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Where did come the will from, what does it support, why and whither does it help to strive?

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    It is curious that so much has been said about will (volition), but, in fact, everything that was traced is rather obvious, but its secret has not yet been revealed, because its genesis has not been determined, - after all the will, as such, is absent in nature. Where did come the will from, what does it support it, why and whither does it help a person to strive?

  The person always wants the best than he has, without the bases, special on that.
  Will is too often used in order that all life to be engaged in senseless occupation.
  Psychologists and philosophers who have paid attention to the phenomenon of will (volition), have so far failed to convincingly answer the following questions: where did it come from, what does it support, why and whither does it help a person to strive?
  In fact, from ancient times to this day, pundits do only one thing - they analyze various features of volitional manifestations from different sides, which is generally understandable, and furthermore the meaning of the actions of the will in the person has been formulated by Plato and Aristotle long ago.
  Plato quite adequately concluded, that the will induces the activity of the person:
  Plato quite adequately concluded that the will drives human activity: ""The attraction" is called the will to the current, since in its course and aspiration for things it draws the soul into this flow, and thanks to this ability it is called "the attraction"" [1, p. 420].
  Aristotle also quite rightly noted, that the will acts on the basis of an understanding of the necessity of actions or aspirations: "The mind, obviously, does not actuate without striving (after all, will is the aspiration, and when motion is made according to the reflection, it is made according to will)" [2, p. 433].
  All subsequent reasoning about will, in essence, repeat these maxims of the great thinkers of antiquity with some analytical additions, but neither they nor the later researchers have answered the questions posed at the very beginning of the article.
  To illustrate, here are some examples of the reasoning of best-known researchers from different times.
  Psychology star S. L. Rubenstein so characterizes volitional actions: "... the actions, regulated by the realized purpose and the attitude towards it as to motive - it is the volitional actions" [3, p. 173].
  Rubenstein in the definition of the voluntary actions only reformulated "understanding of necessity of acts or aspirations" of Aristotle, having called it by the purpose, at this, the "motive" added by it into this definition for designation of activity and orientation of the willful actions, in essence, adopts the idea of Plato, who long ago noted that the will induces the human activity, that is, creates some effort that contributes to the achievement of the intended result.
  Other psychologists also did not go far, apparently preferring depth.
  They formed two schools: one of them, in the person of W. Wundt and N. Aha, considers, that the will is the primary mental phenomenon, and the second school, represented by I. F. Herbart, K. Ehrenfels and E. Meiman, considers the will to be a secondary phenomenon emanating from thinking, representations or feelings.
  Neither of them could prove their assumptions, but they wrote many works and deserved respect from amateurs.
  Sociologists in the person of F.N. Ilyasov also gave own definition of will: "... the ability of the subject to create a hierarchical system of values and to use the efforts for achievement of values of higher order, neglecting values of a low order" [4, p. 17].
  This definition most of all reminds scholasticism with not too high degree of the analysis, since the author assumes a will as the effort for achievement of higher purposes, that is, a certain progress, whereas in life we see too often the opposite - the inducement to the creation of conditions for providing smooth and quiet life even by means of in the unseemly ways without any far and highly-reaching aspirations.
  Philosophers also contributed to the definition of the will, but again - trying to penetrate into its essence, they, in fact, did not discover anything new.
  In particular, Thomas Aquinas has defined the will as "rational desire" [5. Question 26].
  Apparently, Thomas was familiar with the works of Plato and Aristotle. Therefore, he borrowed from Plato for own definition of the will, the desire as an indispensable incentive property of activity, and in Aristotle, - the rationality, which he derived from Aristotle"s the reduced maxim that a will acts based on an understanding of the necessity of actions or aspirations.
  Immanuel Kant also, in fact, noted "the incentive nature of will of the will" according to Plato and "the necessity of acts" according to Aristotle, having presented however in addition to this the will as the autonomous and categorical ability of reason to make the choice: "Autonomy of will is such property of will, thanks to which it for itself is the law (irrespective of any properties of objects of volition).
  The principle of autonomy is reduced thus to the following: to choose only as that the maxims that determine our choice are at the same time contained in our volition as a universal law" [6, p. 283].
  That is, with regard to the understanding of the essence of the will, Kant is not far from Plato and Aristotle, and this deviation was not quite adequate, having expressed in the exaggeration of its role.
  Kant's idea of autonomy of the will was yet more hyperbolized by Arthur Schopenhauer, who, essentially, has separated the will from the mind, more precisely, has presented the will as a thing in itself in the form the basis of the world of objects and phenomena: "Will is the deepest core of everything individual, as well as the whole; it manifests itself in every blindly acting force of nature; it also manifests itself in thoughtful human actions; the big difference between the two is only in the degree of manifestation and does not concern the essence of the manifesting"[7, p. 238]. "... The will at all steps of its manifestation, from the lowest to the highest, completely was devoid of the ultimate goal, constantly experiencing aspiration, because in the aspiration of its only essence; not a single achieved goal puts an end to this striving, which therefore does not know the final satisfaction and can only be detained by an obstacle - by itself it goes to infinity" [ibid., p. 410].
  Thus, according to Schopenhauer, something the unreasonable and unimaginable underlies both the "blindly acting force of nature" and the "thoughtful actions of the person", which is absurd, firstly, because "thoughtful actions of a person" cannot fail to contain something rational at its core, without which thoughtful actions are impossible, secondly, a person"s willful effort always supports his attempt to achieve a specific goal, stopping with achieving the goal, that is, it again, is controlled by something and has nothing to do with infinity and the final satisfaction, since satisfaction can be got by a person, but not by a ancillary effort.
  It turns out that the main idea of Schopenhauer-idealist about the unconscious foundation of the world merges with the views of the materialists.
  Despite the absurdity of this move, Schopenhauer had followers, the most famous of which was the German sociologist F. Tennis. He declared: "... thinking and volition exist as objective realities" [8, p. 321]. "And this Foundation of existence is the most fundamental, and all others depend on it" [ibid, p. 342].
  T. Tennis, having recognized the will as the highest force, absolutely logically introduced into the "use" the conception of the voluntarism, according to which not determined volitional acts themselves determine the course of various processes.
