross eighteen-meter bearing part-beams makes 378 m, total length of beams - 7378m. Their weight of calculation - 44.7m correspond 1 ton - makes 65т. The total mass of the bottom level together with horizontal bearing parts makes 1289т.
   The total mass of three levels and horizontal bearing parts makes 3900т.
   The total area of all spans of a kilometer highway-bridge of two-way traffic, including two crossings, two exits, two entries makes 38800 m ².
   The total mass of steel blocks and elements of a highway-bridge makes about 4110т. At the price of one ton of rolled metal $1000 the cost of steel blocks and elements of a highway-bridge will make $4.11mln.
   The mass of blocks of the highway-bridge making load of support-columns is equal 3959т.
   All spans of the first and the second levels as well as parking platform (if necessary parking platform can be transformed to level for through passage of passenger cars) of highway-bridges become covered, at least, by five-centimetric layer of road coating - steel-fiber-concrete. The total area of spans of a highway-bridge makes 56800m ². The volume of a steel-fiber-concrete coating makes 2840m ³, weight - 7100 T, cost - $0.852 million at price of one cubic meter steel-fiber-concrete $300.
   Taking into account the weight of steel-fiber-concrete the mass of a highway-bridge will make 11210 т and total cost - $4.962 million, and the mass of load on vertical supports will make 11059т.
   The covering of open steel surfaces about 56800 m² by anticorrosive structure with average cost about $10 for square meter can be estimated in the sum $0.568 million. And waterproofer installation on the same area with the same cost can be estimated in the sum $0.568 million.
   From above the opened spans and a parking platform are covered with a plastic roof from the nonflammable material. Area of roof and lateral plastic walls makes 33000 m². Its cost at the average price of plastic $10 for 1m ² makes $0.33 mln.
   42 bases for support-columns (1 х 1 х 2) meters will demand 84 m ³ concrete. It is worth $25 thousand.
   The cost of the specified designs and materials will make in the sum $ 6.450 mln.
   Other items of expenditure on installation of a highway-bridge include delivery of ready blocks; assembly; rent of cranes and other gears, equipment; carrying out preliminary geodetic and other auxiliary works, installation on a flyover by the necessary equipment.
   It is known that the price of delivery of cubic meter of concrete on distance of 51-55 km by motor transportation makes $33. Thus, delivery of 2920m ³ concrete from plant to a place of installation a highway-bridge will cost $0.096 mln. At the price of delivery of ton by motor transport on distance about 650 km - $50 delivery of 4110 tons of metal designs will cost about $0.205 mln. In the sum delivery of designs and materials will cost $0.300 million.
   Assembly of 1 km of a highway-bridge together with entries, exits, crossings can be carried out in the presence of the necessary equipment and gears in one-two months by 20 specialists at payment of $100 thousand to them.
   Rent of gears, including the crane and other equipment for one month will manage in the sum about $100 thousand.
   The internal space of a flyover, entries and exits are supervised by the telecommunication equipment. These are television cameras or video registrars, switchboards, server. In particular, it is enough 50-60 television cameras for this type of a highway-bridge. The total cost of this equipment makes $40-50 thousand.
   Illumination of lanes of a flyover is carried out by LED sources, for example, 35 watts with luminous efficiency 40 lm/W. The resource of these sources makes about 11years. Light sources don't heat up. Cost of one light source makes about $10. For illumination of volumes of a highway-bridge (1 km) there are enough 200-250 lamps. Thus, the cost of lamps makes $2000. The cost of other electrical equipment, including being luminous board-indexes makes approximately the same sum.
   It is necessary to consider also the cost of the fire-prevention equipment, evacuation descents, the equipment for monitoring, etc. The total cost of this equipment on 1km of a flyover can make about $100 000.
   Highway-bridge equipment will take not less than a month at participation about 20 specialists. It will demand payment of not less than $100 thousand to them.
   It should be noted: expediently to equip with ventilating devices together with discharge devices in city conditions each storey of a highway-bridge for neutralization of toxic components of exhaust gas.
   Concerning total volume leaving the muffler of the car of exhaust gases on the average it is possible to be guided by the following figure - one liter of burned gasoline leads to formation about 16 cubic meters of a mixture of various gases.
   At speed of car 60-70 km/h about 0.04 liters of gasoline are on the average spent for passing of 1 km of the route by the car and 0.6 m ³ exhaust gases are allocated. On one lane of a highway-bridge under the most favorable traffic conditions in one hour takes place to 3000 cars which can allocate in highway-bridge volume to 1800 m ³ exhaust gases.
   On one storey of a highway-bridge of the two-way traffic with length 1 km, including 4 lanes and 2 buffer lanes, four times more exhaust gases - to 7200 m ³ - are emitted. Therefore, it is necessary to install on this piece of a highway-bridge a few gas-converters. As the full volume of 1 km of a storey of a highway-bridge for cars taking into account buffer lanes makes 45 000 m ³ and in it exhaust gas is being dissipated, it is expedient to install 4 gas-converters the general productivity 45 000 m ³ / hour. Harmful components of exhaust gases are being neutralized, their content in air of the specified volume of a highway-bridge are being reduced to norm, and norms of maximum concentration limit - 3mg/m ³.
   Gas converters in the form of gas-discharge catalytic installations for cleanout of 12000 m ³/hour of air with the content in it no more than 1000 mg/m³ of organic pollution are known. The cost of the converter makes about $50 thousand. 4 similar converters is required to install on one storey (cost - $200 thousand), 8 - on two storeys (cost - $400 thousand), 12 - on three storeys (cost - $600 thousand).
   Installations work effectively at the content of harmful impurity in 1 m ³ of air: no more than 1000 mg. On each kilometer of one storey of a highway-bridge at the specified intensity of movement can be to 200 cars (to 50 cars on each of 4 lanes) who throw out in 1 m ³ exhaust gas about 400 mg of toxic substances. The exhaust gas arriving from cars per hour in volume of 7200 m ³, is dissipated in air volume of 1km storey of flyover (45000 m ³), that is the content of toxic substances in 1 m ³ air of flyover is decreased approximately by 6 times up to 100 mg/m³. And this quantity of harmful substances is 10 times less than limit value of the content of harmful substances (1000 mg/m ³) which are capable to remove cleanout installations of this type from air.
   Twelve installation-converters of exhaust gases cost about $600 thousand.
   As a result, costs of installation of highway-bridge and its equipment on the specific indicator will make $7.850mln.
   Thus the cost of twelve installation-converters makes about 7% from the cost of 1 km of a third-level highway-bridge.
   The cost of square meter of spans of three levels (54000м²) will make about $145. And one square meter of a lane (width 3 m) in the presence of eight lanes (24000м ²) will cost $330.
   In particular, installation of a similar three-level eight-lane highway-bridge in Moscow in the radial direction from TTR to MRH (10km) further in to the suburb of Moscow on 15 km (the general extent of 25 km) will cost about $196mln, and for 16 main radiuses of Moscow and Moscow area - $3.14bln.
   It is possible to add to a flyover in each driving direction additional tracks for elevated electric trains (the elevated metro) and respectively to add buffer tracks. It will unload transport system of the city substantially and elevated highways will compete with subway. However specific prime cost of a construction taking into account existence on it additional tracks (4 tracks) for trains and prime cost of each track ($0.650mln) will increase to $10.5mln.
   The mass of a highway-bridge having eight lanes and parking level on the basis of rolled metal makes 11059 tons. This weight is loading of 42 steel support-columns with diameter of each 30cm, cross section 17600mm². Thus 110590000 newtons puts pressure upon the total area of columns of cross section 739200mm ², or one square millimeter is exposed to pressure 150n/mm². The design has approximately 4-fold safety margin at limit of durability of steel 600n/mm². Up to 400 cars on the average on 2 tons everyone can be at the same time in movement at both levels of a highway-bridge of the specified construction. 660 cars can be on a parking storey. If to consider their total mass which will make 2120 tons, a construction with additional loading in the form of cars and lump near 13179т, being exposed to the greatest possible loading, keeps the safety margin close to 3.5.
   It should be noted, it is possible significantly (to 60%) to reduce the mass of a highway-bridge and its prime cost at the expense of exception of a steel-fiber-concrete road coating, without contradicting available standards and norms, having replaced it with new composite coatings from carbon fiber-reinforced plastic or glass-fiber reinforced plastic.
   Let's estimate average annual costs of operation of 1 km of the specified flyover.
   Main articles of expenses: additional equipment and re-equipment; cleaning; servicing, supply of electricity; payment of the necessary personnel.
  1. Board-indexes, part of lamps, part of the telecommunication equipment can be annually updated. If to take this annual updating for 10% from the cost of the available equipment of this type ($50000), annual expenses will make $5000.
  2. Cleaning of a highway-bridge can be carried out once in two weeks or month seasonally by means of gears with sprays of water and brushes from within and outside like washing of electric trains. These operation expenses are negligible.
  3. Estimate of expense of the electric power.
  3.1. Annual electricity consumption make about 20 000 kW • hour when seating 160 LED lamps by capacity 35Вт through each 50 meters at levels of a flyover and their inclusion on the average at 10 hours every day for lighting. Payment of this expense of the electric power will make $2000 at the price of the electric power $0.1 for one kW • hour.
  3.2. Annual electricity consumption makes about 50 000 kW • hour when seating 160 LED board-indexes by capacity 35Вт at highway-bridge levels in a mode of continuous inclusion. At the price of the electric power $0.1 for one kW • hour the payment of this expense of the electric power will make $5000.
  3.3. At permanent functioning of air purifiers with general productivity of 135 000 m ³ / hour with energy consumption near 0.12W/m ³ the annual expense of the electric power makes about 142 000 kW • hour. At the price of the electric power $0.1 for one kW • hour the payment of this expense of the electric power will make $14200.
  4. Except the above, it is necessary to consider the payment of the personnel serving a flyover. As practically all works will be automated so far as this personnel will consist of several people which majority represents emergency crew. The personnel can serve 15-20 kilometers of a highway-bridge. Therefore the annual maintenance of these experts, about $100 thousand in size, is reduced per 1 km up to $10 thousand.
  5. It is necessary to consider also these or those contingencies. Their size we will estimate in $3 thousand per year.
   Thus, the general specific operational costs during one year on the average make about $40 000.
   For comparison we will provide official data of specific cost of annual operational costs for ground highways in Russia.
   According to the "Transportnaya Bezopasnost I Tekhnologii 2005 Љ 2" magazine catalog ("A problem of safety of the Russian highways") 5 million rubles, or about $170 thousand, that is $34 thousand per year is spent annually on rescue and recovery operations of 1 kilometer of the highways. These works are carrying out of time in five years (about 10 thousand kilometers of roads are under repair). Besides annually for maintenance of roads in proper condition is spent 13.7 billion rubles, or about $1000 for one kilometer on the average. In 7 years this sum increased at least on a third.
   Thus annual specific operational costs on a highway-bridge are quite comparable to expenses on rescue and recovery operations for similar ground highways.
  Chapter 3
  The transformation of highways of major cities in highways of the non-stop movement and practically unlimited throughput.
   We can show on the example of Moscow-city possibility of rather fast transformation of all highways in the highways of non-stop traffic. This problem is very actual problem because of hours-long jams and congestion in all large cities of the world.
   But at first we will ask a question: why it occurs?
   The area of Moscow within Moscow ring highway (MRH) makes about 1100 km², the area of road network of Moscow - about 94 km ² (8.5% of the area of the territory of Moscow), the area of 16 through radial highways in six-lane execution from Third transport ring (TTR) to MRH with the extent of each about 10 km and width of lane 3 meters makes 16 x 6 x 10 (km) x 0.003 (km) ≈ 3 km ².
   The maximum throughput of a lane of a highway with traffic lights (with intersections) makes no more than 800 cars per hour, and on the average - about 500 cars per hour that is confirmed by measuring data. That is per hour one highway having six lanes with traffic lights can pass at most 4800 cars, and on the average it passes about 3000 cars; per day the highway as much as possible can pass about 115 thousand cars, and on the average - about 72 thousand cars.
   16 highways can pass per hour no more than 77 thousand cars, and on the average per hour - about 48 thousand cars. That is per day 16 radial highways with traffic lights can pass no more than 1.85 million cars, and on the average pass about 1.15 million cars.
   About 500 thousand vehicles from other towns on the average per day are entering in Moscow on available statistics. More than 4 million vehicles were registered in Moscow. The increase in number of cars up to such sizes already caused into rush hours to hour traffic jams and congestion on radial highways as their throughput in rush hours becomes lower of number of vehicles aiming on them.
   Thus, 4800 cars per hour are top threshold for each six-lane radial highway with traffic lights and when the number of cars on this highway comes nearer to this value then inevitable traffic jams and congestion are appearing. And they really regularly appear in rush hours.
