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Where did Homo sapiens come from among unreasonable and brainless?

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    On the one hand, a person, judging by his genesis and structure, is a product of evolution. On the other hand, a person has clearly fallen out of the cage of nature, judging by his completely conscious actions, often directed both against nature and against himself. Is there any sense in this creature or is it a fatal failure of unreasonable nature?

  Key words: human, consciousness, nature, evolution, primates, civilizations, genome, program, creativity.
  If summarized the explanation of Darwin's evolutionary theory supporters of the conversion of reflex operating primates into conscious operating person, it is as follows.
  They point out that any higher animals do not have the ability to conceptual thinking, i.e. to the formation of abstract representations about subjects, which summarizes the basic properties of concrete things. The process of thinking for animals if it is possible to speak about that, is always concrete, the process of thinking for a person can be the abstract, generalizing, conceptual, logical. Thanks to ability to conceptual thinking, a person understands that he does, and understands the world.
  The second main difference is that a person possesses the speech. Animals can have very developed system of communication by transmitted signals but only a person has the second signal system - communication through words. It is supposed in natural sciences that the speech came from the sounds uttered during the work which then became common in the course of joint work. In the same way a mind could occur in the process of social labor gradually.
  The evolutionists believe that Darwin's theory has received genetic confirmation in the XX century, since from all the animals the chimpanzee genome upon the genetic apparatus is the closest to human. This genome is identical to a person genome on 99%.
  We note, nevertheless, that, as it is paradoxical, but both arguments of evolutionists: labor created the person; the person is genetically almost indistinguishable from chimpanzees, actually lead to the opposite conclusion.
  Themselves biologists say that the animal's behavior represents one of forms of functioning of its organism. The structure of the organism determines the needs of animals and their behavior programs. Any animal is born as a being endowed by the set of instincts. Instincts provide its adaptability to environmental conditions and limit individual variations of the behavior.
  The situation is different with a person. All people which have lived on Earth the last 35 - 40 thousand years belong to the same type (Homo sapiens).
  Thus, for years of change of organisms from the simplest to the primates the reflex system of their reaction to influence of the environment remained actually the same. In other words, programs of their actions are similar each other.
  And suddenly, for slight term, in a result of rather short-term influence of external conditions, some species of primates acquired consciousness and self-consciousness, while others have remained by monkeys. And we do not know what out of these monkeys "worked" more. Now the theory of Darwin is recognized, at least, disputable just because to explain how the monkey evolved into the person from a position of modern science is not possible.
  Obviously, for the emergence of consciousness in some primates had to be occurred certain fundamental internal changes which were not for all time of existence of organisms on the planet. What are these changes, if a person by its appearance, the structure of organs and even the structure of a genome is very close to a chimpanzee?
  We can state the following: such an internal change can only be a change in the carrier-genome programmed for reflex-instinctive activity to the carrier-genome programmed also for consciously targeted activity, in which a living being is able to separate itself from the environment, realizing itself as separate from nature, which means the emergence of self-awareness.
  Therefore, the transformation of the most perfect primate - it could be a chimpanzee or an even more perfect primate - into a human prototype is possible only with the addition of one program to another. Apparently, the genome of some species of the most advanced monkeys was rebuilt for this additional program. Indeed, 1 percent of the human genome does not match the chimpanzee genome.
  One of hypotheses believes, that the closest human ancestor was a lagoon monkey from Ethiopia. She had less indumentum, she swam well. A significant part of the day she was walking vertically. She had "lowered larynx", the appearance of which, apparently, she is obliged to the semi-aquatic lifestyle. The important thing is that the similar larynx gives the chance to control respiration and, as a result, lets the ability to speak.
  After similar reorganization the symbiosis of the resulting creature and individual consciousness - another, higher level than the level of the animal consciousness, becomes possible. This procedure also enables to evince the renewed consciousness, characterized by self-consciousness, by this being. Everything else: the ability to work together with the tribe, connected speech, creative thinking, etc. are being produced as a consequence during certain and relatively not very long term, fixing symbiosis of renewed consciousness and the body, thereby producing new intellectual opportunities. That's why so suddenly a person appeared. Also becomes clear why the connecting link from primates to humans has not been found so far. All the others - approximately the same primates who have not been touched by specified transformation, remained in its former animal quality. Although, in fact, conditions of their existence a little than differed from existence of the initial "candidate" for a person.