  The theory, so pleasant for many politicians, which justified all their stupidities, is still not forgotten, although its absurdity is obvious.
  Nevertheless, among the philosophers there was one, who noted the essential difference between will and desire. This thinker was Thomas Hobbes. He spoke out like this:
  "The differences between the desires of the person and of the animal are that the first determines them by reflections, manifesting thus own will. The thoughtful desires are what we call will. Only the participation of reason in the fulfillment of desires gives to actions voluntariness ..." [9, p. 607].
  This maxim of Hobbes is absolutely correct, although its banality is obvious, since he did not go further in the study of the interaction of will and desires in the human mind, as well as did not clarify the source for the appearance of the will in the person, which so distinguishes him from animals.
  At this point, it is permissible to complete a historical excursion, because psychologists and philosophers have not yet found answers to the questions posed at the beginning of the article.
  Before the appearance of a person among living creatures the will was not present in their consciousness as superfluous, because of the actions of these natural creatures in the environment without realizing themselves as subjects, who set goals for themselves. Their desires, actions or aspirations were determined only by instincts and reflexes, that is, they were a direct and largely mechanical reaction to the impact of the environment/ This reaction was fully adaptive according to its destination in relation to this environment, which they, if and were changing, as and they were changed themselves, then without any goal-setting and without the desire to go beyond the environment in any respect.
  In other words, the main characteristic of such actions is their subconsciousness, or the lack of subjectivity. This circumstance, naturally, rejects the will for purely natural beings as such a property of consciousness that supports the pursuit of a chosen goal, and the goal itself may be far from direct adaptation to the environment, and may even contradict it. That is, to this property of consciousness out of all living beings there corresponds only a person who is capable not only to adapt to the environment, but also to consciously change it under himself the corresponding goal-setting, thereby putting himself largely above it.
  Nevertheless, although the goals are being not set knowingly by all living beings, except the person, these beings have the indispensable desires to feed, multiply and improve their position in their own environment.
  This means, that the dissatisfaction of the consciousness of any living being with the current situation or by the deterioration of the situation requires support in its quest for its improvement.
  And this instinctive support is being conditioned by the unchanged activity of a living being, which increases with the deterioration of his position, that is, with the growth of the subconscious dissatisfaction of his consciousness with oneself and with the situation, and weakening with the improvement of the position of the being when the situation is restored or improved - a kind of the negative feedback of consciousness with the environment, directly expressed in its dissatisfaction with the current situation, which gives the command to the existing "mechanisms" of an organism to strengthen the counteraction to the negative impacts of the environment during this period. Although feedback can turn into positive with insufficient counteraction of the environment to organisms, which in particular can be traced by the uncontrolled reproduction of a number of algae in the absence of enemies, eating them. We note immediately that the analogue of this phenomenon for the will is the growing boorishness of morally undeveloped people in society in the absence of resistance to it.
  The instinctive effort, which compels a living being to act in accordance with its aspirations, could be called the subconscious perseverance or tenacity, since it lasts until the end of the action.
  Thus, similar response (reaction) to the impact of the environment can be characterized, respectively, by bigger or smaller subconscious perseverance or tenacity of a organism in resisting this environment, or in other words - by the natural subconscious attraction of a being to the best adaptation towards the environment in its aspiration for the survival and the creation of the more appropriate conditions for reproduction and feeding, that is encoded in the genome.
  Therefore, with change of conditions the being automatically tries to change not for the worse thanks to usual own activity, following the ability to absorb and issue information within the program of growth, development, reproduction and the actions corresponding to them coded in its genome.
  Naturally, such perseverance in the attraction, at least, to own survival, was remained and in a person, which by all signs, except self-awareness, is a representative of the animal world, who is controlled by the basic (natural) consciousness mainly through the limbic part of the brain.
  At the same time, a person is aware of a significant part of his actions and deeds, sets himself various and not always utilitarian goals.
  These target aspirations of the person, similarly to the untargeted aspirations of rest beings, are a reaction, but already by the comprehended, to the impact of the environment in respect of the striving of the person towards the goal, that is, they intensify with the deterioration of the situation in which the conscious dissatisfaction with what is achieved increases, and weaken as far as the overcoming obstacles - also a kind of negative feedback, but not the animal-natural consciousness with the environment, but self-consciousness with it.
  In other words, the person in the aspiration to the goal, in order to avoid fading of this aspiration, creates within himself an effort to overcome obstacles to the goal.
  For creatures who do not set themselves the goals, such support is derived from natural life activity in the form of dissatisfaction of their consciousness, - more primitive (lower) due to lack of goals in comparison with the consciousness of the person, and it is expressed in instinctive perseverance in its resistance to negative influences.
  Such instinctive reaction to the effects of the environment is characteristic of any living creature, including viruses and bacteria, on the resulting change in the environment.
  This reaction is dictated by dissatisfaction with the changes taking place both outside and inside the being. The dissatisfaction itself is the basic property of activity, and this dissatisfaction comes from the centers of information processing programmed through a genome on perception of the arriving information as in positive, and in a negative way. Being transformed into attraction, at least, for saving the reached provision, the dissatisfaction temporarily goes down with achievement of what demands an organism, but it never drops to zero, similar to the impossibility of reaching an absolute zero of temperature, since this would mean cessation of activity, or death of the organism. Each person knows a similar phenomenon by himself, striving always for more or the best according to his own consideration.
  But the person, unlike purely natural beings, has self-consciousness which it is also possible to call the highest consciousness, as it calls not to full submission to the environment only for improvement of own situation in it, and to conscious interaction with it up to its basic change as in the technological, and cultural relation. This artificial change of everything around a person, not only for his more comfortable existence, but also for his - more or less - conscious improvement, leads to his consumption of not only purely natural sensations, but also the use of own thinking apparatus together with feelings to study himself and the surrounding world in shape as consumer of information, and in a varying degree its creative supplier, that effects in the emergence of culture and science which are engaged in gradual disclosure of internal properties and laws of the material and spiritual world [10, Chapter 3].