   The top threshold for all 16 radial highways with traffic lights in the sum, or integrally, are 1.85 million cars per day and when the number of cars on these highways comes nearer to this value then inevitable traffic jams and congestion are appearing. And they really regularly appear in rush hours.
   Attempts of normalization of traffic are known. However all these traditional techniques suffer these or those shortcomings and they can't be recognized as the effective. Let's consider these techniques and we will find out why they don't lead to movement normalization, or to traffic without congestion.
   First, it can be administrative restriction of entrance of cars. On this way the city administration of some cities of the world, for example, Singapore, Stockholm went. However other cities don't consider this way accepted as the cars bought by city dwellers mostly as though withdraw from circulation and it doesn't cause in inhabitants of enthusiasm. Nevertheless, for Moscow administrative and restrictive measures can be used within the Garden ring or TTR as it, in particular, is made for the center of London.
   Secondly, expansion of highways to 10 and more lanes is possibly. It is already made or it is planned to make on several radial highways of Moscow. However this way is very expensive if to consider land cost in Moscow, housebreaking, etc. At the same time, a little increasing the throughput of highways at the expense of increase in number of lanes, it doesn't rescue from traffic jams and congestion which all the same arise on highways at excess as it was stated above, defined for highways with traffic lights and corresponding number of lanes of a threshold of passing of cars which isn't so high. For example, this threshold makes only 8000 cars per hour for a ten-lane highway with traffic lights. And increase of the throughput in comparison with throughput of a six-lane highway, despite enormous expenses, makes only 40%. Whereas during rush hours the number of the cars, aiming on these highways, can be much more.
   Thirdly, construction on all radial highways of underground and elevated crossings for pedestrians and cross flyovers in order to passing of cross transport flows through highways is possible. In this case start-stop (traffic lights) mode is liquidated and limit throughput in 800 cars per hour on one lane can be theoretically increased to possible maximum - 3000 cars per hour (real throughput makes about 2000 cars per hour). This throughput is characteristic for unceasing movement at a speed in the range of 30-100 km/h. Thus, the average throughput of a six-lane highway increases from 3000 cars per hour to 12000 cars per hour. However this technique doesn't rescue from traffic jams too. As showed organization similar (without traffic lights) technique on TTR, it at all wasn't as obstacle for everyday emergence on TTR of congestion and traffic jams.
   Fourthly, introduction on roads of adaptive regulation (clever traffic lights) is possible. It is used in many megalopolises of the world. However expenses of introduction of adaptive regulation are considerable, and it gives a gain of throughput of roads only on the average about 20%. Other options of normalization of traffic are also possible. Through flyovers, including the organization of movement on roofs of houses (R. Lipp's technology), high-speed trams as it is made in a number of the cities of the USA and South Korea can be them. However congestion and traffic jams are all the same formed everywhere in rush hours as inhabitants of megalopolises don't want to refuse use of the comfortable cars bought by them. And, as it was shown above, at achievement of the threshold of a pass of cars defined for everyone highway the traffic jams will being emerge inevitably.
   The area of roads in Moscow is slightly more than eight percent of the territory of Moscow (the area of the territory of Moscow according to the SUBWAY makes about 1100 km²), that is it is equal about 94 km ² or more than 30 thousand running kilometers if to transfer all roads to one lane 3 meters on width. The area of roads in New York and other American cities make 15-25 percent. The area of roads of London makes 14 percent. In Hong Kong and Singapore it is 12%. Certainly, at approximately identical number of cars and an urban area close on the area the bigger percent of the area of roads improves traffic as the throughput of a road network increases in proportion and in this regard , for example, London has the throughput of the road network almost twice above than Moscow. But in order to Moscow could be catch up with London Moscow is necessary to increase almost by 100% the extent or the area of roads. At the same time it is known that speed of construction and reconstruction of road network of Moscow is such that growth of throughput of this network makes less 2% annually (V. Donchenko, the director general of JSC Research Institute of the Motor Transport). It would be possible to catch up with London on this indicator with such rates only in about 50 years. However even it is unreal as the land plots required for a construction of roads in Moscow are extremely expensive and doubling of road network will require some hundred trillions rubles (some ten trillions dollar), and the considerable part of houses should be demolished.
   Above we specified that daily 16 through radial highways of the capital with traffic lights can pass as much as possible no more 1.85 million cars (77 thousand cars per hour). Accepted administration of Moscow the program on introduction of an intellectual control system by traffic lights (adaptive regulation) can increase the average throughput of six-lane highway (3000 cars per hour) approximately for 20%. At the same time daily hour traffic jams on radial highways show that in rush hours the number of cars exceeds the specified threshold more and more and every year this figure grows.
   Therefore the throughput of radial highways for creation of conditions to free movement of cars on them now as well as with some prospect as annually the number of cars grows for 7-8 percent it is necessary to increase in 2 - 4 times, instead of by 20% or 40%.
   However it isn't enough of one in order to normalize of movement on highways. The matter is that and at rather high throughput of a highway traffic jams can arise if for a number of reasons (road repair, the accident, insufficient number of exits from a highway, etc.) falls the speed of movement of a stream of cars to 5 - 15 km/h. In this case congestion and then traffic jams will arise.
   Therefore it is necessary to create conditions under which movement of a transport stream wasn't being slowed down, that is in order to its speed wouldn't be fallen lower than 30 km/h.
   Thus, first, it is necessary to increase the throughput of the main highways, at least, to value, not smaller, than in rush hours, and secondly, constantly to hold a mode of unceasing movement of cars without sharp falling of speed of a transport stream, at least, not lower than 30 km/h, and, thirdly, to provide coordination of throughput of the highway network with the throughput of adjacent entries on a highway and exits from it. Besides, for improvement of the atmosphere of the city it is desirable to make highways ecologically safe. High rate of their construction and rather low costs of it are important also for the fastest introduction of similar highways in action.
   Thus, there is the task: to develop a new road construction with almost unlimited throughput, excluding possibility of traffic jams, ecologically safe, rather inexpensive. Besides, it has to provide unceasing movements of cars on it with speed of 40-90 km/h in order to, for example, the new radial highway would allow to cars to reach from TTR to MRH in 5-15 minutes.
   In other countries of the world this task didn't manage to be solved.
   We offered and patented in several options a simple and effective construction which quite meets the above conditions [1,2]. One of options is schematically given below. At the same time it should be noted that the highway-bridge is closed on each side and from above by lightweight and nonflammable shell and this construction is equipped inside by converters. Converters neutralize the pollution, arriving in air from cars [1].
   Thus, the highway-bridge (two levels, eight lanes, four buffer lanes, interstorey crossings) allows cars to move without stopping from a storey to a storey, completely loading available lanes. It also gives opportunity to cars to go round the place of accident or repair on other storeys or on buffer lane, without stopping of movement, with a high speed. Thereby the design eliminates possibility of traffic jams. 2000 cars with speed of 40-100 km/h can be passed in this case on the average on one lane per hour. Its average throughput will make 16 thousand cars per hour instead of 3000 cars per hour as it exists now on each radial highway of Moscow with traffic lights (with intersections). Width of such highway-bridge (without possible external interstorey crossings) makes 18 meters.
   The mode of unceasing movement of cars on a highway-bridge in rate limits of 40 - 90 km/h at extraordinary situations can be supported automatically at the expense of restriction of entrance of cars on those sites where the speed of movement starts falling below limit 40 km/h by means of the joint system of the corresponding sensors of average speed of transport streams and entrance traffic lights [4].
   If two-level highways-bridges of this kind install over 16 main radial highways of Moscow then their average total throughput will make 256 thousand cars per hour (6.144 million cars per day). This size is about 3.3 times higher than the maximum throughput of 16 radial highways of the capital (1.85 million cars per day) now. Thereby the threshold of emergence of traffic jams and congestion considerably raises [1,2,3].
   Beside, a highway-bridge may be changed on height if necessary. For example, the number of storeys can be increased to three, four, etc. The highway-bridge can also be expanded put into operation on each level of additional lanes. The lightweight highway-bridge on the basis of standard metal blocks can be also dismantled and moved to other place. Let's note also that noise doesn't leave the closed highway-bridge, exhaust gases from cars are completely neutralized by converters issued by the industry and don't get to air of the city, lanes aren't subject to impact of a rain and snow and therefore practically don't deteriorate from their influence. Besides, the highway-bridge covers a ground highway from above and minimizes impact of snow and a rain on it.
   If the multilevel highway-bridge is mounted over a ground highway then practically all passenger cars from the closest sectors of the city and Moscow area "will go" to it, and the ground highway can be provided for movement of cargo and public transport.
   Let's note also possibility of entrance on top rigid covering and side panels of a highway-bridge of cars for parking. In this case on one kilometer of a highway-bridge with two-way traffic in the presence of additional top parking level and the corresponding lateral offtakes about 1000 passenger cars can be parked. To 160 thousand cars can be parked on all 16 radial highway-bridges from TTR to MRH (10 km), and prime cost of 1 sq. m of the total area of a flyover will make about 140 dollars.
   It is expedient to prolong volume highway-bridges out of MRH limits on 20 - 30 km for providing free and fast (during 10-20 minutes) entrance into Moscow from near Moscow area and departure from Moscow to near Moscow area of passenger cars to 6.144 million per day that exceeds number of the cars registered in Moscow by 1.5 times.
   As for possibility of free entrance within Moscow - from TTR to MRH - on radial two-level highway-bridges of passenger cars in quantity up to 256 thousand per hour though in their practice will be less and sharp growth of passenger cars is possible only in rush hours, widely developed network of cross streets and their excess number for this case will quite provide entrance on each radial highway-bridge to 16 thousand cars per hour. For this purpose it is necessary to have number of roads and according to lanes with throughput about 16 thousand cars per hour. If to accept as it was stated above, the throughput of one lane of ground roads with the traffic lights, adjoining a radial highway, for average value - 500 cars per hour then on 10 km from both parties of a highway is required only 32 adjoining lanes - on 16 lanes from each party, or 8 streets (roads) with two lanes of one-way traffic. The same concerns to exits, otherwise the number of adjoining streets (roads) is enough for departure from a highway-bridge at its specified throughput. If there are any deviations, respectively it is necessary to build roads for departure, and for entrance to organize the work of traffic lights managing by entrance in depending of density (speed) of transport streams on a flyover.
   The multilevel highway-bridges can be installed also over TTR (36 km) and over Small ring of the Moscow railroad (54 km) in addition to ground MRH and TTR in order to cars could quickly to move from one radius of Moscow to another.
   Let's consider possibility of increase for some years of the area of road network of Moscow from available 8 percent in one and a half time - to 12 percent from the area of the territory of the city, that is its finishing to the standards close to standards of Singapore, Hong Kong and London, by means of installation of multilevel highway-bridges for passenger cars on the main transport directions of the capital (1 km of a highway-bridge from standard blocks if those are available, is installed and becomes effective for a few month on condition of carrying out a preparatory work and flyover installation from standard metal blocks generally screwing together with welding minimum). It not only actually introduces Moscow into framework of road standards of the most known megalopolises of the world, but also, and this most important, unlike all large cities of the world, provides on the main transport directions unceasing movement of practically any number of cars.
   It is expedient to install multilevel highway-bridges, at least, in two storeys having throughput about 16 thousand cars per hour everyone over 16 through radial highways of Moscow, at least, from TTR to MRH with extension them in Moscow area in order to solve transport problems of Moscow and substantially Moscow area. Besides, in order to cars could be quickly moved from one radial direction to other radial directions it is expedient to install in addition to available ground ring highways, at least, two ring volume highway-bridges, for example, over TTR - with number of lanes 12-16 (3 or 4 levels) - and over the Small railway ring with number of lanes 10 - 12 (3 levels).
   The area of one km of one lane with its width 3 meters makes 0.003km². The number of lanes of 16 radial eight-lane highway-bridges will make 128. Length of every highway-bridge will make 10 km, and their total area - about 4 km ². The number of lanes of highway-bridge over TTR will be average 14, and highway-bridge extent makes 36 km. Thus, the area of all lanes of highway-bridge over TTR will make about 1.5 km ². The number of lanes of highway-bridge over the Small railway ring will make not less than 10, and the highway extent makes about 54 km, the area of all lanes of highway-bridge over this ring will make about 2 km ².
   Thereby, the total area of lanes of all highway-bridges installed along the main movement directions of the motor transport of Moscow will make 7.5 km ².
