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What is the basis of the manifested (reality)?

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    Some problems going beyond a consideration circle science and religion, nevertheless, do not disappear anywhere. Some of them are a subject of inescapable interest, in particular, that which concerns the ultraboundary for our sensations (otherworldly). The following are considerations on this issue, which, at least, are original, and may be of interest to those who do not belongs to the philistines.

  The objectivity, more precisely, the existence, independently of the person, of the objects and the phenomena, surrounding him, is proved by scientists-materialists by the fact that they "are delivered" by the sensations into a brain of each person approximately equally, constituting the surrounding reality. This viewpoint the scientists-materialists extend to all alive.
  But, at this, a certain circumstance is missed, that instantly destroys such logic, namely, the difference in the sense organs of living beings, remains "overboard". This difference leads to the fact that the surrounding reality for an earthworm, cuttlefish and a mole, not to mention plants, microbes and viruses, is being presented to each of them in accordance with their sensitive organs.
  In other words, the same object for different creatures may have a completely different appearance or even be absent for them, as such, being present for other creatures.
  Modern materialist scientists will immediately say that this difference in sensations does not disprove the presence of the entire objective world, which can be "felt firsthand" or using devices and instruments.
  However, all data of the surrounding around a living being as well as inside it enters to its brain, if it is, and if it is not, then to the signal processing center from the external and internal "world" through the same sense organs - a kind of sensors, that fix what they can, but they can only catch certain signals in the form of discrete information packets. And only the processing of these signals in the relevant information center - at the person the brain is this center - gives as a result a form, color, the movement and other features of an external and internal environment of a being. The being more or less consciously uses some of them, others only take note, and the rest it does not perceive in the type of information, that is the deciphered signals, owing to the absence of appropriate organs of sensations, or because of limited opportunities of the center processing information.
  In this sense, in particular, the world of a person is limited by the collection of his sense organs and his apparatus-thinking abilities. In other words, if he had a wider set of sense organs and a more powerful thinking apparatus, a person would have built with the help of the latter some different own environment - with other forms, color, spatial distribution, movement, etc. And all this would also be a reality for him, although the basis from which this reality came from would remain for him all the same unknown, since he is able to use only his own sensitive organs and his own brain, but he is not able to get out of limits of their actions.
  If the TV could savvy and glance on the screen outside, then he could contemplate quite real image of moving objects appearing on it too, but for it existence of the transmitter of this image and also a transfer form in the form of discrete information packages impulses, following one by one would remain a secret.
  That is existence of the things world in the form of the last, true and independent of us (objective) is disproved by the fact that it is being represented by our sensations and is being formed by a brain, and this world for different types of organisms can be other, and its basis can quite be frequency-wave, on which information is written down.
  However, this frequency basis of beingness is outside the current time of beingness and therefore is non-spatial and zero in terms of material balance.
  The hologram [1, Chapter 3] can be the "formation" of this sort, appearing and right there disappearing in a conditional point with opposite characteristics - the waves in anti-phase making zero in the sum, but capable along with that on separation in the same conditional non-spatial point, that leads them to disappearance. It gives as a result pulse "gaps" in an infinite nothingness that it is possible to consider as the manifestation of an infinite nothingness in the form of some kind of projection coinciding with an unmanifested infinity on all properties: infinity, non-spatiality, the zero material balance, absent of the current time and motion, except one - the finite durations between the "gaps-ruptures" of an infinity.
  These "gaps" can be presented as a prototype of time not only because between them there is duration, but also because their elimination in certain way can lead to formation of already continuous duration, that is, the current time in our understanding. And it, in turn, means emergence of space and motion in the event, if manages to convert into this time some multi-subject - the thing and bodily, having filled space with moving "objects" which are in an unmanifested infinity potentially, since in it is everything, though an unmanifested infinity without own projection remains no more than nothingness, or zero.
  If we take for axiom the fact that there is everything in an unmanifested infinity, then all possible objects in their diversity are hidden in it. But this diversity can be reduced to two essences - the passive and the active.