  Thereby except the instinctive (unconscious) perseverance proceeding from the animal consciousness with its activity concerning, at least, self-preservation, which for the person sometimes is defined as the tenacity or obstinacy which is often seeming senseless that not absolutely so because of its connection with the aspiration to the preservation of the reached, there must appear another support - already for his strivings to the goals set, coming already from the highest consciousness, more precisely, from his already conscious dissatisfaction with the existing position, which feeds by the flows of information into his consciousness. These flows with development of a civilization have property to increase, thanks to changing the habitat by the person, creating the reverse effect -bigger or smaller, but practically mandatory dissatisfaction of the person with changes around. In particular, some always want to consume more, another - to create.
  If for all living beings, the perseverance, emanating from the lowest consciousness, including the lowest consciousness of the person, is instinctive in its reaction to greater or lesser dissatisfaction with the current changes in the present, then the highest human consciousness, which predicts the future in its own goals, already draws the support of own dissatisfaction from the future, which the highest human consciousness foresees within the intended goals.
  Therefore, the effort to achieve this, as it seems to a person, a more favorable future cannot be instinctive, but it is quite conscious. True, if a person gives himself full will, then he is able to walk up to full absurdity - remember the old woman from the fairy tale of A. S. Pushkin about a goldfish, that resembles a natural positive feedback, which was mentioned above.
  In this regard, an already the conscious effort to achieve the goal should, firstly, depend on the content and importance of the goal, secondly, - on the level of human self-consciousness, thirdly, - on hindrances or assistance on the part of dissatisfaction of the lowest (natural) consciousness at the motion to the goal, which instinctively - in the form of persistence or obstinacy, that is, the automatic attraction, at a minimum, to the survival, also responds to the actions of a person towards the achieve the goal, naturally making the changes both in the biological position of a person - according to consumption, and social - according to his status in society (the domination).
  It is clear, therefore, that the intensity of the effort to achieve the goal should depend on the structure of the human consciousness.
  A weak development of the highest consciousness does not allow the person to set lofty goals, limiting him to simply consuming available goods or struggling for the survival, making the available effort to achieve his own small goals and momentarily solvable tasks by the similar of the instinctive animal perseverance in the form of the attraction to the improve own position in the environment, that for the philistines correspond to a conscious desire for welfare.
  If in their animal attractions in the forefront comes the dominance in relation to the surrounding, then in the case of a low level of self-consciousness, not complete folly and sufficient decisiveness, such individuals find themselves in the criminal world, since they spit on any moral norms and commandments, like "don't kill" or "don't steal", and this surrounding itself gives them the opportunity to predominate over the peaceful individuals in the street, although with the risk of the running into trouble, but given the opportunity to successfully realize his base aspirations overpowers the fear of punishment.
  Approximately same individuals aspire into the imperious structures. True, they have some differences from the previous ones, since their aspiration for domination coexists with a more developed self-awareness, intellect and caution. Due to these qualities, they, as a rule, keep themselves at least outwardly within the framework of accepted morality, without falling to open brigandage, but, nevertheless, it is they who unleash wars, arrange crises, rob people through banks and commerce or, if they are simpler and more stupid, then beat with clubs of demonstrators or even shoot them for the needs of the indecent individuals in power
  A comparatively higher level of self-awareness in the presence of an even more dominant lower consciousness form the individuals, which have the creative thinking.
  These individuals are always crowded with deep feeling of dissatisfaction in relation to surroundings, which comes to them from the lowest consciousness in its aspiration to creation of big conveniences to existence. However, this feeling is combined with their highest consciousness, the dissatisfaction of which by the insufficient public comfort, development of science and art, reaching high degree, demands to extend achievements of a civilization and culture to all.
  But, at this, the lowest consciousness dominates, because the activity of these individuals is manifested mostly instinctively, without much reflections, with a minimum of reasonableness, while giving, nevertheless, the most creative persons from all living.
  This category of any community - a kind of "reckless persons" - prefers non-standard life situations owing to rejection of some formal-logical approaches to life - such a life for them is boring and meaningless, like working on a conveyor for tightening nuts.
  They do not love the reasoning, logical constructions, try to avoid analytical and synthetic work, hate the actions according to pragmatic calculations; at the same time, they, as a rule, - at all not workaholics.
  Therefore, the target programs of self-consciousness in combination with programs of the lowest consciousness can be applied by the reckless beings with great success, if, of course, these beings are capable to combine so contradictory forms of consciousness, for fast and resolute change of a situation in favor of the conceived.
  In other words, they prefer not the long-term reflections, not systematization of the facts and phenomena, i.e. not the rational actions, but actions spontaneous, or actions at which the goal can be achieved for one-stage as if instinctively though, of course, they should work beforehand in acquisition of craft skills and gain experience.
  Exactly such people make discoveries, create masterpieces of poetry, painting, inventions, they become as the outstanding commanders. That is their activity is manifested generally in the creative scope, which attracts them at all not with a position of consumption of some benefits and goods - they are interested in the process.
  Alas, en masse the results of their activity are very mediocre both concerning the quality made by them and concerning acquisition of consumer values (they do not like to hoard stuff) owing to lack of experience and laziness, and often - narrowness of thinking and ignorance; but defeats especially do not disturb them. It is pleasant to them to use the talent or ability, often - very mediocre (graphomaniacs) for receiving result without special effort of the intellect.
  And they fall back into the old ways, like the card player who cannot move away from the card-table.
  Nevertheless, the creators of the new as in the field of technologies, and culture are among them.
  Thereby these, one may say, creators try to produce, first of all, other values, but not to keep own wellbeing if, of course, the intuition, which they try to use often, does not cheat to them
  The highest level of self-consciousness, self-respect, combined with rather low level of the dominance of animal consciousness, assumes statement of the high purposes which, according to owners of this level of self-consciousness, consist in reduction of society to full harmony and at the same time - towards the satisfaction of needs of each his member.
  Only at the very beginning this motion towards similar remarcable goals can such benevolent goals enthrall the lowest consciousness of a person, eternally dissatisfied with the existing, by the temptation of the best, which embraces with similar perseverance of the aspiration for this better the majority of the population with a low level of self-awareness - the philistines. However, they over time become disillusioned with these goals, since striving for them immediately changes the situation for the worse, whether it is fascism or communism, - the road to hell is paved with good intentions, that is, the efforts upon moving towards utopia, which are reflected in the extermination of a significant part of population of the state, understanding the unrealizability to achieve such goals, begin to contradict the instinctive perseverance of the lowest consciousness of the masses in their striving for survival, or at least to maintain acceptable conditions for existence.
