Низовцев Юрий Михайлович : другие произведения.

What happens at the moment of death?

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    Alive is an expression of consciousness in beingness, containing in oneself, in contrast to inanimate matter, its own consciousness, but this consciousness in the living cannot do without the inanimate, which constitutes its material basis, a kind of carcass of any being, and this basis remains, decaying after the death of a living being, while consciousness leaves no one knows where. We will try to investigate the problem of birth and death from the point of view of hypothetical clarification of the reason for the manifestation of consciousness in the form of a living, as well as to find out whither and for the sake of what consciousness leaves the cooling body and what happens to it afterwards.

  Table of contents
  1. Prerequisites for determining the role of living things in Creation.
  2. The new approach to solving the problem of birth and death.
  3. How is the decline of the present civilization manifested?
  It is curious to ask and try to resolve the following question: is there any point in birth and death, except for an immutable end that is clear to everyone, if happened beginning which, however, not quite clear? Or will the automatism in birth and death remain incomprehensible to us - mortals?
  Indeed, the main mystery of birth and death consists in the fact that a living being comes as if from nowhere and goes, as it were, to nowhere. Obviously, one cannot do without the otherworldly which also needs to be somehow determined.
  Therefore, a certain digestible hypothesis is required in order to explain, at least for oneself, what is happening, rejecting the purely one-sided approaches of both idealists and materialists, who, in essence, explaining nothing even from the standpoint of ordinary logic.
  In particular, idealists of various stripes are looking for the cause of life, things and everything else in God, the world spirit, pure and unclouded ideas, although they have never been seen and will not be seen because there is no ideal in the world, and this sublunary world itself is by no means confines itself to what looms before our eyes, which the materialists insist on, who, just like the idealists, are one-sided, believing that moving matter is the cause of everything.
  However, inanimate matter does not have the ability to perceive, select, transmit and use data from the environment for its own benefit due to the lack of the necessary organs for this; and the materialists are unable to explain the origin of the motion of matter, despite the fact that motion is an obvious manifestation of current time, although time itself does not exist by itself, to which in due time yet Kant also turned his attention: "Time is therefore merely a subjective condition of our (human) intuition (which is always sensuous, that is, so far as we are affected by objects), and in respect of all phenomena, consequently of all things which come within the sphere of our experience, it is necessarily objective. We cannot say, "All things are in time", because in this conception of things in general, we abstract and make no mention of any sort of intuition of things. But this is the proper condition under which time belongs to our representation of objects. If we add the condition to the conception, and say, "All things, as phenomena, that is, objects of sensuous intuition, are in time," then the proposition has its sound objective validity and universality a priori" [1; 1.1, ј6]; "It is nothing more than a form of our inner contemplation. If we eliminate the particular condition of our sensibility, then the concept of time will also disappear; it is inherent not in the objects themselves, but only in the subject who contemplates them "[ibid., ј7]; "... the concept of change and, along with it, the concept of movement (as a change of place) are possible only through the concept of time and in the concept of time ... the concept of time explains the possibility of all a priori synthetic knowledge that sets forth the general doctrine of movement" [ibid, ј5 ].
  It turns out that the grounds for birth, life and death still remain in the fog, and we do not yet know, for what reason all living beings, including a person, are born and exist, changing, and for the sake of what come to them in the end the death itself.
  However, there were thinkers who were able to imagine that a person in his consciousness is a kind of receiver, who, by virtue of his construction, receives both knowledge and ideas.
  In particular, Peirce purely intuitively has realized the phenomenon of the process of motion of feelings and thoughts as a derivative of the interaction of the senses and consciousness with the environment, or, in the modern view, as an informational process of interaction of each individual consciousness in own carrier with the environment, in which successive moments of time in perception a person merge into a continuous stream that gives him life: "At no one instant in my state of mind is there cognition or representation, but in the relation of my states of mind at different instants there is. In short, the Immediate (and therefore in itself unsusceptible of mediation--the Unanalyzable, the Inexplicable, the Unintellectual) runs in a continuous stream through our lives; it is the sum total of consciousness, whose mediation, which is the continuity of it, is brought about by a real effective force behind consciousness" [2, V. II p. 211-242].
  1. Prerequisites for determining the role of living things in Creation.
  In order to answer the questions posed about birth and death, it is first necessary to determine the history of the origin of living beings, which, as we believe, exist eternally, however, being born and dying, which is quite logical, since pundits-materialists have not yet been able to convincingly prove that the living arose from the nonliving, and idealists are equally unconvincing in their arguments about the divine origin of the living beings, that does not really explain anything.
  Nevertheless, there is the benefit from these opposite approaches of idealists and materialists to explain the origin of the living, since it inclines the unbiased observer reasonably to note that, most likely, alive and an inanimate are two hypostases, at least of beingness, which are opposite in their capabilities for the perception of information, in essence, but they successfully complement each other: consciousness in alive requires an internal basis and infrastructure for its own functioning in them, and the inanimate as a carrier of information, and as matter, from which consciousness can "mold" some form, is excellent for existence and development in an alliance with it of consciousness itself, which structurally superior to unpretentious inanimate matter.
  Therefore, inanimate matter, incapable of perceiving information, but capable of being its carrier, constitutes the external and internal basis for the existence of the living beings. This matter in the living beings ensures their functioning in the corresponding internal and close external environment. In addition, the inanimate matter constitutes the infrastructure for the existence of living beings, from galaxies to the microcosm.
  In other words, all passive objects of beingness are manifested in the current time only under the influence of alive, not existing apart from it, but the active in beingnrss in the form of alive can manifest its activity only in the surrounding of the passive objects. In this respect, the active and the passive turn out to be equal, since they cannot exist without each other, and neither of them is the reason for the appearance of the other, although the active, which is in beingness as the guiding force have to manifest its active by definition,
  From the foregoing, it follows that the approach to the problem of birth and death will be more realistic if the entire Creation has been reduced to the informational interaction of the active and the passive, which is most clearly manifested in beingness, since the main actors of this interaction are the living beings.
  If we assume that all living beings suddenly disappear from Creation, then everything that remains will be unmanifested, that is, it will drown in an infinity out of time. It is clear that the latter also in its manifestation through beingness depends on alive, which combines both hypostases of Creation - the active (consciousness) and the passive (things), which are found in constant information flows.
  The reduction of everything that exists in the sublunary world to the active in its living expression and the passive in the form of other objects of beingness in the information field leads to the following conclusion.
  The passive, that is, objects deprived of consciousness, are not able to transform data from their own surrounding into information suitable for a more or less conscious desire to keep themselves in this environment, but these inanimate objects are suitable as carriers of information for use by the living beings to ensure their own existence.
  Therefore, any living being is not only surrounded by various inanimate (passive) objects from which it can receive the information it needs, but also contains in oneself these inanimate carriers of information that make up its carcass.
  At the same time, every living being, which, by definition, is capable of receiving, using and transmitting information, cannot do without sensors through which it enters information streams, perceiving from them what the corresponding senses are capable of, but nothing more. And in this respect, the worlds of beings with different sense organs differ significantly, although all these beings are in the common earthly world of things and phenomena for all of them.
  Hobbes has pointed out the priority of sensations in due time. Hobbes detaches sensations with all their derivatives from objects, generating in us sensations: "And though at some certain distance, the real and very object seem invested with the fancy it begets in us; yet still the object is one thing, the image or fancy is another" [8, p. 1-2].