  All objects which do not perceive information belong to the passive, that is they are capable to react to these or those influences as a film on light, but cannot interpret by no means these changes (to analyze, structure), turning them into clear to themselves, which can be used in one way or another, that is into information.
  In other words, all this variety of passive objects is capable only bear information, without knowing about it, into those objects which are capable to apprehend this information.
  As is known, only the living beings are capable to perception and analysis of the incoming data - subconsciously or consciously.
  One may ask oneself: where did they get this ability to reason?
  After all, the body of any living organism consists of the same elements as inorganic matter.
  This question can only be answered in the following way: among these elements, combined in certain compositions, something nests, which is not perceived by us, forcing the structured elements to be active, in particular, to analyze and combine the data coming to them through a special kind of sensors (sensory organs), turning these data into the material, which are understandable for themselves by means of processing of these data in the relevant centers. An external analog of it can be any robot, however, with that difference, that he understands nothing (does not savvy) in this process, and only works in strict accordance with the programs enclosed in it by those, who is capable to savvy.
  And, despite all achievements of biologists in the study of the structure and principles of functioning of organisms, they still cannot "fabricate" even the simplest living creature, since the object, seemingly in everything similar to a living organism, does not give in to revival, that is, consciousness in it does not appear.
  This fact is one of the most convincing evidence, that consciousness can be attributed originally only as otherworldly, and at the same time we are witnessing its reality, despite the invisibility and impalpability.
  Thus, if all objects, except alive, are passive fixators of data from the environment, the interaction with which for them is reduced to reacting to it by changing their own properties up to disintegration and occurrence in a new quality, however, is not chaotic, but accordingly rules, it is not clear by whom established in the reality, known to us. These rules is opened or installed by scientists.
  That is, if these inanimate objects do not show any own initiative (activity), then the living objects can, thanks to appropriate processing of the incoming data, figure out, how given information to use, changing for their own benefit own surrounding.
  Naturally, the living being first of all wants to stay in the information flow, which it is able to perceive and comprehend - each at the level of its consciousness, - distinguishing itself from not the brainless things by what it uses them for own benefit and preservation, competing in this with other living beings.
  Therefore, all alive actively, that is, consciously, however, except for the person, purely instinctively-reflexive uses the environment for maintenance of oneself in operation (food and metabolism), seeking to push back their competitors from food (domination).
  The finiteness of own existence, which they, apart from man, do not understand, but feel because of the deterioration in the functioning of certain parts of the body, they overcome by continuation of the species (transfer of their own genome) by all possible ways, up to budding, which requires a special program of growth and development as an individual, and the general (generic). Therefore, without the genome a living beings cannot do.
  All these active objects present potentially in an unmanifested infinity, but in the merged state with the passive objects.
  But, since they is in the form of alive and inanimate in front of our eyes, it somehow transferred here.
  What is required for such transfer?
  First, an information "bridge" between beingness (reality for sensations and a brain) and an unmanifested infinity is necessary. This function can be performed by a holographic projection of an unmanifested infinity, since its impulsive wave-like structure is convenient for transmitting data and for the maintenance of information copies of the active and the passive, the originals of which are potentially in an unmanifested infinity,
  Secondly, the not perceived directly the active is required, which, nevertheless, animates the corresponding objects of beingness, making them conscious to one degree or another, unlike inanimate (dead) objects.
  Formerly this active and invisible was called souls, because people understood the difference between animate (living) and inanimate (things) objects.
  This active, presenting in all alive, is situated in it, because it is only it that is able to extract its own informational copies and copies of things from an unmanifested infinity through a hologram by means of the sense organs and information processing center of the body, converting them successively into all objects of beingness - from universes to microcosm, from living things to the surrounding favorable environment.
  Thirdly, one cannot do without combining the active with the passive in the form of alive, since only alive can by means of its sense organs, request and perceive information from an unmanifested infinity through a hologram, and, after processing in the corresponding centers of the incoming data, convert informational copies into a reality display both for each living creature (own time of a living being) and for all living creatures - into a holistic beingтness in the form of near and far surrounding of the living beings (total time of living creatures). for their "upkeep" in it.