  More on this is stated in the work "The Driving Force and Source of Development of the person and His Communities" [10, Chapter 4.2].
  All this means that the support for the dissatisfaction of the highest consciousness on the part of the effort to achieve the goal can be more or less intense, but it allows not to shy away from and not forget about the possibility of the achievement of this goal, prompting to constantly look for ways and measures for its achievement.
  That is, like the instinctual perseverance in the attraction of the natural beings to the best, which is an automatic response to environmental influences, there also arises in a person"s self-consciousness a response (reaction) to a goal set, as a connection with this or that degree of importance for life of the goal set, which must be supported by a conscious effort to avoid loss of a goal.
  Of course, the degree of the awareness of this effort, and, consequently, its intensity can be different, but without it a person is no longer able to do not do, as animals cannot do without perseverance in their aspirations - a leopard can sit for days in ambush on a game, and the person is capable to aspirate for years a goal without special success, but does not stop the trying, understanding importance of the goal, notwithstanding its problematic nature. Obviously, not only the natural tenacity or obstinacy supports him in this aspiration, but also an understanding of the importance of the goal set, which is not always as utilitarian.
  In the course of his striving for the goal, whether it is achieved or not, overcoming obstacles, a person receives a development visible to him. In other words, in the process of self-consciousness development, it is not the result itself that is important first of all, but the change of self-consciousness, obtained in the course of motion towards the goal.
  That is why this new conscious "perseverance" in the form of the forcing oneself to attain the goal set should be called the will, that is, the permission on the part of the dissatisfaction of self-consciousness, based on data processing mainly in the cerebral cortex of the person (intelligence of self-consciousness) and the acceptance by this intelligence of the relevant decision to force (volitional impulse) a person consciously to strive for what was intended, if it attracts to itself, that is, - into the future. In particular, this fact was noted in English by the coincidence of this permission with the future verb form "will", in fact showing the direction of the will into the future.
  In addition to the inducement to conscious action through the will and the stimulation to subconscious action through the instinctive perseverance, the dissatisfaction of the human consciousness by means of the will and perseverance respectively consciously and instinctively regulates strengthening or weakening of the impact of the person on the environment depending on its resistance, carrying out thereby feedback with the environment.
  Thus, the most important consequence of the dissatisfaction of a person"s self-consciousness, realized through intellect, is setting a goal and the same conscious decision to start moving towards it.
  However, due to the multitude of life problems that arise, this solution may turn out to be forgotten or in vain put aside.
  Therefore, like the instinctive perseverance of the animal consciousness, which ensures the stability of the creature"s aspiration for prey, female or supremacy in the habitat, self-consciousness of the person should provide an effort to the stability of the aspiration, but already towards a goal, designated consciously.
  This duty is undertaken by the main property of self-consciousness of the person - his dissatisfaction with.
  The specific individual selects the relevant data for comparison with other people and the state of affairs in community from the available information channels. The processing of incoming data, carried out in the relevant center (self-consciousness intelligence) concretizing dissatisfaction with yourself in a certain respect, allows to respond to one or the other challenges by making a decision
  The implementation of this decision is made at the command of the intellect, organizing the conscious effort-directionality, in order to create the stability in the pursuit of the goal.
  This conscious effort-directionality is like the instinctive perseverance of the animal consciousness, since it is also basically a reaction to the surrounding.
  However, subconscious perseverance is nothing more than an adaptive response to a change in the environment, an instinctive accounting of changes of which makes it possible at least to survive in it.
  The difference of the effort-orientation inside the self-conscious sphere of a person from the instinctive perseverance of his own subconscious sphere lies only ininitiativeness of the effort-orientation inside the self-conscious sphere of a person, dictated by the conscious dissatisfaction of the person by the surrounding through intelligence.
  For this reason, a person always has the ability to plan, which allows him to stay ahead of the present in the formulation of the future (goals), thereby creating the possibility of partially going beyond the limits of the environment and circumstances. In other words, dissatisfaction of the person"s self-conscious sphere in this process is transformed into liberty understood by the person, and realized in his conscious actions, the choice of which is not predetermined and not an arbitrary, but divided into pragmatic and fantasy - and it is both capable to win.
  The intensity of a conscious reaction to what is happening, or the intensity of will, depends on the importance of the goal and on the level of the person"s self-consciousness, which is determined primarily by the individual properties of the brain, and secondly by the degree of upbringing and education of the person.
  Thereby the will as conscious reaction to the events as outside, and inside the person in the form of steady mental effort on achievement of a goal creates a possibility of a pursuit of a prospect in the conditions of the competitive environment, maintaining the forward orientation of the development, accelerating more and more owing to growth of information flows, made by the extending activity of human communities up to information collapse [11, Chapter 6].
  In modern psychology the inducement to action on a person"s satisfaction of their needs, is designated as the motivation, and the goal - as the end result, to which a conscious striving is directed due to the motivation that has occurred, which consists from inner sensations, experiences, etc. However, the source of the motivation and goals is not indicated by psychologists. It is argued only that a motivation determines the choice of the goal.
  However, this approach contains a contradiction, since the reason for the conscious choice of goals is supposed the motivation in the form of some inner vision, experiences, that is, something unaccountable, not formulated.
  Thereby the conscious decision to achievement of result (goal) exciting the effort (will), which promotes to the removal of obstacles along the path of the goal and keeps the sustainability of advance to the goal, here believes as a derivative from unconscious desires and experiences, that actually reduces the will initially not to the conscious inducement to the purpose, and to the subconscious aspiration, which is allegedly setting the direction of the activity of the person.
  By this, the modern psychologists, in essence, put themselves on a position of Schopenhauer assuming a basis of all Creation the unconscious will.
  The similar confusion means lack of understanding, what, on the one hand, is a direct source, of so-called motivation, if to understand by the motivation the subconscious aspiration to something desired, which nevertheless is more preferable to call the instinctive perseverance in the frames of attractions, because it steady stimulates of the person by it to certain actions, and, on the other hand, is a direct source of the will as a conscious inducement to achieve a preselected object, which may be completely undesirable and even harmful, but, nevertheless, the necessary for certain purposes, for example, scientific research, that in itself not only broadens the horizons, but also develops the hitherto hidden potential, that is, it makes a person more interesting both for others and for himself.