   However, in particular, the area of lanes of radial highway-bridges can't be summarized simply with area of lanes of ground radial highways because the last operate in the mode of action of traffic lights and therefore the throughput of each lane is low for them - on the average it makes 500 cars per hour (only 3000 cars per hour for a six-lane highway) whereas highway-bridges have not traffic lights and as the result traffic on highway-bridges is unceasing. Therefore lane throughput at them is higher - on the average it makes 2000 cars per hour (16000 cars per hour for an eight-lane highway-bridge, or it is more than 5 times higher). In other words, installation of one specified eight-lane highway-bridge from TTR to MRH is equivalent to construction of 5 ground six-lane highways with traffic lights, and installation of 16 highway-bridges is equivalent to construction of 80 ground six-lane highways with traffic lights.
   Therefore 4 km ² of the areas of all lanes of 16 radial highway-bridges is equivalents by efficiency, that is from the point of view of their increased throughput, more than to 20 km ² of ground highways with traffic lights. As a result, highway-bridges with area of lanes more than 20 km ² taking into account their increased efficiency (high throughput) can be added to available roads of Moscow with an area of 94 km ² already in some years. It in the sum can make about 12% from the area of the territory of Moscow taking into account construction of other ground roads within these several years. This size is quite comparable to the specific area of network of roads in Singapore (12%), Hong Kong (12%) and London (14%).
   Introduction in action of only one radial eight-lane highway-bridge over a six-lane ground highway increases the average throughput of the integrated radial highway from 3000 cars per hour to 19 thousand cars per hour. It is equivalent to expansion of available ground highway by six times, or it is equivalent to construction of five additional ground highways with traffic lights. As a result, daily throughput on one radius increases to 456 thousand cars per day instead of former 72 thousand cars per day. The greatest possible number of the cars falling on one of sixteen sectors of Moscow, makes: 4.5 mln : 16 = 0.28 million as about 4 million vehicles are registered in Moscow and every day 0.5 million vehicles from another towns drive in Moscow. And it is 1.6 times less than the daily throughput of the integrated radial highways taking into account installation over available ground six-lane highways of eight-lane highway-bridges.
   Thus, introduction of only one radial eight-lane highway-bridge increases the throughput for automobile streams of this Moscow sector by six times. It is equivalent to construction of five similar available ground highways.
   To provide coordination of number of moving cars on radial highway-bridges and number of cars on ring highways the installation of two ring highway-bridges at least with the general throughput about 50 thousand cars per hour is necessary. Then in aggregate with already available ring ground highways (their total average throughput makes now about 32 thousand cars per hour) throughput becomes about 80 thousand cars per hour, or it will make one third of throughput of 16 radial highway-bridges. If to consider that the most part of cars on radial highways seek to move within the sectors as well as considerable part of cars leave (drive in) Moscow area, originally two ring highway-bridges will be enough for the organization of additional moving of cars from one sector in another. Further the given factor can be considered and one more ring highway-bridge can be added to ring highway-bridges already installed or the number of storeys (lanes) on ring highway-bridges can be increased.
  Chapter 4
  The technical solutions providing of the non-stop movement of vehicles upon operating highways (without traffic jams).
   Let's consider in brief a state of affairs now on regulation of transport streams in the conditions of overflow of highway, or movement with the increased density.
   Methods of regulation of transport streams applied now on city highways in the conditions of the essential increase of traffic density caused by a considerable gain of number of cars, ceased to be effective. The example of it is everyday hours-long congestion and traffic jams in all large cities of the world. Methods of fight with traffic jams applied now are quite various.
   For example, the French company Renault offers the option of a solution of the problem of city traffic jams and deficiency of parking spaces. The idea of designers is simple: a vehicle has to be three-wheeled. Such is the concept of a motor scooter of Renault Ublo. For the European cities where speed is limited 50 km/h, Ublo quite suffices the four-cycle two-cylinder engine of 124 cubic cm. And the compact sizes of a motor scooter (length - 2.03 m, width - 0.77 m) turn a parking problem into extremely easy problem. Designers took care of the driver and the passenger, having covered them from a rain and a wind a transparent roof. However it is warmly and drily there only at a temperature +25№ Celsius. Some luggage compartments with general volume of 120 liters are placed under wheel and seat as well as in the motor scooter rear. Safety of the driver is ensured by the frontal airbag.
   The similar option of solution of the problem of traffic jams was offered by English scientists from university in the city of Bath. The new car is called as Clever (in abbreviated form from Compact Low Emission Vehicle for Urban Transport - Compact means of city transport with low level of an exhaust). At creation of this essentially new type of the car developers tried to combine safety of traditional cars with maneuverability of motorcycles. Clever gathers speed to 80 km/h. The car consists of the metal case approximately the same height, as ordinary cars. The place for the passenger is behind chair of the driver. As developers certify its engine works more silently, this car makes less exhausts, than the ordinary car as it works at the compressed gas.
   The hydrodynamic analogy - Laytkhilla-Uizem's model is used in the theory considering movement of transport streams, till this moment. They wrote in the classical work (Lighthill M.J. Whitham G.B. Proc. R. Soc. A 229, 317 (1955)): "... The main hypothesis of the theory consists that in any point of the road an expense (cars per hour) are density function (cars on mile) ...". "Byurgersa's equation was received on the basis of it and still a number of assumptions and the subsequent generalization. This equation can be considered as Navier-Stokes's scalar one-dimensional equation for incompressible liquid with single density", Semenov V. V. notes [8]. One of representatives of domestic science about transport streams Afanasyev M. B. also writes: "... movement of a dense transport stream down the street or the road reminds water movement in the channel ... the channel of a certain section can pass quite certain amount of water in unit of time. If we want to pass a bigger amount of water via the channel, we have to increase its cross section. Something similar happens and to the transport stream moving on the channel - the street or the road. The carriageway of a certain width can pass quite certain number of cars and if we want to increase its throughput, we have to broaden the road ... This analogy gave to experts the grounds to apply laws of movement of liquid to studying of regularities of transport streams. Such model, however, with certain restrictions allows to conduct important researches and to solve a number of practical questions on movement regulation. " [9].
   However comparison of the results received on this model, with real characteristics of a transport stream showed that this mathematical formula doesn't correspond to anything in real life. The model "liquid on the road" (Laytkhilla-Uizem's model) has borders to certain speeds and density. Then "a phase transition" happens, and this model ceases to work. It is necessary to enter two more models - a free stream and moving traffic jams. There is a question: "What parameters define these phase transitions?" For example, for the concept "aggregate state of substance" defining parameter is temperature. For hydrodynamic transitions - stream speed, etc. For transport streams this question remains open [8].
   Scientists of the National research center of Los Alamos (Los Alamos National Lab. - LANL) allocate the following patterns of a transport stream:
   Stage 1. While the road isn't loaded, motorists move at a speed convenient to them, freely passing to the adjacent lanes. At this stage cars are comparable to a stream of the particles having big freedom in the conveyance.
   Stage 2. As soon as the road becomes overfilled, motorists suddenly lose the most part of freedom of conveyance and are compelled to move already as part of a general transport stream, coordinating with it the speed. Thus they any more have no opportunity freely to change a lane. This stage, similar to water flow, is called as a "synchronized" stream.
   Stage 3. At very large number of cars in a stream movement gains faltering character (the so-called stop-and-go mode). At this stage the transport stream can be assimilated to a stream of freezing water, cars become on any period as though "pasted" to one place of the road.
   Thus, in the theory of transport streams the last is considered as a liquid or gas stream. Therefore the concept of "phase transition" in a transport stream is entered by analogy to phase transitions in liquids - transformation of steam into water or water into ice.
   Semenov V. V. explains: "The explanation of the moment and dynamics of change of a phase in a transport stream, by analogy to that as it occurs in the nature, today while isn't present. Differently, phase transitions are high-quality spasmodic changes in speed and density of transport units in a stream. These changes arise locally and extend along stream as wavy. As a result the stream turns into "jelly". Such condition can keep long enough, hour or two. Such condition arises more often at entries or exits on highways. These phenomena aren't described by any of existing mathematical models but only it is reproduced realistic on imitating models of cellular automatics. Therefore the gear of phase transitions if they exist in reality, and no simply are beautiful classification, still it isn't clear [8].
   Thus, methods of regulation of transport streams are guided by establishment of a certain order within road situations developing on highways for the purpose of improvement of these situations. And this order is based on hydrodynamic model of a transport stream which as it was noted above, isn't adequate for all road situations and, in particular, doesn't work when a transport stream is being compacted. As the result, enduring traffic jams on highways of cities.
   Within the approach offered by us the solution of the problem of traffic jams is considered in another plane - in the preservation plane, more precisely, formation and preservation of the mode of the transport stream corresponding to the stage 1 stated above, that is the stage of the free stream. A certain type of regulation of transport streams can create such transport situation at which compacting of a transport stream and formation of traffic jams owing to this compacting doesn't arise. That is a blockage of transition of the stage 1 in the stage 2 and 3 is offered. In other words, it is offered to form and keep a traffic mode on a highway at which motorists move at a speed convenient for transition to the adjacent lanes, or all the time to keep such density of a transport stream at which cars are distributed at movement enough far apart and are provided with space for maneuver.
   Certainly, there are also other reasons for formation of traffic jams, for example, accident as a result of which narrowing of highway is formed that also leads to formation of a traffic jam. Nevertheless, and this problem is quite solved within the offered new technique of regulation of transport streams as introduction of a reserve-technical (buffer) lane only for entrance or departure of cars allows to use it and for bypass of places of accidents in many cases because accidents block all lanes of the route enough seldom.
   Let's return, however, to offered concrete methods of regulation of transport streams by means of which such transport situation is formed at which compacting of a transport stream and formation of traffic jams owing to this compacting doesn't arise.
   It is possible to form and hold a favorable mode of movement on a highway, or the stage of 1 - free stream - at a certain additional work on the basis of already long ago known technique "ramp metering" [10] according to which at excessive compacting of movement on a separate site of the road restriction of entrance on this site of cars is made by these or those modes.
   The version of this technique offered by us is reduced to the following. On all entries on a highway the traffic lights steered by controllers on the program which allows entrance only at an average speed of a transport stream, for example, in the range 60-100 km/h. Data on the speed of a transport stream constantly arrive on the controller, for example, from the radars installed here. The controller gives command on inclusion of forbidding entrance on a highway of signal of traffic light at once at an exit of speed of a transport stream out of the bottom limit. The signal of a traffic light is switched on allowing only at set by a transport stream of the speed close to the top limit, for example, of 90 km/h (depending on arrangement of a route and time these intervals can be various, for example, 30 - 70 km/h, 40 - 100 km/h). Thus a transport stream doesn't get to the stages 2 (synchronized stream) and 3 (stop-and-go mode) stated above. As the results emergence of traffic jams depending on compacting of a stream and the corresponding falling of its speed doesn't occur.
   The offered approach at the same time allows to reach at the expense of the chosen interval of speeds as it will be shown below, the greatest possible throughput in these conditions on each lane together with opportunity for each car to change lanes that in city conditions is need because of frequent entries on a highway and frequent exits from it.
   In addition to it adjacent to entries or exits of a highway the lane is reserved as buffer: it is used only for entrance and departure of vehicles as well as for bypass of places of accidents or repair. This solution allows to reduce, at least, probability of formation of traffic jams because of accidents to the minimum limit as well as to avoid traffic jams on a highway at places of departure of cars from it as cars before departure from a highway move in advance on this buffer lane and don't create hindrances to other cars on operating lanes.
   Let's give excerpt from M.B Afanasyev's article "Transport stream" to show obvious inadequacy of traditional hydrodynamic approach for the condensed movement of transport streams as it was noted by Semenov B.B. [8].
   "... Let's note that according to the traditional theory of transport streams focused on hydrodynamic model, a transport stream can be characterized by three critical parameters: intensity N, average speed V and density D. These parameters are connected by the main equation of a transport stream: N = DV.
   Graphically this equation represents the main diagram of the transport stream. General view of diagram is shown in drawing below.
   It is possible to define characteristics of a transport stream using the equation and the diagram. So, average speed is expressed through a tangent of angle of an inclination of the straight line connecting the beginning of coordinates to a point. Coordinates of this point characterize a certain intensity and density (N/D). Greatest possible under existing conditions intensity of movement as it follows from the chart, is reached at a certain density of a transport stream (point A on the chart) and is called as throughput of lane or road. It is characteristic that at density of a stream, bigger, than in point A intensity of movement decreases. It is explained by that at big traffic density, often there are traffic jams, speed decreases and it leads to reduction of number of the cars passing in unit of time through any section or a site of the road. From the main diagram and the equation of a transport stream follows very important the conclusion for movement regulation: when there is a requirement to pass the greatest possible number of cars on the road, it is necessary to establish by means of signs a certain mode of speed which provides the greatest intensity" [9].
   V. V. Semenov and a number of the experts of the USA stated above showed that the hydrodynamic model is inapplicable for movement of transport streams of high density, therefore, in our opinion, used general concepts, definitions and the equations given above, can't adequately describe and explain all situations in transport streams.
