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What underlies the passivity of philistines?

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    The people, which politicians and propagandists praise at all crossroads, in fact, represent a heterogeneous mass, the basis of which, both in number and in mentality, are the so-called ordinary people, who, as a rule, do not go into the intricacies of political intrigue, but wanting, first of all, just for themselves peace and well-being, far from fighting for anything other than your own well-fed and comfortable life. Therefore, they have been called the philistines for thousands of years.

  Key words: people, philistines, time, consciousness, self-consciousness, person, civilization, information, power, elite, intellectuals, creativity.
  Despite the fact that the concept of the people is interpreted with different shades, what is common to all formulations of this concept is that the people are considered a historically established community of people in a certain territory, usually constituting a state.
  The masses of the people are considered to be the working people who produce material values, and the educated part of the working people - the intelligentsia - creates spiritual values. And this is their creative power.
  It is also believed that both are subject to exploitation.
  The question immediately arises: why does this creative force allow itself to be subjected to oppression, especially since working people make up the majority of the population?
  In order to understand this issue, obviously, it is necessary to find out what the common people are, that is, the masses represented by various working people?
  Alas, the overwhelming majority of them are still busy working for the sake of survival and at least some kind of food, having neither the time nor the energy for their own development and education, even in the developed countries of the world.
  As a result, willy-nilly, with rare exceptions, both they and a significant part of the middle class, engaged in uncreative work, fall into a monotonous life in which habit rules, and each week, in essence, and often in detail, repeats the previous one. In this life, like somnambulism, you don"t have to think especially.
  Therefore, even if among these workers there are potentially creative individuals, then hard, uninteresting or burdensome labour, lack of education or narrow specialization does not give them the opportunity to demonstrate their potential abilities, and gradually they slide down to the level of philistines, that is, people living by momentary personal interests and unwilling or no longer capable of development.
  And all these philistines, with rare exceptions, drag themselves along the well-trodden rut of life until death, without even trying to use the social elevators that sometimes happen.
  Therefore, the life of philistines, whose number in all countries of the world is at least 80%, comes down to passivity, giving way to activity in the form of rebellion only if their living conditions deteriorate to the point of impossibility of survival, or in the event of a clear threat of their destruction.
  Such passivity, presumably, is caused not only by oppressive living conditions, from which, in principle, one can escape. Obviously, there are deeper reasons preventing this.
  In our opinion, the reasons for the passivity of the majority of the population of each country lie in the weak development of self-consciousness and equally the weak manifestation of the lowest consciousness (the low level of dissatisfaction with consciousness in both cases), which are in a balanced state. This state of consciousness characterizes the largest group of any community - the so-called philistines, diverse in professions - from baker and farmer to health worker and clerk, some of whom are small owners.
  As is known, any person, unlike an animal, has a dual consciousness - firstly, the component that he inherited from primates, and secondly, the one that appeared to him as a result of his awareness of his position in the world as a being , located in the current time, which can be used not only for feeding, reproduction, dominance and gaining a comfortable existence in the environment, but also for the sake of changing this environment for one"s own purposes, which can go far beyond the limits of animal existence towards knowledge of the world and improvement oneself culturally and creatively.
  The predominance of the lowest, or animal consciousness in a person makes him, like an animal, focused on his own beingness, and the predominance of self-consciousness, or the highest consciousness with a high level of altruism attracts a person to improve himself in own self-consciousness, and thereby, leads to an improvement of relations in society.
  General weakness consciousness inevitably implicitly leads the insufficient manifestation of a person"s energy in business and outlines a narrow circle of interests limited to the desire for one"s own well-being.
  More details about the lowest (animal, or natural consciousness) and self-consciousness are presented, for example, in my work "The driving force and source of development of the person and his communities?" Amazon. 31.05.2019.
  The consequence of such weakness of consciousness is insignificant interest of a person in any enterprise, that is not directly related to his well-being.