  At this, the motivation as the instinctive perseverance, and the will can be opposite in the direction towards the undesirable, but necessary in process of awareness of the fact by the person , and, therefore, the motivation cannot be the basis of the person"s will, since the motivation is often in the opposition to the will.
  Therefore, it becomes necessary to determine the immediate source of subconscious and conscious aspirations.
  Above, we have shown that this source can only be the dissatisfaction of the human consciousness with the achieved, the derivative of which is respectively the will and instinctive perseverance, since the person unites in himself the animal consciousness and self-consciousness.
  Indeed, if a person"s dissatisfaction in his self-awareness is transformed into an understanding of existing shortcomings by intelligence, which could be overcome by deciding for it by means of the activation of the will for the support of the steady advance towards a pre-formulated goal, then the term "motivation" adopted in psychology as a system of processes, which are responsible for inducement and activity of the person in the form of internal uncontrolled experiences, cannot be associated with the will, since the latter is a conscious inducement to action to achieve the goal.
  Similarly, the absence in psychology of a clear distinction between the animal consciousness of the person and his self-consciousness does not allow it to give an adequate formulation to the desire, which is recognized by the average degree of will between an organic wanting and a deliberate decision, despite the available recognition of psychologists, that desires arise spontaneously in the conditions of a problem (a shortcoming, aspiration to overcoming both uncertainty, and limitation, finality of existence) [12, page 48-54].
  That is, the initial spontaneity of desires is stated nevertheless. And it means impossibility of belonging desires to the will which is conscious inducement to action.
  Therefore, it is necessary to recognize that actually the desire as more or less developed need belongs to the sphere of subconscious, more precisely, the dissatisfaction of the animal consciousness with the existing, causing the need for something else, the circle of which is outlined only by food, reproduction and dominance, and which gives a command through the available intelligence (the product of the processed information) to obtain the desired through instinctive perseverance in maintaining the aspiration to the required object.
  For plants and animals, the dissatisfaction of their consciousness is externally manifested in instinctual perseverance in their attractions toward certain objects, and in human self-consciousness the dissatisfaction is externally manifested as the will, that is, as a conscious effort to achieve the goal.
  Since, in the single human consciousness, both types of dissatisfaction cannot act only by themselves, so far they always function together, manifested outwardly in the interaction of the instinctive perseverance and will, which can partially replace each other, oppose one another or act in one direction. At this, self-consciousness often tries to deceive its own natural consciousness, as if convincing it to help in achieving unrealizable goals, mistakenly believing them to be quite real. Below we will show on examples what at the same time occurs and what comes to an end with.
  Thereby in terms of the support of the aspirations of the person, the hidden duality of his consciousness - animal and self-conscious - manifests itself in the interaction of the instinctive persistence in the form of tenacity or even obstinacy only in the pursuit of food, reproduction and domination, and the will in the form of the deliberate opposition to all obstacles to the achievement of goals, at this, more often the opposition to the will exercises the subconscious obstinacy of one"s own animal consciousness, always striving not for something high, cultural, moral, but - for improving the consumption of food, clothing, entertainment, and it is not tolerating when it in this interfere.
  The tenacity, and even more obstinacy, emanating from dissatisfaction of the lower consciousness, which are not realized by man, naturally, most of all cling to the proven and familiar old, satisfactorily ensuring the existence of the person, and, most importantly, his survival, but the will, as a rule, "drags" him forward - to the new, the unknown and therefore unpredictable and frightening. To overcome this fear of the new, we need the will, creating the stability in the aspiration to novelty, that is, - to the formation of the additional channels for new information.
  Thus, the will, as a product of the dissatisfaction of self-consciousness, is the most effective stimulus in order to this dissatisfaction of a person with current circumstances, which he would like to consciously improve, does not remain in vain.
  Since the lowest and highest consciousness in the person are not separated by an impenetrable barrier, but are a single whole, insofar and the instinctive perseverance in the form of tenacity or obstinacy, and the will, are often mixed in the eyes of researchers.
  For this reason, so far researchers were not possible to determine unambiguously the mixed action of these properties of the human consciousness, being designated by them as volition or by other terms, such as motivate, attitude, intentions, etc., introducing uncertainty about the conscious and subconscious actions of a person.
  Exactly the mixed action of animal perseverance into attractions and the will is still represented as the action of will, whereas in fact the range of the oscillations of the will itself is not so significant, and it depends mainly on the importance of the goal in the eyes of the individual, decreasing almost up to zero in the intervals of rest, monotonous work and other largely aimless practices.
  However, the animal analogue of the will, emanating from the dissatisfaction of the lower consciousness, is always on guard at any time of the day, and if the lowest consciousness feels the threaten for the existence of its own organism, or dissatisfaction with life will reach a high level, then the perseverance in the struggle for life, uniting with the understanding these threats by the. highest consciousness, reflected in the will, shall sweep away everything in the way, turning, in particular, the peaceful philistines in the street into the beastlike creatures, ready on anything. They begin to catch the representatives of authority and hang them on poles, arrange a bloody massacre of all those who resist them in in attempts to returning to a calm and habitual life, having become disillusioned with the prospects for the best, - the usual course of mass perturbations.
  Similar joint action of the animal perseverance and the will is also typical for the power-loving individuals, as well as - for not bad organizers, whose animal desire to dominate in own surrounding combines quite harmoniously with understanding of retaining what was achieved as the main goal and the ability to lead the masses, mainly, of course, by means of the demagogy, promises of future benefits and direct deception, combined with threats and repressions.
  Such persons, known to all, were Napoleon, Lenin and Hitler, who managed, thanks to their maximum effective union of the will and the animal perseverance, as well as not ordinary intelligence, unprincipledness and good organizational abilities to captivate entire nations to achieve the utopian or just delusional goals, and the intensity of their tenacity in conjunction with the will was so high, because they themselves believed in the possibility of achieving the goals set, passing their faith to others, and died with the confidence that their calculations were not justified due to the intervention of random factors
  Thus, the arisen interaction in the human consciousness of the animal consciousness and self-consciousness, which basically oppose each other in their aspirations, although, in certain situations - mostly critical - temporarily concurring in aspirations, create into interaction an ongoing cultural and technological civilization trend. At this, the stability of their aspirations is always maintained by the instinctive perseverance and a conscious will, which is of paramount importance for the development of consciousness as a whole [10, Chapter 3].