  Any living being also, while remaining alive, cannot be deprived of a data processing center coming through the senses from the inside and outside of its own organism (the intellect of the organism with the corresponding memory), which, in particular, is the brain in humans.
  Locke has developed Hobbes' thought about sensations that constitute the source of ideas, designating their origin from sensations, as well as from the activity of the mind, without having noted, however, that this is the intellect, besides, he has introduced the experience, obtained from these sources of knowledge, as a criterion of truth: "All ideas come from sensation or reflection... all that our knowledge is founded, and from that it (experience) ultimately derives itself... The objects of sensation one source of ideas. - First, Our senses, coversant about particular sensible objects, do convey into the mind several distinct perceptions of things, according to those various ways wherein those objects do affect them... The operations of our minds the other source of them. Secondly, The other fountain, from which experience furnisheth the understanding with ideas, is the perception of the operations of our own mind within us, as it is employed about the ideas it has got; which operations, when the soul comes to reflect on and consider, do furnish the understanding with another set of ideas, which could not be had from things without; and such are Perception, Thinking, Doubting, Believing, Reasoning, Knowledge, Willing, and the different actings of our own mind..." [4, p. 77].
  In any case, a living being must have a program of actions, thanks to which it is able to grow and develop in a certain way, interact with the environment, maintain its body in an active state through nutrition and metabolism, and also continue its kind in offspring. This rather complex program, which is different for each type of living creature, is recorded on a protein carrier and is located in every cell of the body.
  In addition, a living being must have a kind of form-building abilities to convert sequential impulse packets of information coming through the corresponding sensors into its own body and its immediate environment with their constant updating, with the participation of a single consciousness of a hologram in this process, what is described in more detail below.
  All these properties and features are not present in passive objects of beingness, despite their possible complexity, except for a reaction to external influences in the form of the simplest feedback mechanisms that prevent their chaotic decay, and the general structure of beingness, arranged by a single consciousness, which controls the interaction of all passive objects. It is carried out in accordance with certain laws that exclude their chaotic disintegration.
  As a result, any living being, thanks to its sense organs, processing centers and form-making abilities, forms its own surrounding as if from within, since any individual consciousness, as a part of a hologram, coincides with the entire hologram, that is, with a single consciousness, having the direct connection and the appropriate control on its part, but not having a connection with a single consciousness on its part because an individual consciousness n the framework of alive has to solve its problems on its own.
  This surrounding is combined with all beingness in the current time; and beingness itself as a whole, as the basis for the existence of living things, is formed by a single consciousness of the holographic projection of infinity out of time (this will be discussed in more detail below) through a common - as if the external - time for all living things as if by the combined efforts of all countless living beings of beingness.
  Along with that, a single consciousness of a hologram, associated with each individual consciousness, and therefore with each living being, naturally participates in the formation and combination of the individual surrounding of each being with the general environment of all living beings. More information about the hologram is described, for example, in one of the works of David Bohm [5].
  That is, the totality of all living beings represents in its consciousness (active) a single whole in a holographic projection of an infinity out of time, and this whole forms beingness in the same way as a whole with all its galaxies, stars, planets and the components of the microcosm invisible to us, for the existence of the living beings, and the individual existence of any living creature fits into this beingness, despite the fact that it can differ so much that it is necessary just wonder, for example, by the life of a mole, a squid, an eagle or the inhabitants of a coral reef.
  It turns out that all living beings, unified in their consciousness (active) in a hologram, but divided into separate species and individuals in beingness, it is still forced, in accordance with its genesis and for the sake of survival, to unite into certain communities, that is, each being in a separate world of its own is not able to exist [6, Chapter 1.2].
  Thus, the existence of the world of things around us in the form of the latter, true and independent of us, that is, the objective, is refuted by the fact that it is represented by nothing more than our senses, the products of which are formed by more or less complex information processing centers, and this world is for various types organisms can differ significantly due to the presence for them of the different sense organs of one or another quantity. At this, the basis of "the other world", which as if is contacted with the sense organs, may well be frequency-wave, on which information is recorded, and this information, arriving at the senses in the form of sequential impulse data packets, can after processing it be converted into objects of beingness, similar to how it happens in an ordinary television receiver.
  Berkeley most clearly formulated his doubts about the existence of the world of things independent of us: "XXIII. But say you, surely there is nothing easier than to imagine Trees, for instance, in a Park, or Books existing in a Closet, and no Body by to perceive them, I answer, you may so, there is no difficulty in it: But what is all this, I beseech you, more than framing in your Mind certain ideas which you call Books and Trees, and the same time omitting to frame the Idea of any one that may perceive them? But do not you your self perceive or think of them all the while? This therefore is nothing to the purpose: It only shews you have the Power of imagining or forming Ideas in your Mind; but it doth not shew that you can conceive it possible, the Objects of your Thought may exist without the Mind: To make out this, it is necessary that you conceive them exist unconceived or unthought of, which is a manifest Repugnancy" [7 p. 18].
  Hume, in fact, supported Berkeley's view of the dependence of the world of things on our sensations, adding that we have no idea what is behind the sensations: "We perceive only properties of those forces which are available to senses" [8, p. 22]; "...They are the successive perceptions only, that constitute the mind; nor have we the most distant notion of in place, where these scenes are represented, or of the materials, of which it is composed" [8, p. 253].
  However, this otherworldly in relation to the sense organs of living beings, that is, presumably, the frequency-wave basis of beingness is outside the current time of beingness and therefore is out-of-space and it is zero in material balance.
  This kind of "formation" can be a hologram [6, Chapter 2.1], appearing and immediately disappearing at a conventional point with opposite characteristics - waves in antiphase, that add up to zero, but along with that capable of separation at the same conditional out-of-space point, in which their disappearance occurs, that results in impulsive "gaps" in infinite nothingness, and this can be considered a manifestation of an infinite nothing in the form of a kind of a projection that coincides with an unmanifest infinity in to all properties: infinity, spacelessness, zero material balance, absence of current time and motion, except for one - finite durations between impulse "gaps" of an infinity.
  These "gaps" can be presented as a prototype of time, not only because duration appears between them, but also because their elimination in some way can lead to the formation of an already continuous duration, that is, the current time in our understanding. And this, in turn, means the appearance of space and motion in the event that it is possible to convert something subject matter at this time, filling the space with moving "things" that are potentially in an unmanifest infinity, since it has everything, although it is without its own projection turns out to be nothing more than nothingness, or zero.
  In particular, at all not eyes create the picture seen by the person - only the unwrought light signals come to eyes. The picture appears then - by combining the pulse signals at their processing in the uniform changing picture in which the person is the main character, transmitting this picture as if outside - like the projector in a cinema hall directed to the screen.
  Thus, on the screen of the cinema hall the image is moving for us thanks to the relocation of a tape in a projector with a certain speed, and on the TV set screen the image is moving for us owing to combining and conversion of radio signals from the ether by appropriate programs.
  And this materialization of separate frames or separate packets of information is carried out for the person-viewer virtually - in the form of images.
  Unlike a projector or a TV receiver, converting of wave matter (pulsed information packets) from a holographic projection of an infinity out of time in any living being including in the person, into his surrounding, is produced by being not in the form of images on the screen, but in the form of the material objects of different "density" and various forms using the corresponding matrixes (form-building abilities), creating both the living being, and its surrounding in the framework total time which is a consequence of action of a single consciousness of a holographic projection in the total set of all living beings.