  The mechanism of this conversion of pulse information packets coming from an unmanifested infinity through a hologram to the sense organs of the living beings is similar to transmitting signals from a transmitter to a television receiver through the ether, during which, in particular. the pause between packets-pulses is eliminated, with the result that a moving image appears on the screen for the duration of the session.
  The above analogy with a television receiver shows the possibility of such process.
  Thus, the world, and if wider, universes, radiations, microcosm, living beings and inanimate objects, or the whole beingness, turns out to be different than it is represented by modern science and each person, partly resembling the same television receiver, namely: it is an information product.
  Therefore, it is possible to present in a new light both time and information that comes to us in the frequency-wave form, being therefore quite material, and further converted into the surrounding of the living beings and the living beings themselves. Along with that similar conversion is carried out both individually and collectively by these creatures quite synchronously, and each specific being fits into this general thing world with the general current time with its own set of senses and information processing center, and therefore with its (own) current time, although, in particular, one of the types of these creatures, that has self-awareness, despite all its savvy, represents its autonomy in the form of free will, whereas will is actually a inducement of the person on the part of dissatisfaction of self-consciousness by oneself to sustainable progress towards the goal, as well as the person does not mark own current time, believing that he is in objectively existing time, whereas actually the total current time, associated by the person with the calendar time, is being formed by the totality of all living beings.
  Nevertheless, each living being only by its presence in beingness, contributes to the maintenance of Creation in a capable state, without feeling or understanding of this process.
  In this regard, it would be appropriate to make the following analogy, rather close to the interaction of a single consciousness and all form of individual consciousness: the person consists of a set of cells which are functioning in him, not knowing about his existence, as well as not knowing that the person undertakes in this moment.
  The subsequent cells replace dying off cells rather quickly, allowing an organism to function fully. Relatively long human life in a certain degree is provided with short life of each of its cells. Time of life of a cell is its "now"; the human life time covering the periods of life of all replacing cells of its organism is as if their external time which directly doesn't depend on their "now", but, nevertheless, in the issue it is determined by quality of cells, the indicator which is the duration of their life. It means that "now" of all cells of an organism in the aggregate forms also time of life of a human body, determining its duration.
  Any person also has weak concept about difficult autonomous process of functioning of cells of own organism, but, overall, everything is interconnected and works organically.
  However, this analogy has significantly difference - infinite single consciousness as a hologram and each individual consciousness in the person as part of a hologram coincide. Therefore, the individual consciousness is eternal as and a single consciousness.
  Be that as it may, though a person, unlike all other living beings, is capable to be aware of himself, he, nevertheless, is quite sure that the world around him is the single real and unique, since he cannot penetrate beyond its borders by any means, while all his surrounding, is formed actually from the frequency signals, decrypted in its organism about which he does not know and which also are fixed by nothing in any way, being beyond possible frequencies in beingness.
  Though the "walking" representation of the person that behind visible reality is not anything, at least, material is - illusion, but is true the fact that only in this world of the changing (moving) objects and the proceeding phenomena it is possible to live, develop and change that is impossible in any frequency formations.
  It is for this reason that the eternal cycle takes place: the frequency active and the frequency passive of a hologram are combined when converted into the embryo for subsequent development and life in limits, denoted for structured in the body of the compounds of the passive, after which the active (consciousness), which has lost its competence due to the disorganization of the corresponding the compositions of the passive, is separated from an incapacitated organism-carrier, and, taking the former frequency form, returns into the initial frequency-wave hologram, but only in order to return again the same way into beingness, i.e. - into life.
  Any other options are impossible because beingness with discretely appearing in it active (consciousness) in living beings holds Creation from disappearance.
  In other words, only due to the action of living creatures is the information "bridge" between an unmanifested infinity and beingness is being supported, that is, without the living creatures, information, and, accordingly, objects and phenomena cannot appear, and their "place" - in non-existence.