  In particular, a little than limited volitional effort, at the coincidence for certain individuals-managers with the intensive animal persistence, can lead to utter nonsense or even a catastrophe owing to the known kinks of self-conscious in the form of setting utopian goals, especially if the lowest consciousness of the masses also expects certain benefits from such aspirations.
  Let's remember, for example, Karl Marx's idea about the proletariat as the true propeller of mankind to communism, which was been apprehended by many, and it is being maintained still by the considerable part of the population.
  Nevertheless, both in each person, and in society by the factor constraining sooner or later strong-willed effort to achievement of the utopian or menacing to survival purposes, is the usual obstinacy of the lowest consciousness, in most cases capable of feeling the ruinousness of individual decisions of the highest consciousness, and it is trying to stop their implementation in one way or another, mainly by the return to a well-tried and reliable old, at least, for a time in order to survive.
  Exactly this factor explains the failures of all revolutions with respect to breaking the previous order, allegedly for the benefit of the population setting thereby the impracticable goals, in particular, to combine such incompatible as liberty, equality and fraternity, or to build communism in society so diverse on the purposes and aspirations, which consists from the separate communities at different stages of development, and, besides, includes biologically unequal in intelligence, ability, the will, the desires of individuals, which are impossible to equate, and the attempt to equalize will only lead to a halt of the social development and complete degradation of the subjects of this society.
  But still, the boundedness of instinctively perseverance (obstinacy) in its desire to insist on own aspirations, that is, in the desire to preserve the proven old, is not able to stop the constant influx of new information, which is being provided by the human self-consciousness, causing the emergence of new goals, calling for solving new problems, at this, the motion of civilization, in general, both technologically and culturally makes the progressive, albeit with kickbacks, that is, from crisis to crisis.
  If will is presented as the inducement of the human self-awareness towards the goal due to its dissatisfaction with the existing one, and liberty as a general state of the dissatisfaction of the human consciousness by oneself, which is transformed into development of the methods of changing oneself by impacting the beingness, taking into account its counteraction, then one extreme expression of liberty liberty is the joint action of will, induced by the dissatisfaction of the human self-consciousness by oneself, and the subconscious perseverance of the human consciousness, prompted by the dissatisfaction of animal consciousness of the person, the other extreme expression of liberty is almost complete replacement of will by subconscious perseverance, and the third - almost complete replacement of subconscious perseverance with will.
  Replacement largely the instinctive perseverance of the lowest consciousness in its inducement for survival by the will in the realization of inducement of the highest consciousness to universal justice usually occurs in the ranks of the noble opposition to power structures,
  The opposition sincerely wants to improve the welfare of the people owing to the dissatisfaction, prevailing in their minds, by the existing social relations,
  These oppositionists are building various schemes to create an ideal order in society.
  The most significant in history in its disastrous consequences attempts to implement such utopian schemes were undertaken relatively recently by Lenin and Hitler.
  The combination upon orientation of vectors of instinctive persistence of the lowest consciousness in its striving for the best, and the will, which induces the person consciously to the same, usually occurs among philistines, that is, the main population, due to the fact that the utopian-intellectuals convince the philistines in the near coming of all kinds of benefits thanks to certain efforts of the population.
  In other words, this temptation at first attracts both the highest and lowest consciousness of the average person in the form of summation of will as the conscious inducement to a harmonious in the sense of providing all sorts of benefits to society, and the subconscious perseverance as the instinctive inducement to the honey shores.
  However, the harsh reality rather quickly reduces such utopias to nothing, since the aspiration of masse for them turns into dissatisfaction of both the lowest and highest consciousness in the masses due to wars, victims, falling living standards and the absence of the promised benefits, that is, the harmony does not happen among unstable things and imperfect people. Therefore, the vector of the subconscious perseverance of the persons unfolds in the opposite direction, interfering the disastrous urge of the will towards the impracticable, not always enough quickly, the result of which is the disintegration and disappearance of not only states of Imperial type (Assyria, USSR), but and the ethnic groups (Huns), aiming to utter enslavement of other ethnic groups.
  The replacement substantially of the will with the natural perseverance, leaving mere crumbs from self-consciousness, gives nevertheless to the person feeling of full freedom from everything, connected by a civilization, in particular, from morals, discipline, responsibility, culture in general, making his state close to an irresponsible animal, and the people turns in crowd, that is, the herd of faceless beings.
  Similar phenomenon occurs due to a reduced level of the conscious dissatisfaction (the dissatisfaction of the self-consciousness of the person), which controls the will through the intellect. As a result, an overwhelming predominance of instinctive persistent desires arises - a person almost completely loses the will, surrendering himself to either another's will, who seduces him with the reality of fulfilling these desires, or he begins to be guided mainly by own animal instincts.
  Most often, such a transformation happens to philistines who have a relatively weak self-consciousness. It is enough to deprive the average person of the habitual conditions of existence, that can occur as a result of social upheavals or natural disasters, and he forgets about all human values, turning to animal existence and instincts of the flock, up to cannibalism.
  It was the understanding of will kind of the complete liberty from everything, allegedly far-fetched, has led to a double interpretation of the very term "will", and thus produced, in addition to the concept of will as a conscious effort to achieve the goal, the illusion of coinciding with the will of supposedly true liberty, that is, liberty from all preventing to live on own arbitrariness, using only own mind, and thereby rejecting all the ethical norms arising from the development of civilization and culture.
  Here the understanding of the will is converted into arbitrariness precisely because of the possibility of the replacement of will with instinctive perseverance, supporting the natural aspirations to the flock, satiety, elimination of everything opposing animal desires and aspirations.