  As a result, around any living being (and in it) appear concrete objects in motion, i.e. the environment, which as a whole is a derivative of the total time, and into it the specific surrounding of each living being fits. And this surrounding for different creatures depends on their sensors. For example, for a mole, all visual images are excluded, and for a dolphin - sense of smell, that is, all objects from these spheres do not enter the life of a mole or a dolphin, respectively, more precisely, in their individual current time, although, thanks to the common time, they can be perceived by other living beings with the corresponding senses.
  Thus, both in a television receiver, and in a living being separate portions of information in the form of pulse signals owing to a delay when processing is converted into a visible, moving picture of objects in time.
  Only you are watching movie at screen, separate from yourself, and movie hasn't a direct bearing on you, but own picture you form yourself, although automatically, like any other living being - in yourself.
  However, all living beings in their variety are connected among themselves anyway, and connected with the things surrounding them.
  In the same way television receivers (computers) in themselves don't work. To receive the image on the screen, it is necessary to connect them to power sources and to catch by means of antennas the signals from the general radio space, in which signals (radio waves) come from transmitters.
  For the living beings this radio space is a wavy holographic projection of an infinity out of time.
  Approximately much like the image on the screen of the TV "undertakes" from the radio waves of the certain transmitter (TV program), chosen by the TV viewer, through of ether, so and the living being "chooses" itself, the adjoining living beings and things (own time, or own beingness) for itself by means of a holographic projection according to the available set of sense organs at this being with their opportunities and opportunities of the centers processing information, bound with form-building abilities this living being.
  However, this choice is carried out not from the transmitter, so how outside space the transmitter cannot be, but, nevertheless, this transmitter on call is a infinite nothingness which potentially is everything.
  Therefore, the specified choice carries out the living being thanks to the form-building abilities which are available for it (they cannot but be for its consciousness as active, connected with a single consciousness (active) of a hologram, which turns out as the passive at their absence due to the inability to manifest itself, perceiving and transforming information) by means of own sense organs thanks to their "contact" through a holographic projection, similar to some extent to radio space for TVs and radio receivers, with this nothingness, which is similar to some kind of transmitter containing potentially everything [6, Chapter 2.1].
  At this, only living beings can be actors in this eternal performance of beingness, inasmuch all the rest in beingness has no the sense organs, the information processing centers, the form-building abilities and the program of growth, development, existence and actions. Therefore, it, being the passive, can't carry out the choice for its existence by determination of the corresponding forms, what is any living being capable of, always striving for where - according to its sensations-it is more pleasant, in accordance with his indispensable dissatisfaction by the present, which is nothing but the desire to dominate his own environment (this choice in every living being corresponds to its form-building abilities).
  The person, in addition, can carry out this choice upon own conscious desires.
  Form-building abilities of each living being correspond to its sense organs, and their automatic action is controlled by a single consciousness of a holographic projection of an infinity out of time [ibid.].
  The above comparison of the active (alive) and the passive (all others) objects of beingness quite clearly shows that all living beings, developing in the course of evolution with possible complication and change, could not but initially have, that is, before any evolution, for example, in the encoded form, such attributes as sense organs, intellect with memory, a program on a protein carrier (genome) and the form-building abilities in order to function in the appropriate environment.
  Therefore, it makes no sense, like an ostrich, to hide your head in the sand, chewing gum from the well-known arguments of idealists and materialists, respectively, about Creation from God, who every idealist sees in his own way, since this producer of everything is actually their imagination, just like and it seems to every materialist that the multi-colored material world in front of him cannot be different, despite the fact that both the microcosm and the cosmos we started exploring it quite a long time ago, which in fact testifies to the egoism of materialists in their striving, as true humanists, for something pleasant in this life, so how, in their opinion, other life, is not foreseen.
  Thus, we have to state that the active in the form of the living beings in beingness and the passive in the form of all other objects of beingness coexist eternally and are not able to do without each other both in beingness and in the otherworldly basis of beingness, not producing each other, but acting on each other in the field of information with priority from the active side.
  Actually, the ability of living beings to perceive information determines their significance as the most important subjects of beingness, managing it, however, unconsciously, excluding a person to some extent, and this ability is actually caused by the fact that the living is only an instrument of consciousness, albeit necessary, but nevertheless appearing (born) and disappearing (dying), while consciousness in alive is eternal and infinite.
  The mechanism of interaction between the active and the passive can be one or another, but the active and the passive are different objects, the separation and unification of which ensures not only the existence of beingness as such, but also ensuring the stability of Creation with its countless universes and exoplanets interspersed in them, on which life develops, civilizations arise and die out.
  In other words, to mix the active and the passive, in which science is sinful until very recently, is at least silly.
  In particular, relying on the data , known to us from beingnessit is impossible to judge the active outside of this beingnrss, which for us is otherworldly, but in which, judging by the above comparison of the active (alive) and the passive (deadened in relation to the perception of information), quite in harmony "are situated" the active and the passive in other forms, for example, in the form of frequency formations of the hologram type, constituting zero in antiphase, but separately quite capable of forming information flows for subsequent conversion into objects of beingness through the living beings which "produce" the current time with all its attributes in the form of a space with objects moving in it.
  This active in beingness can be called consciousness, since it controls the development of living beings on the basis of knowledge, more or less meaningful even at the level of amoebae, although this process is incomprehensible to them, because exactly individual consciousness supplies information in the form of the successive pulsed packets of data from an infinity out of time through its holographic projection into the organs of sense of every living being, and it converts these packets of data with the help of the intellect and the form-building abilities of a living being, both into oneself and its local surrounding, which fits into the general environment, since the individual (own) time of any living being is within the general time, but own time of each living being can slow down and accelerate depending on the current conditions.
  In other words, the consciousness of each living being is kind of ahead of it, since it forms this living being, as well as constantly updates of this being, indirectly controlling all its further actions, and therefore remaining out of sight of a living being, although in the hypostasis of a person, this being considers himself an independent individual, but in fact this individual is just a product of own consciousness in its two forms - natural and self-consciousness, with a body made of the passive matter.
  Thus, each individual consciousness, remaining in a hologram representing a single consciousness along with that associates oneself with a specific living being, forming the current time by means of a living being, not being literally present in it, but creating it every moment by its action through it, and in this respect, as if covering this being by oneself and every moment reviving this structural formation from passive matter by connecting it through itself to the hologram, which is a source of energy and an information bridge, connecting the formation, animated by consciousness, with an infinity out of time.
  That is, the active (consciousness) does not unite directly with the structure formed by it, being another - the most organized wave matter of the hologram, but, like a source of energy for a radio receiver, connects the animated structure through itself to a hologram, due to which a constant connection is ensured between a living being and a single consciousness of a hologram, but only from the side of the single consciousness of the hologram.
  Therefore, a living being, being a derivative of consciousness, at the same time is its organ, not only having an independent life, but also by the being, forming beingness for providing outlet of consciousness into life.
  As for consciousness in the otherworldly, which is also the active there, then in the rank of the active it is a frequency-wave formation, the harmonics of which are one form or another of all the attributes of the living listed above, passing into them at the moments of renewal of alive, that is, at the moments of the conversion of the packages of information into the material objects of beingness.
  It follows from this that consciousness in living things evokes the information necessary for itself, and a single consciousness of the hologram reacts to this challenge with its corresponding portions from an infinity out of time, as a result of which beingness exists and develops eternally together with its living inhabitants, and does not disappear, but, on the contrary, this infinity itself with its holographic projection is supported by the living, as a consumer of information from timeless infinity, making up, as it were, a three-layer Creation.