  Thus, we can say that a being, which is capable only for instinctive-reflex actions, has one program, but a being with self-consciousness has, in addition to the previous one, a more complex program - with a bias towards targeted and even creative activity: this program enables to the living being quickly to be reconstructed, it enables to self-study itself, to project the actions on the future, it allows to process the results for the subsequent adjustment, using already saved up memory from a much bigger database, than at primates.
  In other words, the new program allows the being to look at itself from the outside, i.e. to separate of itself from the environment, to which it was previously forced only to adapt. Thereby this new being gains additional feature - purposefully to change the environment, and along with that to change of itself consciously.
   That is in order to get a new quality, it is necessary to change the program, just as it is done for computers. It is no secret, if a computer with the "old" program will be placed in the most favorable conditions, it will receive supplementary equipment, etc., then anyway in a new way the computer will not work.
  Based on the above, we will give own views on possible options of unexpected occurrence of "Homo sapiens" several tens of thousands years ago.
  One of the variants of the appearance of people who "received" self-awareness due to the restructuring of the genome for a more complex program, eventually expressed itself in Cro-Magnons.
  The fact unusually rapid restructuring of the genome, contradicting rates of evolutionary development, stated by evolutionists, was confirmed by geneticists who used computer overlay of a genome map of a chimpanzee on a genome map of a person that allowed them to allocate three categories of so called DNA-duplications - that are available in a genome of a person, but are absent in a genome of a chimpanzee, that are available in a genome of a chimpanzee, but are absent in a genome of a person, and that are available in a genome of both types. DNA-duplication is one of forms of a mutation at which the site of a chromosome is doubled. In this case DNA segments having length of at least 20 thousand of the nucleotide couples were considered. It appeared that about one third of DNA-duplications identified in a person, are absent at a chimpanzee. Geneticists were pretty surprised by this figure because it indicates a very high frequency of mutations in the short - by evolutionary standards - period of time. This work was carried out by an international consortium of scientists. It consisted of 67 scientists from 23 research institutions of 5 countries - the U.S., Israel, Spain, Italy and Germany. Geneticists of the Harvard University and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Boston coordinated the work. And blood for DNA analysis gave a young male chimpanzee named Clint (Clint), inhabitant of aviary of the National Centre for the Study of primates in Atlanta, Georgia. (See, eg., Dw.de> genome comparison ... and ... it ... human).
  Around the time when the first reasonable people were still in a semi-wild state, in parallel with them, according to the description in Plato's "Critias" functioned quite technologically advanced civilization, which he called Atlantis. Apparently, the Bible gives mention about this civilization too. The Bible indicates that Atlantis have been washed away by flood. Most likely, the high-tech structures - the pyramids - in some places of Earth on land and under water were preserved from this civilization.
  The emergence and existence of similar civilizations which operated also before the transformation of primates into people can be explained only by a kind of transfer of "copies" of people with those planets where people have already appeared. Further, communities of these, some kind of "transit" people could gradually go up to the stage, at least of local civilizations, reminding the current civilization, and then these civilizations were falling apart for internal reasons, of course, if previously they were not being exposed to the most powerful natural disasters.
  Thus, similar civilizations on Earth during hundred millions years quite could be emerged, developed and decayed according to internal or external causes. But not everything can disappear without leaving a trace. Some artifacts have been preserved and most authentic artifacts are presented in numerous sources, and even are exhibited in museums.
  In our opinion, with emergence on Earth of Homo sapiens could well be a situation where a highly technological civilizations and semi-wild communities of people passing the initial stage of the organization existed in different regions of Earth in parallel.
  After ruin of the last technological civilization about twelve thousand years ago, the survived "transit" representatives of this civilization have mixed up with natives gradually, having lost bases of the culture and the technologies, but nevertheless having kept partially something from them. Otherwise it is difficult to explain the sudden socio-cultural and to some extent a technological leap in Egypt, Mesopotamia, India, fast formation of the states, construction of the cities, temples, use of the complex irrigational, astronomical constructions, etc.