  In this regard, for example, in Russian, the volyushka-will means complete freedom from all negative things, being, in essence, a dream of living without grief, misfortune, envy, evil, etc., which are absent at animals, and at the same time, by the desire to remain the person, that is, about the earthly paradise. Such a fantasy means that a person understands the negative aspects of civilization, and at the same time he has no the understanding of the impossibility of the rejection of its values for the return to a dubious "paradise bushes" of purely natural existence or, the other words,, the impossibility of dropping out of own time of civilization, that has been already separated from the natural time, although and flowing within it, just like each person"s own life time flows in the framework of the earth's calendar time.
  The confirmation of similar interpretation of will as arbitrariness is the definition of will as special type of liberty in the dictionary of Ozhegov S.I. and Shvedova N. Yu.: "To feel liberty in own acts, to begin to behave willfully" [13, page 96].
  V.I. Dahl in the explanatory dictionary of living great Russian language approximately also defines this second component of the term "will": "The arbitrariness of actions given to the person, liberty, expanse in the acts, absence of bondage, rape, coercion" [14, page 238].
  The chimeric nature of this view of will is similar to the negation of the laws of friction and resistance of the environment, only through which fish can swim, birds - fly, and people - move.
  This kind of fall of a person"s aspirations to arbitrariness in the form of the almost complete replacement of one"s own will as the conscious inducement toward the goal by the instinctive persistence to the elimination of everything negative for existence happens, as a rule, with the philistines due to the weakness of their highest consciousness, or the lack of subjectivity, being manifested most clearly in aimless, but powerful popular perturbations - riots (seditions).
  The difference between riots and revolutions is that at the riots is dominated by the lowest consciousness with its elemental animal inducements - to tear to pieces of the opponents in the absence of specific goals of the riot, besides discontent with oppression, high taxes, the arbitrariness of the authorities, etc., while revolutions are directed largely by the will of the protest opposition to the authorities, who know well what it is fighting for, involving the masses in this struggle because of the dissatisfaction of these masses with the established order, as well as promising them a "sweet" life in the event of victory.
  That is, in the case of riots, the people, at its strong indignation, turn practically into a mad crowd, ready to crush everything without much thought for the sake of receiving a feeling of collective power over everything that had previously pressed them, but without losing the idea that by they will fix for itself the found authority and, moreover, improve own consumption in the framework of the food basket, that indicates the residual-volitional component of their actions.
  In the course of the revolutions the intellectual opposition to the authority tries to run masses to some extent, meaning from the side of the pragmatists just seizure of power, and from the side of the idealists - the aspiration to reorganization of society towards equality and liberty. Since equality and liberty are antipodes, in revolution as a result win the pragmatists, who lead the revolution to kickback to keep the reached power or, at least a part it.
  Be that as it may, but the main destination of the will as a conscious inducement to the action to achieve the goal consists in the fact that it is a "driving belt" of a person"s dissatisfaction in his self-consciousness with the state of society, as well as own educational and, in general, cultural level, which means that the will is the main open way of release of the person from only one slavery of sensations.
  Thus, the will as a product of dissatisfaction of consciousness of the person with an environment, does not operate circumstances at all, but serves in the basic for overcoming obstacles on the way to the purpose which is formed by dissatisfaction of consciousness together with intelligence in a given period of time, and their very decision to start moving towards the intended goal means "the inclusion" of will to maintain a person"s striving for the goal in order to avoid its loss for external or internal reasons.
  Therefore, to talk about free will (liberty of will), if the latter is a product of a person"s dissatisfaction by certain circumstances and by oneself in the frameworks of his self-awareness, has no sense - will, as such, has no autonomy.
  The will, as a human-conscious effort to eliminate problems that impede the achievement of the goal, is only the result of the solution of the intellect due to the presentation of the dissatisfaction of self-consciousness as a reaction to the emerging challenges. The decision itself to advance towards the intended goal is a signal, that forces a person to a steady progress towards the goal. This inducement from dissatisfaction of self-consciousness is will.
  The choice of the goal is also determined by the dissatisfaction of self-awareness with the current circumstances (the present) in the hope of a favorable outcome in the future. However, in the not yet formed future, there are no circumstances so far, but moving of a person towards the goal forms them, producing another present.
  That is, in his striving for all new goals, a person finds himself in other circumstances, thereby creating a different reality, and in the short interval between the former and future circumstances he becomes independent in general from the circumstances - the former have disappeared, and the new ones have not yet appeared.
  Thus, the seeming restriction of freedom in specific goals actually incessantly releases to the person space for all new and new worlds, clearly demonstrating as the dissatisfaction of self-consciousness by means of passing through the goals turns into liberty.
  As for the choice of the object of aspirations (goal) by a person from a multitude of possibilities, it is realized quite consciously in accordance with the available information only due to the dissatisfaction of the person"s self-consciousness with objects and phenomena at the moment outside or inside him using the processing of this information by the intellect.
  However, the dissatisfaction of the animal consciousness of a person always unconsciously intervenes in this process, which, on the one hand, does not allow a person to turn into a computer, and on the other hand, forces him to be mistaken often.
  At best, similar joint process of the choice, that is, with the instinctive participation of the animal consciousness, is a source of creativity, allowing intelligence into the boundless subconscious, and at worst - pulls together the persons with animals in their needs in the case of an almost complete replacement of self-consciousness by subconscious impulses, or makes him similar to a computer that is only capable of sorting through options for implementation of allegedly favorable choice (combinatorics, based on a formal-logical approach), making a person by a pathetic semblance of the artificial intelligence, since it is often impossible to determine the greatest profit or loss as a result of combination of known variants.
  Thus, the basis of a person"s choice of a mode of action or an object of aspirations lies in the dissatisfaction of his consciousness, without which a person is not able to have either desires or goals, and the dissatisfaction itself is determined by changes of the information flows, covering the person. That is, a stable satisfaction of the consciousness or ignoring the incoming information first produces a person"s indifference to everything, then - degradation, up to dementia, that is, if not physical, then the actual death of a person as an active being, who dropped out of own time, having refused activity.
  The person's aspirations are a sign of his activity. They are always free in the frames of current circumstances, because a person forms his own environment himself, but not someone another creates them, placing himself in these circumstances to overcome them, although he often does not understand this. In them, he certainly makes mistakes due to the wrong choice of goals (insufficient information or misunderstanding), but due to a conscious reaction to mistakes, a person is able to somehow correct his deed or change course. This possibility is his space of liberty, which he can both expand and narrow, which is determined by his individual characteristics, skills and talents, as well as by the situation in public self-consciousness.