  From all this can be seen that information, that is, data coming to living beings in the form of signals, which they are able to streamline and consciously or subconsciously use, is the most important basis of beingness, without which is not only impossible the formation of beingness, but also - the existence of Creation itself.
  Let's note, that the mass of data which people, in principle, are capable to perceive, but cannot order, cannot be attributed as information, and they remain just noise, without speaking about those signals, which are just not registered by our sense organs, though can be caught and converted into objects and the phenomena by other organisms.
  Thereby and from the information position the world, surrounding us, appears only as a result of ability of our sense organs not only to accept some signals, but also to decipher them, transforming as a result, for example, to the visible image of objects, which along with that become the subject reality.
  However, all these considerations remain outside of scientific research, which is based on the repeatability of open phenomena and the possibility of verifying the processes that take place, which in itself imposes certain restrictions on this field of activity, although science is "ashamed" to recognize it.
  Therefore, men of science, contrary to the known facts, still, claim, in particular, that information is reflection of objective reality, and not vice versa, believing that information is the order of the follow of objects of a material world, as well as considering the information as the data exchange, which can be interpreted.
  Along with that, according to modern scientific ideas, information is considered intangible, which in itself is meaningless and, moreover, contradicts the above definitions, if only because any reflection is a material copy of what is reflected.
  Nevertheless, to any in the slightest degree to the educated person it is clear with all possible definiteness that out of consciousness no information exist, because there is no one to form and perceive it, that is, it is nothing, or non-existence.
  But what then exists?
  This question can only be answered in the following way: nothing can exist without the living creatures, more precisely, cannot "get out" of non-existence.
  Therefore, we have to admit, willy-nilly, that the manifestation of being known to us or surround us, from some unmanifested infinity (non-existence) is due to the activity of living beings through their informational influence on it, since only these beings are capable to recognize all objects of beingness due to their organs of senses (a kind of sensors) and information processing centers (brain for a person).
  Thus, information arises only by means of the sensory organs and the information processing center, which consciousness, more precisely, the carrier of consciousness possess, but not differently, being the quite material copy of the object or the objects, which are available through sensations for consciousness and which the living being in varying degrees are able to realize, that is, to convert into a specific environment for oneself.
  Information can't be qualified as something non-material and independent, as far it is copies of data about objects selected and decrypted by consciousness from the boundless environment surrounding consciousness, but in fact, from an unmanifested infinity.
  The consciousness processes these deciphered copies of fragments of the material objects through the appropriate centre (centres) into images, meanings, emotions which are also the quite material components of consciousness entailing the subsequent actions of the carrier of consciousness. On their basis together with memory it interacts with environmental objects every moment of own "now", which are also converted by it by transformation of the frequency-wave formation (hologram) which is a seamy side of beingness, like a reverse side of a mirror about what it will be mentioned below in more detail.
  Thus, all interactions of the being having consciousness are carried out in this end-to-end, irreversible process only on condition of arrival in his consciousness of the appropriate portions of information, each of which is processed, being laid down in a certain duration, making a row of sequential moments from the birth to death of the carrier of consciousness.
  The asymmetry of selection by consciousness of information from the environment, unlike material or energetic interactions of objects of our three dimensional measurement, is explained partly by that consciousness has other qualitative nature, it is not the material object of three dimensional-measurement of our universe. Therefore, it can't exchange directly by substance or energy with objects of three dimensional-measurement, but consciousness is capable through the sensations of the carrier of consciousness unilaterally, restrictedly, selectively, but to perceive copies of data about environment, suitable for it, and then to process them for own needs (all organisms) or purposes (the person).
  This process proceeds by unilateral scanning by the consciousness through its own carrier of the environment (an unmanifested infinity), during which the consciousness automatically kind of looks through objects of scanning without their change thanks to only copying of those information about them which consciousness is capable to decipher.
  Otherwise, if the energy and/or material exchange took place during receiving information by consciousness in the same way as it occurs during the usual interactions of material objects, then both sides of the information interaction would be changed one way or another or destroyed, losing their original properties, and life in such an unstable world would not be possible.