   In this regard it was necessary to enter, in our opinion, more adequate model of movement of a transport stream which we will give below.
   Let's consider process of formation of transport streams on highways without traffic lights (without adjustable intersections) [4].
   The driver, moving with a certain speed on a lane, observes a safety distance (lsd). Its extent depends from the speed of movement and is defined from the following ratio:
   lsd = τd • v + v ²/50,
  where τd - delay time, that is time of reaction of the driver for change of a surrounding situation; v - car speed.
   If the surrounding situation for the driver is stable and doesn't disturb him, then, how shows experiment, τd make about 0.5 sec on the average. This is characteristic at stable movement of cars on the lanes chosen by it considerable time, for example, on long-distance highways with a speed to 100 km/h.
   At speed drop out of the limit in 30km/hour, for example, at increase of density of a transport stream, cars approach, there is some kind of narrowness which increases with speed reduction. The road situation is becoming more difficult and time of a delay increases. Experience shows that in this case τd increases to 1 sec.
   At high speeds of movement, beginning from 90-100 km/h, tension of the driver also increases as danger increases, and τd again increases to 1 sec.
   However time of a delay of 0.5 seconds remains at car speeds from 30km/hour to 90-100 km/h only at stable movement of cars, when is absent "mixing" of stream, that is without frequent changes by cars of lanes. And this "mixing", as a rule, happens in city conditions in the presence of regularly located frequent entries on a highway and frequent exits from it. Characteristic example of it is "The third transport ring" (TTR) of Moscow. In this case the situation for the driver is difficult and time of a delay makes about 1 second.
   Time of reaction of the driver τd, of course, depends on experience and qualification of the driver, but on the average it is such.
   The indicator v²/50 takes into consideration dispersion of braking systems of cars.
   The braking distance of the car is determined by formula: sb = v ²/2a, where a - negative speedup in m/s ². On technical requirements for modern vehicles a have to be not less than 5 m/s ². The admissible dispersion has an order about 10%. Let's take as an example the worst option - the car in front is adjusted when braking on a = 5.5 m/s ², and the car following it is adjusted on a = 4.5 m/s ². Then, if one car going with the speed 25 m/s, passes when braking v²/2a = 625/9, another car will pass way v²/2a = 625/11. The difference of these two segments will be as follows:
  Δs = v ²/9 - v ²/11= (11v ² - 9 v²)/99 = 2v ²/99 ~ v²/50 (m).
  Or Δs = v ²/2a1 - v ²/2a2 = v ² (а2 - а1) / 2а1 ∙ а2.
   At а1 = 4.5m/sec ² and а2 = 5.5m/sec²
   Δs = v ² (5.5 - 4.5)/2 • 24.75 = v ²/49.5 ≈ v²/50 (m).
   For example, at v = 25m/sec (90km/hour) and τd = 0.5 sec the safety distance lsd = 0.5•25 + 25 ²/50 = 12.5 + 12.5 = 25m, and at τd = 1 sec lsd = 37.5m.
   Let's enter concept of dynamic length of vehicle lд. Dynamic length is the sum of average physical length of the car ls and a safety distance lsd:
   ldl = ls + lsd
   On the average the physical length of the car ls makes 5 meters. Thus, the dynamic length ldl is a site of a road cloth which occupies the car taking into account a safety distance lsd.
   The relation of speed of movement of the car to the dynamic length (v/ldl) is the maximum throughput N of a lane.
   For example, five cars move one after another at the speed 90km/hour (25m/sec), delay time τd makes 1 sec. They occupy 212.5 meters of a lane (5cars х 42.5 m). At specified speed the distance in 212.5 meters will be passed in 8.5 seconds, that is in 8.5 seconds will pass all five cars.
   Thus, each car passes ldl (42.5m) for 1.82 sec. In one second the car will pass 23.3 meters, or in round figures 5/9 ldl.
   In one hour the throughput N of a lane at this speed and delay time for the driver τd = 1 sec will make: 5/9 x 3600sec = 2000 cars per hour.
   At drop of speed the dynamic length and throughput of lane will change. For example, if cars move with the speed of 7.2 km/h (2 m/s) a safety distance lsd makes about 2.1 meters, that is at delay time τd = 1 sec the distance between cars makes slightly more than 2 meters, the dynamic length ldl - about 7 meters, and throughput N = 2/7 ~ 0.3 cars / sec, or it was being reduced approximately twice - with 5/9 cars / sec to 3/10 cars / sec.
   The calculation of throughput stated above at the speed of 90 km/h is given for traffic conditions on city highways where exits of cars with highways or entries on it from numerous city streets are made almost continuously that assumes almost continuous maneuvering of cars for change of lanes by preparation for departure from a highway or after entrance on it and the corresponding tension of the driver. The same is characteristic for city highway-bridges with their frequent entries, exits and crossings between storeys.
   As a result, in these cases and in the range of speeds from 30 km/h to 100km/hour time of reaction of the driver for situation change, or time of a delay makes as well as out of this interval, about 1 second, or time of a delay is raised.
   Let's enter also concept of density of a transport stream d which is equal to the relation of physical length of the car to the dynamic length of the car: d = ls/ldl. This expression reflects extent of filling with lane by cars (as a percentage) taking into account as average physical length of cars, so safety distances between them defined by the speed of movement of the cars substantially that, in our opinion, is more exact than expression of density of a transport stream through number of cars on unit (kilometer) of length accepted in the theory of transport streams which explicitly doesn't consider dependence of the distance between cars from the speed of their movement. From expression d = ls/ldl (see the tab. below) comes to light at once degree of a sparseness of an automobile stream at various speeds of movement at fixed time of a delay for the driver. The ratio of the lane occupied physically with cars and intervals between cars is visible also. For example, at a decelerated motion in the case traffic jams car casings borrow to two thirds of each lane (the road is clogged by cars), and at speeds of cars higher than 100 km/h car casings borrow less the tenth part of a road lane.
   For an illustration we will provide the table. The table is shown dependence of dynamic length ldl, throughput N of a lane and density of transport stream d from speed of movement the cars V in the range of speeds from 2 m/s (7.2km/hour) to 45 m/s (162km/hour) for city conditions (at τd = 1 sec on highways).
   V (m/sec) ldl (m) N (cars/sec) d (%)
   2 (7.2km/h)
   3 (10.8km/h)
   4 (14.4km/h)
   5 (18.0km/h)
   6 (21.6km/h)
   7 (25.2km/h)
   8 (28.8km/h)
   9 (32.4km/h)
   10 (36.0km/h)
   11 (39.6km/h)
   12 (43.2km/h)
   13 (46.8km/h)
   14 (50.4km/h)
   15 (54.0km/h)
   17 (61.2km/h)
   18 (64.8km/h)
   20 (72.0km/h)
   21 (75.6km/h)
   22 (79.2km/h)
   23 (82.8km/h)
   24 (86.4km/h)
   25 (90.0km/h)
   26 (93.6km/h)
   27 (97.2km/h)
   28 (100.8km/h)
   29 (104.4km/h)
   30 (108.0km/h)
   35 (126.0km/h)
   40 (144.0km/h)
   45 (162.0km/h)
   90.50 0. 28 (1008cars/h)
   0. 37 (1332cars/h)
   0.43 (1548cars/h)
   0.48 (1728cars/h)
   0,51 (1836cars/h)
   0.52 (1872cars/h)
   0.56 (2016cars/h)
   0.58 (2118cars/h)
   0.59 (2124cars/h)
   0.60 (2160cars/h)
   0.60 (2160cars/h)
   0.61 (2196cars/h)
   0.61 (2196cars/h)
   0.61 (2196cars/h)
   0.61 (2196cars/h)
   0.61 (2196cars/h)
   0.61 (2196cars/h)
   0.60 (2160cars/h)
   0.60 (2160cars/h)
   0.60 (2160cars/h)
   0.60 (2160cars/h)
   0.59 (2124cars/h)
   0.58 (2088cars/h)
   0.58 (2088cars/h)
   0.57 (2052cars/h)
   0.57 (2052cars/h)
   0.57 (2052cars/h)
   0.54 (1944cars/h)
   0.52 (1872cars/h)
   0.50 (1800cars/h) 70
   It is visible from this table that at speeds of movement of cars in the range from 10 m/s (36km/hour) to 27 m/s (97km/hour) the throughput N has the greatest value in comparison with remained high-speed modes.
  It is visible also from this table that the throughput N changes slightly in the specified range - about 5%.
   Graphically dependence of the throughput N on the speed of movement of a transport stream is shown below. From the schedule it is visible that the throughput increases approximately twice - from one thousand cars per hour on one lane and approximately to two thousand cars per hour at increase in speed from 7 km/h to 30 km/h, - and then the throughput grows slowly up to 2200 thousand cars per hour right up to 45 km/h, this size of throughput remains up to the speed 72 km/h, and then there is a slow throughput reduction up to 1800 cars per hour at a speed 162 km/h. Thus, the most favorable mode of movement, from the point of view of use of throughput of lanes, begins with 30 km/h. However if at the speed 30 km/h 2000 cars per hour pass on lane only 30 km, the same 2000 cars at the speed 90 km/h pass already three times bigger distance. Therefore, from the point of view of profitability and speed of conveyance it is most favorable to choose more a high-speed mode, but thus, without leaving out of the limit in 100 km/h from the point of view of traffic safety.
   This table and the schedule, in our opinion, reflect more adequately dynamics of traffic on its critical parameters, than, for example, the main diagram of a transport stream (it is shown above), used in the theory of a transport stream based on hydrodynamic model [9].
   The approach stated above on creation and maintenance of unceasing movement can be applied both to multilevel highway-bridges, and to the ground highways which don't have intersections (without traffic lights), like "The third transport ring" (TTR) in Moscow.
   At certain changes the same approach can be applied and to highways with intersections, or with traffic lights [4].
   The essence of these changes consists that unceasing movement is established in the form of a stream of cars with gaps. In other words, when separate columns (pools) of cars are formed, then gaps, or intervals between columns find oneself at movement of columns on forbidding (red) signal of a traffic light, and columns - on allowing (green) signal of a traffic light. That is at traffic lights working in antiphase at the neighboring intersections through each intersection during action of an allowing signal there passes a column of cars, and after change of a signal on opposite in the formed rupture of columns pass cars of the cross directions. Such approach allows to be led in the same way columns of cars of an opposite direction on highways with two-way traffic. And feature of this approach is that at the fixed interval of action of a signal of all traffic lights, for example, 40 seconds, traffic control transfers as though from a traffic light to drivers of the front part of each automobile column who brake if see that the column goes too quickly and it can appear at the intersection before change of red signal on green or, on the contrary, drivers add to gas if the speed of a column is insufficient to use all the time of work of allowing signal. As for refill of the columns decreasing by number of cars in process of their departure on lateral streets, the admission from the cross directions on a highway of cars is carried out on a signal recalculating cars in a column of detectors which are transferred by the controller to an entrance traffic light if the decrease of cars makes, for example, 20% from the number of cars which was available originally of cars in a column. And the admission of cars on a highway is stopped as soon as the former number of cars in a column will be restored.
   Estimate of risks of the project.
   Let's consider possible objections on working capacity and efficiency of the offered technique of regulation of transport streams from the point of view of an estimate of risks of the project.
  1) Introduction of unceasing movement on highways without traffic lights (traffic jams and congestion don't arise) TTR and MRH type in Moscow worsens conditions of journey on an adjacent street road network, including, breaks of work of public passenger transport.
   At first on a concrete example of such highway without traffic lights as "The third transport ring" (TTR) we will show possible results of use of a technique of regulation of transport streams offered by us on the basis of "ramp metering" concerning throughput and concerning the organization of unceasing movement (without emergence of traffic jams and congestion).
   Usually at the complicated movement on TTR, for example, in rush hours, on it the cars driving on TTR approximately from 30 entrances on one party of TTR start accumulating. Density of transport streams start to grow, the speed of movement also falls. In particular, when falling speed to 7 km/h with emergence between cars of distance in 2 meters and with average length of the car 5 meters on three lanes of one party of TTR at its extent 36 km are accumulated (36000m x 3lanes): (5+2) m = 15400 cars. If to take a case that each car before departure from TTR has to pass on it a half (18 km) at speed 7 km/h then for car journey in these conditions is spent: 18km: 7km/hour ≈ 2.6 hours. Thus, during 2.6 hours on 1/2 TTR will be able to move 15400cars x 1/2 ≈ 7700 cars, that is for one hour on one lane will be able to pass (7700cars : 3lanes): 2.6hour ≈ 1000 cars.