  As a rule, high intelligence, which appears not only due to the possession of innate abilities, but is also developed and strengthened by long study, participation in various educational programs, the pursuit of hard-to-reach goals, such individuals are not peculiar not only because of their lack of high aspirations, but also due to the influence of the mediocre or the philistine environment, absent the accessible social elevators, financial means for education and etc.
  Thus, the philistines are united in the following.
  All representatives of this most significant layer of each community are guided mainly by their own reason and experience: preoccupied with themselves and their own well-being, they do not aspire to either "high" or "low" goals, limiting themselves to the desire of a hassle-free and well-fed life in which it are desirable see troubles only on the monitor screen.
  The philistines do not feel the desire for new at the expense of their own efforts, seeking a more comfortable state of life from the position of simple acquisition and consumption of finished goods.
  This, the most significant part of the population is engaged predominantly in daily monotonous work, and practically has no prospects for any other kind of activity, that could contribute to the development of self-consciousness among these masses.
  The habitual standard dictates to these people to live as everybody, consuming what is, creating around itself an environment of artificial and natural objects in order to regularly to update it, finding the satisfaction in this incessant process.
  With this behavior, a person actually falls into a monotonous existence - as if into a life-dream with rare moments of awakening, which, as a rule, are initiated by external circumstances (marriage, divorce, new job, illness, death of loved ones, etc.).
  Having lived their life, most these people are surprised to find in it, in in essence, the absence of interesting and outstanding precisely because they tried to follow a pragmatic approach.
  In this respect, they are remarkably similar in behavior to animals, for which, although they do not know how to reason, the main thing is to get sensations.
  Such persons avoid participation in any social motions, being interested only in own well-being, but avoiding any risk.
  They do not resist the authorities and avoid any extremism, but only until their survival is at stake - having realized this, they will sweep away everyone and everyone without any hesitation or reflection.
  If to dig more deeply and to assume that own time of each person is process of receiving and information processing in which he more or less consciously participates, then any philistine due to the relatively low cultural and intellectual level, determined by the weak development of the highest consciousness, is inclined to consume information flows corresponding to this level.
  Therefore, their novelty is limited to stupid television shows or gossip on the Internet.
  Something more complex, new in science, culture, history, technology, which yield not without difficulty to comprehend, the philistines do not allow in their skull box.
  As a result of this, one should not be surprised at the incident of such a utilitarian use of their available free time.
  Nowadays, free time for the philistine, first of all, means a blessed deliverance from any labor efforts, provided, of course, the amount of the salary, pension or other allowance given to him is enough both for pro-feeding, and for some pleasant, but not very much subtle pleasures.
  In Europe and the United States, by now, almost non-working subjects-inhabitants by no means of retirement age have appeared, by whom have enough living allowance, and these persons have been already accumulated more than a dozen million.
  It should be noted that the division and automation of labor quickly leads to the fact that soon the vast majority of the population, at least developed countries, will not need to participate in the production of goods and the provision of services.
  So, what will these former workers-philistines do in their free time they finally acquired, which Karl Marx dreamed of?
  Yes, the same thing that they are doing now because there are no other interests besides those noted for them, and only a few of them literally break out of this swamp, whose "viscosity" is due to the weakness of their consciousness.
  In the best case, they dance, multiply and have fun by all sorts of other simple ways, for example, playing cards, basketball or dominoes, as well as embroidering with a cross.
  At worst, they drink, are fond of drugs, are at enmity among themselves, and the most aggressive of them try in the different ways including terror to seize upon the power, in order to yet with great success to kick their fellow citizens.
  Thus, similar life-sleep in monotonous boring and tedious labor in the bosom of formed habits protracts them in so much that even if free time appears, they fall into a kind of prostration, which is drunkenness, debauchery, rioting, or the most stupid and meaningless entertainment.
  This lag of the majority of the population from scientific, technical and cultural progress, or more precisely, the reluctance to develop themselves, is combined with the emergence of new technologies, in particular in the form of an artificial intellect, the use of which makes possible to get by in almost all sectors of the economy and service sector with a minimum number of workers, and gadgets provide an opportunity not to think too much, since through them you can get an answer to almost any question.