  Besides representatives of the "antediluvian" technological civilization and primitive people like the Cro-Magnons, other communities of Homo sapiens could be in the same interval of time on Earth. It could be just those quite reasonable beings whom evolutionists refer to the candidates to the ancestors of modern humans. They included also, in particular, in their number of Neanderthals. It is now recognized that Neanderthals gradually disappeared, partly having mixed up with the Cro-Magnons.
  According to our approach, Neanderthals and other dead-end or side branch of Homo sapiens could be either less successful version of the first representatives of Homo sapiens, and could be descendants of earlier civilizations fallen into savagery that have retained consciousness and remnants of culture still, surprisingly high sometimes, and this fact has been proved by archaeologists convincingly.
  The situation which is similar to position of Neanderthals not as predecessors of the modern people, but as some having remained not numerous degraded descendants of this or that disintegrated civilization with a high level of development, probably, exists and presently with the Australian natives who degraded up to stone tools of the most primitive level - so-called choppers. However, they do not differ by the intellectual level from other people. Having lost culture, having fallen into wildness, they did not lose skills of conscious activity, they did not turn into animals, i.e. the program put in them for consciousness of the higher level and the updated consciousness itself did not disappear. Besides, we note that according to some researches practically all features which are typical for skulls of Homo erectus can be found in modern representatives or recently extinct Homo sapiens (www.scienceandapologetics.org).
  On this occasion, let me quote a passage from the book of Paleolithic ancestors of Tasmanians, published on the Internet, "Tasmanians and Tasmanian problem": "People from Mangoes lake, more the modern on the physical structure, than people from Kau Svamp, and at the same time much more ancient, could not be ancestors of the last - it would be contrary to the laws of evolution. Represent whether these two groups of early Australians two various migrations to Australia, two different waves in origin, and if so, why did the group, more archaic in its physical structure, is at the same time much later? "(Rugiland.narod.ru> index/0-969).
  This fragment from the book of the evolutionist, nevertheless, shows inadequacy of the theory of biological evolution regarding their explanation of the evolution of a person from apes since supporters of the theory cannot explain the concrete facts of history of emergence of a person.
  However, according to our concept, the earlier group of aboriginals, but more modern in its physical structure, could spring from one of a disintegrate earlier civilizations, and later group with archaic features - very thick bones, strongly expressed brow arches, sloping cut back forehead, massive jaws - is one of the branches of Homo sapiens.
  So, where to find the one who by the first has designed such unimaginably complex formation as Homo sapiens, which hardly will be to the end solved and explained? The science will be hardly able to answer this question within own sphere of researches.
  But it is possible to try to go beyond these frameworks, having assumed that not "solid " stuff, known to us, but the field substance, invisible to us, is the primary material formation, which is "living" upon own laws and we hardly shall learn these laws. The field substance creates, more exactly, projects the finite, lower, temporary "solid" stuff for their own purposes, beginning since projection of universes and finishing by projection of live organisms, including its most high-organized representative - the person.
  In this case the genome is one of these projections which is the beginning of the chain of development of organic matter with emergence of suitable conditions on this or that planet.
  However, this chain in the form of the flora which was being formed at first, and then fauna, apparently, is only necessary but not sufficient condition for the formation of thinking beings. In order to there was a person out of the biological form-body suitable for it, having a fully developed brain, organs for various actions, etc., its genome must be different from a genome of the most advanced animals, in particular, by primates because the genome of animals corresponds only to the program to produce unconditioned reflex actions and more or less complex conditional reflex actions.
  Apparently, it is necessary to bring still something qualitatively new into this perfect body - the tool for actions, in order to the body of the animal became by the human. The science could not find in our world this qualitatively new, thanks to what a body, more precisely, the biological form can turn into a thinking being, having self-consciousness, - a person.