  Liberty in its finished form can only be correlated with a person"s awareness of his own imperfection, and this dissatisfaction with himself together with the intellect, inducements him (the effort, arising from this, was called the will) to own change by influencing the surrounding with more or less adequate accounting of its counteraction.
  In this process, the main obstacle or a helper in relation to progress towards the goal is, respectively, not external obstacles or external favorable circumstances, but again the dissatisfaction of the human consciousness, but already that component, which relates to the animal consciousness, whose dissatisfaction no longer by oneself, but around itself, "having turned on" the instinctive perseverance to maintain its own subconscious aspirations, is capable by its own "considerations" connected only with obtaining favorable sensations. block, weaken or strengthen the aspiration of a person to intended goal.
  Thus, the dissatisfaction of self-consciousness determines the sphere of objects of choice, and it does not coincide with the needs, since needs can be satisfied (hunger, thirst) for one or another period of time, but the dissatisfaction with the surroundings, both outside and inside, for example, climate, conditions labor, family life, friends, the position in the country, the world, own health, educational level, intelligence, volitional qualities, etc., are always present in one way or another extent, and the aggregate of the desired, but not always accessible, is nothing but life in all its manifestations.
  The dissatisfaction of self-consciousness after determining of objects of choice automatically activates corresponding to it intelligence for the analysis of information about the available objects of choice. The function of intelligence comes down to assessment of information on these objects by the available means for the choice of the concrete object and the determination of the most favorable direction towards it in order to use it in the future, designating thereby the goal. That is, the choice is produced by the dissatisfaction of self-awareness through the intellect, primarily taking into account demands of this dissatisfaction in the future due to the understood insufficiency of the present, and it cannot be completely determined by past events due to the uncertainty of the future, incomplete understanding of the past and constant intervention in process of the choice of the purpose of dissatisfaction of the lowest consciousness, having with its own aspirations.
  Therefore, both extremes of the execution of the choice of the object - spontaneity and predestination - cannot manifest themselves in reality.
  Spontaneity is denied by the inevitable mindfulness of choice, albeit to varying degrees, and predetermination is rejected by the mixed action of the self-consciousness of the person and his subconsciousness, and the resulting uncertainty of the result, as evidenced by the constant delusion and errors, the resulting of human actions, which he has to correct all the time.
  After making a decision on choosing a goal, the dissatisfaction of self-consciousness gives, through the intellect, a command to switch on the will to ensure the steady progress of a person to the chosen goal.
  Naturally, as was shown above, such process cannot be done without the participation of the dissatisfaction of the lowest consciousness, which preserves priorities concerning of nutrition, reproduction and dominance, and, accordingly, influencing the choice of the goal, as well as it ie intruded in the moving towards the goal, if the balance between "high" goals and "lower" aspirations is disturbed.
  For example, practically every pupil after leaving school has to choose their own life path. The dissatisfaction of a person"s self-consciousness by the present, at least, is before choice: study further or start working. The intelligence of self-consciousness makes an assessment of the available information and chooses study because of the benefits of further life perspectives, which education provides.
  Having started studying at a university, a person finds himself in a situation when he does not have enough money to pay for his studies. He rushes on various side job, begins to starve. The diseases start to come.
  It is during this period of the deterioration of his physical condition the dissatisfaction of the lowest consciousness with this state and insufficient nutrition instinctively turns on the intellect connected with information processing through the channels of sensations, to the analysis of the choice of ways to restore the state of the organism.
  This intellect assesses the situation in favor of eliminating overload of the organism, thus indicating not a goal that it is unable to formulate, but the desire to return to normal existence in the frames of the food basket and physical exertions, which is realized by the instinctive perseverance in this direction.
  The arising contradiction between the highest and lowest forms of consciousness as the opposition of the will towards the education, and the instinctive perseverance in restoring the normal state of the organism, is resolved depending on the structure of the individual"s consciousness in which one or another form of consciousness may prevail.
  If the will overcomes the instinctive perseverance, that is, if the considerations of the self-consciousness, which own intelligence formulate, that is necessary to complete by all means the process of study, prevail, then so it happens, despite the progressing headaches and the arisen stomach ulcer; if the instinctive persistence in the direction of return to the normal state of an organism overcomes the will, then study will be set aside, at least, for a while. Instead of it the highest consciousness will start to look for already some job, the most favorable to this individual, the same way.
  All the above shows that the primary source of the human liberty is his activity. The immediate source of liberty is basically the property of activity - the dissatisfaction of the human consciousness, which, on the one hand, manifests itself strictly within the framework of natural activity (natural aspirations), and on the other hand, within target (conscious) aspirations.
  Natural aspirations of the person are supported him by instinctive perseverance in these aspirations, that is, do not go beyond sensations and ways of processing of coming information, corresponding to them, which can be designated by the natural intelligence - kind of own minicomputer inherent even to bacteria and viruses.
  Conscious aspirations of the person are supported by his will, but already with representation of their possible result in the form of the purpose, and here the person is already beyond feelings to the sphere of representations, the ideas and imagination.
  As a result, the person receives interaction of instinctive perseverance and will as external expression of interaction of both types of dissatisfaction of consciousness with the participation of individual intelligence.
  The space of liberty at the development of living organisms is being gradually changed - from almost complete lack of it, besides the most primitive activity in bacteria and ciliates, up to the multilateral mind of the primates, able already to the subconscious choice out of a much larger set of sensations, but, nevertheless, limited by only them, and further - from the consciousness of primates to the human consciousness, which allows, finally, to get out of the frame of sensations, and thereby acquire in own consciousness the greatest scope for its development in the generations.
  Such progress of consciousness in the course of the development of organisms on Earth indicates the true destination of liberty, manifested thanks to the dissatisfaction of consciousness in the actions of these emerging and dying creatures - the endless development of consciousness through them, the top of which is the maximum scope for liberty in the human consciousness, that allows the eternal consciousness again and again through the emerging goals, projects and fantasies of a person to learn new things both for oneself, and about himself endlessly.
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