  Thus, the active and the passive in the form of the living and inanimate is before our eyes, and it somehow arises in this beingness.
  What is required for such a transfer of one and the other from the otherworldly, which, as we assume, is nothing else like an infinity out of time with its holographic projection.
  First, an informational "bridge" is needed between beingness (reality for the living beings) and an unmanifest infinity. This function is performed by the holographic projection of the unmanifested infinity, since its pulsed wave-like structure is convenient for data transmission and for the content of information copies of the active and passive, the originals of which are potentially located in the unmanifested infinity, but there is naturally a connection between the copies and the originals.
  Secondly, it requires the active, not perceived by the living beings directly in beingness, which, nevertheless, animates the corresponding objects of beingness, making their acts conscious to one degree or another, unlike inanimate (dead) objects
  Previously, this active and invisible was called as the soul by everyone, because people understood the difference between animate (alive) and inanimate (things) objects.
  This active, presenting in all alive, is situated in it, because it is only it that is able to extract own informational copies and copies of things from an unmanifested infinity through a hologram by means of the sense organs and information processing center of the body, converting them successively into all objects of beingness - from universes to microcosm, from living things to the surrounding favorable environment.
  Thirdly, one cannot do without combining the active with the passive in the form of alive, since only alive can by means of its sense organs, perceive information from an unmanifested infinity through a hologram, and, after processing in the corresponding centers of the incoming data are converting the informational copies into a reality display both for each living creature (own time of a living being) and for all living creatures - into a holistic beingness in the form of near and far surrounding of the living beings (total time of the living beings) for their "upkeep" in it.
  The mechanism of this conversion of packets-pulses of information coming from an unmanifested infinity through a hologram to the sense organs of the living beings is similar to transmitting signals from a transmitter to a television receiver through the ether, during which, in particular. the pause between packets-pulses is eliminated, with the result that a moving image appears on the screen for the duration of the session.
  The above analogy with a television receiver shows the possibility of such process.
  Thus, the world, and if wider, universes, radiations, microcosm, living beings and inanimate objects, or the whole beingness, turns out to be different than it is represented by modern science and each person, partly resembling the same television receiver and everything else are the information products.
  Therefore, it is possible to present in a new light both time and information that comes to us in the frequency-wave form, being therefore quite material, and further converted into the surrounding of the living beings and the living beings themselves. Al this, similar conversion is carried out both individually and collectively by these creatures quite synchronously, and each specific being fits into this general thing world with the general current time with its own set of senses and information processing center, and therefore with its (own) current time, although, in particular, one of the types of these creatures, that has self-awareness, despite all its savvy, represents its autonomy in the form of free will, but will is actually a inducement of the person on the part of dissatisfaction of self-consciousness by oneself to sustainable progress towards the goal, as well as the person does not mark own current time, believing that he is in objectively existing time, associated by the person with the calendar time, whereas actually this time is the total current time, which is formed by the totality of all living beings.
  Nevertheless, each living being only by one its presence in beingness, contributes to the maintenance of Creation in a capable state, without feeling or understanding of this process.
  In this regard, it would be appropriate to make the following analogy, rather close to the interaction of a single consciousness and all form of individual consciousness: the person consists of a set of cells which are functioning in him, not knowing about his existence, as well as not knowing that a person undertakes in this moment.
  Thus, consciousness, in turn, on the one hand, in the form of intellect, as and the TV receiver, is able to convert individual sequential impulse signals containing information into a incessantly changing picture due to a certain inertia of signal processing, which in consciousness of any living being nullifies pauses between incoming packets of information (the positions of the update), creating continuity of change in the whole picture, and on the other hand, each individual consciousness of a living being has a connection with a single consciousness, which unites in a hologram each individual form of consciousness of all living beings into a single whole, making up a single-multiple hologram, in which any part coincides with the whole and therefore each individual consciousness in a living being has form-making abilities, as a result of which it can convert by means of its own intellect, represented by information processing and control units, the frequency information copies of the active and the passive into volumetric-real - more or less "dense" - objects, thereby creating both themselves and their own local environment, which, as it were, fits into the general environment, formed coupled by all living beings, and in this environment they is already able to live and multiply.
  That is, the powerful energy of ultra-high-frequency wave-like structures of the holographic projection of an infinity out of time, which carry the corresponding encoded information in their harmonics, is converted into the mass and energy of the objects of the current reality, which are related to each other in accordance with the well-known formula E = mc².
  The consciousness of a living being, due to a certain inertia in the transmission of signals (information packets) from the sense organs to the intellect, represented in any organism by the block for processing information and controlling by the functioning of the body from each cell up to all organs, cannot fix pauses between the received sequential signals due to the physiological organization of any living being. This leads to the creation of a continuity of the process of information flow for the consciousness of a living being, whereas initially the packets of information in the form of corresponding signals, coming one after another sequentially to the sense organs with a certain frequency, have a gap between themselves.
  As a result, for the consciousness of each living creature is formed the current time with space, in which objects can move and interact, acquiring mass due to the energy of ultra-high-frequency wave-like structures of a holographic projection of an infinity out of time.
  2. The new approach to solving the problem of birth and death.
  It is clear that the issue of the appearance and disappearance of living beings from the banal position of the appearance of someone will not be discussed here, because everything once appears in the full splendor of novelty and disappears due to wear and tear or destruction.
  It is interesting to reveal why and for what the living beings are born, that is, why Creation cannot do without them, and what they have to die for, but not completely to disappear, if only because they leave offspring, what all other objects of beingness are deprived of. In addition, if Creation is unable to manifest itself without living beings, then the moment of death and the moment of birth in the current time cannot be separated and must coincide.
  All religious denominations, materialists of various kinds and existentialists, who most clearly showed the modern attitude of philosophy to death, agree, paradoxically, on one thing: they all consider that death "removes" a person from beingness.
  In particular, Christians consider death to be the return of the soul from beingness to God, preserving the soul in eternity, thereby refusing at least some plausible explanation for what the soul should without any meaning stay in eternity, having visited beingnesss only once.
  Materialists categorically claim that death is the irrevocable transfer of a person from life to oblivion, what is meaningless completely for a person's consciousness, if only because it should also disappear, but this is quite logical for materialists, since they consider consciousness to be the final product of an inanimate matter, and where can he go if not to disappear with the body, or rather, not to return again into inanimate matter.
  That is, materialists eliminate consciousness in the same way as Christians the soul, forever from consistent participation in events that occur only in beingness.
  It seems that existentialists, who believe existence, that is, life, to be the only interesting one, will reveal to us the truth of life and death, and they are really right that there is nothing interesting except life, but existentialists again come to non-existence after death.
  Existentialists, when they talk about death, mean life, because death, they believe, is the absence of existence that does not interest them. This means that death can only be talked we can speak only in the context of approaching to non-existence.
  For example, Heidegger writes about death like this: "We have conceived death existentially as what we have characterized as the possibility of the impossibility of existence - that is to say, as the utter nullity of Dasien (care)" [9, p. 354]; "... In its death, Dasien must simply take back everything" [ibid, p. 356].
  Similar transfer of the problem of death to life, firstly, assumes that a person should always be in a state of anticipation of death, which can occur at any moment, indicating the end of everything, that is, - in a state of anxiety, thereby destroying various, including pleasant impressions of life, and, secondly, existentialists, like representatives of religious confessions and materialists, are not able to constructively look beyond the threshold of death, because they do not note any presence of life there.