  Naturally, in view of this state of affairs, the thought of a radical reduction of this unnecessary and stupid population cannot help but come to the minds of those in power, especially since the same science is capable of providing many options for this action - from the use of deadly viruses, bacteria, toxic substances, drugs leading to the infertility, up to the use of various types of artificial disasters in the form of climate change, earthquakes, tsunamis, etc., especially since the power elites are, in essence, a set of egocentrics who have defeated all rivals with a high level of the animal component of consciousness, oriented mainly in their dissatisfaction with the situation to seize power and its subsequent retention, and they need the population only as servants, and they try with all their might not to provide it with the opportunity for mass development.
  And those in power as a whole are trying to maintain power by maintaining the herd instinct of the population, which is focused mainly on survival rather than development, through the maximum possible withdrawal of income from the population, which is always facilitated by the credit policy of the authorities. Thus, by plunging the population into poverty, they guarantee themselves peace and constant prosperity.
  But those in power do not think that philistines represent the main base that, under favorable conditions, can produce many creative personalities, thereby changing the essence of the community and the pace of its development, which, for example, happened recently in a number of countries during their comparative short-term stay within the framework of socialism.
  Moreover, having begun to destroy the population in one way or another over a period of time, the power elites will finally put an end to the development of society.
  The remaining population after the shock of such genocide will finally lose interest in labor, since is possible to surrender to an artificial intellect in servicing almost all its needs and plunge with its help into the virtual world of pleasures, which will quickly free the real world from these idlers, which, moreover, in the vortices of virtual pleasures lose interest in their own reproduction.
  Let us now dwell in more depth on the consequences of such a sad state of affairs for the bulk of the population of any country in the world, and, accordingly, on the prospects for social development at the present stage.
  It seems that animal consciousness, which is mainly responsible for the adequate functioning of a person in the environment in terms of adaptability to it, relying on reason, as a rule, contributes to routine human activities that do not require non-standard approaches.
  This kind of activity, due to its cliché, is close to the instinctive-reflex actions of animals, and therefore it is not surprising that in this case the animal component of consciousness guides a person, leaving self-consciousness in the background with its possibilities for creative activity, which are not needed.
  Such repetitive activity causes addiction to it, which is fixed in the so-called habits, that is, everyday actions without much thought - therefore close to automatism.
  The vast majority of people spend almost all the time of their lives precisely in such monotonous activities that do not require important decisions and abstract reflections based on the analytical and synthetic work of consciousness, that is, awareness of one"s own activity for the targeted change of own surrounding and oneself, and not subordinating to routine.
  This non-initiative pastime in work and life is thus reduced to daily repetitions, forming habits, beyond which it is very difficult to go beyond and rarely succeed.
  Apparently, for this reason, the famous English philosopher David Hume considered habit as the main property of every person (Юм Д. Сочинения в 2-х тт. М. Мысль. 1996. Т. 1, с. 69), although, of course, this is not the case, but for many ordinary people who strive only for a well-fed, pleasant and carefree life, the habit really becomes second nature.
  It is this factor that explains the fact that days and years for many people merge into one stream, and a person cannot remember what happened to him ten years ago in the summer or last year in the winter or even a month ago.
  Similar life does not actually require self-consciousness in the form of an original design of one's own life, since it does not carry a "mass" of plans, but is based on habit. This life does not even need constant control for it by the animal component of consciousness.
  Therefore, such life can be likened to daytime sleep, in which both components of consciousness that control a person"s actions in reality practically do not function, transferring themselves to "sleep mode", to use computer terminology.
  For themselves, they leave the intellect of consciousness, which primarily ensures the viability of the body, and to accompany the routine activities of a person, it is quite enough to have minimal control over it of the animal consciousness and only in the smallest degree of self-consciousness to achieve sporadically some insignificant goals, what in a whole, plunges a person into a semblance of sleep, but only during the day.