  The transition from an animal to the person is determined by the most perfect form out of another world, or rather, measurement, i.e. the transition is determined by individual consciousness - by the particle of single consciousness. This consciousness cannot engage with some body having the genome of the animal. Therefore, before it is necessary to change the genome structure towards such complication at which the symbiosis of body and update consciousness becomes possible. The result is formation of the thinking individual, or precisely, the individual, aware of itself as separate from the environment. This is that quality level that separates a person from all other natural and biological formations. Corresponding correction of the genome is being carried out, apparently, according to a matrix-program available for field structures. That's why scientific research within our world will not be able to lead to a solution of sudden transformation of primates into a person.
  Thus, only after placing a kind of renewed consciousness in its corresponding biological form, the last, gradually growing together with this consciousness under monitoring of parents and in communication with other people tribe, gets not the individual reasonableness, characteristic for higher animals, and not collective reasonableness, characteristic for colonies of bees or termites, but it becomes during a lifetime as autonomous part of a single consciousness in its highest expression. This part - a person - possesses, irrespective from a stage of development of a civilization, by self-consciousness, freedom of will as well as he acquires own ideas about the world. The human is able not only to reflect the world as it happens with other live organisms, including highly complex organisms, but also he is able to change it according to own desires, imagination, plans, even if these plans are erroneous - any error can be corrected, if not in this, so in the another life. But in the process of life, overcoming obstacles to achieving the goals is the growth and development of the individual, and therefore is the growth and development of its consciousness too.
  We know from practice that consciousness is not manifested at the children in the case of absence of live conversation with him in the childhood of other people. Really, communication from the perspective of filing at first to the child of voice and iconic information, which is clear for him so as it is connected to meal, walks, entertainments, etc., gradually creates at him ability of understanding environmental and ability to operate according to this understanding. To do this he initially did not even need to talk. The main thing is the fact that he on examples from adults learns to select from surrounding only those data which he can decrypt and interpret. If the similar information channel is absent, the child can't "reach" of a human "now" and he remains in time of the living being which doesn't have self-consciousness, actions of which is based generally on reflexes and instincts.
  It is known that a person, the long time remaining in perfect loneliness without information influx enough quickly runs wild or, as speak, "goes crazy". It occurs because "now" of a person is formed by copies of the same external. There is only information from within as the form of some memories as well as instinctive and reflex responses for his consciousness. As a result, "now" of a person is slowed down that is manifested in the actual stop of time for him (his own time), and a person turns gradually into the being, possessing only by primary instincts and reflexes.
  Consciousness in the present time in representation of science is considered secondary, a consequence of natural processes.
  As you can see, everything occurs on the contrary: the unidirectional change of beingness as conjoint complex of the material objects, space and time happens in case of constant involvement of consciousness. Absence of consciousness in beingness means the actual absence of beingness, inasmuch even if to assume existence of such beingness, then there is no one to realize this beingness, it is indifferent therefore is it or not, this will still remain unknown to anyone, because this someone doesn't exist. And, on the contrary: without support on beingness consciousness is lost as there are not apps for it, or there is nothing to do for consciousness. Such consciousness, which has no cases, can't be. About what development of consciousness it is possible to speak here?
  It is reasonable also to ask a simple question: what in general does consciousness functionally in a body of a person as a combination of the lowest and highest entities (forms, programs)?
  Most likely, consciousness in the form of the lowest essence, first, controls the functioning of own organism, providing its viability and reproduction as updating of own body, and also production of posterity one way or another, including cloning; secondly, it manages actions of a body as if from outer side, namely, according to circumstances which, as a rule, don't remain a long time invariable, on the basis of sensations - at the available set of sense organs - and on the basis of the available reasonableness (opportunities of the centers processing information in the living being).
  All this is peculiar also to a person, inasmuch he is a highly developed primate on structure and functions.
  What makes a man out of a monkey is awareness of oneself in time, separating him from the environment, and forcing him to look at himself from the outside at least occasionally, that is, to distract himself from the environment both in thoughts and experiences, and act accordingly.
  And what is possible to see concerning the actions of the subject, which is aware of itself?
  With one side, a person is a being, almost perfect, capable to incredible fulfillments, changing all world around, improving conditions of own life, perfecting itself as the personality, as well as developing and applying increasingly benevolent public morality (Sermon on the Mount of Christ).
  On the other hand, a person is the obvious nonentity compared to the rest of flora and fauna. He fears of both life, and death, as well as - all around, and else - he is afraid of himself.