   The explanation for such paradoxical coincidence as a result of such, as it seems, completely different approaches to existence in being and after death, is that they are all humanists, who, as you know, believe that the basis of beingness is a person.
  Therefore, Christians believe that after death, the soul is forever separated from a person, leaving his sinful body in it, and probably remembering in eternity how it lived in this body, since there is nothing else to remember.
  Materialists at all deny the presence of the soul in the body, believing that consciousness is a natural consequence of the development of inanimate matter, fixing their attention only on the finite person in society as a product of social relations. Therefore, for them, a person quite naturally disappears after death, forever falling out of beingness, taking consciousness with him.
  Existentialists do not notice consciousness (soul) at all, replacing it with care in beingness about beingness: "Care harbours in itself both death and guilt equiprimordially. Only anticipatory resoluteness understands the potentiality Being-for-guilty authentically and wholly - that is to say primordially" [ibid, p. 354].
  Therefore, more adequate solution to the problem of birth and death, in our opinion, the hypothesis put forward by us about the holographic "spacer" between beingness and ab infinity out of time may turn out to be such, since the consequences from it, some of which are briefly described here, look quite convincing.
  In accordance with this hypothesis, there can be no only one beingness-creation, or rather, one beingness is incapable of manifesting itself without the help of extraneous forces - God, the Big Bang unknown by whom or what initiated, etc., what in itself indicates the helplessness of both idealists and materialists in relation to the genesis of Creation, which cannot be temporary, that is, to appear by someone's will or by chance.
  Our hypothesis demonstrates the eternity of Creation and, accordingly, of beingness, if it is being formed by living beings, who therefore are a key element of beingness, without knowing about it.
  The result of such actions of living beings in aggregate and separately makes it possible for these creatures not only to live, but also to develop in this beingness, almost ideally structured for them, according to the principle of biological evolution for a certain period.
  In addition, for the consciousness of the living beings, whose presence in them is difficult to deny, since without it, the living becomes the same as all other inanimate objects of beingness, the opportunity is given to develop, albeit discretely, that is, after the death of one living being, it appears in a slightly altered form in another being, which we observe in the evolutionary chain of increasingly complex and improving organisms up to the emergence of beings capable of being aware of their actions.
  These, the last in the string of all various living beings, in contrast to them, are already capable of changing the world around them in accordance with their projects, thereby accelerating the development of consciousness even more, as well as making it incredibly multifaceted.
  From this position, living beings in their totality and individually as active in being by their more or less conscious actions at different levels is the only thing that can support the development of consciousness through them eternally.
  It is therefore logical to assume that Creation does not exist as something random, spontaneous, arising as a result of some fluctuation, it is not clear at what moment, if we can talk about time, which actually did not exist then, but Creation exists eternally, constantly renewing itself through beingness, which is formed by the living beings that automatically turn for this to an infinity out of time through its holographic projection.
  Creation cannot be frozen and therefore devoid of development, since it immediately falls out of existence.
  Creation cannot be chaotic, because it will immediately disintegrate, due to the initial instability.
  Therefore, the laws according to which Creation functions do not just keep it from stagnation, collapse or decomposition, but contribute to its development, the meaning of which cannot be laid down in dead matter, but is only in living matter, since only it is capable of development if only the living beings can perceive, process and transmit information.
  It is precisely to keep Creation in a stable state, suitable for the development of the consciousness, present in it in alive, that it is necessary to give the birth to living beings who, in the course of their life, continuously receive the new packets of data from an infinity out of time, selecting from them, in accordance with the means available to them, the information that is necessary for their existence, as well as updating themselves.
  In addition, on the one hand, the living beings, as it were, animate through themselves and maintain this unmanifest infinity in a stable state thanks to the functioning of the applied beingness, the motor of which is the various living beings.
  On the other hand, the living beings are born in order to the consciousness that manifests in them and through them, has not been standing, but has been developing through their communication and actions.
  However, the renewal of each object of beingness has some limit that exists for all its objects, including living beings, when failures in the process of this ultra-high-frequency renewal occurring in frequency-wave basis of beingness lead to disorganization of the functioning of the organism, which now becomes unsuitable for the stay of consciousness in it, and it leaves this body, stating thereby the death of the body, but along with that - the renewal of consciousness, which immediately manifests itself in a new body for other life, forgetting therefore about the previous life, because it is necessary not for a person, but precisely for the development of consciousness in a new guise and in new circumstances.
  Similar disruptions in the frequency-wave basis of beingness are the true cause of the destruction of the body, and in general, they are the cause of the disintegration of all objects of beingness, which therefore cannot but be finite.
  Nevertheless, through these finite objects of beingness, and not otherwise, occur the manifestation in the form of beingness of timeless, that is, eternal infinity, delivering through its holographic projection the information copies of all objects of beingness, including each individual consciousness, which living beings convert into beingness itself.
  In addition, the death of living beings means a discrete renewal of each individual consciousness, which allows it to develop differently in a new living being, and so on - ad infinitum.
  Thus, one can imagine that Creation consists, as it were, of three layers - an infinity out of time, its holographic projection and beingness, in which th living beings are located.
  It is interesting that in this version Creation turns out to be stable and manifests itself in the form of beingness with the living beings acting in it.
  However, pundits hold the different opinion about the structure of Creation. They believe that the space around us with moving objects in time, that is, being felt by us, is nothing more than only one objective reality. which does not have any layers completely hidden for us. They also believe that this Creation-beingness in which exoplanets are located consists of an infinite number of universes. But they are unable to satisfactorily explain how they arise.
  We, on the contrary, assume that Creation does not coincide with beingness, being eternal and infinite due to its special structure, which together with beingness includes two more specified layers. All of them, together, by their interaction, ensure, first of all, not their own existence, but the existence of the objects that is able to perceive, process and transmit information, being always active for this reason.
  Therefore, only it - this active - can be the basis of Creation, which exists, in fact, only for the development of the active (in beingness, the active is consciousness).
  The active, by definition, cannot stop in the consumption of information flows, always requiring additional portions of information for its own change in them, in what and is concluded its ability to develop, since everything else (passive) can only support this development, having no selfsufficiency, but being an equal component of Creation, which can be both a carrier of information and an infrastructure that ensures the existence and development of consciousness without which the active is also not able to manifest, and in this respect, the active and the passive are equal and main objects of Creation in the streams of information.
  It is the active (consciousness in beingness), associated with the passive in beingness, that turns out to be included in the information flows, and is able to convert the information coming in the form of successive packets-impulses to the sense organs of the carrier of consciousness (alive), recorded on the wave-like formations of the hologram, into denser material objects, thereby forming both beingness itself and the living beings in it.
  The basis of the association of the active and the passive in beingness is a formation of the passive matter in the form of molecular complexes, containing sensory organs, information processing centers, centers that ensure the implementation of form-making abilities, as well as a genome containing appropriate programs for the growth of existence and development of a being in a certain environment.
  It is only through this structural formation of the passive matter that consciousness gets the opportunity to flow into the flows of information, using them. Therefore, consciousness, as it were, covers the structural formation formed and updating by it from passive matter, as if energizing all the components of this formation, which begin to function according to the program laid down in them, starting from the embryo.
  That is, the active (consciousness) does not unite directly with the structure formed by it, being another - the most organized wave matter of the hologram, but, like a source of energy for a radio receiver, connects the revitalized structure through itself to the hologram, which is an information bridge, connecting alive with an infinity out of time.