   At regulation of movement on the offered technique on three through lanes of TTR (extent of TTR makes 36 km) with the same average length of the car (5m) and distance between cars of 30 - 40 meters (speed of movement 60 - 90 km/h) on the average are approximately (36000m x 3): 35m ≈ 3000 cars, or it are less, than in already considered case, by 5 times: 15400cars : 3000cars ≈ 5 (number of cars under existing conditions - admittance of cars into TTR from all entrances by portions - fluctuates approximately from 3300 to 2400). It is spent for the pass of a half of TTR (18 km) at an average speed of 75 km/h: 18km : 75km/hour ≈ 0.24 hours, or about 14 minutes. Thus, during 0.24 hours on 1/2 TTR will be able to move 3000cars x 1/2 ≈ 1500 cars, that is for one hour on one lane will be able to pass ((1500cars : 3lanes) : 0.24) ≈ 2025 cars.
   These data indicate the major for introduction of the offered technique the fact: time demanded on journey of identical distance at established free movement on a highway without traffic lights, for example, at the expense of restriction of entrance at withdrawal out of limits of the established speed interval, is 11 times less time spent for journey of the same way at uncontrollable entrance of cars in rush hours on the highway. Therefore it will be possible even in rush hours on highways with unceasing mode of high-speed movement significantly to reduce time in a way.
   As for highway throughput, the provided data show obvious dependence of throughput on the speed of movement of a transport stream: throughput increases with speed growth in this case more than twice.
   Let's look as far as these skilled data coincide with the calculated indicators received for similar cases from ratios entered by us.
   According to the offered approach to an estimate of formation of transport streams the throughput N of one lane is calculated on formula:
   N = v/ldl,
   where ldl is the dynamic length of the car.
   It is determined by formula:
   ldl = ls + lsd,
  where ls is the physical length of the car and it on the average makes 5 meters, and lsd is a safety distance from a front bumper to a rear bumper of the adjacent cars in a stream.
   It is determined by formula: lsd = τd • v + v ²/50,
  where τd - delay time, that is time of reaction of the driver for change of a surrounding situation; v - car speed.
   Let's review the first example: at uncontrollable entrance of cars on TTR occurs gradual highway saturation by cars and the speed of a stream of cars falls to 7 km/h (congestion), or 2 m/s, and delay time for drivers makes in the conditions of the complicated movement about 1 sec. In this case throughput can be calculated as follows:
  N = v/ (ls + lsd) = v / (ls + τd • v + v ²/50) = 2 / (5 + 1 • 2 + 4/50) = 2 / (7 + 0.08) = 0.29 (cars / sec) ≈ 1164 (cars per hour).
   In this example with use of the offered technique the average speed of cars on TTR makes 75 km/h, or 21 m/s, and delay time for drivers in the conditions of frequent maneuvering, so cars almost constantly drive on the highway and move down from it, makes as well as in the first example, about 1 sec, throughput is calculated as follows:
  N = v/ (ls + lsd) = v / (ls + τd • v + v ²/50) = 21 / (5 + 1.0 • 21 + 441/50) = 21/34.8 ≈ 0.6 (cars / sec) = 2160 (cars in hour).
   It as a whole coincides with skilled data according to which lane throughput increases approximately twice - from 1000 cars per hour to 2000 cars per hour.
   The given example shows that the average daily throughput of each operating lane on condition of preservation for cars of space for maneuvering remains near value 2000 cars per hour, and time of pass of half of TTR (18 km) also makes at any time of day about 14 minutes. That is, if within a day on TTR average speed makes 75 km/h (rather rarefied movement), congestion and traffic jams, which reason is falling of speed of a transport stream, won't arise.
   However traffic jams can result from accident on the route. Therefore we offer for a bypass or streamlining of places of accidents to enter and use reserve-technical, or buffer (extreme on the right in the direction of travel) lanes as well as lanes being remained free during accident or repair. It allows at preservation of mode "ramp metering" (a regular suspension of entrance of cars on the highway, or controlled entrance on a highway) to retain movement by the unceasing.
   The reserve-technical lane, on which the through passage is forbidden, is used also as the buffer at entrance and departure of cars, or only for smooth moving on extreme lane from a place of entrance or to drive up to a departure place from a highway. It allows not to be accumulated to cars on lanes at exits and, thereby, not to block lanes of high-speed movement.
   Besides buffer lanes can be used to drive up to specialized transport to places of accidents or repair as well as in case of need as lanes for rather rare movement of public transport.
   Multiple cutting-down of time of journey of cars on a highway without traffic lights - the TTR type - promotes unloading of an adjacent street road network from cars thanks to their accelerated transfer to destinations through this highway with non-stop traffic and high throughput and, thus, doesn't worsen, and improves journey conditions on this network, and at the expense of the offered organization of movement the part of lanes of a highway can be used both for its needs, and for rather seldom passing public transport.
   For a multilevel highway-bridge as well as for any ground highway, in the period of a choice of a place of its installation (construction) and preparation of project documentation the necessary stage is coordination of inflow of cars from lateral entrances, including prospects of this inflow and a projected throughput of a highway-bridge and outflow of cars with throughput of routes departing from a highway-bridge. And, if the error by calculation of inflow can be corrected, having built on a bridge or having cut off excess storeys, the mistake by calculation of outflow can be fraught with complications, up to a blockage of too rare places of departure and search by cars of empty exits. Therefore, for example, in case of approximately equal inflow and outflow of cars the number of entries on a highway-bridge and number of exits from a highway-bridge has to be identical, and the throughput of a highway-bridge has to be slightly higher than the greatest possible inflow of cars. That is it is necessary to provide necessary increase on a site of number of exits and if it isn't enough of them, then to design the corresponding offtakes from a highway-bridge on adjacent streets. However and thus, in general, equilibrium situation there can be considerable deviations from average values of inflow, accumulation of cars on storeys of a highway-bridge and outflow of cars, for example, on entrances in the morning peak. It is necessary for this purpose at design on the corresponding sites to provide additional entrances on a highway-bridge directly on its top storeys with leading to them of the corresponding offtakes from adjacent streets and roads. As for possible overflow of a highway-bridge by cars above the set limit, for its prevention as preservation of high-speed unceasing movement depends on it, it is necessary on each entry on a highway-bridge to install automatic system which, for example, by means of a radar, that is on speed or by means of recalculating sensors, that is by number of passable cars, made registration of parameters of a transport stream and at their deviation out of the bottom limit short-term stopped the entrance of cars on a highway-bridge, transmitting through the controller command for inclusion of a forbidding signal of the entrance traffic light operating before restoration of average values of parameters of a transport stream.
   Similar actions have to be made in order to avoid congestion and traffic jams and for preservation of high-speed unceasing movement on ground highways without traffic lights. Let's show on the example of TTR what it has characteristics on entrance on it of cars, its throughput at preservation of a high-speed mode of movement and on outflow of cars from it. .On TTR along each through lane, and them there three on both parties (on separate sites of TTR the number of lanes reaches five), can pass per hour as we showed above, about 2000 cars in the range of the speeds of 60-90 km/h, that is 6000 cars per hour on three lanes of through movement. In the presence of about 30 entrances on TTR from one its party and 30 exits from it during one hour on this party can on the average drive in 6000: 30 = 200 cars and to move down 200 cars, or about 3 cars per minute. Therefore the simplest way of preservation of this favorable high-speed mode is a continuous recalculation of cars on entries with an admission to TTR no more than three cars per minute. If cars starts driving more, entrance is limited at once and cars are stopped, for example, on specially prepared platforms - land if there is a place for them, or elevated (underground), in the absence of that.
   Another technique of entrance on TTR for preservation of a high-speed mode is based on use of radars, That is when falling average speed of a transport stream up to the set limit in 60 km/h the controller gives command on inclusion of a forbidding signal to entrance traffic light before restoration of average speed of a stream, for example, up to value - 80 km/h, and only after that entrance again resolves. As for departure with TTR then everything is simpler as from a reserve-technical (buffer) lane on exit on the average there are per minute only 3 cars therefore any hindrances for departure for them as well as for movement of the main transport stream it does not create even in case of sudden desire, for example, drivers at once 10 cars to move down through the same exit at the same time. In this case cars, having built one by one on a reserve-technical (buffer) lane, will consistently leave TTR, without obstructing traffic of the main transport stream. In the same case, if they have will be no place to leave - for example, the adjacent street will be in a traffic jam - on a reserve-technical (buffer) lane at this exit the turn will be built until places on this lane will be enough, and then other cars should pass simply further - before the subsequent exits.
   So the current situation with congestion and traffic jams, for example in Moscow, on highways without intersections is quite solved as it is described above.
   It should be noted also that existence free from movement of a reserve-technical (buffer) lane on edges of a highway is especially important in the case deficiencies of exits from a highway, as, for example, on MRH of Moscow. So far as preservation of a high-speed mode is the most important for normal functioning of highways in so far as cars leaving from a stream shouldn't detain him and have to take place for leaving at any time from a stream. This place is the reserve-technical (buffer) lane, capable to contain sufficient number of cars if the throughput of exits, for example, in rush hours doesn't suffice. And it is technically simple to expand in addition buffer lane for the bigger capacity of cars settled on it until departure, at least, to that time while additional exits won't be constructed.
   As for transport streams on highways with traffic lights (with adjustable intersections) like radial highways in Moscow, then on them it is necessary to use the improved by us technique "ramp metering" described in brief above by means of which unceasing movement could be established enough simple on highways (without emergence of congestion and traffic jams) even in the presence on them traffic lights. And, for example, if in places of traverses of highways by other streets arise insuperable difficulties at movement in the cross direction, the problem can be solved, for example, having thrown through a highway lightweight overpasses for a cross traffic.
   Thus it is possible to solve a problem of connectedness of a street road network and cars of one district of the city aren't cut from another area by a highway with unceasing movement that is in detail described below as well as in source [4].
   Besides, the problem of connectedness is solved also by another option of a technique of the organization of unceasing movement, namely: movement of cars on a highway with adjustable intersections without stopping by columns with gaps between them, in details described in source [4].
  2) Possibility of unacceptably big waiting time of allowing signal of traffic light at entrance on a highway.
   As by us already it was stated above, it is much more important to establish on all highways the high-speed non-stop traffic allowing for 10-20 minutes to cross considerable part of the city, than all the rest as highways are the main transport arteries of the city. This most practically solves a problem of becoming ripe transport collapse, that is tens and even hundreds thousands cars on highways can move freely around the city without congestion and traffic jams on them, how it occurs now.
   As for "a possible unacceptable big waiting time of allowing signal of traffic light", how already it was shown above, short-term expectation (some minutes before entrance on a highway for each car), practically only in rush hours on specially allocated platforms are more favorable immeasurably than idle time of cars within 2-3 hours in traffic jams on a highway as it occurs every day on MRH, TTR and other city highways of Moscow and on similar highways of other cities.
   Let's note a departure problem from a highway which is important from the point of view of preservation on highways of unceasing high-speed movement. For example, on TTR in rush hours traffic jams at a number of exits are formed because exits are on joints of TTR and radial highways which are clogged into rush hours by cars. Certainly, introduction of a reserve-technical (buffer) lane on which, without disturbing the main movement, moving-down cars can be built in turn waiting for departure on a radial highway and not partition off through lanes, in a certain measure solves a problem. However more constructive is establishment of unceasing movement on all highways - and ring and radial - with traffic lights and without traffic lights. In this case in the presence of coordination of transport streams and application of modern outcomes on their joints as well as reserve-technical lanes for entrance and departure problems with moving from one highway on another can't arise.
  3) Difficulty of the evolutions necessary for following on a route, because of the created dense transport streams.
   The present technique just allows to avoid formation of dense transport streams. With its help on highways the rarefied transport streams of high-speed, unceasing movement are automatically formed. Therefore cars can freely maneuver in these conditions. It is necessary because in city conditions in the presence of frequent entries on a highway and exits from them cars for entrances or departures should move from one lane to another. For providing it, the distance between cars has to be big, than at movement without maneuvers as it, for example, occurs on long-distance highways where exits are rare. In other words, maneuvering on lanes distracts the driver, on the average increasing time on adoption of these or those decisions by it (delay time). Therefore theoretically greatest possible throughput of city highways making about 3000 cars per hour for one lane at speeds from 30 to 100 km/h, decreases approximately to 2000 cars per hour for one lane (see calculations above). Nevertheless, this size of throughput is higher than present average throughput on сity highways without use of traffic lights approximately twice and above present average capacity on highways with use of traffic lights approximately four times, but the main thing not it, but that in lack of congestion and traffic jams high speed on highways allows cars to cross all city within minutes 10-20. For establishment and preservation of the mode of high-speed unceasing movement the number of cars on highways is automatically regulated by the technique described above. As a result the average speed of a transport stream at the specified fluctuations, for example, from 60 km/h to 90 km/h doesn't fall to low values and averages about 75 km/h. And at emergency cases or repair for bypass is used the buffer lane advance allocated on each edge of a highway.