  The difference between the human consciousness and the consciousness of other living beings in selection and information processing consists in that the person understands part of information and therefore uses it not at the reflex-instinctive level as, for example, animals. That is, he realizes himself in this process, and the part of the received data uses consciously, making from current and accumulated data the mental projects as self-active subject, i.e. the subject who changes environment according to these projects, but not just only adapts to it, as all remaining live beings.
  The integral and changing from a moment to a moment picture, which is folded every moment in human mind, is perceived and understood by him as his present, or current time. This "now" arrives as it seems to the person, from some unknown to him the future, and flows away somewhere back irretrievably - in the past, and in this stream passes his life.
  Anyway, it is clear, that "now" provides interaction of the person with surrounding, or gives him life.
  However, the past as the data base and the future as mental projects exist only in human imagination, manifesting itself again and again in the present.
  The edge between the past and future seeming to people as the invisible, the impalpable, the non-material, is the quite material present, or "now" of the person, created by himself. This present or own time of the person so real that comprises in itself all his life. He lives just in it, but - not in the past and not in the future.
  We will mark at this that each of the sequential moments making time of the life of the person, and which thereby comprise in itself his life, is the quite material process of selection, copying, transfer of the prepared packets of the deciphered data about objects as well as processing of these packets, at this the discontinuity (discreteness) of this process is caused by the technical pause, separating every moment of own time of the human.
  The information packets, received through sensations, only in the processed form, that is, having transformed to images of environment, thought and emotions, make a moment, quite specific and various on filling and duration, so as the volume of the arriving information can change depending on a state of environment, from a state of the consciousness, from opportunities of fetch from memory of additional information. Each such moment, merging in consciousness with subsequent and so on, is represented to the person as his present time of life.
  It follows that time does not "falls down" from anywhere on the person, but the human consciousness itself creates own time which therefore the person himself intuitively calls by the present.
  Technical pause between sequential moments of manifestation in consciousness of images (objects) environmental, as well as emotions and thoughts accompanying them, consciousness doesn't register.
  Therefore, all sequential moments are merged in the uniform changing pattern which the person as consciousness in the carrier and, at the same time, the acting subject, can not only watch but within which he can interact with the surrounding.
  It is also necessary to mark that any quite real moment of own time of the person is a single event point, because for a person (any living creature) events happen only in his "now", and the past and the future arise only in his imagination manifesting itself just in the "now" in the form, respectively, of databases and projects.
  The person thinks that actually there are the past and the future separated by the present as far he doesn't understand the mechanism of formation of present and considers it by a product of the general temporal process in which the future, the present and the past exist really.
  Actually, only one moment makes "now" of the person, but their irreversible sequence is represented to the person as the current of time which comprises the current of his life, events happening to him.
  There is in each of these moments an integral selection at all levels of consciousness of data from environment which the consciousness is capable to recognize, and their processing, making finally "the shot" by clear for consciousness, on the basis of the accepted information with these or those corrections from already accumulated information in databases of the person. Further the process repeats. This procedure, thereby, is on technique by the discrete, but on perception it by consciousness - the continuous.
  This one-sided on directivity (asymmetrical) process of pulling by consciousness of information, or process of obtaining copies the surrounding, more precisely, from an unmanifested infinity, consists, thus, of three main phases: the selection of fragments of environment from which the information will follow (the selection is being made by the consciousness of the person partially consciously, but, generally by the automatic scanning covering and decrypting all available to consciousness through the sensations) ; copying and transference of information in the appropriate centers of consciousness of the person; its processing consisting in conversion of information packet into images, meanings and emotions as well as inti the objects, during which the instantaneous assessment of data is produced resulting the part of information is discarded or remains as hidden, and the rest is manifested for consciousness of the person like the shot after which follows the similar shot, as a rule, with changed contents.
  These "shots" are merged in consciousness in the moving picture, i.e. the intervals between them isn't fixed by consciousness and all process seems to the person as the continuous. The formation of each "shot" can fluctuate rather slightly on duration. This process goes from the birth to death of the person, without being interrupted even during a dream or a faint. Information arrives as outside, and from the organs containing in the person and the processes proceeding in them.