  In this process of forming the basis of a living thing from the passive matter and connecting it to a hologram, consists the revitalize of this formation out of the passive matter, that is, consciousness makes it susceptible to the surrounding in association with itself during its life (a certain period of time of growth, development and dying of a being), on the one hand, creating possibility to process information flows to ensure the stability of Creation, on the other hand, giving this formation, in association with it, opportunity in the allotted time to "enjoy" life, the basis of which is nutrition, reproduction and the desire to improve its own existence due to imperishable dissatisfaction with the present, which does not allow a living being to stagnate.
  Therefore, similar association of consciousness and the passive matter of a certain form and structure creates a completely autonomous living being, which cannot be attributed to either the passive matter or the active, and it, therefore, as something in between, not realizing its main function - the keeper of stability of Creation and the builder of beingness, simply lives for oneself in the form of communities in consecutive generations in corresponding niches, mainly devouring each other, excluding the civilized human community, in which this process is no longer practiced.
  In short, all three layers of Creation can be characterized as follows.
  In an infinity out of time the active and the passive are merged into an inseparable whole.
  But this unmanifest infinity, nevertheless, is able to "exit" into time, that is, into existence, through its own projection in the form of a frequency wave-like structure - a hologram, which provides, as an information bridge, the transfer of already identified and separated active and passive in the form of their copies, which are impulse sequential packets of information to the organs of sense of the living beings.
  These beings, which are a key element of beingness, with the means available to them decrypt and select from the incoming sequential encoded data packets information suitable for their existence, and then convert it into their own surrounding in the form of objects of beingness together with a single consciousness, more precisely, with the help of a single consciousness of the hologram, participating thereby in the formation of all beingness.
  As a result, it turns out Creation to be able to express itself through an infinite set of finite objects of beingness by means of the interaction of the active (consciousness) and the passive (things) both in the current calendar (general) time, and in own current time of each of the active (living) beings, that is, beings, possessing consciousness, and these beings cannot become infinite in this current existence of finite objects in the form of always up-to-date present , unlike consciousness, which is only temporarily present in a living body, more precisely, accompanying it and guiding it.
  Therefore, at the moment of death, each individual consciousness has no one else to accompany, and it gradually falls out of beingness, restoring its connection with a single a consciousness of a hologram. However, consciousness, leaving the current time, which is formed by it only through its carrier - a living being, at the moment of the being's transition from life to complete disintegration again regains those information bases of a hologram that are close to it, and it turns out to be able to assess possible and interesting ways of existence for its own development in beingness upon subsequent appearance in it, which occurs at the same moment of dying, since there is no current time in the hologram.
  Thus, for each individual consciousness at the moment of death of a living being, a connection is restored from its side with a single consciousness of the hologram, in which there is no current time, that is, its autonomous existence in the body ceases and it connects to a single consciousness of a hologram to choose the further path of its own development in a new organism, into which it falls at the moment of death of the former organism.
  In this intermittent process of regular update of various organisms, which are finite in their existence in the current time, only the eternal life of consciousness in interaction with the passive matter is manifested.
  As we have already noted, the ultra-high frequency holographic projection of an unmanifested (timeless) infinity cannot act perfectly, as a result of which in all objects of being, manifested in it due to the conversion into them of successive information packets-portions, due to failures in the hologram, deviations accumulate, preventing these objects from functioning in a certain mode, be it a planet, a brick or a person.
  In other words, due to the accumulating failures in the hologram in being in relation to all manifesting and updatingobjects of beingness, all these objects cannot but be finite, but the infinite is able to manifest itself through the finite discretely, which is what happens with consciousness in beingness.
  However, in this respect, there is the following difference between inanimate objects of beingness and all living beings.
  If the thing isn't capable to correct consciously the changes happening to it - at it as the passive there is no aspiration anyway to retain its peculiarity, which it is not aware, a thing has only elementary feedback mechanisms preventing its chaotic disintegration - then any living being, and not only a self-conscious being, by all possible means, which it has enough, clings to life. Thereby, consciousness keeps its main feature - the activeness, or the persistent aspiration to changes in itself and around itself.
  Actually, "immersion" of consciousness into the finite live existence over and over again is also a solution of the problem of preservation itself as the active.
  Existence in things and among things, and also close to other forms of consciousness as alive, on the one hand, allows consciousness to correct the structure of own kernel on the basis of reactions of the surrounding on own actions not to lose ability to aspirations on preservation of the radical peculiarity - own activeness, and on the other hand, allows to try to use changes which it is capable to feel and/or to be aware anyway with advantage for itself, but not to the detriment.
  The variety of situations in each finite existence for any individual consciousness means finding of sole individuality in an infinite number of particles of consciousness.
  So goes the development of the living beings and consciousness in them, i.e. the initial frequency disruptions in the structure of the active does not lead him to disaster (the collapse, or loss of the form), since the kernel of the active is restored in the finite, that, moreover, makes the ultra-high-frequency wave-like holographic projection of an infinity out of time stable as a whole, and each particle of consciousness - capable to participate in the formation of time and, as a result, real worlds in time.
  Thus, the finite is necessary to the infinite not only for functioning of the system of Creation as the timeless and along with that as the temporary system, which thereby is retained in equilibrium, but also for stabilization of the active in Creation, making the active by unchanging and eternal in its essence, yet infinitely changeable.
  In addition, the restoration of the core of the active in beingness is facilitated by the fact that the decaying passive objects of beingness by the energy of their own decay, as it were, feeds consciousness in alive, which, due to this, gets the opportunity to restore its core, in turn spending part of this energy of decay on the restoration of the passive objects in other forms, thereby renewing both oneself and them.
  These are the consequences of the loss of form by finite passive objects, including the human body, which, disintegrating after death, becomes on a par with other passive matter, while its consciousness is not lost, but continues in another living thing, which it makes such. In other words, at the level of beingness, there is a process of updating, similar to that which occurs in a hologram with an ultra-high frequency, but in beingness the frequency of updating is incomparably less.
  If each individual consciousness is both an independent particle of the unified consciousness of the hologram, and the entire hologram with all its resources, then the body is the bearer of consciousness for the manifestation of these resources in the time, formed by each living being.
  As a result, each individual consciousness with the help of a single consciousness finds a program corresponding to its level of development and the desired changes in a particular embryo, and begins life first in searches of updated oneself with varying degrees of success, but indispensable finds, which are somehow found along the endless path of consciousness.
  Thus, consciousness does not travel after the death of the body through some corners of the otherworldly "world", which is impossible, since there is no current time there, the formation of which begins with the sense organs.
  Therefore, each individual consciousness of any being is forced to return to the embryo of a new life, finding itself renewed in it again in a different body, but without the memory of a previous life.
  This memoryless return is not equivalent to arrival from oblivion, since the hologram (otherworldly) is by no means oblivion (death) in its pure form, but ultra-high-frequency formation with a kind of time in the form of infinity breaks, in which, however, any events are not present.
  Reunited with her, each individual consciousness gets the opportunity to access any of the past lives and access to all secrets of beingness only for human consciousness, which it is able to comprehend on its own level. Along with that, a person's consciousness can evaluate own achievements in past lives, and accordingly choose something new for a future life, quite consciously "placing" himself at its beginning on one or another inhabited planet, at the required stage of the current reality. This can be a stage before the emergence of civilization, or any of the centuries of civilization.
  Each individual human consciousness makes its decision on further progress in being in the borderline state of transition from life to death on the basis of a block of information concentrated in a holographic projection of an infinity out of time, available for his understanding.