  In this state, a person, as it were, turns into a rational animal, looking, of course, for some profitable goals for improving the quality of his own life, but at the same time completely obeying the external course of events, all the time adapting to it in the manner of an animal.
  However, a person would not be one if he "slept" all the time, that is, he used himself in the habit mode.
  Any person, even the most humiliated and undeveloped, is able to recall always, maybe, the few, but significant episodes in his life. And he recalls them, precisely because in these times he acted creative: had being taken important (projective) solutions, had been surprised to something unique, had been outraged by unfairness, had being committed the fatal errors, had meetings with unusual people and phenomena, had loved, had suffered.
  In such affairs it is impossible to do without self-consciousness, inasmuch is necessary to correlate with self this visible, i.e., to commensurate this visible with own abilities, will, determination, impressionability, and to speak to himself: "And I so could be. And I understand this. And I am capable to be surprised by this (to be indignant)", and to set to himself the purposes on achievement of something pleasant or - the purposes on overcoming of the appeared obstacles, but not to evade from them: exactly this process is the true expression of liberty in a person, i.e., does this living being by the person.
  In other words, in these episodes a person loses indifference, moves away from habits, tries to change consciously or intuitively though something in itself even to the detriment to the values recognized by him. Of course, these events cannot but be postponed in his memory, he is proud of his behavior in these episodes, or he regrets about the incident.
  In general, the "productivity" of each human life in relation to a radical change of own consciousness, as a rule, is extremely low. This circumstance is understood by individual religious faiths (Hinduism, Buddhism), which do not stop the journey of soul on one human life.
  Nevertheless, religious faiths do not suspect about the true destination of this travel and do not see the true basis of Creation.
  Whatever it was, but the periods of "waking up" are the most striking manifestations of consciousness in a person, that means its true free expression, often amazing of him oneself, and therefore - memorable.
  Those in power also possess animal consciousness, but its level is higher than that of any ordinary person, thanks to which representatives of the power elite broke out of the gray ranks of philistines, focusing on the aspiration to profitably adapt to the current situation in order to obtain, like animals, the most pleasant sensations. And exactly power gives them these most pleasant sensations. Therefore, their awareness of themselves is limited to the struggle for power, during which they lose kindness, sympathy, selflessness and all other traits of altruism, which they do not need in a constant struggle in which the strongest survive, and the rest become by their servants.
  Thus, the difference between these individuals and philistines lies mainly in the fact that philistines, with rare exceptions, are characterized by a weakness of both animal consciousness and self- consciousness, while representatives of the power elites are distinguished by a high degree of animal consciousness, thanks to which they are always inclined to dominate in society, and therefore, by hook or by crook, they always strive for power.
  Therefore, it is not surprising that, with the achievement of a high level of technological development, the catastrophic lag of both philistines and those in power from true - spiritual values, stimulated by the dominance of animal consciousness in them, may well bring down the whole world into the abyss.
  That is, the lowest consciousness, prevailing both among representatives of the power elite and among the entire mass of philistines, on the one hand, pushes the supranational power elite to radically resolve the issue of catastrophic, in its opinion, population growth, suggesting its radical reduction, especially since work for this population is not expected, and, moreover, it only uselessly consumes the planet"s resources, giving nothing in return.
  Such low-level and trivial solution to this issue indicates that the power elites, sensing the imminent breakdown of their usual life under capitalism, are trying to preserve it in such a primitive way, not understanding the reasons for the advent of an era of widespread chaos.
  On the other hand, philistines, who are politely called people's masses, are mainly disoriented and submissive to the authorities, preventing even the thought of their own change for themselves.
  It became noticeable that these masses, which have become the lethargic and fragmented, lost their fighting spirit and enthusiasm in resisting their oppressors in the face of the ruling clans. If there are indignations, then they occur on national or racial grounds, and "color" revolutions are inspired by the same oppressors in their own interests.