  This information procedure is the discrete, the automatic for all live. As a result, the adaptation of all live to the environment is carried out. However, the person together with this is capable also to target selection of information, i.e. to perception of the objects interesting him for conscious transformation of these objects according to in advance planned projects.
  Summarizing, we can note the following.
  The active (consciousness) is an ultrahigh-frequency wave-shaped hologram - a projection of an unmanifested infinity. Each area of the hologram contains information about the entire hologram, that is, everything is contained in each part.
  This means not only that any individual consciousness in alive coincides with the unified consciousness of a hologram, but also that consciousness cannot be investigated analytically, that is, in detail, in parts, to compose a holistic picture of it, for example, on the basis of those or other manifestations of it in a person. Consciousness will always be in its essence inaccessible for analysis of any kind.
  Therefore, in particular, the scientists studying a brain of the person which, as we already noted above, functionally is the center of information processing, forming for the person a picture of the surrounding, represent a brain as the top of perfection on which everything depends, forgetting that any tool is not capable to guide, being only means for the chief executive, especially as this tool in itself cannot arise - someone had to contribute to this.
  In addition, the three-dimensional world known to us, judging by duration, minimum possible for it, in seconds with the basis 10 and the exponent 24 (according to other scientific data this exponent can be-44), can give frequency structures in hertz with basis 10 and exponent 24 (44). This frequency is the limit for the formation of the things copies of our measurement, which are "produced" by a single consciousness. The frequency spectrum of the copies of a single consciousness is above this threshold - and therefore, it is impossible these frequencies, and accordingly copies to fix in any ways in three-dimensional measurement.
  Unlike consciousness, practically, all objects of our (three-dimensional) dimension, which our sense organs are capable to perceive directly or through instruments, are amenable to analytical studies, the result of which was the discovery of fundamental and local laws of beingness.
  It happens because all the objects of beingness are being formed in the form of the current time by consciousness, that is, the hologram, "pulsing" into Nothingness and being nothingness integrally, is transformed due to the action of the active in it from frequency-wave formation, equal to zero integrally, into a stable, dynamic and things structure of universes, which are not, like all their components, holographic.
  All this, so-called, beingness is being formed from discrete consecutive information packets by consciousness, which is a single-plural, by means of alive, in which is being eliminated the pauses between these packets, and thereby is being obtained one changeable point of the present time.
  This infinite point seems for the living beings as current time, and, unlike a hologram, this "point" is already able to manifest itself as a space in which there are can move and change objects, which ensure the existence of alive.
  Other objects are absent as in this point useless for the existence of alive.
  This fact of the connection of one with the other, even beyond the known limit - the speed of light, - at that, the loss of this connection destroys the entire structure of the universe, and in fact - beingness, leads to confusion researchers of life and matter, the most advanced of which are forced to recognize the existence of some extraneous force that ensures the harmony of beingness.
  Thus, as a consequence of the fact that beingness in its basis is a holographic projection of an unmanifested infinity, at that, the hologram serves as an information "bridge" between beingness and an unmanifested infinity, and in turn, this projection is being formed by consciousness, it is impossible to recognize as truth the independent existence of time, as the calendar, and own time of the person (all living beings), which besides is considered science by independent of consciousness and connected with motion.
  Motion, which is absent in an unmanifested infinity, as well as in its projection, is necessary as phenomenon in which all living beings can develop. Motion also is being "produced" by consciousness together with space, objects and smoothly current time through the living beings, who exactly this surrounding, which they also are forming within the framework of the total time, formed by a single consciousness only, are capable to perceive as reality and, respectively, to live and develop in it.
  However, time, as discrete durations, is formed originally not in beingness, and in a holographic projection, merging in uniform stream of the moving and changing things only after processing the information packets in the processing centers of the living beings, updating one by another consistently,
  The active in beingness, which is called here consciousness, is a converter, a collector and a storage of information acting in alive, but only to live and develop in the form of the living beings in information flow, which manifests itself for all living beings in the form of the current time and moving in it things, a set of which is compiled as a derivative of their sense organs, both individually and in total.