  This borderline state is a process of gradual separation of consciousness from the body, which does not immediately lose its ability to function in the normal mode of forming own time. In this state, the human consciousness has not yet left the body completely, but has already received a two-way communication with the hologram instead of the previous one-way communication with a hologram from side of a hologram.
  Having established thereby the direct connection with the hologram from its side, the consciousness of the dying person also receives appropriate access to the hologram databases.
  In other words, this borderline state between life and death does not last long, but its time, even a fraction of a second - while the body is still alive - is quite enough for consciousness to use the resources of the hologram, to which it already has access: to get acquainted with the information from the databases of a hologram, which it recognizes, to solve current problems, and to draw up, accordingly, a program for the next life cycle to continue its own development in alive.
  Thus, the "moment" of death is the most interesting for the individual consciousness of each person. It is then that this consciousness it gets access to everything that can be included in the range of its interests, including some past lives, and, in general, everything that was and is, to which it wants to "reach out".
  As soon as the death of the body occurs, that is, its final disintegration, each individual consciousness finds itself in the current reality, as if it did not leave this reality, but in a new body, more precisely, in its embryo, since any individual consciousness has a duty not only of its own development , but also the development of a single consciousness, as well as keeping Creation in a stable state of eternal change, and all this is provided by nothing more than events that can happen to consciousness only in time, or in beingness, which is called therefore co-beingness or beingness from the expression "to be really".
  That is, the individual consciousness is not "lingering" in the hologram, although it is a particle of it. because it is always "present" in it, moreover, it is not only a particle of the hologram, but also the very unified consciousness of the hologram, but this consciousness can manifest itself only in time, or in living beings. Therefore, each individual consciousness at the moment of death of the organism immediately finds itself in a new body for a new life.
  3. How is the decline of the present civilization manifested?
  The existence of planetary civilizations, as the history of the Earth shows, is by no means a continuous process: civilization arises, develops up to a certain limit with acceleration and disintegrates with the onset of the singularity point. Then the process is repeated. Any civilization of the three-dimensional world will face an inevitable end, and not necessarily for external reasons.
  Internal contradictions also play a role and the ending, which is determined to some extent by them, can be fast or slow. The fast final is a fast-flowing crash of a civilization with the destruction of all its structures (the typical for technological civilizations); the slow - long stagnation in simplified structures in equilibrium with the environment.
  Some researches were devoted to a subject of condensing of time periods between critical events up to a final point. This approach is based on concept of the singularity, used John von Neumann in the middle of XX century. The singularity, if not to mean its astrophysical comprehension, represents a point behind which extrapolation starts giving senseless results.
  The historian I. M. Diakonoff paid attention in 1994 to a singularity point, or the limit point on a time axis where historical cycles are reduced which are shrink in compliance with the law of the regressions: "There is no doubt that historical process shows signs of natural exponential acceleration. From emergence of Homo sapiens until the end of the I phase passed not less than 30 thousand years, II phase lasted about 7 thousand years, III phase - about 2 thousand years, IV phase - about 1.5 thousand, V phase - about one thousand years, VI - about 300, VII phase - a little more than 100 years, duration of VIII phase while it is impossible to determine. Put on the schedule these phases are combined in exponential development which assumes eventually transition to the vertical line or more true, to the point of so-called singularity. Scientific and technical achievements of mankind were being developed according to the exponential schedule likewise ..." [10].
  Diakonoff's schedule may be completed up to the vertical line. In this case, the point of singularity will lie for 2022.
  Definition of a technological singularity appeared after Diakonoff's works: the technological singularity is the hypothetical moment after which technical progress becomes such fast and complex that it will be inaccessible to comprehension. The technological singularity as a result of development of nanotechnologies was considered in the report of 2007 of the Commission on economic policy of the Congress of the USA, as start date of a singularity was called 2020, according to another prognosis - 2030. Basic idea of this conclusion is the corollary from the law of Moore (an empirical conclusion from the observed speed of development of technologies): somewhere between 2025 and 2035 the computing power of separate computers will be made even to the "crude" computing power of a human brain, and then and will surpass it.
  The given dates are close to each other and they also are close to the present time. The question is only in interpretation of the specified process, i.e. what will happen in the singularity point with the world civilization.
  The approaching informational collapse is confirmation of that the era of fundamental changes in civilization development approaches with an approximation of the point of the singularity.
  Informational collapse is defined as the condition of network information space menacing to its stability and normal functioning. Informational collapse is characterized by fall off of capacity of communication channels and arises at a situation when existing technologies are not able to transfer growing volumes of traffic.
  The beginning of informational collapse manifests in constant increase in speed of emergence of new information and accumulation of this information in the Internet. Acquaintance with the avalanche flow of information becomes more and more difficult and even more difficult becomes thereof its adequate use because filtration of information, as a rule, for doubtful criteria becomes actually by single method of ordering of information. This process conducts to fast loss by society of perspective reference points of development, to replacement of the true purposes by corporate purposes, to bamboozle of an overwhelming majority of Internet users.
  As a rule, a point of a singularity interpreted as transition to the new, improved condition. However, this point can be a bifurcation point, with possibility of transition to a condition of another type of a civilization, if available type of a civilization cannot exist, for example, it can be transition in a state of an ecological civilization at refusal of the majority of the technologies applied earlier or it can be transition to a state of the complete disintegration of a civilization.
  The civilizational system itself, being a shell for the existence of communities of beings with self-consciousness, arises at the level of development of self-consciousness of human communities, at which archaic communities turn from the common property to the private property relations.
  Therefore, civilization, unlike any living being, does not possess consciousness, and its forms, including the complexity and diversity of state formations, follow the development of the collective self-consciousness of mankind, which is characterized by rapid drvrlopment due to the thoughtfulness of the project-target activities in comparison with slow development and adaptability, which characteristic of fauna and flora.
  The development of self-awareness in the system of civilization among its advanced representatives is in the central channel of information flows entering it, the content of which depends on the accumulation of knowledge and the development of culture of the inhabitants of the civilization system.
  In this respect, civilization is a derivative formation of the collective consciousness of its inhabitants, that is, their shell, and it, in the form of the advanced states that make it up, changes only at tipping points, recalling mutations in the genome of an organism, leading it, like civilization, to decline or progress.
  More details about these points, manifested during the accumulation of dissatisfaction of the collective consciousness in one or the other states during the development of civilization, are explained in in one of my works [11, Chapter 6].
  Thus, any civilizational system is "empty" in the sense that it is not independent. Like an anthill, it is only a convenient shell with an appropriate structure for the actions of living beings with self-consciousness.
  Civilization by itself does not exist without people, while any living creature can be quite autonomous, forming appropriate conditions for itself (own time) within the limits of own mind and organs of senses in various ways.
  But, as a rule, the living beings unite in certain communities, for example, bees unite in roy, outside of which they do not survive. In addition, the living beings can interact in anthills, coral formations, civilization systems, etc.
  In other words, any civilization without the inhabitants is the empty "beehive" - it quickly turns into dust, losing them. This direct dependence of so difficult organization from the "small", as it seems, residents once again shows the dominating role of living beings in Creation, which is nothingness without them. Along with that without civilization, with its disappearance, already civilized people, losing their "accommodation", quickly run wild, and their most part dies in hunger and cold. Therefore, living beings (consciousness) also can't be absolutely independent, needing always a thingness support for themselves.