  4) Low efficiency of restriction of access on a highway from the point of view of redistribution of transport streams because of low connectivity of the local street road network and impossibility of a choice of an alternative route.
   We already mentioned a popular belief on noticeable influence of some (generally the extremely insignificant on time and being used, as a rule, in rush hours) restrictions of entrance on highways of cars on efficiency of traffic above.
   In city conditions everything occurs just the opposite: if it is possible on highways without congestion and traffic jams (exactly for this purpose highways and are intended) quickly (in 10-20 minutes) to reach to the destination, the driver, as a rule, won't look for alternative routes, and he will prefer to go on a highway even in case for entrance on it is necessary to wait some minutes. Thus, time for it will increase in a way for some minutes, for example, from 15 minutes to 20 minutes whereas it should reach other routes the same place in traffic jams for hours.
   In other words, if to create movement without traffic jams at least on highways, the throughput of a city network will increase at once.
   But it is possible completely to solve a problem of traffic jams on city streets only by means of a network of multilevel highway-bridges for pass of cars as well as road trains or electric trains for the passengers, wishing to move around the city without cars (inexpensive analog of the subway, but over the earth), described above, as the network of highway-bridges as though soaks up in itself cars, exempting sectoral streets from excess transport for free journey. Besides, highway-bridges provide free entrance into the city and departure from it for any number of vehicles. It isn't necessary to spend the enormous sums for a housebreaking and construction of additional roads in the city at installation of highway-bridges over operating highways and/or rail tracks, and almost unlimited throughput of a city network of highways will be provided.
  5) The high cost of the introduction demanding essential investments into transport infrastructure.
   It is known that within more than 10 years of fight against traffic jams in Moscow hundreds billions dollars are without results spent, and these useless expenditures are supposed to be carried out and further.
   Introduction of the technique of regulation of transport streams "ramp metering" [10] improved by us on highways with traffic lights [4] and without traffic lights [4] in comparison with construction or expansion of roads is cheap: for regulation of process of entrance of cars on a highway are required traffic lights, radars or detectors, boards, controllers. This equipment isn't expensive. Besides, on many entries on a highway traffic lights and the other equipment already is available and it should be retargeted only. As for installation of multilevel highway-bridges over ground highways, the kilometer of a two-level highway with eight operating lanes and parking third level costs $7-8 million, instead of one hundred millions dollars spent by the city budget, in this case Moscow, on one kilometer of city ground highways.
   Only one introduction of the technique of regulation of transport streams "ramp metering" improved by us on highways with traffic lights and without them, increases the throughput of present highways approximately in one and a half time that only on this indicator is equivalent to the corresponding increase in a network of transport highways, and these are hundreds billions dollars. It is possible to add to it reduction of losses of time in a way, the fuel which is in vain spending in traffic jams, reduction of exhaust gas arriving in air, etc.
  Lightweight overpasses on a steel framework with one-way traffic for crossing of highways without traffic lights. Economic estimate.
   If to mean transformation available in the cities the most part of highways with intersections in a highway without them, that is without use of traffic lights - transformation in a highway with non-stop traffic - it is necessary to install elevated or underground overpasses for vehicles crossing a highway without having forgotten and about pedestrians.
   We offered option of elevated lightweight overpasses out of a steelwork of the simplest design as crossings with one-way traffic through a highway from lateral streets.
   Over a highway the lightweight overpass on a steel framework is thrown. The overpass has one buffer lane, two lanes in one-way and entry from a highway. Cars and pedestrian can cross a highway through it. This option allows to be excluded the left turning movement from a highway not to slow down movement. At the following intersection or crossing the overpass is installed for the moving organization over a highway in the opposite direction. And so on. Thereby, the construction becomes simpler, low-cost. The construction allows to be established on a highway unceasing movement and, at the same time, practically doesn't break cross transit of cars and pedestrians. Depending on an estimated difference of loading of the overpass by cars from a highway and from the street brought to it the number of lanes has to correspond to it. That is one or two lanes can be brought to overpass from the lateral street or the highway (see drawings below).
   Costs of installation of lightweight metal overpass of one-way traffic on the basis of a steel framework make about $600 thousand at its extent in 250 meters. It has weight on metal 257 tons, and on a road coating (from rather thin layer of steel-fiber-concrete) - 362 tons.
   It is expedient to cover overpass from above, at least, with nonflammable plastic, having provided big safety of lanes. It is rather easy to avoid of emergence of icicles and other dangers from snow on a roof, using the following. It is known that at corners of the slopes equal or big
  60 №, snow on a roof at all doesn't remain, that is the coefficient, depending on inclination angle of a slope, is equal 0. At 45 № this coefficient is equal 0.5. Thus, it is possible to deduce the acceptable height of a roof, inclination angle of slopes, a material and system of fastenings for a roof on condition of the size of loading known from tables on 1м ² roof in order to not to clean at all snow from overpass roof (see, e.g., site ostroykevse.ru »Snow loading). If for one reason or another falling even the small mass of snow from a roof of a overpass is inadmissible, as we know, it is possible to mount into slopes of a roof the cramps holding snow and ice , turning them eventually into safe mass (see, e.g., site ard-center.ru» home/publ/TS2011/nomer1_2/pub21/).
   Let's give a short economic estimate of overpass of one-way traffic on the basis of steel framework and steel spans with a road coating from steel-fiber-concrete (2 lanes and one buffer lane).
   Spans of overpass over the highway with unceasing movement and length 250 m in the form of steel sheet-plates of 6 х 3 х 0.01 meters are being laid down on steel beams - longitudinal and cross bearing parts, height on cross section 200mm, width - 100mm which are fixed on vertical metal supports-columns from 2 to 4 meters of height, diameter - 30 cm, wall thickness - 20 mm. Columns settle down at distance 50 meters from each other longitudinal and 10 meters cross. About 2 meters of each column are part of the base.
   The area of spans of overpass makes 2500 m ², number of steel sheet-plates - 139. As on overpass, except passenger cars, pass buses and heavy-load vehicles so far as strengthening of steel plates is necessary. For this purpose the longitudinal and cross crossbars having different rigidness are welded on the bottom surface of flat steel plate. So the ortotropny plate is formed. Price of the ortotropny plate is slightly higher than a price of a flat steel sheet of rolled metal.
   The mass of spans of overpass by length 250m and width 10 meters at thickness of steel sheet-plates 0.01 m and density of steel 7.8 T/m ³ makes: 250m x 10m x 0.01m x 7.8T/m ³ = 195 tons. The area makes 2500 m².
   The mass of entry by extent 100m from ground level to overpass (width - 4 meters, thickness of steel sheet-plates 0.1 m, density of steel 7.8 T/m³) makes: 100m x 4m x 0.01m x 7.8T/m ³ = 31.2т. The area of entry spans makes 400 m².
   The total area of spans of overpass and entry makes 2900 m ².
   Diameter of vertical supports makes 300mm, wall thickness 20mm, cross section - 17600mm ². Number of vertical columns under overpass - 8, height of each of four columns makes 4 meters, and height of each of other four columns - 2 meters. Two columns hold entry to overpass, height of one column is 4 meter, height another - 2 meters. About two meters of each column are part of the base. Total extent of columns - 50 meters, weight - 6.86 tons.
   Extent of beams - longitudinal bearing parts of spans - makes four rows and in each row 5 fifty-meter longitudinal bearing parts - 1000m, 4 cross ten-meter bearing parts beams have total length 40 m, the total length of beams - 1040m. It is known that 44.7 m of beam of the specified size weigh one ton, hence it follows that the mass of all beams of overpass makes 22 tons. The entry is supported by two cross beams on 4 meters and two longitudinal rows of beams by length 200 meters, the general extent of beams of entry - 208 meters. Total extent of all beams of overpass and entry - 1248 meters, their weight makes 28 tons.
   The total mass of steel blocks and overpass elements taking into account bearing parts and entry makes about 260т. At the price of one ton of rolled metal in the form of the specified steelwork about $1000 the cost of steel blocks and elements of overpass makes $260 thousand.
   The mass of blocks, loading 8 support-columns of the overpass without entry, is equal 217т.
   Spans of the overpass become covered, at least, by five-centimetric layer of road coating - steel-fiber-concrete. The area of spans of the overpass makes 2500 m ². The volume of steel-fiber-concrete coating of spans of the overpass makes 125m ³, weight - 312.5 tons. The area of spans of entry makes 400 m ². The volume of steel-fiber-concrete coating of spans of entry - 20m ³, weight - 50 tons. The total cost of steel-fiber-concrete coating of spans of the overpass and entry (the cubic meter price of steel-fiber-concrete - $300) makes $43.5 thousand.
   Taking into account weight of steel-fiber-concrete the mass of the overpass will make 620 tons and total cost - $300 thousand, and the mass of load on vertical supports will make 530т.
   The covering of open steel surfaces about 2900 m² by anticorrosive structure with average cost about $10 on square meter can be estimated at the sum $29 thousand. And waterproofer installation on the same area with the same cost can be estimated at the sum $29 thousand.
   From above the opened spans are covered with a plastic roof from the nonflammable material. Area of roof makes 3000 m². Its cost at the average price of plastic $10 for 1m ² makes $30 thousand.
   10 bases (1х1х2) meters for support-columns will demand 20 m ³ concrete. It is worth $6 thousand.
   The cost of the specified designs and materials will make in the sum $395 thousand.
   Other items of expenditure on installation of a highway-bridge include delivery of ready blocks; assembly; rent of cranes and other gears, equipment; carrying out preliminary geodetic and other auxiliary works, installation on overpass by the necessary equipment.
   It is known that the price of delivery of cubic meter of concrete on distance of 51-55 km by motor transportation makes $33. Thus, delivery of 145m ³ concrete from plant to a place of installation of overpass will cost $4.8 thousand. At the price of delivery of ton by motor transport on distance about 650 km - $50 delivery about 260 tons of metal designs costs about $13 thousand. In the sum delivery of designs and materials will cost $18 thousand.
   Assembly of 1 km of a highway-bridge together with entries, exits, crossings can be carried out in the presence of the necessary equipment and gears in one-two months by 10 experts at payment $50 thousand to them.
   Rent of gears, including the crane and other equipments for one-two months will manage in the sum about $50 thousand.
   The cost of other auxiliary works it is possible to estimate about $50 thousand.
   As a result, costs of installation of overpass will make $565 thousand.
   Thus, the cost of square meter of spans of overpass (2900m²) will make about $195.
   The mass of overpass having two lanes and one buffer lane on the basis of rolled metal makes 530 tons. This weight is loading 8 steel support-columns with diameter 30cm, cross section 17600mm ² everyone. Thus 5300000 newtons put pressure upon the total area of columns of cross section 140000 mm ², or one square millimeter is exposed to pressure 38n/mm². The design has approximately 16-fold safety margin at limit of durability of steel 600n/mm². Up to 20 trucks on the average on 10 tons everyone can be at the same time in movement at both lanes of overpass of the specified construction. If to consider their total mass which will make 200 tons, the construction with additional loading in the form of trucks and lump near 730т, being exposed to the greatest possible loading, maintains the safety margin close to 11.
   It should be noted, it is possible significantly (to 60%) to reduce the mass of a highway-bridge and its prime cost at the expense of an exception of a steel-fiber-concrete road coating, without contradicting available standards and norms, having replaced it with new composite coatings from carbon fiber-reinforced plastic or glass-fiber reinforced plastic.
  Chapter 5
  Analysis of the main variants for non-stop traffic on urban highways.
   In the majority of the large cities of the world for some last years the problem of high-speed and unceasing pass of cars arose and was aggravated. Highways and streets of considerable part of days are overloaded with cars. This involves emergence of congestion and hours-long traffic jams.
   All offered methods of fight against traffic jams didn't yield notable result, except restriction of entrance to city boundaries (Stockholm) or astronomical taxes on cars (Singapore). The paradoxical situation arose: the more is under construction roads and outcomes, traffic jams become more.
   We offered a little more or less effective concerning the size of throughput and cost of technical solutions. All of them are characterized not by fight against traffic jams, and these solutions are characterized by establishment and preservation of a free stream at which cars can freely move one lane to another (to maneuver). Throughput of one lane on highways without traffic lights in this case makes about 2000 cars per hour, on highways with traffic lights - from 1000 to 1500 cars per hour, and the average speed of a stream - 75 km/h whereas in the cities now throughput of one lane on the average on highways with traffic lights makes 500 cars per hour, the average daily speed of cars, for example, in Moscow, makes 24 km/h.
   Lane cost of the highway-bridges also is significantly lower than a cost of a lane of city ground highways.