  Thereby consciousness is both a producer, and a product, and the dynamic data carrier about itself and environmental which in order to avoid stagnation has to fill up sequentially the available information through the hologram from the inexhaustible reservoir of an unmanifested infinity not without the aid of alive, providing the infinite own development.
  Perhaps this hypothesis will be of interest to the reader, since it shows that the visible does not always coincide with the true, but always leads to the unknown.
  On this occasion, you can quote the famous German philosopher and scientist Kant and the prominent American philosopher - the founder of the theory of pragmatism - Pierce.
  The fact that time doesn't exist in itself, Kant assumed, along with that he, as consequence, absolutely adequately put time before motion, that is, he recognized motion as impossible without its basis - time: "Time is not something which subsists of itself, or which inheres in things as an objective determination, and therefore remains, when abstraction is made of the subjective conditions of the intuition of things. For in the former case, it would be something real, yet without presenting to any power of perception any real object. In latter case, as an order or determination inherent in things themselves, it could not be antecedent to things, as their condition... Time is the formal condition a priori of all phenomena whatsoever... If we abstract our internal intuition of ourselves and all external intuitions, possible only by virtue of this internal intuition and presented to us by our faculty of representation, and consequently take objects as they are in themselves, then time is nothing. It is only of objective validity in regard to phenomena, because these are things which we regard as objects of our senses..." [2; 1.1., ј6]; "Time is nothing but the form of our internal intuition. If we take away from it the special condition of our sensibility, the conception of time also vanishes, and it inheres not in the objects themselves, but solely in the subject (or mind) which intuits them..." [2; 1.1., ј7]; "... the conception of change, and with it the conception of motion, as change of place, is possible only through and in the representation of time... our conception of time explains the possibility of so much synthetical knowledge a priori, as is exhibited in the general doctrine of motion..." [2; 1.1., ј5].
  : "Time is therefore merely a subjective condition of our (human) intuition (which is always sensuous, that is, so far as we are affected by objects), and in respect of all phenomena, consequently of all things which come within the sphere of our experience, it is necessarily objective. We cannot say, "All things are in time", because in this conception of things in general, we abstract and make no mention of any sort of intuition of things. But this is the proper condition under which time belongs to our representation of objects. If we add the condition to the conception, and say, "All things, as phenomena, that is, objects of sensuous intuition, are in time," then the proposition has its sound objective validity and universality a priori" [2; 1.1, ј7].
  Pierce purely intuitively realized a phenomenon of this process of motion of feelings and thoughts as derivative of interaction of sense organs and consciousness with the surrounding, or, in our understanding, as information process of interaction each individual consciousness in own carrier with the surrounding in which all moments of time in perception of the person are merged together sequentially: "At no one instant in my state of mind is there cognition or representation, but in the relation of my states of mind at different instants there is. In short, the Immediate (and therefore in itself unsusceptible of mediation--the Unanalyzable, the Inexplicable, the Unintellectual) runs in a continuous stream through our lives; it is the sum total of consciousness, whose mediation, which is the continuity of it, is brought about by a real effective force behind consciousness" [3, V. II p. 211-242].
  In more detail, this problem is presented in the monograph "Everything and Nothing" [4, Chapter 2.1].
  1. Nizovtsev Y. M. Our true life is endless. 2014. [Electronic resource]. Access mode: www.litres.ru. Amazon. љ Yury Nizovtsev.
  2. Kant I. The Critique of Pure Reason. University of Adelaide. 1781/1998. The web edition published by ebooks Adelaide. [Electronic resource]. Access mode: ebooks.adelaide.edu.au > Library. ebooks
  3. Peirce C. S. What pragmatism is. The Essential Peirce 1 - 2. Vol. II. [Electronic resource]. Access mode: www.iupui.edu/-arisbe/menu/.../bycsp.HTM
  4. Nizovtsev Y. M. Everything and Nothingness. 2016. [Electronic resource]. Access mode: www.litres.ru. Amazon. љ Yury Nizovtsev.
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