  Along with that he conducts almost all the time of own short life in a dream and in a light slumber of monotonous existence with rare creative "awakenings".
  Both the first, and the second is determined substantially by the additional property which somehow has appeared at a person namely - by self-consciousness, which places the person into the mixed - natural and artificial - world, created by him and his consciousness, where nobody will help him, despite all his awareness, except himself and some of his tribesmen.
  Consciousness dips this being into the disastrous world with its obvious contradictions so, as throw into water of the person who isn't able to swim in hope that he will swim up.
  And the most unbearable for him is the fact that he, unlike other beings in this world, understands all horror of the situation.
  Besides, self-consciousness, separating a person from the environment, clearly interferes with his functioning as an ordinary living being, depriving the body of plasticity, organic, perfection in actions and relations. And these remarkable properties have all representatives of fauna, who, without reasoning about themselves, feels like a fish in water.
  A person, however, tries to improve work of the body by various means, for example, medicines, gymnastics for more comfortable existence (without diseases) and prolong own existence in time many times, if not indefinitely, despite all the dissatisfaction by it. But all its efforts do not lead to return of natural ideality of functioning of a body during the stay of him as the ape, i.e. before obtaining self-consciousness. Life time also does not manage to be prolonged significantly.
  Stimulating development of muscle bulk, force and endurance, he achieves as a result of impoverishment of mind and distortions in work of own body; medicinal influences, temporarily helping, develop into accustoming to drugs that is expressed as a result in loss of own personality in extreme manifestation - drug addiction; the care of extension of life by all available means comes to the end by senile marasmus etc.
  Nevertheless, ambiguous manifestation of self-consciousness can be estimated also from the fact that it is capable to approach, if it wants, to circumstances from the side, opposite to that which is characteristic of animals.
  Consciousness in its highest expression never wishes to be applied to current situation and to follow its changes automatically, like animals, but, unlike them, it uses a goal-setting, which can be and not utilitarian. Therefore, consciousness is always free virtually, but, being in a person during his life, the consciousness, as a rule, is being oppressed practically by all and constantly suffers from this, it is unimportant - a person is rich or poor, sick or healthy.
  However, consciousness does not lose presence of mind, and anyway, tries to escape from fetters of the existing order.
  Here, in its highest expression, it is irreconcilable with the lowest consciousness, and in this fight wins alternately that one part of consciousness, then - another.
  Period of compromise and hypocrisy at a person, in fact, corresponding to consent with the environment, typical of any another living being, who never opposes itself to it, is replaced by inverse - unwillingness to apply himself to a situation, by attempts to change it under himself, under own experiences, intentions, projects, competing with other subjects of actions, winning and demolishing defeats.
  Losing or winning, luck or not, of course, matters for a person and are reflected in the realities of his life, but they do not matter for the development of consciousness in him as an end, inasmuch is important not the result for each individual consciousness, but new impressions, new expressions of itself in a person in different circumstances.
  From position of mechanics, actions of consciousness in a person can be compared to control of airplane.
  Actions of the autopilot, working according to standard programs to be put in it, considering possible situations in flight, but not force majeure (unexpected), is possible to compare with actions of the lowest consciousness.
  The autopilot is capable to perform all necessary actions in relation to the known situations and according to the programmed situations, but in its programs lack algorithms of actions in non-routine situations, such as the committing of a defensive maneuver in case of an unexpected attack, the decision to save the aircraft in case of sudden destruction of some part thereof, or failure of some mechanisms (the chassis is not out), and etc.
  So too any living being with the lowest consciousness gets to the deadlock at cardinal change of circumstances as the fly when falling in water perishes, falling prey of fish.
  Unlike them, in such extreme cases, which fall out of ordinary actions and which do not provide for any instructions and logical constructions, but the task needs to be solved or the goal is achieved, a person turns out to be capable of creative actions, in which his denial of meaninglessness is most clearly manifested. only an animal existence in the earthly cemetery of one"s own countless ancestors, and also a desire is manifested, despite the temporality of a person, for one"s own development, that is, to the implicit service of one's own consciousness, and hence - of a single eternal and infinite consciousness.
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