  So, civilizations can be qualified as formations, derivative from living beings, more precisely, level of their self-consciousness. Existence of any civilization completely depends on these beings, but time of existence of civilizations is determined not by time of life of a separate being, but by time of development of all community of living beings, i.e. by the course of the accelerating process of receiving and processing of information by all variable set of the living beings, constituting a civilization which can end not only due to external cataclysms, but also with an excess of incoming information, that leads to impossibility to process it by the means, available to the civilization. The living beings of system at this not necessarily perish in full set, but can form through certain interval the new system similar former, or the system based on other principles of existence [12, Chapter 2].
  In addition, a civilization can arise outside the evolutionary process, however, one can only guess about the way of this origin, but, judging by the artifacts, this happened on Earth more than once, in particular, before the appearance of mammals [13, Chapter 3].
  Thus, any civilization is a kind of optimal shell, or a kind of atmosphere, not just for the existence of the living beings, but for the most rapid development of their consciousness, the proof of which is the accelerated development of their self-consciousness, but not their biological structure (for the period of existence of the civilization known to us, people have not changed either externally or organically). At the same time, however, the complex system of civilization is not built by them consciously, but automatically - within the framework of adaptation to the environment around them, which they also create and change.
  In other words, the developing collective self-consciousness does not have a direct impact on the development and change of the forms of civilization, but manifests itself indirectly through the spontaneous dissatisfaction of self-consciousness by the present, requiring improvement of living conditions, on the one hand, and on the other hand, the change in civilization depends on the struggle between self-consciousness and natural consciousness. whose aspirations, as we have already indicated above, are usually opposite.
  Currently, a question has arisen that has never previously appeared in the minds: how to stay alive despite the digitalization and immersion of people in the virtual world of the Internet, depriving them of all sensations except auditory and visual, as well as depriving them of the direct communication, that is, - the development of their consciousness in the living affairs and the direct contact?
  The main consequence of this process is the emergence of a special kind of people who are turned into something similar to robots in virtual space, what in fact, makes them by half-dead organisms, in which the animal consciousness is actually disconnected from effective interaction with self-consciousness, as a result of which the driving force of social development and the development of consciousness as a whole is eliminated, which depends on the interaction of animal consciousness and self-consciousness of each person, as well as their collective prototypes.
  Thus, a rather curious phenomenon is currently taking place: fully developed people themselves withdraw themselves from the living space into the artificial world of communication outside ordinary life with constant communication in it among themselves.
  This is greatly facilitated by the power elites of self-interest, which believe that such semi-robots are easier to control, indoctrinating them what is required by the power elites at the moment thanks to remote communication via the Internet with its impoverished and undeveloped world of human shadows, that is, there is a transition of people from real life to direct information flows, deprived of life in all its main manifestations - from normal nutrition to the desire for reproduction and direct dominance.
  That is, similar immersion of a person's in the world of pure information instead of immersion in the living world in the form of beingness denies the deployment of the living world, in which self-consciousness can be developed.
  But this world of the Internet, devoid of living development in direct communication, which is just a shadow of a hologram, is unsuitable for life, and life quickly fades away in it, since the reproductive factor, that is, the factor of procreation, loses its role in this virtual world.
  Thereby, the departure of a person into the digital world of the Internet, or information flows that give nothing to his consciousness, except for a convenient and safe semblance of life, during which there is almost nothing to worry about, is an indicator of the decline of the modern civilization, since it inevitably leads to the extinction of the population of developed countries capable of creative, that is, activities that develop civilization and society.
  Naturally, a holy place is never empty, and this advanced population will rather quickly be replaced by wild peoples who will gradually lose all the technologies that make society comfortable, not to mention a culture that is simply inaccessible to them, since familiarizing with it or creating their own culture requires long time and appropriate conditions.
  Therefore, we have to state: similar introduction of developed individuals, who in a significant number are capable of creative activity, to fruitless streams of information means nothing more than the cessation of the development of their self-awareness, while, on the other hand, the accumulation of information that the human brain is unable to cope with, means the arrival of information collapse, as a result of which all superstructures of civilization ruin.
  If we look at modern civilization from the point of view of its governing structures, then it is quite clearly seen that the decayed and mired in senseless luxury, the power elites of most countries of the world with their prevailing animal consciousness at all costs want to maintain own positions, not trying to look even into the near the future, since they by consciousness of semi-primates are not able to think strategically, engaging only in squabbles and tactical tricks for the sake of maintaining power and the resulting pleasant position for them.
  In essence, in an era of global crisis, they are trying to establish an order in society that resembles a hierarchy of flocks of monkeys with its strict regulation and unconditional subordination of the weaker to the stronger, which is quite consistent with their dominant animal consciousness. But they, unlike the monkeys, are cunning, unprincipled and quite smart tactically.
  Therefore, the power elites are currently trying to limit the freedom of the rest of the inhabitants of the planet by any possible means, with the help of various specialists and advisers, and if possible, reduce the number of its population, making the remaining, in fact, by own voiceless servants.
  Those in power in every possible way support the expansion of the electronic information coverage of the population, which, using everywhere one-time prompts from a smartphone on any issue, is gradually losing the opportunity to independently accumulate knowledge and learn to think by own mind. Taking into account the degradation of the education system, supported in every possible way by the power elites, befuddlement of the population is proceeding at a very energetic pace.
  But the authorities especially liked the coronavirus, or rather, what can be extracted from this very contagious disease. This, most likely, an artificial virus, allowed them to simply destroy the basic rights of the population, won by them in a long-term struggle with the authorities, putting this population at home whenever they want, and also restricting its right to the free moving even in developed countries.
  If desired, the power elites can, with the help of the coronavirus, or rather by mass vaccination of the population, significantly reduce its number, not only because vaccines have not passed many years of testing for the health safety of both vaccinated and their subsequent generations, but also because these vaccines can always be mixed with certain additives that can have a detrimental effect on the population in the direction of its reduction, for example, by depriving women of the opportunity to have children, even more so the population as a labor resource is for the most part no longer required due to the automation of most technological processes in almost all sectors of the economy.
  Naturally, similar policy, which boils down to measures contributing to the general degradation of the population, actually deprives the consciousness of development in alive. Therefore, the time of such a decadent civilization is coming to an end, as evidenced purely objectively by the upcoming information collapse.
  You can, of course, be suspicious of such forecasts, saying to yourself: everything will be grinded, there will be flour, but so far everything that is happening demonstrates the decomposition of the governing structures of the leading countries of the world, and revitalization of crowds of immigrants from backward tribes and peoples. in anticipation of the pozhiva.
  Civilizations are scattered through all universes. They exist only up to the point of singularity, being formed at the appropriate level of development of consciousness of living beings, i.e. when more and more awakening consciousness demands bigger degree of separation from the environment. And on Earth during its existence on its surface at the suitable conditions, including the physical, climate, flora, fauna, and so on, according to the preserved artifacts, acted dozens of civilizations like ours.
  Be that as it may, it is still impossible to unambiguously predict fast or not too collapse of civilization, since it may in the near future take on a form that is unexpected for our present ideas, but nevertheless, with a greater probability, our civilization, like all the previous earthly civilizations before it, will simply disappear, and a new civilization will once emerge in its place, which, most likely, like most past earthly civilizations before it, will also go through all the stages of development known to us, depending on the level of development of the collective self-consciousness of its inhabitants, since it is this civilizational renewal that is required for the development of consciousness through its carriers, of which the most the advanced a person is.
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