  1. Elevated highways having two levels for movement of cars and the third additional level for a parking of cars.
   The lightweight two-storeyed closed highway-bridge (with the top parking level and installations of neutralization of exhaust gas) on steel framework and with steel spans covered with thin layer of steel-fiber-concrete [1,2,3], intends for passenger cars (90% of all vehicles).
   Its levels are connected among themselves and ground level by external and/or internal interstorey crossings, at the edges of each storey buffer lanes are located. The number of entries and exits is coordinated among themselves, on entries the equipment for implementation in case of need of controlled entrance of cars is installed.
   Eight lanes at both levels of movement provide in the sum throughput about 16 thousand cars per hour. Speed of conveyance of cars can fluctuate in the range of 60-100 km/h. Downyards and discharge devices, regularly installed at all levels of the closed space of highway-bridge, provide neutralization of an exhaust and do this highway-bridge ecologically safe (pure).
   From 600 to 1000 cars can be parked on 1 km of the top level of a highway-bridge. Cars can drive in on parking level both from any storey of a highway-bridge, and from ground level.
   The specific cost of a lane (1 km) makes $0.9-1.0 million, and costs of 1 km of a highway-bridge - $7.85mln. The cost of square meter of spans of all three levels, including parking (54000m ²), makes $145, and the cost of 1 m ² lanes (eight lanes with width 3 meters everyone, all 24000m ²) - $330. Thus this cost includes the cost of all materials and costs of production of standard blocks, their delivery, a salary taking into account taxes, the cost of a preparatory work, cost of a crane lease and lease of other gears for assembly, the cost of installations for neutralization of exhaust gases, etc. Rather low costs of highway-bridge construction generally are determined by its fast assemblage from standard metal blocks and sections on bolts.
   Besides, from comparison of weight of similar designs from concrete and on the basis of rolled metal it is visible that steel highway-bridge is 4 times lighter than concrete flyover in spite of the fact that not less than 50% of weight of steel highway-bridge are the share of a steel-fiber-concrete road coating. At the same time, the cost of designs is approximately identical if to take the cost of steelwork $1000 for ton.
   As for the cost of various steelwork, their specific distribution and respectively cost is as follows: 80% of black rolled metal are steel plates of spans (plate - thickness10 mm - costs 24-27 thousand rubles for ton, channel section costs from 25500 rubles to 29000 rubles for ton), 15% - longitudinal and cross beams (28800 rubles for ton), 2% - support-columns in the form of tubes (41000 rubles for ton).
   These data on the price are taken at the concrete Moscow enterprises selling steelwork of specified types (see, e.g. "Steel-about". Moscow, Novovladykinsky Drive, 8, p. 5, ph. 495 661-70-61, site: steel-pro.ru). There are approximately the same prices of this production and at other similar enterprises. So it isn't found excess of cost of a new construction on materials, and the prices of a steel basis of a highway-bridge on the average make slightly less than $1000 for ton, and the rest is the same concrete and other. Besides blocks and construction sections on open sites are protected by an anticorrosion covering, and between a surface of spans from metal and a steel-fiber-concrete road coating the waterproofer is laid.
   Specific indicators (1km) of the highway-bridge are as follows: mass of steel - 4100tons, mass of cement - 7100 tons.
   In drawing above is shown the highway-bridge with external entries, exits, crossings from one storey on another, parking platforms, and in drawing below is shown the configuration of lanes for pass of cars consistently from one level on another (internal moving).
  2. The simplified option of a two-level highway-bridge (without a parking platforms and clearing installations).
   This option of a platform -bridge also has eight lanes on both levels [1, 2, 3], but has no parking platforms and clearing installations. Therefore specific costs (1km) make about $5 million. The cost of 1 km of a lane makes about $0.6 million. The cost of square meter of spans of two levels (36000m²) makes about $140. Rather low costs of highway-bridge construction generally are determined by fast assemblage on bolts of standard metal blocks and sections.
   To eliminate misunderstanding of ways of achievement of so low expenses, we will note the following. First of all, it is necessary to have the arranged production of standard sections and highway-bridge blocks. Then sections and blocks have to be delivered in due time to the prepared platform for their assembly generally on bolts at minimum of welding works by prepared team of experts in the presence of the corresponding equipment and gears. This procedure according to in advance fulfilled scheme takes the small period of time depending on extent of a site, degree of readiness of assembly sites, existence of assembly units, the organizations of their transportation, resources of labor, the equipment, etc. In China, for example, a thirty-storey skyscraper at the beginning of 2013 was assembled for 15 days. Installation of pile framework from steel tubes doesn't take a lot of time on condition of that support-tubes are driven in into in advance defined points according to data of soil investigation and schemes of the laid city communications. Movement of cars at these operations on ground highways doesn't interrupt. Known and long ago fulfilled procedures of drawing corrosion-resistant coating, waterproofer, steel-fiber-concrete, etc. proceed not for long at the corresponding training of specialists and materials, as well as installation of lateral walls and a roof from nonflammable plastic. Placing on highway-bridge of equipment and devices, such as entrance traffic lights with radars and controllers, light sources, video recorders, communication lines, boards, sensors for monitoring, fire-prevention and evacuation equipment, watching centers, possible helipads, various accompanying cables and pipelinets can't be long if such equipment is prepared and delivered to highway-bridge in time. That is procedure has to be developed to details, preparatory work is complete, leased cranes and other gears are ready to work, experts too are ready, standard blocks have been made and are being brought with the necessary frequency to already built framework. All this is rather simple if it is in advance fulfilled on the experimental sample. After that highway-bridges on already debugged technology and at industrial production of standard blocks are installed quickly in defined places of city and in defined places of suburb on purpose "eradication" of traffic jams.
   As for a problem of finding of the additional areas for entrance and departure on highway-bridge on condition of dense city building, this problem found for a long time the permission in other cities (see, e.g., Tokyo with its most dense building): there entrance and departure sites are hoisted over sidewalks and streets. It is easy to carry out in the presence of offered lightweight and oversized construction in comparison with bulky concrete platforms - without big expenses and efforts: entries and exits can be mounted not on bulky concrete columns, and on steel support-tubes of rather small diameter. Besides, on condition of dense building it is possible to choose from our technical solutions also option of a design of highway-bridge with internal interstorey crossings. Exits and entries in this case can directly be brought to one of ground lanes of a highway, without going beyond a projection of highway-bridge to ground highway.
   Concerning the general throughput of all construction which can have the beginning and the end, that is points of concentration of transport on which in usual conditions the average speed of movement falls, can be told the following.
   In the cities, as a rule, it is necessary to install the through highway-bridges which have the beginning in one suburb and the end in another suburb from the opposite side. They can bend around the downtown not to affect its sight. Therefore the overwhelming part of cars as well as in the presence of enough frequent exits leaves a highway-bridge not in final points which are in the country place and to which reach the few cars. So these final points aren't more points of concentration.
   Further, except through highway-bridges can be installed ring highway-bridges. Ring highway-bridges at all have no points of concentration of transport as they have no ends. As for possible joints of highways, in particular, in South Korea the option of joints for multilevel platforms is offered [7]. But, naturally, can be and other options of joints or there can be usual interchanges.
   And even, if to allow emergence of points of concentration, speed falling on all highway doesn't happen as it is the same case of emergence of congestion. It is solved by application of our improved technique "ramp metering", that is by application of controlled entrance of cars on bridge with use of through buffer lanes.
   Specific indicators of this type of highway-bridge: the mass of steel - 2600tons, the mass of cement - 4500 tons.
   The highway-bridge can be elevated part loaded considerable part of days of a city highway as well as elevated part of the overloaded long-distance highway. For example, in case of installation over a ground highway of eight-lane highway-bridge, on its first or second level cars from land highway pass on lateral offtake-entry (on this site of a highway in order to avoid braking of the main transport stream before entry the buffer lane is formed). Cars also can drive into the second storey from the first storey along interstorey crossing. From the second storey of a highway-bridge cars, having passed the part of a way, can move down along lateral offtake-exit on ground highway directly or having gone down from the second storey on the first along interstorey crossing, cars can go down from the first storey along exit on ground level. At these moving, in order to avoid congestion, buffer lanes are used. Besides, on adjacent to exit of highway-bridge sites of a ground highway for simplification of departure of cars from highway-bridge on lanes of a ground highway on its edge the buffer lane is formed.
   The land highway can be provided to movement generally of public and heavy transport.
  3. Option of a single-level highway-bridge platform.
   If, for example, in the city loading (throughput) on highway in the next years, by calculations, doesn't exceed 10 thousand cars, then one level of highway-bridge with four lanes and two buffer lanes enough will be to install over a ground highway. The throughput of this highway-bridge with the organization in specified way of unceasing movement makes for one lane of 2000 cars per hour. Then entries on elevated level and exits from it on ground highway become crossings from land level to elevated level and the total throughput of elevated and ground highways will be more than 10 000 cars per hour. As for costs of assemblage and installation of a single-level highway-bridge on steel framework, in comparison with two-level highway-bridge they will decrease approximately twice and will make about $2.5 million on one kilometer. Specific prime cost of one lane of highway-bridge remains approximately to the same, as for two-level highway-bridge - $0.6 million. Average speed of movement on elevated highway will make about 75 km/h.
   Practice of installation of single-level elevated highway along ground highways and over them in Vietnam is known. However there the movement mode on ground and elevated levels remains traditional, behind the only exception: driving direction at both levels is established by the opposite. In other words, for example, if on ground level cars move to the south, on elevated level cars move to the north.
   If it is required to increase throughput of a platform it is not too difficult to mount one more level over available level of a platform, having increased the total throughput of a platform to 16 thousand cars per hour.
  4. The organization of unceasing movement on operating ground highways without intersections.
   The technique of the organization of unceasing movement of cars, that is movements without congestion and traffic jams, developed by us for overpasses and elevated highways is quite suitable and for usual ground highways without traffic lights (without intersections) with that restriction that, unlike multilane highway-bridges with interlinked levels, the number of lanes on ground highway is rather insignificant as well as the total throughput of the route less [4]. However, despite it, under the conditions defined by us favorable mode of unceasing movement can be established and on a ground highway.
   Let's note some signs of this technique. On the basis of known technique of steering of traffic - "ramp metering" (USA), that is implementation of controlled entrance on separate road sites [6] and taking into account a new paradigm in the theory of transport flows of Semenov V. V. [8], we developed the technique allowing in any case to retain density of a transport stream in the set limits not on separate sites, and on all highway extent and not to allow of falling of its speed below the set level. For this purpose, or for maintenance of continuity and high speed of movement of a transport stream, the following is undertaken. Extreme right lanes are transformed on each party of movement of highway in buffer, or these lanes is used only for entrance on a highway, departure from it as well as for bypass of places of happened accidents or repair. On each entrance on a highway the traffic lights are installed. The traffic lights are steered through the controller by radar on the program which forbids cars to drive in highway in the case falling speed of a stream below, for example, 60 km/h. As the result, the transport stream on the remained lanes turns in free, high-speed, continuous and throughput for each lane makes about 2000 cars per hour.
   At the same time, it should be noted that for transformation of highway with intersections in highway without them it is necessary to install elevated or underground overpasses for cars and pedestrians crossing a highway.
   In particular, the following option of elevated lightweight overpasse of the simplest design on steel framework is offered. This design represents overpass of one-way traffic for cars through highway from lateral streets.
   Through a highway over intersection the lightweight overpass on steel framework with one buffer lane, two lanes of one-way traffic and entrance on it from highway is thrown. Along this overpass cars can cross highway, and this option allows to be excluded the left turning from a highway not to slow down movement on a highway. At the following intersection or moving the overpass is installed for organization of crossing over a highway in the opposite direction. And so on. Thereby, the design becomes simpler, costs become lower. This overpass allows to be established unceasing movement on a highway and, at the same time, leaves rather convenient cross transit for cars and pedestrians. Depending on estimated difference of loading of overpass by cars from highway and from street brought to it the number of lanes has to correspond to it. That is one or two lanes can be brought to overpass from lateral street or road (see drawings below).
   Costs of installation of lightweight metal overpass of one-way traffic on steel framework make about $600 thousand at its extent 250 meters. It has weight on metal 257 tons, and on road coating (rather thin layer of steel-fiber-concrete) - 362 tons.
   As well as in the first two noted options the overpass is covered, at least, from above by nonflammable plastic. Most big safety of lanes is provided to these.