  The technological upsurge coexists with poverty, downtroddenness and illiteracy of the population of even developed countries. For example, in the United States, the number of illiterates is about 50 million.
  As a result of this state of society, in fact, the uncontrolled power elite, taking advantage of the latest achievements in the field of high technology, quite naturally has planned for themselves and in some places even began to exercise total control over the population, trying to digitize it, discredit the family, gradually eliminating it, and deprive the population of property It assumes that population will be given certain benefits depending on the behavior of specific individuals, which this elite considers correct, up to the selection of this population.
  This process has already begun in China and has been going on there for at least 6 years, and the preparation of the rest of the world, with the exception of African countries, for this digital concentration camp for the needs of the power "elite", which is essentially pitiful in its mental abilities and culture, was carried out for two years with the help of frightening the population with a new type of viral flu, and it is quite possible that this infectious virus was specially bred, fortunately there are a great many bacteriological laboratories in the world, and the basis for the currently ongoing global experiment on people is many years of work on the study of the human genome. It turned out that science was unable to understand all the mechanisms of action of the genome, but its representatives can already spoil it.
  Thus, it is quite natural for itself, this elite is going to reduce the population several times to reduce the consumption of the remaining resources of the planet by the population, and the main way of this reduction may be to sterilize the population with medical drugs under the pretext of saving it from supposedly fatal diseases, and to digitize the rest of the population with the help of modern computer technologies, putting each of its members under control to dictate to him the appropriate behavior, especially since the main work will be performed not by the population, but by artificial intelligence.
  That is, every possible help in this project of the actual genocide of the population with its transformation into voiceless and thoughtless slaves for the absolutely unworthy needs of the ghouls in power, who believe that they will retain their power by implementation such stupidity, reducing all achievements of humanity and its culture to zero, is offered by science, subject to these scoundrels, which provides specialists and equipment to destroy the bulk of the population and bring the remaining part into obedient blockheads, divided into a kind of castes depending on the degree of obedience.
  This idiotic project aimed at preserving power for worthless individuals is a typical utopia, since it, like capitalism, which has lost its incentive for development, lacks this very development, which is always built on contradictions, but they are not here.
  In this case, which is beneficial, how it seems at first glance, for the ruling elite, people turn into a herd, which this elite grazes for the sake of obtaining certain products for themselves from this herd, not giving it the will in order to avoid its own elimination.
  Naturally, such artificial formation will degrade extremely quickly in all its parts, since it loses the ability to receive updates in the form of certain innovations in both technological and cultural spheres, especially since this post-capitalist society will parasitize on artificial intelligence, which, as it is supposed, will replace the human intelligence, that in fact will eliminate the human creativity, thereby depriving society of progress.
  Along with that, the actions of science according to a method of processing and transforming information that is specific only to it leads, to the acceleration of the development of a technological civilization, condensing its own time within the calendar time, which is an inevitable consequence of an increase in information flows consumed by science, contributing to the capture of more and more spaces by the human activity.
  In this case, the technological progress is combined with the compaction of civilization's own time, which cannot but end with its disappearance, or rather, the arrival at the point of singularity, at which the existing technologies cease to operate, and this process is in agreement with the specified decomposition of society.
  It is for this reason that the hopes of the ruling elites for some new post-capitalist form of the existence of civilization in the form of the state of Campanella, where they will prosper like the Roman patricians among the host of slaves, are in vain.
  There is no left own time for any forms of the current civilization, since the contradictions that moved it earlier, disappeared, and artificial inventing of contradictions is impossible for any mind.
  Therefore, the development of consciousness within the framework of the current civilization has become impossible. And this means that this civilization has become unnecessary, no matter how unpleasant it may be for the same science, which turned out to be unable to predict such turn of events, because it relied on humanitarian foundations that put a temporary person and his temporary civilization at the forefront of existence, but not eternal consciousness, and assuming, as a result, the existence of his civilization to be eternal, while in the world of events everything finds its end, but along with that it can resume through a corresponding pause on a new basis.
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