  5. The organization of unceasing movement on operating ground highways with adjustable intersections.
   If opportunity to transform highways with adjustable intersections (with traffic lights) in highways with unceasing motion (without traffic lights) isn't available, it is possible to apply another our technique of the organization of unceasing movement on highways with the traffic lights (intersections). Essence of this technique is reduced to establishment on highway of non-stop traffic in the form of car columns (pools), the period necessary for journey of cars crossing highway and for transition of pedestrians through the intersection [4] gets to gaps between columns. In other words, when separate columns (pools) of cars are formed, then gaps, or intervals between columns find oneself at movement of columns on forbidding (red) signal of a traffic light, and columns - on allowing (green) signal of a traffic light. That is at traffic lights working in antiphase at the neighboring intersections through each intersection during action of an allowing signal there passes a column of cars, and after change of a signal on opposite in the formed rupture of columns pass cars of the cross directions. Such approach allows to be led in the same way columns of cars of an opposite direction on highways with two-way traffic. And feature of this approach is that at the fixed interval of action of a signal of all traffic lights, for example, 40 seconds, traffic control transfers as though from a traffic light to drivers of the front part of each automobile column who brake if see that the column goes too quickly and it can appear at the intersection before change of a red signal on green or, on the contrary, drivers add to gas if the speed of a column is insufficient to use all the time of work of an allowing signal. In this case as well as in the first, extreme right lanes are transferred for each party of movement on a highway in buffer lanes. These lanes are used only for entrance on highway, departure from it as well as for bypass of places of the happened accidents or repair. On each entrance on highway the traffic lights steered through the controller by recalculating sensors on the program which forbids cars entrance on highway up to decrease of number of cars in column to the established level, for example, to level 80% from the greatest possible number of cars in the column at average speed of transport stream, for example, 75 km/h.
   As a result, the transport stream in the form of separate automobile columns on the remained lanes turns in high-speed, unceasing stream and with the throughput for each lane to 1500 cars per hour, despite existence on a highway of intersections. Besides this transport stream is synchronous in both directions of movement, unlike, so-called, "a green wave". At the same time, in order to avoid stream braking, the left turning movement on a highway is forbidden.
   Thus, on highways with traffic lights (intersections) quickly and rather cheap version of technique of the organization of unceasing movement of cars in the form of their movement by columns with gaps between them can be used. During these gaps moving of cars and transition of pedestrians through the intersection is carried out. The technique differs from known "a green wave" synchronism of movement of columns in both directions thanks to synchronism of work of traffic lights in both parties of movement and by application of the principle of "phasing", or participation of drivers of the front part of each column in supply timely of each column to signal of traffic light allowing pass of a column of cars through the intersection.
   Comparative analysis.
   For an illustration we will consider transformation of a usual six-lane highway with adjustable intersections (traffic lights) by length 20 km in high-speed, non-stop highway with increased throughput.
   First, the closed highway-bridge on steel framework with two levels of movement and additional parking level can be installed over it. Thus, 8 lanes with throughput of 16 thousand cars per hour and the average speed of movement of cars on them 75 km/h are added to ground lanes. It is possible to install, to supply with the equipment, to test and to start in action this highway-bridge for some months provided that the corresponding number of standard blocks for fast assembly of the highway-bridge will be made. Expenditures (1 km) of this ecologically safe (pure), non-stop construction make: $7.85mln x 20 = $157mln.
   Secondly, the two-level highway-bridge on steel framework without parking level can be installed over six-lane highway. Thus, 8 lanes with throughput of 16 thousand cars per hour and the average speed of movement of cars on them 75 km/h are added to ground lanes. It is possible to install, to supply with the equipment, to test and to start in action this highway-bridge for some months provided that the corresponding number of standard blocks for fast assembly of the highway-bridge will be made. Expenditures (1 km) of this ecologically safe (pure), non-stop construction make: $5mln x 20 = $100mln.
   Thirdly, the single-level highway-bridge on steel framework can be installed over six-lane highway. Thus, 4 lanes with throughput of 8 thousand cars per hour and the average speed of movement of cars on them 75 km/h are added to ground lanes. It is possible to install, to supply with the equipment, to test and to start in action this highway-bridge for some months provided that the corresponding number of standard blocks for fast assembly of the highway-bridge will be made. Expenditures (1 km) of this ecologically safe (pure), non-stop construction make: $2.5mln x 20 = $50mln.
   Fourthly, it is possible to throw through a highway at intersections lightweight overpasses with one-way traffic with change of its direction (sign) at the neighboring intersections, to transfer extreme lanes of a highway in buffer lanes, to install or reprogram the traffic light equipment at intersections for the organization during heavy traffic (rush hours) of controlled entrance of cars on a highway and, thereby, to provide unceasing movement with throughput on a lane 2000 cars per hour. The throughput for four lanes remained from six lanes will make 8000 cars per hour (two extreme on the right lanes are transformed in buffer lanes) instead as show measurements, on the average 3 000 cars per hour on a usual six-lane highway with adjustable intersections, or start - stop mode of movement. Average speed of stream after this reorganization will make 75 km/h, but not less than 60 km/h for what the corresponding board-indexes have to be installed. Installation of lightweight overpasses and the equipment for entrance monitoring on a highway at intersections on the average through each 0.5 km according to preliminary estimates makes about $600 thousand for one intersection. Costs of this re-equipment in terms of 20 km will make $0.6mln x 40 = $24mln. Calculation is made of the assumption of installation of overpasses through each 0.5 km. Overpasses can be installed and at bigger distance, for example, 1 km (through one intersection). Then the sum of expenses on segment 20 km will decrease approximately twice, but also the number of through crossings too will decrease twice.
   For a number of city highways because of dense building the number of overpasses can be minimized - one or two by 5-10 km if their throughput corresponds to intensity of cross transport flows, and locally their throughput can be increased at the expense of introduction of the second level (see the description of overpasses).
   As for pedestrians, inexpensive elevated (with escalators) or subways overpasses can be built for them with bigger regularity. Such solution of a question of cross transit will reduce financial costs several times.
   The administration of each city has to solve the matter, proceeding from own resources, intensity of movement, density of building, arrangement of roads and streets, etc.
   Fifthly, it is possible to organize unceasing movement on a highway with traffic lights (with intersections) in the form of columns (pools) with the corresponding gaps between them. The period necessary for journey of cars crossing highway and for transition of pedestrians through the intersection gets to gaps between columns. Synchronism of movement of columns in both directions is carried out thanks to synchronism of work of traffic lights in both parties of movement and by application of the principle of "phasing", or participation of drivers of the front part of each column in supply timely of each column of cars to signal of traffic light allowing pass of a column of cars through the intersection. On each entry on highway the traffic lights steered through the controller by recalculating sensors on the program which forbids cars entrance on highway up to decrease of number of cars in column to the established level. Operating on a highway from six lanes remain 4 lanes, and 2 lanes are transformed to the category of the buffer. Thus, the throughput of a lane which will decrease in comparison with the highway without traffic lights (option 4) owing to emergence of gaps between columns (smaller traffic density) a little, will be on the average 1250 cars per hour on one lane and in the sum - about 5000 cars per hour instead of 3000 cars per hour on six-lane highway at usual start - stop organization of movement. Average speed will make 75 km/h. Costs for re-equipment of intersection, according to preliminary estimates, will make about $100 thousand that for all highway with traffic lights by length 20 km and intersections through each 0.5 kilometers will make in this case $0.1mln x 40 = $4mln. The cost of re-equipment can be significantly reduced if only replacement of the software and additional installation of board-indexes be required.
   it is possible to provide the following data for comparison. According to Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation the lane of a ground highway (1km) on the average across Russia costs $1.5mln (ng.ru»Экономикà».../1_millionometry.html). Thus, about $10mln is spent for construction of a six-lane ground highway (1 km) on the average in Russia, or one square meter of this highway costs about $500. In terms of 20km construction of similar highway in Russia on the average costs $200mln, and this construction is usually tightened for a long time and it has very mediocre quality at the exit. Average speed of movement of cars on highways of this kind in Moscow in days according to recent data makes 24 km/h. Total throughput of similar six-lane highway with traffic lights at intersections (start - stop movement) on the average makes 3000 cars per hour. Besides, we will note that for the majority of the cities with expensive land plots and dense building the cost of construction of highways is significantly more, and congestion and traffic jams on them, especially in rush hours, arise regularly.
   Thus, the city administration can choose the most acceptable option on the organization of unceasing movement from specified, proceeding from the financial, technical and ideological reasons if, of course, the problem with traffic jams is for it actual.
   Option 5 is the cheapest and fast ($200 thousand for two intersections). He doesn't assume installation of highway-bridge or overpasses. But the throughput of a highway increases only approximately by 1.5 times.
   Option 4 is more expensive (six times more expensively than option 5 on specific indicator at installation of two overpasses. However growth of throughput of a highway will be almost three times more in comparison with a usual highway with traffic lights.
   Option 3 - installation over a ground highway with intersections on all its extent of a single-level highway-bridge is more expensive than option 5 in 12.5 times, but this option allows to increase highway throughput in the sum (taking into account ground part with usual movement and elevated level with high-speed, unceasing movement of vehicles) almost in 4 times. If the ground highway is transformed to a highway with unceasing movement, the total throughput of the general system will increase more than five times, but thus expenses increase because of need of ensuring cross movement.
   Option 2 - installation over a ground highway with intersections on all its extent - directly - of a two-level highway-bridge is more expensive than option 5 - in 25 times, but option 2 allows to increase highway throughput taking into account only a highway-bridge more than by 5 times.
   Option 1 - installation over six-lane ground highway of two-storeyed ecologically safe highway-bridge with additional parking level is more expensively than option 5 almost in 40 times, but option 1 allows not only to increase the throughput of the general system of highways more than in 6 times, but option 1 does air in the city purer and provides additional cheap parking spaces. Besides, if the stream of cars significantly increases, parking level can be transformed in movement level quickly and with the minimum expenses. In this case highway-bridge throughput will increase on third: with 16 thousand cars per hour to 24 thousand cars per hour.
   It should be noted that the integrated throughput of highways can be increased even more if, along with installation of the two-level highway-bridge, to transform a usual ground highway in a ground highway with unceasing movement on option 4 or 5. In this case integrally throughput of a highway can increase as much as possible - by 8 times.
   If to compare the average cost of 1 km of lane of a ground highway across the Russian Federation and cost of lane on a two-storeyed highway-bridge without parking level (option 2), it is almost three times higher than the last, and the average speed of cars on such ground lane is three times lower. Thus it should be noted that because of expensive land allocation and, as a rule, need of rerun of heating mains and other city communications this specific cost of a highway increases in the cities up to the improbable sizes. For example, it increases up to $700mln for kilometer in Moscow.
   Besides need of the organization one way or another unceasing movement from the specified follows and from that circumstance that the losses following general automobilization, already reached the astronomical sizes. It is illustrated by the table below.
   For comparison of losses because of traffic jams, road accident (accidents) and ecological air pollution by exhaust gas on the largest cities of 11 countries of the world, summation of these losses and estimate of payback of installation of new road constructions, we will reduce the published and settlement data in one table.
  The number of cities.
   Direct damage caused by traffic jams
  $ Losses due to accidents
  Billion. $
   Losses due to the exhaust
  Billion $ Integral losses.
  Billion. $
   The length of the flyover.
   The installation costs of urban flyovers.
  Billion. $
   Value of the depressed losses
  Payback period.
   The table shows, the losses arising at lag of growth of a transport network from growth of car sales even in the most developed countries of the world are significant. It is clear also that the solution of problems is in increase of throughput of highways according to growth of number of cars and opportunity creation non-stop traffic (without emergence of traffic jams) [3].
   List of reference
  1. PCT/EN/2009/000661 (WO 2011/068430) "Ramp for transferring and arranging of transport means at different levels". 2011.
  2. Comparative analysis of the main options for non-stop traffic on urban highways. Russia. Moscow. Bulletin of transport information. 04.2013.
  3. The transformation of highways of major cities on the example of Moscow in highways of the non-stop movement and practically unlimited throughput. Russia. Moscow. Bulletin of transport information. 05.2013.
  4. The development of technical solutions for the implementation of the principle of non-stop movement of vehicles on highways (no traffic jams). Russia. Moscow. Bulletin of transport information. 11.2013.
  5. Transportation freight corridor, uniting in one volume on two connected levels rail strips, road lanes, pipelines, link, power lines and other sample. Economic evaluation. Russia. Moscow. Bulletin of transport information. 02- 03.2013.
  6. Two-level discharge overpass without traffic jams. Design options and their economic assessment. Russia. Moscow. Bulletin of transport information. 11.2012 - 01.2013.
  7. Application РСТ WO0194702 (A1). Haeng Lee Soo [KR]. 13.12.2001.
  8. Semenov V. V. Paradigm change in the theory of transport streams. IPM of M.V.Keldysh of the Russian Academy of Sciences. M, 2006.
  9. Afanasyev M. B. Transport stream. 2009.
  www.drivingplus.ru/driving/dorojnoe-dvijenie references
   / ...
  10. Stephen Parker "Wisconsin Traffic Operations and Safety Laboratory". 2007. www.topslab.wisc.edu/projects/3-13
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